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enzyme detergent experiment

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enzyme detergent experiment

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enzyme detergent experiment

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Investigating enzymes used in laundry detergents, class practical.

Laundry detergents are a familiar application of enzyme technology in our daily lives. Detergent manufacturers have robust protocols for assessing the added cleaning value of different enzymes, with different stains, different fabrics, different temperatures.

While you cannot replicate all these tests in your classroom, groups of students could each carry out a simple investigation of one factor, while controlling other variables.

Lesson organisation

This will depend on how open-ended you allow the planning and execution of an investigation to be.

Introducing the idea that enzymes are added to laundry detergent to improve cleaning performance could be brief, or take longer if you want to introduce more ideas about enzyme action, types of fabrics, the nature of stains, and the effects of reducing laundry temperatures. If you encourage each group of students to investigate one factor and allow time for sharing reports of the practicals at the end, you could cover several aspects of the technological application of enzymes to laundry.

It might be interesting to share the reports by posting them to a website and then asking each student to review another group’s report.

Apparatus and Chemicals

For each group of students:.

Access to a range of

  • staining substances
  • detergents – with and without enzymes ( Note 2 )
  • water (including hot water)

Stirring rods


For the class – set up by technician/teacher:

Non-bio detergent at a suitable dilution ( Note 1 )

Enzyme preparations to add to the detergent ( Note 2 )

Range of fabrics: cotton, linen, nylon, rayon, silk, wool ( Note 3 )

Staining substances ( Note 4 )

Health & Safety and Technical notes

Refer to safety notes provided with your supplied enzyme preparation. Handling concentrated enzyme preparations is more hazardous than handling diluted enzyme preparations. Dry enzyme powder is hazardous if inhaled, so spills should be cleared up with a damp cloth before they dry out. Technicians should wear eye protection. They should avoid raising enzyme dusts in the air when preparing solutions, and should rinse splashes off the skin quickly and thoroughly.

Students should take similar care with dilutions of enzyme in detergent solutions, but the hazard is much reduced. Wash any detergent splashes from the eyes with copious running water or an eye wash bottle.

Read our standard health & safety guidance

1 A suitable dilution of detergent is around 5%, that is 5 cm 3 of detergent per 100 cm 3 . This is calculated from the typical detergent pack suggestion of 100 cm 3 of detergent in a medium soil wash and machines using around 20 litres of water for the wash cycle.

2 Provide portions of enzymes to add to known volumes of the detergent, or make up solutions of enzymes (protease only, lipase only, amylase only) in non-bio detergent. Students mix these to make enzyme cocktails, following their investigation plans.

NCBE supplies five detergent enzymes individually or in a pack of five. They supply lipase (Lipex™) in 100 cm 3 bottles. The data sheets in the packs recommend suitable amounts of enzyme to use as a starting point for any investigation. They also provide information about the enzyme including likely optimum temperature for enzyme action. NCBE recommend testing any protocol with different concentrations of enzyme before use with students, because enzyme activity in different situations and after storage is hard to predict. Use the data sheet provided with the enzyme to guide your decisions.

3 Web research into the source and nature of the fibres in different fabrics will reveal that some are plant products (varieties of cellulose fibres), some are synthetic polymers, and others are of animal origin (protein fibres). With their knowledge of enzymes, students should be able to work out which laundry enzymes are likely to have a negative effect on silk and wool.

4 Students may devise their own stains, but could include cooking oils, fresh grass, milk, egg yolk, chocolate sauce, rich gravy, fruit juice. Encourage students to be sparing in how they stain the fabric, especially if investigating fatty stains at low temperatures.

Ethical issues

There are no ethical issues with the practical procedure. You may need to avoid handling animal products to produce stains if you have strict vegetarians or vegans in the class.

SAFETY: Rinse any splashes of enzyme solutions from the skin quickly and thoroughly. Wear eye protection when handling enzyme solutions. Clean up spills with a damp cloth before they dry. Avoid raising dust into the air with detergents and powdered enzymes. Avoid rubbing eyes after handling solutions, washed fabrics etc.


a Make up detergent and enzyme solutions ( Notes 1 and 2 )

b Prepare fabrics to test ( Note 3 )


c You could provide a detailed protocol for an investigation for your students, or make investigation planning part of the activity. Fabrics will need to be stained, mixed with detergent and/or enzyme solutions at a certain temperature for a certain time, agitated in some way, rinsed and left to dry before assessing the stain-removing effects of the detergent/ enzyme mixes.

Teaching notes

The use of enzymes is often preferable to traditional chemical treatment. Traditional chemical treatments are often non-specific, not always easily controlled, and may require harsh conditions. Often they produce undesirable side effects and/or waste disposal problems. Enzyme-controlled reactions often give higher product quality, lower manufacturing cost, less waste and reduced energy consumption. The technical effects of enzymes can be controlled by changing enzyme dose, temperature, and reaction time. Because enzymes are catalysts, the amount added to accomplish a reaction is relatively small. For example, an enzyme preparation in most food uses is equal to 0.1% (or less) of the product.

Enzymes used in food processing are generally destroyed during subsequent processing steps and not present in the final food product. When enzymes are used to remove stains from fabrics, clothes can be washed at lower temperatures, thus saving energy. Enzymes provide an alternative to chlorine bleach for removing some stains from cloth. Using enzymes means the level of surfactants can be reduced, and permits the cleaning of clothes in the absence of phosphates. Enzymes also contribute to safer working conditions when they allow elimination of harsh chemical treatments during production processes. (Source: Enzyme Technical Association .)

A disadvantage of using enzymes in laundry detergent is that some people experience allergic or other reactions to traces of detergent on laundered clothing. Another is that protease enzymes will damage protein fibres in fabrics such as silk and wool.

Health & Safety checked, September 2010 NCBE at Reading is a source for laundry detergent enzymes, and for many tried and tested protocols using enzymes. NCBE also provide a wide range of other biotechnology practical equipment, consumables and protocols.

(Websites accessed October 2011)


Enzymes in washing powders.

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Television commercials for washing powder often promote the "boosting power" of enzymes. Why are enzymes added to washing powder, and how do they work? Carry out some simple experiments to investigate this further.

What are enzymes?

Enzymes are biological molecules that catalyse (speed up) chemical reactions. Enzymes are specific—they will only work on particular molecules. For example, the enzyme sucrase will only bind with and break bonds in sucrose, not any other type of sugar.

Another characteristic of enzymes is that they can be re-used over and over again. A single enzyme will typically catalyse around 10,000 chemical reactions per second. This means that only a tiny amount of enzyme is needed to have a huge effect on a reaction.

The rate of enzyme activity depends on the amount of enzyme present, and also the temperature and pH of the reaction solution. The most favourable pH for many enzymes is 6-8, around neutral, but there are exceptions: pepsin, a digestive enzyme in the stomach, works best at pH 2.

The article Catalysing chemical reactions with enzymes includes an animated video outlining in detail how enzymes work.

People have been experimenting with ways to use the power of enzymes to clean clothing for a long time; in fact, the first patent was in 1913.

Because stains are made of different types of molecules, a range of enzymes are needed to break them down. Proteases break down proteins, so are good for blood, egg, gravy, and other protein stains. Amylases break down starches, and lipases break down fats and grease. Washing powders usually only contain one type of enzyme, though some have two or all three.

Experiments to test the functionality of enzymes

Activities can be carried out in the classroom to demonstrate the po​wer of enzymes as cleaning agents.

  • Investigating enzymes used in laundry detergents :Students plan an investigation on the performance of enzymes in laundry detergent, using a variety of fabrics and food stains.
  • Breaking stains : This experiment requires a spectrophotometer and casein protein coloured with blue dye. The aim is to compare the effectiveness of ordinary detergent (usually made specifically to get rid of oils) with a protease solution (to target the protein part of a stain). Students can plot a graph of colour intensity against time as a measure of the stain removal. A series of questions could be incorporated into a student worksheet.
  • A beginner's guide to enzymes in detergents . This is from the Novozymes' website site and provides some background information about the use of enzymes in detergents.

Sources of enzymes

Purchasing enzymes The National Centre for Biotechnology Education at the University of Reading in the UK supplies a range of different digestive enzymes that can be used for experiments. The enzymes they use are: savinase and alcalase (both proteases), termamyl (amylase), lipolase (lipase), and celluzyme (cellulase).

Natural sources You can get protease activity from natural products like kiwifruit and pineapple. We suggest that you crush the fruits in a buffer and then strain them to remove the fruit pulp. The filtered solution will contain a range of cellular molecules, including some proteases. This is covered further in the article Fruit enzyme uses .

  • Try a simple experiment to look at the action of marinades . It could be used as an introduction to experiments with enzymatic digestion of proteins and/or as the basis for further experimentation .

Another natural source of digestive enzymes is the pancreas, which can be collected from an abattoir and blended with buffer.

A note about enzyme units

The activity of enzymes is given as U/g (Units per gram), where the unit relates to a specific assay (measure of enzyme activity), e.g. one unit will liberate 1 mg of substrate per minute at pH7.0 at 25ºC.

Any enzyme solutions that are bought will have different levels of activity, and this should be taken account in a comparative experiment (i.e. make sure that the number of ‘units’ are comparable when testing different enzymes for their effectiveness).

The more crude the extract is, the lower the U/g measure.

See our Enzymes Pinterest board for more resource ideas.

