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Health Is Wealth Speech | Speech on Health Is Wealth for Students and Children in English

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Health is Wealth Speech: Wealth, This word makes us dream of luxuries that only money can afford. But it is very well said – “Wealth is not something that money can buy”.

The first wealth is Health. Health is the first and the foremost foundation of everyone’s lives, as without health no one can enjoy the life that they deserve. Even the richest people are unable to relish their lives as they cannot understand the importance of health in their lives. Money cannot replenish the importance of health in anyone’s life. Health is based on many factors such as social, genetic and financial factors. We can say that health is a prerequisite for a happy life.

When a person is not in any problems socially, physically, or mentally it means that he or she is in perfect health.  Let’s see some speeches based on good health.

Long and Short Speeches on The Topic of Health is Wealth

A long speech on health is wealth of 450-500 words and a short speech on health is wealth of 100-150 words is given below.  This speech can be used on occasions of college functions, official occasions and as a school speech as well. Long Speech on health is wealth is helpful for students of classes 7,8.9. and 10. Short speech on health is wealth is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Long Speech on Health is Wealth 500 Words

Greetings to everyone present here!

Let me ask everyone, where do we live? Yes, it is true that we live in our houses and apartments, but the first place that encases our soul is our body. Our body is the temple in which our soul resides. Our primary priority should be the health of our bodies and the state of our mind. The proverb ‘ Health is wealth ‘ means that one’s health is the greatest wealth

Perfect Health defined perfectly means that a person is in superb condition in terms of his physique, mental and social health. Health is the resource that a person attains to support his place in society and for living a contented life. Good health not only means ‘No diseases’, but it means a body and a mind which are free of the corruption of the modern lifestyle.

Health does not mean six-pack abs or striking jawlines that makes everyone’s jaws drop. Health is something that can be achieved from the littlest of efforts made. Now, Health is of two types – Physical as well as mental health. Physical health can be simply put as a body that is free from any diseases. The Six pack abs are just an addition to the gift that God has already given us. Whereas Mental health is something that is to be understood in bit more depth. When we are socially, emotionally and psychologically in an undisturbed condition, we can say that our mental health is up to the mark.

There are many factors that affect our health such as, social, financial, genetic or even our educational factors. People with good economic conditions can better afford health precautions, but that is not the case with middle-class or poor people. However, that does not mean that we cannot create an unperturbed flow of health in our lives by managing our time and efforts in a way to create a healthy regime.

Here are some ways in which you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your diet has a major role to play as you are what you eat. Exercise regularly. Exploring nature and atmosphere is good way to give your body the freshness it needs. Dozing off at the right time can particularly relax your mind as you can’t sleep off between office hours. The key is finding the balance between your work and your personal life and reducing stress. You can always kindle yourself by finding new hobbies as well.

The saying – “the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you” has the greatest relevance today. People are so busy chasing success that they forget the beautiful gift god has given them- themselves. It is necessary to determine a routine that essentially keeps you fit, happy, content and wealthy at the same time!

Health is Wealth

Short Speech on Health is Wealth 150 Words

It is rightly said “Happiness is the new rich. Inner peace is a new success. Health is the new wealth. Kindness is the new cool.”

A person nowadays continuously keeps busy for chasing work and their personal happiness. Little do they know, the biggest happiness that lies with them is their own personal health. Normally we think that we are healthy as no diseases reside within us. According to WHO, Health is nothing but the flawless condition of the body and mind in every sense. We keep building up stress in order to keep on finding new levels of success. Now, these stress levels would one day break down and our mind will be scattered in a disturbing way giving way to diseases in our body. The real sense of the word wealth is our own health and it would be good for our generation to remind themselves of that every single day of their lives.

Ten Lines on The Topic of Health is Wealth Speech

  • Health basically means the perfect condition of a human being in terms of physical, mental and social wellbeing according to the basic guideline of WHO in 1946.
  • Men have always been accustomed to money as being the superior wealth so they can fulfill their ultimate dreams.
  • The only wealth superior than money is one’s own health in terms of social, financial, physical and mental matters.
  • Without a healthy lifestyle no one can enjoy the perks that money provides. Many people forget to maintain a healthy lifestyle once they forget stress.
  • To ensure the mental and physical well being one must find the balance between their personal and professional life and this can only be done if one gets rid of the procrastination in their life.
  • There are places like google and apple who even at their workplace enhance the productivity and encourage the health of their employees in a compelling way.
  • Eating healthy, sleeping on time and exercising regularly can be known as the most basic of guidelines for healthy lifestyle.
  • Without health no one can work productively and that is the main reason to undergo a tedious process of determining a strict routine.
  • Life, by basic design should consist of both mental and physical exercises from an early age and this is the duty of the parents to make their children habituated in a healthy routine.

Speech on About Health is Wealth

FAQ’s on Health is Wealth Speech

Question 1. When was the guideline for health given by WHO?

Answer: The constitution of the World health organization was established in 1946 when the guidelines were created and shared.

Question 2. what is the health index of India?

Answer: India was ranked 145th out of 195 countries on Healthcare Access and Quality Index.

Question 3. What are the basic rules of a healthy body?

Answer: The basic rules of a healthy body are not putting toxic things in our body, nourishing ourselves to the best, sleeping on time, and avoid excessive stress.

Question 4. What are the basic problems in maintaining health?

Answer: The basic problems in maintaining a healthy lifestyle is decreasing appetite, changes in taste, irregular patterns of sleeping and other health problems.

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Speech on Health is Wealth

A speech is a spoken discourse or an expression of thoughts that are delivered in front of an audience by the speaker.

In this post, we have written a brilliant Speech on Health is Wealth.

Speech on Health is Wealth

Speech on Health is Wealth (1000+ Words)

Respected Principal, teachers, and dear friends,

Today I am going to speak about health as Wealth.

Mahatma Gandhi emphasized that “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver,” indicating the significance of good health over wealth. Although man has a superior mind and a controlled nature, he must also focus on keeping his body and mind fit and healthy. Regular exercise can help maintain good health and keep the mind alert. A healthy body is crucial for good psychological well-being, as poor health can negatively impact an individual’s mental state.

In today’s fast-paced life, stress has become a leading cause of various medical conditions, such as heart and neurological problems. Good health not only prevents such conditions but also promotes a positive attitude towards work and life in general. Life is meant to be joyful and positive, and to enjoy it, individuals need energy and enthusiasm, which can only be attained through good health.

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From the very beginning of life, care for good health is essential, and it relies on the mother’s health and nutritional intake during pregnancy, as well as the cleanliness of the surroundings. The mother’s health and nutrition are the primary requirements for both her and her baby’s well-being. Dreaded illnesses like polio, diphtheria , typhoid, etc. can be prevented with proper care to keep children healthy.

