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  • Speech on Sports and Games


Introduction of Sports and Games

Sports is a form of entertainment in the United States, especially a sports match or game between opponents or teams. In order to organize sports games, several parties such as sports clubs or associations create rules or guidelines and then hire staff, who can be called referees or umpires or they will do it by themselves without the support of these staff. Sports are not just the games played by two teams but also a form of entertainment and recreation. In the 15th century, sailors such as William Shakespeare and Richard Hakluyt first began to write about and document sports. Some of the earliest known surviving evidence of sporting events, that's referred to as the ancient Greek games, were held in the late 6th century BC in the city-state of Corinth and is considered to be the first recorded sporting event. The Olympics, which was created in 1896, was first held in Athens. The event also took place in the other ancient Greek city-states of Elis, Sparta and Patrae.

Games are played by two or more teams of athletes and each member or team has a specific role. There are athletes who compete in every event, some are sportsmen who just participated in the event, while others are coaches and managers who prepare the team for the game. The referee is the person in charge of the game, whose role is to decide who won the competition and how many points are awarded to the winner. He also implements the rules of the game. In a football game, each player is also responsible for protecting the ball with their body, which results in knocking it down or tackling opponents. With the help of sportsmanship, a referee can also decide if the game was played fairly and evenly. The rules of a sporting event vary greatly depending on the country and sport. The rules for different sports games are usually codified with a single code or several codes that are compatible with each other.

Sports and Games should be an intrinsic part of everyday life. It helps maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle. This activity is not only for fitness but can also be played for fun. When one incorporates sports and games into their family time it becomes a great adventure. In this article, we will learn about different ways to present a Sports Speech In English. It can be a Long Speech On Sports and Games or a Short Speech On Sports and Games.

Long Speech on Sports and Games

This is a long format of Speech on Sports and Speech On Games that will be extremely helpful for students in grades 8-12 who can give a 5-minute speech in detail using simple language.

Good morning everyone, respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, I am here to speak on the topic of sports and games. The name of the topic is enough to fill me with excitement. Sports and games have been a part of our lives since childhood. Any sort of activity that requires our body and mind to be completely engaged can be considered a sport or a game.

This activity can be practiced in any kind of set up whether indoors or outdoors.

Those that are played in nature outside are called outdoor games. And which is played in the confinements of 4 walls is an indoor game. Outdoor sports include cricket, hockey, volleyball, golf, baseball, basketball, diving, mountain biking, hiking, and boxing. All of this requires body strength. Whereas indoor sports include, chess, table tennis, and card games like UNO etc.

Playing games was a great pass time as kids but as we grow up often other works take more time and become a priority. It is all the more important than to include sports and games in our daily routine. It strengthens not only our body muscles but also our mind. It teaches us many life lessons which books cannot. It teaches us how to deal with failures, and come back stronger. It makes one learn about sportsmanship. It is very important to take some time to be involved in some form of physical activity or at least do so in leisure time.

Nowadays physical education and the inclusion of girls in sports and games even in schools have become mandatory. They are encouraged to take up Karate, Taekwondo and other martial arts and also compete in this sport. This sport not only builds physical strength but builds confidence to defend themselves in any kind of situation. Ensuring safety in any form is promoted. When one intends to not play sports as a hobby but pursue it professionally they need to work harder. The extra hours must be invested to be able to pursue a career as the competition is more, and practice helps keep the competitive spirit high.

Sports have many benefits, most importantly it improves our way of life in every aspect. It stimulates our blood flow, blood pressure is reduced and cardiovascular health improves. The risk of heart failure reduces helps in weight management keeping obesity at bay. Flexibility and muscle coordination of the body improves. It is crucial for the mental development of a child. When we keep ourselves fit and healthy we are more likely to succeed in other areas of life as well, professionally and personally. Even an hour of some form of physical activity in the form of sports and games will help us keep healthy, stress-free and disease-free. Let’s not take our health for granted and take care of it by keeping fit.

10 Line Speech on Importance of Sports and Games

This short 10 line speech on the Importance Of Sports and Games is very helpful for students in grades 1-3.

Sports and games are physical activities that are mandatory in schools.

It should also be practised after school and college as it also serves as a learning ground outside classrooms.

Playing sports in teams teaches one about the importance of teamwork and hard work.

