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PhD Program

Wharton’s highly selective Ph.D. program in Applied Economics offers students many resources not available at other institutions, such as a 1:1 faculty to student ratio and an up-front guarantee of five years of funding with minimal teaching requirements. Combining the faculties of the departments of Real Estate and Business Economics & Public Policy, Wharton’s Applied Economics program leverages the breadth and depth of its faculty to prepare students for careers doing frontier theoretical and empirical research. Students can focus on a variety of areas including Behavioral Economics, Development Economics, Energy and Environmental Economics, Industrial Organization, Market Design, Public Economics, Risk Management, and Urban Economics and Real Estate. Students may also develop an inter-disciplinary focus by taking courses and working with faculty in some of the other departments at Wharton such as Finance, Health Care Management, Management, and Marketing.

All admitted students are granted a fellowship, including tuition, fees, and stipend.  Details about the application process, deadlines and requirements are available here

Program Requirements

Prospective students interested in pursuing a degree in Applied Economics  must apply for admission to the Wharton Doctoral Programs in Applied Economics.

Applicants may, if they wish, indicate a preferred field of study in their application. All applicants must provide valid test scores — the Applied Economics program accepts only the GRE. We do not require a minimum GRE score, however math scores among students admitted in the last few years were all above the 90 th percentile. In making our decision, we look at your GRE scores as well as the rest of your application: grades, coursework, work and research experience, essays, and recommendation.

We recommend at least three courses in mathematics, such as calculus, linear algebra, and real analysis, and at least three courses in statistics/econometrics. We prefer an economics undergraduate degree along with the math requirements noted above or a math/statistics degree with several courses in economics (at least up through intermediate microeconomics and macroeconomics).

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Economics PhD Acceptance Rates 2024: Do You Stand a Chance?

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Are you considering applying to Economics PhD programs in 2024? If so, you must be aware of the fierce competition and ever-decreasing acceptance rates in this field. Economics continues to be a popular choice for individuals seeking advanced study and a promising career path. However, as the number of applicants continues to rise, the acceptance rates at top-tier universities seem to plummet. Gaining admission requires a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence your chances. It is crucial to make well-informed decisions throughout the application process to maximize your opportunities. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of economics PhD acceptance rates, providing you with valuable insights and guidance to help you determine if you stand a chance in this highly competitive landscape. Whether you are a recent graduate, a working professional looking to advance your career, or an aspiring economist searching for answers, stay tuned as we explore the trends, challenges, and strategies that may shape your journey toward a successful application.

Pursuing Excellence in Economics PhD Programs

Economics PhD programs are renowned for their competitive nature, attracting a broad pool of highly qualified candidates from around the globe. These programs are rigorous and demanding and seek to cultivate a deep understanding of complex economic phenomena and equip students with the tools necessary to conduct original research. Applicants often face intense competition with the number of available spots being significantly smaller than the pool of individuals seeking admission.

Unveiling the Competitiveness and Globalization of Economics PhD Programs

Economics PhD acceptance rates vary widely across institutions, but overall, they tend to be quite competitive. According to the National Science Foundation , the acceptance rate for doctoral programs in economics at top universities in the United States hovers around 10-15%.

Current trends in admissions reflect an increasing emphasis on quantitative skills and research experience . Applicants who have completed advanced coursework in mathematics or statistics, or who have substantive research experience, particularly if it has led to a publication, often have a competitive edge. There is also an increasing trend of students entering these programs with a master’s degree already in hand.

Another key trend is the growing internationalization of these programs. Universities are drawing applicants from across the globe, leading to an increasingly diverse cohort of doctoral students in economics. This trend not only reflects the global nature of economic challenges but also enriches the academic discourse within these programs.

Economics PhD students who have been admitted in class

Evaluating Your Suitability

When assessing your suitability for an economics PhD program, universities take into account numerous factors, among which your Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) scores and Grade Point Average (GPA) play a significant role. These quantitative measures offer admissions committees a snapshot of your academic abilities and potential for success in a rigorous program.

As a rule of thumb, competitive programs often expect a minimum GPA of 3.5 and high percentile GRE scores, particularly in the quantitative section. For instance, the Graduate School at Harvard University confirms that successful applicants to their economics PhD program typically score above the 95th percentile in the quantitative section of the GRE.

The PhD in economics at Berkeley states that recent admits have a major GPA of 3.8 or higher. Their quantitative GRE score is 165 or higher. Moreover, the school notes that students typically achieve A- grades or higher in intermediate-level theory courses such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. Preference is given to those who have taken honors or mathematical track versions of these courses.

At Duke , students who matriculated in 2023 had a verbal GRE verbal score of 159, a quant score of 166, and a GPA of 3.6. Penn writes that admits have a GRE quant score that is 164 or higher.

Based on the data for the Department of Economics at Brown University, the acceptance rate for the class starting in 2020 was approximately 8%. This percentage was drawn from a pool of roughly 750 applications, out of which about 60 were admitted. However, this rate varied according to different GRE scores. Particularly, applicants with a GRE score below 165 had a significantly lower acceptance rate of about 4%.

Although Yale ‘s Department of Economics website explicitly states that there is no required minimum for GRE scores, it does provide insight into the average scores of admitted students in recent years: Verbal 159, Quantitative 165, and Analytical 4.2.

Despite these numbers, it is also important to note that these are not hard and fast rules. The American Economic Association emphasizes that strong letters of recommendation and relevant research experience can offset weaker areas in an application.

If your numbers fall below the threshold of economics PhD acceptance rates, some areas to potentially improve could be to retake the GRE after thorough preparation, undertake additional coursework to boost your GPA or gain relevant research experience to strengthen your overall application.

The Real Impact of a Master’s Degree on Admission Chances

When applying for PhD programs in Economics, many applicants believe that holding a master’s degree can have a significant impact on their admission chances. This belief stems from the notion that a master’s degree provides a valuable platform for producing high-quality research, which is highly regarded by admissions committees. Demonstrating the ability to contribute to the field is a primary expectation of PhD programs, and a master’s degree can serve as evidence of this capability.

Moreover, a master’s degree can also be seen as offering opportunities for obtaining strong recommendation letters from professors who can attest to the applicant’s readiness for rigorous doctoral study and therefore enhance the admission chances of master’s degree holders applying to economics PhD programs.

While this can be true, the reality is not as straightforward. According to data from the Council of Graduate Schools, there is not a direct correlation between holding a master’s degree and an increased likelihood of PhD acceptance. While a master’s degree can provide students with a deeper understanding of the field and advanced research skills, these benefits do not necessarily guarantee an edge in the highly competitive PhD application process.

Universities carefully assess each application in a comprehensive manner, taking into account various factors including academic accomplishments, research background, letters of recommendation , and personal statements. This suggests that by 2024, possessing solely a master’s degree may not significantly enhance the likelihood of being admitted to a PhD program .

Ultimately, prospective PhD applicants in 2024 should focus on building a robust profile encompassing strong academic records, relevant research experience, and compelling personal narratives, rather than relying solely on a master’s degree for admission.

Getting admitted requires students to be aware of economics phd acceptance rates.

Decoding Economics PhD Acceptance Rates: Unveiling Trends across Institutions and Years

Acceptance rates vary from year to year, reflecting changes in the academic landscape and student preferences. Some of the most competitive universities, such as Harvard and MIT, demonstrate consistently low acceptance rates due to the large number of high-caliber applicants they attract annually.

For example, Harvard’s economics PhD program has historically accepted around 5% of its applicants, a figure that’s remained relatively stable over the past decade. On the other hand, smaller or less renowned institutions might exhibit higher acceptance rates. For instance, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has an acceptance rate of about 40%, driven by its smaller applicant pool.

However, while these figures indicate the competitiveness of these programs, they don’t necessarily reflect the overall quality of education or the potential outcomes for graduates. Therefore, when contemplating the pursuit of a PhD program in economics, it is imperative to go beyond mere acceptance rates and take into account other significant factors that bear influence.

Enhancing Your PhD Application: The Importance of Quality Research Experience and Strong Recommendations

Gaining a depth of research experience and strong letters of recommendation are crucial aspects that can significantly enhance your PhD application, making you stand out in the increasingly competitive landscape of 2024.

For research experience, consider engaging in projects that align with your intended field of study. This could be undergraduate research, independent studies, or working as a research assistant. Being credited on a published paper can provide a significant boost, but it’s not solely about the volume of research conducted. The depth and quality of your work are equally important. Your research should also demonstrate your ability to think critically about research problems, develop hypotheses, design experiments, and draw compelling conclusions.

When it comes to recommendations, choose professors or supervisors who know you well and can speak to your skills and potential as a researcher. A glowing letter from a professor who has worked closely with you can carry more weight than a lukewarm letter from a big name.

students in a PhD in economics class raising their hand.

Ways to strengthen your application and stand out from other applicants

To bolster your application and distinguish yourself from other candidates in the economics PhD acceptance rates, consider emphasizing your unique skill sets and experiences. For instance, showcasing proficiency in technical skills such as statistical analysis software (like STATA, R, or Python) or mathematical modeling can demonstrate your readiness to engage in high-level economic research.

If you have a specific area of interest, such as labor economics or development economics, aligning your research experience, coursework, or future research goals with this specialization can also make your application more compelling.

Furthermore, articulating a clear, thoughtful, and original research proposal in your statement of purpose can significantly enhance your application. This proposal, ideally aligned with the research interests of faculty members at the institution you’re applying to, indicates your potential to contribute significantly to the field.

Lastly, consider undertaking professional experiences that align with your academic pursuits. For example, internships at economic research firms, governmental agencies, or industry positions that require a strong foundation in economics can demonstrate your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical context.

