85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best farming topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on farming, 💡 most interesting farming topics to write about.

  • The Farmers’ Market Analysis For the farmers the benefit lies in the cost saving of the production transportation and in the ability of the wholesale with the large grocery companies.
  • Dairy Meal as an Important Concentrate in Dairy Cow Farming The number of times that the dairy meal is fed to cows depends on the management regime of the cow. The dairy meal is one of the feeds that guarantee better productivity to the farmer.
  • Natureview Farm: Problem Case It is in this regard that Wagner advised the management to increase the firm’s revenues from $13 million to $20 million before the end of 2001.
  • The Process of Raising Factory Farm Chickens The lives of the chickens that are raised in the factory farm begin at the hatching machines. As such, the welfare of the chickens is secondary to profitability.
  • Smart Farming and Sustainable Agriculture Smart farming allows for a wide range of options, from robotization and satellite imagery to the Internet of Things and the blockchain technology that increases the efficiency of crop cultivation by optimizing the use of […]
  • Role of Technology in the Future of Farming The role technology has to play in farming in the future needs to be in great as it has been in the transportation sector in the past.
  • Fish Farming in the United States In the present day, the potential of the country’s fish farming is substantively limited by national, state, local, or tribal policies and opposition by national and local interest groups. Nevertheless, the supporters’ recent efforts and […]
  • Decline in the Honeybee Population and Farmers in the United States The analysis of farming in the country shows that the added revenue to crop production because of the pollinators’ activity is about $18 billion. Statistics evidence the topicality of the problem and the necessity to […]
  • Large-Scale Organic Farming and Food Supply The issue of environmental sustainability comes up due to the emerging ways of farming like the great shift of the farmers to the use of organic methods of farming.
  • Fish Farming Impacts on the Environment To begin with, according to Abel and Robert, fish farming has been generalized to have adverse effects on the environment, which ranges from the obliteration of the coastal habitats which are sensitive in the environment, […]
  • Farmer’s Market as a Food Event: Fresh and Straight From the Farm If I were to describe the entire scene an apt description would be to call it a scene of ordered chaos in that despite the sheer amount of people crisscrossing in front of me there […]
  • Farm-to-Table Supply Chains for Supermarkets A potential risk is that small farms may be unable to provide a steady supply of the necessary magnitude or adhere to the same standards of quality.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Smart Farming Owing to the development of the smart farming concept and precision agriculture, farmers all over the world gained a chance to implement digital tech to their daily operations and utilize AI to support some of […]
  • What Kind of Energy Can Be Produced from Corn in Farms Over the years, corn has been used to produce alcohol in the form of ethanol, a major raw material for the production of energy.
  • Organic Farming for Sustainable Food Production The article is titled “Will Organic Agriculture Feed the World,” and it provides its readers with an overview of the statistics that apply to the sustainability of organic farming.
  • Rearing of Cattle: Deprecating the Beef Farming It is for this reason that the whole world has to pose as ask the question “What are the causes of global warming?” The answer is simple, climate change and resultant global warming has to […]
  • Food and Farming: Urban Farming Benefits the Local Economy Urban farming and foraging play essential roles not only in the lives of communities but in the ecosystems as well. Such responsive attitudes allow people to protect the environment and create more opportunities for local […]
  • The Entomo Farms Company’s Analysis Such an approach contributes to improved control over the company’s development and ensures that Entomo can incorporate customers’ feedback for enhancement.
  • The Ethics of Farm Animal Biotechnology From an Anthropological Perspective Biotechnology is one of the most important branches of science, the results of which are used in many areas. The use of animals in the context of biotechnology is a daily routine for researchers.
  • “The Biggest Little Farm” Movie Critique The film is a documentary and shows the real life and the desire of the husband and wife to create their wonderful farm where they can grow vegetables and fruits, as well as have different […]
  • Prices at Farmers Markets vs. Grocery Stores When evaluating the items ordered at grocery retail locations to those acquired at local traders’ marketplaces, it is revealed that the commodities purchased at hypermarkets are more reliable and outstanding in form and structure.
  • Smart Farms Hiring People with Disabilities Although Smart Farms is a non-profit organization and benefits from donations, the workers play their role in income generation by working on the farms and sales.
  • Marketing of Indoor Farming in the UAE Adding to that, the delivery service, health benefits, and availability of Local Leaves products can be advertised on all social media platforms to help the company get the recognition it needs in a short period […]
  • Demand for Indoor Farming Services in the UAE For any business, it is essential to be sure of the readiness of customers to buy the product. The likelihood of buying the service may be defined by the data, indicating the popularity of the […]
  • Sunrise Farm’s Research of Its Customers Needs In this regard, the exploratory mixed methods approach was chosen to study the possibilities of diversifying the activities of Sunrise Farm. In particular, a semi-structured approach to the interviews was chosen that is suitable for […]
  • Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs) and Their Development The process involves the establishment of the limiting factors like site boundary, the maximum number of facilities to be installed, identification of dwellings that rotor blade shadows may affect, and a minimum spacing of the […]
  • Cato’s “On Farming”, a Translated Part of Famous Treatise “De Agri Cultura” Review From this point of view, Cato’s recommendations are ideal: the location of the willow tree immediately after the vineyard and the garden is not accidental, since in this passage a scale of the main and […]
  • Farm-to-Table Food: Dissemination Portfolio Modern American families try to adhere to the principles of Healthy People 2020 with its promotion of the so-called farm-to-table food and farm-to-school programs.
  • Law: Legislation Regarding Marijuana Farming To evaluate the applicability of the proposed marijuana farming bill, the current marihuana production legislation needs to be reviewed, and the changes in social norms regarding criminal behavior are to be analyzed.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Drone Technology for Farming Automated drones fitted with spraying features are used in the monitoring of agricultural processes and crops to schedule tasks and expeditiously address the observed issues throughout plant life.
  • Problems Facing American Farmer Workers The owners of farms will continue to exploit these people since they are not afraid of any law that is in place and working as it should to protect this group of people.
  • Food Processing and Farming Methods Afoakwa, Budu, and Merson note that nutrient loss in canned food depends on the amount of heat that is applied during the pre-treatment step, the type of tin, and the type of nutrients in the […]
  • Face Recognition in Farming: The Multi-UAV Framework Indeed, the consumer wants a delicious and quality meat product, and it is known that the absence of stress in the life of an animal directly affects the structure of the meat.
  • Using IoT Low-Cost Sensors for Smallholder Farms It is, therefore, essential for the users and IoT systems and devices developers to collectively ensure that the internet and the users of such components are not exposed.
  • Building a Sky Garden: Vertical Farming System Business Plan It helps farmers to appreciate the benefits of valuing more the depth of land fertility than the size of land holdings.
  • United States History in 1864-1900 Years: Industrialization, Urbanization, and the Commercialization of Farming The Western frontier advanced in the years 1864 and 1900 by the establishment of democracy in America, industrialization, urbanization and the commercialization of farming.
  • Competitive Market: Farm Income and Costs Connecting the farms in the US to the concept of the perfectly competitive market, the definition and the characteristics of such a market should be outlined.
  • Agro-Food Geographies: Food, Nature, Farmers and Agency Therefore, the important thing in food and nature depends on the geographies of food and the beneficially is the subject, Currently, agro-food study is affected continuously by the current improvements in the agro-food geographies, especially […]
  • Standards for Confining Farm Animals One major concern that has been brought to the attention of animal farmers, in general, is the issue of whether or not it is appropriate to confine all or certain farm animals.
  • Linking Small-Scale Farmers to Input-Output Markets Output markets refer to the markets that are used by the farmers or businessmen to market their products while the input market is used by the same group to access products that are to be […]
  • Farmers Exchange Bank’s Strategic Human Resources Every employee of the bank is bounded to maintain the secrecy of the customers. This principle of the bank has greatly contributed to the success of the firm and increased the profitability of the business.
  • Why the Best Soil in the Province of BC Is Not Used for Farming The opportunity cost for farming is, therefore, lower than the opportunity cost for the warehouses/airports. So you have got no opportunity cost for this because this is the best option for your building and it […]
  • Fish Friendly Farming Case FFF viewed farmers as people with a vast amount of knowledge about the land and agricultural practices and those who were interested in supporting their lands fertile and farming productively. The case of FFF and […]
  • New Zealand Farming Industry. Organization Theory and Design One of the most critical issues that the Guy fielding farm is facing is the organizational structure of the company. The gathering of 2009 and Macdonald’s fear that he will be left out, heated the […]
  • Farming and Regulations in California The American government made multiple attempts to control the flow of immigrants to the county and the degree of their involvement in work in the agricultural industry.
  • The Farm Labor Organizing Committee Movement Chapter 3 of the book by Barger, Reza, and Velasquez is dedicated to the history of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee and the movement associated with this labor union and the promotion of immigrant farmworkers’ […]
  • Sprouts Farmers Market Company’s Entry to Canada The proportion of older people in Canada is also increasing thanks to improved living standards and access to affordable health care.
  • Farmers and Their Role in the American Agriculture The recent changes in the world’s largest countries’ economies can be a good illustration of the exclusive role of agriculture which can enable a state to play an important role in the world.
  • Kimango Farms Environmental Factors In 2015, the government established the Tanzania Agriculture Development Bank which is focused on assisting in developing the agricultural sector and assisting in the implementation of policies.
  • Kimango Farm Enterprises: Business Plan Cultural values in a country guides business operations as well as it is important to be sensitive and understanding of these norms and attitudes.