Parents view their children as their best hope and love them dearly, with the dream of raising healthy, intelligent, and brilliant children. Therefore, it is the parents’ fundamental responsibility to take care of their children’s physical and mental health. However, as children are the future of the country and everyone’s hope, others share the responsibility of ensuring their good health.

The saying “A child is the father of a man” implies that the growth and development of a child determine their future as a man. A healthy child will grow up to become a healthy and productive man who can serve as a valuable resource for the country and society. It is not wrong for others to come forward and provide services that contribute to children’s good health. Teachers, neighbors, friends, athletes, physical and mental trainers, media, social workers, doctors, and gymnasts can play a crucial role in inspiring children to prioritize their health.

In this competitive age, good health has become even more important than ever before. Children have the opportunity to develop their physical and mental standards at school. Life has become exceptionally fast-paced and stressful from an early age. With vast educational syllabi and high expectations, it is crucial for students to study hard and spend long hours in the classroom. Educational institutions must give equal importance to physical exercises and entertainment programs to ensure that students learn well and maintain good health.

A good school or educational institution is remembered for its ideal facilities for sports and other activities, which provide physical exercise and entertainment to students. After long hours of mental work, students need outdoor exercises to refresh their minds. A young person with good academic performance and sound health is sure to achieve their life goals, regardless of the career they choose. Good education and good health equip a person to face challenges fearlessly, which leads to progress and the desired outcome.

Better performance in life, regardless of the profession one belongs to, is associated with good health, both physical and mental. It is imperative for everyone to prioritize good health in order to become a result-oriented individual.

Even an untalented person can manage their job through the excellence of their good health. People with good physiques can be seen working on farms all day, using their energy to earn a living for themselves and their families, leading to mental satisfaction and sound sleep at night. Furthermore, physically strong and intelligent individuals can provide better service to society and gain appreciation from others.

There are many professions for which health is a crucial eligibility criterion. Individuals who are well-built and mentally fit can perform better in the armed forces, paramilitary, police, and other similar fields. Many people in these forces have been decorated with awards for their exceptional performance and heroism shown during battles or for their courageous acts under extremely challenging circumstances.

A healthy individual has more job options available, even in the private sector, where professional skill is the primary criterion, a well-built person with a powerful appearance is sought after. Health has significant value everywhere, and it pays dividends throughout a person’s life.

A person’s negative thoughts and emotions are reflected on their face, while positive thoughts of a healthy mind can make a person’s face shine. Because the mind and body are so closely interconnected, they continuously influence each other and can trigger a cycle of reactions unless controlled.

Improving good health is crucial as it holds great importance. However, there are areas where healthcare centers are lacking, leading to people’s suffering. Many rural hospitals are functioning without doctors or medicines, leaving patients with multiple diseases and injuries untreated. As a result, poor people cannot afford treatment in big cities, and private hospitals’ costs for major diseases are beyond their reach.

Merely having medical facilities will not resolve the issue. Raising awareness among people about regular physical exercise to promote good health and efficiency at work is necessary. Individuals conscious of their health and well-being attend Gymnasium and Yoga camps, motivating others to follow such beneficial practices and lead a disease-free life with robust health.

If an individual can eliminate unhealthy and negative thoughts such as self-indulgence from his mind, he can develop the determination to improve his body, thus freeing himself of the most psychologically caused illnesses. On the way to good health, one can experience a superior mind.

With this, I conclude my speech. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation.

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Speech On Health Is Wealth [2-3 Minutes]

Speech On Health Is Wealth: Human life is all about maintaining a balance between health, wealth and relationships. Among these three, health should be preferred because it works as a pillar for the rest of the two.

Without having good health, what is the use of wealth and relationships? You cant be able to enjoy anything in life. That is why it is said that health is wealth. Apart from this, your physical health impacts your mental health.

2 Minute Speech On Health Is Wealth

First of all, I would like to wish you all the best wishes for the day. And also, I am very glad to have a chance to share my views on “Health is Wealth”.

“Health is wealth”. This proverb is heard by almost everyone. This is not a line but a factual proverb. Without health, a wealthy person is also poor because he can not enjoy his life to the fullest. We must always keep in mind that health has a greater value than money. An unhealthy person’s money and talent will go to waste.

Being healthy is not about being physically healthy. Your mental health is also a part of it. When you are not able to concentrate on things despite a healthy body, it demonstrates your poor mental health.

To get a healthy life, one should make some changes to his life. These changes can be your eating habits, your sleeping patterns and also some tweaks to your lifestyle.

For your physical health, you should take a balanced diet that is full of nutrients. Also, physical activities like running, Walking, Exercising and outdoor games are helpful.

Thank you for listening to my thoughts on “health is wealth”. I hope you liked it.

3 Minute Speech On Health Is Wealth

“ Health is wealth”  is a well-known proverb by all. This is not merely a proverb, it is actually a secret of living a happy life. There is no use of someone’s talent and skills until and unless he or she is healthy. All the wealth on the planet can’t make you healthy but good health can make you capable of achieving all wealth and prosperity.

Is not the line said previously worth any value? Now, this is up to the person how one defines real wealth. One can neither enjoy life nor money with a sick body. So it is a proven fact that health is wealth.

Good health is wealth that everyone wants but only a few can afford. This point itself affirms the value of a healthy lifestyle. When a person attains a healthy lifestyle, he/she becomes free from the stress of seeking medical care every now and then.

Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle will drive you to act better in life and cause you to obtain higher targets. It normally happens that people who are very rich in terms of money usually lack a healthy life. This just shows that all the wealth in the world will do you no good if there is a deficiency in a healthy lifestyle.

If you want to get a healthy lifestyle, you will surely have to execute some changes in your daily life. Keeping a healthy lifestyle requires regular habits and discipline. There are many great habits you can choose like exercising daily which will sustain your physical fitness.

It also influences your psychic health as when your look enhances, your self-confidence will automatically get increase.

Health is actually the root of all happiness. Using money one can buy all the luxuries of the world but a healthy life can’t be bought with money. Good health enables you to live a happy life, Achieve your goals and escape all the medical expenses.

Thank you for listening to my thoughts on “ health is wealth “. I hope you liked it.

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Health Is Wealth Essay for Students and Children

500+ words health is wealth essay.

Growing up you might have heard the term ‘Health is Wealth’, but its essential meaning is still not clear to most people. Generally, people confuse good health with being free of any kind of illness. While it may be part of the case, it is not entirely what good health is all about. In other words, to lead a healthy life , a person must be fit and fine both physically and mentally. For instance, if you are constantly eating junk food yet you do not have any disease, it does not make you healthy. You are not consuming healthy food which naturally means you are not healthy, just surviving. Therefore, to actually live and not merely survive, you need to have the basic essentials that make up for a healthy lifestyle.

health is wealth essay


Life is about striking a balance between certain fundamental parts of life. Health is one of these aspects. We value health in the same way that we value time once we have lost it. We cannot rewind time, but the good news is that we can regain health with some effort. A person in good physical and mental health may appreciate the world to the fullest and meet life’s problems with ease and comfort. Health is riches implies that health is a priceless asset rather than money or ownership of material possessions. There is no point in having money if you don’t have good health.