Remember, a PhD in economics is not just an academic endeavor, but a platform for impacting economic thought and policy, so any evidence of your ability to contribute in this way can strengthen your application.

Deciphering Myths: Understanding and Navigating the Landscape of Economics PhD Acceptance Rates

Often, the domain of Economics PhD admissions is shrouded in myths and misconceptions that can cloud the judgment of aspiring scholars. One such myth is the belief that a flawless academic record is the sole determinant of success. While a strong academic standing is undeniably important, admissions committees also place significant emphasis on research experience, recommendation letters, and a well-articulated statement of purpose that presents a clear vision of your research interests and goals.

Another pervasive myth is that applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in economics to be considered for admission. The truth is that many programs welcome candidates with diverse undergraduate backgrounds, valuing the unique perspectives and skills they bring.

Similarly, it is a common misconception that applicants must have extensive mathematical training. Although a basic understanding of calculus, statistics, and linear algebra is required, most programs do not expect applicants to be math wizards.

Lastly, there is a mistaken notion that gaining admission to top-tier programs is impossible without prior connections or a pedigree. In reality, admissions decisions are based on a holistic review of an applicant’s profile, not their connections or pedigree. It’s important to dispel these myths and understand the true nature of the admissions process to successfully navigate your way to a fruitful academic journey in economics.

Embracing Opportunities: The Advantages of Enrolling in Less Prestigious Economics PhD Programs

While it is certainly understandable to aspire to attend top-tier universities for your PhD in economics, it is equally important to recognize the potential benefits that less prestigious programs can offer.

Firstly, a less renowned program may provide a more intimate and supportive learning environment, allowing for closer mentorship and more individualized attention from professors. This can greatly enhance your learning experience and research progression.

Secondly, these programs might present more opportunities for you to lead or initiate research projects, as competition might be less intense compared to top-tier institutions. Such experiences can be invaluable in building your academic portfolio.

Lastly, less prestigious programs often harbor unique strengths or niche specializations that may align better with your research interests. These programs could provide you with unique perspectives and experiences that can make your research more distinctive. Therefore, rather than considering admission into a less prestigious school as a setback, view it as an opportunity to carve your unique path in the field of economics.

Making the Wise Choice: Starting Early and Seeking Guidance for Successful PhD Economics Admissions

It is essential to remember that a successful application to PhD programs in economics is not a product of rushed decisions or last-minute efforts. Instead, it is the result of meticulous planning, punctual execution, and thoughtful decision-making carried out well ahead of time. Initiating your application process early will afford you ample time to undertake in-depth research about various programs, understand their requirements, and tailor your application to best demonstrate your suitability. This practice can significantly boost your chances of admission by allowing you to present a well-rounded and thoughtfully curated application that reflects a sincere interest in the program and a clear understanding of its demands.

Furthermore, reaching out to mentors, alumni, or current students for their insights can be incredibly beneficial. Their firsthand experiences and perspectives can offer invaluable advice, expose you to different viewpoints, and help you avoid potential pitfalls.

By taking your time, starting early, and seeking input from others, you can significantly enhance your probability of securing admission to your desired PhD economics program.

In conclusion, the future of economics PhD programs is a competitive and rapidly evolving landscape. With an increasing number of applicants and declining acceptance rates, it is crucial to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and strategies to stand out among the sea of applicants. From understanding the trends in acceptance rates to making informed decisions throughout the application process, these key insights can make all the difference in your journey toward a successful admission. As you consider your options for applying to economics PhD programs in 2024, remember that preparation is key. Don’t let the thought of intense competition discourage you; instead, use it as motivation to put your best foot forward and take advantage of every opportunity. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or seeking professional guidance, be sure to check out our comprehensive PhD application services. We are here to support you on your path toward achieving your academic and career goals in the field of economics. So don’t waste any time, take charge of your future today! Have questions? Sign up for a consultation . It’s FREE!

upenn economics phd acceptance rate

With a Master’s from McGill University and a Ph.D. from New York University, Philippe Barr is a former professor and assistant director of MBA admissions at Kenan-Flagler Business School. With more than seven years of experience as a graduate school admissions consultant, Dr. Barr has stewarded the candidate journey across multiple MBA programs and helped hundreds of students get admitted to top-tier graduate programs all over the world .

Follow Dr. Barr on YouTub e for tips and tricks on navigating the MBA application process and life as an MBA student.

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Exploring the Economics Program at the University of Pennsylvania

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By Eric Eng

UPenn Political Science

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in economics, then the University of Pennsylvania is an excellent choice. The economics program at UPenn is widely recognized as one of the best in the country. In this article, we will explore the program’s history, curriculum, faculty and research, student life, career prospects, admission process, scholarships and financial aid, campus resources, alumni network, and comparison with other top-ranked economics programs in the US and abroad.

Introduction to the Economics Program at the University of Pennsylvania

The economics program at the University of Pennsylvania is part of the School of Arts & Sciences. The program offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in economics. The undergraduate program leads to a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, while the graduate program offers a Master of Arts (MA) and a PhD in economics. The program’s mission is to provide students with rigorous training in economic theory, quantitative methods, and empirical analysis.

a female high school student looking at the camera

Students in the economics program at the University of Pennsylvania have access to a wide range of resources and opportunities. The program has a strong network of alumni who work in various industries, including finance, consulting, and government. The department also hosts regular seminars and workshops featuring prominent economists from around the world. In addition, students can participate in research projects with faculty members and have the opportunity to present their work at academic conferences. Overall, the economics program at the University of Pennsylvania provides students with a comprehensive education and prepares them for successful careers in economics and related fields.

The History and Reputation of the Economics Program at UPenn

The economics program at the University of Pennsylvania has a long and distinguished history. The program was founded in 1892 and has since produced many influential economists. The program’s faculty includes several Nobel laureates in economics, such as Lawrence Klein, Daniel McFadden, and Joseph Stiglitz. The program is also highly ranked by several reputable university ranking systems, including U.S. News & World Report and QS World University Rankings.

In addition to its distinguished faculty and rankings, the economics program at UPenn offers a wide range of courses and research opportunities for students. The program has a strong focus on both theoretical and applied economics, with courses covering topics such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, and international trade.

Furthermore, the economics program at UPenn has a strong network of alumni who have gone on to successful careers in academia, government, and the private sector. Many of these alumni remain involved with the program, serving as guest speakers, mentors, and advisors to current students.

Curriculum Overview: Courses and Requirements in the Economics Program

The economics program at UPenn has a comprehensive and challenging curriculum. The program requires students to take courses in economic theory, math, and statistics. The program also offers a wide range of elective courses, such as labor economics, international economics, and game theory. The program’s capstone requirement is a research project in which students apply their knowledge of economics to real-world problems.

Two friends walking in the campus.

One unique aspect of the economics program at UPenn is the opportunity for students to participate in research projects with faculty members. These projects allow students to gain hands-on experience in conducting economic research and can lead to valuable connections in the field. Additionally, the program offers study abroad opportunities for students interested in exploring economics in a global context. Students can choose from programs in countries such as China, Italy, and Australia.

Graduates of the economics program at UPenn have gone on to successful careers in a variety of fields, including finance, consulting, and government. The program’s emphasis on critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and problem-solving prepares students for a wide range of career paths. Many graduates also choose to pursue advanced degrees in economics or related fields, such as law or public policy.

Faculty and Research: Meet the Experts in the UPenn Economics Department

The economics program at UPenn has an outstanding faculty. The program’s professors are experts in various fields of economics and are dedicated to teaching and research. The program’s faculty members have published numerous articles in leading economics journals and have received various awards for their research. The program also has several research centers, including the Penn Institute for Economic Research and the Penn Wharton Budget Model.

One of the notable research centers in the UPenn Economics Department is the Penn Institute for Economic Research (PIER). PIER is a research center that focuses on conducting research on various economic issues, including macroeconomics, microeconomics, and international economics. The center’s research is aimed at providing policymakers with evidence-based solutions to economic problems.

In addition to PIER, the UPenn Economics Department also has the Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM). PWBM is a research center that focuses on analyzing the economic impact of various policy proposals. The center’s research is aimed at providing policymakers with insights into the potential economic effects of different policy proposals, including tax reforms, healthcare reforms, and environmental policies.

Student Life: Activities, Clubs, and Opportunities for Economics Majors

UPenn’s economics program offers many opportunities for students to get involved in extracurricular activities. The program has several student-run organizations, such as the Penn Economics Society and the Penn International Business and Economics Association. These clubs organize various events, such as speaker series, career fairs, and social events. The program also offers opportunities for internships and research assistantships.

Additionally, the economics program at UPenn has a strong partnership with the Wharton School of Business, which provides students with access to a wide range of resources and events. Students can attend workshops, seminars, and networking events hosted by the Wharton School, which can help them develop their skills and expand their professional network.

Moreover, the economics program also offers study abroad opportunities for students who want to gain international experience and broaden their perspective. Students can choose from a variety of programs in different countries, such as Italy, Spain, and China. These programs allow students to take courses in economics and related fields, while also immersing themselves in a new culture and language.

Career Prospects: Job Placement Rates and Success Stories of UPenn Economics Graduates

The economics program at UPenn has an excellent reputation for producing graduates who are sought after by employers. The program’s graduates are employed in various sectors, including finance, consulting, government, and academia. According to the Career Services Office, 97% of economics majors were employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation. The program’s graduates have also gone on to achieve success in their fields, such as Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz.

Group of students smiling at each other in the library.

One of the reasons for the success of UPenn economics graduates is the program’s emphasis on practical skills and real-world experience. Students have the opportunity to participate in internships, research projects, and case competitions, which provide them with hands-on experience and exposure to different industries. This practical experience, combined with a rigorous academic curriculum, prepares students for the demands of the job market.

