• Study programmes
  • Graduation Thesis

Master Thesis

Topics and allocation.

The Master's theses in the Department of Marketing are assigned centrally.

You can find information on the assignment of the master theses here .

Important information about the procedure of master theses at the chair of Prof. Dr. T. Bornemann is available in the following PDF .

  • Business Informatics
  • Professur Gomber
  • Master theses

Master thesis

       Master theses recommendations

       Selection of completed theses

        Guide to Scientific Writing

master thesis goethe uni

Master in Management Science

Goethe University's Master of Science in Management Science is catering to ambitious Bachelor graduates striving for an international career. We have designed a program that will ensure a unique learning experience and ideal job market opportunities.

Objectives of the Study Program

Take the opportunity to study a demanding degree program taught by committed and research-driven professors and high-profile practitioners. Our lecturers apply state-of-the-art teaching methods and encourage you to examine challenging real-world problems.

Together with students from all around the globe, this master's program offers a unique experience and is the perfect stepping stone for an international career. Around 80 percent of our students have an international background, creating a special study and learning atmosphere.

Program Content

The Master of Science in Management Science allows students to choose modules according to their preferences. There are no mandatory courses!

The program consists of one elective in Management, one elective in Ethics, 12 elective modules from four fields of concentration, two seminars, and a master's thesis. More information about the program content can be found here .

Fields of Study

You can choose any module from the four fields below. Hence, you may specialize in one or two fields or aquire a broad knowledge in the field of business administration:

  • Information Management
  • Marketing Analytics

More information about the fields of study can be found here .

Application and Admissions

You can apply for the master's program from April 1 until May 15 (application for the first semester) . Applications are managed via the central online platform for master's programs of Goethe University in cooperation with uni-assist. More information can be found here .

Do you have any questions about the study program and would like to receive personal advice? Then please contact the Student Counseling Service .

master thesis goethe uni

Frankfurt is not only a financial metropolis and home to important institutions such as the ECB, but also the location of many employers from other sectors. Our campus close to the city center offers spacious green areas, modern buildings that meet the latest technical standards and optimal connections.

master thesis goethe uni

The Master's graduation ceremony marks the successful completion of a degree program. Here we look back on your student days and remember this very special time in your life. When will we see you there?

CONTACT Goethe University Faculty of Economics and Business

Visitor address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Postal address: 60629 Frankfurt am Main

Student inquiries: [email protected]

General inquiries: [email protected]

© 2004-2024 Goethe University Frankfurt

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RESEARCH Research Profile Career Entry & Prospects Research Support Institutes & Clusters Full Professors Publications

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Master Thesis

The assignment of the Master Thesis at the Chair of Accounting, especially Financial Accounting and Corporate Governance is done centrally within the department. Please find the relevant information for the application procedure  here .

The formal requirements for scientific works at the Chair of Accounting, especially Financial Accounting and Corporate Governance can be accessed here .

The assignment of the places takes place after the closing date for applications. If you receive a place at the Chair of Accounting, especially Financial Accounting and Corporate Governance you will be informed by email. You have to confirm that you accept the place within the deadline of the department. This place can be claimed during the semester (in summer term until 30th September and in winter term until 31st March). If it is not claimed until the end of the semester it expires and you have to reapply to receive a place.

To start with the master thesis please send an email to Theresa Anton ( sekretariat-hombach[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de ) three to four weeks before your favoured start date by indicating the topics you are interested in.  You can get further information about possible subject areas concerning our main research at this link . The responsible advisor will get back to you with a suggestion for a first meeting. During this meeting you will discuss the subject and methodology of the master thesis. Please take the assignment form compiled by the examination office with you. It remains at the chair until your final registration for the master thesis.

After the first meeting you have two weeks time to define the subject of your work in agreement with your advisor. After the two weeks you retrieve the completed and signed assignment form from your advisor and have to give it to the examination office at the next possible office hour. The processing time of your master thesis is defined in the applicable examination regulations and starts on the day following the final registration at the examination office. The subsequent procedure (submission, assessment, etc.) is also defined in the corresponding examination regulations.

Please note that a short-term scheduling of a meeting may not be possible if you wish to start your master thesis during the semester breaks (especially August/September and March) because of research visits, scientific conferences or vacation.

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  • English Version
  • Fachbereiche
  • Course of Study
  • Master Thesis
  • Regulations
  • Application
  • Fachbereich Medizin
  • M.SC. Molecular Medicine

During the master thesis students work on an individual scientific project from the field of molecular medicine for six months. Here, they will be able to put both their theoretical and laboratory experience acquired during the preceding courses into practice.