When one loses a game, it inculcates sportsmanship and fighting spirit to make a stronger comeback.

It has great benefits on our bodies as well, keeps us healthy and fit.

It improves bone and muscle strength and also improves coordination and flexibility.

Sports and games make one feel active, social and stress-free.

This improvement in mood boosts happiness and thus helps us deal with stress and problems better.

It helps teach us to focus on the process and have fun on the journey rather than the wins and losses.

Sports and games in any form even if simple mountain climbing or hiking with family can keep one strong physically and ready for anything.


FAQs on Speech on Sports and Games

1. What should I do to get fit in the winter?

The most effective way to get fit in the winter is to stay active. Try doing daily 5-10 minute walks. If you can not keep this up, gradually increase the time you walk. sports are also a good way to keep fit. try biking, skateboarding, or hiking to a higher altitude in the winter months if you can be outside. Other than that simply continue to keep your workout regimen going if you have one. Try not to worry about losing weight because the pounds will just come back in the spring if this is your goal.

2. What should I do to get fit in the summer?

The goal is the same as in the winter, keep moving and stay active. Try to keep yourself in the gym as much as possible because it is very important to stay fit in the summer months. The reason is that the sun is higher in the sky and heat will be an issue. This can be prevented by moving around more than before. So plan an hour a day to be outside. Sports are also a good way to stay fit in the summer. With the help of workouts like swimming or running, you can stay fit. You can also participate in sports that do not require much strength such as golf, tennis, volleyball and so on.

3. How can sports help become fit?

With the help of workouts like swimming or running, you can stay fit. You can also participate in sports that do not require much strength such as golf, tennis, volleyball and so on. Healthy diets are also an important part of being fit. Of course, this will increase the probability of staying healthy. In order to have a proper diet, it is important to have knowledge. This will give you confidence and help you to make better decisions. If you have a diet rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants then it will help your body to regenerate itself. Your body will also have a more powerful immune system. You can make sure to eat more vegetables and fruits. These foods help your body to produce more energy and this will help you to stay healthy. Different sports help different parts of the body. Workouts that improve the heart rate are good. In this way, you can strengthen your heart and help it to avoid problems. Exercise also helps to increase your metabolism. This will lead to loss of weight and keep you fit. Exercising will help improve your mental state as well. Your body will also have the strength to reduce stress. There are also lots of exercises that you can do indoors.

4. What is the role of games and sports in human life? 

In the past, we needed to begin the transformation of how we think about the role of games and sports in society, and I’m not alone in this opinion. That is why we have developed this concept called “work-life balance”. work-life balance is the concept of balancing your work and your personal life. “work-life balance” was a concept of developing society that we needed to change and it is worth taking the effort to develop. work-life balance is the concept of developing society that we need to change and it is worth taking the effort to develop. “work-life balance” was the concept of developing society that we needed to change and is worth taking the effort to develop. Our goal is to transform how we think about the roles of games and sports. Our goal is to transform how we think about the roles of games and sports. “work-life balance” was the concept of developing society that we needed to change and it is worth taking the effort to develop. “work-life balance” was the concept of developing society that we needed to change and it is worth taking the effort to develop.

5. What are the benefits of exercise?

Health and fitness. We may exercise to prevent heart disease, improve our cholesterol and blood pressure levels, help control diabetes, build muscles, and burn calories. We may exercise to improve our appearance, to get stronger, to relieve stress, and to be more relaxed. Aerobic activities include walking, running, swimming, horseback riding, tennis, squash, dancing, jogging, bicycling, hiking, lifting weights and other aerobic exercises. Aerobic activities are generally considered low-intensity activities and can be taken at any time of the day. Examples include walking, running, playing tennis, etc.

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Value of Games Essay | Essay on Value of Games for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Value of Games Essay:  Games and sports are very significant in an individual’s life. They help people keep themselves healthy and fit and also offers us a change from the monotony of daily life.

Games is a useful means of entertainment and physical activities. It teaches individuals punctuality, honesty and regularity of habits.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Value of Games for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Value Of Games for reference.

Long Essay on Value of Games 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Value of Games is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Games and sports are an essential part of education in an individual’s life. The main target of studies is the mental, physical and moral development of a student. A sound body will contain a sound mind. The mind can never be strong if the body is weak.