Another factor that sets UPenn economics graduates apart is the strong alumni network. The program has a large and active alumni community, which provides students with mentorship, networking opportunities, and job leads. Alumni also frequently return to campus to speak to current students about their career paths and offer advice on how to succeed in the field. This network of support and guidance is invaluable to students as they navigate their post-graduation careers.

Admission Process: Requirements, Tips, and Insights for Prospective Applicants

Admission to UPenn’s economics program is highly competitive. The program requires applicants to have a strong academic record, particularly in math and statistics. The program also considers extracurricular activities and leadership experience. Applicants are encouraged to submit strong letters of recommendation and a well-written personal statement. The program also offers tips and insights for prospective applicants on its website.

Additionally, the UPenn economics program values diversity and encourages applicants from underrepresented backgrounds to apply. The program also offers various resources and support for students, including research opportunities, internships, and career services. Prospective applicants are encouraged to attend information sessions and connect with current students and alumni to learn more about the program and its community.

Scholarships and Financial Aid Opportunities for UPenn Economics Students

UPenn offers various scholarships and financial aid opportunities for economics students. The program offers merit-based scholarships to incoming freshmen and transfer students. The program also offers need-based financial aid to undergraduate and graduate students. The program’s website provides information on the types of scholarships and financial aid available and how to apply.

In addition to the scholarships and financial aid opportunities offered by the UPenn economics program, there are also external scholarships available to students pursuing a degree in economics. These scholarships are offered by organizations such as the National Association for Business Economics and the American Economic Association. Students can also search for scholarships through online databases such as Fastweb and Scholarships.com. It is important for students to research and apply for as many scholarships as possible to help alleviate the financial burden of pursuing a degree in economics.

Campus Resources: Libraries, Labs, and Facilities for Economics Education at UPenn

The economics program at UPenn has several campus resources that support students’ learning and research. The program has a dedicated economics library, which houses an extensive collection of economics books and journals. The program also has several computer labs that provide students with access to specialized software and data resources. The program also has various facilities that support group work and research, such as the Wharton Behavioral Lab.

Group of students laughing together.

Additionally, the economics program at UPenn offers students access to a wide range of academic and career resources. The program has a dedicated academic advisor who works with students to develop personalized academic plans and provides guidance on course selection and career opportunities. The program also hosts regular career fairs and networking events, where students can connect with potential employers and learn about job opportunities in the field of economics.

Furthermore, the economics program at UPenn has a strong research focus, and students have the opportunity to work with faculty members on research projects. The program also offers several research grants and fellowships to support students’ independent research projects. Students can also participate in research seminars and workshops, where they can present their research and receive feedback from faculty members and peers.

Alumni Network: Staying Connected with UPenn Economics Graduates Around the World

The economics program at UPenn has a large and active alumni network. The program’s graduates are employed in various sectors and regions of the world. The program’s alumni stay connected through various channels, such as alumni events, social media groups, and mentoring programs. The program’s website also provides information on how to contact the program’s alumni association.

Additionally, the alumni network offers valuable resources for current economics students at UPenn. Alumni often return to campus to speak with students about their career paths and offer advice on job searching and networking. The alumni network also provides internship and job opportunities exclusively for UPenn economics students. This connection between current students and alumni creates a strong community within the program and helps students prepare for their future careers.

Comparison with Other Top-Ranked Economics Programs in the US and Abroad

UPenn’s economics program is highly respected and is often compared to other top-ranked economics programs in the US and abroad. The program is known for its rigorous training in economic theory and quantitative methods. The program’s faculty and research also contribute to its strong reputation. However, each program has its unique strengths and weaknesses, and prospective students should carefully consider their individual needs and preferences when choosing a program.

One of the top-ranked economics programs in the US is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ). MIT’s program is known for its focus on applied economics and its strong emphasis on research. The program also has a large and diverse faculty, which allows students to explore a wide range of economic topics. However, MIT’s program is highly competitive and may not be the best fit for students who prefer a more collaborative learning environment.

Another highly respected economics program is the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in the UK. LSE’s program is known for its strong focus on international economics and its emphasis on policy-relevant research. The program also has a large and diverse student body, which allows for a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives. However, LSE’s program can be quite demanding and may not be the best fit for students who prefer a more flexible curriculum.

How AdmissionSight Can Help You With College Admissions

AdmissionSight is a college consulting firm that provides personalized assistance to students throughout the college admissions process. Here are some ways that AdmissionSight can help you:

Admissions strategy: AdmissionSight can help you develop a strategic plan for your college application process. Our professional consultants can assist with identifying schools that are a good fit for your academic, extracurricular, and personal goals and help you plan and prioritize your application strategy.

Application review: AdmissionSight can review your application and provide feedback on how to improve it. We can offer suggestions on making your application stand out and highlighting your strengths and unique qualities.

Essay coaching: AdmissionSight can help you craft compelling essays that showcase your personality, goals, and achievements. We can guide you through the essay writing process and provide feedback on your drafts to help you refine your writing.

Interview preparation: AdmissionSight can provide interview coaching to help you feel confident and prepared for college interviews. Our experts can offer tips on how to present yourself professionally and how to answer common interview questions.

Extracurricular planning: AdmissionSight can help you plan and develop your extracurricular activities to make them more impactful and meaningful. We can suggest activities that align with your interests and goals and provide guidance on demonstrating your leadership and initiative.

Overall, AdmissionSight can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the college admissions process to help you maximize your chances of getting accepted into the college of your choice .

With a high success rate of over 75%, we have built a strong network in the past decade. Book an initial consultation today, free of charge!


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Doctor of Philososphy [Ph.D] [Economics] From University of Pennsylvania

upenn economics phd acceptance rate

Doctor of Philososphy [Ph.D] (Economics)

Field of Study : 

₽3,549,566 /Yr

  • The primary goal of the program is to produce outstanding research economists. The program is designed to ensure that students acquire a thorough knowledge of economic theory, econometric methods, and the structure of modern economies, before beginning their own research under faculty supervision. While the program covers all major areas of economics, it has particular strengths in micro theory (especially game theory), empirical microeconomics, and modern macroeconomics.
  • The Graduate Group in Economics requires that students complete at least 16 courses in economics or related fields, of which a maximum of eight may be transferred from other institutions. Some of these course units may be earned by attending and participating in workshops. After two years in the program, students are expected to begin their dissertations.

Important Dates

EventApplication Date
Application Period For 2025 Intake

Tuition Fees

Year1st Year Fees
Tuition Fees₽3549566 (USD 39838)

Other Expenses

HeadAvg Cost Per Year
Health Insurance₽359073
Miscellaneous expenses₽326106
Total Cost₽2800413

All admitted Wharton doctoral students receive a fellowship that covers the cost of tuition and health insurance and provides a stipend.

Eligibility & Entry Requirement

Academic Eligibility:

  • Applicants should have completed a master’s degree, or its equivalent, from a recognized university.
  • A strong undergraduate preparation in microeconomics and mathematics is an advantage, as is some prior training at the undergraduate or graduate level in accounting, finance, or economics.
  • Proof of English proficiency may be required for international applicants, whose first language is not English.
  • Students need to submit the result of the GMAT  exam score, the minimum score should be 730 out of 800.
  • Students must be qualified in  IELTS  or  TOEFL  to get admission in this program.

Indian Student Eligibility:

Indian students are eligible to apply if they meet one of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Completed a 4-year UG degree with first class in a relevant field from a recognized institution.
  • Completed a master’s degree with first-class in a relevant field from a recognized institution.

Scores Required

Avg. Score in

Required Document List

Required Documents are:

  • Transcript:  Students must submit the official marks statements or transcripts that are provided by the college.
  • Certificates:  Certificates like   High School or University/College Certificates are to be submitted of education qualification.
  • Letter of Recommendation:  This shows who recommended the student to pursue the degree.
  • Resume/CV:  Outline of academic achievements and/or awards, publications, relevant work, and volunteer experience.
  • Test Results:  Provide proof of English proficiency, if English is not the first language in student country, as proof of IELTS/TOEFL result scores is to be submitted.

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PhD in USA: Fees 2024, Top Colleges, Placements & Salaries

Scholarship Grants & Financial Aids

NameScholarship Per StudentLevel of StudyType
Scholarship per student₽ 3.6 L/Yr$4,000Level Of StudyApprenticeshipTypeMerit-Based
Scholarship per studentVariable AmountLevel Of StudyApprenticeshipTypeTuition-Fee-Waiver
Scholarship per studentVariable AmountLevel Of StudyApprenticeshipTypeCollege-Specific
Scholarship per student₽ 3.1 L/Yr$3,500Level Of StudyBachelorTypeMerit-Based
Scholarship per studentVariable AmountLevel Of StudyBachelorTypeMerit-Based
Scholarship per student₽ 44.6 L/Yr$50,000Level Of StudyDoctorateTypeMerit-Based

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upenn economics phd acceptance rate

How to Get Into UPenn: Admission Stats + Tips

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What’s Covered:

  • How Hard Is It to Get Into UPenn

Average Academic Profile of Accepted UPenn Students

  • What is UPenn Looking for
  • How to Improve Your Chances of Getting into UPenn
  • How to Apply to UPenn

The University of Pennsylvania (or, more simply, UPenn) is best known as one of the eight schools in the Ivy League, a collection of elite, extremely selective schools in the Northeast. Like the other institutions of the Ivy League, UPenn is also known for its long, rich history—founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1740, it is one of the oldest institutions in the country.

How Hard Is It to Get Into UPenn?

UPenn is exceedingly difficult to get into, and only getting more challenging. Only 3,202 students were offered admission from a record-setting pool of 56,333 applicants for the class of 2025—resulting in an all-time low acceptance rate of 5.68% .

