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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • Professional Resume Writing...

Professional Resume Writing Service Cost in 2024

8 min read · Updated on July 16, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Your resume is arguably one of the most important financial documents you own

Most people don't think about their resume being a financial document. However, without it, you can't land your dream job to pay bills, plan vacations, or save for retirement. Hiring a professional resume writing service is often a great way to invest in your future.

The good news is that you don't have to shell out $1,000 for a resume writer. Of course, you can, but generally, the cost will be much lower than that. So, how much does a professional resume writing service cost in 2024?

Here are the main things you'll want to consider before you decide to hire a professional resume writing service:

The “why” behind hiring a resume writer

Scams, red flags, and poor quality services

The company or writer's reputation

Whether the process, including turnaround time, aligns with your schedule and expectations

How you will be expected to communicate with your resume writer

The professional resume writing service cost - of course!

Why should you hire a professional resume writing service?

It doesn't seem that writing a resume is rocket science. When you think about it, all you're trying to do is summarize your career for a new company to obtain a job. However, with the rampant use of Applicant Tracking Systems, or ATS , and the sheer competitiveness of the job market, hiring a professional resume writer can help you to stand in the sea of sameness.

Take the resume writers at TopResume, as an example. Each one has a wealth of experience, plus insight into how you can write an ATS-optimized resume and impress a hiring manager. On top of that, you can rest easy knowing that you'll get something that's specifically tailored for your career goals, based on your individual history. 

Professional resume writers  are not only great at culling out the appropriate achievements from your career, but they have the right industry knowledge to ensure that your resume is relevant. 

Here are some tips for when you're considering which professional resume writing service to hire:

1. Do some research - discover reputation, red flags, and scams

The first step in finding a great resume writer is research. Whether you end up hiring a company or an individual, perform some due diligence. Read reviews on third party sites like Google, TrustPilot , or SiteJabber. Don't simply rely on customer feedback listed on the company's website.

This research will help you to determine whether the person or company you're hiring produces high-quality resumes. Sadly, there are a lot of bad resume writers out there who simply rewrite the content they're given. 

A bit of research can help shine a light on red flags and help you to identify scams before you fall victim. You're trying to put your best foot forward during your job search, so you want the company or person you hire to do the same. If you see the word “affordable” in pricing, you should probably avoid them.

Also try to find out whether you're going to be working with a specific writer within the company or if they outsource. Sometimes, writers will outsource their projects to freelancers via platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. If that ends up being the case, you could end up with a cookie-cutter resume that doesn't truly reflect your career accomplishments. 

Not only that, when you work with someone who outsources your resume writing project, there's a great chance for communication breakdowns as the person who is actually writing your document has no access to ask you direct questions. 

Make a list of a few companies you find that have good reputations and then make your decision based on the services they offer or guarantees they have.

2. Check out which resume writing services or packages are offered

Since your resume is only one tool in your job search toolbox, check to make sure the resume writing service you hire offers additional services. Most people who are searching for a job need a cover letter and an optimized LinkedIn profile . In fact, your LinkedIn profile is almost as important as your resume.

Does the resume writing service offer these additional services? You don't want to have to bounce from one writer to another just to get what you need. 

3. Understand the resume writing process

Once you've decided on a company or person to write your resume, there are several how-it-works type questions you need to ask. 

What is the turnaround time?

How much does the entry-level resume writing service cost?

How much does the professional resume writing service cost?

How much does the executive resume writing service cost?

Does the writer have any certifications, like accreditation from the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC)?

What is the resume writing service guarantee? Is there a guarantee at all?

How will I communicate with my writer?

Do I get any revisions on the resume produced?

You'll often find that the turnaround time is about 5 business days. That's because writers spend a lot of time on a single resume - well, the good ones do anyway. It can take approximately 10 hours to produce a new resume, when you consider the time spent analyzing your career history, having a conference with you to learn about achievements, and writing the new document. 

One thing that's critical to understand is that most resume writers perform their services virtually. This means that you'll do everything via email, telephone, or video conference. The key, though, is highly collaborative communication. If there's a breakdown in communication with your writer, that's a huge problem and needs to be addressed right away. 

You should always be allowed to make revisions and have some type of back-and-forth exchange with your writer. Even though resume writing services like TopResume employ writers who have experience writing resumes for a range of industries and professional experience levels, the writer isn't a mind reader. It's up to you to point out things that need to be corrected. 

Communication is also important when it comes to leveraging any guarantees offered by the company. You'll never find a resume writing company guaranteeing that you'll get a job with your new resume, but you should see something in the way of a guarantee. Usually, it's a certain timeframe for landing interviews. 

How much do professional resume writing services cost?

When you feel like you've found a couple of companies you could work with, it's time to dig into how much they'll charge. 

Keep the old adage that you get what you pay for in mind when comparing professional resume writing service costs . You should expect to spend somewhere between $200 and $1,000 - sometimes more, depending on the resume writing service you need. 

There are three basic ranges to consider when looking at professional resume writing service costs:

Entry level: This is for anyone new to the job market or someone who has less than 5 years of experience. You should expect to pay around $200. 

Professional level: If you're approaching 10-15 years of experience, you'll need someone with more experience who can concisely summarize your career with relevant keywords. For this range, your resume writer will likely charge somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 - $400.

Executive level: As you might expect, someone seeking a senior-level management or C-suite position will need a more experienced resume writer. Executive services range from $350 - $700. 

If you need a cover letter, professional biography, thank you or follow-up notes, or a new LinkedIn profile, the rates will be higher as each service is usually priced individually. Though many companies do have bundles, not all bundles will contain all services. 

How do resume writing companies justify their fees?

Professional resume writing service costs are built around more than a person sitting at a computer typing words onto a page. It's about how much time is spent on each resume writing project. The average resume writing project consumes up to 10 cumulative hours. 

When an order is received, someone has to make sure all of the documents, intake questions, and job target links are received.

The writer then goes through everything to compare what was received with the sample job links to formulate a plan of action. Sometimes this period of time also includes a conference call with you, the client. 

Once the writer begins working on your project, they'll perform more research into your background and what prospective companies look for in job seekers. 

After the first draft is delivered, you'll be expected to go through it with a fine-toothed comb to notate any revisions you deem necessary - remembering that your resume isn't a chronicle of everything you've done during your career but a summary of your achievements as they pertain to a particular job. 

Finally, the resume writer reviews your suggested edits and acts as an advisor on whether the changes should be accepted. 

Most resume writing projects take one week from start to finish, although some can take longer depending on how quickly you and your writer collaborate. But, if you want your resume to pass the 6-second test , having a professional resume writing service in your corner can be the difference between winning your job search and losing.

TopResume would love to help you through the next steps of your career journey. We have a large network of professional resume writers ready to work with you. 

Recommended reading: 

5 Signs It's Time to Hire a Professional Resume Writer

Career Quiz: Is Your Resume Ready to Beat the Bots?  

11 Steps to Writing the Perfect Resume

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Career Sidekick

How Much Does a Resume Writer Cost? (Average Price and Ranges)

By Biron Clark

Published: November 9, 2023

Data & Studies

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

The opinions and assessments shared on Career Sidekick are our own. We may earn commissions from purchases made after visiting links on our site.

If you’re wondering how much the average resume writer costs, then you’re in the right place.

We researched the prices of 90 resume writers to find the average cost of professional resume writing services in the US.

These are the results…

How Much Does a Professional Resume Writer Cost?

The average cost of a resume writer is $527, based on data from 90 professional resume writers. The cost of resume writing does vary significantly, from below $200 to multiple thousands of dollars. For example, we saw professional resume writing priced at $2,275, $2,450 and $3,000. However, these higher prices are typically reserved for high-end or executive resume writing. 

Deals can be found if you’re at the earlier stages of your career (not an executive, manager, etc.) and looking for budget resume writing services. 

For example, TopResume is a large, reputable resume writing service (and one of the resume writing services we recommend ) with writing services starting at $149.  

What Determines the Cost of a Resume Writing Service?

When we looked at the cost of various resume writing services, we noticed multiple factors that seem to correlate with cost…

1. Location of the Resume Writer

Professional resume writers located in areas with a higher cost of living tend to charge more.

If you’re looking for a good deal on a resume writing service, you may be able to find a very skilled resume writer who simply lives and works in a less expensive city/state, and therefore charges less. For example, the typical resume writer in Milwaukee is going to be charging a lot less than in New York, even with more experience.

However, if you’re applying for finance positions in New York, you’re probably better off with a resume writer who knows that market! So be careful – cheaper isn’t always better. 

2. Writing Experience

The next factor that determines the cost of a professional resume writer is their experience. Resume writers who have been working for more time tend to charge higher rates.

3. Certifications

On average, we saw resume writers charging $100-200 more than their peers if they possessed one or more professional resume writing certifications. 

It may be worth paying extra to get a resume writer who’s certified by a large organization like the Professional Association of Resume Writers .

4. Add-Ons/Packages

For this study, we looked at just the cost of a resume, not LinkedIn profile writing or cover letter writing.

However, add-ons and extras did influence the average cost of resume writing that we found, because some resume writers include a LinkedIn profile or other extras with their “base” service offering for no extra charge. (Or another way of looking at it: You’re paying for it, but it’s already built into the price).

5. Notoriety/”Fame”

Some resume writers have been featured in large publications like Forbes, or have large followings on social media . This often means they’re quite busy and can charge more. More demand for their services leads to higher rates.

Whether these resume writers are the most skilled at delivering a great resume for your job search is a difficult question to answer. Some are among the best, and some aren’t. You should evaluate them the same way you’d assess any resume writer before hiring them (keep reading for tips on how to choose a great resume writer for you.)

The same holds true for lower-cost services. There are many good low-cost resume writing services online. However, some do not deliver a good result.

So here is our top choice for a low-cost professional resume writer online:

Low Cost Resume Writing Service: Our Top Choice

The best low-cost resume writing service we found is TopResume.

Their resume packages start at just $149 , which is a bargain considering how much experience they have in the resume writing industry. 

We don’t recommend going lower than this price point for a resume writer, because you’re running the risk of getting a sub-par result or hiring someone without adequate knowledge/expertise to deliver an effective resume.

Resources for Writing Your Own Resume

One other option you have is to write your own resume. While this can be difficult if you’ve never worked as a recruiter or hiring manager, there are plenty of good resources online.

Now that you know the cost of professional resume writing, I want to leave you with some DIY resources in case you decide the cost is too high and you need to do this yourself.

First, I’d recommend this article on what to put on a resume. It will walk you through each major part of your resume and how to organize it.

Then I’d recommend reading these articles on the most important resume sections (where hiring managers look first):

  • Your resume summary paragraph
  • Your resume work history
  • Resume skills section

Finally, after you’ve written your resume, you want to put some of the same key info onto your LinkedIn. Most hiring managers are looking at LinkedIn even if you applied elsewhere. Here are 5 other reasons you should use LinkedIn , too. 

Here are some of our top articles about LinkedIn to help you transfer your resume info over:

  • What to put on your LinkedIn profile
  • How to write a great LinkedIn summary/about section
  • 10 good LinkedIn headline examples

Is Hiring a Professional Resume Writer Worth It?

Now you know how much a professional resume writer costs, and you have some resources above that will guide you through creating a winning resume yourself if you’d rather not pay.

In the end, the choice is yours. There’s always some risk with hiring a professional. You may hire the wrong person, and get a poor result. However, if you ask some good screening questions, or better yet, ask your network to recommend a resume writer they know and trust, you’re likely to get a great result.

Professional resume writers stay in business for a reason – they’re often VERY skilled at translating your past experience and qualifications into what employers are looking for in your next ideal job.

If you have the budget to pay for the cost of resume writing services, they can be a very good investment for your career.

Every week you’re out of work costs you money (lost potential wages), and if a resume writer helps you land a higher-paying job, the service will essentially pay for itself.

The bottom line is: You just need to be careful in making sure you’re selecting a very good resume writer.

If you want more help deciding, we’ve published a list of our top 6 professional resume writing services here.  

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

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Why do you recommend TopResume?

For the average job seeker (not a manager or executive, not an extremely high-earner) they offer a optimal mix of relatively low cost with relatively good, consistent results. There are certainly other good resume writers out there, though, including in this price range.

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  • Services & Software

Article updated on August 6, 2024 at 11:20 PM PDT

Best Resume Writing Services for 2024

Whether you're actively job hunting or just want to keep everything updated, a professional resume writing service can help you score that dream job.

Our Experts

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CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise.

Just like the job market, resume writing is constantly changing. From new formats to key terms, it can be hard to keep up with the trends, let alone keep your resume up-to-date with your experience. Whether you want to put your best foot forward applying for your dream job or you just need some writing help, we found the best resume writing services to get you that interview ASAP.

Some of what you'll need to include in your resume will depend on the industry you want to work in. While it can vary, employers will likely look at your education, work history and skills. We've combed through dozens of resume services looking at the most helpful features across a variety of needs. We looked especially closely at the number of custom templates, the amount of guidance the service offered, the ease of navigation and the robustness of the service's privacy policy. Each of these templates and professional writing services will help you create a complete resume that best reflects your skills and experience at an affordable price.

What’s the best resume builder website?

The best resume template and builder should give you a variety of options to customize your resume. has many options and customization features that make it a useful tool for almost any candidate applying to any job. You can upload and edit an existing resume, customize an available template from its collection or let the service guide you through creating one from scratch. also offers helpful guidance throughout your resume creation process, making sure you include and optimize all your content. Once you're happy with your resume, you can download it for free in multiple formats.

Depending on where you're at in the job application process, you might need more guidance than a template. These professional writing services will pair you with experienced writers and coaches to help you craft and perfect resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters and more. These services include more personalized coaching and features, but they tend to be more expensive. We’ve collected a range of options for your budget and needs. Because your resume likely includes your contact information and some personal information, we've also included information about each service's privacy policy.

Best resume templates and builders of 2024

a woman works on a laptop next to resume

A well-constructed resume can help you stand out during a job search.

  • Can create new resume or customize templates
  • Many free features, guidance while writing
  • Integrated with Indeed job search site
  • Difficulty unsubscribing from paid services

Best free resume builder is a free resume writer offering dozens of templates for creating your resume or cover letter, as well as job boards and career advice. You have the option to upload and edit an existing resume, create a new one, or customize one of the sample resumes offered on the site. It's intuitive and easy to use, and it creates a professional-looking final product.

When starting from scratch, you'll go section by section, entering your education, employment history, hobbies and interests, professional skills, languages and references. provides question prompts and tips for guidance, as well as career-specific examples you can add if you're struggling to find the right words. You can also choose to forgo any of these sections, rearrange sections and add custom ones depending on what you need. As you update and save each section, you can see how it will appear on the page on your resume preview to the right. You can also change the template, font style and size, or spacing at any time and see it update in real-time in the preview.

Once you're done, you can download your new resume (in PDF, DocX, RTF or TXT format), create a custom URL or print it out. You also have the option to upload it to Indeed, a job search site that partners with . The account you make will work with both Indeed and . On the privacy side, the site does collect user information. If you want to delete your account, simply click your profile icon and then Account . Clicking Close My Account deletes your account and your data. If you didn't make an account, you can still choose Delete Guest Data . You can also request your data, and the company will send you an email with what it has collected.

On the review site Trustpilot , only has 38 reviews, but of those, 53% of them awarded the site four or five stars. Some negative reviews speak of difficulty unsubscribing from paid services, so read carefully as you use the free aspects of this service.

  • Guided help writing work experience descriptions
  • Cover letter and CV help
  • Easy to change layout and color styles
  • Must pay to download resume

Best option for your first resume

Resume genius.

The website Resume Genius says you can "make a professional resume in 12 minutes." We tested it out and indeed had a solid first draft of an easy resume completed in about 10 minutes. Resume Genius takes you step-by-step through the process, prompting you with questions about your education and work experience to help you fill out the applicable sections. Resume Genius is particularly helpful because you can search for a job and see prewritten text for the description that you can add or edit. When finished, you can easily toggle between different templates to see what looks best for the final product. You also have the option to directly share your resume with Indeed or Resume Library.

The site can also help you build cover letters and curriculum vitae. After you input all your information, you can choose different layout styles and colors. It's easy to move through, but you have to do it in order and fill in all the information before continuing. Resume Genius also offers examples of resumes, CVs and cover letters for specific jobs, as well as recommended jobs near you. You can download the resume you create for $3 (which starts a 14-day trial for Resume Genius Pro), or $8 (which kicks off a monthly subscription plan).

On Trustpilot at the time of this publication, the site has 4.6 out of 5 stars based on more than 38,000 reviews. Note that if you register on the site, Resume Genius does collect personally identifiable information and may share it with third parties for advertising and other purposes, according to its privacy policy. The account deletion process is buried in the Terms of Service . According to Resume Genius, complete data erasure can take up to 30 days, but they may retain "certain information in accordance with privacy laws."

Resume Genius

  • Easy to customize
  • Free downloads
  • Optional paid extra assistance with Indeed professionals
  • Unclear how to delete personal information

Easiest resume builder to use

Indeed resume builder.

It's free to create a resume or post your current resume on Indeed. If you're building a new one, you can choose between eight templates. The resume sections are highlighted and when you click, each section expands specific text fields. You can swap templates at any time without losing your work, as well. There are also options for toggling sections on and off, in addition to rearranging them. When you're finished, you can download a free PDF of your work history.

Indeed Resume Builder also offers optional professional advice for your new resume. After you download the resume you created, you'll get a prompt and can click Get Resume Help From a Real Person. For $35, you can upload your resume and get feedback from a professional to get you started, and for $55 you can chat with a professional in real-time via a 20-minute video call. If you're really stuck, you can opt for the full resume rewrite for $155.

Indeed's privacy policy says that it does collect and share user data with third-party providers to connect job seekers with employers and improve services. According to Indeed's privacy policy, you can request an account or personal data deletion and request that your data not be shared while your account is active. CNET reached out to Indeed for more information and we'll update when we hear back.

Indeed Resume Builder

  • Guides resume creation
  • Free resume downloads
  • Paid tier offers interview advice and cover letter builder
  • Have to pay for additional downloads

Most affordable paid resume builder

Cv engineer.