Key Elements Of A Healthy Lifestyle

If you wish to acquire a healthy lifestyle, you will certainly have to make some changes in your life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle demands consistent habits and disciplined life. There are various good habits that you can adopt like exercising regularly which will maintain your physical fitness. It also affects your mental health as when your appearance enhances, your confidence will automatically get boosted.

To live a healthy life, one must make some lifestyle modifications. These modifications can include changes to your food habits, sleeping routines, and lifestyle. You should eat a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet for your physical wellness.

Further, it will prevent obesity and help you burn out extra fat from your body. After that, a balanced diet is of great importance. When you intake appropriate amounts of nutrition, vitamins, proteins, calories and more, your immune system will strengthen. This will, in turn, help you fight off diseases powerfully resulting in a disease-free life.

Above all, cleanliness plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Your balanced diet and regular exercise will be completely useless if you live in an unhealthy environment. One must always maintain cleanliness in their surroundings so as to avoid the risk of catching communicable diseases.

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Benefits Of A Healthy Lifestyle

As it is clear by now, good health is a luxury which everyone wants but some of them cannot afford. This point itself states the importance of a healthy lifestyle. When a person leads a healthy lifestyle, he/she will be free from the tension of seeking medical attention every now and then.

a speech about health is wealth

On the contrary, if you have poor health, you will usually spend your time in a hospital and the bills will take away your mental peace. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle means you will be able to enjoy your life freely. Similarly, when you have a relaxed mind at all times, you will be able to keep your loved ones happy. A healthy individual is more likely to fulfil all of his goals because he can easily focus on them and has the energy to complete them. This is why the proverb “Health is Wealth” carries so much weight.

A socially healthy individual is one who is able to interact effectively and readily connect with others. Without his ego, he can easily blend with the person in front of him, exuding a nice feeling and energy.

Every human being should participate in sports and activities to get away from the monotony of daily life. It is because sports and games assist in instilling a sense of oneness in people, build leadership skills, and make a person absolutely disciplined.

Moreover, a healthy lifestyle will push you to do better in life and motivate you to achieve higher targets. It usually happens that people who are extremely wealthy in terms of money often lack good health. This just proves that all the riches in the world will do you no good if there is an absence of a healthy lifestyle.

In short, healthy life is the highest blessing that must not be taken for granted. It is truly the source of all happiness. Money may buy you all the luxuries in the world but it cannot buy you good health. You are solely responsible for that, so for your well-being and happiness, it is better to switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Good Health for Children

Childhood is an ideal period to inculcate healthy behaviours in children. Children’s health is determined by a variety of factors, including diet, hydration, sleep schedule, hygiene, family time, doctor visits, and physical exercise. Following are a few key points and health tips that parents should remember for their children:

  • Never allow your children to get by without nutritious food. Fruits and vegetables are essential.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, therefore teach them to frequently wash their hands and feet.
  • Sleep is essential for your child.
  • Make it a habit for them to drink plenty of water.
  • Encourage physical activity and sports.
  • Allow them enough time to sleep.
  • It is critical to visit the doctor on a regular basis for checks.

Parents frequently focus solely on their children’s physical requirements. They dress up their children’s wounds and injuries and provide them with good food. However, they frequently fail to detect their child’s deteriorating mental health. This is because they do not believe that mental health is important.

Few Lines on Health is Wealth Essay for Students

  • A state of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being is referred to as health. And all of this is linked to one another.
  • Stress, worry, and tension are the leading causes of illness and disease in today’s world. When these three factors are present for an extended period of time, they can result in a variety of mental difficulties, which can lead to physical and emotional illnesses. As a result, taking care of your own health is critical.
  • Unhealthy food or contaminated water, packed and processed food and beverages, unsanitary living conditions, not getting enough sleep, and a lack of physical activity are some of the other primary causes of health deterioration.
  • A well-balanced diet combined with adequate exercise and hygienic habits, as well as a clean environment, can enhance immunity and equip a person to fight most diseases.
  • A healthy body and mind are capable of achieving things that a sick body and mind are incapable of achieving, including happiness.
  • It is also vital to seek medical and professional assistance when necessary because health is our most valuable asset.
  • Activities such as playing an instrument, playing games, or reading provide the brain with the required exercise it requires to improve health.

Maintaining healthy behaviours improves one’s outlook on life and contributes to longevity as well as success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What are the basic essentials of a healthy life? Answer: A healthy life requires regular exercise, a balanced diet, a clean environment, and good habits.

Question 2: How can a healthy life be beneficial? Answer: A healthy lifestyle can benefit you in various ways. You will lead a happier life free from any type of disease. Moreover, it will also enhance your state of mind.

Question 3: When is World Health Day celebrated?

Answer: Since 1950, World Health Day has been observed on the 7th of April by the World Health Organization (WHO), after a decision made at the first Health Assembly in 1948. It is observed to raise awareness about people’s overall health and well-being around the world.

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Health Is Wealth Speech For Students And Children

admin April 2, 2018 Speech 13,756 Views

Health Is Wealth Speech I

Good morning to the respected teachers and all my dear friends. Today, at this auspicious occasion I want to speech on the topic ‘health is wealth’. As we all know that good health is really a boon and real jewel of the happy life. Good health is the precious thing a person gets in his / her life. Once a person losses his/her health, can never get back through money. It is the theme what this proverb tells us. It is very easy to maintain a good health through disciplined lifestyle, regular exercises, common and healthy food, positive thoughts, personal hygiene and cleanliness. Healthy people do not need to spend money over medicines and making round of doctors. However, an unhealthy person needs to spend more money to cure their diseases.

A good health is the freedom of sickness and diseases and it is the feeling of physical, mental and social well being of a person. If one maintains a good health, he / she is really blessed with a most precious gift all through the life. Being a well healthy person, it is very necessary to be healthy in every aspect like physically, mentally and socially. A healthy person is only able to enjoy all the pleasures of life. Living a happy life, being rich is not so important however it is very necessary to be healthy. A good health can be achieved by anyone through the continuous efforts. Proper awareness about bad habits is also very necessary to keep body away from the illnesses.

To maintain a proper health, we should practice a disciplined life from early morning to the evening. We should get up in the early morning, go for morning walk or do some exercises, breathe some fresh air, get fresh, maintain proper hygiene and eat food timely. Laughing is also a best medium to keep ourselves happy and healthy. It helps to be happy by overcoming anger and fear and makes one able to enjoy life to the full.