Students can build their health and body by playing games and sports which provide exercise in the fresh and open air. Games help an individual learn discipline and sportsmanship. Games offer a good drill for playing the game of life. A true player is uncaring of joy and sorrows. Individuals learn to laugh in the face of failures if he plays games. In the art of living, games provide the best education. In the formation of a good character, the spirit of sportsmanship provides individuals assistance.

Games and sports can bring excitement in the dull life of students. If someone is the captain of any sports team, he can wind the heart of his team through respect, love, sympathy and fair play. The best use of leisure can be made by playing games. The surplus energy of young people can also be released while playing games because if the surplus energy doesn’t come out, it may result in indiscipline and mischief. Students and the younger generation should keep themselves busy while they are not studying because the idle brain is the devil’s workshop and games are the best way to pass their times.

Games and sports help individuals develop confidence and courage and many other good qualities. Students can overcome their shyness and can become bold if they play games. Students can overcome their fear and can learn never to lose heart even if a match is lost, which is a huge lesson in their life.

Patience, presence of mind and concentration are the major key points while playing any game, so an individual can learn these traits too while playing any game. Team-spirit and co-operation are also something that games teach an individual. Education without games is an incomplete education. Schools, colleges and universities should give due importance to games and sports.

But along with all the advantages of games, there are some disadvantages of games too like some students are so into playing games that they ignore their studies. Games also sometimes produce party-feeling and may build division between good players and average players. Many individuals ignore their health because their main focus is on very dangerous games.

But the advantages of games are much more as games also does enhance one’s digestion as well as sharpens the focusing ability of an individual. Competitions increase the endurance power and harden bones and muscles. An individual’s anxiety issues can also be freed if they play a game. So, on the whole, games have a very important place in an individual’s life, but they should not be an end in themselves. Individuals should maintain a healthy balance between their work and game to lead a good experience.

Short Essay on Value of Games 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Value of Games is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Games are an essential part of a person’s life and necessary for studies as it is an important part of education too. As much as knowledge helps in developing mind, games help the body to develop. For the mental and physical fitness of a person games and sport’s benefits cannot be ignored.

A student needs something to get away from their boredom after a hard day at school and games provide them get out and relaxation. Games are one of the best ways to make someone’s mind fresh and strong. An individual who plays games shows a better concentration on books than the individual who spends their entire day just reading text and doing no other activities. Studies without the inclusion of sports are incomplete. Games are vital for all-round development of the characteristics of a child, but it should be played in the right spirit and with due caution and care.

10 Lines on Value of Games in English

  • Games are forms of competitive or casual physical activities.
  • Games are a form of play that maintain and improve a variety of skills.
  • Individuals who engage in games are moderately less-stressed than those who do not engage in games at all.
  • Games provide younger people with an outlet for surplus energy and result in increased growth and fitness in stamina, strength and healthy mind and body.
  • Games enhance social skills by teaching how to manoeuvre different social situations by using a set of skills.
  • Games provide the ability to think calmly, rationally, persuasion, leadership skills etc.
  • Games are proven to reduce obesity by a greater degree and lead to an amplified metabolism and a healthy life.
  • Games provide cognitive skills like problem-solving skills, improving coordination, enhanced memory, increased brain speed and mental agility.
  • Improved concentration and attention and multitasking skills are also obtained from playing abilities.
  • Every individual should wisely balance their life with an equal mixture of games and work to maintain a healthy and good life.

FAQ’s on Value of Games Essay

Question 1.  Can games harm individual health?

Answer:  Games are advantageous for an individual’s life, but in some cases, games can harm an individual by increasing their anxiety and depression and might increase their heartbeats and blood pressure due to stress or too much excitement.

Question 2. Why should games be compulsory for all students?

Answer:  Games are building blocks of the health and character of a student’s life. Their significance in the holistic development of children cannot be denied so it should be made compulsory for all students,

Question 3.  What are the main advantages of indoor and outdoor games?

Answer:  Indoor games help in improving cognitive skills and enhance the parts of the brain responsible for complex thought, whereas outdoor games improve physical health and cognitive skills both.