Additional activity ideas

You also might like to try these activity ideas:

  • Cleaning time using the power of enzymes experiment, (including video) from the STEAM Transcultural Science Communication Summer School website.
  • The Power of Enzymes! from TeachEngineering help students learn about the role of enzymes in digestion and why enzymes are used in laundry detergents.

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Post Secondary

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Cleaning time using the power of enzymes

Meta Description

Learning Objectives

This experiment will show you how biological washing powders work to remove all those nasty stains. The experiment will also guide you to understand how differences in temperature affect stain removal, so that next time you make a mess on your clothes, you can clean it yourself.

Enzyme Biological catalysts.

Increase reaction rate by providing an alternative route having lower activation energy.

Change in structure.

The molecule acted upon by the enzyme.

Hydro means water while lysis means to break. Therefore hydrolysis refers to the breaking of a chemical bond by introducing a water molecule.

Tertiary structure

The 3D shape of a polypeptide.

Active site

The part of the enzyme to which the substrate attaches and undergoes a chemical change.

Polypeptide Amino acid chain.

Step 1 Dissolve around 0.6 g of the biological powder in around 600 mL of water. If it does not dissolve, heat the water gently until the powder dissolves.

Stain a piece of cloth with 10 drops of orange juice. The drops should be placed in the same spot, using a pipette.

Place the cloth in a beaker containing 100 mL of the dissolved biological powder.

Repeat this for the chocolate sauce and cooking oil.

Repeat steps 2-4 but this time heating the beakers containing the stained cloths at around 37 degrees on a hot plate or bunsen burner for 30 minutes (using the thermometer to check).

Leave the cloths in the beakers for around 24 hours.

Remove the cloths and observe the differences in stain removal between room temperature and an increased temperature.

If you want to carry out the experiment at home and you do not have access to a bunsen burner or hot plate, you can prepare a water bath instead. This can be done by pouring water in a pan and then placing the beaker inside the pan. Add hot water in between the pan and the beaker until the temperature inside the beaker is around 37 degrees. Add hot/cold water as necessary to the pan.

Instead of using the suggested staining materials, you might want to utilise other staining agents such as soil (which can produce quite a mess) or other fruit juices.

In science, you have to make do with what you have available. Hence, if you do not have beakers, practice this concept, and utilise other items instead such as baby food jars, jam jars, mugs.

Biological washing powder may cause serious eye irritation therefore it is important to wash your hands after the experiment. You might also want to reduce any risks and wear gloves.

Since the staining materials can be rather messy, it would be of good practice to wear a lab coat during the experiment.

In case of any allergies to the staining, materials suggested, you can always use other food items instead such as soya sauce or ketchup.

Imagine you are a football player and following an important match your gear is a total mess. You have grass stains on the shirts, on the shirts and on the socks. You have another game in two days so you need to clean your gear ASAP so you immediately place it in the washing machine. And that is what we are going to practice in this experiment. The science of how your gear gets clean every time you place it in a washing machine using biological washing powder.

What is biological washing powder? A washing powder that contains enzymes.

What are enzymes? Biological catalysts.

What will happen to the stain once the temperature is increased? The rate of reaction increases resulting in greater stain removal.

What happens if you increase the temperature too much? Enzymes denature, no longer functional in removing stains.

What is the difference between biological washing powders and non-biological washing powders? Biological washing powders contain enzymes.

Biological washing powders use enzymes to remove stains. Enzymes are molecules that help speed up reactions. They do so by finding an alternative reaction route which has a lower minimum energy required for a reaction to occur.

Stains are made of a variety of different molecules and since enzymes are specific, a range of enzymes are needed in order to remove the stains. Specificity means that the enzyme can only act on a specific type of substance. This is very important so that enzymes only work on specific chemical reactions and not other reactions which they were not meant to work on.

To break up those greasy stains, lipase enzymes are required. These enzymes break down the fats to simpler compounds. To break up stains that are made of proteins for example blood and gravy, protease enzymes are used. These enzymes break up the proteins into peptides (2 or more peptides stick to each other to form a protein), or amino acids (the building blocks of peptides) which are even smaller than peptides. The products produced after the substrate were acted upon by the enzymes are soluble and hence can easily be washed out with water, thus removing the stain.

The stains on the cloth which were exposed to a temperature of 37 degrees, faded the most. This is as when the temperature rises, the molecules making up the stains (referred to as substrates)and the enzymes present in the biological washing liquid have more energy. The increase in energy increases the chances for the substrate and enzymes to meet and react. This in turn increases the rate of reaction between the substrate and the enzymes leading to a fainter stain.

A high temperature would cause the enzyme to lose its shape. On doing so, the enzyme would no longer fit to the substrate and hence loses its functionality. Therefore, it would no longer function in removing the stain.

Those stains which were not acted upon by the enzymes, and thus remain unchanged, could be due to the fact that there was no enzyme specific to that substrate making up the stain.

Biological washing powders use enzymes to help remove stains. Enzymes are globular proteins that act as biological catalysts. They help speed up reactions by providing an alternative reaction route which has lower activation energy. Due to a specific tertiary structure, enzymes are specific, that can only work against one type of substrate molecule. This is achieved through a specific active site. The substrates are exactly complementary to the active site, hence any change in the active site would not allow the substrates to fit into this site, and would thus not be acted upon.

The process occurring can be summarized as follows:

Enzyme+Substrate ⇋ Enzyme-Substrate complex → Enzyme + Product.

The enzymes present in biological washing powders include proteases that cleave proteins (present for example in bloodstains) through a hydrolysis reaction (addition of a water molecule in the peptide bond) into smaller polypeptide chains. Lipases are also present. These enzymes breakdown fatty molecules such as those found in grease stains into fatty acids and glycerol molecules.

In this experiment, the enzyme activity at different temperatures was tested. It was noted, that an increase in temperature caused the formation of a fainter stain. This is as upon increasing the temperature, the substrates (which make up the stains), and the enzymes have an increase in energy. Hence, an increase in temperature results in a greater chance for the substrates and enzymes to collide with an energy equal (or greater than) the activation energy required for the reaction to occur.

Apart from this, an increase in temperature results in a greater chance for a successful collision between the substrates and the enzymes. This is as an increase in energy leads to an increase in motion for both the substrate and enzymes and hence has a greater chance of colliding.

An increase in reaction rate with an increase in temperature occurs until the enzyme becomes denatured at which point the substrate is no longer exactly complementary to the enzyme due to a change in the enzyme’s tertiary structure. This makes the enzyme no longer functional.


The biological washing powders are used to enhance the breakdown of fats and proteins present on our dirty clothes. Since they can function in relatively low temperatures, they can also save us energy!

Apart from acting as washing powders, enzymes have a variety of other applications including for medicinal purposes. Common enzymes used in the medical field include asparaginase which is a therapeutic enzyme used against leukaemia, collagenase used against skin ulcers and urokinase used to treat blood clots.

Research conducted in Italy in the year 2016 proposed a set up of a business plan for the development and selling of products including enzyme formulations for biosensing and decontamination/detoxification. These would be used on surfaces such as air, water, and skin.

In the same year, an article published by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press showed key insights in the role of TET enzymes in DNA methylation, development and cancer. Abnormalities in DNA methylation are often observed in diseases. The TET enzymes in turn show a locus-specific reversal of DNA methylation and this article highlights the recent advances in understanding the role of these TET enzymes.

A change in pH is known to cause a change in enzymatic activity. Show this by adding another variable to the experiment which is pH. This can be done by adding lemon juice to the biological washing powder to increase acidity. The observed results are compared with biological washing liquid in basic environment which can be done by adding household ammonia to the biological washing liquid.

Enzymes can be denatured. Show at what temperatures the enzymes experience this phenomenon by testing the experiment in a wide range of temperatures and observe at which temperatures the stain remains the same even though it was carried out an elevated temperature.

Test what enzymes are present by using different stains. This can be done by using protein stains to show if protease enzymes are present, fatty stains to show if lipases are present and starch stains to show if amylase enzymes are present.

Preparation: 20mins

Conducting: 1 day

Clean Up: 15 mins

Number of People

4 participants

Biological washing powder Fabrics 6 Beaker Thermometers Water Cooking oil Orange juice Chocolate sauce Bunsen burner (or hot plate)


Chemistry for Biologists

Biology for KidsEnzymes

The Difference Between Bio and Non-Bio Detergent

The use of enzymes in detergents

Using enzymes

Biological Detergents | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | FuseSchool

Enzymes (Updated)

How Enzymes Denature | Cells | Biology | FuseSchool

Additional Content

What are enzymes? (Beginner)

The Difference Between Bio and Non-Bio Detergent  (Intermediate)

Enzymes for Cancer Low Enzymes Levels Found With Cancer  (Advanced)

Cite this Experiment

Aquilina, M. C., & Styles, C. (2020, June 26). Cleaning time using the power of enzymes. Retrieved from

First published: June 26, 2020 Last modified: July 28, 2020

Creative Commons License

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Lesson The Power of Enzymes!