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  • Health is Wealth Essay


Importance of Working Towards Good Health

Health is God’s gift to us. Health refers to the physical and mental state of a human being. To stay healthy is not an option but a necessity to live a happy life. The basic laws of good health are related to the food we eat, the amount of physical exercise we do, our cleanliness, rest, and relaxation. A healthy person is normally more confident, self-assured, sociable, and energetic. A healthy person views things calmly, and without prejudice.



“The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man! Because he sacrifices his health to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.” This signifies that individuals don’t prioritise their mental health to earn money. Some even work 24 hours a day or seven days a week. 

However, you have the option to remain balanced. So, balance work and fitness daily. Always strive to keep a cheerful as well as a concentrated routine. It is necessary to plan ahead of time. In any case, one must maintain a good mental, bodily, and emotional state, and no professional or counsellor can assist you unless you desire to live. The will to live in the moment and make the most of it awakens the ideal strength within you, and you are the only one who can never let yourself fall apart. 

Importance of Maintaining Health

We live in a super-fast age. The Internet has shrunk the world dramatically and people are connected 24x7. Multitasking is the order of the day, as we struggle to fulfill our responsibilities for everyone in life. In this fight, we often forget to spare time for ourselves. The stress levels continue to build up until one day a major collapse may make us realize that in all this hectic activity, we have forgotten to take care of one important thing – our health.  

As we spend days shuttling between hospital and home, putting our body through one test after another, trying to find out what has gone wrong, we are forced to remember that ‘Health is indeed Wealth’.  

In earlier days, life was very simple. People worked for a stipulated time, often walked everywhere, ate more homemade food, did household chores, and enjoyed a healthy balance in life.  

Now people have cars and bikes to commute, so they walk less. With the demand for more working hours, people are awake till late at night and indulge in more junk food than home-cooked food. Modern equipment at home has reduced the labour work and increased dependency on this equipment.  People don’t have enough time to exercise or even get enough sunlight. Nowadays people are living very unhealthy lifestyles.  

Unhealthy living conditions have increased the contraction of people to various diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, hypertension, etc. This has alarming implications in the near future. So it is very important to focus on our health as much as we focus on our work. Moderation in food habits, daily exercise, and balanced work-life can surely make a big difference to our health and body. When a person stays mentally and physically fit, his actions and decisions are more practical and logical and hence he is more successful in life. Furthermore, good health has a direct impact on our personality.

It's crucial to consider how much self-control you have to keep a healthy lifestyle. Research reveals that changing one's behaviour and daily patterns are quite tough. According to the data, whether a person has a habit of smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, or any other substance, it is extremely difficult to quit. A study found that 80% of smokers who tried to quit failed, with only 46% succeeding.

Importance of Good Health 

A healthy body has all the major components that help in the proper functioning of the body. The essential component is the state of physical health. Your life term extends when you maintain good physical fitness. If you are committed to exercising with a sensible diet, then you can develop a sense of well-being and can even prevent yourself from chronic illness, disability, and premature death.  

Some of the benefits of increased physical activity are as follows. 

It Improves Our Health

It increases the efficiency of the heart and lungs.

A good walk can reduce cholesterol levels.

Good exercise increases muscle strength.

It reduces blood pressure.

It reduces the risk of major illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.

Improved Sense of Well-being

It helps in developing more energy.

It reduces stress levels.

Quality of sleep improves.

It helps in developing the ability to cope with stress.

It increases mental sharpness. 

Improved Appearances 

Weight loss contributes to a good physique.

Toned muscles generate more energy.

Improved posture enhances our appearance. 

Enhanced Social Life

It improves self-image

It increases opportunities to make new friends.

It increases opportunities to share an activity with friends or family members. 

Increased Stamina

Increased productivity.

Increased physical capabilities.

Less frequent injuries.

Improved immunity to minor illnesses.

Along with physical fitness, a good mental state is also essential for good health. Mental health means the emotional and psychological state of an individual. The best way to maintain good mental health is by staying positive and meditating. 

However, unlike a machine, the body needs rest at regular intervals. A minimum of six to seven hours of sleep is necessary for the body to function optimally. Drinking plenty of water and a balanced diet is also very important for your body.  If you violate the basic laws of good health, like working late hours, ignoring physical exercise, eating junk food, it will lead to various ailments like hypertension, heart attacks, and other deadly diseases. 

What is National Health Day?

Every year on April 7th, World Health Day is celebrated. The World Health Organization (WHO) hosted the inaugural World Health Day on April 7, 1950, to draw the entire world’s attention to global health. 

Every year, the World Health Organization (WHO) comes up with a new theme for public awareness, such as "Support Nurses and Midwives" in 2020. This supports the situation of COVID-19, where healthcare workers are saving lives day and night without worrying about their health.

The WHO also operates a global health promotion initiative to align equality so that individuals can take control of their lives, "every life matters," and consider their fitness. The government promotes numerous health policies, including food security, workplace quality, and health literacy, in schools, colleges, workplaces, and various community activities. 

Good Health for Children 

Children need to maintain good physical and mental health. With an increase in the pressure of studies and over-indulgence in modern gadgets, children are losing the most precious thing, which is health. These days, they barely play in the playgrounds, they are more inclined towards junk food and spend more time on the screen. These unhealthy activities are slowly sabotaging their health. Parents should concentrate on the physical and mental health of their children, and inculcate good habits for maintaining a healthy lifestyle from a tender age.   

Cleanliness also has a major role to play in maintaining good health. Taking a bath every day, washing hands before eating meals, brushing twice a day, changing clothes regularly, etc. are important habits to maintain good health.  

Society is witnessing gloomy faces as a result of children and their parents' excessive usage of a computer, mobile phone, and the Internet. They are constantly using these technological items, oblivious to the fact that they may harm their health. Teenagers are frequently discovered engrossed in their electronic devices, resulting in mishaps. 

The usage of electronic devices frequently results in anxiety and hostility. Excessive usage of these products has been linked to cancer, vision loss, weight gain, and insomnia. 

Emotional development is another crucial component that should not be disregarded because it determines whether or not a person is healthy. An emotionally healthy person should have a solid sense of logic, realisation, and a realistic outlook. 

Health is Wealth because if we are not healthy then all our wealth, fame and power can bring no enjoyment. Keeping fit and healthy is indeed not an option but a necessity.


FAQs on Health is Wealth Essay

1. Why is Health Considered as Wealth?

Health is wealth because it is one of God’s most precious gift to human beings. Good health refers to a balanced and healthy physical and mental state of an individual. If any individual is not healthy, wealth, fame, and power can bring no enjoyment. So health has more value than materialistic things.

2. When is World Health Day Celebrated?

World Health Day is celebrated on 7th April to raise awareness about health and fitness.