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500+ Words Essay on the Importance of Games and Sports

Through the ages, the sport has been known to affect various cultures, traditions, and values in our society. Many people have favourite games, sports, teams, stars, or events, such as the Olympic Games or World Championships. Many people dedicate much time to learning more about their favourite games and sports. They attend sports events in support of their favourite athletes and teams. Many children have aspirations of becoming like their favourite players, yet very few actually get the opportunity to play against or alongside their childhood idols. Sport receives an inordinate amount of media attention and has attracted the interest of people, especially when it comes to Olympics, Commonwealth and Asian Games. In this importance of sports and games essay, students will get to know the benefits of playing different sports and games. By going through sports and games essays, students get enough information so they can write essays in their own words.

Games and Sports

The words games and sports are mostly used together. But both of them are different. A game is an activity involving more players, defined by a goal that the players try to reach and some set of rules to play it. A person who participates in a game is known as a player. By masses, games are played primarily for entertainment or enjoyment. The difference of purpose differentiates sport from the game, combined with the notion of individual or team skill.

A sport is a physical activity carried out under an agreed set of rules, for competition or self-enjoyment or a combination of these. Sports are the kind of activities in which a similar kind of body movement is repeated over a long time. For example, swimming and running. The sport involves an activity or activities where the mental capabilities of the sportsperson are judged. In a sport, it is the sportsperson or the individual who determines the outcome. A person participating in a sport is called an athlete or a sportsperson.

Advantages of Games and Sports

Most people play a sport as a hobby or for the love of the game. They are immensely pleased with the advantages of the sport. Playing games and sports improves health and fitness, provides mental peace and calmness and makes them more active. Sporting activities and games give everyone an opportunity to achieve the personal benefits of sport involvement. These activities aim at the optimum physical, mental and social development of an individual.

Games and sports in some form or other have been a part of human life either for survival or for pleasure. Gradually human beings started organising events, including games and sports, as community events. Consequently, the need was felt to acquire specific skills and advancement in many sports. Each sport has its specific skills which need to be developed for playing correctly. Rules and regulations of the sports are revised from time to time by their federations.

Games and sports are essential to enjoy overall health and well-being. Sports and games offer numerous advantages and are thus highly recommended for everyone, irrespective of their age. Playing games and sports maintains the human figure and provides strength, patience and endurance. All doctors recommend exercising as a preventive measure for all types of diseases. One of the best workouts for the body is daily exercise or playing any type of outdoor game or sport. People active in sports have better health than those who do not participate in sports as they are physically and mentally prepared for new challenges in their life.

With the help of this sports and games essay, students must have understood the importance of games and sports in our life. They can also practise more essays on various topics to improve their writing section.

Frequently asked Questions on Sports Essay

How can we promote various sports among students.

Schools should introduce different sports and encourage students to actively participate in all of them.

What is the national game of India?

Hockey is the national game of India.

Why are sports important for elderly people also?

Reduced risk of several diseases, and stronger joints and muscles are some of the reasons why elderly people should also play sports.

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speech on value of games and sports

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Speech about Importance of Sports and Games [1,2,3,5 Minutes]

Short 1 minute speech about the importance of sports and games.

Sports and games are more than just a hobby, they are an integral part of our lives. It is important to understand the importance of sports and games in society.

Sports and games have been around for thousands of years, but it wasn’t until recently that they became so popular. In the past few decades, sports has become a huge industry with multi-million dollar events that generate billions in revenue annually.

Sports and games are not only recreational activities; they also serve as social outlets for many people. They provide opportunities to get together with family members or friends, to make new friends, and even to find love or romance. Sports and games are not just for entertainment purposes. They can also be used as a tool that can improve your physical fitness and health.

Sports and games are becoming more popular than ever before. With the rise of technology, people now have access to more information on how to improve their physical fitness.

Sports such as soccer, basketball, football, rugby, and boxing have been shown to help with improving balance, coordination, cardiovascular endurance, and strength. Games such as chess have been shown to improve memory function and reaction time.

The role of sports and games in the development of countries is not often considered. But it should be because they have a significant impact on society.

Sports and games can be used to create and sustain community, identity, values, culture, physical fitness, health, and wellbeing as well as economic development.