Grade Level: 5 (4-6)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Lesson Dependency: None

Subject Areas: Biology, Chemistry, Life Science, Measurement, Physical Science

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Engineers help shape a safer future

Laundry is a real-world problem to which we can all relate. Engineers work to solve all types of problems, including how to create chemicals that help us in our daily lives. In the case of cleaning agents used in household products such as laundry detergent, chemical engineers use their knowledge of chemistry to engineer formulas. Engineers look to a variety of sources to solve problems and the human body is an excellent source of inspiration. For example, enzymes are present in the digestive system of the human body and these digestive enzymes—amylase, protease and lipase—have a specific function of breaking down food. Engineers use this scientific knowledge to create a laundry detergent using these enzymes which break down and remove a variety of different laundry stains created by foods.

After this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Explain the role of enzymes in digestion.
  • Explain why enzymes are used in laundry detergent.

Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standards Network (ASN) , a project of D2L ( In the ASN, standards are hierarchically structured: first by source; e.g. , by state; within source by type; e.g. , science or mathematics; within type by subtype, then by grade, etc .

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Have you ever wondered how food gets digested in your body? Our body needs food for energy and to help our cells work.  When we eat food, it travels through our digestive system. Along the way, the food gets broken down by special helpers called enzymes.  Enzymes are proteins that help the body digest food. There are many kinds of enzymes in our body, but there are three main enzymes that help us break down most of the food we eat. The first one, called amylase , helps us break down carbohydrates like pasta or cereal. The second one, protease , helps us break down proteins like meat or cheese. The third enzyme lipase helps us break down fats like oils or butter. 

Now we are going to read a book to help us better understand how the digestive system works. While we read this book, I want you to notice whenever the word 'enzymes' comes up in the book.

(Read the book: Amazing Body Systems: Digestive System , by Karen Latchana Kenney or A Journey Through the Digestive System with Max Axiom, Super Scientist , by Emily Sohn.)

Now let’s go back to the pages where enzymes were mentioned.   Where were the enzymes in the body? How do they work in digestion?  (Repeat for each occurrence.)

When you eat food, do you ever spill and make a stain on your clothes? (Prompt students to say yes or no to this question.)  What do you do when you get a stain on your clothes? (Possible answers: someone in my family helps me wash it out, or I wash it out, etc.) . Some laundry detergents include enzymes in their active ingredients. 

Based on what you now know from the reading and our discussion, why do you think laundry detergents would include enzymes in their ingredients? (Possible answers: enzymes work on stains, enzymes digest food stains, etc.) .

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

Teachers need to know some background information on enzymes role in digestion and how enzymes are used in laundry detergents. Please use the books and links below for background information:

  • A Journey Through the Digestive System with Max Axiom, Super Scientist, by Emily Sohn
  • Amazing Body Systems: Digestive System, by Karen Latchana Kenney
  • Video: What are the enzymes of the digestive system?
  • Video: Biological detergents,
  • Video: Enzymes,
  • What are digestive enzymes?

Watch this activity on YouTube

We can learn a lot from the human body. Today we learned that we can break down stains with the same enzymes that our bodies use to break down foods.

amylase: An enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates.

detergent: A substance that cleans.

digestion: The process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic action to be used by the body.

enzyme: A protein that speeds up a chemical reaction.

lipase: An enzyme that breaks down fats (lipids).

protease: An enzyme that breaks down proteins.

Pre-Lesson Assessment:

What we - Enzymes What we - Enzymes What we - Enzymes

Lesson Summary Assessment:

What we - Enzymes What we - Enzymes What we - Enzymes
is a protein that speeds up a chemical reaction. work in our digestive system is an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates is an enzyme that breaks down proteins is an enzyme that breaks down fats (lipids).

Exit Ticket: Have students complete the Exit Ticket .

Lesson Extension Activities

Using the Laundry Test Lab Worksheet , students can test 2 or 3 different enzymatic laundry detergents on some typical foods to test different stains to see which is the hardest to get out or easiest.  Students can have fun squeezing the bottles on to clean rags to make the stains and then testing detergents to see which one is most effective at getting out the stains.  Students could use beakers or graduated cylinders to measure the water and detergent and pipettes to transfer the water and detergent onto the stains. Students can use rulers to measure the size of the stain before and after using the detergent and water.

Students performing the lesson extension activity using detergent and stained clothing.

This lesson introduces students to the main parts of the digestive system and how they interact. In addition, students learn about some of the challenges astronauts face when eating in outer space. Engineers figure out how to deal with such challenges.

preview of 'Digestive System' Lesson

To reinforce students' understanding of the human digestion process, the functions of several stomach and small intestine fluids are analyzed, and the concept of simulation is introduced through a short, introductory demonstration of how these fluids work. Students learn what simulation means and ho...

preview of 'Digestion Simulation' Lesson


Supporting program, acknowledgements.

This curriculum was based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under RET grant no. EEC 1711543— Engineering for Biology: Multidisciplinary Research Experiences for Teachers in Elementary Grades (MRET) through the College of Engineering at the University of Florida. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Last modified: October 26, 2020

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A beginner's guide to enzymes in detergents

Enzymes are increasingly important to detergent formulators for a wide range of tasks, including laundry, automatic dishwashing, and cleaning of industrial equipment used in the food industry. key trends in the market are driving their usage, but there are some considerations for producers using enzymes in detergents..

enzyme detergent experiment

By Peter Dybdahl Hede , M.Sc. (Chem. Eng.), Ph.D. May 7, 2020

Although the detailed ingredient lists for detergents vary considerably across geographies and categories, the main detergency mechanisms are similar. Stains are removed by mechanical action assisted by enzymes, surfactants, polymers, and builders.

Surfactants of various kinds help wash liquor to wet fabrics, and they assist in removing various stains by lowering the surface tension at the interface between the wash liquor and the fabric. Anionic surfactants and polymers further increase the repulsive force between the original soil, the enzymatically degraded soil, and the fabric, which prevents the soil from redepositing on the fabric.

Builders act to chelate, precipitate calcium and magnesium components, to provide alkalinity and buffering capacity, and to inhibit corrosion. Enzymes in (heavy-duty) detergents degrade and thereby help solubilize substrate soils attached to fabrics or hard surfaces (e.g., dishes). Cellulases clean indirectly by gently hydrolyzing certain glycosidic bonds in cotton fibers. In this way, particulate soils attached to microfibrils are removed. A further desirable effect of cellulases is to impart greater softness and improved color brightness of worn cotton surfaces.

By helping to remove fuzz and pills on cotton fabrics, cellulases keep them looking new.

enzyme detergent experiment

Many detergent brands are based on a blend of two or more enzymes - sometimes as much as eight different enzymes. One of the driving forces behind the development of new enzymes and the modification of existing ones for detergents is to make enzymes more tolerant of other ingredients, such as builders, surfactants, and bleaching chemicals, as well as of alkaline. The trend toward lower wash temperatures, in particular in Europe, has also increased the need for additional and more efficient enzymes. Starch and fat stains are relatively easy to remove in hot water, but the additional cleaning power provided by enzymes is required in cooler water.

Most widely used enzymes

The most widely used detergent enzymes are hydrolases, which remove protein, lipid, and polysaccharide soils. Research is currently being carried out with a view to extending the types of enzymes used in detergents. Many complex, stubborn stains come from a range of modern food products such as chocolate ice cream, baby food, desserts, dressings, and sauces. To help remove these stains as well as classic stains such as blood, grass, egg, and animal and vegetable fat, a number of different hydrolases are added to detergents.

The major classes are proteases, lipases, amylases, mannanases, cellulases, and pectinases. Historically, proteases were the first of these to be used extensively to increase the effectiveness of laundry detergents. Cellulases contribute to cleaning and overall fabric care by maintaining, or even rejuvenating, the appearance of washed cotton-based garments through selective reactions not previously available when washing clothes with surfactants unamended with enzymes.

Some lipases can act as alternatives to current surfactant technology by targeting greasy lipid-based stains.

Recent investigations show that multi-enzyme systems may replace up to 25% of a laundry detergent’s surfactant system without compromising the cleaning effect. This leads to a more sustainable detergent that allows cleaning at a low wash temperature. 

Mannanases and pectinases are used for hard-to-remove stains of salad dressing, ketchup, mayonnaise, ice cream, frozen desserts, milkshakes, body lotions, and toothpaste as well as banana, tangerines, tomatoes, and fruit-containing products such as marmalades, juices, drinkable yoghurts, and low-fat dairy products.

The obvious advantages of enzymes make them acceptable for meeting consumer demands. Due to their catalytic nature, they are ingredients requiring only a small space in the formulation of the overall product. This is of particular value at a time where detergent manufacturers are trying to make their products more compact.

Washing with laundry bars.  

In many parts of the world, strongly colored and stubborn stains from blood, sebum, food soils, cocoa, and grass are removed with the help of laundry detergent bars.

Such stain removal and washing by hand are one of the more time-consuming and physically demanding domestic tasks which can be made easier with the use of enzymes. After decades of very little performance enhancement for laundry bars, a specially formulated protease that empowers the producer to create products that stand out from non-enzymatic laundry detergent bars is now available, offering effective and effortless washing.

With the protease product Easyzyme® in laundry bars, washing is shortened by at least one rinse and requires much less scrubbing. In addition to obtaining a superior result, laundry bars containing the enzyme may be formulated to be milder to the hands than old-type bars without enzymes. 

Washing cold. 

Most of the energy spent during a household machine wash is used to heat the water. Thus, the most efficient way to save energy and thereby reduce carbon dioxide emissions is to lower washing temperatures.

The wide spectrum of enzymes that are available today, combined with a choice of appropriate other ingredients such as surfactants and bleaching systems specifically selected to work at low temperatures, has enabled manufacturers to produce cold water detergents.