3. How Can You Maintain Good Health?

You can maintain good health by following a balanced and healthy diet. Have a good lifestyle by balancing work and life. You should have a moderate physical fitness regime every day. Go for brisk walks regularly or do other forms of exercise. Also, meditate and be positive to take care of your mental health.

4. Who came up with the phrase "health is wealth"?

Ralph Waldo Emerson, a well-known counsellor and mentor, invented the word.

5. What are the consequences of a man choosing to live an unhealthy lifestyle?

If a man begins to live a lifestyle without a plan or unhealthy manner, he will confront numerous difficulties. He'd be depressed on the inside, untidy and filthy on the outside, and emotionally unstable all the time. A person who lives an unhealthy lifestyle will wake up late at night and early in the morning. Not only would this affect their mental condition, but it would also poison their surroundings. 

There would be a lot of wrath and sadness, and they would have fits from time to time.


Speech on Importance Of Health

Health is your greatest wealth, so taking care of it should be a top priority. It’s the foundation of a happy, fulfilling life. The decisions you make today can greatly impact your future wellbeing.

A healthy body is like a well-oiled machine, ready to face any challenge. So, don’t underestimate the power of good health. It’s the key to unlocking a life full of potential and possibilities.

1-minute Speech on Importance Of Health

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good health is a priceless treasure. It is like an invisible crown that only the sick can see. Have you ever thought about why we need to be healthy? Let me explain.

First, good health helps our bodies work right. It’s like a well-oiled machine. When we are healthy, we can run, jump, and play without getting tired too fast. Our hearts pump blood, our lungs breathe in air, and our muscles move smoothly. It’s wonderful!

Second, being healthy lets us use our brains better. You know how you feel sleepy when you are sick? That’s because your body is using all its energy to fight off the disease. When we are healthy, we can think clearly, learn new things, and solve tough problems.

Lastly, being healthy means we can help others. We can care for our family, friends, and even pets. We can make a difference in the world.

So, how do we stay healthy? It’s simple. Eat a variety of foods from all the food groups. Drink lots of water. Exercise every day. Get enough sleep. And always remember to wash your hands.

In conclusion, health is life’s biggest wealth. Without it, nothing else matters. We should always strive to stay healthy. Let’s promise ourselves today to take good care of our health. Remember, a healthy body houses a healthy mind, and a healthy mind can conquer the world. Let’s be healthy and conquer our dreams!

Thank you for listening.

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2-minute Speech on Importance Of Health

Good day! Today, we’re here to talk about a very important topic, which is the importance of health. It’s something we all need to understand and value.

First, let’s think about what health is. Health isn’t just about not being sick. Health is about feeling good, inside and out. It’s about having energy to play and learn. It’s about being able to do all the things you love.

Health is like a superpower. When you’re healthy, you can run fast, jump high, and think clearly. You can play with your friends, study for your exams, and help your family. A healthy body helps you do all these things. But it’s not just about your body. It’s also about your mind. A healthy mind means you’re happy, calm, and able to solve problems.

So, how do we get this superpower? It’s not as hard as you might think. Eating good food is one of the best ways. This means fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. It’s like fuel for your body. It keeps your body strong and your mind sharp.

Exercise is another way. When you run, jump, dance, or play, you’re making your body stronger. You’re also making your mind stronger. Exercise helps you feel happy and think clearly. So, get out there and play!

But health isn’t just about you. It’s about everyone around you too. When you’re healthy, you’re able to help others. You can help your family, your friends, and your community.

In conclusion, health is a superpower. It helps us to do all the things we love. It helps us to be happy and to think clearly. It helps us to help others. So, let’s all try to be as healthy as we can. Let’s eat good food, get plenty of exercise, and get enough sleep. Because health is the most important thing we have.

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  • Speech Topics For Kids

Speech on Health

Most of us have heard the age-old proverb ‘health is wealth’, but has anyone ever wondered why health is considered wealth? This speech will help students give an effective short speech on health. It will include all the important aspects necessary to cover in a speech about health.

Table of Contents

What is health, how should one take care of their health, precautions to be taken during the pandemic.

  • FAQs on Speech on Health

When we say the word ‘health’, what do we mean by it? As per the WHO (World Health Organisation), health is referred to the state of full mental, social and physical well-being and not just the absence of mental or physical weakness or illness. When a person doesn’t have any physical ailments and isn’t mentally disturbed, then they can be said to be in their best health. People usually try to stay healthy but, due to the recent pandemic, it’s becoming difficult to maintain one’s health.

The spread of the corona virus over the past two years has made it difficult for everyone to maintain their health. Though this is the case, one should try to follow some simple ways that will help them keep their bodies and minds healthy. Let’s look at some ways that anyone can follow:

  • Try including some physical exercises/yoga in your routine. They not only prove to be beneficial for the body but also for the mind. For the past two years, offices, as well as schools and colleges, have been functioning online. As a result, many students and young people have developed backaches and posture problems. Adding at least half an hour of yoga/exercise to your daily routine will help you overcome these problems.
  • In today’s world, everybody is engrossed in their mobiles or laptops, and there’s very little time they spend without it. Sometimes, it is necessary to take a break from all these electronic and smart devices. This will help us maintain proper physical and mental health.
  • A good night’s sleep is an easy and effortless way to maintain your health. Your body works to repair all the cells and make sure that your body functions properly the next day in the time that you rest. A minimum of 8 hours of sleep is necessary for any adult being.
  • Try to avoid processed or fried foods and make sure that your plates include enough vegetables and fruits. A healthy platter does wonders for one’s health.
  • If you are feeling disturbed or upset about something, talk to your near and dear ones; you can also consult a specialist if you need. Just like physical health, mental health is also something that is to be considered important. When we fall ill, we have medicines; similarly, if someone is feeling mentally unwell, they should consult a specialist.

With the COVID19 pandemic going on for the past two years, one should take the following precautions to avoid getting affected by the virus. Here are some simple steps one can follow:

  • Always put on a mask whenever you step out of your houses. This is applicable to people of all ages.
  • Everyone should avoid going to crowded places as there is a high risk of getting affected.
  • If you feel you are affected by the virus, seclude yourself from the rest of your family members and keep in touch with your doctors so that everything is monitored and you stay out of danger.
  • Try to eat healthy food and fruits that’ll help you develop immunity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Speech on Health

What is health.

As per the WHO (World Health Organisation), health is referred to the state of full mental, social and physical well being and not just the absence of mental or physical weakness or illness.

What should one do if they feel they are affected by the virus?

If one gets affected by the virus, it’s advised to isolate oneself from the rest of the family members and be in constant contact with doctors.

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English Summary

Speech on Health is Wealth in English

Today I am here to give a speech on the topic- Health is wealth.

If a person is ill, he or she cannot enjoy many things in life.

Health is very important. Everyone wants freedom from sickness and disease. There are various means with the help of which one can be healthy.