Quotes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on Speech about Importance of Sports and Games

  • Nelson Mandela : “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way that little else does.”
  • Michael Jordan : “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
  • Muhammad Ali : “Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them—a desire, a dream, a vision.”
  • Serena Williams : “The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all, be humble.”
  • Usain Bolt : “I work hard, and I do good, and I’m going to enjoy myself. I’m not going to let you restrict me.”
  • Mia Hamm : “The person that said winning isn’t everything, never won anything.”
  • Vince Lombardi : “Winners never quit and quitters never win.”
  • Wilma Rudolph : “Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”
  • Roger Federer : “I think luck falls on not just the brave but also the ones who believe they belong there.”
  • Babe Ruth : “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.”

2 Minutes Speech about the Importance of Sports and Games

Sports and games are important to people because they are a way for them to release stress and enjoy themselves. Sports like football, basketball, soccer, and rugby can be seen as an expression of the human spirit.

Sports have always been a part of society and have been used for centuries in different cultures. In the 21st century, sports have become more popular than ever before due to technological advancements that allow people from all over the world to watch live games on TV or online.

Games such as chess, poker, Go, or Scrabble are also considered important because they provide skill development opportunities for people of all ages.

Sports and games are a great way to get your body moving, stay healthy, and learn new skills. They also have the potential to help you be more fit.

The fitness industry is huge, with people spending billions of dollars on personal training every year. However, it is difficult to find a trainer who can give you the individualized workout plan that you need. With AI assistance, it is possible for trainers to build personalized workouts that are tailored for their clients and provide them with a better experience in the process.

The role of sports and games in an economy is not a new concept. In the past, it has been used as a way for economic development. The economic benefits of sports and games are not limited to just the country’s GDP.

Sports and games offer a number of benefits for organizations, including:

  • – Increased revenue through sponsorship, ticket sales, ticket rebates, advertising, etc.
  • – Improved public relations through increased public awareness of the company or brand and increased local support (e.g., cheering fans)
  • – Improved employee morale due to increased work/life balance
  • – Improved relationships with potential customers through engagement on social media
  • – Improved brand reputation due to positive association with sports or games

3 Minutes Speech about the Importance of Sports and Games

Sports and games are important for human beings. They provide entertainment, recreation, and socialization. Sports have been a part of people’s lives since the beginning of time.

Sports are also important in terms of the health benefits they provide to their participants. They can help people improve their motor skills, health and fitness levels, emotional well-being, self-esteem, and mental health.

In addition to these physical benefits, sports can also help people build relationships with others through teamwork or competition. It has been proven that sports help people develop greater social skills such as leadership and teamwork skills which are essential for success in life.

Physical fitness is very important in today’s society. People need to be physically and mentally fit to be able to function properly in their daily lives.

Sports are an excellent way of improving physical fitness, but they can also have a negative impact on the body if played too much. This is why games such as football and basketball have been developed for physical fitness purposes.

Sports are an excellent way to improve physical fitness due to the variety of movements that it requires from the player. Games such as football and basketball are designed for this purpose too, but they also have a negative impact on the body because of their high-impact movements.

Sports and games play a significant role in the development of countries. They contribute to the physical, mental, and social development of people. They also contribute to economic development by creating jobs and increasing tourism revenue.

Sports are important for children’s physical, mental and social growth. Games are important for children’s cognitive development as they help them learn how to think strategically, build relationships, manage conflict, develop decision-making skills, etc. Games also help children develop motor skills and improve their spatial awareness.

Sports can also promote economic development by creating jobs in the sports industry as well as increasing tourism revenue through increased travel spending by visitors coming from other countries.

5 Minutes Speech about the Importance of Sports and Games

Sports and games are important because they are the only way for people to release their emotions. They provide a healthy outlet for people to have fun and spend time with family or friends.

Sports and games are important because they provide an outlet for people to release their emotions in a healthy way. They provide a healthy outlet for people to have fun, spend time with family or friends, and help them stay fit.

Sports and Games are important in our everyday lives. They can provide a sense of belonging and social interaction. Sports also serve as a way to connect people across the world through competition.

Sports help us exercise, stay healthy, learn new skills, and develop better mental health skills. Today, we have more opportunities to play games than ever before with the rise of technology and gaming consoles.

People are playing more games today than ever before with the rise of technology and gaming consoles. We have more opportunities to play sports than ever before with the rise of e-sports and virtual reality.

Physical fitness is the ability to perform physical activities and maintain good health. It can be used as a measure of someone’s physical strength, endurance, flexibility, and speed.