CV Engineer is an easy-to-use smartphone app that creates a professional-looking resume. With 16 templates to choose from, you can tap to enter information into all of the usual sections and add custom ones. When you tap on each section, you can tap through the bottom toolbar to get advice on what type of information to add, as well as view resume examples to show you how the section could look.

CV Engineer lets you send or download your first completed resume for free, but upgrading to CV Engineer Pro for a one-time payment of $6 gives you access to unlimited downloads. A Scan My CV feature is also included, which can detect common mistakes and suggest improvements, such as places where you can add more information. The Pro version also offers interview advice and a cover letter builder.

You can download CV Engineer from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store . CV Engineer does collect personal information and can share it with Google Play Services and Firebase Analytics, according to its privacy policy. The app is free to download and ad-free.

CV Engineer

  • Strong privacy policy
  • Example resumes available
  • Only one layout available
  • Little guidance during creation

Best free iOS resume builder

Resume star 2: pro cv designer.

Resume Star 2 isn't the most visually stunning resume design app for iOS, but it gets the job done. To use, tap each section of the resume, fill in your information and it will fill in a traditional template (you only get one layout). The app offers some example resumes you can start with and edit as needed, including job-specific ones for a: cashier, dental hygienist, receptionist, waitress, mechanic and senior manager.

You can add or delete any sections you like without needing to hit save every time you add information, and you can see your resume update as you go. The autosave feature makes it easy to toggle quickly between the different sections as well. At the end, you'll have a basic resume ready to go. The app's interface doesn't offer as much guidance about how to write your resume or what types of information to include. If you need extra help, tap the information icon in the bottom left and choose the Resume Writing Guide. This will open up a crash course on resume writing in your mobile browser. It also includes a job search feature.

The app collects payment via donations after you use the service. You don't have to pay if you don’t want to. The app connects to iCloud, and you can export your resume as a PDF to any location on your device(s). If you are happy with the service, you pay $25 for it. Resume Star 2 has a 4.8 out of 5 rating, and more than 1,800 ratings in the App Store . The first version, Resume Star: Pro CV Maker, which is the same except for the iCloud connection, had a 4.9-star rating and more than 16,000 reviews. The site does not collect personally identifiable information without user consent, which seems to make it one of the more secure options available.

Resume Star

  • 42 templates to choose from
  • Easily customizable
  • Little to no guidance during creation

Best free Android resume writing service

Intelligent cv resume builder app.

Intelligent CV's Resume Builder App offers 42 resume templates and allows you to change font colors. Each resume section appears on a list, and you can move through sections in whichever order you choose, save and go on to another. You also have the option to add, delete or rearrange sections such as education, experience and skills. There’s a Help icon in each section for a little bit of extra guidance. Once you're finished, you can download your document for free as a PDF, which you can then save on your device or send via email or text.

On the downside, the app is ad-supported and ads for other resume creators do pop up, which can get confusing. The app also offers less guidance than some of the other services, which means it's not a great option if you're new to resumes. Resume Builder App has one of the strongest privacy policies of the bunch. The app does not collect personally identifiable information , though third-party services (including Google Play services and analytics firms) may collect information. The app has 4.6 out of 5 stars and more than 424,000 Google Play Store ratings and is free to download.

Resume Builder App

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Inclusive premium package

Best range of professional tools

VisualCV has an easy-to-use interface that lets you build your resume in the way that works best for you. After signing up, you can upload an existing resume, begin with a prewritten sample or start entirely from scratch. You can use the basic editor to input information in a list form, the visual editor to edit directly on the resume and preview mode to see changes made on either version in real time. Revision history is also available. The free basic edition allows you to select from over a dozen professional templates to create, edit and download one resume as a PDF. You can also create one free cover letter and apply to jobs through its job search feature.

To download or share additional resumes, you’ll need to buy VisualCV Pro for $15 a month quarterly or $24 a month monthly. Upgrading unlocks more templates, unlimited creations, downloading, career tracking and the ability to build a personal resume website. The website URL goes through VisualCV but can be shared online. In terms of privacy, VisualCV's policy says that it does not sell, trade, rent or license personal information to third parties. As of publication, VisualCV has 4 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot but only 131 reviews.


Best professional resume writing services of 2024

Depending on where you're at in the job application process, you might need more guidance than a template. These professional writing services will pair you with experienced writers and coaches to help you craft and perfect resumes, LinkedIn profiles, cover letters and more. As these services include more personalized coaching and features, they tend to be more expensive. We've collected a range of options depending on your budget and needs. Best professional resume writing services of 2024.

  • Resume writing and career coaching
  • Builds your resume from the ground up
  • Quick turnaround
  • More expensive options

A premium option for a tailored resume

Resume spice.

Suppose you're totally lost and are willing to invest several hundred dollars into your job search. In that case, Resume Spice is a resume writing and career coach service created by recruiters that connects you with a "resume expert" to build your CV from scratch.

Once you choose, you'll fill out a short questionnaire and schedule a phone consultation with a resume expert to discuss your experience, job search and career goals. The expert will take that information and turn around a personalized resume draft within two business days. You can review the draft and request any changes, and you'll get the final version in PDF and Word formats. 

An entry-level resume costs $479, a professional resume costs $589 and an executive resume costs $699. In addition to these packages, you can also add a cover letter, LinkedIn profile, interview coaching or other services to help you be more competitive in the job market.


  • 60 day interview guarantee
  • Industry-specific advice
  • Variety of packages
  • Limited non-resume add-ons

A 60-day interview guarantee offers a guarantee: If you don't get a job interview with a potential employer within two months of getting your new resume, they'll rewrite it for free. The service claims that in the 20 years and tens of thousands of resumes completed under this guarantee, it averages fewer than five requests for rewrites per year. To use the resume writing service, submit your current resume or career information on the site, and an experienced resume writer will contact you to assess your materials and plan out what you need. You'll get a first draft back within 72 hours and can work with the writer on revisions until you're satisfied with the result.

ResumeWriters offers student, professional, executive and career-change resume services, as well as CV services for those conducting their job search in fields specific to the military, IT and research. The resume services cost $170 for students and $200 for the professional level, with a cover letter, one-on-one consultation and LinkedIn profile. The career change level ($250) is a comprehensive package that includes everything plus a post-interview follow-up letter, and the highest tier is the executive package that guarantees applicants its most experienced writers for $300.


  • ATS screening
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Longer turnaround time (3-7 business days)

A fast pass through HR screening software

ZipJob’s professional resume writers optimize your resume to get through the applicant tracking system (ATS) software used by the majority of employers to automatically scan and sort resumes. An expert writes your resume and scans it through the ATS to ensure it will make it through to the hiring manager's desk. To use the service, upload your resume or fill out a form to start from scratch. You'll be matched with a professional resume writer who will work with you to improve it and will then scan the final product to make sure it passes through the screening algorithms. Depending on which package you choose, your resume will be ready in three to seven days.

You can choose from three packages: Launch (resume writing and unlimited revisions for $139), Fast Track (adds a cover letter and a 60-day interview guarantee for $189) or Premium (adds a top resume writer, LinkedIn profile optimization, future resume updates and expedited delivery for $299).


  • Career coaching
  • Industry-specific feedback
  • Ability to customize packages
  • Longer turnaround time (3-5 business days)

An executive resume solution

Find my profession.

Find My Profession offers professional resume writing services as well as career coaching. Every resume gets reviewed by two different consultants. You'll find packages that include entry-level, professional, C-level and executive resume writer services, as well as federal. In each, you can choose a base, premium or VIP package depending on your needs.

For example, the professional resume package starts at $595 for a resume compatible with automated systems. You can also add help with a cover letter for an additional $119 or a LinkedIn profile for $399. You'll get the first draft of your resume within three to five business days after you consult with a writer. Or, upgrade to a priority service for another $149 to get it within 48 hours.


How we tested resume sites and services

When we evaluated the different resume templates and builders, we looked at how each site or app allowed you to create new resumes, browse templates or upload and edit existing resumes. We also looked at how easy or hard it would be to customize different templates and sections, how much guidance was available, how user-friendly it was to navigate, plus reading and understanding each company's privacy policies.

Some of our picks are free, some enlist the help of professional writers and some require a subscription or one-time payment. When it comes to premium or paid services, we evaluated how inclusive its packages were compared to basic or free versions. In many cases for the professional writing services, these paid tiers included more guidance and additional job search support like a cover letter and LinkedIn editing, suggested jobs to apply to and interview coaching.

Factors to consider when choosing a resume writing service

This was a key factor when compiling this list. Whether you're looking for a free service to boost your current resume or interested in professional editing services, there’s something for everyone’s price range.

Ease of use

When looking at each website, we looked at how easy it was to navigate, browse templates and add, edit or remove different sections. We also considered whether you can download and share your resume for free and in what format.

Customization options

Customization options were essential, as everyone's resume is going to look different. Having easy user control over your resume helps you create a resume that meets your industry's standards and showcases your professional experiences.

Privacy policies

Privacy policies were the final important factor to consider, as many of these are websites and apps that can collect and store your personal information. All of the services and websites included on this list have decent privacy settings, and we noted which ones have exceptionally clear use cases and account deletion policies.

Resume writing FAQs

What is a resume builder.

A resume builder is a company that has a website or app that helps you create and customize your resume. You can use preexisting templates or create your own from scratch.

What is a resume writing service?

A resume writing service is a company that pairs you with a coach or writer to work with you to create, perfect and tailor your resume, cover letters and other job application materials. These tend to be more inclusive packages and therefore more expensive than simple resume template websites.

What is the best resume format to use?

The best format for your resume is going to depend on the job you are applying to, along with your work experience. Resume templates can help you format and include all the necessary information like your education, work experience, skills and contact information.

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How Much Do Resume Writing Services Cost in 2024?

Marsha Hebert, professional resume writer

If you're considering hiring a resume writing service in 2024, you're likely wondering how much it will cost. The truth is the price can vary widely depending on your level of experience, industry, and the specific services you need. While some writers charge as little as $5 for a basic resume, others may charge upwards of $1,000 for a comprehensive package.

However, the cost isn't the only factor you should consider when choosing a resume writing service. A professionally written resume can make all the difference in landing your dream job, so it's important to choose a service that meets your needs and budget.

In this article, we'll explore the cost of professional resume writing services in 2024 and break down what you can expect to get for your money. We'll also discuss the various factors that can impact pricing and provide tips on choosing the right service for your career goals. Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, this guide will help you make an informed decision about your resume writing needs.

Related reading: 10 Best Resume Writing Services US + CA (All Industries)

Cost of resume writing service

Your resume is the first impression you make on potential employers, and investing in a professional resume writer can make all the difference in landing your dream job. Whether you can only spend up to $100 or find yourself able to invest in the $400 and up range, there are resume packages available to fit your needs. 

As you consider your options, remember that a professionally written resume is an investment in your future. A well-crafted resume can open doors to new opportunities, increase your chances of landing an interview, and even boost your starting salary.

So whether you're just starting out in your career or looking to take the next step, finding the right resume writing service is an important step in achieving your professional goals. Let's break down what you can expect in different price ranges, so you can make an informed decision and invest wisely in your future . 

Resumes up to $100

Despite the low price point, you may be surprised by the quality of services you can receive. From basic resume editing to customizable templates, resume packages in this budget-friendly range can deliver what you need. However, you have to be careful. 

Generally speaking, any resume package under $100 is a red flag and should really be avoided. It’s really hard to find someone to write a quality resume for that price. A lot of cheap services on the web also outsource their work to inexperienced or low-quality writers focused on quantity instead of quality. 

If you really don’t have the money to spend on a resume service, you’re better off writing it on your own with help from guides and other trusted resources. There is a ton of information out there to support a DIY approach: head over to the ZipJob blog to get started!

Here are some resources you might like:

USA Resume Format

ATS Resume Test: Free ATS Checker & Formatting Examples  

200+ Resume Examples for Every Job & Industry

Ensure you follow best practices when you write your resume and avoid the common mistakes that could be costing you the interview.

All of that being said, not all services in this price range are created equal. With careful research and consideration, you may be able to find a service that delivers a quality resume without breaking the bank. 

Next, let’s explore the options available for resume packages between $100 and $400, which may offer a better balance of affordability and quality.

Resumes between $100 and $400

In the $100 to $400 price range, you can typically find a resume-writing service that delivers quality results without breaking the bank. With this budget, you can expect a professional resume writer to edit and optimize your existing resume or create a new one from scratch.

It's important to note that prices can vary depending on your level of experience and career goals. Recent graduates or those with little experience may only need a basic resume and can find a quality writer for around $100 to $150. 

However, if you're an experienced professional or looking to make a significant career change, you may need a more comprehensive package that includes additional services such as LinkedIn profile optimization, cover letter writing, or job interview coaching . In this case, you can expect to pay a bit more, ranging from $150 to $400.

When considering a resume writing service within this price range, it's important to do your research and compare services to ensure you're getting the best value for your money. Look for a service that offers personalized consultations, a proven track record, and a satisfaction guarantee. 

You should also consider the credentials of the writers, such as industry experience and certifications, to ensure they have the expertise to effectively market your skills and experience to potential employers. Stay tuned for more tips on choosing a resume writing service. 

Resumes from $400 to $1000

When it comes to resume writing services in the $400 to $1000 range, you can expect a premium level of service and attention to detail. This price range is typically for executives, senior-level managers, and those with specialized experience or in highly competitive industries.

At this level, you can expect more than just a basic resume. Services in this range often include a comprehensive branding package that goes beyond simply writing a resume. This could include a cover letter, LinkedIn profile optimization, networking and interviewing tips, and more.

With a higher price point comes access to experienced, certified, and often highly specialized resume writers who have extensive experience crafting resumes for senior-level executives. These writers have a deep understanding of what hiring managers in your industry are looking for and can craft a resume that highlights your unique skills and experience.

It's important to note that $400 is the average price for a professional resume, and prices can go up from there depending on the level of service and expertise required. For executives, prices may be higher due to the additional time and effort required to brand a senior-level manager and highlight their unique value proposition.

Resumes in the $1000 plus range

While it's understandable to want to invest in your career and find the best possible service, paying over $1000 for a resume is often unnecessary and even downright insane. Prices at this level are often inflated due to factors like celebrity endorsements, aggressive marketing tactics, and overly complicated packages that may not even be relevant to your needs.

It's important to remember that the quality of a resume isn't necessarily tied to its price tag. In fact, some of the best resume writers may charge less than $1000 and still deliver exceptional results. It's always a good idea to research your options and read reviews before committing to a service at any price point.

Top 3 tips for choosing a resume writing service

Now that we've covered the different price ranges for resume writing services, it's important to know how to choose the right service for your needs. After all, you want to make sure you're getting the most bang for your buck. Here are the top three tips for choosing a resume-writing service that will help you stand out in the job market.

We also wrote a more detailed post on how to choose a good resume-writing service .

1. Do your research

Do your research to ensure you go with a reputable company. This is best done using third-party review sites and seeing what other customers had to say. Also, check to see if they have a contact number or live chat available. Not having a way to contact the company or the writer is a good sign that you’re going with a low-quality or outsourced service.

2. Choose how to communicate with your resume writer

How do you want to communicate with your writer?

To collaborate on a high-quality resume, you need to communicate with your writer about your past work experience, skills, qualifications, and the type of position you’re targeting. If the process is simply submitting your resume and the type of job you want, you’ll usually end up with something that doesn’t match your goals.

Different resume-writing services offer different communication channels. Many resume writers work through email or other text-based messages, but some offer phone calls, video calls, or in-person meetings.

Make sure your preference is offered by the service you’re considering before you buy!

3. Be ready to collaborate

Your writer can only work with what you give them. Many people make the mistake of thinking they can submit their outdated resumes and sit back while the writer does all the work.

You need to keep in mind that you need to put in the effort to give the writer everything they need. A good resume writer should be asking you details about what you did and where you’re going, so be prepared to answer any questions.

Investing in a professional resume-writing service can be a game changer in your job search. With the help of a skilled resume writer, you can highlight your strengths and achievements in a way that catches the attention of hiring managers. Remember that when it comes to choosing a resume-writing service, it's important to do your research and read reviews to ensure you're getting the best value for your money.

Whether you're a recent graduate or a seasoned professional, there are resume writing packages available to fit your needs and budget. Don't let a poorly written resume hold you back from landing your dream job. Take the first step towards success by investing in a high-quality resume writing service today.

Ready to take the first step toward your dream job? Let our expert team of resume writers help you land the interviews you deserve. Contact us today to learn more.

Good luck with your job search!

Recommended reading:

Hiring a Resume Writing Service | Is it Worth the Money?

Being Unemployed: How Long is Too Long?

10 Best Resume Writing Services in the USA and Canada

Marsha Hebert, Professional Resume Writer

Marsha is a resume writer with a strong background in marketing and writing. After completing a Business Marketing degree, she discovered that she could combine her passion for writing with a natural talent for marketing. For more than 10 years, Marsha has helped companies and individuals market themselves. Read more advice from Marsha on ZipJob's blog .

Person working on laptop outside. ZipJob Branded.

Our resume services get results.

We’ve helped change over 30,000 careers.

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Our experts will review your resume’s grammar, layout, and ability to pass ATS — all free and delivered straight to your inbox.

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The Best Resume Writing Services Of 2024, Chosen By Our Editors

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A good resume can make a lasting impression on a potential employer, and the best resume writing services can help you get your foot in the door that much faster. Sure, you can tackle the task yourself, but between navigating computerized application tracking systems and adapting to their ever-changing standards, building a modern resume that stands out in the crowd is no easy feat. That’s why we researched dozens of resume writing services to help you land the role you deserve. Our overall favorite is TopResume , which lets you choose from four different packages, but we included seven more options below.

The best resume writing services can help you make a lasting impression on employers.

When selecting our favorite resume services, we considered how easy each was to use, customization options available and turnaround times. Whether you’re looking for a little polish or have no idea where to start, there’s a service on this list for you. After all, why wouldn’t you hire a professional to handle one of the most important documents standing between you and your dream job: a finely-tuned resume? Below, the best resume writing services that cover everything from editing to one-on-one career counseling. And once you get the job, make sure you’re set up for WFH success with our favorite office chairs , standing desks and business laptops .