Secondly, eating healthy is as important as exercise.

Healthy food helps us to remain fit. These days we are indulging in a lot of junk food. It is very harmful to our health and does not have any nutrition. We should avoid food items that contain excessive sugar, salt or oil.

Fourthly, reducing our screen time. We are living in a world of technology.

We use mobile phones, computers, tablets, laptops daily. These equipment are affecting our health. We should put a limit on the use of them.

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Essay on Health is Wealth: 200, 300 and 400 Words

a speech about health is wealth

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  • May 2, 2024

Essay on health is wealth

Essay on Health is Wealth: The saying “health is wealth” rings true for all of us. Material possessions lose their lustre when you are unwell. Good health allows us to experience life fully, with energy for work, relationships, and enjoyment. While money can buy medical care, it cannot buy true health and happiness. By prioritising healthy habits like balanced meals and exercise, you invest in your greatest asset – your well-being.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Health is Wealth in 200 Words
  • 2 Essay on Health is Wealth in 300 Words
  • 3.1 Physical Well-Being
  • 3.2 Mental Health
  • 3.3 Economic success
  • 3.4 Life Quality
  • 4 11+ Quotes on Health and Well Being

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Essay on Health is Wealth in 200 Words

‘The most important wealth in the world is our health. Today, everyone is running after a materialistic life, ignoring true happiness and their well-being. In this chaotic and digital world, the phrase “health is wealth” holds great importance. It reminds us that having good health is the foundation on which a fulfilling life is built. 

Speaking of the advantages of having good health, it allows us to enjoy life to the fullest. Without having a healthy mind and body the whole process becomes elusive. 

Moreover, success and productivity depend on being in excellent health. It enables people to achieve their goals, work productively, and give back to society. An unwell person frequently encounters obstacles that prevent them from realising their hopes and dreams.

Keeping one’s health is also an investment in the future. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are two preventative healthcare practices that can assist in avoiding the need for future, expensive medical treatments. It is important to take a responsible approach to protecting one’s general well-being as well as one’s financial wealth.

Finally,” health is wealth” emphasises the importance of well-being in our lives. It reminds us that the priceless gift of health cannot be replaced by any amount of material prosperity. One must put their health first and treasure it beyond everything else if one wants to live a truly wealthy and fulfilling life.

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Essay on Health is Wealth in 300 Words

Health is riches, after all. This proverb, which emphasises the critical necessity of health in one’s life, is full of timeless wisdom. It is simple to ignore the priceless gem that good health represents in a world that is focused on material prosperity and material interests.

First and foremost, being healthy helps people to live happy and fruitful lives. It serves as the cornerstone on which all other accomplishments are constructed. When someone is in good health, they have the vigour, strength, and stamina to achieve their aspirations, objectives, and ambitions. Poor health, on the other hand, can be a formidable obstacle that restricts one’s potential and prospects.

Additionally, having good health results in a higher quality of life. Healthy people require fewer medical procedures and are less in pain and suffering. They can enjoy life’s simple pleasures like spending time with loved ones, going outside, and eating good food without worrying about their diet.

The state of one’s health is crucial to their mental well-being. Mental health and physical well-being are tightly related. An emotionally stable and resilient state of mind is frequently a byproduct of physical health. The importance of health in one’s entire well-being is further highlighted by the fact that poor health can result in stress, worry, and depression.

The economic effects of health are another important factor. People who are in good health tend to be more productive at work, which increases earnings and improves financial security. On the other hand, health issues can cause medical expenses and decreased earning potential, which can have a considerable influence on one’s financial security.

The term “health is wealth” embodies a profound truth, to sum it up. The most valuable asset a person can have is good health because it supports all other facets of life. It enables people to live fulfilling lives, pursue their aspirations, and maintain their mental and emotional health. As a result, we must give our health priority and make the necessary investments because it is the only type of wealth that will never be exceeded or replaced by worldly belongings.

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Essay on Health is Wealth in 400 Words 

The proverb “Health is Wealth” maintains a special place in our lives. It emphasises how important good health is as the cornerstone of a successful and joyful life. The genuine meaning of riches is frequently missed in today’s fast-paced society when success is frequently gauged in monetary terms. This essay explores the deep significance of this adage and shows how true it is that the best asset anyone can have is their health.

Here are all the benefits one gets:

Physical Well-Being

Being physically healthy is the same as being in good health. Our bodies perform at their peak when we are healthy, enabling us to go about our daily lives with vigour and enthusiasm. A productive existence is built on a foundation of physical fitness. It makes it possible for us to work effectively, pursue our objectives, and fully appreciate life. Even the most plentiful wealth becomes meaningless in the absence of health.

Mental Health

 In addition to physical health, mental health is a critical element of our entire prosperity. Ageless wisdom is having a good mind and a healthy body. Our cognitive functioning, emotional stability, and resiliency in the face of difficulties are all influenced by our mental health. Material prosperity can become a cause of stress and unhappiness in the absence of mental wellness.

Economic success

Economic success is directly correlated with good health. People may actively participate in the workforce and make more money when they are healthy. Healthier populations are also less financially burdened by healthcare expenses, releasing funds for other basic requirements. As a result, investing in healthcare is an investment in the prosperity of a country.

Life Quality

The genuine wealth of life is found in its excellence. A person in good health can enjoy life’s joys, go on trips, engage in hobbies, and spend time with loved ones. No amount of money can replace the richness that these experiences bring to life. Healthy people are better able to live fulfilling and pleasurable lives.

To conclude, the motto “Health is Wealth” perfectly describes what a prosperous life entails. While having material possessions is necessary for comfort and security, how we use and enjoy our wealth is ultimately influenced by our health. Given that health is the foundation upon which all other types of wealth are formed, investing in it should be a top priority. One must understand that health is the ultimate treasure that neither money nor anything else can ever fully replace or imitate to truly understand its worth. Therefore, let us never lose sight of the fact that our health is the most priceless asset we have when pursuing success and happiness.

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11+ Quotes on Health and Well Being

Here are popular quotes on health and well-being:

  • “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn
  • “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit.” – B.K.S. Iyengar (Yoga teacher)
  • “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” – Benjamin Franklin (Polymath)
  • “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates (Ancient Greek physician)
  • “A sound mind in a sound body.” – Juvenal (Roman satirist)
  • “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar (Motivational speaker)
  • “Your body hears everything your mind says.” – Naomi Judd (Singer)
  • “The first wealth is health.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (American philosopher)
  • “The groundwork for all happiness is health.” – Leigh Hunt (British writer)
  • “To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise, we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear.” – Gautam Buddha (Spiritual leader)
  • “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” – Oprah Winfrey (Talk show host)
  • “Peace is the result, not of the absence of conflict, but of the ability to handle it.” – Roosevelt (American President)

Explore other Essay topics for school students here:

Wealth and health are vital, but many people believe that health is ultimately more crucial. This is because it is challenging to gain from riches without being in excellent health.