  • Farmers Views: Should Organic Food Be Promoted From? Organic food is grown and produced using natural methods, and it is believed that such products are safer and more nutritious than conventionally processed ones due to the rejection of the use of any artificial […]
  • Kimango Farm Enterprises: Business Analysis of Tanzania The primary motivation and purpose of the company is to grow healthy and organic foods through sustainable farming techniques and to offer the world a piece of Tanzania.
  • Impact of Antibiotics on Farm Animals One of the primary reasons for this condition in people is the use of antibiotics in farming. However, the use of antibiotics is associated with the occurrence of antibiotic resistance in people.
  • Agriculture and Farming in Abu Dhabi Many researches have been done on soil taxonomy in the UAE, with the invention of a non-absorbent type of soil that was one of the breakthroughs that have greatly influenced agriculture in Abu Dhabi.
  • Pre-Industrial Societies and Farming Patricia Crone has created a work where she discusses the trends and elements of pre-industrial societies in the world, particularly those that existed in the West. Farming was a key element in the pre-industrial era […]
  • Susan Ferriss: United Farm Workers in “The Fight in the Fields” The focus of the reading is on the identity of Chavez and the evolution of the United Farm Workers, which is also the major event in the book.
  • The Impact of Factory Farming The fish population is also subject to this problem, as the long-term overcrowding may lead to the higher competition for food and result in stress and decline of the immune defense, which can cause the […]
  • Bernard Matthews’ Farm Marketing Issues Valuable prizes and practical involvement should elicit in the customers the necessity to purchase Bernard Matthews’ products and actively participate in the life of the brand. Nonetheless, the key changes should be performed in the […]
  • Farm, Companion, Laboratory Animals in Canada This paper will give facts on four categories of animals kept in Canada; the farm animals, animals used in experiments, animals used as companions to people and those used in entertainment. The category of wild […]
  • Farm Security Administration and New York Photo League The disagreement regarding the focus of the Film and Photo league served as the basis for the emergence of The Photo League in 1936.
  • Tasty Farms’ Changes and Communication Networks Following all the steps of effective change management models is crucial in ensuring that available resources are properly aligned to meet the objectives of change. Due to the resistance from the employees, the process of […]
  • Laying Hens Farm: Peach Farm and Olive Farm In the Peach Farm, the chain feeders are placed at a lower position than the average height of the hens. Therefore, if the perch space is sufficient, as in the Olive Farm, the hens are […]
  • Managing Farm Dams to Support Waterbird Breeding The frequent fires and forest clearance in these areas have led to extensive migration of different species of birds. For example, they should take some of the endangered birds and breed them separately in a […]
  • Agriculture Improvement: The US Farm Bill Nadine Lehrer, who has been studying the bill, asserts, “The bill was developed in the wake of 1930’s farm crisis to bring farm incomes up to the par with the required minimum incomes”.
  • Farming and Ranch Management Considering the varied nature of the job of a Farm or Ranch Manager, the college offers “the Farm and Ranch Management Degree and the Agriculture Management Certificate”.
  • Farming Effects on Golden Sun Moth Agriculture has led to the destruction of the natural habitat of the moth. Farming practices have led to the dramatic reduction of the grass needed for the survival of this moth.
  • Farmer Definition and Culture The era of information the has led, to the creation of the particular image of success, and mass media created an image of a successful and stylish businessman.
  • The Near-Shore Wind Farm Controversy Case The developers and the investors made the decision to persuade the residents to accept their position regarding the importance of the wind turbines.
  • Farm Standard Council Case: Cost Allocation Some costs cannot be classified as either fixed or variable costs and yet they have to be allocated somewhere in the process of allocating costs to different cost centers.
  • Greater Gabbard Wind Farm Mega Project The project management unit must understand the needs of all the stakeholders identified in the first stage, and how these needs are aligned to the needs of the project.
  • Compensation System of State Farm Insurance With the philosophy, State Farm should provide insurance brands to students and young adults falling in this age gap in order to detach them from other insurance and make them independent.
  • Irrigation Systems in Farming Because of the changing climate, and the region landscape, most farmers use irrigation schemes to support their practices of subsistence farming.
  • Swidden Agriculture: Shift Farming Although this farming technique has been efficient in the past, it has proved to be unsustainable with the current increase in the global population.
  • Small Scale Farm-Household System In general, a farm household system is comprised of the various parameters that govern the operation and sustainability of the system.
  • Farming and Animal Consumption In essence, debate on farming methods and animal consumption has been a challenge not only to farmers but also to the society. It is, therefore, necessary to consider that numerous changes would be required to […]
  • Large-Scale Shift to Organic Farming to Increase World Food Supply However, the acceptance of non-organic farming as the solution to the world’s food problem is not unanimous and there has emerged a vocal group advocating for the use of organic farming.
  • Animal Abuse Research Topics
  • Deforestation Research Ideas
  • Environment Research Topics
  • Industrial Revolution Research Ideas
  • Wind Energy Essay Topics
  • Technology Essay Ideas
  • Wildlife Ideas
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 29). 85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/farming-essay-topics/