Sports and games are important ways to improve people’s physical fitness. They provide a different type of workout than traditional exercise. They help people improve their balance, coordination, and agility skills in a fun way that is more motivating than traditional exercise methods.

There are many different types of sports and games that people can participate in for physical fitness purposes. Many different kinds of sports have been developed over the years for specific purposes such as team sports, martial arts, individual sports, etc.

The role of sports and games in the development of countries is a controversial topic. Sports and games can be used to develop the country collectively, but they can also be used as a tool for political manipulation. The article discusses the pros and cons of sports and games in developing countries.

Sports are important for developing countries because they provide opportunities for people to take part in physical activity, which has been proven to have positive effects on their health. In addition, sports help develop skills that are needed in today’s economy such as teamwork and leadership. However, sports have also been used as a tool for political manipulation by dictatorships or corrupt governments that use them to influence people’s opinions and gain control over them.

The role of sports and games in the economy of a country is important. It can uplift the economy as well as create new job opportunities in the country.

The role of sports and games in the economy of a country is important. It can uplift the economy as well as create new job opportunities in the country. Sports are still an essential part of life and they have been around for centuries.

Sports are still an essential part of life and they have been around for centuries. The potential to generate revenue from sports has increased over time with its popularity worldwide.

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Essay on Sports and Games for Students and Children

500+ words essay on sports and games.

sports and games are essential for both physical and mental of the students. Moreover, it increases the immunity of the person. As it increases the blood flow in the body and makes it adaptable for exertion. The main difference between a sport and a game is, we can play games both indoors and outdoors. But we can only play sports outdoors. Furthermore, there are various advantages to sports and games. Some of them are below:

Essay on sports and games

Advantages of sports

Physical Fitness- Sports and games play a major rule in keeping a person fit and fine. Furthermore, it increases the blood flow in the entire body. So this helps in keeping the heart in the best condition. Moreover, the immunity of the body increases by playing outdoor sports. Also, it helps in keeping your body fat percentage low. This makes the appearance of the body better and makes a person good-looking.

Increase mental health- Games like chess , card games increase the mental health of a person . As it develops Spontaneity and the response time of a person. As a result, a person’s mind can make a decision under pressure. Thus this helps in increasing the IQ of a person and its’ presence of mind.

Increase Stamina- Outdoor Sports like Football , cricket, basketball, swimming builds the stamina of a person. As all these sports require a lot of running, the stamina of a person automatically increases. Therefore a person can work for a longer period of time without getting tired.

Builds a sense of teamwork- Some sports need individual participation, while some require teamwork. Thus sports enlists teamwork in a person. Which is essential in every fieldwork. A company can only run by working together and not individually. So it is important for a person to know how to work together in a team. Only then you can achieve the desired goal .

Stress-relieving- Sports can bring a change to your day to day routine. Moreover, it can relieve you from stress as your body will experience a change. It gives your mind a boost of enthusiasm and happiness. As a result, it will fill you with energy for the next day.

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Disadvantages of sport and games

Dangerous- Some sports like football, cricket , basketball, swimming can be dangerous. Because any injury can occur while playing these sports. Therefore you should wear proper safety gear before playing it. Moreover, it can be harmful if you are playing it while you are sick.

Exhausting- Sports require energy, so a person needs to have proper meals. Moreover, the body needs rest to recover from the exertion. Therefore you need proper sleep every day if you are indulging in any sport.

Takes time- In order to play any sport, you have to take out time from your busy schedule. This may be very difficult for some people. As they work day and night to fulfill the needs of their family. So a person needs to cut off some things from their busy schedule to take out time to play a sport.

FAQ On the essay on sports and games

Q1. What is the main difference between sports and games?

A1. The main difference between sports and games is, we can play sports only outdoors. But games can take place both indoors and outdoors.

Q2. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of sports.

A2. The advantages of sports are it keeps a person fit and is a stress buster. The disadvantages of sports are it can be dangerous to play, injury can occur while playing and it is can be exhausting.

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  • Speech on Importance of Sports and Games for All Students

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Speech on the Importance of Sports and Games in School

Good morning dear teacher and students here. I want to pay my respect for the attendance of teachers and seniors. Lots of love for my friends and juniors. We have gathered on a beautiful morning here because of an honest reason. The previous speakers have talked about the topic Importance of Sports and Games in our life. I want to add a few more words and share my opinion about this topic.  