Of the 7,962 students who applied through UPenn’s early decision program, just 1,194 were accepted, setting a record-low 15% early decision acceptance rate . Although UPenn’s early decision acceptance rate hit an all-time low, it’s still significantly higher than its overall acceptance rate.   

While UPenn’s acceptance rate is incredibly low, your personal chances of acceptance may actually be higher or lower, depending on the strength of your profile. CollegeVine can help you better understand how you stack up against other applicants with our free admissions calculator , which uses your grades, test scores, and extracurriculars to estimate your odds of acceptance and give you tips on improving your profile!

The average high school GPA of UPenn’s class of 2025 is 3.90 and 96% of students graduated high school in the top 10% of their class. 

The middle 50% SAT score is 1460-1570 for UPenn’s class of 2025, and its middle 50% ACT composite score is 33-35. Of the admitted students who submitted standardized test scores, 65% took the SAT and 35% took the ACT. 

UPenn doesn’t report the class rank of admitted students. However, 96% of the class of 2025 graduated in the top 10% of their high school class.  

What is UPenn Looking for?

Simply having great grades and superb standardized test scores is not enough to earn admission to a highly selective school such as UPenn, since nearly every applicant is academically qualified. In addition to excellent academics, UPenn subjects applications to a comprehensive review, looking for students who are inspired to emulate its founder Benjamin Franklin by serving society—including the university’s community, the city of Philadelphia, and the broader world.

What UPenn is looking for in a student and the competitiveness of admission is dependent on which program you are applying to. UPenn’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) is less academically competitive than HYPSM and places an emphasis on extracurricular activities and admitting well-rounded students. 

Other programs at UPenn are looking for particular attributes in a student. For example:

  • The Wharton School : You don’t need extensive business experience to increase your odds of admission at UPenn’s renowned Wharton business school, but demonstrated leadership is a desirable attribute.
  • Huntsman Program : A multicultural college profile and experience with other languages will help catch the eye of admissions officers for entry into UPenn’s dual-degree program for business and international relations.
  • The Jerome Fisher Program : Competitive applicants to this engineering and business dual-degree program will have MIT-level STEM experience.
  • The Vagelos Program : Applicants to this dual-degree program integrating life sciences and businesses will want to have similar patient care experiences as those applying to accelerated medical care programs. 

How UPenn Evaluates Applications

According to their 2020-2021 Common Data Set, UPenn considers the following factors “very important” :

  • Course rigor
  • Test scores
  • Recommendation letters
  • Character/personal qualities 

These factors are “important” :

  • Talent/ability

These are “considered” :

  • First generation
  • Alumni/ae relation
  • Geographical residence
  • State residency 
  • Racial/ethnic status
  • Volunteer work
  • Work experiences 
  • Level of interest 

And these are “not considered” :

  • Religious affiliation

upenn economics phd acceptance rate

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Our free chancing engine takes into account your history, background, test scores, and extracurricular activities to show you your real chances of admission—and how to improve them.

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting into UPenn 

1. achieve at least a 3.9 gpa while taking the most challenging classes available.

UPenn considers GPA, class rank, and course vigor “very important” when making admissions decisions; consequently, a competitive profile will contain all (or mostly all) As in the most challenging courses available. Applicants to an Ivy League school often have upwards of 12 AP classes on their academic resume .

Competitive colleges that receive an enormous amount of applications, like UPenn, often use the Academic Index (a distillation of an applicant’s academic credentials into a single number) to cull under-qualified applicants. A high GPA is a very important step to having a strong Academic Index. If your grades are low and you’re early in your high school career, check out our tips for increasing your GPA . If you’re a junior or senior, it’s harder to increase your GPA—the easiest way to improve your Academic Index is to get higher test scores.

2. Aim for a 1570 SAT and 35 ACT 

The middle 50% SAT score at UPenn is 1460-1570 and the middle 50% ACT score is 33-35. Any score in the middle 50% is acceptable, but the higher on these ranges you score, the better your odds of admission become. 

UPenn instituted a test-optional policy for the 2020-2021 admissions cycle due to the disruption caused by COVID-19 and has extended that policy for 2021-2022. It’s recommended that you take either the SAT or ACT if you can do so safely. Students who submit test scores have higher acceptance rates than those that don’t. Wondering if your score is UPenn worthy? CollegeVine suggests submitting a score if it’s above the 25th percentile for accepted students. Students can get recommendations on whether or not they should apply test-optional using our free chancing engine . 

UPenn will combine your highest Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing SAT score with your highest Math SAT score across multiple tests to calculate a super score. For the ACT, they will use your highest individual English, Math, Reading, and Science scores across multiple tests to calculate a super score composite. Taking either test multiple times is an excellent way to improve your score and odds at UPenn. 

To improve your SAT/ACT score, check out these free CollegeVine resources:

  • How to Get a Perfect 1600 Score on the SAT
  • How to Get a Perfect 36 Score on the ACT
  • More SAT Info and Tips
  • More ACT Info and Tips

3. Write engaging essays

UPenn considers both application essays and character/personal qualities “very important” when making admissions decisions. The two factors are easily linked, as essays provide the perfect platform for highlighting your unique traits and how they’ll benefit UPenn’s campus. 

In addition to a personal essay, UPenn applicants are prompted to answer two UPenn-specific essays: 

  • Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at The University of Pennsylvania? (300-450 words)
  • At Penn, learning and growth happen outside of the classroom, too. How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape this community. (150-200 words)

The UPenn essay is a place to separate yourself from the competition. In general, make sure you write in an authentic voice and highlight how you’ll fit in on campus when writing your essays. For more UPenn-specific essay advice, check out our article, “ How to Write the UPenn Supplemental Essays 2021-2022 .”

4. Get great recommendations

Recommendations are an integral part of the UPenn application and are considered “very important.” UPenn requires that you submit a high school counselor/advisor letter as well as two letters of recommendation from your teachers—ideally, they’re instructors you know well, from your junior or senior year, in core academic subjects. 

UPenn also accepts an optional recommendation letter from someone other than a teacher, such as an athletic coach, internship or research supervisor, boss at a part-time job, or local clergy member. These letters are only impactful if the writer knows you personally, can write specifically about you, and can offer insight about you not found in teacher recommendations. 

Asking a teacher to write a recommendation letter is a big request; teachers don’t get paid to write them and likely have been asked by more than one student. Ensure you get a compelling letter by following the nine rules for requesting a letter of recommendation .

5. Apply Early Decision

The overall acceptance at UPenn is just 5.68%, which is substantially lower than the 15% acceptance rate for students applying through the school’s early decision program. Simply applying early decision at UPenn provides a big boost to your odds of admission. 

Applicants are accepted at a higher rate through the early decision (ED) program at UPenn, but early decision isn’t without its challenges . Early decision is binding, and students accepted via ED are committed to attending. If you’re considering applying for ED at UPenn, make sure you’re certain it’s the school you want to attend and that it’s within your budget—because of ED’s binding nature, you’re unable to compare financial offers from other schools. 

6. Cultivate at least one or two Tier 1-2 extracurriculars (find your “spike”)

UPenn only considers extracurricular activities and talent/ability as “important” to admissions decisions, but they’re great ways to differentiate yourself from other applicants. Not all extracurriculars are equal in the admissions process and the best way to understand the differences between them is through the 4 Tiers of Extracurriculars .

  • Tier 1 are super-rare activities that demonstrate enormous talent or achievement. Examples include winning a prestigious competition like Microsoft Imagine Cup or attending a distinguished summer program such as PROMYS .  
  • Tier 2 activities demonstrate high levels of talent or achievement but are more common than Tier 1 extracurriculars. Tier 2 activities include playing a sport or instrument at an all-state level or serving as president of a well-known club, like Model UN. 
  • Tier 3 extracurriculars are less distinguished activities than those found in the higher tiers. Examples include playing a varsity sport or holding a leadership position in a club. 
  • Tier 4 are the most common (and least impressive) extracurricular activities. These include taking part in a club but not holding a leadership position or playing a sport or instrument but without distinction.  

 A competitive application to an Ivy League school like UPenn will feature at least one or two activities that fall into the top two tiers of extracurriculars. The idea of colleges looking for well-rounded students is a myth—the most competitive applicants have a highly-developed interest, known as a “ spike ,” rather than a collection of unrelated interests. 

How to Apply to UPenn  

Early Action

November 1

December 15

Regular Decision

January 1

April 1

Application Requirements

UPenn accepts both the Common Application and the Coalition Application—and both applications also require the applicant to submit UPenn’s two supplemental essays. Other requirements include:

  • Official high school transcript
  • School report 
  • Counselor recommendation 
  • Teacher evaluations (2)
  • Mid-year report
  • Final report 

Optional and additional materials:

  • SAT/ACT scores
  • Additional letter of recommendation
  • Art/music supplement

Learn more about UPenn

Interested in learning more about UPenn? Check these other awesome posts:

  • What is UPenn Known For?
  • UPenn Diversity Statistics: An In-Depth Look
  • How to Get Into UPenn
  • UPenn vs. Penn State: 7 Main Differences

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upenn economics phd acceptance rate


University of Pennsylvania

PhD in Economics


University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania

School of Arts & Sciences

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PhD in Economics at the prestigious University of Pennsylvania is a prestigious degree that offers in-depth learning in Economics. Being a renowned university, University of Pennsylvania receives enough funds to ensure the best education facilities for its students across all programs. This doctorate program offered full-time primarily focuses on the practical implementation of fresh ideas through rigorous study and research. The students are encouraged to add new aspects and findings to the existing area of knowledge. PhD in Economics at UPenn is ranked globally by estimated organisations. Such recognition speaks volumes about the course’s importance and effectiveness in the present scenario. The top-notch faculty, modern facilities, and the aura of creativity and innovation in the UPenn campus is a life-changing experience for the students looking forward to kickstarting or upgrading their careers. Overall, a PhD in Economics at University of Pennsylvania is an excellent opportunity to grow into a learned professional and bring new developments in the world.