"85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 29 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/farming-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 29 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/farming-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/farming-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "85 Farming Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 29, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/farming-essay-topics/.

Home — Essay Samples — Economics — Industry — Factory Farming

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Essays on Factory Farming

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How Industrial Farming Can Eliminate The Negative Impacts of Factory Farming

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A Look at The Importance of Agriculture in The Community

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A Review on Precision Agriculture: Technologies and Challenges

Vegetarianism and an argument against factory farming, comparison of organic farming and conventional farming, advantages and disadvantages of organic and conventional farming, causes of animal abuse and its impact: a harsh reality, relevant topics.

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factory farming essay topics

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124 Farming Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on farming, ✍️ farming essay topics for college, 🎓 most interesting farming research titles, 💡 simple farming essay ideas, ❓ research question about farmers.

  • City Life vs Country Life: Essay on Similarities and Differences
  • Ethical Issues Affecting Factory Farming
  • The Problem of the Dog Meat Farms in South Korea
  • Conventional Farming vs Hydroponic
  • Farming Business Innovations: Urban Cultivator and Tree-T-Pee
  • Case Study: Farming the Cerrado
  • Dallas Farmer’s Market Advertisement
  • Animal Farms and Their Environmental Impact The environmental impact of animal farms has been generously explored by opinion-makers, politicians, and scientists alike.
  • “How Factory Farms Play Chicken With Antibiotics”: A Response In his 2016 article, “How Factory Farms Play Chicken with Antibiotics,” Philpott explains the antibiotics-based approach toward preventing bacteria.
  • McKinsey & Company: State Farm Insurance Assessment In this paper, McKinsey & Company is to be discussed as a management consulting firm that deals in consultancy, especially at senior management levels.
  • Farm Subsidies in the USA To safeguard the survival of the important industry, most developed nations have come up with means for ensuring that farmers remain in business.
  • Environmental Issues: Intensive Farming Intensive farming as an issue involves factors such as overgrazing, inappropriate methods during the preparation of land for farming for example slashing of bushes, etc.
  • Animal Farming: Arguments Against The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the main arguments against animal farming and estimate their credibility, based on the available evidence.
  • Farmer’s Market for a Diverse Community: Risk Factors The paper discusses potential risk factors for the farmer’s market for a diverse community. It includes technical, managerial, commercial, and external risk factors.
  • Encouragement of Family Farms by Small Island Countries This paper discusses the importance of family farming in small island countries for achieving food security and explores the challenges and opportunities associated with gardening.
  • Environmental Impact of Avocado Farming in Mexico Despite the benefits of Avocado growing in the Mexican economy, farming has some detrimental effects on the environment, which, if not checked, could lead to world disaster.
  • Antibiotics Use in Factory Farms The current approach to food production has serious drawbacks and leads to unexpected health issues nationwide, as huge factory farms use large quantities of antibiotics.
  • Fair Trade and Its Benefits for Local Farmers Fair trade was introduced to support the work of local farmers, whose incomes depend not only on themselves but also on various factors such as drought, crop diseases, and others.
  • Organic Farming: Opposition to Traditional Farming As opposed to traditional farming, the benefits of organic are that these farmers avoid using harmful chemicals and work with the environment they are in to produce crops.