A healthy person has an improved social life and a sound mental condition, which refers to a person’s emotional and psychological state and is just as important for health as physical fitness.

A person with poor mental health has a higher chance of chronic physical conditions. If you are physically fit and active, your neural functioning is enhanced which can be beneficial for your academic, social and personal environment.

For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Short Speech on Health is Wealth for Students

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Table of Contents

Health is wealth is a famous proverb that means that health is everything and its importance is more than wealth. If one maintains their health, they get everything in life very easily. We have provided below various speeches on health is wealth under different words limit for the school children. They can select any health is wealth speech given below:

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Speech on Health is Wealth for Students

Health is wealth speech 1.

Good morning to my respected teachers and all my classmates. As we have gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion, I would like to give a speech on health as wealth as we all know the common saying that health is wealth, but I do not think that we follow this proverb in our daily life to get maintained. We all know well that good health leads to a good way; however, no one takes care of our health. If we are not living in discipline and following nature’s rules, we can never become healthy in life and never reach success.

We have been given two legs and two hands to walk and do work; however, if we are not properly using our organs, it is our fault that leads us to failure. Most people spend their whole day and night just sitting or lying in bed for most days of the week and months. They are just like fish without swimming and birds without flying. Can you imagine what will happen if fishes do not swim or birds do not fly? Most commonly, they easily would be the food of big animals, and slowly their species would get destroyed. In this way, people with more comfort in their lives cannot be so healthy.

Some decades ago, people were strong and healthy because they were used to walking for long-distance, and they had to perform every household chores own. In recent decades, the growth of technologies has been speedy manner has decreased man’s efforts in every walk of life. Earlier, the life of our grandparents was good, and their livelihood was very healthy because of hunting, farming, plowing, harvesting, planting, walking, running, etc. Nowadays, almost every person of any age group suffers from diseases (like high blood pressure, heart attack, gout, stress-related disease, etc.).

To keep ourselves healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and intellectually, we need to be active daily, including a well-maintained diet, exercises, positive thinking, and following good habits. We need to be disciplined in every walk of life.

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Health is Wealth Speech 2

Good morning to the respected Principal, teachers, and all my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this great occasion, I would like to give a speech on health is wealth. It is a most common saying that we generally listen to our grandparents, parents, and teachers. But, I want to ask you how many of us have to think about and follow this remedy in our lives. We all know that what is ‘health is wealth,’ but has anyone of us thought of its real meaning. Nowadays, people have been so busy that they have no time for their health maintenance, doing exercises, talking to family members, friends, neighbors, etc., because of increasing competition and technologies.

We should never forget that there is nothing in our life without health. Health is more valuable for us than other things in life because it is the only successful tool. Unhealthy people can never get the real joy and peace of life. This famous proverb tells us that health is more valuable than money and other precious things worldwide. If we suffer from any disease, money can only help us get medicine and limited relief; however, it cannot obliterate diseases from the body. If we get relief from one disease, it will leave other diseases as a complication. It means a weak and unhealthy body calls many diseases one by one, which we never can be free of.

We need to keep ourselves healthy and happy to cope with all life’s problems easily. We can be healthy through proper and daily exercises, morning walks, a healthy diet, following good habits, a disciplined lifestyle, and positive thinking. A healthy body keeps the body, mind, and soul happy and peaceful. A healthy person becomes completely free from the illnesses in body and mind and thus enjoys stable health and happiness. Healthy people of any age group depend upon several factors like food, physical activity, pollution, sleeping habits, way of thinking, mental condition, water, air, sunlight, etc. With physical exercises, proper body care is also very necessary. Unhealthy people spend their whole lives suffering from diseases and complaining to others about their condition. Life is wonderful if it is lived in the right direction. Please do not waste it by being diseased; instead, live it happily. My motto for today’s speech on this topic is only to share my feelings with all of you for our wellness.

Health is Wealth Speech 3

Good morning to the respected teachers and all my dear friends. I want to speak over the common saying ‘health is wealth’ on this auspicious occasion. I know that every one of us is well recognized with this proverb; however, only a few people follow this strategy in their life. The real meaning of this proverb is that the one who has good health becomes the happiest person in the world, even from the rich people. Whether a person is rich or poor, he would be unhappy if he suffered any disease or disability. This proverb means a lot for all of us if we strictly understand and follow this remedy. Conditions never ask a person for richness or poorness; they affect the person if found weak and unhealthy.

Health is wealth proverb compares the value of health with wealth and indicates that health is more valuable than wealth. When a rich person gets diseased, he becomes more unhappy than a poor healthy person. Their life becomes useless instead of having lots of money. Money cannot buy happiness and healthy life; it can only give comfort and joy for a limited time; however, good health always goes together in every bad and good condition. Good health makes a person (healthy or poor) happy and cheerful forever. A healthy person lives a better life than a rich person. They feel no burden to them and live a stress-free life.

A healthy person can be healthy in every walk of life. However, an unhealthy person cannot bear a little problematic condition. Being healthy is not so costly; one needs to maintain a timely diet, a healthy lifestyle, and daily physical exercises. Some people save their money for future purposes but do not take care of their health; saving money is a good habit, but declining health is not good for the future. People should maintain their health together, saving money.

Health is Wealth Speech 4

Good morning to the respected teachers and all my dear friends. Today, I want to give a speech on health is wealth.’ We all know that good health is a boon and a real jewel of a happy life. Good health is the precious thing a person gets in their life. Once a person losses their health can never get back through money. It is the theme that this proverb tells us. It is very easy to maintain good health through a disciplined lifestyle, regular exercise, common and healthy food, positive thoughts, personal hygiene, and cleanliness. Healthy people do not need to spend money on medicines and making a round of doctors. However, an unhealthy person needs to spend more money to cure their diseases.

Good health is the freedom of sickness and diseases, and it is the feeling of physical, mental, and social well-being of a person. If one maintains good health, they are blessed with a most precious gift. Being a well healthy person, it is very necessary to be healthy in every aspect, physically, mentally, and socially. A healthy person is only able to enjoy all the pleasures of life. Living a happy life and being rich is not so important; however, it is necessary to be healthy. Anyone can achieve good health through continuous efforts. Proper awareness about bad habits is also essential to keep the body away from illnesses.

To maintain proper health, we should practice a disciplined life from early morning to the evening. We should get up in the early morning, go for a morning walk or do some exercises, breathe some fresh air, get fresh, maintain proper hygiene and eat food timely. Laughing is also the best medium to keep ourselves happy and healthy. It helps to be happy by overcoming anger and fear and allows one to enjoy life to the full.