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What type of people study for the phd.

Doctoral students come from a variety of backgrounds. Their most important distinguishing features are an eagerness to discover new things and an aptitude for research methods in business.

More than half of the students are international. The number of first-year students in each department’s program is small and select. New students interact with doctoral students in all years and also with students in other Wharton departments. Typically, the number of peers with whom a doctoral student interacts and finds common interests ranges from 15 to 30.

Do most graduates enter the academic field?

The majority of students who enter a Wharton doctoral program assume a faculty position at an academic/research institution upon completing the PhD degree program.

How long does a PhD take?

The required coursework for a PhD takes two years, and defense of a thesis proposal, performance of thesis research, and defense of the final thesis usually take 12 to 18 months at a minimum. It is reasonable to expect to take four to five years to complete the PhD.

Can I do it part time? Is there distance learning? Is there an online program?

The Wharton PhD program is full time during the period of coursework. Most students also pursue their theses full time for 12 to 18 months. There are no PhD-level courses offered through distance or online learning.

Do I need prior work experience or business courses?

No, not necessarily. Application decisions depend primarily on an evaluation of the candidate’s ability to handle complex course material and do original research. While experience is helpful, evidence of strong intellectual ability — as indicated by test scores, course grades, or letters of recommendation — is the most important factor.

Will prior graduate work help? Can I transfer prior graduate work and have it apply to the PhD?

Up to one year of graduate credits may be transferred (maximum of eight credits), but any transfers are usually less than the maximum, because students are required to take the core courses for the doctoral program here at Wharton. Prior work can shorten the time for required coursework a little, but its main advantage will be to provide a better background for dealing with the rigorous core courses.

Application Requirements

What is the deadline for tests.

All tests must be taken no later than December 15th. You may self-report your unofficial scores on the online application in order to meet the deadline. Official scores must also be sent from ETS/GMAC in order to complete your application.

We do not accept late test scores. Please plan in advance to ensure that scores and materials are submitted by the December 15th deadline.

As states on our website, please submit your application by December 15th, 11:59PM EST.

What code should I use to send official scores?

Please use the following codes to send official test scores:

GRE:  2954-5199 or 2954-0000

TOEFL: 2954-02 or 2954-00

GMAT: G56-97-12

If you are unable to find the exact codes for the GRE/TOEFL, as long as you use the Wharton School code (2954), we will be able to confirm your scores.

What tests should I take? Is there a minimum score?

All applicants must take either the GRE or GMAT, depending upon department/program admission requirements. While there is no minimum test score required to apply, good performance on one of the tests can offset lower scores on other portions.

As each department’s requirements on standardized tests vary, please see the Admissions Requirement page for details on test requirements by department.

The average GRE scores for doctoral students entering in fall 2024:

Verbal: 159 Verbal %: 77 Quantitative: 169 Quantitative %: 90.5 Writing: 4 Writing %: 62

The average GMAT scores for doctoral students entering in fall 2024:

Verbal: 41 Verbal %: 92.5 Quantitative: 49.5 Quantitative %: 80 Total: 740 Total %: 96.5 Writing: 6 Writing %: 86

The ETS codes for requesting to have your scores sent to the Doctoral Program are: GRE: 2954-5199 or 2954-0000 GMAT: G56-97-12

We will accept GMAT and GRE scores that are up to 5 years old. If your test scores are more than 5 years old (taken prior to July 2019), you will have to take the test again and submit the new scores. Please see the GRE and GMAT websites for further information on taking those tests.

GRE/GMAT test scores CANNOT be waived. There are no exceptions unless outlined by the department. Failure to provide required application materials will result in your application’s rejection. Please note that certain programs will accept only the GRE.

See  Application Requirements for specific information.

The average GPA of accepted applicants generally falls within the upper tenth percentile.

Is the TOEFL required? Can it be waived if I have lived or studied in an English-speaking country?

Applicants whose native language is not English must take the TOEFL. You may request a TOEFL waiver if you have earned an undergraduate or master’s degree (or will receive the degree by June 2025) in an English-speaking country or from an institution in which English is the language of instruction.

To waive the TOEFL, you must submit your request under the  optional essay  section of the application  and  have it documented that your medium of education was English. Your transcripts may serve as documentation that English was the language of instruction.

TOEFL scores are valid for two years. If your TOEFL test was taken prior to July 2022 you will need to submit new scores.

Ask the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to report your test scores using the following Wharton Doctoral Programs’ ETS codes: · TOEFL: 2954-02 or 2954-00

Please note, we do not accept IELTS scores in place of TOEFL scores.

What is the average TOEFL score? Do you keep scores submitted in prior years?

Generally, the better the test score, the more likely a student will succeed in the program. We do not keep scores submitted in prior years, unless an applicant submitted an application. Applications and all supplemental materials (including test scores) are kept on file for one year after the year of application, and then destroyed.

The average iTOEFL scores for doctoral students entering in fall 2024:

Reading: 29 Listening: 28 Speaking: 23.4 Writing: 26 Total: 107

The ETS codes for requesting to have your scores sent to the Doctoral Program are: TOEFL: 2954-02 or 2954-00

Can I request an interview when applying?

Interviews are not granted prior to decisions. Accepted candidates are generally invited to visit at Wharton’s expense before they make a decision on whether to attend.

Can the application fee be waived?

Applicants from the following fellowships can waive the $80 application fee: McNair , Fulbright , IDDEAS, Leadership Alliance, and GRE Fee Reduction recipients . ​There are no other exceptions for offering application fee waivers.

Can I pay the application fee by credit card?

You can pay the $80 application fee by credit card when you submit your online application.

Admissions Process

When should i apply.

We will begin accepting applications in September for the following year’s admission period. The deadline for applications and supporting documentation (letters of recommendation, transcripts, and test scores) is December 15.

When and how will I be notified of the committee's decision?

The admissions committee meets in late February and again in early March, and the departmental programs make their final decisions by late March. Admission notification is made by April 15.

You will be notified of departmental decisions via the e-mail address you provide, so be sure to check your email regularly and to notify the Doctoral Office of any changes in your contact information.

Can you provide a paper application — I would rather submit a paper application than the online application?

Unfortunately, we no longer offer a paper application. All applications must be submitted using the online system.

How many applications do you receive each year, and how many do you admit?

The number of completed applications is usually between 800 and 1300. Less than 5% of applicants are offered admission, and usually 30 to 40 students matriculate.

Can I defer admission?

An offer of admission with financial support is made for the upcoming academic year only. Acceptance of the offer may not be deferred. An accepted applicant who must postpone acceptance of an offer of admission may reapply for consideration the following year. The applicant must follow the December 15th deadline to submit their application for review.

Can I request feedback on my application if I am not offered admission?

The admissions committee cannot offer feedback on individual applications.

Can I apply as a transfer student from a PhD program at a different school?

All applicants must complete an application with all required materials by the December 15 deadline regardless of their status at another school.

Can I apply to more than one Wharton PhD program?

No. It is for the benefit of both the applicant and Admissions Committee for an applicant to apply to one program only.

You are welcome to apply to separate schools at Penn (i.e. Arts & Sciences, Med). Please note you will be required to submit separate applications, materials and application fees.

Can I re-apply to a Doctoral Program?

Yes. Candidates who submitted an application to a Wharton Doctoral Program and were not offered admission may re-apply but not for the same academic year, e.g., an applicant who was not admitted for fall 2018 may re-apply for fall 2019. See Reapplication Process for more information.

Which programs are STEM-designated?

STEM-designated programs are denoted on our Programs of Study page .

Online Application

I'm having trouble accessing the online application. what is the problem.

You must have a Login Account to access the Online Application. To get a Login and Password please visit our online application, available in September.

My password will not work. Why?

You may be entering the incorrect password. A common problem is passwords are case sensitive. Be certain you are entering your password with the same capitalizations and lower cases as appear in your confirmation e-mail.

To have your login and password information re-sent to you, click the login link and follow the directions to have the information re-sent to you.

If all else fails, please email the doctoral office for assistance:  [email protected] .

When should I check the system after submitting the application?

You should allow at least three weeks for processing for your online account to truly reflect the status of your application.

Will I receive an e-mail when decisions are made? How will I know when to check the system?

You will receive an e-mail each time your status changes; this includes when we release a decision. Once you receive an e-mail, you need to check your status online. The e-mail only indicates there is a change to your application; it does not indicate what the change is.

Can I use AI during the application process?

The Wharton School of Business embraces the use of generative AI technology and sees it as an important tool for business scholars in this rapidly changing world. While we believe that generative AI will continue to provide utility to all students, your work contained within the application must be your own.

We recommend applicants treat generative AI as you would the guidance or writings of another person. For example, this means that, as it is unacceptable to have another person substantially complete a task like writing an admissions essay, it is also unacceptable to have AI substantially complete the task. By embracing AI responsibly, Wharton aims to uphold the integrity of the application process while leveraging technological advancements to enrich the admissions experience. The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania requires that the work in your application must be completely accurate and exclusively your own, and may use its own proprietary and/or licensed AI solutions in order to identify AI-authored elements of applications. Any such flagging will result in a more holistic investigation of an application.

Letters of Recommendation

Do you accept letters of recommendation through interfolio.

Yes, please follow the instructions from Interfolio: https://product-help.interfolio.com/en_US/about-dossier-accounts/dossier-quick-start-guide

Assistance for applicants or the Interfolio agent can write to [email protected] .

Financial Aid

What about financial aid are international students eligible.