Enzymes in dishwashing

Modern dishwashing detergents face increasing consumer demands for efficient cleaning of tableware. Enzymes are key ingredients for effectively removing difficult and dried-on soils from dishes and leaving glassware shiny. Enzymes clean well under mild conditions and thereby assist to reduce clouding of glassware.

In addition, enzymes also enable environmentally friendly detergents. Phosphates have been used in the past in dishwashing detergents to get dishes clean, but they harm the aquatic environment and are increasingly being banned in detergents around the world. The combination of modifying detergent compositions and using multi-enzyme solutions enables detergent manufacturers to replace phosphates without compromising the cleaning performance. For removal of protein soils, proteases are used; and amylases are used to remove starch soils.

Proteases for cleaning dishes and cutlery .

Some of the more difficult soils on dishes and cutlery are blends of egg yolk/milk, egg yolk, whole egg, and egg white as well as minced meat and oatmeal. The reason for this is the content of protease inhibitors in these foods. The protease Blaze Evity® by Novozymes has been specifically engineered to overcome high levels of protease inhibitors from eggs. These inhibitors effectively inactivate detergent proteases, resulting in reduced cleaning performance not just on the egg stain itself, but on all protein-containing soils in the same dishwasher load. 

Amylases for cleaning starch-containing soils from dishes.  

In automatic dishwashing, most of the soil is physically washed off by the water jets. However, foods usually leave behind thin films of starch-/protein-containing soils. If they are not removed, these films will build up over time. Larger lumps of burnt-on and caked-on soils may also remain. These soils are the main target for enzymes.

Enzymes target thin films of starch-/protein-containing soils that can build up over time.

The history of enzymes in detergents

The first enzyme-containing detergent was introduced to the household market as early as 1913. Röhm & Haas in Germany added trypsin extracted from pig pancreas to their detergent Burnus, utilizing a patent of Dr. Otto Röhm.

As the protease trypsin had insufficient activity and poor stability in detergents, the enzyme concept did not catch on until 1963 when Novo launched a more alkali- and builder-stable bacterial protease called Alcalase®. Small detergent producers in Switzerland and the Netherlands were pioneers in the commercial use of Alcalase, which was initially considered useful only for washing blood-stained laundry from hospitals and slaughterhouses.

For almost 20 years, bacterial proteases from different suppliers were the only class of enzymes of real commercial importance. Then the use of amylases, lipases, and cellulases as detergent ingredients started to take off during the 1980s and grew steadily in importance during the 1990s. Just after the turn of the century, two new enzyme classes entered the detergent market: mannanases and pectate lyases.

Current trends for enzymes within detergents

The application of enzymes in detergents makes up the largest single segment of the world market for industrial enzymes. In 2003, the potential market for detergent enzymes was approximately US$700 million, of which Novozymes had a share of more than 56%. Enzymes on average constitute about 3-5 % of the total raw material costs of detergents – but very different from region to region. By far the largest volume of detergent enzymes is used in “heavy-duty” laundry detergents for household use (powders, liquids, and also tablets). There is also some penetration into “light-duty”laundry products for the washing of delicate fabrics although some enzymes are too aggressive for wool and silk. The main task of enzymes in laundry detergents is to remove stains of animal or plant origin. Another important task is to prevent soils from spreading throughout the laundry by redeposition.

This benefit is often referred to as “general cleaning” or “whiteness maintenance.”Enzymes also provide care effects by acting directly on cotton surfaces, helping garments look new longer. Repeatedly worn and washed laundry items are often contaminated with invisible residues, especially if they have been washed with detergents containing few enzymes. The residues make textile fibers sticky, attracting soil from the wash water, which results in incomplete cleaning. Multi-enzyme systems efficiently prevent this buildup of soil deposits. Automatic dishwashing detergents for household use are another increasingly important market segment. The enzyme penetration is highest in Europe, followed by the United States, where the market is growing. In industrialized countries the leading detergent brands typically contain more than one class of enzymes. Food stains are complex substrates containing protein, starch, and fat all mixed together. By combining different enzymes, soils are removed more efficiently, utilizing synergies between each enzyme’s cleaning abilities.

Trends driving enzyme usage

The importance of enzymatic detergency is expected to continue to increase, based on the following trends:

  • Reduction of washing temperatures (mainly Europe)
  • More detergents without bleach (e.g., color detergents and liquid detergents)
  • More compact detergent formulations
  • More cost-effective enzymes

Thanks to modern genetic engineering technology, enzymes are becoming increasingly cost efficient and offer higher yields. There are also possibilities to commercialize “custom-made” enzymes with improved economy and application properties.

On the other hand, detergents in most developed markets are facing price erosion, and consequently manufacturers are increasing their efforts to reduce ingredient costs. Competition between leading brands and cut-price supermarket-owned private label detergents may therefore limit the scope for further development in enzyme usage.

To some extent enzymes compete with surfactants; and considerable efforts are made by, for example, Novozymes to demonstrate that reducing enzymes in favor of surfactants typically does not pay off for customers. There are still sizable potential markets in developing countries where the penetration of enzymes is low, but these markets will gradually expand in line with the rising level of economic development.

Other markets where enzymes have low penetration are detergents for professional laundries and automatic dishwashing in institutions and restaurants. Owing to very high requirements for speed and cleaning efficiency, these market segments use strong chemicals, which have low compatibility with enzymes. Enzymes are, however, still used in their original application the prewashing of blood-stained laundry from hospitals and slaughterhouses.

Key Challenges for enzymes used in detergents

One of the key challenges of enzymes is that they are more sensitive to environmental factors than conventional surfactants and detergents and tend to lose their effectiveness when exposed to high temperatures and harsh chemicals. Both the producer and customer must take into account storage stability requirements such as stability of enzyme activity, microbial stability, physical stability, and the formulation of the enzyme product itself.

All modern detergents face a long journey before they actually are used in the consumers’ washing machines. The most important steps are:

  • Production. In production, it is crucial that the detergent has the optimal formulation to reach its destination with performance intact.
  • Warehouse. Storage conditions can be tough on detergent formulations. The detergent may sit in a warehouse for a long time, and conditions such as temperature and humidity may lead to efficiency loss.
  • Transportation. Transportation time and storage conditions vary greatly for all detergents. And as in the warehouse, transportation conditions can affect detergent efficiency.
  • Retailer. All detergent producers would like their product to move quickly. The reality, however, is that detergents can sit on the shelf for a long time before purchase, again leading to less efficiency.
  • Consumer. At the final stage, it is crucial that the consumer stores the detergent under optimal conditions and uses it in the right way, for example, correct dosing, appropriate washing temperature, and correct washing cycle. Altogether, modern detergents are complex and innovative products. Promotional pack sizes, transportation, and storage mean that it may take a long time before the detergent is actually used, and this fact challenges producers to deliver a detergent that performs consistently after its long journey to the consumers’ washing machines.

Novel stability enzymes technology

Late in 2013, Novozymes introduced a new range of highly robust and stable enzymes enabling detergent producers to deliver more consistent wash performance. Th e range of new enzyme technology also gives manufacturers even greater formulation flexibility, and it has the brand name Evity®. Evity® is the brand for new range of robust and stable enzymes for liquid and powder detergents.

Protease inhibitor in liquid detergents

For liquid detergents Evity® has a new improved boron-free protease inhibitor. The new inhibitor solution makes the protease fully active in the detergent while inhibiting the enzyme while being in the bottle. Improvements in liquid stability have significant advantages for detergent producers, as they pave the way for leveraging enzymes in detergents. The new inhibitor developed by Novozymes is far more efficient than existing boron-based stabilization systems enabling the inclusion of multiple enzymes in the detergent as well as greater formulation flexibilities with other detergent ingredients.

Tests conducted by Novozymes on different European Union (EU) mid-tier liquid laundry detergents, washing under conditions of 40°C, 75 g/14 L wash, 15°dH - water hardness and samples stored at 30°C, show superior wash performance on individual protease stains after storage. In total, the novel enzyme technology from Novozymes provides these improvements for liquid detergents:

  • Increased protease wash performance after storage
  • Increased multi-enzyme performance after storage
  • Greater formulation flexibility with other detergent ingredients
  • Completely boron-free liquid detergent formulations with great performance

New granulate enzyme technology

For powder detergents, Evity® builds on a new granulate enzyme technology to improve stability of the detergent – laundry as well as automatic dishwash detergents. Granulate enzyme technology simply means that the enzyme concentrate is processed into a granule. This is done to prolong their working life; such immobilized enzymes may go on working for over a year—and even longer. Coating of the enzyme granulate protects the enzyme further from deactivation by other ingredients in the detergents, such as surfactants.

Tests conducted by Novozymes on an EU front-loader under conditions of 40°C, 15°dH, detergent containing bleach, dosage of 65 - 110 g/14 L wash found that standard protease shows great residual wash performance after regular accelerated storage conditions, while protease with the new stabilizer is superior also after tough accelerated conditions. With the new enzyme stabilization capabilities marketed by Novozymes starting in late 2013, these improvements for granulated enzymes used in detergents have been provided for the industry:

  • Wash performance also after storage at tough conditions
  • Consistent wash performance, which promotes brand loyalty for the detergent producer
  • Longer-lasting, enhanced wash performance via single or multiple enzymes
  • Visible and better performance—which is key for consumers.