First, they thoroughly familiarize themselves with the background literature and the scientific question at hand. Together with their supervisor they write an outline defining the overall goal, milestones and how the scientific problem can be tackled technically. After the outline has been defined students work hands-on in the laboratory as independently as possible. Finally, they present the results orally and in writing in their master thesis.

The master thesis usually is performed in a laboratory at the Faculty of Medicine within the broader area of Molecular Medicine.


Full-time in Vietnam

This unique program is delivered full-time at the campus of the Vietnamese-German University , 40km from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It is conducted in English, begins annually in the fall semester, and can regularly be completed within four semesters. Graduates earn a "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) degree (120 ECTS CP) from the AACSB-accredited Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt. The program guarantees high-quality instruction, overseen and delivered by the Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt, with significant collaboration from the Faculty of Economics and Management at VGU.

Professionals in today’s financial markets and economic analysis encounter numerous complex challenges. The M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program addresses these challenges directly by:

  • offering comprehensive training in advanced finance methods, microeconomic theory, monetary economics, international macroeconomics, econometrics, data science, and programming, consequently providing its participants with the tools and methodologies needed to tackle current and future challenges in global finance and economic analysis.
  • combining academic rigor with a focus on current financial and economic policy challenges while fostering communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.
  • including insights from leading financial market practitioners and economic analysts through its faculty.
  • offering participants the chance to gain international experience through the optional "Experience Frankfurt" module, with an opportunity to conduct in-depth academic research at Goethe University for their Master’s thesis.

Any questions?

master thesis goethe uni

Get in touch!

Dr. Le Van Ha



Faculty Expertise

At GBS, in general, and within the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program, students can benefit from the substantial expertise of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University in finance and macroeconomics.

Two research institutes of particular importance for the topics to be addressed in the curriculum of the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program are the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE ("Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe") and the Institute for Monetary and Financial Stability (IMFS). SAFE conducts transdisciplinary research on financial markets and their European players and provides research-based, independent policy advice. SAFE emphasizes the cooperation of researchers in finance, economics, law, and political science. The IMFS, in turn, engages in transdisciplinary research in monetary economics and contributes to the public discussion of financial and macroprudential policy decisions in a broad range of outlets, from hosting the annual "ECB Watchers" conference to webinars on current challenges in monetary and fiscal policy.

With regards to teaching aspects of faculty expertise, faculty members have been teaching in highly reputed degree programs outside of Goethe University as well, with teaching engagements, among other things, at Yale University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Maryland, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and Study Center Gerzensee. The program is also designed to build on the strong links between the faculty members involved, the broad range of premier financial and monetary institutions based in Frankfurt, and the growing number of these in Vietnam.

Program Content & Opportunities for Program Graduates

Compared to other master's programs in economics and finance in Vietnam, the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics is distinguished by its rigorous approach and cutting-edge quantitative and analytical research integration. Key components of the program include:

  • Courses are taught by faculty engaged in leading research in finance, economics, and econometrics, with practical topics covered by top industry practitioners.
  • Teaching quality is highly valued and incentivized through the "Excellence in Teaching Awards."
  • Courses and seminars offer an interdisciplinary approach, blending econometrics, finance, macroeconomics, and microeconomics with additional insights from fields like computer science, history, mathematics, political science, psychology, and sociology.
  • Courses and seminars include in-person classroom interactions between students and faculty, enhanced by e-learning components for pre-course preparation and post-course follow-up.  

The learning goals of the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program ensure that graduates can (in the areas of global financial markets and economic analysis)

  • select a state-of-the-art modeling approach that is conducive to the question being addressed
  • successfully apply the selected modeling approach
  • assess the substantive value of the results obtained based on the selected modeling approach
  • craft concise analyses and give structured and well-reasoned presentations

Graduates will be well-equipped to drive crisis-resilient financial markets and sustainable economic development. They will be highly competitive for roles in the financial industry, including positions at banks, insurance firms, regulatory bodies, or economic analysis positions. Alternatively, they may pursue advanced research in top Ph.D. programs in Economics or Finance at leading institutions like Goethe University or other prestigious universities in Europe and North America.

Experience Frankfurt

The M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics program allows its participants to gain valuable experience outside of Vietnam through an optional Experience Frankfurt  module.

The module offers students two key components: Firstly, they can interact in person with their Master’s thesis advisor at Goethe University. Secondly, they will participate in an introduction to key institutions of the German and European financial systems in Frankfurt, which hosts the European Central Bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, the German Stock Exchange, and other significant financial institutions impacting national and global markets.