  • Best Overall Resume Writing Service: TopResume
  • Best Resume Writing Service With Custom Bundles: Resumeble
  • Best Resume Writing Service With Career Consulting: TopStack Resume
  • Best Resume Writing Service For Executives: ZipJob
  • Best Resume Writing Service Built By Recruiters: ResumeSpice
  • Best Quick-Turnaround Resume Writing Service: Craft Resumes
  • Best Value Resume Writing Service: ResumeCompanion
  • Best Free Resume Building Service:

Best Overall Resume Writing Service

A popular service for professionals.

I am an assistant editor for Forbes Vetted currently residing in Austin, Texas. I primarily cover deals and consumer shopping, and previously worked as a deals staff writer for Wirecutter. My byline has also appeared in the New York Times. I have over four years of experience writing in the e-commerce sphere, and spend most of my time scouring the web for the latest consumer news and best discounts. 

For product reviews, gift ideas, and latest deals, Subscribe to the Forbes Finds newsletter .

Tiers: Starter, Premium, Ultimate and Executive Elite | Turnaround time: 4 to 7 days


  • Free resume review
  • Customizes your resume by writers certified in 65+ industries 
  • 60-day guarantee; double the job interviews or they’ll rewrite it for free


  • Limited to two revisions 

TopResume is a popular option for mid- to high-level professionals seeking resume advice. You can choose from four different packages (Starter, Premium, Ultimate and Elite) that range in price from $149 to $699 and offer a variety of services. No matter which package you choose, you’re guaranteed a professionally written resume from an expert in your chosen industry. If you already have a resume, you can also opt to get a free review on it, and receive feedback on its layout, language and how effectively it communicates your skills.

Best Resume Writing Service With Custom Bundles

A great combo service for your resume and cover letter.

Tiers: Standard, Professional and Premium | Turnaround time: 4 days

  • Standard package includes resume and cover letter
  • Customizable based on your industry
  • 60-day guarantee; receive an interview or rewrite for free
  • No refunds on Standard and Professional packages (however, Premium packages include a Money Back Guarantee)

Resumeble offers three package tiers: Standard, Professional and Premium. If you’re just starting your career, the Standard package offers bang for your buck, since it includes a resume and cover letter (most services require you to at least upgrade to the mid-level package for both). Next up, the Professional package is geared toward mid-level employees looking to promote or pivot and includes a LinkedIn profile refresh; and the Premium package, designed for seasoned executives, offers all that plus a back-up resume, cold emails to recruiters and more. While no refunds are offered on Standard and Professional packages, the Premium package comes with a Money Back Guarantee if clients don’t receive at least one job offer within 180 days.

Best Resume Writing Service With Career Consulting

A global platform that focuses on the full professional picture, topstack resume.

Tiers: Basic, Standard, Professional and Premium | Turnaround time: 1 to 2 weeks


  • Can view final resume before paying 
  • Provides advanced career consultations and interview prep
  • Donates 5% of profits to the Fisher House Foundation
  • 60-day guarantee limited to Professional and Premium packages
  • Longer turnaround time; takes 1 to 2 weeks

TopStack offers four different packages that range from $139 for your basic professional resume to $649 for a more robust selection of services (including career consulting plus help with your resume,​ cover letter and LinkedIn profile). It also focuses on ensuring your resume is ATS-optimized, a must in the modern hiring world.

Best Resume Writing Service For Executives

A service built with leaders in mind.

Tiers: Launch, Fast Track, Premium, Executive | Turnaround time: 3 to 7 business days

  • Comprehensive; includes resume, cover letter, thank-you note and LinkedIn profile
  • Resumes are ATS-optimized
  • 60-day interview guarantee
  • On the pricier side

ZipJob is a great choice for professionals at all levels, but its comprehensive executive package makes it especially suited for those at the top of their game. Offerings include an executive-level resume and cover letter, LinkedIn profile optimization and a customizable thank-you letter. To ensure everything is up to standard, you also get a phone consultation with your writer and multiple revisions for all of your documents. And just like ZipJob’s other packages, the executive bundle checks that your resume is ATS-ready (Applicant Tracking Systems), so you can pass early screenings with flying colors.

Best Resume Writing Service Built By Recruiters

A highly rated platform developed by hr and hiring managers, resumespice.

Tiers: Entry Level, Professional and Executive | Turnaround time: 2 days

  • Wide range of services offered including for resume, cover letter, Linkedin profile, interview prep and career coaching 
  • Quick 2-day turnaround
  • 60-day guarantee; rewrite if you don’t get an interview 


  • Expensive; $479 for an entry-level resume

ResumeSpice is more expensive than other services. That said, it was developed by recruiters, aka people who’ve truly homed in on what prospective employers are seeking. It’s also one of the highest-rated services on Trustpilot . The company offers a quick two-day turnaround, pre-built packages depending on your experience and the option to tack on its highly rated career-building services. ResumeSpice also has free resume resources and a selection of sample templates, if you’re more interested in the DIY approach.

Best Quick-Turnaround Resume Writing Service

A platform that gets you the fastest first draft, craft resumes.

Tiers: Resume Writing, Basic, Optimal, All-In-One | Turnaround time: 1 day

  • 24-hour turnaround time for first draft 
  • Writers are PARWCC- or NRWA-certified
  • International service; some users experience grammar issues due to language barrier

If you’re in a time crunch, this writing and editing service has a 24-hour turnaround for the first draft of your resume. Craft Resumes features an easy-to-navigate website and delivers resumes tailored to your experiences and desired career path. Like a few other services, Craft Resumes offers a series of à la carte options, such as LinkedIn profile writing, thank-you letters and follow-up letters.

Best Value Resume Writing Service

A subscription-based diy resume builder, resumecompanion.

Tiers: Monthly or 2-week access | Turnaround time: Self-paced

  • Affordable; subscription costs $8 a month or 14-day access for $3
  • Choose from dozens of professional resume templates
  • Offers cover letter, job search and tracking tools
  • Self-directed; no hands-on help from writers

This resume builder is a great budget option for a self-starter who wants to learn the ropes and take things into their own hands. You can select from a variety of templates, narrow down the type of job you’re seeking and follow a step-by-step process to perfect your own resume. However, because it’s subscription-based, you’ll have to renew the service if you want to edit your materials in the future.

Best Free Resume Building Service

A robust resume and cover letter resource—at no cost to you.

Tiers: Free | Turnaround time: Self-paced

  • Free with dozens of templates to choose from
  • Integrated with Indeed; easy to apply to jobs
  • Some users say it’s difficult to cancel subscription

If your budget is tight and you don’t mind going the DIY route for your resume, is a great resource. It has an intuitive user interface and offers over 20 different resume and cover letter templates to choose from. There’s also an open career advice portal where you can read about career development, interview tips and more.

The Best Doormats To Keep Dirt Outside Where It Belongs

The 10 best mattresses in a box, tested by our sleep editors, why trust forbes vetted.

The Forbes Vetted team has published a large library of tech guides , including reviews on a variety of online tools and home office essentials like the best document scanners and all-in-one printers .

  • Consumer tech editor Rebecca Isaacs and executive editor Dave Johnson oversee this guide and its iterations; they have over a decade of experience in the industry and both enjoy testing and reviewing the latest in tech.
  • Assistant editor Jordan Thomas has over four years of experience covering deals and consumer shopping. For this guide, she scoured the web for the most reputable resume writing services and compared each option to find the best.
  • We continue to monitor the best resume services and routinely update this guide to provide the most current information about pricing and offerings. It was last updated in May 2024 by tech updates writer Alexandra Garrett to expand our buyer’s guide.

How We Chose The Best Resume Writing Services

To compile this list, we sought out well-known resume writing services with overwhelmingly positive customer reviews and compared key offerings.

  • We looked for reputable resume writing services with proven results; each service had to meet our standards in terms of overall value, turnaround time, professionalism and satisfaction guarantees.
  • We evaluated each service side-by-side to determine which performs better at writing a robust resume in an accurate, timely manner.
  • Everyone has unique needs when it comes to searching for a job, so we made sure to recommend options that span different career goals and budgets, whether that includes getting career consultation or polishing up an existing resume.

What To Look For When Choosing The Best Resume Writing Service

Resume writing services come in a wide range of prices, and the best options for you will largely depend on your needs and budget. Affordable services like ResumeCompanion offer a step-by-step process for building your own resume for $8 a month, while other services provide a more hands-on approach for around $150. Packages typically go up to $250-$300 when you add Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)-optimization, cover letter writing, interview prep and career coaching.

Turnaround Time

If your job application has a set deadline, take a look at the service’s turnaround time before committing. Most services take anywhere from two days to two weeks to provide a finalized resume. Some promise a draft in 24 hours, like Craft Resumes .

Ease Of Use

When deciding on a resume writing service, take a look at how easy the website is to navigate. Is it difficult to browse different templates, download your files or customize your resume? The job application process is often stressful, so a resume writing service should alleviate—not contribute to—some of that stress.

Customization Options

A resume needs to accurately reflect your unique qualifications, skills and industry standards. For this reason, consider which customization options the service provides. Many of our recommendations use writers, recruiters or HR professionals to tailor your application documents to your unique needs.

Writer Qualifications

With AI solutions like ChatGPT readily available, you’ll want to check whether or not your resume writer is qualified to provide the help you need. To do this, take a look at the service’s writer qualifications. Some services use writers certified by the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC) or National Resume Writers Association (NRWA), while others are run by recruiters or HR professionals.

Privacy Policies

Because some websites and apps collect your personal information, it’s important to check the privacy policies before signing up. Look for whether the site stores or shares that information with third parties, and whether you can adjust your privacy settings to opt out of this setting.

Is It Worth Paying For A Resume Writing Service?

Professionally-written resumes through a reputable service can help you stand out from the competition. They’re often designed to highlight your best qualities, and are keyword-optimized for most applicant tracking systems. If you’re struggling with employment gaps or career changes, a resume writing service can help give you a leg up. And some services will also provide reviews for custom cover letters, Linkedin profiles, interview prep and career coaching.

What’s The Best Resume Writing Company?

The best resume writing company is affordable, offers high-quality review and writing services and is easy to use. Our top pick overall— TopResume —provides the professionalism and quality most mid- to high-level job seekers need, from its free resume review to its customizable options.

Jordan Thomas

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How Much Does a Resume Writer Cost (And Should I Use One)?

Thinking about hiring a resume writer? Here’s everything you need to know, including how much it costs and whether it’s really worth it.

3 years ago   •   8 min read

Writing a resume is the first — and often biggest — hurdle in any job search. That’s part of what makes resume writing services so appealing — after all, if you could simply remove that hurdle, why wouldn’t you?

For starters, the cost of removing that hurdle might be steeper than you think — and we’re not just talking about money. But since we're here: Let's talk about money.

How much does a resume writer cost?

Standard resume writer rates are between $200-$300 for a basic entry-level resume and rising to upwards of $2000 for executive or senior-level resumes .

Found a much cheaper service? We'll explain why that's a bad idea later.

What determines the cost of a resume writer?

Why such a big range? Just as there's no "one size fits all" resume solution for every job, the cost of hiring a resume writer will depend on a host of different factors.

  • What stage of your career you're at
  • What kinds of jobs you're applying for
  • How many jobs you're applying for
  • Whether you're applying for more than one type of job
  • How much experience your resume writer has
  • How much personal input you want
  • Whether you're hiring a writer directly or going through a resume writing service

That's a lot to consider! Suddenly, writing a resume from scratch isn't looking that bad.

The cost of different resume writing services

Still curious about hiring a professional resume writer? Here's some insight into different types of resume services, what they involve, and how much they're likely to cost.

How much does an entry-level resume cost?

The good news is, an entry-level resume is going to be fairly cheap compared to other options — think around $100-$200. The even better news is, if you're entry-level, you don't need to hire a resume writer.

It might feel tricky to put together a resume without any experience, but all you really need is a simple resume template , a few highlights from your education, activities, or volunteer work, and the right skills and keywords .

How much does a mid-career resume cost?

If you're looking for a professional resume writer for most non-executive roles, you're looking at between $300-$500. This could be more or less depending on the exact length and nature of your experience and the type of jobs you're currently applying for.

How much does an executive resume cost?

For an executive resume, you'll probably end up paying $1000+ (and possibly as much as $3000). While that might not seem like much compared to an executive salary, it's still more than you need to spend. Instead, try investing a little time into reading an executive resume guide that can help you put together a professional-quality resume for a fraction of the cost.

How much does it cost to hire a resume editor?

If you're just looking for someone to help edit and polish your resume, that's likely to be a little less expensive than writing a resume from scratch — but not by much. If you only need a little bit of work, consider looking for resume editors who offer an hourly rate (and agree on the number of hours upfront).

How much do resume screening services cost?

Resume screening services shouldn't be expensive.

  • If all you need is a quick once over, you can upload your resume to an ATS resume scanner for free
  • If you want extra support, choose an ongoing service that can help you throughout the whole duration of your job search — you can upgrade to Resume Worded Pro for as little as $19/month.

More than you bargained for? That's okay! You don't need to hire a resume writer to get a professional-looking result.

How to DIY your resume for free

Heard the saying, “if you want something done right, do it yourself?” Unfortunately, that’s often the best advice.

If writing your own resume seems daunting (or simply too time-consuming), here are some quick steps to get you started. If you're absolutely sure you need your resume written by someone else, create a first draft using the tools below in just an hour — doing so will make sure you have a starting point, and will help you learn about what to look for when hiring a resume writer.

  • Start with an ATS-ready resume template . These templates are already optimized for resume screeners (both real and automated) and can save you time when it comes to structure and formatting.
  • Write your accomplishments in bullet point format. Short on time or inspiration? Here are some resume bullet points you can copy and paste.
  • Once you have a draft ready, upload it to a resume optimizer for a free resume review .
  • Make any changes suggested and reupload. You’re aiming for a score of 90 or above.
  • Tailor your resume to individual jobs by using a targeted resume tool, which will tell you exactly how to tailor your resume in less than five minutes.
  • You’re done! Congratulations — you just saved $500 and ended up with a better resume than a resume writer could have provided for you.

Here’s an example of an optimized resume that doesn’t require the help of a professional:

An example of an ATS-ready resume template that you can create without the help of a resume writer

Get it — and 250+ more free templates — here.

Get a free resume review (before you hire a writer)

Once you’ve created your first draft, upload your resume to the tool below — it’ll scan it for any glaring mistakes, quantifiable accomplishments, transferable skills and tell you if your resume satisfies the key criteria recruiters look for.

The real cost of hiring a resume writer

Decided to hire a professional to help you with your resume? Look out for these common pitfalls (aka. "Here's how to not get scammed").

The high cost of cheap resumes

Found a resume writing service advertising significantly lower prices than those listed above? Like anything in life, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Cheap services are often outsourced to beginners or to non-English speaking countries.

More money ≠ better quality

If cheap resumes are bad, more expensive services must be better, right? Not necessarily. There's a limit to how much bang you can expect from your buck, even from high-end services. Above a certain price range, paying more isn’t going to get you a better service, just a more expensive one.

You'll neeed more than one resume

If you think hiring a resume writer will somehow land you with a single, perfect resume you can use for the rest of your career, think again. Tailoring your resume to the job you’re applying for will net you better results than having a polished but generic resume, which means you’re looking at paying extra for each resume you need. Depending on how widely you’re casting your net, this can really start to add up!

The information on your resume may not be accurate

On one hand, good resume writers will always take the time to understand your background and represent it correctly. On the other hand, others may choose to take a shortcut and insert extra information just because it sounds good. If that happens, you'll most likely be caught and immediately rejected. It doesn't matter that you didn't lie deliberately — you're responsible for the information on your resume, so always check it thoroughly before you hit "submit."

Money back guarantees aren't always what they seem

Some resume writing services will offer a 'guarantee' as a way of putting your mind at ease. Despite appearances, this isn't actually a good thing. Nobody can guarantee that you'll land a job, or even an interview. In most cases, a 'guarantee'  only means that they’ll keep rewriting your resume if it doesn’t land you any interviews — but if they aren’t successful the first time, it’s unlikely they’ll magically improve the second or third.

It isn't 100% above board

Some recruiters might not care that you hired a third party to write your resume, but others may see it as cheating or plagiarism. If in doubt, it's best to make sure that all the materials you submit as part of the hiring process — including your resume — are your own original work.

The benefits of hiring a resume writer

It might sound like there's no benefit to having your resume professionally written, which isn't entirely true. It's more accurate to say that the costs of hiring a resume writer probably outweigh the benefits .

It can help you get started … but it’s not the only way

Professional resume writing services can help if you’re completely stuck, or if you’re looking for a raise or promotion and really need to optimize your resume. But even though they’re an option, they should never be your default choice. You can also:

  • Follow the steps above to write your own resume — it’s easier than you think!
  • Browse online resume examples for ideas
  • Upload your resume to an online resume checker to get detailed suggestions for revision
  • Get someone else — particularly someone who's working in the field you want to join — to look over your finished resume and provide some light editing or a final polish

Best of all? All these ideas are free!

If you’re not sure how to tailor your resume to the job you’re applying to, use the tool below to search for skills and keywords related to the job and it’ll give you a list of relevant ones.

Frequently asked questions

How long does a resume writer take.

You can expect it take at least a week or two. Want a rush job? You’ll likely be paying more for it and getting something that’s significantly lower quality in return.

What do resume writers do?

Generally, hiring a resume writer will involve:

  • The initial search
  • 1-2 phone calls with your resume writer
  • Negotiating and signing a contract
  • Follow-up questions through phone or email
  • Multiple revisions
  • Final acceptance and payment

If you're looking at hiring a resume writer who proposes skipping any of those steps, consider it a red flag.

How do I choose a resume writer?

If you do hire a resume writer, make sure they’re legitimate. You’re looking for people with a background in hiring or recruitment, and ideally in your exact industry. Resume writing qualifications like CPRW don’t tell you anything about a writer’s industry qualifications, so do your due diligence before you commit.

Always ask for past samples or to see a portfolio so you can judge the quality for yourself. Upload their samples to a tool like Score My Resume to get a transparent, AI-backed understanding of whether they’re any good.

Is TopResume any good?