Find out more about the power of enzymes

Springer Nature Experiments

Enzymes in Modern Detergents

Series: Methods In Biotechnology > Book: Microbial Enzymes and Biotransformations

Protocol | DOI: 10.1385/1-59259-846-3:151

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Huge amounts of alkaline enzymes are used in the detergent industry, and they have been widely incorporated into heavy-duty laundry and automatic dishwashing detergents. The alkaline enzymes used in modern detergents are protease, cellulase,

Huge amounts of alkaline enzymes are used in the detergent industry, and they have been widely incorporated into heavy-duty laundry and automatic dishwashing detergents. The alkaline enzymes used in modern detergents are protease, cellulase, α-amylase, lipase, and mannanase. In this chapter, methods for screening alkaline enzyme-producing alkaliphilic Bacillus strains, enzyme assays, purification, properties, and genetics of enzymes are described.

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  • Houston, J. H. (1997) Detergent enzymes’ market, in Enzymes in Detergency (van Ee, J. H., Misset, O., and Baas, E. J., eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 11–21.
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  • Hakamada, Y., Hatada, Y., Koike, K., Yoshimatsu, T., Kawai, S., Kobayashi, T., and Ito, S. (2000) Deduced amino acid sequence and possible catalytic residues of a thermostable, alkaline cellulase from an alkaliphilic Bacillus strain. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 64 , 2281–2289.
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enzyme detergent experiment

Center for Research on Ingredient Safety

Trending – laundry detergent enzymes.

Elisabeth Anderson <[email protected]> ; Joe Zagorski <[email protected]> - September 26, 2022

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Ever wonder what makes laundry detergent so effective? In this post, we explore a common ingredient that helps boost detergent performance, enzymes.

enzyme detergent experiment

What are enzymes

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Why are enzymes useful?

Enzymes target specific types of stains and break them down quickly and effectively. For example, some enzymes will target proteins, starches, or fats and help break down and remove those ingredients quickly.    Enzymes work better than soap alone because they can break down specific stains effectively without needing hot water.   Modern laundry detergents contain enzymes optimized for washing clothes in cold water while using less water, making detergents containing enzymes better for the environment and more effective at cleaning clothes.

What kinds of enzymes are found in laundry detergent?

There are many types of enzymes found in laundry detergents here are the most common ones ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ):

  • Amylases  remove starch stains such as pasta, potatoes, and more.
  • Cellulases  provide color care for fabric and help remove soils, clay, rust, and more.
  • Lipases  remove lipid (fat) stains such as butter, oil, and more.
  • Mannanases  remove mannan-containing stains such as barbecue sauce, chocolate, ice cream, and more.
  • Proteases  remove protein stains such as grass, eggs, bodily fluids, and more.

Are enzymes found in laundry detergent harmful to my health?

It’s known that some enzymes can trigger allergic reactions, especially if inhaled in large quantities. So, scientists looked at how enzymes in modern detergents (post-1971) could potentially cause allergic reactions or adverse health impacts ( 1 , 2 , 3 ).   Scientists looked at the  exposure routes , focusing on inhalation and skin contact.   The research shows that enzymes found in modern detergents used for washing clothes do not trigger allergic reactions from either inhalation or skin contact ( 1 , 2 , 3 ). Enzymes in laundry detergent are overwhelmingly safe and effective.   If someone is experiencing a reaction to a laundry detergent, they’re likely impacted by a  fragrance  or other ingredient rather than an enzyme used in the formulation.

What’s the risk?

We know that modern detergents are formulated with enzymes and other ingredients that allow clothes washing to be environmentally friendly by reducing the water needed for washing and eliminating the need for hot water, which reduces the energy needed to do each load of laundry.   Based on the currently available science, enzymes do not pose a risk to our health and are safe when found in properly formulated detergents.   Given the information we have, we know we can safely wash clothes without the risk of adverse health outcomes from enzymes while doing our part to reduce water and energy usage.

The good news.

You do not need to make your own laundry detergent to have a safe, effective product. The enzymes found in modern detergents break down stains and clean laundry without adversely impacting our health.

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Infinita Biotech Logo

The Science Behind Detergent Enzymes: How They Break Down Dirt and Grime

by Infinita423biotech | May 31, 2024 | Detergent Enzymes | 0 comments

Detergent Enzymes

Detergent enzymes have revolutionized the cleaning industry, providing a powerful and efficient way to break down dirt and grime. Understanding the science behind these enzymes is crucial in appreciating their effectiveness and potential for future developments. In this article, we will explore the role of detergent enzymes, their chemistry, the process of stain removal, the benefits of enzyme-based detergents, and the exciting advancements on the horizon.

Understanding Detergent Enzymes

Detergent enzymes are biological molecules that act as catalysts in the breakdown of tough stains and dirt. These enzymes are naturally occurring proteins that speed up chemical reactions without being consumed in the process. By targeting specific molecules found in stains, they enhance the cleaning power of detergents.

What are Detergent Enzymes?

Detergent enzymes are specialized proteins produced by living organisms, such as bacteria and fungi. These enzymes possess unique shapes and structures that enable them to interact with specific target molecules. Different types of detergent enzymes have varying functions, allowing for targeted stain removal.

One fascinating aspect of detergent enzymes is their ability to work in a wide range of environmental conditions. For example, some enzymes are effective in both high and low temperatures, making them versatile for use in various laundry settings. Additionally, these enzymes are biodegradable, making them environmentally friendly compared to harsh chemical cleaners.

The Role of Enzymes in Cleaning Products

Enzymes play a crucial role in cleaning products by breaking down complex stains into smaller, more manageable compounds. They do this by catalyzing chemical reactions that would otherwise occur slowly or not at all. The use of enzymes in detergents enhances the overall cleaning performance.

Moreover, enzymes in detergents are highly specific in their actions, targeting only the molecules present in stains without affecting the surrounding fabric. This specificity helps prevent damage to clothing fibers while effectively removing dirt and grime. As a result, detergent enzymes are not only efficient but also gentle on fabrics, prolonging the lifespan of garments.

The Chemistry of Detergent Enzymes

The effectiveness of detergent enzymes lies in their intricate chemical properties and mechanisms of action. Understanding the chemistry behind these enzymes is essential in designing more efficient cleaning products.

Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions without being consumed in the process. In the case of detergent enzymes, they play a crucial role in breaking down complex stains into smaller, more manageable components. This breakdown process is highly specific, as each enzyme is designed to target a particular type of stain, ensuring maximum efficiency in stain removal.

The Mechanism of Enzyme Action

Detergent enzymes work by binding to specific molecules in stains and facilitating the breakdown of chemical bonds. This process, known as the enzymatic reaction, occurs at the active site of the enzyme. The enzyme undergoes a series of conformational changes, allowing it to convert the stain molecules into simpler forms that can be easily washed away.

Moreover, enzymes are incredibly efficient in their action, often working at lower temperatures than traditional chemical detergents. This not only helps in reducing energy consumption during the washing process but also contributes to a more sustainable approach to cleaning.

Different Types of Enzymes Used in Detergents

Different types of enzymes are used in detergents , and each has its own specific function. Protease enzymes target protein-based stains like grass, blood, and food stains. Lipase enzymes break down fatty substances like grease and oil. Amylase enzymes target starch-based stains, such as those caused by sauces or fruits.

By combining these different enzymes in varying proportions, detergent manufacturers can create products that are tailored to address a wide range of stains effectively. This versatility makes enzyme-based detergents a popular choice for consumers looking for powerful cleaning solutions that are also environmentally friendly.

How Detergent Enzymes Break Down Dirt and Grime

The process of stain removal with detergent enzymes involves a series of steps that effectively eliminate stubborn dirt and grime.

Understanding the intricate process of how detergent enzymes work to break down dirt and grime can provide valuable insights into effective stain removal techniques. Enzymes are biological molecules that act as catalysts, speeding up chemical reactions without being consumed in the process. In the case of detergent enzymes, their specific functions target different types of stains, making them highly effective in removing tough grime from various surfaces.

The Process of Stain Removal

When detergent-containing enzymes are applied to a stain, the enzymes identify and bind to the specific molecules responsible for the stain. The enzymes then break down these molecules into smaller compounds through the catalytic reaction. This breakdown process weakens the stain’s structure, making it easier to be washed away during rinsing.

Furthermore, the enzymatic action not only helps in removing visible stains but also aids in eliminating odor-causing molecules that may be embedded in the fabric. This dual functionality of detergent enzymes ensures a thorough cleaning process, leaving fabrics not only looking clean but also smelling fresh.

Enzymes and Tough Stains

Tough stains, such as those from red wine or chocolate, can be particularly challenging to remove. However, detergent enzymes excel in tackling these stubborn stains. Protease enzymes break down the protein-based components, while lipase enzymes target the grease or oil components. Amylase enzymes, on the other hand, efficiently break down starch-related stains.

By utilizing a combination of enzymes tailored to specific types of stains, modern detergents have become increasingly effective in removing even the most stubborn grime. This targeted enzymatic approach not only enhances the cleaning performance of detergents but also helps in preserving the quality of fabrics by minimizing the need for harsh chemicals or vigorous scrubbing.

The Benefits of Enzyme-Based Detergents

Enzyme-based detergents offer several advantages over traditional cleaning products, making them a popular choice for many consumers.