Please accept marketing-cookies to watch this video.

This is the VGU Campus!

Wondering what VGU’s new campus looks like? See for yourself the fantastic learning infrastructure that opened in 2022!


We have designed the M.Sc. in Global Finance and Economics to draw upon faculty members’ active involvement in frontier research in finance, macroeconomics and applied econometrics, as well as their strong links to the broad range of premier financial and monetary institutions based in Frankfurt and beyond, including also the growing number of these in Vietnam. We aim to prepare our graduates to succeed in a highly competitive job market and to contribute substantively to the new phase of development of financial markets and of economic analysis in Vietnam.

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Social Psychology Faculty 05

  • For Journalists
  • WDQ Homepage
  • Institute of Psychology
  • Departments
  • Social Psychology
  • Diploma theses, completed
  • BSc theses, completed
  • MSc theses, completed
  • PhD projects, completed
  • Publications

Available topics

  • Presentation
  • Topic Overview

Completed Theses


Important notice

S cience-pracitioner-colloquium.

- 05.12.23  Nina Junker (Oslo University): „Would you help your leader out? The role of follower motives, leader parenthood and gender in followers’ upward support behaviors“ (Vortrag auf deutsch)

- 16.1.24 Radhika Butalia (KU Leuven): “Shared and identity leadership“

Each Science-Practitioner-Colloquium takes place from 6:15-7:45 pm. Room: 1.G192 (PEG Building)


Colloquium of social psychology, work and organizational psychology.

BSc und MSc Kolloquium SoSe 2024

- 23.04.24: Presentation of the teams and topics

- 07.05.24: What is a good master's thesis?

WiSe 2023/2024:

-09.01.2024 Emily Nowak: "Das ist doch meine Aufgabe! Wie illegitimerweise nicht zugewiesene Aufgaben Job Crafting und Wohlbefinden bedingen – ein neues Konzept unter der Lupe" -16.01.2024 Annika Drozd: "Mind Your Self: Effect of mindfulness and self-coaching interventions on self-leadership" -23.01.2024 Laura Nelson: „So bin ich nun mal“! Die Rolle der Persönlichkeit anhand von Verträglichkeit und Gewissenhaftigkeit als Moderator des Einflusses von dysfunktionaler sozialer Unterstützung auf CWB und Commitment im Arbeitskontext & Sandra Rozek: "Nudging mittels sozialer Normen für eine verbesserte (Bio-)Mülltrennung."  -30.01.2024 Katharina Heller: "Inwiefern beeinflusst herausfordernde und hinderliche Arbeit mein Wohlbefinden? Die Rolle von psychologischen Bedürfnissen bei der Arbeitsgestaltung sowie der Einfluss eines psychologisch sicheren Arbeitsumfeldes" & Patricia Schorr: "Ist die Unterstützung meiner Führungskraft dysfunktional? Wie (keine) Vermittlung von Wertschätzung den Selbstwert, die psychologischen Grundbedürfnisse und das Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz beeinflusst." -06.02.2024 Sonja Rieth: "Karriere und Mutterschaft: Eine Untersuchung des Einflusses von Work-Familiy Conflict im Recruiting Prozess" & Anja Schulz: "The Impact of Identity Leadership on Defensive Decision Making, Well-being & Burnout: perceived factors of trust in one's leader as underlying mechanism" -13.02.2024 Marc Monning: "Ausgebrannt am Himmel - Der Einfluss von Identity Leadership, sozialer Unterstützung und der eigenen Persönlichkeit auf Burnout-Tendenzen bei Flugbegleitern."

Each Colloquium takes place on Tuesdays from 4-6 pm.

Room PEG Buildung 1.G192 (on 23.1.24 in PEG room 5.G018)

More information HERE!


  • deutsche Version
  • Insititut für Psychologie

5th Floor, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, Room 5.G.028

Phone: +49 (0)69 798-35278

Yeliz Golbaz eMail: [email protected]

Due to the current situation regarding the coronavirus, the best way to reach us is by mail.

Please excuse these circumstances and take care.

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Institut für Psychologie Abteilung Sozialpsychologie PEG, Hauspostfach 74 Grüneburgplatz 1 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Directions sketch

  • Fachbereich
  • Economic Policy and Quantitative Methods

master thesis goethe uni

Update August 20th, 2024

Welcome to all students who accepted our admission offer. We will introduce the program structure and offer a Q&A session at our first virtual meeting on August 26th. All enrolled students have received the invitation via e-mail.