  • Urban Farming and Smart Greenhouse Scientists created a smart greenhouse that uses state-of-the-art technologies to grow the maximum number of crops, fruits, and vegetables by using the minimum resources.
  • Rebellion on the Animal Farm: Need to Rise Against Pigs The pigs’ tyranny envelops various spheres of the animals’ lives, from stolen products, such as milk and apples, to abusing the community representatives’ amount of work.
  • The Shortage of Labor and Inability of European Farmers: Slave Trade The shortage of labor and the inability of European farmers to find alternative sources of it are the major factors that influenced the growth of the transatlantic slave trade.
  • The Farm Bill: Description and Analysis The Farm Bill should be analyzed from different perspectives in order to identify its potential influence on the area of farming in the country.
  • Organic Farming Methods: Pest Management Methods The organic farming techniques aim is providing highest nutritional foodstuffs with little effect on the natural environment.
  • The Great Depression and the New Deal Farm Policies The years of the great depression were characterized by poverty, high unemployment, deflation, low profits and plunging farm incomes.
  • The Current American Food Situation Influenced by the Immigrant Farmers This research paper is concerned with finding out about the States’ food system and how immigrant farmers contribute to the food situation in current American society.
  • The Nature of State Farm State Farm was started in 1902 and it has fifty million members. It was set up because the founders believed there were no good roads or highways that catered for cars.
  • The Agrarian Protest: Causes, Farmers Alliances, Break Up The Agrarian Protest made a distinctive feature in the history of America, the protests were largely brought about by the American farmers against the economic ills at this time.
  • Issue for Farmers in Developing Countries Agriculture is a very important sector in the whole world economy since it makes available, food to every living person.
  • Gender Identities Within the Farm Family The major phenomenon considered in the article is the development of gender identities within the farm family living in Northern Ireland.
  • Raccoon-Proof Chicken Coop Building and Farming Adopting the idea of Novella Carpenter about farming and taking care of animals, I would like to share my experience of farming and building a raccoon-proof chicken coop.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms and Future Farming There are many debates about benefits and limitations of GMOs, but so far, scientists fail to prove that the advantages of these organisms are more numerous than the disadvantages.
  • Delmarva Area Farming and Hydroponics System Delmarva is a peninsula that is situated at the East Coast of the United States. It covers vast areas of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia.
  • Immokalee City Development: Farming or Gambling It is necessary to note that economy can benefit from investment into development of education and training as the population is quite young.
  • Multi-Objective Optimization and Design of Farming Systems
  • Agriculture and Organic Farming
  • Farming During the Late Nineteenth Century
  • Entry and Exit From Farming in North Carolina, 1978-87
  • Organic Farming Can Not Feed the World
  • Differences Between Conventional and Organic Farming
  • Farming Safety and Production
  • Cost Structure and Vertical Integration Between Farming and Processing
  • Factory Farming Should Not Be Allowed in America
  • Alabama’s Forestry and Farming Industries
  • Exit From Farming and Land Abandonment in Northern Norway
  • Land Allotment and the Decline of American Indian Farming
  • Keynesian Economics and Farming
  • Chinese Peasant Choices: Migration, Rural Industry, or Farming
  • Ancient Egypt’s Farming System
  • Hog Farming and the Dangers to the Air and Water
  • Animal Rights and the Tragedies of Factory Farming
  • Organic Farming and Organic Food
  • Ancient Rome: Farming, Clothing, Sports, and Government
  • Contract Farming: Theory and Practice
  • Mussel Farming and Its Potential in the Baltic Sea
  • Living With Low Inflation: Farming for Profit
  • 19th Century Farming, American History