When it comes to enzyme-based detergents, the benefits extend far beyond just effective cleaning. These innovative products are formulated to target specific types of stains, such as protein-based stains like blood or grass, and break them down at a molecular level. This targeted approach not only ensures thorough stain removal but also helps preserve the fabric fibers, extending the lifespan of your favorite garments.

Efficiency and Effectiveness of Enzyme Detergents

Enzyme-based detergents are highly efficient in stain removal, allowing for cleaner and fresher clothes. The targeted action of enzymes ensures that even stubborn stains are effectively broken down, giving exceptional cleaning results.

Moreover, the use of enzymes in detergents can also help prevent graying and fading of fabrics over time. By effectively removing dirt and grime without the need for harsh chemicals, enzyme-based detergents help maintain the vibrancy and brightness of your clothing, keeping them looking newer for longer.

Environmental Impact of Enzyme Detergents

Another significant benefit of enzyme-based detergents is their reduced environmental impact. These detergents often require lower washing temperatures and shorter washing cycles, resulting in energy savings. Additionally, enzyme-based detergents are usually biodegradable, making them a more eco-friendly choice.

By choosing enzyme-based detergents, consumers can contribute to reducing water and energy consumption during the laundry process, ultimately lowering their carbon footprint. The biodegradable nature of these detergents ensures that they break down into harmless byproducts after use, minimizing their impact on the environment and water systems.

Future Developments in Detergent Enzymes

As technology advances, new developments in detergent enzymes are on the horizon, promising even greater cleaning capabilities and sustainability.

Enzymes have long been recognized for their ability to break down tough stains and odors, making them a key ingredient in modern laundry detergents. However, the quest for innovation in enzyme technology continues as researchers strive to unlock new potentials in this field.

Innovations in Enzyme Technology

Ongoing research into enzyme technology aims to optimize the performance of detergent enzymes. Scientists are exploring ways to engineer enzymes with enhanced stability and activity, ensuring better cleaning results with reduced enzyme usage.

One exciting area of development is the use of bioinformatics and computational modeling to design enzymes with specific properties tailored for different cleaning tasks. By understanding the molecular structure of enzymes at a deeper level, researchers can fine-tune their characteristics for optimal performance in various detergent formulations.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

While the future of detergent enzymes holds great promise, there are challenges that need to be addressed. One challenge is ensuring compatibility with different fabric types. Researchers are actively working on developing enzymes that are gentle yet effective on all types of fabrics to avoid any potential damage.

Another hurdle to overcome is the stability of enzymes in different washing conditions. Enzymes can be sensitive to factors such as pH, temperature, and the presence of other chemicals in the detergent formulation. Finding ways to enhance the resilience of enzymes under varying conditions is crucial for maintaining their effectiveness over time.

In conclusion, detergent enzymes play a vital role in breaking down dirt and grime. Understanding their science and chemistry helps us appreciate their effectiveness in stain removal. Enzyme-based detergents offer numerous benefits, from improved efficiency to reduced environmental impact. With ongoing advancements in enzyme technology, the future of detergent enzymes looks brighter than ever, paving the way for more efficient and sustainable cleaning solutions.

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How Enzymes in Laundry Detergent Break Down and Remove Tough Stains

  • by Mary Babinski
  • November 09, 2021

If you’re looking for a natural way to clean fine fabrics without causing damage, an enzyme laundry detergent could be right for you. Enzymes are a highly effective laundry stain remover that won’t harm delicates, including clothing and household linen. But to make the most of any enzyme laundry detergent, you need to know a bit about what enzymes are and how they work.

Here at Heritage Park , our Luxury All-Purpose Detergent contains a proprietary blend of enzymes; it is a concentrated, pH-neutral formula that is wonderful for removing stains from delicate fabric. Let’s take a closer look at what enzymes are and how they work in your wash.

What Are Laundry Enzymes?

In simple terms, a laundry enzyme is a natural compound that acts as a cleaning catalyst. An easy analogy for understanding enzymes is to think about the digestive enzymes in our saliva; each of these is targeted to break down and dissolve specific types of food. Laundry enzymes operate similarly, with different enzymes working to dissolve different types of stains.

A detergent that contains enzymes will be labeled as an “enzyme detergent” or “ biological detergent .” Laundry enzymes have been around the cleaning product industry for nearly five decades. However, they have grown increasingly popular in recent years as more consumers look for alternatives to harsh chemicals such as chlorine bleach or even gentler compounds like hydrogen peroxide; both of these can stain and weaken fabric. Enzymes are also far gentler on sensitive skin than these chemical-laden formulations.

Before and After of enzyme detergent removing stains

How Enzymes In Laundry Detergents Work to Remove Stains

Understanding how enzymes work for stain removal comes down to a bit of basic chemistry. Most stains contain more than one component; ice cream, for example, contains proteins, fats and starches. Stains are multi-layered and require multiple enzymes to release them from fabric. Trying to clean that ice cream stain with only protein enzymes would be ineffective because the starch and fat in the stain would coat or block the protein enzyme from working effectively. This is why enzyme blends are essential; a good enzyme detergent contains multiple enzymes that work to clear paths for each other, thus boosting their collective power to remove stubborn stains.

Which Laundry Detergent Enzymes Work Best?

Here at Heritage Park, we are extremely proud of our proprietary enzyme blend and the rest of our non-toxic ingredients . We can’t spill our secret formula, but we are happy to discuss the five types of enzymes found in our detergents and describe how they work for tough stain removal:

How Enzymes in detergent removes stains

  • Protease: works on protein. Protein is found in sweat, blood, chocolate, dairy products and milky drinks like tea, coffee and chai. You may be surprised to learn that a grass stain is also protein based! The protease enzyme breaks down the molecules in these protein stains, which makes it possible for the surfactant (the active cleaning agent) to lift them from the fabric. (Note: many fabrics -- including silk, wool, and cashmere -- are protein based. This means protease will, over time, degrade the quality of the fabric. For these items, use our enzyme-free Luxury Silk, Wool and Cashmere formula.)
  • Amylase: works on starch. Starch is used to thicken many prepared foods, from ready-made sauces and baby foods to dressings and desserts (chocolate stains, for example, contain both protein and starch). Starch is “sticky” and attracts other dirt particles in the air and even in the washing machine. Starch stains can be very noticeable, which is why amylase is needed to break them down and help wash them away.
  • Pectate Lyase: works on pectin. Pectin is another type of starch. It occurs naturally in berries, bananas and avocados, as well as many vegetables. Pectin is also used to thicken jams and jellies as well as yogurt drinks and smoothies. Like starch, pectin is sticky; pectate lyase breaks down pectin so that the detergent can remove the stain.
  • Mannanase: works on gum. Guar and locust bean gums are found in ice cream, mayonnaise, and salad dressing as well as in personal care products like toothpaste and body lotions. Mannanase breaks down these gums to help detergents remove their sticky stains.
  • Lipase: works on fats, oils, and grease. Grease and oil stains can be a nightmare to get rid of. And lots of our favorite foods (cheeseburgers, pad Thai, French fries, sausage, pizza, hot dogs, and more) are oily and will leave a greasy stain. On top of their inherent animal fats, many of these items are cooked in oils peanut, sunflower and sesame. Without the right enzyme, these stains can quickly become permanent. Lipase will break down fat and oily stain.

What is an Enzyme Presoak?

Sometimes a laundry stain will require more than a simple washing. You may have heard the term "laundry enzyme presoak." A well-formulated enzyme detergent like Heritage Park All-Purpose Luxury Laundry Detergent can also be used as a prewash stain remover, either alone or in combination with other methods.

For lighter stains, dissolve a cupful of liquid detergent or powdered detergent in a cup of warm water and put in a spray bottle; spray enzyme solution liberally over the stain and let sit at least an hour prior to the main wash. For more serious stains, moisten the fabric, and apply detergent directly; rub gently to remove the stain. Leave to soak for up to 24 hours before washing. Repeat as necessary.

Laundry enzyme presoak for tough stains

Note: always follow the manufacturer’s directions for fabric care and stain removal. Check out our guide to removing common stains here .

When NOT to Use an Enzyme Cleaner

While we are very big fans of the cleaning power of enzymes, there are definitely some fabrics on which you should NOT use them. As we discussed above, biological laundry detergent almost always contains an enzyme that targets protein, which is one of the most common compounds found in stains (blood, dairy, body fluids, grass, etc.). Fabrics such as silk, wool, cashmere and leather are themselves made of protein. Prolonged use of an enzymatic cleaner -- which dissolved protein-based stains -- will eventually degrade the quality of these luxury fabrics.

For these materials, we recommend our enzyme-free detergent formulation, Heritage Park Luxury Silk, Wool and Cashmere Detergent which is suitable for both hand- and machine-washing.

Heritage Park Laundry Essentials

At Heritage Park, caring for fine fabric is our passion. As lifelong collectors of luxury sheets, towels, and cloths, we found many commercially available "gentle detergents" either damaged our fabrics or didn't get the job done, leaving stains. We knew we could do better. So we developed a formula with the perfect balance of powerful -- yet safe -- ingredients designed to remove tough, a set-in food stain while remaining gentle on luxury clothing. Our concentrated liquid laundry detergent is neutral pH and contains no sulfates, phosphates, chlorine bleach, or optical brighteners. It is hypoallergenic and pediatrician and dermatologist approved, with no animal testing ever. Please connect with us at (800) 977-1841 or visit our store or email us with any product feedback or cleaning questions.