Update July 23rd, 2024

We have sent admission letters to selected candidates. If you have not received an e-mail or cannot download an admission letter on the Goethe Hochschulportal, you are most likely on our waiting list. We will inform you in the next few days, if we start a second admission round by contacting applicants in reserve. We received several hundred applications. Unfortunately, our selection committee could not offer immediate admission to every qualified candidate.

If you have any questions, please contact us at: ieep[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de

Goethe University’s Master of Science in International Economics and Economic Policy (MIEEP) is our answer to the challenges of a globalizing economy for corporations, economic policy, and society. It is designed to endow students with the economic expertise and analytical skills for a successful career in administration, government, national and international associations, and global corporations.

Read more about our concept and vision .

Find an interview with the program director Prof. Dr. Rainer Klump here.

Also have a look at student testimonials .

Regular duration4 semesters (2 years)
Maximum duration8 semesters (4 years)
Credits required 120 ECTS credits
Startwinter semester (mid-october)
Degree titleMaster of Science (M.Sc.)
Application periodApril 1 - May 15
Number of Places40, limited admission
Obligatory courses3
Tuition feesnone (only semester fee, approx. 370€ / semester)

We preferably welcome students with a bachelor degree in economics or business. Candidates with strong analytical skills from related fields will also be considered.

Applications are open from April, 1 to May, 15.

master thesis goethe uni

Where do I get my online access? Which libraries can I use? How to find accomodation in Frankfurt? These are just some of the questions you might have before starting to study MIEEP. Learn more here.

master thesis goethe uni

Learn about the requirements for graduating in the MIEEP program.

The new Campus Westend is frequently labelled the "most beautiful campus in continental Europe" combining the historical IG Farben building and modern architecture. Study inside up-to-date lecture halls and seminar rooms and continue your studies outside in the vast green areas of our campus.

The following video provides a first impression of our Campus.

master thesis goethe uni

You have three options:

  • Take part in the exchange programs at the faculty's partner universities , or
  • Take part in the supra-departmental exchange programs of the central International Office, or
  • Go as a freemover.

Students typically go abroad in their third semester.

Find out more about tuition fees and scholarship opportunities.

Find the Download Center here.

To graduate you have to write a master thesis and take a corresponding thesis seminar. Learn more about requirements and deadlines here.

Here is how you can reach us for further information.

Learn more about

  • Goethe University
  • Faculty of Economics and Business


  1. Thesis Goethe

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  2. Goethe-Universität

    master thesis goethe uni

  3. Goethe Uni Frankfurt Master

    master thesis goethe uni

  4. Goethe Uni Master Studiengänge

    master thesis goethe uni

  5. Goethe Universität Frankfurt Master

    master thesis goethe uni

  6. (PDF) Master's Thesis

    master thesis goethe uni


  1. Master Thesis Topic Selection Guide Step 1a

  2. Master Thesis |Meromorphic function and its application| #thesis #mathematics #@hbmathematics3540

  3. Master Informationstag an der Goethe-Universität

  4. Thesis diaries eps. 3

  5. What Is a Thesis?

  6. Goethe_Telc Exam Preparation Classes_German Exam Made Easy_SprachJet German


  1. Goethe-Universität

    5. registration of the thesis. Finally, register your thesis with the Examination Office. The formalities are explained below. Who may supervise my thesis? Below you will find information on which groups of people are authorized to supervise theses. Please note that there are differences between the individual degree programs and study regulations.

  2. Fachbereich 02

    Important information about the procedure of master theses at the chair of Prof. Dr. T. Bornemann is available in the following PDF. Contact. Goethe University Frankfurt. Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend. Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4. 60323 Frankfurt am Main. Germany.

  3. Fachbereich 02

    If you are accepted for a master thesis but do not accept this, your application in the following semester will be considered after the initial applicants. ... Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Directions. Postal address: 60629 ...

  4. Goethe-Universität

    About the University; News-in-brief; University administration; Campus locations; Campus life; University archives (German) Rhine-Main-Universities; Services; Campuservice (host your event on campus) Jobs at Goethe University ; Job board for companies ; University Library; Student Life; Campus life; Life in Frankfurt; University Sport Centre ...

  5. Fachbereich 02

    To start with the master thesis please send an e-mail to Mrs. Uta Halwas-Bruckner professur.rohlfing-bastian[at]econ.uni-frankfurt ... Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Directions.