All admitted Wharton doctoral students receive a fellowship that covers the cost of tuition and health insurance, and provides a stipend. It is expected that a similar level of financial aid may be awarded for up to 5 years. All financial aid awards are contingent upon a student’s satisfactory academic progress.

The number of students accepted in any department is therefore determined by the amount of financial aid available.

Annual Security & Fire Safety Report

Where can i find the annual security & fire safety report for the university of pennsylvania.

To read the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report, click here. 

University of Pennsylvania Acceptance Rates & Admissions Statistics

What does the admissions department at university of pennsylvania look for, on this page you’ll find:, understanding admissions statistics, selectivity (fall 2021): are you the right type of student for this college.

Open AdmissionsNo
Selectivity of CollegeMore Selective
Acceptance Rate6%

Acceptance and Enrollment Stats (Fall 2021)

Applicant Total56,332

Boys vs. Girls: Who’s Applying More?

Average test scores, additional question to ask, notes and references, popular reports, compare your school options.

Ph.D . Program

With leading researchers in economic theory, econometrics, international economics, and macroeconomics, the Economics Department at Penn State is an outstanding department (faculty areas of interest may be found here) .  Students who receive a Ph.D. from Penn State and whose doctoral research is excellent have been recruited and sought after by leading academic and research institutions: our Ph.D. students have obtained tenure-track positions at Chicago, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northwestern, NYU, UPenn and many more.  Our recent placements of students at different universities may be found here .

There are several reasons Penn State has excellent placement, and is a special place to do graduate school. Graduate student training and placement are priorities for the department, and therefore, our faculty members across fields are widely accessible to graduate students. In addition to many elective classes, there are reading groups within each field, with active involvement from students and faculty. The Department takes very seriously its mission to train the excellent students admitted to our PhD program.

Penn State is located in a pleasant college town setting in the geographic center of Pennsylvania. Although it is in a small town, it is not isolated intellectually. There is an active program of visiting speakers in five separate workshops. In addition, the department hosts conferences across several fields. There is a twice yearly joint Penn State-Cornell conference at which graduate students make about half the presentations. The Department also encourages students to present their work at external conferences, and our students present at Meetings of the Econometric Society and other conferences.

STEM Designation Our graduate program (MA and PhD) has been reclassified as STEM (CIP Code 45.0603: Econometrics and Quantitative Economics). Students in STEM degree programs can apply for a 24 month STEM extension of F1 Optional Practical Training (OPT).

Liberal Arts – About the College

Information on the honors code and the college values statement for graduate students available at:

  • College of the Liberal Arts Values Statement
  • College of the Liberal Arts Honors Code


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  • Admissions Statistics

CIS Graduate Program Admissions Statistics

Statistics by program:.

  • Doctoral Program

Fall 2023 PhD admission statistics

  • 1,508 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 92 candidates admitted
  • 38 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GPA: 3.7

Fall 2022 PhD admission statistics

  • 1,031 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 82 candidates admitted
  • 32 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GPA: 3.78

Fall 2021 PhD admission statistics

  • 1,141 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 79 candidates admitted
  • 45 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GPA: 3.8

Fall 2020 PhD admission statistics

  • 924 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 98 candidates admitted
  • 29 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 167/Q 161/AW 4

Fall 2019 PhD admission statistics

  • 826 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 86 candidates admitted
  • 44 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 160/Q 167/AW 4

Fall 2018 PhD admission statistics

  • 756 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 75 candidates admitted
  • 26 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 162/Q 167/AW 4.5

Fall 2017 PhD admission statistics

  • 522 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 35 students matriculated

Fall 2016 PhD admission statistics

  • 424 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 91 candidates admitted
  • 25 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 157/Q 167/AW 4

Fall 2015 PhD admission statistics

  • 471 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 51 candidates admitted
  • 16 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 162/Q 166/AW 4.5

Fall 2014 PhD admission statistics

  • 448 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 50 candidates admitted
  • 14 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 163/Q 167/AW 4.5

Fall 2013 PhD admission statistics

  • 501 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 49 candidates admitted
  • 15 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE V 161/Q 166/AW 4

Fall 2012 PhD admission statistics

  • 545 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 60 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE V 610:160/Q 790:164/AW 4.5

Fall 2011 PhD admission statistics

  • 526 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 65 candidates admitted
  • 22 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 610/Q 790/AW 4.5

Fall 2010 PhD admission statistics

  • 465 applicants to the doctoral program
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 580/Q 790/AW 4.5

Fall 2009 PhD admission statistics

  • 478 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 48 candidates admitted
  • 20 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 620/Q 780/AW 4.5

Fall 2008 PhD admission statistics

  • 470 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 58 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 620/Q 790/AW 5.0

Fall 2007 PhD admission statistics

  • 491 applicants to the doctoral program
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 620/Q 780/AW 5.0

Fall 2006 PhD admission statistics

  • 480 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 33 candidates admitted
  • 11 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 610/Q 790/AW 5.0

Fall 2005 PhD admission statistics

  • 515 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 21 candidates admitted
  • 9 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 620/Q 780/A 760/AW 5.0

Fall 2004 PhD admission statistics

  • 683 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 45 candidates admitted
  • 21 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 650/Q 780/A 770/AW 5.0

Fall 2003 PhD admission statistics

  • 873 applicants to the doctoral program

Fall 2002 PhD admission statistics

  • 643 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 57 candidates admitted
  • 27 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 600/Q 780/A 760

Fall 2001 PhD admission statistics

  • 514 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 56 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 600/Q 780/A 740

Fall 2000 PhD admission statistics

  • 367 applicants to the doctoral program
  • 54 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 620/Q 780/A 740

CIS/MSE Program

Fall 2022 CIS/MSE admission statistics

  •  1974 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  •  172 candidates admitted
  •  55 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 160/Q 168/AW 4.3

Fall 2021 CIS/MSE admission statistics

  •  1782 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  •  204 candidates admitted
  •  63 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 160/Q 168/AW 4.2

Fall 2020 CIS/MSE admission statistics

  •  1538 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  •  192 candidates admitted
  •  61 students matriculated

Fall 2019 CIS/MSE admission statistics

  • 1299 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 169 candidates admitted
  • 58 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 158/Q 168/AW 4

Fall 2018 CIS/MSE admission statistics

  • 1339 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 138 candidates admitted
  • 46 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 159/Q 168/AW 4

Fall 2017 CIS/MSE admission statistics

  • 1264 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 130 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 158/Q 167/AW 4

Fall 2016 CIS/MSE admission statistics

  • 1021 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 131 candidates admitted

Fall 2015 CIS/MSE admission statistics

  • 954 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 117 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 160/Q 167/AW 4

Fall 2014 CIS/MSE admission statistics

  • 752 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 135 candidates admitted
  • 57 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 158/Q 166/AW 4

Fall 2013 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 789 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 104 candidates admitted
  • 30 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 158/Q 166/ AW 4

Fall 2012 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 760 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 133 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 620:161/Q 790:164/ AW 4

Fall 2011 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 585 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 171 candidates admitted
  • 70 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 590/Q 780/ AW 4

Fall 2010 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 410 applicants to the CIS/ MSE program
  • 152 candidates admitted
  • 50 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 570/Q 780/ AW 4

Fall 2009 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 294 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 71 candidates admitted

Fall 2008 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 303 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 43 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 580/Q 780/ AW 4

Fall 2007 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 302 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 550/Q 780/ AW 4

Fall 2006 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 214 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 99  candidates admitted
  • 34 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 570/Q 780/ AW 4.5

Fall 2005 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 197 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 112 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 540/Q 770/A 760/ AW 4.5

Fall 2004 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 204 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 110 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 560/Q 770/A 720/ AW 5.0

Fall 2003 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 233 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 144 candidates admitted
  • 51 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 570/Q 770/A 710/ AW 5.0

Fall 2002 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 210 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 88 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 570/Q 770/A 720

Fall 2001 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 155 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 87 candidates admitted
  • 31 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 560 /Q 760 /A 700

Fall 2000 CIS/MSE admissions statistics

  • 228 applicants to the CIS/MSE program
  • 89 candidates admitted
  • 40 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the CIS/MSE program: Average GRE: V 550 /Q 760 /A 720

MCIT Program

Fall 2022 MCIT admission statistics

  • 1225 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 118 candidates admitted
  • 73 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE: V 162/Q 168/AW 4.3

Fall 2021 MCIT admission statistics

  • 1064 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 75 students matriculated

Fall 2020 MCIT admission statistics

  • 674 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 97 candidates admitted
  • 48 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE: V 160/Q 166/AW 4.2

Fall 2019 MCIT admission statistics

  • 552 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 78 candidates admitted
  • 49 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE: V 161/Q 166/AW 4

Fall 2018 MCIT admission statistics

  • 714 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 73 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE: V 161/Q 167/AW 4

Fall 2017 MCIT admission statistics

  • 619 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 69 candidates admitted

Fall 2016 MCIT admission statistics

  • 526 applicants to the MCIT program
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE: V 160/Q 165/AW 4

Fall 2015 MCIT admission statistics

  • 445 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 68 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE: V 160/Q 166/AW 4.5

Fall 2014 MCIT admission statistics

  • 331 applicants to the MCIT program
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE: V 159/Q 165/AW 4

Fall 2013 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 292 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 59 candidates admitted
  • 28 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 159/Q 165/AW 4

Fall 2012 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 214 applicants to the MCIT program
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 610:160/Q 780:163/AW 4

Fall 2011 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 160 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 64 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 620/Q 770/AW 4

Fall 2010 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 107 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 42 candidates admitted
  • 24 students matriculated
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 570/Q 740/AW 4.5

Fall 2009 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 92 applicants to the MCIT program

Fall 2008 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 71 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 41 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 570/Q 730/AW 4

Fall 2007 MCIT admissions statistics

  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 570/Q 760/AW 4

Fall 2006 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 84 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 46 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 600/Q730/AW 4.5

Fall 2005 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 47 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 25 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 590/Q 730/A 750; AW 4.5

Fall 2004 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 73 applicants to the MCIT program
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 520/Q 730/A 670; AW 4.5

Fall 2003 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 97 applicants to the MCIT program
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 560/Q 740/A 710; AW 5.0

Fall 2002 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 104 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 72 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 560/Q 750/A 700

Fall 2001 MCIT admissions statistics

  • 123 applicants to the MCIT program
  • 90 candidates admitted
  • Candidates admitted to the MCIT program: Average GRE – V 570/Q 770/A 700
  • As the methods for computing grade point averages vary greatly depending on the institution, country, etc., it is not possible to provide average GPAs.  Whatever method is used for computing the grade point average, candidates are expected to have a high GPA.
  • All candidates are evaluated equally.
  • Please note that the GRE scores listed above are averages.