Health is an important thing in our regular life that we need to take care of. There are some rules of good health and one of these rules is physical exercise . But at this age and because of lacking proper fitness guides and training, we fail to do physical exercises.   But that could help us to improve our health a lot. We are missing it. Now how can we fulfill that gap? I think sports and outdoor games are the best options for that. When someone plays an outdoor game, he needs to run, needs to do lots of activities that help our body to get a better shape. It makes us strong. It helps to grow the mental health too. Most of the experts and doctors have been agreed that it improves the immune system for young people. Mostly the students need to play sports a lot to improve their physical, mental and immunity health.

It makes the mind and brain sharp. It helps kids to become quick and organized. It will make your sense so much stronger and conscious. You will be able to get a better concentration in everything. In the sport, you need to put concentration automatically if you want to perform better. This comes in your real life as a good side. So sports improve your concentration power. That might help you to become a good student as well. Sports will keep you away from loneliness and depression. Any kid won’t go to under pressure or anxiety if he plays sports. His mind will be peaceful always.  

It let everyone become friends and spend time with one another. We can make new friends with our game. The bonding becomes better in the playing ground. We need to support each other in the teams to improve and win the match. In that case, everyone tries to help each other and it builds brotherhood between all. Some kids might need to burn extra calories that are possible with regular sports and games. At that age it almost impossible to go for a morning walk or to the gym for burning extra fat. That’s why the sport is the best solution for them.  

Nowadays sports have been so much diverse and it has no age limit. Even the seniors’ peoples can play football or cricket games. It is easy to play indoor games like Badminton. Badminton will help you to complete all of your physical exercises. It is one of my favorite games. Sports build our self-confidence and let us are more confident. When you win a competitive game, you can hugely boost your inspiration and motivation. It helps you to think bigger and make-belief on you. You start believing in yourself and it will bring the change in your life.  

Leadership is an important thing that we need to have in our life to get success in real life. We can get that character value from the sport. When you are playing as a part of a team, you need to guide the team sometimes with your experience and knowledge. Sometimes, you need to give your precious opinions so that the team can achieve big things. These little things turn you into an ideal leader. We learn teamwork from here in detail. When you play as part of a team, we need to communicate with other players and need to make decisions together and need to share lots of things. All these are good lessons for teamwork.  

There are many more advantages and good sides of sports in our life. Especially school students should play sports regularly. Almost all schools have their own playground and there are enough opportunities to play games like football or cricket . Don’t miss your opportunity to play a game. Thank you all so much, I hope from today we all understand the importance of sports and games .  

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Speech on Sports For Students and Children in English

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Best Speech on Sports: We have provided below variety of sports speech for the students under various words limit according to their need. All the speech on sports are very simple, written using easy words and small sentences for the students. They can select any of the given speeches according to their class level. Using such speeches students can participate in the speech recitation activity in their school without any hesitation.

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Speech on sports and games emphasizes the unparalleled role they play in fostering teamwork, discipline, and a spirit of healthy competition, ultimately shaping not just athletes but well-rounded individuals.

Speech on Sports For Students and Children

Speech on Sports

Sports speech- sample 1.

A very good morning to the excellencies, Principal sir, teachers and my dear colleagues. As we all know that we are here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to say a few words on sports. Sports is good for all of us in daily life as it involves us in common physical activities under healthy environment. The environment of sports becomes very competitive and challenging for the sportsmen so they focus on the challenges put in front. Physical beauty of the person involves in making the humanity of him. There are variety of sports played accordingly by the people in various countries. National or international level sports competitions takes place in any country for any sports. Revolution comes in the sports field time to time and replaced by ashtanga or other forms of yoga . Playing sports help us in many ways all through the life.

Variety of sports activities bring a lot of positive opportunities for us. There are various problems also occur however they do not matter. Participating in the sports activities enhance children’s school accomplishments. Sports are the way to big achievement in the children’s life however depends on their active involvement and experiences they already have. Getting interested in any of the sport gives a worldwide identification and life long achievement. Facing challenges of sports teaches us to tackle with other challenges of the life as well as survive in a competitive society.

