Bilingual Education: What the Research Tells Us
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- Stephen May 5
Part of the book series: Encyclopedia of Language and Education ((ELE))
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This chapter explores key research findings about bilingual education and the related efficacy of various approaches to teaching bilingual students. Its principal focus is on the research to date on the most common forms of bilingual education. This research consistently supports the efficacy of bilingual education, particularly when it is predicated on additive bilingual principles. Even so, ongoing public opposition to bilingual education, often highly misinformed, remains strong. The chapter also examines recent research around the notions of “dynamic bilingualism” and “translanguaging,” along with their pedagogical implications for existing bilingual programs.
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Key Concepts in Bilingual Education
Research Perspectives on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
Not all Indigenous communities accept heritage bilingual programs as an appropriate overarching term – as evident, most clearly, in the rejection of the term by many First Nations peoples in Canada (Cummins, personal communication).
This diagram was developed in conjunction with my colleague, Richard Hill and is loosely based on an earlier diagram by Hornberger ( 1991 ). It was previously published in May ( 2010 ).
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May, S. (2016). Bilingual Education: What the Research Tells Us. In: Garcia, O., Lin, A., May, S. (eds) Bilingual and Multilingual Education. Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Springer, Cham.
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Received : 16 October 2015
Accepted : 13 November 2015
Published : 19 April 2016
Publisher Name : Springer, Cham
Online ISBN : 978-3-319-02324-3
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Feb 1, 1996 · The research evidence indicates that, on standardized achievement tests, transitional bilingual education (TBE) is better than regular classroom instruction in only 22% of the methodologically ...
This chapter provides a review of the major studies pertaining to the effectiveness of bilingual education. This review found that the major studies varied in three important ways. Both small-scale and major comprehensive studies vary in terms of their methodological rigor and in the time frame (e.g., short-term vs. long-term outcomes) examined. Moreover, some studies differentiated between ...
Jan 1, 1984 · The authors of this chapter review empirical studies that have been conducted in bilingual education to propose a future research agenda that incorporates the most recent evidence on the ...
Jun 18, 2013 · Criticisms of the effectiveness of bilingual programs should take into account the lack of basic and operational research needed to improve program quality. Despite the need for research, funds appropriated for this purpose have been reallocated. The present study provides evidence from 12 programs attesting to the effectiveness of bilingual ...
Jan 4, 2017 · The effectiveness of studying phonetics and lexicology within the framework of bilingual education has been proved and the skills and achievements of students that they have acquired in the ...
The call for more expansive access to bilingual education is grounded in a comprehensive synthesis of evidence on the benefits of bilingual education, bilingualism, and biliteracy for students and the larger social fabric. Many studies find that access to bilingual education programs has a
Despite limited research due to lack of funding and inadequate program evaluations, enough evidence has accumulated to indicate that quality bilingual programs can meet the goal of providing equal educational opportunity for students from non-English speaking backgrounds. A review of existing research supports this statement.
the dynamics and effects of bilingual programs, and (d) identify research issues needing further attention that concern both meta-analysis and bilingual education. In order to extract information that would be most meaningful for bilingual education in the United States, two selection criteria were added to those employed by Baker and de Kanter.
Jan 1, 2016 · Put simply, bilingual education involves instruction in two languages (see also Baker and Prys Jones 1998; Cummins 2010; Freeman 1998; Hamers and Blanc 2000).This immediately excludes programs that include bilingual students but which do not involve bilingual instruction, most notably submersion majority language programs, where students are taught only in the majority language, irrespective ...
Jul 1, 1997 · Although few empiric studies of the effects of bilingual instruction have been conducted, available evidence has consistently shown that students in bilingual education programs outperform LEP students who receive all of their instruction in English.9’57 English as a Second Language In most instances, there are not enough LEP students of ...