  • Canada’s Forestry, Fishing, and Farming Industries
  • Farming the Tambopata Reserve
  • Contract Farming and Agricultural Development of Orissa
  • Integrating Fish and Azolla Into Rice-Duck Farming in Asia
  • Grass Conservation and Dairy Farming
  • Financial and Economic Aspects of Urban Vegetable Farming
  • Contract Farming and Outgrower Schemes in East and Southern Africa
  • Farming and the Soil in Our State Today
  • California Drought and Organic Versus Conventional Farming
  • Green House Farming and the World Food Crisis
  • Hill and Upland Farming in the North of England
  • Difference Between Organic and Conventional Foods and Farming
  • Comparing Organic Farming and Conventional Farming
  • Manmade Wetlands and Hog Farming
  • Land Transfers and Agrarian Changes in Individual Farming
  • Fish Farming: Meeting the World´S Demand for Fish Supply
  • Organic Farming and the Food Industry
  • Health, Health Insurance, and Decision to Exit From Farming
  • Agriculture Farming and Subsistence Farming
  • Fish Farming Through Community Participation in Assam
  • Farming Systems and the Common Market
  • Nile Basin Farming Systems and Productivity
  • Farm Size and the Organization of U.S. Crop Farming
  • Farming Methods and Food Crisis
  • Improvement Strategies for Farming Systems in the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia
  • Factors Influencing the Conversion to Organic Farming in Norway
  • Factory Farming and Its Effects on the Environment
  • Fossil Energy and Ghg Saving Potentials of Pig Farming in the EU
  • Farming During the Daily Lives of Ancient Egypt
  • Market Signals for Organic Farming
  • Farming During the 1930s
  • Information and the Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies
  • Agriculture and Animal Farming
  • Absolute and Comparative Sustainability of Farming Enterprises in Bulgaria
  • Kenya Ameru Tribe People Crops Farming
  • Factors That Affect the Use of Herbicides in Philippine Rice Farming Systems
  • Free Range Farming Should Be Banned
  • Are Organic Farming Practices Safer?
  • Can Commercial Farming Promote Rural Dynamism in Sub-Saharan Africa?
  • Why Did Deflation During the Late 1800s Hurt Farmers?
  • Does Climate-Smart Village Approach Influence Gender Equality in Farming Households?
  • Are Italian Farming Households Actually Poorer Than Other Non-agricultural Households?
  • What Are the Barriers to Adopting Carbon Farming Practices?
  • Can Organic Farming Feed the World?
  • Are Farmers More Dependent on Rural Communities Than Rural Communities Are Dependent on Farmers?
  • Who Are Today’s Farmers and What Are Their Educational Needs?
  • Does Carbon Farming Provide a Cost‐Effective Option to Mitigate GHG Emissions?
  • Can Seaweed Farming Play a Role in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation?
  • Was the Federal Government Biased Against Farmers and Workers in the Late 19th Century?
  • How Does Corporate Farming Affect the Overall Health of Livestock?
  • Does Contract Farming Improve Welfare?
  • Can Organic Farming Reduce Vulnerabilities and Enhance the Resilience of the European Food System?
  • What Motivates Farmers’ Adaptation to Climate Change?
  • Are African Female Farmers Disadvantaged in the Microfinance Lending Market?
  • Can Small Farmers Survive in a Globalized World?
  • How Does Farming Change Between Bredon Hill and Birlingham?
  • Does Certified Organic Farming Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Agricultural Production?
  • Should Farmers Forced the Gas Exploration on Their Lands?
  • How Did Railroad Development Affect Midwestern Farmers?
  • Does Rice Farming Shape Individualism and Innovation?
  • Are Australian and United States Farmers Using Soil Information for Soil Health Management?
  • What Are the Key Constraints in the Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Africa?
  • Did China’s Tax-for-Fee Reform Improve Farmers’ Welfare in Rural Areas?
  • How Does Organic Farming Affect the Environment?
  • What Factors Affect the Distribution of Direct Payments Among Farmers in the EU Member States?
  • Are Organic Farmers Really Better Off Than Conventional Farmers?
  • Can Organic Farmers Produce Enough Food to Feed the World?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 1). 124 Farming Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/farming-essay-topics/