TopResume is a resume writer marketplace with hundreds of writers, which means there are a mix of good and bad writers on the site. First, use the free tools at your disposal — like Score My Resume — to evaluate whether you need to hire a resume writer in the first place (you probably don’t!), and then set up a phone call directly with your writer to see if they’re the right fit.

Can you pay someone to write your cover letter?

Absolutely not. A cover letter needs to be personalized and give the hiring manager a real sense of who you are. If you can't be bothered writing one, you're still better off jotting down a couple of quick lines — or even skipping it entirely — than outsourcing it.

What if I get caught?

That depends. It isn't illegal to hire someone to write your resume or cover letter, but there may still be consequences. Depending on the views of the company and the hiring manager, they could:

  • Give you a chance to resubmit
  • Reject your application

If the information on your resume isn’t accurate , that’s always a big deal, and can result in you being removed from consideration or even fired if you already landed the job.

If a hiring manager thinks you’ve plagiarized , that’s ground for immediate rejection. Whether resume writing services constitute plagiarism is subjective, which means it’s probably better not to take that chance.

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7 Best Resume Writing Services

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Upload Your Resume for a Free Resume Review

  • Get a Free & Confidential Review from an Expert
  • Analyzes your resume on Style, Writing, and ATS readability
  • LinkedIn Profile Redesign Help
  • Professional options, no automated tools or DIY aids
  • Job Interview Coaching via TopInterview Sister Service  

Get a Free Resume Review

  • Optimized for ATS search with industry-specific keywords
  • Experienced writers with professional profiles available for customer review
  • Three resume writing plans available
  • Cover letter and 60-day interview guarantee for two top-tier plans
  • Tailored support for every career path (executive leadership, career changes, and recent graduates)

Professionally-designed resumes

  • Fill-in details using simple prompts
  • Quick and easy 3-step resume builder
  • Expert resume writing tips
  • Download resume for free
  • 7-day trial period to all premium resume-building features

Trying to land your dream job is one of life's biggest challenges. Actually, looking for any new job is stressful, particularly if you continue to rack up a lot of rejections. What should you do if you find yourself in that predicament? If you're putting yourself out there but not getting many interviews, it might be time to get some help revamping your resume from a professional resume writing service. Professional resume writers know how to write a resume that gets noticed.

Nowadays, your resume must make it past automated scanners — also known as applicant tracking systems — before it’s ever seen by a recruiter, hiring manager or other person in a position to advance your candidacy. These scanners are programmed to search for keywords, qualifications, years of experience and more in your resume. Resume writing services understand how to present your resume so that it passes automatic review and gets seen by recruiters.

There are many resume writing services to choose from. You want to be sure you're engaging with a company that can get you real results. This guide reviews some of the top companies out there in detail. Read on for advice on how to choose the best resume writing service for your needs.

Our Top Picks for Best Resume Writing Service

  • TopResume : Best for One-Page Resumes
  • Let's Eat, Grandma : Best for Experienced Resume Writers
  • ResumeGo : Best for Money-Back Guarantee
  • ZipJob : Best for ATS Optimization
  • The Muse : Best for Comprehensive Career Coaching Services
  • : Best for Fastest Delivery Time
  • Resume Companion : Best for Low Cost

Find the job that’s right for you

Best resume writing service reviews, best for one-page resumes: topresume.

  • Affordable resume-only package
  • Large network of writers with specialized experience in 65 industries
  • 60-day interview guarantee
  • Talking to a writer by phone costs extra
  • Short revision period

Why we chose it : TopResume offers competitively-priced packages for resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles written by recruiters, hiring managers, career coaches and other professionals. TopResume's extensive network of 1,500 writers makes it possible for the firm to assign you one with experience in your field. The company’s two most expensive plans come with a 60-day interview guarantee.

TopResume thoroughly vets its writers, only hiring 2% of applicants. But according to the company, its large network professional resume writers have specialized experience in 65 industries. After you purchase a resume writing package, TopResume will match you with a writer. You'll then be able to communicate with him or her by using the site's secure dashboard. It costs an additional fee if you'd prefer to talk to your writer by phone.

TopResume offers three plans for you to choose from:

  • Starter : $149. Includes one professionally written resume.
  • Premium : $219. Includes resume, cover letter and 60-day interview guarantee.
  • Ultimate : $349. Includes resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile rewrite and 60-day interview guarantee.

All plans offer a seven to ten-day turnaround time, unless you pay extra for expedited service. You can request up to two revisions in the week after receiving your first draft for free. Within 60 days, if you don't get at least double the number of interviews using your new resume as you did before, TopResume will rewrite it one additional time for free.

$149 2 revisions in 1 week Secure dashboard for writer-client communication With Premium and Ultimate packages

Best for Experienced Resume Writers: Let's Eat, Grandma

  • Writers that go through rigorous testing and training
  • Four packages plus add-on services available
  • Highly customized resumes
  • Expensive packages
  • Limited revisions with most plans

Why we chose it : Most of Let's Eat, Grandma 's resume writers have five to ten years of writing experience. They have to pass a technical writing test, then go through a four-week onboarding process. They also receive ongoing support and guidance as they work on crafting resumes.

Let's Eat, Grandma creates customized resumes to help you stand out in the applicant pool. You'll fill out a questionnaire and have a 30-minute phone consultation with your writer so they understand your goals and experience. You can communicate with your writer by email anytime during the writing process. You'll also need to submit two job postings you're interested in so your writer can customize your resume for the types of positions you'll be applying for. This kind of attention to detail — adjusting your resume per the needs of each position you apply for — increases your chances of getting an interview. It’s a good habit to get into once you have your standard resume down pat.

Turnaround time for a first draft from Let’s Eat, Grandma is generally about ten days, and after receiving the draft, you'll have one week to request two free revisions.

Let's Eat, Grandma offers four resume writing packages:

  • Starter : $439. Includes one professionally written resume.
  • Accelerated : $549. Includes one resume, one cover letter and a digital guide to cold calls and thank you notes.
  • Premium : $689. Includes one resume, one cover letter, the digital guide and a LinkedIn profile rewrite.
  • Executive Concierge : $1,899. Includes everything in Premium plus extra consult time with your writer, ten days of unlimited revisions and more.

There are also add-on services that can be added to any package, like an additional version of your resume or cover letter, a LinkedIn profile rewrite and access to the platform's most experienced writers. Because many employers use an automated applicant tracking system (ATS) to filter through resumes, all Let's Eat, Grandma resumes are written using keywords that are designed to get you noticed in ATS systems.

$439 2 revisions in 7 days for most plans Browse writer profiles With Accelerated, Premium and Executive Concierge packages

Best for Money-Back Guarantee: ResumeGo

  • Unlimited revisions
  • 14-day revision period
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Only 2 plans available

Why we chose it : Unlike many other resume writing services, ResumeGo offers a money-back guarantee for any reason, with no questions asked. If you change your mind about using the service before receiving your first draft, ResumeGo will refund you 100% of the purchase price, and after receiving the draft, you have 14 days from the date of purchase to request a 50% refund if you're not fully satisfied.

ResumeGo uses a team of human resources specialists, career coaches and professional recruiters to create resumes that get noticed. To use the service, you'll fill out a form outlining your experience and goals. Within 24 hours, you'll be assigned a writer and can choose to have a consultation by phone, video conference, Messenger or any other method you're comfortable with. After receiving the first draft of your new resume in one to two weeks, you'll have two weeks to request unlimited revisions.

ResumeGo offers a free 15-minute consultation before you commit. If you decide to hire a writer, there are two packages to choose from:

  • Professional : $360. Includes one professionally written resume. Add-ons available for a cover letter ($40), LinkedIn profile rewrite ($80) and a thank you letter ($40).
  • Executive : $600. For experienced C-suite executives. Includes resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile rewrite and a thank you letter.

All resumes are industry-specific and keyword optimized to pass through ATS software.

$360 Unlimited in 14 days Free resume templates and resume checker Included with Executive. Can be added to Professional for $40.

Best for ATS Optimization: ZipJob

  • Affordable starter package
  • Optimized for ATS software
  • Talking to writer by phone costs extra
  • No turnaround time indicated

Why we chose it : All ZipJob writers are trained in keyword-optimization techniques that help your resume make it through ATS software so that it gets seen by recruiters. After your writer completes your resume, they'll scan it using the same ATS software used by many top employers.

ZipJob has writers specializing in over 65 industries, so it can match you with someone who is well-versed in your field. All writers have passed a strict quality assurance test and received training from ZipJob on how to write stand-out resumes.

There are threeZipJob plans to choose from:

  • Launch : Includes one professionally written resume.
  • Fast Track : Includes one resume, one cover letter and a 60-day interview guarantee.
  • Premium : Includes one resume, one cover letter and a LinkedIn profile rewrite, along with a 60-day interview guarantee and expedited delivery.

Once you purchase a plan, you'll complete a questionnaire and consult with your coach. Consults are done via messaging unless you pay extra to talk by phone. With the Launch and Fast Track packages, you'll receive your first draft within seven days. The turnaround time for the Premium package is three business days. After getting your first draft, you can receive up to two free revisions. ZipJob's 60-day interview guarantee states that with a ZipJob resume, you'll get twice as many interviews within 60 days. If you don't, you can send over a few postings for jobs you've applied to, and a senior writer will rewrite your resume for free.

$139 2 ATS scanning, direct writer messaging Included with Fast Track and Premium

Best for Comprehensive Career Coaching Services: The Muse

  • Wide array of services offered by career coaches
  • 3 price points available
  • Choose your own coach and book directly
  • Limited refund policy

Why we chose it : If you're looking for help with more than just your resume, The Muse offers a wide range of career coaching services. You can book coaching sessions to help write your resume or cover letter, update your LinkedIn account, practice interview questions, create a job search strategy, prepare for a new leadership role and more.

The Muse offers comprehensive career services, including resume reviews. You can browse the career coaches available and choose one who you believe will be a good match based on experience, services offered, specializations and reviews from past clients. There are three tiers of coaches: Mentor, Coach and Master Coach. Each has a different amount of experience and you’ll pay more for more senior coaches.

  • Mentor : $139. Includes a 30-minute phone or Skype consult and one resume revision.
  • Coach : $259. Includes a 45-minute phone or Skype consult and two revisions.
  • Master Coach : $549. Includes a 60-minute phone or Skype consult and unlimited revisions.

Once you book with a coach, they'll reach out to schedule a consult by the next business day. Most resume rewrites are completed in one to two weeks. Unless there are errors in the final draft of your resume, you can only receive a partial refund if you're not satisfied with the service. If you change your mind after the initial call, you're entitled to an 80% refund. If you're not happy with the first draft of your resume and don't want to proceed, The Muse will refund you 50% of the purchase price.

$139 Varies by plan Browse coaches to find the best one for you Available as a separate service

Best for Fastest Delivery Time:

  • 2 to 5-day turnaround
  • All writers receive professional development training
  • Limited information on website about writers and process
  • Only 1 revision

Why we chose it : offers a standard delivery time of five days with Basic and Deluxe plans. The Premier package comes with a two-day turnaround time. is best known for its job boards, but the company also offers a resume-writing service. The website contains limited information about its writers but does specify that all writers receive specialized training and that many have experience in human resources and recruiting.

There are three plans available:

  • Basic : $149. Includes one professionally written resume.
  • Deluxe : $197. Includes one resume and cover letter.
  • Premier : $349. Includes resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile rewrite; expedited delivery.

All resumes are ATS-optimized and written by experts familiar with your industry.'s 60-day 100% satisfaction guarantee entitles you to one free revision within 60 days if you aren't satisfied for any reason. doesn't offer refunds for its resume-writing services for any reason.

$149 1 Salary tools, and job board With Deluxe and Premier plans

Best for Low Cost: Resume Companion

  • Low-cost 14-day trial
  • Unlimited resumes
  • Builds a resume in minutes
  • Free downloadable templates
  • No professional writing services offered
  • Confusing website

Why we chose it : If you're looking for a low-cost way to polish an existing resume or create one from scratch, Resume Companion offers affordable options. You can get full access with a 14-day trial for $2.95 or pay $95.40 for a full year. If you'd prefer to DIY your resume, you can download Resume Companion's templates for free.

Resume Companion is a different type of service than the others we’ve recommended. Rather than working one-on-one with a resume writer, you'll enter your information into a resume builder to create your own professional-looking resume. You can generate a new resume in under 15 minutes, so this service is great if you're crunched for time or on a tight budget. It also includes a cover letter builder.

We should add a word of caution if you’re interested in this service. The Resume Companion website can be misleading because it lets you go through all the steps of building your resume before telling you that you'll need to pay to download it. And it markets the Monthly Access plan as costing $7.95 per month, but it actually costs $23.95 per month unless you pay the annual price of $95.40 upfront.

$95.40/year N/A Easy-to-use DIY resume builder with free templates Cover letter generator included

Other companies we considered

The resume writing services reviewed above are the best of the best, but there are many other services out there for you to consider. Read on to learn about some of the other professional resume services available.

Resume Writing Service

  • Unlimited phone calls with writer
  • 24-hour expedited delivery available for additional fee
  • Only 1 package available
  • Higher-than-average price for resume only
  • Small network of writers

Resume Writing Service offers useful features like unlimited revisions and unlimited phone calls with your assigned writer. It didn't make the cut as one of the best resume writing services because there is only one plan available, which starts at $270 for a resume only. It also features a small network of writers, with only about 20 available, so you're less likely to find one with experience in your industry.

Craft Resume

  • 12 plans to choose from
  • 5-day turnaround
  • Typos and grammatical errors on website

Craft Resume offers 12 different plans, which all include unlimited revisions, delivery in five days and a 60-day interview guarantee. It didn't make the list of best resume writing services because it has a small network of only ten writers, and the website contains typos and grammatical errors, which is not a great sign that the company will deliver flawless work.

Resume Writing Service Guide

This guide provides a brief overview to help you choose the resume writing service that's the best fit for your professional needs.

Main things to know before choosing a resume writing service

Many companies offer resume writing services, so exploring your options is important. Some companies are dedicated solely to resume writing, while others provide other career advancement services as well. You can find resume writing offered by multi-service career coaches and on some of the best job search sites .

If your work history is pretty straightforward or you're looking for an entry-level job, you may only need a little bit of help with naturally placing powerful keywords in your resume and formatting it so that it's clean and inviting. On the other hand, you might need a more experienced writer if you have many years of experience to summarize briefly, gaps in your employment history or you're making a significant career change.

What is the average cost of resume writing service?

The cost of having your resume professionally written varies by service and package, but many companies offer a starter package for around $140. With most services, you can pay a higher fee for additional help with writing a cover letter or updating your LinkedIn profile. Some companies also offer expedited service or the opportunity to work with a more experienced writer for an extra cost. It's important to remember that writing a good resume takes unique skills and a reservoir of professional experience to draw upon. As is true in many industries, you get what you pay for. So if you have the means, considering companies that charge a little more for their services is worthwhile.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can consider using a resume builder that uses the information you input to create a polished-looking resume. You won't get a full professional rewrite, but the best resume builders will reformat your resume so it's visually appealing and easy to read, while also suggesting keywords and language that will get your resume noticed.

How does resume writing service work?

When you use a resume writing service, you'll usually work one-on-one with a professional writer who will get to know your experience and goals through questionnaires and direct communication. The writer will take that information, along with an existing copy of your resume if you have one, and use it to create a resume optimized for ATS software and designed to stand out to recruiters.

What is the process of resume writing services?

The resume writing process varies a bit by company. Most often, you'll purchase a plan and then be matched with a writer. You'll usually fill out a questionnaire so the company can find a writer that understands your industry and has the right experience. Some companies let you browse writers and read about their experience so you can choose the one that you believe will be the best fit. Once you're matched with a writer, you'll be able to communicate with them through messaging, email, phone or video call.

Once your writer completes a first draft of your resume, you'll usually have the opportunity to give them some input. Most services include at least one revision, so if the first draft needs some tweaking, your writer will take your feedback and use it to rewrite your resume so that it better meets your needs.

Resume Writing Service FAQs

Is it secure to use resume writing services, how does the warranty work for resume writing services, how long do i have to wait with a resume writing service, is it better to use resume writing services than write your own, what is the difference between a resume and a cover letter, how we found the best resume writing service.

When searching for the best resume writing service, we reviewed many companies and considered a number of factors:

  • Cost : Although cost shouldn't be your only consideration, a resume writing service must fit your budget. We looked for companies that offer the best value for the cost.
  • Turnaround time : If you're actively searching for a job, you might not have a long time to wait around for a new resume. On the other hand, companies that offer a 24-hour turnaround time may not have enough time to create the perfect resume for you. We looked for companies that provide reasonable delivery times of a few days to a week or two.
  • Revisions : Multiple rounds of revisions are one of the best ways to ensure that the final draft of your resume is exactly how you want it.
  • Network of writers : Although having more writers doesn't necessarily mean that the writers are of higher quality, having more than a handful of writers available increases the chances that there's one with experience in your industry who knows how to make your resume stand out in a crowded field.

Summary of the Best Resume Writing Service of 2023

7 Best Resume Writing Services (+ Which Are Worth It)

Sarah Colley

3 key takeaways

  • There's a wide range of professional resume writing services ranging from executive to budget.
  • While job seekers often pay per resume with a professional writer, AI resume builders allow you to quickly create and optimize several versions to each job, presenting a more cost-efficient alternative.
  • Teal’s AI Resume Builder is unlike most resume writing services in that it allows you to tailor your resume to every single job application using keyword matching and scoring. 

One of the biggest questions surrounding resume writing services is whether or not they’re worth it. 

The answer: it varies.

If you’re new to the job market and your resume is fairly simple, or you are working with a lower budget, you might not need a dedicated resume writer.

But if you’re looking to tailor you’re resume for the job, while meeting ATS (applicant tracking systems) readability standards , then you might need a professionally-written resume. 

This article compares some of the best resume writing services, where you can hire them, and how to choose the right one for you.

Having trouble writing your resume? Make a free resume with less hassle using Teal’s AI Resume Builder.

Types of resume writing services

While the goal of professional resume writing services is to create a resume that’ll land you a job, each type of resume service goes about it differently.

Resume writing services from a company

Larger companies that employ hundreds of freelance resume writers are a popular choice for many job seekers with a decent budget and a longer timeline with their applications.