Graduate Program:

  • Master of Computer and Information Technology
  • MSE in Data Science
  • MSE in Embedded Systems (EMBS)
  • MSE in Robotics
  • MSE in Computer Graphics and Game Technology
  • Fellowships + Aid
  • New Students
  • How to Register
  • Transferring from MSE to Ph.D.
  • Graduation + Thesis Information
  • Academic + Industry Job Postings

Your CIS Contacts:

Redian Furxhiu Graduate Coordinator for on-campus MCIT, CIS/MSE and CGGT programs Office: 308 Levine Phone: 215-898-1668 Email: [email protected]

Staci Kaplan Program Manager for DATS (Data Science MSE) Office: 308 Levine Phone: 215-573-2431 Email: [email protected]

Britton Carnevali Doctoral Program Manager Office: 310 Levine Phone: 215-898-5515 Email: [email protected]

Mariel Celentano Graduate Coordinator for ROBO Office: 459 Levine Phone: 215-573-4907 Email: [email protected]

Liz Wai-Ping Ng Associate Director for Embedded Systems MSE program Office: 313 Levine Phone: 215-898-8543 Email:  [email protected]

Julia Esposito PICS Program Coordinator, SCMP Academic Coordinator Office: 3401 Walnut, 5th Fl. Phone: 215-573-6037 Email: [email protected]

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New Business School Faculty Added in Fall 2024

The Paul L. Foster Campus for Business and Innovation building against a blue sky with light clouds and during a sunny day

The Hankamer School of Business (HSB) welcomed 16 new faculty for the fall 2024 semester. The top-tier faculty will further support purposeful research conducted at the Business School while offering students innovative and experiential learning opportunities. 

“Welcoming a new set of talented professors and lecturers to the Business School is always invigorating,” said Sandeep Mazumder, PhD, the William E. Crenshaw Endowed Dean of the Business School. “I look forward to seeing them grow professionally and personally as they integrate with our culture of excellence at Hankamer and as they prepare our students to be the business leaders of tomorrow.” 

Rebecca Files

Job title:  Professor, Chair of the Department of Accounting and Business Law 

Education: PhD in Accounting, Texas A&M University, 2009; MS in Finance, Texas A&M University; BBA in Accounting, Texas A&M University

Previous position: Associate Professor of Accounting, the University of Texas at Dallas

Research interests: My research focuses on financial misconduct within firms. Financial misconduct can take many forms but generally refers to unfair or deceptive business practices that harm shareholders and other users of accounting information. I analyze the various reputation-repair strategies made by corporate leaders after the discovery of misconduct and the impact of those choices on investors, litigants and regulators. 

Courses to teach: Financial Accounting courses at the undergraduate or graduate level. 

What excites you most about joining HSB: I’m most excited about building relationships with the incredible faculty, staff and students at Baylor and collaborating with faculty on both research and teaching projects. 

Rachel Scott

Job title:  Assistant Professor; Accounting and Business Law 

Education: PhD in Accounting, University of Georgia, 2024; BA in Accounting, Louisiana State University, 2009

Previous position: Audit Manager, Postlewaite and Netterville; Accounting Manager, Trinity Business Group

Research interests: Understanding how accounting standards affect businesses and industries and informing those involved in the standard setting process as they seek research assistance.

Courses to teach: To be determined 

What excites you most about joining HSB: The faculty at HSB are kind, inspiring, motivated and talented—leaders in the classroom and in research. I am honored and humbled to join the team! 

Kassie Stanfield

Job title: Lecturer: Accounting and Business Law

Education: MBA, University of Texas at Austin; Undergraduate Accounting, Harding University

Previous position: Executive Director, Save the Mothers International

Research interests:  Though not very typical for an accountant, I spend most of my spare time researching the area of maternal mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa for my nonprofit, Save the Mothers International. 

Courses to teach:  Currently teaching Intermediate Accounting I and Audit.

What excites you most about joining HSB:  Being surrounded by colleagues and students who have a shared passion for service, excellence and the Lord.   

Isaac Ahimbisibwe

Job title:  Assistant Professor: Economics

Education:  PhD, Agriculture and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis;  Masters, Applied Economics, Illinois State University; Bachelor of Statistics, Makerere University

Previous position:   PhD Candidate, University of California, Davis

Research interests:  My research field is development economics and economics of education.   My current projects are on higher education access for girls, specifically affirmative action by gender; higher education peer effects in a setting with high ethnolinguistic diversity and segregation; and employee training in small firms in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

Courses to teach:  ECO 1305 – Issues in Economics for Non-Business Majors

What excites you most about joining HSB:  I'm particularly eager to join the Department of Economics, as my research interests align closely with those of the faculty. Additionally, I was drawn to Baylor's Christian-centered values.

Becca Jorgensen

Education: PhD in Applied Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2024; MA in Economics, Miami University, 2016; BS in Quantitative Economics and Mathematics, Miami University, 2016

Previous position: PhD Student

Research interests:  Real estate, household finance and industrial organization

What excites you most about joining HSB:  Everyone I have met has been incredibly kind and friendly, and I am excited to work in a place with such strong researchers who are also great colleagues.   

Cesia Sanchez

Job title:  Clinical Assistant Professor: Economics

Education: PhD in Economics, University of California, Berkeley; BA in Economics, Texas A&M University

Previous position: PhD Student, University of California, Berkeley

Research interests:  My primary fields of interest are labor economics and economic history. I also have interests in demography, health and applied microeconomics more broadly.

Courses to teach:  ECO 2307 – Principles of Macroeconomics

What excites you most about joining HSB:  I am excited to be at a department that allows for the blending of my two passions: my love for the scriptures and my passion for economics research. In addition, I am excited about getting to know my colleagues and witnessing the intellectual growth of my students!

Sohvi Heaton

Job title:  Assistant Professor; Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation

Education: Oxford University

Previous position: Visiting Assistant Professor, Santa Clara University

Research interests:  Dynamic capabilities, neuroscience applications in entrepreneurship research, open innovation 

Courses to teach:  ENT 4330 – Corporate Innovation Capstone; BUS 4385 – Strategic Management

What excites you most about joining HSB:  The distinctive blend of academic excellence and Christian commitment was particularly attractive to me.    

Job title:  Assistant Professor; Finance

Education: PhD in Finance, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2024; MA in Finance, University of California San Diego, 2017; BA in Business Administration, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2014

Previous position: PhD Student, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Research interests:  My research focuses on institutional investors and sustainable finance. 

Courses to teach:  FIN 4350 – Financial Modeling

What excites you most about joining HSB:  I am eager to collaborate with esteemed colleagues and contribute to the development of future business leaders.

Mahyar Sefidgaran

Education: PhD in Finance, University of Texas at Austin

Previous position: PhD Student, University of Texas at Austin

Research interests:  Economics of Information 

Courses to teach:  Investments

What excites you most about joining HSB:  The Hankamer School of Business has a strong theory and applied corporate finance group that shares my research interests. I am excited and looking forward to collaborating with them. 

Emmanuel Ayaburi

Job title:  Assistant Professor; Information Systems and Business Analytics

Education: PhD in Information Technology, the University of Texas at San Antonio, 2017; MBA Colorado Heights University, 2011; BSc in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana, 2006

Previous position: Assistant Professor, Cleveland State University

Research interests: Understanding how individuals and businesses perceive and react to information systems security and privacy issues.

Courses to teach: Managing Network/Security Risk 

What excites you most about joining HSB: The Hankamer School of Business has a very strong Information Systems program and faculty group who do amazing research. Coming from teaching in public institutions, I am excited and looking forward to teaching students and collaborating with faculty that is a faith-inspired. 

Wade Rugenstein

Job title:  Clinical Assistant Professor; Information Systems and Business Analytics

Education: BBA, MIS, Baylor University; MBA, Strategic Management, University of North Texas

Previous position: Chief Business Development Officer, Cain Watters & Associates

Research interests:  Technology and M&A

Courses to teach:  MIS 3305 – Management Information Systems

What excites you most about joining HSB:  I am excited to return to Baylor and hopefully give back to the community that gave me so much at the start of my career.

Rory Samuels

Education: PhD in Statistical Science, Baylor University, 2024; MS in Statistical Science, Baylor University, 2020; BSc in Statistical Science, Southern Methodist University, 2019; BSc in Economics, Southern Methodist University, 2019

Previous position: Graduate Student, Baylor University

Research interests: Multivariate data analysis, functional data analysis and spatial-temporal statistics

Courses to teach: Introduction to Business Analytics II 

What excites you most about joining HSB: The research initiatives and students that come out of the Hankamer School of Business have a global impact. I am excited by the opportunity to contribute to that impact through research and teaching in an environment that puts Christ at the center.