"124 Farming Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 1 Mar. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/farming-essay-topics/.

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These essay examples and topics on Farming were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 22, 2024 .

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Factory Farming - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Factory farming, also referred to as “industrial farming,” is the method of raising livestock using intensive methods, by which animals- such as poultry, pigs, or cattle- are confined indoors under strictly controlled conditions (Lombardo). The factory farm itself is a large-scale industrial operation that houses thousands of animals raised for food (“Factory Farms”). This idea of indoor farming was not introduced until the start of the last century. It started when layer hens were first kept inside in more intensive systems. Then, in the 1930s the invention of new kinds of incubators meant that chicks could be produced in larger numbers by large-scale operations. However, it was not until the 1960s and 70s that factory farming really took off. Businesses began seeking efficiencies of production, savings on space and labor, greater profitability. As a result, mass production became the new norm (“History of Factory Farming”). This was only the beginning.

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  • Factory Farming and Ethics in Animal Liberation by Peter Singer
  • How Can Industrial Farming Eliminate The Negative Impacts of Factory Farming
  • Factory Farming and Its Indelible Adverse Impacts
  • Speech on Factory Farming and Animal Rights
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Fast food is an idea that has taken over the eating industry. The idea of mass amounts of food in the shortest amount of time possible is something that businesses began to strive for. These processes then took a step even further and leaked into the farming process. The business models that transformed food preparation, fast food, sparked an idea of mass production in animal farming. This is how the idea of factory farming came to be.

What is Factory Farming

First, factory farming was designed in order to maximize production output of farming items while minimizing production costs. Then, as business took off, it developed one sole purpose production. Referring to the mass production of meat, milk, and eggs (“History of Factory Farming”). Factory farming is still a relatively “new” idea. Whether or not people should support it is a question that remains unanswered. However, two viewpoints have developed, helpful versus harmful.

Those who stand behind factory farms are the factory farmers themselves. Also, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Farm Service Agency is acting in favor of corporate poultry integrators by paying for the construction and concentration of large poultry farms (Heinzen). This is because, despite the harmful views that have developed, factory farming has proved to be a huge success.

It is easy for farmers and corporations to support factory farming because they do not see any moral issues with it. In fact, they see factory farming as being in harmony with their morals. In their eyes the most important things are production and profits. Their main concern is the success of their farms and companies. People rely on them to provide these services. This is their job and as part of their job they must look for the most efficient way to get things done while earning the most profit. Factory farming is the way to do just that because it is inexpensive, efficient, and it allows the products a longer shelf-life.

To begin with, it is an inexpensive method as compared to other methods of farming. This can be seen in the fact that factory farms have caused the prices of food to drastically drop. These methods also allow for cheaper processes and fewer production expenses (“List of Top 19 Factory Farming Pros and Cons”). Since factory farms allow for livestock products to be produced on a large economic scale, development pricing, for example feed or livestock care, to be minimalized. As a result, the price of food at the market can also be minimalized (Lombardo). There are even more benefits that come along with factory farming for those who stand behind it.

In addition to being inexpensive, factory farming is efficient. It can be labeled as efficient because the livestock are being raised in extremely confined spaces, meaning that the spaces utilized are lesser compared to the number of animals raised. This allows farmers to save capital. Factory farming also offers faster processes than previous farming methods (“List of Top 19 Factory Farming Pros and Cons”). From the supporters’ perspective, this gets the job done and the food to those who need it faster.

Also, these farmers and corporations want to provide the best possible products. The ones produced in factory farms are offered a longer shelf life. This is because it employs new techniques of food processing, packaging and preservation which allow for the food to last longer on the shelf. This also increases the products’ economic value (“List of Top 19 Factory Farming Pros and Cons”).

For most of the supporters of factory farming, they are looking at it from a business perspective. Therefore, all of their concerns with it are about the business itself and not the animals or defects involved. What is at risk for them is the loss of business, profits, and jobs. If factory farming was to no longer be an operation, these businesses and those involved would suffer greatly. The elimination of factory farming would cause a huge step-back for the farmers and the agricultural industry. Processes would be slowed, more expensive, and less efficient. Overall, resulting in a huge loss for businesses and farmers. Consequently, this means those who support factory farming do not have a solution to please those who do not support it. Businesses are pleased with the way production is going and do not want to take any steps back in order to compromise with those who see a problem with it.

On the other hand, there are those who stand against factory farming. These would be the people who view it from outside the business perspective. A broad spectrum reaching from animal rights activists to your average person who has only read about it. This group also includes traditional rural farmers who are being run out of business. For this group, factory farming goes against their moral values. They feel as though it is immoral based on the antibiotics and hormones involved, its cruelty towards the animals, and the environmental concerns.