At Heritage Park, caring for fine fabric is our passion. As lifelong collectors of luxury sheets, towels, and cloths, we found many commercially available "gentle detergents" either damaged our fabrics or didn't get the job done, leaving stains. We knew we could do better. So we developed a formula with the perfect balance of powerful -- yet safe -- ingredients designed to remove tough, set-in stains while remaining gentle on luxury linens. Please connect with us at (800) 977-1841 or  visit our store  or email us with any product feedback or cleaning questions.

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Enzymes in Biological Detergents – Laundry Detergent Facts and Info

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Many of us have heard of biological and non-biological laundry detergents, but we don’t always understand how these detergents work to get our clothes looking and smelling clean and fresh. If you’re unsure about the use of enzymes in biological detergents, or about how non-biological detergents work, here’s everything you need to know:  

What Are Enzymes in Biological Washing Powder?

Most biological laundry detergents contain lipase and protease enzymes, both of which are found in the body. Lipases break down fats and oils, while proteases work to break down protein chains. Their ability to break down these compounds makes them excellent for stain removal.  

Why Are Enzymes Used in Biological Washing Powder?

One of the primary reasons that enzymes are used in biological washing powders is that the additional stain-removing help from the enzymes means that dirt can be removed without the need for hot water. Biological detergents are effective at much lower temperatures, helping families all across the UK to save money on their household bills, and become more environmentally friendly.

The ability to wash in lower temperatures also means we can pop a wider variety of materials into the washing machine – such as wool and silk which could become damaged in high heats – and lower temperatures are also great for dyed clothing like denim jeans as it reduces colour transfer.  

How Do Enzymes Work in Laundry Detergent?

The use of enzymes in detergents is much the same as the use of enzymes in the body. Lipases and proteases process any remnants of protein, starches, and fats in the clothing, which makes them great for getting rid of grass stains, pasta sauces, hamburger grease, and more.

Once the enzymes have done their job, the broken down particles can easily be washed away with warm water in the washing machine, so with a biological detergent like Persil Bio washing capsules , you can be sure you’re tackling stains head on. 

How Does Laundry Detergent Without Enzymes Work?

Non-biological laundry detergents offer the same great cleaning power of their biological counterparts, but without the enzymes. While enzymes in biological detergents can lend a helping hand when it comes to stain removal, they are considered to be common household allergens – much like pet hair or dust mites – and they may not always be the best option for those with very sensitive skin.

The good news is that non-biological detergents like Persil Non-Bio washing capsules  are still tough on stains while also being gentle on skin. With non-bio, you may need to wash at slightly higher temperatures for enzymatic stains. To help you decide which detergent is best for your family, check out our handy guide to the difference between non-biological and biological detergents.

Kitchen Science Experiments to Try at Home

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Dissolving eggs - the power of enzymes

Part of the show synthetic biology, egg-ariel.jpg.

Egg left in Ariel Powder solution for about 3 days


A hard boiled eggBiological washing powder - not one of the 'eco' brands
Jars or glassesNon-biological washing powder


Take 3 jars fill all of them with water, and add about a couple of tablespoons of biological washing powder to one and a couple of tablespoons to another, and leave the third as a control with just water.

Cut the white of the hard boiled egg into lumps of about the same size or thickness. I ended up using slices about 5mm thick.

Egg at start

Put a lump into each jar and leave them for 2-3 days somewhere as warm as you can find, 40°C is ideal.

Is there any difference between the bits of egg?

You should find that the egg in the water has hardly changed and the egg in the biological washing powder is significantly smaller than it started, particularly at the corners which become very curved.

The egg in non-biological powder is essentially unchanged - the corners are still sharp. The 'eco' biological powder seems to have had very little effect.
However the conventional biological powder has eaten away all the sharp edges. The own brand biological powder does seem to have eaten away at the egg, but in a slightly different way


One of the hardest stains to remove from clothes conventionally are long molecules that have dried on, such as proteins and fats. The problem is that the long molecules tangle together and are very hard to dissolve and remove from the clothing fibres.

One solution that the washing powder manufacturers have come up with is to add enzymes to the powder. Enzymes are biological catalysts, molecules assist chemical reactions and make them occur much faster and more easily without being used up themselves. Each enzyme molecule can catalyze thousands of reactions. There are a variety of enzymes in the washing powder which catalyze the break up of fats, starches or proteins.

Egg white is made up of long tangled protein molecules so doesn't dissolve. wellThe protease enzyme acts to cut up the egg white proteins making the fragments soluble, so they just dissolve.

The egg white is made up of proteins so will be broken up by a washing powder with enzymes to break up proteins (proteases). Not all washing powders use the same enzyme and different brands may add different amounts of enzyme, so they don't all work as well as one another.

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why did nothing happen in the

why did nothing happen in the biological detergent

this experiment had helped me

this experiment had helped me so much in my project and i have also gain knowledge about eggs being place in water and soap water. Thank you so much.

this was a great help to me

this was a great help to me much

Thanks so much

This has been so help full to

This has been so help full to me thank you

Thank u sooo much!!!!!!!!!


thanks so much

This was nice

this was so helpful

this was so helpful .thankkkkkkkkkkkkkk soooooooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Chemical Communications

Rational enzyme design by reducing the number of hotspots and library size.

Biocatalysts with eco-friendly, sustainable, and high specificity have great potential for applications in the production of fine chemicals, food, detergents, biofuels, pharmaceuticals, and more. However, due to factors such as low activity, narrow substrate scope, poor thermostability, or incorrect selectivity, most natural enzymes cannot be directly used for large-scale production of desired products. To overcome these obstacles, protein engineering methods have been developed over decades and have become powerful and versatile tools for adapting enzymes with improved catalytic properties or new functions. The vastness of protein sequence space makes screening a bottleneck in obtaining advantageous mutated enzymes in traditional directed evolution. In the realm of mathematics, there are two major constraints in protein sequence space: 1) The number of residue substitutions (M); 2) The number of codons encoding amino acids as building blocks (N). This feature review highlights protein engineering strategies to reduce screening efforts from two dimensions by reducing the numbers M and N, and also discusses represntative seminal studies of rationally engineered natural enzymes to deliver new catalytic functions.

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Z. Qin, B. Yuan, G. Qu and Z. Sun, Chem. Commun. , 2024, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4CC01394H

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The influence of high-concentrate diet supplemented with tannin on growth performance, rumen fermentation, and antioxidant ability of fattening lambs.

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Simple Summary

1. introduction, 2. materials and methods, 2.1. experimental design and feeding management, 2.2. determination of growth performance, 2.3. sample collection of blood, ruminal fluid, and feces, 2.4. analysis of rumen fermentation characteristics and serum indexes, 2.5. analysis of apparent digestibility and microbial count, 2.6. statistical analysis, 3.1. growth performance, 3.2. ruminal fermentation, 3.3. nutrient digestibility, 3.4. biochemical index of serum, 3.5. immunoglobulin and cytokine of serum, 3.6. antioxidant parameter of serum, 3.7. microbial count of feces, 4. discussion, 5. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

Ingredients, %
Alfalfa hay22.36
Corn straw7.64
Wheat bran10.64
Soybean meal8.37
Cottonseed meal7.45
NaHCO 0.96
CaHPO 0.40
Premix 0.50
DM (%)91.12
NDF (%)29.32
ADF (%)15.60
CP (%)16.20
EE (%)3.26
Starch (%)28.16
Ash (%)5.30
Ca (%)0.84
P (%)0.49
ME (MJ/kg)9.94
Initial BW (kg) 17.40 17.3617.530.1170.841
Final BW (kg)34.4635.9635.110.2750.078
ADG (g/d) 284.31 310.01 293.06 4.3190.042
DMI (kg/d) 1.331.30 1.340.0210.753
Feed efficiency4.69 4.20 4.59 0.0790.021
ALP (U/L)259.35258.89248.207.1940.784
ALT (U/L)16.9717.3617.720.3470.689
AST (U/L)86.6688.6586.891.5590.857
TP (g/L)56.3959.5656.741.0560.418
GLB (g/L)27.9725.8826.360.7020.456
ALB (g/L)28.4233.6730.381.3300.272
TG (mmol/L)0.374 0.428 0.419 0.0070.004
NEFA (mmol/L)0.1690.1550.1580.0070.696
GLU (mmol/L)
UN (mmol/L)3.51 3.11 3.03 0.0640.003
IgM (mg/mL)4.504.524.610.1590.961
IgA (mg/mL)23.29 27.42 25.70 0.5920.013
IgG (μg/mL)51.1755.5354.220.7960.068
IL-1β (ng/L)89.65 83.60 84.93 1.0270.036
IL-6 (ng/L)140.75140.69145.262.8030.758
IL-10 (ng/L)70.1975.9977.741.3820.061
TNF-α (ng/L)505.77486.09489.893.7400.071
CAT (U/mL)45.82 50.29 48.58 0.6520.014
GSH-Px (U/mL)138.98147.08150.572.1670.078
SOD (U/mL)70.6369.2767.831.0700.579
T-AOC (U/mL)15.33 19.11 19.38 0.5310.001
MDA (mmol/mL)4.44 3.65 3.63 0.1410.023
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Lin, L.; Lu, Y.; Wang, W.; Luo, W.; Li, T.; Cao, G.; Du, C.; Wei, C.; Yin, F.; Gan, S.; et al. The Influence of High-Concentrate Diet Supplemented with Tannin on Growth Performance, Rumen Fermentation, and Antioxidant Ability of Fattening Lambs. Animals 2024 , 14 , 2471.