Sarah Schaffer

Job title:  Lecturer; Information Systems and Business Analytics 

Education: BBA, Marketing, Harding University; MBA, Management, University of North Texas; MS, Learning Technologies, University of North Texas; ABD, Learning Technologies, University of North Texas

Previous position: Part-time Lecturer, Baylor University

Research interests: The utilization and integration of technology during informal training. 

Courses to teach: BUS 1305 - Software Applications for Personal Productivity; BUS 1350 - Software Applications for Business Productivity and Decision-Making

What excites you most about joining HSB: Investing in the lives of our Baylor Bears, cultivating an environment where students feel encouraged and supported, and developing future leaders in the business world.

Ade Oyedijo

Job title:  Assistant Professor; Management

Education: PhD in Procurement and Supply Chain Management, Newcastle University; Pg. Cert in Advanced Research Training, Newcastle University; MSc in Operations and Supply Chain Management, Newcastle University; BA (Hons) in Business and Management Studies, University of Hertfordshire

Previous position:  Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Leicester

Research interests : Fairness in Supply Chains, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Systems in Africa

Courses to teach:  MGT 4345 – Global Supply Chain Management and MGT 3325 – Operations Management

What excites you most about joining HSB:  Although Baylor's R1 classification was very alluring and demonstrated the University's reputation for exceptional research, it was the collaborative atmosphere and the significant work being done at HSB that drew my attention.

Daniel Watts

Education: PhD in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources, Georgia State University, 2024; BS in Business Administration, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015

Previous position: PhD Candidate, Georgia State University

Research interests:  Relationships at work including newcomer-incumbent and follower-leader relationships

Courses to teach:  MGT 3305 – Leadership & Organizational Behavior

What excites you most about joining HSB:  I am thrilled to be joining such a wonderful community of people including the rest of the Management faculty, the Human Resources Management major and the exceptional students we serve.    

Sophie Yang-Sun

Job title:  Associate Professor; Management

Education: PhD in Supply Chain Management, Arizona State University; MBA, Brigham Young University; BS in Electrical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University

Previous position:  Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management, University of Texas at El Paso

Research interests:  Understanding how supply networks affect firms’ decisions and performances and how firms’ decisions reshape their supply networks 

Courses to teach:  MGT 3325 – Operations Management

What excites you most about joining HSB: I am excited to work with colleagues in supply chain management and to incorporate my faith in teaching and research.

  • Hankamer School of Business

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  1. Admissions Information to the Ph.D. Program in Economics

    In the Economics Graduate Group, we also ask that applicants discuss their relevant research experience, if any, that make Penn Economics a good fit for what you would like to accomplish in your PhD. ... Deadline for admission: All applications must be completed and submitted by 11:59pm eastern US standard time on December 15th. The admissions ...

  2. Graduate Program

    The graduate economics program at Penn is a Ph.D. program administered by the Graduate Group in Economics, which consists of the faculty of the Department of Economics, and some of its secondary appointments in the Wharton School and the School of Arts and Sciences.A master's program in Economics is not offered at the University of Pennsylvania.. The program trains students to conduct ...

  3. Frequently Asked Questions

    The Admissions Committee is a little more lenient regarding Verbal scores from international applicants. We are looking for scores of 154 or higher. The Admissions Committee is looking for a score of 24 in the speak section of the TOEFL test. We will nonetheless consider the speak test scores of 20 or above, and an overall total score of 100 or ...

  4. Class Profile

    Program: Applicants: Matriculants: Accounting: 57: 2: Applied Economics: 273: 4: Ethics & Legal Studies: n/a: n/a: Finance: 190: 7: Health Care Management & Economics ...

  5. Economics, PhD < University of Pennsylvania

    The graduate economics program at Penn is a Ph.D. program administered by the Graduate Group in Economics, which consists of the faculty of the Department of Economics, and some of its secondary appointments in the Wharton School and the School of Arts and Sciences. A master's program in Economics is not offered at the University of Pennsylvania.

  6. Applied Economics

    The course of study for the Ph.D. in Applied Economics requires the completion of 15 graduate course units. The common core consists of 3 theory courses and 3 statistics/econometrics courses. Students are also expected to master two field areas by passing two courses in each (total of 4 courses units).

  7. PhD Program

    PhD Program. Wharton's highly selective Ph.D. program in Applied Economics offers students many resources not available at other institutions, such as a 1:1 faculty to student ratio and an up-front guarantee of five years of funding with minimal teaching requirements. Combining the faculties of the departments of Real Estate and Business ...

  8. Economics PhD Acceptance Rates 2024: Do You Stand a Chance?

    Penn writes that admits have a GRE quant score that is 164 or higher. Based on the data for the Department of Economics at Brown University, the acceptance rate for the class starting in 2020 was approximately 8%. This percentage was drawn from a pool of roughly 750 applications, out of which about 60 were admitted.

  9. Exploring the Economics Program at the University of Pennsylvania

    The economics program at UPenn is widely recognized as one of the best in the country. In this article, we will explore the program's history, curriculum, faculty and research, student life, career prospects, admission process, scholarships and financial aid, campus resources, alumni network, and comparison with other top-ranked economics ...

  10. Applied Economics, PhD < University of Pennsylvania

    The course of study for the Ph.D. in Applied Economics requires the completion of 15 graduate course units. The common core consists of 3 theory courses and 3 statistics/econometrics courses. Students are also expected to master two field areas by passing two courses in each (total of 4 courses units). The remaining course units necessary to ...

  11. Prospective Students

    Prospective Students. The Graduate Program in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania is a Ph.D. program (only students who intend to obtain the Ph.D. are admitted.) The Department of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania will be accepting applications for the PhD program during the 2024-25 admissions cycle.

  12. Ph.D Economics at University Of Pennsylvania [UPENN], Philadelphia Fees

    Economics at University of Pennsylvania. Check Detailed Fees, Living Costs, Test Scores, Visa Process, Work during Study, Entry Requirements. ... Acceptance Rate; Student Profiles; Reviews; Doctor of Philososphy [Ph.D] (Economics) ... The Graduate Group in Economics requires that students complete at least 16 courses in economics or related ...

  13. Ph.D. Admission Information

    Admission To Graduate Study. With leading researchers in economic theory, econometrics, international economics, and macroeconomics, the Economics Department at Penn State is an outstanding department (faculty areas of interest may be found here).. Students who receive a Ph.D. from Penn State and whose doctoral research is excellent have been recruited and sought after by leading academic and ...

  14. How to Get Into UPenn: Admission Stats + Tips

    5. Apply Early Decision. The overall acceptance at UPenn is just 5.68%, which is substantially lower than the 15% acceptance rate for students applying through the school's early decision program. Simply applying early decision at UPenn provides a big boost to your odds of admission.

  15. Application Guidelines

    Upon acceptance into our program you must make arrangements to mail the transcripts directly to the University of Pennsylvania, Graduate Division, School of Arts and Sciences, 3401 Walnut Street, Suite 322A, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228. ... In the Economics Graduate Group, we also ask that applicants discuss their relevant research experience ...

  16. Facts & Dates

    Application Deadline: December 15. The Wharton Doctoral Programs admits students for full-time study only beginning in the fall semester each year. Your online application and all supporting materials (letters of recommendation, grade transcripts, and either GMAT or GRE scores) must be received by the deadline. See Applying to Wharton.

  17. PhD in Economics at UPenn : Admission 2024

    PhD in Economics at the prestigious University of Pennsylvania is a prestigious degree that offers in-depth learning in Economics. Being a renowned university, University of Pennsylvania receives enough funds to ensure the best education facilities for its students across all programs. This doctorate program offered full-time primarily focuses on the practical implementation of fresh ideas ...

  18. FAQ

    An offer of admission with financial support is made for the upcoming academic year only. Acceptance of the offer may not be deferred. An accepted applicant who must postpone acceptance of an offer of admission may reapply for consideration the following year. The applicant must follow the December 15th deadline to submit their application for ...

  19. PDF Economics, PhD

    The graduate economics program at Penn is a Ph.D. program administered by the Graduate Group in Economics, which consists of the faculty of the Department of Economics, and some of its secondary appointments in the Wharton School and the School of Arts and Sciences. A master's program in Economics is not offered at the University of Pennsylvania.

  20. University of Pennsylvania Acceptance Rates & Admissions Statistics

    SAT Math Scores for University of Pennsylvania ( 760 to 800 ) 200. 800. UPenn received ACT scores from 30% of accepted students. When looking at the 25th through the 75th percentile, ACT Composite scores ranged between 33 and 35. ACT Composite Scores for University of Pennsylvania ( 33 to 35 ) 1. 36.

  21. Ph.D . Program

    Ph.D . Program. Ph.D . Program. With leading researchers in economic theory, econometrics, international economics, and macroeconomics, the Economics Department at Penn State is an outstanding department (faculty areas of interest may be found here) . Students who receive a Ph.D. from Penn State and whose doctoral research is excellent have ...

  22. CIS Graduate Program Admissions Statistics

    Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GPA: 3.7. Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GPA: 3.78. Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GPA: 3.8. Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 167/Q 161/AW 4. Candidates admitted to the doctoral program: Average GRE: V 160/Q 167/AW 4.

  23. Home

    Cutting Edge Research on COVID-19 Economics from the University of Pennsylvania's Economics Faculty. ... University of Pennsylvania, PhD Candidate; Credit Constraints, Market Structure and Welfare: Evidence from SBA Loans Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - 12:00pm - Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - 1:00pm

  24. New Business School Faculty Added in Fall 2024

    Job title: Assistant Professor: Economics. Education: PhD in Applied Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2024; MA in Economics, Miami University, 2016; BS in Quantitative Economics and Mathematics, Miami University, 2016. Previous position: PhD Student. Research interests: Real estate, household finance and industrial ...