The benefit of this type is the company is optionality. Some may even have in-house writers dedicated to your specific industry or role and can provide insights into previously successful resumes. 

Some resume writing services are large enough that they don’t dedicate one person or team to your account. Instead, you’ll have multiple people working on your resume, and the communication between them might not be stellar. They also might keyword stuff rather than weaving them in naturally.

One job seeker from Reddit shared their experience using a professional resume writing service: 

“I went with a resume writing service, and they clearly outsourced it to a country where English is not the most commonly spoken language. It was terrible and rife with errors. Luckily, I got my money back.”

Specialized resume writing services

These are services dedicated either to your industry or career level, such as executive resume writing services, which often offer career training as well. 

These services often have a directory of writers they vet and certify to write resumes for their specific industries, so you know you’re getting a professional. Typically, you’ll have a dedicated writer or team rather than subcontracted writers, editors, and reviewers.

Cons of specialized resume writing services

While they’re more tailored and often include specific skills to help you land more interviews, they tend to be more costly. You might also have deal with delays in your ability to apply, as you go through a series of interviews with the service to ensure they’re truly capturing your work experience.

Resume writers

You can, of course, hire a professional resume writer that is unaffiliated with any company. These writers often work for themselves as a freelancer or small business, and have niched down into one particular area of resume writing.

Cons of working with a professional resume writer

While they might have specialized industry knowledge, they're likely not familiar with the nuances of modern hiring tech or recruiting. They could just be a good writer that passed a training program to become certified in resume writing.

Teal’s Director of Talent, Mike Peditto, echoes this with his statement:

"Some resume writers rely on a bit more of an outdated style that puts a large focus on visual appeal above the user experience of the reader. They often rely heavily on graphics, charts, tables or other design tactics that not only may get lost in an ATS, but also tend to focus on the items a recruiter doesn't need to see right away. This can be be more distracting than valuable to somebody quickly doing a pass through of the resume looking for key information."

Building a resume with a resume builder

A resume builder is a tool that allows you to create and customize your resume again to match the position you’re applying for. 

This can be advantageous, since you understand your work history and industry better than anyone else. You also know which skills you want to highlight more depending on the role and how well you match it. 

Another benefit is cost per resume. You can create as many resumes as you’d like, allowing you to tailor the resume to every single application. Whereas most services will provide you with one polished resume that isn’t tailored to a specific role, unless you’ve requested such. 

Cons of using a resume builder

If your writing skills aren’t strong, you might not fully highlight your skills and experience without the help of AI features, not available in every resume builder. And while AI will assist in the writing, you will still want to personalize it. Teal gives you the best of both worlds with AI writing and ability to pull keywords from the job description, allowing you to better tailor each resume at scale.

match resume to job keywords

You also might need to rely on templates to ensure you’re using the correct formatting to meet standards for an ATS.

7 top resume writing services

Calling anything “the best” is subjective to the criteria. Our criteria for determining the best writing services includes:

  • Speedy delivery
  • Good pricing
  • Writing skills commensurate with your level of education, expertise, and career

No recruiter or hiring manager is going to spend ages pouring over the details of your resume. But they will still notice typos, glaring grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies. 

Worse, your resume won’t get a second glance at all if your experience and skills don’t jump off the page and scream, “I’m the one for the job”. 

So, you need a professional resume service that understands your work history and how to highlight your experience, for the right price, so you can apply before the window of opportunity closes. 

Below are nine of the best resume services available right now:

  • Best executive resume writing service
  • Best resume writing services online
  • Best-rated resume writing services
  • Best affordable resume writing services

Best AI-powered resume builder

Best specialty resume writing services.

  • Best resume writing service with additional professional packages
  • Best resume service with quick turnaround time

Best executive resume writing service: Executive Resume Writers

TopResume is one of the most well-known resume writing services for executives. However, the negative experiences around their services have been widely recounted in online reviews and forums. 

If you want a true executive service, consider Executive Resume Writers.

Executive Resume Writers homepage

Their clients have found work at Capital One, Dell, Google, Humana, Salesforce, Morgan Stanley, and dozens of other recognizable corporations.

They’re professional resume writers have written for a wide range of executive titles, from VP & Managing Director to President and CEO. 

Executive Resume Writers review

Industry specializations

  • Arts & Entertainment
  • Financial Services
  • Hospitality
  • Information Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Other Industry
  • Professional and Technical Services
  • Public Administration
  • Real Estate
  • Retail Trade

Other services offered

Beyond their expertise in writing resumes for the executive level, they also offer: 

  • LinkedIn optimization
  • Interview preparation
  • Career coaching

Cost: While Executive Resume Writers doesn't explicitly list their pricing, they do offer a range of $2,000 to $5,000.

Best-rated resume writing service: TopStack

Searching for professional resume writing services with the best ratings compared to the number of ratings and reviews, you find that TopStack lives up to its name by coming up top. They have a 4.8 star rating with 1,968 reviews on Trustpilot—more than any other resume writing service (excluding AI resume builders).

Topstack 5-star review on Trustpilot

They have an incredibly simple process from filling out your initial intake form to assigning you to one of their experienced, US-based writers within 1-2 days. If you need to expedited the order, they’re able to accommodate if you alert them to this. 

Once assigned, they give their writers 48 hours to turn in a first draft. You may get up to two revisions of your resume after you’ve paid for your first draft. 

TopStack does not name list their staff publicly. Instead, they state they have experts in every single industry :

“Our team of 100+ professional writers have worked with clients in all industries and at all experience levels. In the (very) rare event that we don't have someone with experience writing in your field, we'll reach out to you after placing an order.” 

Other services

  • LinkedIn profile development
  • Cover letters
  • Personal recruiting
  • Career consulting

TopStack offers four different payment options. Their most basic package is $139, and their most expensive is $1149, paid on a monthly basis as it includes a personal recruiter that’ll go beyond the call to find you a job.

TopStack pricing

Best affordable resume writing service: ZipJob

ZipJob is one of the most affordable resume writing services that still offer professional writers and a decent turnaround of three to seven days. They back up their services with a guarantee that you land an interview within 60 days.

What sets them apart, aside from the low price, is that they grant you unfettered access to your professional resume writer.

ZipJob 5-star review on Trustpilot

ZipJob employs a roster of over 100 professional resume writers that have worked in Fortune 500 recruiting, career coaching, HR, and job placement, aside from resume writing. 

ZipJob has specialists in over 65 industries, including:

  • Free resume review
  • LinkedIn profile optimization

Cost: $139 to $299

Best resume writing service by offering: Let’s Eat, Grandma

While the name might bring on a laugh, Let’s Eat, Grandma is all serious when it comes to resume writing packages. 

Their most affordable service is fairly basic, offering a 30 minute one-on-one consultation, well-crafted resume, and two revisions. Their most extensive package of the four includes nine services, such as executive career coaching and unlimited revisions.

Let's Eat, Grandma 5-star review on Trustpilot

If you’re working on a shorter timeline for applying to positions, they might not be your best choice, as you’ll receive your first draft in about a week and the two revisions after an additional week.

But if you’re looking for a resume writing service that offers more than the average service, with true professionals at a decent price (and aren’t on a time restraint), Let’s Eat, Grandma is a great option. 

While they do not list their industries, it’s safe to assume they work with a wide range of clients.

  • Executive resume
  • Value proposition letter
  • Digital guide to cold emails & thank-you notes
  • Executive LinkedIn profile rewrite
  • Access to a dedicated customer success representative
  • 10 days of unlimited revisions
  • 4x the talk time with your writer
  • 60-minute executive career coaching session
  • Guaranteed senior writer for executives
  • Job search strategy meeting
  • Career roadblock office hours
  • Strategic applicant guide
  • LinkedIn profile rewrite
  • Resume critique

Cost: $439 to $1,899

Let's Eat, Grandma pricing

Best resume service by speed: The Job Sauce

The Job Sauce doesn’t use their quick turnaround as a selling point but, nonetheless, they get you in front of an assigned writer within one business day. The work is fast yet skilled, and even their most basic package comes packed with bonus features.

Members get an industry-specific writer, a LinkedIn best practices guide, and lifetime webinar access. If you upgrade to the more premium package, you get services like training in salary negotiation and clarity coaching.

The Job Sauce 5-star review on Trustpilot

Industry specialization

They don’t list the industries they serve, but they do mention that they provide an industry-specific writer. 

‍ Other services

  • Upgraded results-driven resume
  • Applicant tracking systems optimized
  • LinkedIn best practice guide
  • Industry-specific professional writer
  • Quick turnaround time
  • Lifetime webinar access
  • Premium assessments
  • Two 60-minute calls
  • Clarity on next steps
  • Interview coaching
  • Job offer coaching

Cost: $369 to 799

When it comes to specialty resume writing services, it only makes sense to highlight a few different services, considering the wide range of specializations.

Find My Profession is a great federal resume writing service that happens to specialize in C-Suite resume writing services.

Find My Profession 5-star review on Trustpilot

ResuMeds is a top choice resume writing service for medical professionals. They’re fairly priced with a rate of $100 to 225 and have a turnaround time of three days.

iCareer Solutions offers professional resume writing services for IT, fintech, and software professionals. They won first place for Information Technology Resume Writing in the 2019 TORI Awards (Toast Of the Résumé Industry) from Career Directors International (CDI).

  • Medical professionals
  • C-suite executives
  • Federal employees
  • IT professionals
  • Software engineering
  • Data analytics
  • Programming
  • System analytics
  • Cover letter writing
  • LinkedIn makeover
  • Professional bio
  • Networking resume
  • Resume distribution
  • US recruiters listing

Cost: $100 to 1500

Want the advantages of a specialized resume writing service without the service cost and wait time? Teal’s match scoring makes it easy to compare your resume to a job description . 

While hiring a professional resume writing service is a great option for those with a higher budget, more technical needs, and less-confident writing skills, they aren’t the only option for creating a high-powered resume. 

An AI-powered resume builder like Teal is a great option if you're applying to multiple jobs and need to tailor every resume to the job descriptions. 

The AI identifies the keywords as well as soft and hard skills within a job description, highlighting them for you and scoring your resume based on how well it matches.

Teal keyword matching

Teal’s AI Professional Summary considers both the job you’re applying for and your work experience to tailor a professional resume that highlights the ten percent of you that's 100 percent relevant to each job.

A lot of resume writers and job seekers make the mistake of simply listing their responsibilities and tasks on their resume, versus the outcomes they’ve produced. The AI achievements feature in Teal is the answer to that. This feature pulls out specific accomplishments, such as cutting spend for your company or reducing expenses by 20 percent. 

Industry specialties

Teal is an online resume building tool usable by any job seeker in any industry, for any level of experience. 

  • Job Application Tracker
  • Resume Checker
  • Cover letter Generator
  • LinkedIn Profile Review
  • Autofill Job Applications
  • Resume Bullet Point Generator
  • Professional Bio Generator
  • Career Personality Test
  • Career Goal Tracker
  • Networking CRM
  • Job Search Chrome Extension
  • Job Application Email Templates
  • Resume Templates
  • Resume and Cover Letter Examples

Cost: Free to $9 per week

Is it worth paying for resume writing service?

From looking at loads of reviews and services, it’s easy to tell that the answer doesn’t just depend on your situation, but on the service you choose.

The larger resume services that promise the lowest prices and the fastest turnarounds tend to make customers feel scammed. Customers have largely noted that their work was outsourced and the writers didn’t incorporate feedback or understand their work history. 

In this case, using an AI resume builder like Teal helps you not only tailor one resume, but hundreds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What companies provide the best-rated resume writing service.

TopStack is highly rated with a 4.8-star rating on Trustpilot. Executive Resume Writers are known for their success with high-level positions at companies like Google and Morgan Stanley. ZipJob offers affordable and professional resume writing with a 60-day interview guarantee.

What are the pros and cons of paying for resume writing?

Pros include professional writers crafting tailored, ATS-friendly resumes. Cons include the risk of poor quality from outsourced services and higher costs. Additionally, there's no job guarantee.

What is the best resume writer service?

Executive Resume Writers are ideal for high-level positions. TopStack is great for general professional resumes with positive customer feedback. ZipJob is best for budget-friendly, professional resume writing.

Paying for a resume service can increase your chances of passing ATS and impressing recruiters. The value depends on the quality of the service chosen. High-rated services are more likely to deliver worthwhile results.

How much does a resume writing service cost?

Basic services start around $139, like those from ZipJob. Mid-range services, such as TopStack, range from $139 to $1,149. High-end executive services can cost between $2,000 and $5,000. In comparison, AI resume builders like Teal start at $9/week.

cv writing service cost

Sarah Colley

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How Much Should A Resume Writing Service Cost?

Michael Gardon

Table Of Contents

Resume writing service pricing tiers, what to consider when choosing a resume writing service, reviews of resume writing services.


Bottom Line

Written By: Michael Gardon | Edited By: Mike Jelinek

Over the past few years resume writing services have begun to sprout up left and right, and have become an increasingly popular choice among job seekers to bulletproof their resume against Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and picky HR managers. The prices vary, which we will explore in this article, but right from the get-go, we’d like to inform you that generally speaking, the price increases with experience, and the level of position you are trying to obtain.

Additionally, you will find that virtually all resume writing companies offer additional services like LinkedIn profile makeovers, cover letters , or coaching, which can add up rather quickly. For the sake of this article, we have divided all resume writing services into three pricing tiers which you can find below.

How much should a resume writing service cost? Here are the three resume writing service tiers.

For anything in this price range, there probably isn’t a person involved, and what you’re paying for is resume templates. We’ve researched this far and wide, and if you do find someone who will write, or rewrite your resume for less than $100, they more than likely won’t be qualified. We referenced ATS at the beginning of this article, and it is worth mentioning again. Numerous times in history something has been invented to deter people from doing something, and then later something will get invented again to get around it. As an example, they equipped police officers with radar guns to stop people from speeding, and then radar detectors were introduced. Resume writing services (reputable ones) are like radar detectors of job seekers.

For a price this low, you won’t get the radar detector. Now, we’re not advocating that you have to pay a service to get a job. Formatting is a big part of your resume, and there are plenty of free templates at your disposal you can use to paste in your information accordingly and get called into an interview.

Where it gets tricky is paying for templates, which we wouldn't recommend. If you feel inclined to pay for a resume template, you should go a little further and pay a slightly higher price for a qualified, professional company, with a proven track record of success to take your resume to the next level.

This is generally the sweet spot for most job seekers looking for a resume writing service. In this price range, you’re not only getting a reputable company, but you’re also getting an ATS scan. Recent graduates and those seeking entry-level employment should expect to pay around $150, while mid-level job seekers will pay somewhere between $200-$300.

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We wouldn’t recommend paying more than $400 unless you’re seeking executive-level employment. Going after leadership roles requires more back and forth between the writer and the person he or she is writing the resume for. Executive resumes also gain the attention of more experienced writers.

Furthermore, when you’re paying for an executive resume, you’re often getting one or two more additional services that come with it, like a LinkedIn profile rewrite or a cover letter.

Here are the most important things to consider when choosing a resume writing service.

As we stated at the beginning of this article, resume writing services are becoming increasingly popular, so you have a lot of options to choose from. Reading user reviews of these services on sites like TrustPilot will help you to learn more about each company than what they have written on their website. If you come across a service that is hard to find reviews outside of the company website, it is probably best to move on to another.


The process most resume writing services follow is to match you with a writer based on your background and aspirations, and then proceed by having a phone call to iron out any details or qualities you would like highlighted in your resume given the type of position you’re going after. A good way to learn about the lines of communication is by contacting the company before you purchase the service and see how responsive they are prior to hiring them. How quick are they to respond? Will they get on the phone with you? This is yet another example of how to learn more about a company in question by going beyond what is posted on their website.

There is usually a cap on how many rounds of revisions you are entitled to after receiving the initial draft of your resume. Each company is different, so it is worth investigating, especially if you’re the type of person who likes to make additions, subtractions, or adjustments on your work before submission.

Most all the reputable resume writing services offer some type of interview guarantee when you purchase their service, but none of them will offer you your money back. When you’re not seeing the results promised by the company, this usually means another round of discovery followed by revisions based on the type of jobs you’re applying to.

After you get your resume completed, you can start applying for jobs. To see the top places employers are posting jobs, check out our guide to the best free job posting sites .

Now that you know how much you should plan to pay for a resume writing service, it is time to roll up your sleeves and do a little research to determine which option you are most comfortable with. The vast majority of job seekers who enlist resume writing services are happy with the results as evidenced in the reviews, so your decision will most likely boil down to what you find.

A good place to start is our review of The Best Resume Writing Services To Get You Noticed , where we dig into what we feel are the very best resume writing services by highlighting their strengths and weaknesses and make a determination who each service is best suited for.

Michael Gardon

Mike is our Founder, career coach, and resident expert on all things resume, hiring and work-life. He is author of The Break newsletter and host of The Break Podcast on Careercloud. He has seen everything from being hired (and fired) to hiring and managing hundreds of people over his career. Mike has also successfully navigated many career pivots. He is a former derivatives trader turned corporate consultant turned entrepreneur who also holds a Bachelors' Degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MBA from DePaul University in Chicago. Mike is often interviewed and quoted on career topics in major publications such as Business Insider, Forbes, USA Today, Yahoo Finance and Fox News. Mike resides in the beautiful midwest where he built a life around his family. Connect with Mike to talk purpose, career change, entrepreneurship and side hustles like Quotebook , which he built with his kids!

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Professionally written resume at a fair price - where to find it?

Difficulties in landing a new job, a dramatic career change or a desire to get hired for a role that assumes more responsibility motivates professionals to seek external help. Yet, it's not easy to find a reliable service provider among the dozens of CPRW writers and big online companies. Since a single resume can cost from $50 to $1,000, the choice becomes even more confusing.

So, should you ultimately opt for the most expensive service that comes your way, or is it okay to buy a cheap document from a freelancer? Where to purchase the package that fast-forwards your career? If you are puzzled by these questions, keep reading. Below, you'll find a detailed analysis of what contributes to the final price and how to choose a reliable company that will deliver quality without charging you a fortune.

What predetermines the resume writing services cost ?