To begin with, the animals raised in these farms are treated with hormones and antibiotics in order to prevent disease and maximize their growth and food output (“11 Facts About Animals and Factory Farms”). If you follow the principle of “you are what you eat” then you face the possibility of these hormones and antibiotics passing down into your system through the consumption of these animals. Also, because this is the agricultural business’ new solution to feeding the world fast, that means a greater number of people exposed to these manipulated products.

A huge red flag against factory farming for those who do not support it is the presence of animal cruelty. These animals are crammed into tight spaces with little room to move or even lay down. Also, because they are maintained inside they receive little exposure to sunlight. These factory farms, or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) no longer view these animals as living beings with emotions and rights, but as cogs in a mechanized industry. Since the space where the animals are kept are so confined, CAFOs will mutilate them. For example, they will cut off pigs’ tails in order to keep others from biting them. CAFOs also remove the beak of chicken to reduce the number of stress-induced pecking injuries. This removal also impairs their ability to eat. After spending their lives under these cruel conditions, these animals are killed in industrial slaughterhouses. Unlike smaller facilities, where careful attention helps ensure more humane slaughter, these factory slaughterhouses kill and process thousands of animals at a rapid rate in order to save money (“Factory Farms Abuse Animals”). This is only part of the damage done.

In addition to damaging the animals, factory farms also damage the environment. Factory farming has become a major contributor to water and air pollution along with deforestation. These animals in the farms produce more than one-million tons of manure every day which often contains undigested antibiotics that have been given to the animals. This waste is disposed of into large lagoons which, especially during times of flooding, can spill into other bodies of water. The current method of emptying these lagoons is a spraying system in which the waste is applied to nearby fields. This can contaminate local water supplies, and emit harmful gasses. Additionally, livestock release methane gas during their digestion process. Meaning, these farms serve as concentrated sources of methane gas emissions. In order to make room for these farms, many lands and forests are cleared. Not to mention the amount of water that is required to grow crops to feed the animals, provide the animals with water, and clean all of the farms, slaughterhouses, and transport trucks ( “Student Project: Factory Farming: Environmental Impacts”). These farms are putting so much at risk.

For those on the side opposing factory farms, there is a lot at stake. Our food is being manipulated through the use of antibiotics and hormones which could potentially pass down into our symptoms through consumption of these animals. This is not something people should have to worry about when wanting to eat certain products. Also, for the traditional rural farmers who are being run out of business by these industrial farms, they have their jobs and livelihood at stake. These factory farms are taking over and fast. The need for traditional farming is diminishing everyday and soon there be no need for it at all.

As a result, these opposers have come up with a solution. This solution involves socially responsible food systems which are small scale and dispersed, with linkages among independent producers and processors. The main focus would be on local and regional markets. Production would be concerned with high quality food for consumers who are seeking to support farmers that produce healthy, environmentally friendly meat using human methods. This alternative would require community-based support in order for it to survive and be successful (“Alternatives to Factory Farming”). This alternative would go back to the more traditional methods of farming.

For me, I can view factory farming through both moral lenses. It breaks my heart the way these animals are treated and I believe that, that aspect of the process is completely immoral. Animals have rights too. They are living individuals and should be treated as such. I understand that their purpose is to be raised for food, however, they are much more humane ways of doing so than the processes factory farms follow. However, I can see from the business perspective that sometimes you have to do unpleasant things in order to obtain the best profit possible. This does not mean I agree with their methods, but looking from their viewpoint I understand their thought process.

Factory farming is the fast food industry of the agricultural world. It has taken traditional farming and completely changed the process. Its development and growth has increased as a rapid rate. It is said that 2 in every 3 farm animals in the world are now factory farmed. Differing opinions have formed of whether or not people believe factory farming is helpful or harmful. Whether or not this process should be continued is being debated by the differing sides, both with their own reasons to support their claims.

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Factory Farming Essay Examples

Organic farming vs. conventional farming: a comparative analysis.

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Predicting of the Pest Outbreak

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A Proposal to Transition to No-till Farming

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Beyond Pork Filipino Butchery Skills Need to ‘innovate’: a Case Study in Effective Marketing

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Factory Farming in the U.s. is Harming the Environment

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Factory Farmed Food in Canada

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Factory Farming and Climate Change

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Soil Analysis: a Real-time Game

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Factory Farming: the Issue of Conditions Animals Live in

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