  6. For MA Students

    Any member of the teaching staff involved in the STS MA program who has at least a master's degree can act as supervisor of your MA thesis ("Erstgutachter"). If your supervisor has a master's degree, the second examiner ("Zweitgutachter") must be a full professor. Please search actively early on for a potential supervisor of your thesis to make ...

  7. Fachbereich 02

    To write you master thesis at the House of Finance Chair of Sustainable Asset Management you have to participate in the application procedure of the Finance Department. ... Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Directions.

  8. Fachbereich 02

    Master thesis Master theses recommendations Selection of completed theses Guide to Scientific Writing. Department Information Systems; Chair of e-Finance ... Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Directions.

  9. Study Program Profile

    The Master of Science in Management Science allows students to choose modules according to their preferences. The program consists of one elective in Management, one elective in Ethics, 12 elective modules from four fields of concentration, two seminars, and a master's thesis. More information about the program content can be found.

  10. Fachbereich 02

    Master Thesis Application and Supervisor Allocation Process - Department of Finance ... If you have not been able to register for the thesis for a good reason (e.g. you are an exchange student and new to Goethe University), or you experience technical problems while registering for the master thesis, please contact masterallocation[at]finance ...

  11. Fachbereich 02

    The assignment of the Master Thesis at the Chair of Accounting, especially Financial Accounting and Corporate Governance is done centrally within the department. ... Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Directions. Postal address ...

  12. Goethe-Universität

    Open Master's and Bachelor's theses. If you are interested please contact Prof. Dr. Ina Koch. Completed Theses. 2022. Ph.D. theses. Markus D. Keßler „Machine Learning Prediction and Statistical Analysis of Redox Modifications in Proteins". Master's theses. Leonie Bender, Untersuchung von Algorithmen zur Erreichbarkeitsanalyse in Petri ...

  13. Fachbereich 02

    From March 1st, 2024, you can apply for a master's thesis at the Professorship for Strategic Management for the summer term of 2024. The latest starting date is May 15th, 2024. ... Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business. Street address: Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4 60323 Frankfurt am Main Germany Directions.

  14. Goethe-Universität

    The standard length of study for the Master of Science is 4 semesters. Languages of instruction. English. Start of the programme. The program starts at the beginning of the winter semester. Student advisory service. [email protected]. +49 69-798-34691. to the top.

  15. Goethe-Universität

    How can I register for the Master thesis? You can find the formular to register for your MA Thesis here. Please send a copy of your formular to the Institute Study Administration ( [email protected]) and to the Prüfungsamt ( [email protected] ).

  16. Fachbereich 02

    Goethe University Frankfurt Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3 60629 Frankfurt am Main Phone: +49 (0)69/798-34601

  17. Goethe-Universität

    STS Program. Presentation for first semester students of the master's program Science and Technology Studies. Booklet for first semester students of the master's program Science and Technology Studies. Opening a study account and registering of the master's thesis. Requirements for the master's thesis. Flyer MA program Science and Technology ...

  18. Goethe-Universität

    Master Thesis. During the master thesis students work on an individual scientific project from the field of molecular medicine for six months. Here, they will be able to put both their theoretical and laboratory experience acquired during the preceding courses into practice. First, they thoroughly familiarize themselves with the background ...

  19. Goethe-Universität

    * These conditions are in accordance with § 27 of the regulations of the Faculty of Biosciences, Goethe University, governing the master's degree 'Interdisciplinary Neuroscience' dating from 30/03/2009. The thesis has to be submitted to the Prüfungeamt in four (4) hardcover editions. The date of receipt is authoritative.

  20. Fachbereich 02

    Master Thesis Application and Supervisor Allocation Process - Department of Finance ... If you have not been able to register for the thesis for a good reason (e.g. you are an exchange student and new to Goethe University), or you experience technical problems while registering for the master thesis, please contact masterallocation[at]finance ...

  21. Goethe Business School: Start

    Graduates earn a "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) degree (120 ECTS CP) from the AACSB-accredited Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt. ... Firstly, they can interact in person with their Master's thesis advisor at Goethe University. Secondly, they will participate in an introduction to key institutions of the German and ...

  22. Goethe-Universität

    5th Floor, Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, Room 5.G.028. Phone: +49 (0)69 798-35278. Yeliz Golbaz eMail: [email protected] Due to the current situation regarding the coronavirus, the best way to reach us is by mail.

  23. MIEEP

    About the Degree Program. Goethe University's Master of Science in International Economics and Economic Policy (MIEEP) is our answer to the challenges of a globalizing economy for corporations, economic policy, and society. It is designed to endow students with the economic expertise and analytical skills for a successful career in ...