The final charge for resume writing is influenced by the breadth of factors. And the quality of the final product isn't directly connected with the price. You can get a good writer at $200 and not-so-good one at $300. Here's what contributes to the final charge:

  • Writer’s qualifications. A beginning resume writer from a freelancing website will obviously charge less than someone with 5+ years of experience and dozens of returning clients. Nationally recognized certifications such as NRWA, CPRW, or ACRW usually add up to the final price you’ll pay.
  • Writer’s fame and recognition. Resume writers featured on authoritative news websites, who have thousands of followers on LinkedIn, as well as award-winning writers, have higher prices than those who are less known to the public.
  • Company’s location. Online-based companies or those located in small towns keep their prices lower than those operating from the crowded office in a metropolis such as New York or Chicago. They can keep expenditures lower, and their clients benefit from it.
  • Terms of service. Does the company offer customer support round the clock via phone or chat? Does the resume package include a one-to-one phone interview with the writer? Do they provide an urgent delivery service within 24 or 48 hours? These benefits typically come at an extra price.
  • Additional features. In some companies, resume packages go with a cover letter or a LinkedIn profile by default. It means that you’ll be charged for a package of services even if need a resume. Paid features may also include the extended revision period, or document check by a PhD editor.

Choosing the optimal price range for your resume

Option #1. resumes that cost under $80.

Frankly speaking, it’s possible to pay $50 or even $30 for resume writing. However, we recommend that you avoid the low-end agencies. Such charges assume that your resume will be done by a beginning freelancer who has no idea about how the recruitment process works. Or, they could also mean that you are dealing with an overseas ‘resume mill’, and the writer will simply insert your resume into a template and use cookie-cutter phrases.

Such a writer can stamp a dozen of resumes per day and won’t devote enough time to write a custom document for you. So, stay away from the suspiciously underpriced resumes.

Option #2. Companies charging between $80 and $350

Most service providers operate within this range. And that’s an optimal option for candidates, as you can find a qualified expert who understands the employer demands and adjusts resume accordingly. Most importantly, you can expect customization – the writer builds the resume from scratch, adapts for applicant tracking, and sprinkles with strong action verbs.

Our company charges around $100 per resume. At this reasonable amount you receive one-on-one communication with the writer, unlimited edits, and progressive discounts for all-inclusive packages.

Option #3. Resumes that cost from $350+

In fact, the upper price range has no limits. The market is full of extravagant writers charging $1,000 and beyond for a resume. As a rule, award-winning resume writing ‘stars’ work in this niche. But for you as a customer such price may be reasonable if you apply for a C-level position such as CEO, CFO, and more. For mid-level managers, office employees and clerks, it’s barely reasonable to pay through the nose. Lots of resume makers will write a persuasive, keyword-rich, properly formatted and targeted resume for much cheaper.

Corporate job openings attract 250+ resumes, and only 6 applicants get interviewed. A minor investment in resume writing can open a breadth of lucrative opportunities.

What is a reasonable fee for a cover letter?

The situation with a cover letter is similar. Price varies from $15 for dirt cheap resumes to extravagant $500+ documents. Similarly, we recommend that you stick to the average prices to receive quality writing without overpaying for it.

At, not only you can receive a good resume arranged as per your demands, but also a great letter and a LinkedIn online page. By purchasing an all-inclusive package from resume services, you boost your chances for jobs as professionally looking documents show your extreme interest in the role. 45% of recruiters reject resumes without letters – submit one to get considered.

Is professional resume writing service worth the investment?

Not sure if it’s worth it to work with a resume writer at all? If you’ve never hired a resume maker before, there are three main reasons to give it a shot.

  • They know the employers’ expectations. Resume professionals understand how recruiters scan resumes and what information they pay attention to in the first place. Hence, they can adjust your resume accordingly to help you look like an ideal candidate.
  • They save your time. Crafting a resume isn’t an easy and quick process – most likely, you’ll spend long evenings writing, editing and tailoring it. A resume writer will save you long hours and nerves as you’ll get an attention-grabbing resume at no effort.
  • They deliver quality. If you struggle to find the right wording or to frame your accomplishments, a professional can help. Through high-impact, persuasive writing, they will communicate your professional value to the target employers.

If you feel like writing a resume on your own, do give it a shot. But in this case, we strongly recommend that you show it to a resume editor to exclude mistakes. Our writing services offers help of a PhD editor at a highly affordable cost of under $50. This includes fixing mistakes, improving grammar and style, and rearranging the formatting and design.

Not everything in our life goes as planned, but in case with career, you can easily turn the situation in your favor. A prolific writer can get you noticed at the cost less than your day’s income.

Secrets to writing a winning executive resume

Hesitations aside - the competition for executive positions is much stronger than for lower-level ones. As you move higher on the corporate ladder, it gets really tough to get an interview, says a professional resume writer. Let's take a look at the elements of executive resume writing .

First of all, for C-level job seekers, accomplishments should absolutely prevail over job duties. This means showing off your organizationwide impact, such as processes reorganized, costs cut, profits increased, technology implemented, and more. Years of experience matter, but results are your real asset. Example: "Conceptualized and managed 15 Google Ads campaigns with an average ROI of 35%".

Another extremely important piece of advice is to improve your media presence. Check every social page so that it's free from controversial content. As a potential CEO or CFO, you should translate a flawless professional image, including your core values and career interests. An executive résumé writer recommends that you highlight your personal brand everywhere: in employment documents, online profiles, and letters.

And finally, focus on the future, not the past. In your quality resume, focus on how your skills can help this particular organization thrive. If the company is working on expanding your product range, show what kind of strategy you would use to achieve this target, or list similar successes from your work history.

Our in-house professional resume writers can prepare a distinct resume that communicates your value, leadership and impact. CEO job search lasts between 4-8 months, and a strong resume facilitates this process. Moreover, we offer assistance at below average cost and offer free amendments until the resume fully meets your demands.

Affordable professional resume writing for entry-level candidates

Should a graduate get their entry level resume written by resume services? The answer is "yes" for many reasons. Firstly, the beginning marketers, accountants, salespeople, and web developers often lack skills to produce a quality resume that will please the recruiter and the applicant software. Secondly, a professional in resume writing expert can spot errors that the young aspiring professionals could have missed. The writer from resume services can point out the weaknesses and thus help them enter a desired position faster .

For students and graduates with limited income cost is the major consideration. At the same time, it makes no sense to overpay for expensive resume writers. Our website offers to create a quality resume that meets the highest standards. The resume writers offer such benefits as free edits during 2 weeks and refunds in case of non-delivery. Employers scan resumes for 6 seconds only – make sure yours is distinctive.

Selecting resume writer services provider

Given the variety of services and self-employed writers , it’s hard to make an informed choice. To get stellar result for your money, follow the steps below:

  • Do in-depth research. Don’t order immediately from the very first site that popped up in Google. Learn more about the company and the writers, seek testimonials and feedback from previous customers. Consider the pricing policy to ensure the cost is fair.
  • Talk to the writer (or a support rep). Reach out to them to inquire about the process, writer’s qualifications and certifications, and guarantees. If they give you unrealistic promises such as the guarantee of an interview or even a job, it’s better to stay away from them.
  • Understand that it’s a two-way street. The writer does a lion’s share of work on your resume, but he cannot make a quality document without your input. So, be sure to give detailed response to writer’s questions and provide them with breadth of information. Only in this case it's possible to receive a resume that is helpful in your job search.

So, what's your ideal investment in professional resume writing?

Having considered all subtleties and pitfalls of differently priced professional resume services, we suggest that you follow these tips :

  • Never entrust your resume writing to suspiciously cheap or unknown companies or freelancers. In most cases, it results in money wasted and no results for your job search.
  • Count your money when dealing with executive writing experts. Most of them are hugely overpriced as they're owned by resume writing stars. But select carefully - you can find the same level of quality with cheaper companies.
  • Don't overpay for entry-level resumes. They don't require complex research, analysis and personal brand development. An average writer can compose one for you for cheap if you manage to find a good company.
  • Find a highly-qualified resume maker. At, we only staff writers with a university degree and constantly train them in the resume field. As a result, we are confident in the positive outcome for you as a client.

What is the best resume writers service? offers custom resume writing and works hard to help with other career documents and fit your professional needs best. We balance between moderate prices and high quality of writing, and you can choose the right package for your needs. We stick to individual approach, so you can choose a package and deadline that appeal to you. Also, we give a 20% off for your first order – contact us on chat to claim your code.

100% custom resumes, offered at a moderate fee offers customized resumes for 60+ industries. With an extensive team of writers and editors, we can help any professional who is struggling to get interviews for their dream positions. We offer ultimate set of features you won't find anywhere else. Firstly, we let you choose the deadline . If you order the document by tomorrow, we're on it. Secondly, we write resumes from the ground up. Your document will be completely unique, no pre-written text or copy-paste. All rights are transferred to you. And finally, all packages come with money-back guarantee. In case of non-delivery, we'll refund your payment in full.

Our experienced writers can create a powerful resume suitable for each position. However, you may also request a specific resume depending on the job you are applying for, thus it will be tailored individually for your profession:

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Pay after you view the first draft of your new resume.

Rated 4.9 / 5.0 based on 2,148+ reviews

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Basic Package

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Professional resume ​

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✖  Our most experienced writers

✖  60-day interview guarantee

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Standard Package

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✔ Our most experienced writers

✔ 60-day interview guarantee

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A dedicated personal recruiter will manage every aspect of your job search. We'll update your resume and LinkedIn profile, source jobs of interest, apply to those jobs, provide interview preparation, help you negotiate your offer, and more.

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*Prefer to order services individually? We offer the above services a-la-carte.  Click here  to view pricing and get started.

*Are you a returning client? We offer discounts and additional services to returning clients. Click here to view pricing and get started.


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Best Affordable Resume Services

Best Affordable Resume Writing Services 2024

We've compiled a list of the best affordable resume writers. Compare costs and reviews for the top affordable resume writing services.

Lindsay Duston

2024 Winners: Add your badge to your marketing materials.

Hiring a professional to write your resume is one of the best investments you’ll ever make in your career.

That said, this investment doesn’t have to break the bank. 

Affordable and quality resume services do exist.

However, with over 250 resume writing services and 15,000+ resume writers on the internet, finding the best and most affordable ones can be a challenge.

Luckily, we have spent countless hours researching and compiling data on some of the best resume writing services that won’t hurt your wallet.

Our goal was to find resume services that were priced fairly, and fell somewhere in the $100 – $500 range.

Best Affordable Resume Writers

Best resume services under $500.

Find My Profession

How We Choose Winners

Each of the affordable resume services below was reviewed by a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) taking into consideration the following:

The cost of the service compared to other affordable resume writers.

The speed at which the resume is completed.

Overall experience, awards, and certifications.

The design, style, and overall look of the resume.

Guarantees, number of edits, and reviews.

This list was designed to serve all industries and professions. We specifically focused on resume writing services that can write a quality resume for under $500. 

Average Affordable Resume Cost

Top affordable resume writing services.

Find My Profession

Find My Profession

Find My Profession is much more than a resume writing service. They are a global career services company whose work has been featured on sites like Forbes, Inc., Zety, Fast Company, and more.

With their team of elite resume writers who have experience in over 85 industries and professions, they can match you with a writer who understands your unique background and experience. Additionally, every resume comes with a one-on-one phone consultation with your writer.

Find My Profession has an impressive track record of successfully landing clients jobs at top companies such as Apple, Amazon, EA, Oracle, GM, Facebook, DoJ, Morgan Stanley, and Tesla.

Their 900+ 5-star reviews speak to their commitment to delivering high-quality service. They also offer a 60-day interview guarantee and ensure that every resume created is Applicant Tracking System (ATS) compatible and highly customized to meet your specific needs.

You will work one-on-one with an elite and certified resume writer based in the U.S. Find My Profession is committed to ensuring that every client is 100% satisfied with their resume, which is why they do not limit the number of edits or time spent working with your writer.

Find My Profession is a virtual company allowing them to provide services worldwide. While they do not have a physical office for in-person visits, they ensure direct communication with your writer through email and phone calls.

4.9/5 based on 521 Trustpilot reviews 4.9/5 based on 319 Sitejabber reviews 4.9/5 based on 151 Google reviews 5/5 based on 52 Facebook reviews

3 – 5 business days (can expedite to 2 business days)

(831) 888-0967 or [email protected]

Check out some of our 5-star reviews:

Resume & linkedin profile, terrific experience, exceptional resume, findmyprofession helped me, excellent job, 10/10 service & experience, highly recommend, incredible work.


ResumeZest is trusted by professionals from companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Oracle, GE, Adobe, Uber, and Facebook. Their resume writing team has written resumes for more than 75 industries. A 60-day interview guarantee backs up every resume they write. Each resume is also ATS compliant and keyword-optimized.

ResumeZest is a very well-rounded company. They offer affordable pricing and quick turnaround times. You will work with a high-quality, certified writer and receive excellent customer service. They are also members of the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARW/CC).

ResumeZest is one of the newer companies on this list. While they do a great job and their writers have many years of experience, the company was only founded in 2020.

4.8/5 based on 175 Trustpilot reviews 4.8/5 based on 93 Google reviews 4.9/5 based on 91 Sitejabber reviews 5/5 based on 12 Facebook reviews 5/5 based on 4 Yelp reviews

(888) 530-4911 or [email protected]

Best Companies That Help You Find a Job

Need Help With Your Job Search?

Did you know there are companies you can hire to help with your job search? Whether you need resume help or want someone to apply to jobs for you, we’ve reviewed the 20 best companies to help you find a job.

TopStack Resume

TopStack Resume

TopStack Resume is a subsidiary of SJM Ventures. The company was created by Steve Marcum in 2018. But Steve had already been writing resumes since 2010. He works alongside a team of experienced US-based resume writers. Together, they’ve written over 15,000 resumes since the company’s inception.

Unlike other resume services, TopStack Resume employs a “pay-after” approach. This means that you only pay for your new resume after you’ve reviewed and are satisfied with the first draft. The agency’s writers are also Certified Professional Resume Writers and Certified Resume Specialists.

They explain that they receive a large number of orders, which can result in delays and lack of availability. So, if you have an urgent deadline to meet, this service may not be for you. Also, you have to pay an extra fee if you want to communicate with your resume writer via phone.

4.9/5 based on 1,755 Trustpilot reviews 4.3/5 based on 64 Sitejabber reviews 2/5 based on 8 BBB reviews

1 – 2 weeks (can expedite to 2 – 4 days)

(800) 568-7708 or [email protected]



ResumeSpice specializes in career development. Created in 2016 by top recruiters Marsha Murray and Keith Wolf, they are certified members of the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARW/CC). Their services include resume writing, career coaching, job searches, and more.

The ResumeSpice founders run one of the best recruiting firms in America. This means they know exactly how to create compelling resumes that will sustain the attention of a recruiting manager. You also get a 60-day interview guarantee.

You cannot make more than two rounds of edits if you’re not satisfied with the resume they create for you. Additionally, although they offer affordable services, ResumeSpice doesn’t cater to professionals looking for federal or military-to-civilian resumes.

4.9/5 based on 1,381 Trustpilot reviews 4.9/5 based on 95 Google reviews 5/5 based on 24 Facebook reviews 4.2/5 based on 6 Yelp reviews 3/5 based on 2 BBB reviews 5/5 based on 1 Yellow Pages review

2 business days

(832) 930-7378 or [email protected]

Lets Eat Grandma

Let’s Eat, Grandma

Let’s Eat, Grandma was founded by brothers, Chris and Matt Vil lanu eva. Chris is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with 8+ years of resume writing experience. Almost every member of their resume writing team has at least five years of experience. The company has written thousands of resumes since their inception in 2014.

Let’s Eat, Grandma caters to job seekers who are unsure of their needs. To do this, they offer a free review of your resume to help figure out what it needs. The Balance Careers has named them “Best Resume Writing Service of 2021.”

The turnaround period of up to 10 days is longer than average. You will need to contact the service to see if expedited delivery is currently available. Also, Let’s Eat, Grandma does not offer an interview guarantee for their services.

4.9/5 based on 294 Trustpilot reviews 4.9/5 based on 108 Google reviews 4.6/5 based on 30 Facebook reviews 2.8/5 based on 10 Yelp reviews

[email protected]

Empire Resume

Empire Resume Career Services

Empire Resume was established in 2011 by Dr. Phillip Steven Gold. Dr. Phillip creates astounding resumes for professionals of all career levels. The company boasts a team of Certified Professional Resume Writers (CPRW). They have also helped thousands of clients secure fulfilling and meaningful employment.

Empire Resume’s writing services come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you do not get an interview with your new resume within 30 days, their writers will revise the resume for free. If you still don’t get an interview 30 days after the revision, they’ll revise the resume again.

Their website does not provide any information about any members of their resume writing team. Empire Resume’s website also does not feature any resume samples for you to assess.

5/5 based on 207 Google reviews 5/5 based on 86 Bark reviews 5/5 based on 11 Facebook reviews 4.7/5 based on 3 Yelp reviews

3 business days

(801) 690-4085 or [email protected]

Resume Writing Services

Is Your Resume Working Properly?

If you are having trouble landing interviews, it might be time to hire a professional resume writer. Check out our #1 pick for the best resume writing service.

Resume Writer Direct

Resume Writer Direct

Resume Writer Direct has been writing resumes since 2011. They are owned and operated by Sonaga Tech Limited. Their team members have 15+ years of recruiting and HR experience and they have helped more than 5,417 people land more interviews and get hired faster due to their services.

Most of their resume writers have recruiting backgrounds. They employ this knowledge and experience to create resumes that would grab a recruiter’s attention. Additionally, you can view the details of their various resume writers on their website. They also offer a “rewrite or money back” guarantee.

The writers at Resume Writer Direct do not seem to have any resume writing certifications. In addition, you cannot collaborate directly with your resume writer in-person. So, the company may not be a good fit if you prefer old-school face-to-face discussions.

4/5 based on 67 Google reviews 2.2/5 based on 28 Trustpilot reviews 3.8/5 based on 27 Facebook reviews 4.7/5 based on 24 Sitejabber reviews 1/5 based on 8 Yelp reviews

3 business days (can expedite to 24 hours)

(866) 706-0973 or [email protected]


TopResume was founded by CEO Jeff Berger in 2014. Their team of resume writers has reviewed millions of resumes and helped 300,000+ professionals land an increased number of interviews and get hired more quickly. They also offer a free resume critique to get feedback on your current resume.