Lin L, Lu Y, Wang W, Luo W, Li T, Cao G, Du C, Wei C, Yin F, Gan S, et al. The Influence of High-Concentrate Diet Supplemented with Tannin on Growth Performance, Rumen Fermentation, and Antioxidant Ability of Fattening Lambs. Animals . 2024; 14(17):2471.

Lin, Lu, Yuezhang Lu, Weiqian Wang, Wenjun Luo, Tao Li, Guang Cao, Chunmei Du, Chen Wei, Fuquan Yin, Shangquan Gan, and et al. 2024. "The Influence of High-Concentrate Diet Supplemented with Tannin on Growth Performance, Rumen Fermentation, and Antioxidant Ability of Fattening Lambs" Animals 14, no. 17: 2471.

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  1. Testing which detergent is best in removing food stains (Enzymes in detergents experiment)

    enzyme detergent experiment

  2. Enzyme Experiment: How detergent enzymes remove blood stains

    enzyme detergent experiment

  3. Quick and Dirty Science--Testing Laundry Detergents

    enzyme detergent experiment

  4. DIY Citrus Enzyme Detergent

    enzyme detergent experiment

  5. Experiment

    enzyme detergent experiment

  6. PPT

    enzyme detergent experiment


  1. Investigating enzymes used in laundry detergents

    NCBE supplies five detergent enzymes individually or in a pack of five. They supply lipase (Lipex™) in 100 cm 3 bottles. The data sheets in the packs recommend suitable amounts of enzyme to use as a starting point for any investigation. They also provide information about the enzyme including likely optimum temperature for enzyme action.

  2. The Cold Wash Challenge: Testing How Well Enzymes Work in Laundry

    The most common enzymes in laundry detergents are proteases, amylases, lipases, and mannanases. Each of these enzymes performs a specific task for removing stains. Proteases break down proteins, like those found in blood, egg, or dairy stains. Amylases break down starches in vegetable or other starchy food stains.

  3. Which laundry enzymes work best?

    Within your group, create the biological detergents by mixing the enzymes with non-biological detergent and water. You should test each of the four enzymes separately (e.g. A only, B only, C only, D only), and also create two additional biological detergents by mixing enzymes together (e.g. A and B, or B and C).

  4. Quick and Dirty Science--Testing Laundry Detergents

    First, he carefully measured the sizes of the mustard stains with a ruler so he would have a way to tell how much of the stains disappeared after washing. Next, he measured water and detergent into a large jar, added a piece of the stained cloth, set the timer for three minutes, and started shaking the jar. Part way through the three minutes ...

  5. Enzymes in washing powders

    Investigating enzymes used in laundry detergents:Students plan an investigation on the performance of enzymes in laundry detergent, using a variety of fabrics and food stains. Breaking stains: This experiment requires a spectrophotometer and casein protein coloured with blue dye. The aim is to compare the effectiveness of ordinary detergent ...

  6. Enzyme Experiment: How detergent enzymes remove blood stains

    Enzymes are pivotal in improving the detergent formulations and the overall sustainability profile of the washing process. They are important ingredients in ...

  7. Cleaning time using the power of enzymes

    Method. Step 1. Dissolve around 0.6 g of the biological powder in around 600 mL of water. If it does not dissolve, heat the water gently until the powder dissolves. Step 2. Stain a piece of cloth with 10 drops of orange juice. The drops should be placed in the same spot, using a pipette. Step 3.

  8. Enzymes in Laundry Detergents

    Introduction. In today's laundry detergents, enzymes such as proteases and amylases are some of the active ingredients. In the U.S., about 50% of liquid detergents, 25% of powder detergents, and almost all powdered bleach additives now contain enzymes to help break down stains that are otherwise hard to remove with conventional surfactants alone.

  9. PDF The role of enzymes in detergent products

    processes including digestion and growth. In the detergent industry, commercial enzymes are used to provide a higher degree of stain removal, whiteness, fabric and col. ur care and overall cleaning performance. These ingredients are selected based on. performance and the use that is required.Enzymes act like small selective.

  10. Are Enzymes in Laundry Detergents Effective Stain Removers?

    Abstract. Some laundry detergents have added enzymes that break down proteins, helping to remove them from the cloth fibers, and thus remove stains. You can perform a scientific test of these enzymes' stain-fighting ability. Do background research on the enzyme (s) in the detergent, and on the substances you choose for making the stains.

  11. The Power of Enzymes!

    Enzymes are proteins that help the body digest food. There are many kinds of enzymes in our body, but there are three main enzymes that help us break down most of the food we eat. The first one, called amylase, helps us break down carbohydrates like pasta or cereal. The second one, protease, helps us break down proteins like meat or cheese.

  12. A beginner's guide to enzymes in detergents

    Enzymes in (heavy-duty) detergents degrade and thereby help solubilize substrate soils attached to fabrics or hard surfaces (e.g., dishes). Cellulases clean indirectly by gently hydrolyzing certain glycosidic bonds in cotton fibers. In this way, particulate soils attached to microfibrils are removed.

  13. Testing which detergent is best in removing food stains (Enzymes in

    This experiment demonstrates a simple method to determine which detergent is more effective in removing food stains. The experiment can be modified to predi...

  14. Detergent enzymes

    Detergent powder containing enzymes. Detergent enzymes are biological enzymes that are used with detergents.They catalyze the reaction between stains and the water solution, thus aiding stain removal and improving efficiency. [1] Laundry detergent enzymes are the largest application of industrial enzymes. [2]They can be a part of both liquid and powder detergents.

  15. Enzymes in Modern Detergents

    Abstract. Huge amounts of alkaline enzymes are used in the detergent industry, and they have been widely incorporated into heavy-duty laundry and automatic dishwashing detergents. The alkaline enzymes used in modern detergents are protease, cellulase, … more.

  16. PDF laundry detergent to break down staining molecules. A common belief

    Enzymes are protein molecules that act as catalysts in chemical reactions. In. this way, they speed up reactions and lower the reaction's required activation energy. (2) It is shown in the results from a previous study that laundry detergents contain enzymes in order to. digest the macromolecules found in stains.

  17. Unleashing the Power of Detergent Enzymes in Stain Removal

    The Evolution of Enzyme-Based Detergents. Enzymes have been a part of laundry detergents for decades, but their journey towards revolutionizing stain removal has been a fascinating one. The History of Enzymes in Laundry Detergents. The utilization of enzymes in laundry detergents dates back to the mid-20th century. Initially, enzymes like ...

  18. Trending

    The research shows that enzymes found in modern detergents used for washing clothes do not trigger allergic reactions from either inhalation or skin contact ( 1, 2, 3 ). Enzymes in laundry detergent are overwhelmingly safe and effective. If someone is experiencing a reaction to a laundry detergent, they're likely impacted by a fragrance or ...

  19. Detergent Enzymes Science: How They Break Down Dirt and Grime

    When detergent-containing enzymes are applied to a stain, the enzymes identify and bind to the specific molecules responsible for the stain. The enzymes then break down these molecules into smaller compounds through the catalytic reaction. This breakdown process weakens the stain's structure, making it easier to be washed away during rinsing.

  20. How Enzymes in Laundry Detergent Break Down and Remove Tough Stains

    Enzyme detergents are a highly effective at removing stain on delicates, including clothing, sheets and towels. Learn how enzymes in detergent will break down and remove even the toughest stains. If you're looking for a natural way to clean fine fabrics, an enzyme laundry detergent could be right for you. Enzyme detergents are a highly ...

  21. The Facts About Laundry Detergents and How They Work

    The use of enzymes in detergents is much the same as the use of enzymes in the body. Lipases and proteases process any remnants of protein, starches, and fats in the clothing, which makes them great for getting rid of grass stains, pasta sauces, hamburger grease, and more. Once the enzymes have done their job, the broken down particles can ...

  22. Dissolving eggs

    There are a variety of enzymes in the washing powder which catalyze the break up of fats, starches or proteins. The protease enzyme acts to cut up the egg white proteins making the fragments soluble, so they just dissolve. The egg white is made up of proteins so will be broken up by a washing powder with enzymes to break up proteins (proteases).

  23. PDF Which laundry enzymes work best?

    detergents by mixing the enzymes with non-biological detergent and water. You should test each of the four enzymes separately (e.g. A only, B only, C only, D only), and also create two additional biological detergents by mixing enzymes together (e.g. A and B, or B and C). To predict which enzyme is which, test the performance of each enzyme-

  24. Rational enzyme design by reducing the number of hotspots and library

    Biocatalysts with eco-friendly, sustainable, and high specificity have great potential for applications in the production of fine chemicals, food, detergents, biofuels, pharmaceuticals, and more. However, due to factors such as low activity, narrow substrate scope, poor thermostability, or incorrect selectiv

  25. Animals

    This experiment aimed to study the effects of tannin supplementation on growth performance, rumen fermentation characteristics, apparent digestibility and serum biochemistry, and antioxidant and immune indexes in fattening lambs. A total of 36 male Hu sheep lambs (body weight = 15.83 ± 0.48 kg and days of age = 55 ± 2 d) were fed a high-concentrate diet and randomly divided into one of three ...