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Speech on Health is Wealth (Short & Long Speech) For Students

Speech on health is wealth, introduction.

Respected Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and dear fellow students. Before this beautiful day I have been given a chance to address the future of our world. In my full effort and power I intend to say a few words regarding my topic- “Health is Wealth”.

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Health is Wealth Speech

Health is wealth is a famous proverb which means that health is everything and its importance is more than the wealth. If one maintains his/her health, he gets everything in the life very easily. We have provided below various speech on health is wealth under different words limit for the school children. They can select any health is wealth speech given below:

Speech on Health is Wealth

Health is wealth speech 1.

Good morning to my respected teachers and all my fellow classmates. As we have gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion, I would like to speech over health is wealth. As we all know about the common saying that health is wealth but I do not think that we follow this proverb in our daily life to get maintained. Everyone of us knows well that a good health lead to the good way however no one of us take care of the health. If we are not living in discipline and following nature’s rule, we can never become healthy in the life and never reach to the success.

Health is Wealth

We have given two legs and two hands to walk and do work however if we are not using our organs accordingly in proper way, it is our fault which lead us towards failure. Most of the people spend their whole day and night just by sitting or lying on bed for most of the days of week and months. They are just like fish without swimming and birds without fly. Can you imagine that what will happen if fishes do not swim or birds do not fly, most commonly they easily would be food of big animals and slowly their species would get destroyed. In this way, people having more comfort in their life cannot be so healthy.

Some decades ago, people were strong and healthy because they were used to walk for long distance and they have to perform every house hold chores own. In the recent decades, the growth of technologies in very fast manner has decreased the man efforts in every walk of life. Earlier, the life of our grandparents was good and their livelihood was very healthy because of the hunting, farming, ploughing, harvesting, planting, walking, running, etc. Now-a-days, almost every people of any age group suffer from one or more diseases (like high blood pressure, heart attack, gout, stress-related disease, etc) from the starting of life.

In order to keep ourselves healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and intellectually, we need to be active on daily basis including well maintained diet, exercises, positive thinking and follow good habits. We need to be disciplined in every walk of life.

Health is Wealth Speech 2

Good morning to the respected Principal, teachers and all my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this great occasion, I would like to speech over health is wealth. It is a most common saying which we generally listen by our grandparents, parents and teachers. But, I want to ask you all that how many of us have think about and follow this remedy in their life. We all know that what is ‘health is wealth’ but is anyone of us have think the real meaning of it. Now-a-days, people’s life has been so busy that they have no time for their health maintenance, doing exercises, talk to family members, friends, neighbours, etc because of increasing competitions and technologies.

We should never forget that without health there is nothing in our life. Health is more valuable for us than other things in the life because it is the only tool of success. Unhealthy people can never get the real joy and peace of life. This famous proverb tells us that health is more valuable than money and other precious things all over the world. If we suffer any disease, money can only help us to get medicine and limited relief; however it cannot remove diseases completely from the body. If we get relief from one disease then it will leave other diseases as a complication. It means weak and unhealthy body calls many diseases one by one which we never can be free off.

We need to keep ourselves healthy and happy to easily cope with all the problems of life. We can be healthy through proper and daily exercises, morning walk, healthy diet, following good habits, disciplined lifestyle, and positive thinking. Healthy body keeps body, mind and soul happy and peaceful. A healthy person becomes completely free from the illnesses in body and mind and thus able to enjoy stable health and all the happiness in the life. Being healthy for the people of any age group depends upon the several factors like food, physical activity, pollution, sleeping habits, way of thinking, mental condition, water, air, sunlight, etc. Together with the physical exercises; proper care of the body is also very necessary. Unhealthy people spend their whole life in suffering from diseases and complaining others for their condition. Life is very beautiful if it is lived in right direction. Please do not waste it by being diseased, instead live it happily. My motto of today’s speech on this topic is only to share my feelings to all of you for the wellness of all of us.

Health is Wealth Speech 3

Good morning to the respected teachers and all my dear friends. At this auspicious occasion I would like to speech over common saying ‘health is wealth’. I know that everyone of us is well recognized with this proverb however only few people actually follow this strategy in their life. The real meaning of this proverb is that the one, who has good health become the happiest person of the world even from the rich people. Whether a person is rich or poor, he would be unhappy if suffers any disease or disability. This proverb is really meaning a lot for all of us if we understand and follow this remedy strictly. Diseases never ask a person for richness or poorness, they just affect the person if found weak and unhealthy.

Health is wealth proverb compares the value of health with the wealth and indicates that health is more valuable than the wealth. When a rich person gets diseased, he becomes an unhappy person than the poor healthy person. His/her life becomes useless instead of having lots of money. Money cannot buy happiness and healthy life; it can only give comfort and joy for limited time however a good health always goes together all through the life in every bad and good condition. Good health makes a person (whether healthy or poor) happy and cheerful forever. A healthy person lives better life than the rich person. They feel no burden to them and live stress free life.

A healthy person can be healthy in every walk of life however an unhealthy person cannot bear a little problematic condition. Being healthy is not so costly; one needs to maintain timely diet, healthy lifestyle and daily physical exercises. Some people save their money for future purpose but do not take care of their health, saving money is good habit for future but declining health is not good for future. People should maintain their health together with the saving of money.

Health is Wealth Speech 4

Good morning to the respected teachers and all my dear friends. Today, at this auspicious occasion I want to speech on the topic ‘health is wealth’. As we all know that good health is really a boon and real jewel of the happy life. Good health is the precious thing a person gets in his/her life. Once a person losses his/her health, can never get back through money. It is the theme what this proverb tells us. It is very easy to maintain a good health through disciplined lifestyle, regular exercises, common and healthy food, positive thoughts, personal hygiene and cleanliness. Healthy people do not need to spend money over medicines and making round of doctors. However, an unhealthy person needs to spend more money to cure their diseases.

A good health is the freedom of sickness and diseases and it is the feeling of physical, mental and social well being of a person. If one maintains a good health, he/she is really blessed with a most precious gift all through the life. Being a well healthy person, it is very necessary to be healthy in every aspect like physically, mentally and socially. A healthy person is only able to enjoy all the pleasures of life. Living a happy life, being rich is not so important however it is very necessary to be healthy. A good health can be achieved by anyone through the continuous efforts. Proper awareness about bad habits is also very necessary to keep body away from the illnesses.

To maintain a proper health, we should practice a disciplined life from early morning to the evening. We should get up in the early morning, go for morning walk or do some exercises, breathe some fresh air, get fresh, maintain proper hygiene and eat food timely. Laughing is also a best medium to keep ourselves happy and healthy. It helps to be happy by overcoming anger and fear and makes one able to enjoy life to the full.

More on Health is Wealth:

Health is Wealth Essay

Health is Wealth Quotes

Paragraph on Health is Wealth

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