TopResume is the largest resume writing service in the world by volume. They have a ton of experience writing resumes for all career types, levels, and industries. They also offer a 60-day guarantee. This means they’ll rewrite your resume for free if you do not get two times more job interviews within 60 days.

Their turnaround time of seven business days is slightly longer than the average service. In addition, with a team of over 1,000 resume writers, it’s impossible to know who you will be working with. Also, there is little to no public information available about the majority of their writers.

4.1/5 based on 12,832 Trustpilot reviews 4.2/5 based on 5,342 Sitejabber reviews

7 business days

(800) 604-1929 or [email protected]

Resume Writing Group

Resume Writing Group has been in the resume writing biz since 2003. They have landed jobs for over 125,000 clients at top companies including Google, Apple, Sotheby, and more. They are also members of the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC).

Resume Writing Group offers a customer-centric service. This means that if you do not get a job within 45 days of using their service, they will give you a full refund along with an additional $100 as compensation. In addition, their website features several resume samples for you to view.

For a company that boasts of having more than 125,000 clients, they do not have a lot of online reviews. Apart from being members of professional bodies, we could not find any industry-recognized resume writing certifications. Also, details about their resume writing team members are not provided.

4.3/5 based on 189 Google reviews 4.5/5 based on 102 Trustpilot reviews 4.8/5 based on 39 Sitejabber reviews

2 – 3 business days (can expedite to 1 – 2 days)

(800) 509-2729

Resume Professional Writers

Resume Professional Writers

Resume Professional Writers renders interview-winning resume services out of Torrance, CA. Since 2000, they have helped more than one million clients secure jobs at Fortune 1000 companies such as Amazon, Verizon, Boeing, and the like. Their career services also include CV and LinkedIn profile writing.

Resume Professional Writers has written more than 100,000 resumes since inception. Their services come with a 60-day interview guarantee. You’ll also find resume samples from various industries on their website.

While they have years of writing experience going for them, there are no mentions of any resume writing certifications. Their website also does not provide any specific information about their resume writers.

4.6/5 based on 331 Trustpilot reviews 4.4/5 based on 160 Facebook reviews 1.5/5 based on 47 Yelp reviews 4.3/5 based on 33 Google reviews 4.1/5 based on 8 Sitejabber reviews

1 – 5 business days

(800) 845-0586

The Job Sauce

The Job Sauce

The Job Sauce is owned by Scott Swedberg and Eric Fettner. They are a career development service that provide resume writing and career coaching services to career professionals. Since they started out in 2014, the company has helped over 10,000 career professionals advance to the next stage of their careers.

You can request to work with a specific resume writer, if you have worked with them in the past. Their service includes a career consultation call with your resume writer. You also get several rounds of edits if you’re not satisfied with your initial resume draft.

The Job Sauce does not provide interview guarantees for their resume services. There are no resume samples on the website for you to assess. Also, the website does not provide much information on their network of resume writers.

4.6/5 based on 348 Trustpilot reviews 3.5/5 based on 26 Facebook reviews 4.3/5 based on 16 Google reviews

4 – 7 business days

(847) 999-7225


ZipJob is the brainchild of Michael Krikheli and Jeff Macks. They created the company in 2017 to help job seekers get past the notorious ATS. They are now owned by Talent Inc., the same company that owns TopResume. Today, the two resume companies employ the same styles, software, and resume writers.

ZipJob has helped over 100,000 job seekers secure new jobs. Their writers are Certified Professional Resume Writers and Academy Certified Resume Writers. Their writers have backgrounds in different career industries and you can easily get information on your resume writer from the company’s website.

Communication with your resume writer via phone is an add-on service that you have to pay for. Their major selling point is how their resumes are ATS-compliant, but nearly every other resume service today also provides this service. They do not also mention the turnaround time for their resume services.

3/5 based on 1,124 Trustpilot reviews 3.9/5 based on 227 Sitejabber reviews 1/5 based on 5 Yelp reviews 1/5 based on 4 Google reviews

(888) 944-9929 or [email protected]

Free Resume Writing Options

That’s right. Believe it or not, there are a handful of completely free resume writing options.

  • The first option would be to write your resume by yourself. While this option may not be the most convenient, it won’t cost you anything but time. We have compiled a comprehensive article (with pictures) showing you how to write a resume from start to finish. Get started writing your own resume .
  • The second option would be to use an online resume builder. These resume builders will still require a bit of time invested, but many of them are completely free, while others cost just a few dollars. Check out the best online resume builders .
  • Free resume review sites are also great resources to utilize. They won’t rewrite your resume for free, but they will provide you with some actionable feedback to improve your current resume. Check out our guide with detailed reviews on the best free resume review sites .
  • Lastly, if you are a student or recent alumni, check with your university to see if they offer resume writing services. Many college campuses have career services that would be happy to help write your resume for free.

Key Takeaways

Finding an affordable and high-quality resume writing service can be a game-changer for job seekers looking to improve their chances of landing their dream job.

By investing in a reputable resume writing service, job seekers can save time and effort while ensuring that their resumes are tailored to their career goals and stand out to potential employers.

Find My Profession provides resume writing services that balance high quality and affordability. Our resume services cater to job seekers of all levels, from entry-level to C-level, in over 85 different industries.

Contact us today to see how we can help you land your next job!

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I Hate My Job. What Should I Do?

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Blog Resume Help Resume Writing Services

The 14 Best Professional Resume Writing Services for 2024

Writing the perfect resume can be challenging and time consuming. That’s where professional resume writing services come in.

cv writing service cost

As featured in *

1. ResumeGo

2. Let’s Eat, Grandma

4. The Muse

5. topresume, 7., 8., 9. resumesplanet, 10. resumeble, 12. craft resumes, 13. topstack resume, 14. resumespice.

Resume writing services speed up your job search by transforming your work history into a compelling narrative that grabs hiring managers’ attention and increases your chances of landing an interview.

With hundreds of resume writing services and online resume builders out there, it can be difficult to know who to trust. To help you narrow down your search, we’ve reviewed 14 of the top online resume writers and services, taking note of details like affordability, quality, customer service, and template design.

cv writing service cost

Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you.

A picture of resume writing service ResumeGo's logo

Founded in 2015, ResumeGo has been operating a reputable, high quality resume writing service for nearly a decade. In that time, they’ve been able to assemble a strong team of experienced resume writers from around the United States.

ResumeGo promises to help customers write resumes that are industry-specific and keyword optimized. They offer one-on-one consultations and unlimited revisions to ensure that you have a resume you’re happy with.

Ranging from $360 for their professional resume writing package to $600 for an executive-level application, ResumeGo is a bit more expensive than some competitors, but we feel the price is justified by the quality of their work. They also offer a free 15-minute consultation with one of their writers so you can learn more about how they would improve your resume.

Verdict: ResumeGo offers excellent service and a team of seasoned resume writers. They’re a great choice for any experienced professional or executive looking to optimize their resume.

  • Money back guarantee
  • Responsive customer support
  • Experienced team of writers
  • Limited product offerings
  • Slightly more expensive than competitors

2. Let’s Eat, Grandma

An image of resume writer service Let's Eat, Grandma's logo

The uniquely named Let’s Eat, Grandma provides both free career advice and premium resume writing services.

The quality of Let’s Eat, Grandma’s customer service is exceptionally high. Their pre-consultation survey is thorough, giving their writers a clear picture of your work experience and skills, and their writers are professional and detail-oriented.

However, their most basic packages start at $439, and go up to $889 for premium services, making Let’s Eat, Grandma a bit expensive for some job seekers.

Verdict: Let’s Eat, Grandma offers a high-quality, tailored product. While it’s more expensive than many competitors, we believe that the quality justifies its higher price.

  • Thorough consultation
  • Professional end product
  • Only offers 2 revisions

An example of Monster's logo

Popular job board Monster offers a variety of affordable professional resume writing services for users on their website.

We found their writers to be fast, responsive, and skilled at writing a competitive resume. In particular, the resume we commissioned was optimized well for ATS software, and had an expertly written work experience section .

The one criticism we have of Monster’s service is that the resume design their writer chose was too generic. If you’re looking for a more unique resume that stands out from the competition, Monster may not be the best choice for you.

Monster’s resume services start at $149 for a basic resume and go up to $349 for a premium package. This makes them an affordable option for anyone looking for a basic resume revision.

Verdict: Overall, Monster boasts a reliable resume writing service that’s both affordable and high quality.

  • Above average resume writers
  • Generic resume design choices

An image of The Muse's logo

Primarily known for its excellent career advice blog, The Muse also provides a slate of resume review and editing services.

Their most basic package is $139, and includes a half hour call with one of their resume writers, plus an updated resume. This makes The Muse one of the best priced options out of all the services we found. However, their premium package, which includes unlimited revisions for 2 weeks, is a bit steeper at $549.

Additionally, we thought their consultation was helpful given the limited timeframe, and the edits their writer made were insightful and valuable. In particular, their suggestions to our resume introduction were great, and showed an attention to detail that some other resume services lacked.

Verdict: The Muse offers great value, providing a high-quality resume at just $139. This makes it an ideal choice for recent graduates or any job seeker on a budget.

  • Provide limited edits
  • No satisfaction guarantee

An image of TopResume's logo, a popular resume writing service

As one of the most popular online resume writing services today, TopResume has a large staff of experienced writers from around the U.S. They offer a variety of great resume editing packages, and most of them are targeted at mid to high-level professionals.

The thing that stood out to us about TopResume’s service was their free resume review. Within 48 hours, they provide a straightforward, honest evaluation of your resume and offer tips on what you need to fix.

Additionally, TopResume’s writers excel when it comes to optimizing your application for resume keywords . When we tried their service, we found that they were efficient at finding valuable keywords to include.

Their resume writing packages range from $149 to $349, with the option of a monthly payment plan.

Verdict: TopResume is a good mid-budget option for job seekers who already have work experience. Their writers were professional, and we appreciated their focus on keyword optimization.

  • Emphasis on including industry keywords
  • Free in-depth resume review
  • Will rewrite your resume if you don’t get an interview within 60 days
  • Product is lower quality than some competitors

A picture of Zipjob's logo, which offers a professional resume writing service

Founded in 2016, Zipjob is newer than its competitors but still offers a solid professional resume service.

Like TopResume, Zipjob excels with its strong customer service policy. According to their website, if they write a resume for you and you don’t receive an interview within 60 days, they guarantee a free rewrite. While other resume writing services offer money back guarantees, only TopResume and Zipjob extend them as far as 60 days.

Additionally, Zipjob uses ATS software to scan your resume before they send it back to you, ensuring that your application has no trouble getting processed when submitting your resume to employers.

Starting at $139, Zipjob is also highly affordable compared to other professional resume services, making it a good option for anyone on a budget. Their premium services are also more affordable than most competitors — for $299 you’ll also get a cover letter, a LinkedIn profile update, and expedited delivery.

Verdict: Between its affordability and impressive 60-day interview guarantee, Zipjob is a good option for job seekers on a budget . However, their resume edit is lackluster compared to some of its competitors.

  • 60 day interview guarantee
  • Free ATS check
  • End product is lower quality than competitors

One of the best resume writing services in 2022

Featuring a slick, easy-to-use website, the aptly named is smaller than some of its more established competitors, but still has a skilled team of experienced resume writers lined up and ready to help job seekers.

What impressed us most about was the quality of their writers.

The consultation was very thorough, and we found their writers to be both experienced and passionate about helping people get hired in today’s job market. Not only that, but offers unlimited calls with their resume writers, which is a nice touch and helps set them apart.

However,’s product offerings are limited. They only have one resume writing package, which starts at $270, with a handful of optional add-ons like a LinkedIn profile review and interview coaching.

Verdict: is a good option for mid-level job seekers who are willing to pay extra for a thorough consultation and a high quality product. Their writers are highly professional and in-touch with the modern job market.

  • High quality resume writers
  • Unlimited calls and revisions
  • Less affordable than competitors

An image showing's logo

In business for over two decades, has a lot of experience helping clients adapt to the job market and put together competitive job applications.

What immediately stood out to us about their service was how comprehensive their offerings were. Unlike most of their competitors, who provide a few generic resume writing packages, has a whole slate of situation and industry-specific resume writing services available, whether it’s for military-to-civilian job seekers or students writing an academic CV .

Our only complaint is that only provides email consultations, so if you’re interested in having a more personalized, one-on-one experience in the form of a call or video chat, you may want to choose a different service.’s packages range from $169.95 for students to $299.95 for an executive-level resume, which is reasonable but slightly less affordable than some competitors.

Verdict: provides a wide range of situation-specific resume writing services, making them a great choice for niche job seekers.

  • Comprehensive list of situation-specific resume services
  • High quality writers
  • Only provide email consultations
  • Not as affordable as competitors

An example of ResumesPlanet's logo

While they’re smaller than some of their competitors, ResumesPlanet still has over 200 certified writers with experience in more than 40 industries.

We were impressed by the variety of services offered , particularly the specific packages for job seekers in the tech industry.

The edited resume we received from them was more than satisfactory. For instance, we thought the resume summary their writer put together for us effectively highlighted our candidate’s experience and skill set, and the resume featured a nice balance of hard and soft skills .

However, one thing we didn’t like was that ResumesPlanet’s consultation is done exclusively through their on-site messaging system, which felt impersonal. If you prefer to have a personalized call with your resume writer, you’re better off looking elsewhere.

ResumesPlanet’s services start at $109 for just a basic resume, and go up to $325 for an expedited full package. This makes them one of the most affordable options available online.

Verdict: ResumesPlanet offers competitive resume writing services at an affordable price. However, the consultation process left much to be desired.

  • Highly affordable
  • Variety of industry-specific services available
  • Free revisions
  • Only provide consultations via their website messaging service

The logo of Resumeble, one of the best online resume writing services

With a dedicated team of professional resume writers, Resumeble is one of the smaller resume writing services on the market. However, that doesn’t mean their end product is any less impressive than the competition.

With a solid 4.6 star rating and 270 reviews on Trustpilot, customers are overwhelmingly happy with the service they’ve received from Resumeble.

Resumeble offers a variety of resume, CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile writing services. Like some of the other services on this list, Resumeble also guarantees that you’ll receive an interview call back within 60 days, or they’ll rewrite your resume for free.

Resumble’s resume writing services start at $157, and include a cover letter and an interview how-to manual. This makes them one of the best package deals available online.

Verdict: Resumeble provides a variety of high-quality resume writing packages at a reasonable price.

  • Affordable package deals
  • Less established than other websites

An image of Indeed's logo, a website that provides one of the top resume writing services

One of the best job search boards in the world, Indeed has been helping job seekers for decades. Indeed also provides a competitive resume writing service.

Their writing service includes a review of your current resume and promises a 2-5 day delivery time.

Additionally, Indeed guarantees that if you don’t receive an interview call-back within 60 days, they’ll do a free re-write of your resume.

Priced at $155, Indeed’s resume writing service is affordable but ultimately isn’t the best value-for-money out of all the websites we reviewed.

Verdict: Indeed provides a basic, affordable resume writing service. However, aside from their reputation there’s nothing about Indeed’s service that sets them apart from other resume writing services.

  • 20 minute live consultation
  • Service is basic

Craft Resumes offers four pricing tiers, starting at $229 for a basic resume rewrite and going up to $499.99 for a full package that includes a cover letter, LinkedIn profile makeover, and career coaching.

While the pricing is on the higher end compared to some of its competitors, Craft Resumes offers unlimited revisions even at the lowest pricing tier, making it a good choice for job seekers who want to perfect every detail of their resume.

Overall, the service provides good value across all tiers. The promise of a dedicated writer and unlimited revisions across all packages shows a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Verdict: This service is well-suited for serious job seekers who view their application materials as an investment in their career advancement.

  • Unlimited revisions
  • 60-day interview guarantee

A relative newcomer to the resume writing scene, TopStack Resume is a reputable resume writing service with a 4.8 rating on Trustpilot.

Their unique “pay-after” model allows clients to review and approve their resume before paying, which shows that they’re confident in the quality of their services.

TopStack Resume offers a range of packages to suit different needs and budgets. You can get a basic resume rewrite for $139 or a resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile package for $279. Their team consists of U.S.-based writers with resume writing certifications and industry experience.

However, potential drawbacks include longer-than-average turnaround times and the inability to choose a specific writer. Also, some features included in the basic packages of competitor services, like phone consultations and interview guarantees, are limited to the higher-tier packages.

Verdict: Overall, TopStack Resume is a solid option for job seekers who appreciate the flexibility of the pay-after model and are not in a rush to receive their documents.

ResumeSpice offers a range of career services, including resume writing, cover letters, and LinkedIn profile optimization.

They offer three tiered packages based on career level, with prices ranging from $479 for an entry-level resume to $699 for an executive-level resume. While their prices are higher than average, their packages include phone consultations, a 60-day interview guarantee, and a quick turnaround time of just two business days.

Their resumes show clear job targeting and keyword optimization, but lack visual appeal and could benefit from more engaging content. There’s also a limit of two rounds of revisions, which may make the service not worth the cost for some job seekers.

Verdict: ResumeSpice is ideal for job seekers who need a quick turnaround time and don’t mind the higher price point.

  • Quick turnaround
  • Only two rounds of revisions

Headshot of Lauren Mastroni, staff writer at Resume Genius

Lauren Mastroni

Digital Content Writer

Lauren Mastroni is a Digital Content Writer dedicated to crafting engaging content and providing actionable advice that empowers people in their job searches. An enthusiastic contributor to the Resume Genius team, Lauren has a passion for developing valuable resources for job seekers. Lauren holds an M.S. in Psychology from University of Derby and currently lives in Taipei, Taiwan. She enjoys learning all she can about the career space, and is committed to helping job seekers of all experience levels navigate the job hunt and advance their careers. You can reach Lauren at [email protected].

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Resume Writing Services

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How Much Do Resume Writing Services Cost?

how much should a resume writing service cost

One of the worst mistakes job seekers can make is underestimating the importance of their resume. It’s central to everyone’s ability to build a successful career and pay bills. You can’t hope to get a well-paying job without a good resume, which means no financial security. How much resume writing services cost is nothing compared to the payoff.

A lot of job seekers also believe that writing s resume is easy. They spend an hour or so updating their decade-old resume and think they’re ready to apply for jobs. But that’s a losing strategy.

Such an approach doesn’t take Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) into account. And seeing as the majority of top companies use this technology to filter job applications, neglecting it isn’t something that candidates can afford.

There are many more reasons why hiring a resume writer is critical for maximizing one’s job opportunities. And luckily, it’s not even that expensive—you can get a professionally written resume for a very affordable price.

How Much Should a Resume Writing Service Cost?

The range of prices is extensive. How much resume writing services cost depends on the provider and the level of service you require. You can expect to pay as low as $50 to over $1,000.

Remember that a well-crafted resume can help you get your dream company to employ you. So, while it may seem like a lot of money to pay in times of limited job security, the potential benefits of a great resume are worth the cost.

Why Skillhub Is the Best Resume Writing Service?

If you don’t want to spend too much time researching the market of resume writing services, trust our expertise and go with Skillhub. We’re one of the leaders in the industry, and our writers will maximize your chances of getting employed. Here are a few reasons why Skillhub is worth your attention:

  • We have all the required certifications and a large team of writers competent across various industries.
  • Given the high quality of our services, our prices are more than affordable.
  • We have a friendly and reliable support team happy to help our clients anytime.
  • Skillhub is very easy to use.

Cost of Resume Writing Service

Interested in the cost of resume writing service providers? We’ve got you covered. First, you need to know that a lot of factors affect the price, such as the status of the service in the market, the qualification and work experiences of the writer, the client’s seniority level, how in demand the company they’d like to become an employee at is, and more.

But we’ve thoroughly researched the market and done our best to offer you a detailed explanation of the range of prices for resume services. This article will help you ensure that the service you’re considering isn’t overcharging its clients.

Cost from $400 to $1000+

There are quite a few services that charge $400 and up. Such a rate is more common for senior- and C-level resumes, but not always. If you’re willing to cash out, you can go with the resume writing price of $1000 (or even higher).

Keep in mind, though, that the price isn’t always evidence of quality. The most expensive service isn’t necessarily the most competent one. You can get a resume to help you land your dream job for less money.

Still, here are a few pricey services to consider:

  • Great Resumes Fast;
  • iCareer Solutions;
  • Scientech Resumes;
  • Exclusive Executive Resumes;
  • Find My Profession.

Cost between $100 and $400

This is a much more standard price range in the resume-writing market. Many great services deliver top-notch resumes that meet all clients’ demands for just a little over $100. Some of them, including Skillhub, are among the industry's leaders.

So don’t let the price fool you. A service can have professional writers (with all the necessary training and credentials) and deliver job-winning resumes in a matter of hours while remaining perfectly affordable.

Here are a few great options:

  • Resumes for You;
  • Resume Prime;
  • Capstone Resumes.

Free Resume Writing Services

There aren’t traditional free resume writing services. Even the most naive applicant can’t expect a professional writer with years of relevant work experiences to prepare an entire job application for them free of charge.

That being said, there are a lot of fantastic (and completely free) resources that can help you write a resume yourself. Some offer resume writing advice or templates; others give job seekers a chance to have their resume checked automatically for a surface-level analysis.

If you’d like to get some assistance with your resume without paying, consider these resources:

  • Thebalancecareer;
  • Resume Worded;

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How Much Does a Resume Writing Service Cost?

Experts engage in heated debates when it comes to the question of resume writing services cost. Some believe affordability is key to equal opportunity (since a professionally written resume increases candidates’ chances by over 30%). Others disagree and argue that even a resume a job seeker has written themselves can land an interview.

As is the case with basically any industry, the resume-writing market regulates itself. Someone willing to pay over $1000 for a resume can do so. A more frugal job seeker can find a professional writer who charges only $100. But the “fair” price is probably between $100 and $300.

Average Costs for Resume Writing

The average cost for resume writing services is between $200 and $400. The number depends on such factors as the writer’s skills, the job seeker’s seniority level, the employers and positions they’d like to apply for, and so on.

Still, this is the price range for which most individuals seeking professional resume help aim. And it’s also where the majority of services fall. So if you’d like to get a well-written resume that will meet all of your requirements without costing a fortune, go with the market average and consider one of these services:

Entry-Level Resume Service Costs

One’s seniority level is among the key things that affect how much the services of a professional resume writer cost them. That’s perfectly understandable. Someone at the C level of their career has more accomplishments and work experience, and they’re also counting on a much higher salary. Their resumes also tend to be longer.

On the contrary, an entry-level professional (in any career field) can get a much cheaper resume. If you’re just starting your career journey, consider one of the more affordable services, such as:

  • Career Perfect;

Mid-Level Resume Service Costs

The average resume writer cost increases with the client’s seniority level. If an entry-level employee can get a well-written resume for a little over $100, a middle-level worker should expect to pay between $300 and $500 (or more). Their resume includes more data, and they can also afford to pay more.

So if you’ve been in the job market for a while and have achieved quite a lot, it makes sense for you to hire one of the more expensive services. They include:

  • Let’s Eat, Grandma;
  • Quality Resume Services;
  • Resume Right;
  • Written By A Pro;
  • ResumeZest.

Senior-Executive Resume Service Costs

Finally, a senior-level resume takes the most time and effort to write, reflected in the price. If you’ve reached the heights of your career and have a lot of accomplishments to impress any recruiter with, you’ll need to hire a writer for a senior-level resume.

Those are much more expensive than entry- and even middle-level resumes. You can expect to pay up to and even over $1000. But the end resume is typically worth it.

When it comes to resume services, the best options for a senior-level job seeker are:

  • Executive Resume Writer;
  • Get Hired Stay Hired;
  • Resume Pilots;
  • The Writing Guru.

Top 3 Tips for Choosing a Resume Writing Service

No matter your career field and seniority level, choosing the best resume writing service to get you happily employed can be challenging. There are many pros and cons to weigh and factors to consider.

To help you avoid choice overload and make a carefully thought-out decision when choosing a resume writer, here are the three key tips:

  • Pay attention to the certifications that the service and writer have.
  • Don’t neglect to check other clients’ reviews and testimonials.
  • Always ensure that the service you’re considering offers all the necessary guarantees.

If you do, you should be fine, no matter which service you trust.

Research for Service with Certified Resume Writers

You wouldn’t entrust your health to a doctor without a license, right? The same should be the rule in the resume-writing industry. Always choose a certified resume writer, even if this means that their services cost a little more than those of an unlicensed freelance.

There are a lot of relevant certifications in the resume writing market. The bare minimum every job seeker who’d like to invest in their career growth should expect are the Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and the Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC). But shy’s the limit. Some services, including Skillhub, have numerous relevant certifications, including the MRW, CARW, RWA, and ACCS (among others).

Check Reviews and Testimonials

No matter how appealing the website looks and the pricing is, never trust a resume writer before you’ve read their previous clients’ reviews and stories. The number one reason why a professional resume service is a good investment is that it helps a job seeker land a good job and negotiate a high salary.

But you’ll only reach this goal if you hire a reliable service. The resume service cost isn’t the only information you should consider. Look through other people’s reviews—and you’ll instantly know whether or not the writer is with your trust and money.

Check Resume Guarantees

Once you’ve looked through the reviews and decided that you’re happy with them, check the list of resume guarantees the service offers. If there’s none, you’re better off with a different writer. A service that doesn’t promise to increase your chances of landing good jobs isn’t trustworthy.

At the very least, make sure that the service you’ve selected guarantees the following:

  • An interview guarantee within a specified time frame (for example, a 4-week interview guarantee);
  • A money-back guarantee;
  • Unlimited revisions.

Otherwise, you risk ending up with a poorly written resume with zero chances of getting your money (and missed job opportunities) back.

Consider Resume Packages

One more recommendation can help you find a way around the range of prices in the resume writing market and get the best result for your money. Many resume services offer “packages,” fixed-priced deals that include a few extra features on top of a professionally written resume.

For example, Skillhub has three packages: Basic, Standard, and Premium. If you choose the Standard one (with a starting price of only $124), you’ll get a resume and a cover letter on top of all the guarantees. As almost any recruiter expects to see a cover letter in your job application, it’s a good investment.

Key Takeaway

Ultimately, there’s no uniform answer to the question, “how much do resume writing services cost?” As discussed, a lot depends on the industry, positions, what the service offers, and so on. The range of prices for resume services is extensive, which is clear from the varying averages for different seniority levels.

It’s all about setting the criteria that match your unique needs and demands. For example, one of the most significant benefits of Skillhub is that it’s highly competent and affordable. You can get a perfectly-written resume that’ll convenience your dream company to recruit you without breaking the bank.

Top resume services like Let’s Eat Grandma, ResumeZest, and ResumeGo have competent writers to help you fulfill your career dreams. But they’re less affordable, which is often a problem for candidates, especially those beginning their professional journeys.

Most importantly, remember that, despite the guarantees, a professionally written resume doesn’t mean you’ll land your dream job. A lot depends on the interview, salary expectations, and other factors. So it’s up to you to decide how much you will pay to perfect your resume.

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Professional CV writing service cost in 2024

10 min read · Updated on April 17, 2024

Laura Slingo

Get the answers to common CV writer cost queries

In today's competitive job market, a professionally written CV can be the key to unlocking career opportunities. But how much does it cost to enlist the help of a CV writing service, and is it worth the investment?

Read on to delve into the world of CV writing services in the UK, and explore the costs, benefits, and factors to consider when choosing the right service for your needs.

How much does a CV writing service cost?

A CV writing service costs between £50 and £250 on average. The price will depend on the package selected and the specific services included in each package. 

For example, entry-level services may be on the lower end of the spectrum, while executive-level services with extensive customisation or details from niche industries may be on the higher end or even exceed the average CV writer costs.

The differences between a CV writing service and a CV writer

A CV writing service typically encompasses a team or company that offers professional CV writing services. They may employ several CV writers, who can be either full-time employees or freelancers, along with support staff, marketing teams, sales teams, and more.

The costs associated with a CV writing service often reflect the overhead expenses and the expertise and quality assurance provided by the company.

A CV writer , on the other hand, specialises in CV writing. They can work independently, be part of a CV writing service, or do both. The cost of a freelance CV writer can vary depending on their experience level, expertise, and reputation in the field.

What does a professional CV writing service offer?

Professional CV writing services typically offer different types of packages. Sometimes, the more expensive the package, the more services you purchase. Other times, there may be a dearer cost associated with the requirements of a CV, such as for an executive-level CV or a CV for a niche industry.

TopCV, for example, has three CV-writing packages . To summarise:

Professional Growth package: An expertly written and keyword-optimised CV for £99

Career Evolution package: Everything you need to apply to jobs, including a CV and a cover letter, for £129

Career Confidence package: CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile created by an executive writer for £219

As expected, the starting price is modest and increases with additional deliverables and expertise.

How does the CV-writing process work?

The package includes a concise yet tailored experience to ensure the CV writer has everything they need to craft a polished CV that showcases your strengths and maximises your job search potential.

We can summarise the process in six simple steps:

1. Initial consultation and information gathering

First, submit your existing CV or provide detailed information about your career history, skills, qualifications, achievements, and goals. You may also need to complete any additional intake forms or questionnaires provided by the CV writing service to ensure all relevant information is captured.

2. Collaboration and strategy development

Next, the CV writing service will assign you to a CV writer who's most compatible with your industry and career aims. Expect an in-depth discussion or consultation session to clarify your career objectives and target roles. 

You'll then work together to develop a strategic approach for crafting your CV that effectively highlights your strengths and aligns with your career aspirations.

3. CV development and drafting

The CV writer will begin drafting your CV based on the information gathered and the agreed strategy. They'll use their expertise to organise and present your career history and achievements clearly and compellingly. They'll also incorporate industry-specific keywords and optimise your CV for ATS compatibility , ensuring it stands out to potential employers.

4. Iterative review and feedback

You'll then receive a draft version of your CV for review and feedback. You should provide constructive feedback to the writer, identifying any areas for improvement or additional information that should be included. Note that you'll likely have to supply your revisions within a set number of days.

5. Refinement and revision

The CV writer will refine and revise the draft based on your feedback. 

6. Finalisation and delivery

Once revisions are complete and you are satisfied with the final version, the CV writer finalises the document. You'll receive the completed CV in various file formats , ready for submission to prospective employers. 

Factors that influence CV writing service costs

TopCV is one of many CV writing services, and while there is a ballpark cost for writing a CV, the price tag will vary. Here are a few factors that influence CV writing costs:

Experience and education level of the CV writer

The experience and education level of the CV writer play a significant role in determining the cost of CV writing services. You would expect a higher salary as you move up the career ladder because of your high levels of expertise, and so would a CV writer. 

Highly experienced CV writers have advanced certificates and a higher track record of success. Therefore, it makes sense to expect to pay more for the services of a seasoned CV writer with proven experience writing CVs that yield results in the job market.

Complexity and depth of CV requirements

Sometimes, the complexity and depth of CV requirements impact the cost of CV writing services. CVs for people with extensive work experience, diverse skill sets, or specialised backgrounds may require more time and effort to develop, resulting in higher fees.

Similarly, people with unique or challenging career histories, gaps in employment , or career transitions may incur additional costs for the extra attention and customisation needed to address these complexities.

Additional services and add-ons

CV writing services offer a range of additional services and add-ons that can influence the overall cost. For example, TopCV's services start with a CV, progress to a CV and cover letter , and round off with a CV, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile . 

Other CV services can also include interview coaching or career counselling. TopCV, for example, has a sister brand, TopInterview , for these services.

Some CV writing services may allow you to purchase supplementary services, while others may include them by default. Regardless, adding the add-on services enhances the value of the CV writing package, but there will likely be a higher fee attached.

Turnaround time options

Different CV writing services offer different delivery times for the final product. If you're in a rush and need an expedited service, you can purchase a priority turnaround time for an additional fee. Alternatively, CV writing services may offer different turnaround time options with corresponding pricing tiers, allowing you to choose based on your needs and budget.

Industry specialisation and niche expertise

CV writing services operating in a specialised field or employing a CV writer who's an expert in a specific industry may charge higher rates. CV writers with expertise in niche industries have the insights and tailored advice that will contribute to the effectiveness of your CV. The premium price that can come with specialised knowledge is often worth it.

How much should I spend on a CV writing service?

There are plenty of benefits to paying someone to write your CV , but how much should you spend? You could spend nothing and write a DIY CV , but think of the time and effort that could take you, especially if you're not 100% confident in your abilities.

A professional CV rewrite is worth it . The value of using a professional CV writing service is second to none, as it always outweighs the cost. It increases the likelihood of capturing the attention of hiring managers and leads to more job interviews and job opportunities. 

In fact, TopCV is so confident in the ability of its CV writers that some of their packages come with a 60-day guarantee – that is, they will rewrite your CV for free if you don't receive two times more job interviews within 60 days after receiving your new CV. 

How to choose the right CV writing service

There are plenty of CV writing services out there, and if you're considering using one , you need to choose a service that's right for you. Here are a few pointers to consider when choosing a provider:

Evaluate credentials and expertise: Look for companies or writers with a proven track record of success, relevant qualifications, and industry recognition. 

Review sample work and portfolios: Request samples of previous work or portfolios (with redacted personal information) from the CV writing service to assess quality and style. This may be particularly helpful if you're in the C-suite or niche industry.

Assess customer success stories and reviews: Read customer success stories and reviews to gauge the satisfaction levels of past customers. Trustpilot is a handy website for this.

Evaluate pricing and service packages: Compare the pricing and service packages offered by different CV writing services.

Consider turnaround time and delivery options: Evaluate the turnaround time options offered by the CV writing service and ensure they align with your timeline and deadlines.

Ensure transparency and communication: Choose a CV writing service that demonstrates transparency and open communication throughout the process. 

Check satisfaction guarantees and revision policies: Look for CV writing services that offer satisfaction guarantees and robust revision policies.

Assess additional services and add-ons: Consider whether the CV writing service offers any additional services or add-ons that may enhance the value of their offerings.

Seek industry specialisation and expertise: Look for CV writing services that specialise in your industry or target job roles.

Compare customer service and support options: Evaluate the level of customer service and support the CV writing service provides.

The risks of low-cost CV writing services

If budget is your concern and you're looking for a cheap CV writing service, proceed cautiously. Here are a few red flags to be aware of:

Quality compromises and template-based solutions: Cheap CV writing services may prioritise quantity over quality, resulting in generic, template-based CVs failing to showcase your skills and experiences effectively .

Lack of personalisation and tailoring: Low-cost CV writing services may also offer generic CVs that lack tailored content towards your career goals and industry requirements.

Limited revisions and customer support: Some low-cost CV writing services may provide limited revisions or minimal customer support, leaving you with little recourse if you're unsatisfied with the final product.

Potential lack of industry expertise: Cheap CV writing services may lack experienced writers with industry-specific knowledge and expertise, resulting in CVs that fail to resonate with employers in your field.

Risk of plagiarism and ethical concerns: There's a higher risk of these low-cost CV writing services resorting to copying content from other sources or using unethical practices to cut costs.

Hidden fees and upselling tactics: Some “free” CV writing services may lure customers in with low initial prices but then tack on hidden fees or upsell additional services, leading to unexpected costs and a less transparent pricing structure.

Inconsistent or unreliable delivery times: Low-cost CV writing services may struggle to meet deadlines or provide inconsistent delivery times, potentially delaying your job search efforts and causing frustration.

Negative impact on job search success: Ultimately, opting for a low-cost CV writing service can negatively impact your job search success by presenting you as a generic candidate with a poorly crafted CV that fails to stand out to employers.

The cost of CV writing services is an investment of time and money, but the ROI is high. If you're ready to take the plunge and enhance your job search, submit your CV for a free review or learn more about working with a professional CV writer .

Recommended reading:

It's OK to ask for CV help

How a professionally written CV can boost your job-search confidence

Expertise or magic? The story of our CV makeover winner

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    Cost between $100 and $400. This is a much more standard price range in the resume-writing market. Many great services deliver top-notch resumes that meet all clients' demands for just a little over $100. Some of them, including Skillhub, are among the industry's leaders. So don't let the price fool you.

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