Some of the sportsmen become interested in the sports and games from their childhood, some from birth as God gift however some of them create interest to the particular game or sports in order to go in that area and earn name and fame. Some of us need inspiration and motivation from our parents, teachers or famous sportsperson however some of us have God gifted inspiration. Athletes having interest in the sports, play sports with their best effort even when they defeat or lose. They already know the fact that they will win some game whereas lose some. They become very disciplined all through the life in order to get success and be ready on time. They do regular practice with full commitment towards their sports.

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Sports Speech- Sample 2

Good morning to the Principal sir, teachers and my dear friends. I would like to speech on the sports and games at this occasion. I am very thankful to my class teacher to give me such a great opportunity to speech here and believe in me. My dear friends, both games and sports are very important for all of us because they keep us strong, healthy and fit. It is the area which can give us a change from the same daily life. Everyone like sports because it is the useful means of entertainment as well as way to physical activity. Both are character building in nature and gives huge level body energy and strength.

If one has involved in the sports and games activity, he/she has good mental and physical growth and development. It let us learn many necessary things in the life. It helps us in developing our personality, confidence level and maintain physical and mental balance.

Being interested in the sports and games activities make us learn about how to tackle with the difficult situations in the life and keeps body relax and mind free of tension. It develops the habit of working in team by developing the sense of friendliness among team members. It makes a person with the mental and physical toughness by shaping he body and mind and removing tiredness and lethargy. It improves blood circulation all through the body thus improves the physical and mental well-being of the person.

Sports and games are activities which makes a person more capable with high level efficiency. It removes the mental exhaustion and makes us capable to do any hard work. In the Indian education system , the sports has been made an integral part of the education to make education interesting, tension free and enjoyable. Education is considered as incomplete without sports because education with sports activities draws more attention of the children towards study.

Sports activities are very necessary for all especially children and youths as it stimulates the physical and mental growth. It improves memory level, concentration level and learning capacity of the children. A small child can be a famous national or international level player if he/she practice sports from his/her childhood. Children should participate in all the sports competition held in their schools and colleges to remove their hesitation and go ahead. Sports and games have nice career in the future for the good sportsman. It gives us opportunity to grow in the life and earn money, name and fame. Now-a-days, sports facilities are being developed in almost all the schools and colleges in both rural and urban areas so the students having interest in the sports and games activities can get better path to go ahead.

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Sports Speech- Sample 3

I would like to say a very good morning to the respected teachers and my dear friends. As we know, we are gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to speech on the importance of sports and games in our life. I am very grateful to my class teacher to offer me some time to speech here. Being children a most common question generally arises in our mind that why some people choose sports career and how they get success without study properly. From where they get inspired to go into the sports career. I think, some of them are interested in the sports from birth, some are inspired by the parents and teachers and some are by the famous sports-persons. Whatever the reason behind is, if one is interested in the sports, he/she would surely be successful in the future.

Sports loving people do regular practice of the sports with proper discipline on daily basis. Most of the people never realizes benefits and importance of the sports and games. However, some people become very conscious about their health and fitness who want to be fit, attractive and always look smart. Sports can be very beneficial for us for us in the life as it makes our career together with the health and fitness including other many benefits. Earlier, people were not so interested in the sports activities and getting health and fitness. However, now-a-days, everyone wants to be famous, healthy, fit and active especially in the sports field. The scope of this field have been very vast because everyone understands its importance and benefits in the life. People know that sports have better career, name, fame and money than other field.

Sports and games are activities which keep us physically busy and fit unknowingly. Imagine that if a car do not get proper servicing or regular use, may be get rust and useless. In the same sense, if we do not involve in the physical activities our body may become useless and deceased after some years which is the main reason of unhealthy and painful life. Our boy is similar to the car engine, both can be fit on regular use and healthy diet. Sports activities keep our body’s blood pressure, circulation and other physiological functions active and balanced. According to the research, it is found that people who do not involved in any type of physical activities in their life are struggling with many problems in the middle age like high blood pressure, stress, tension, depression, tiredness, fatigue, etc.

Some people do not play sports and games however very much interested in seeing the sports activities on TV such as cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, etc. It gives them pleasure and happiness when their favorite sportsperson win. Now-a-days, sports-persons are in high demand in the market because they have great business value at national and international level. We should involve in our life in any sport activity, not only to make a career, but to be healthy and fit.

My name is…., I study in class….. I would like to say a very good morning to all. My dear friends, today we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion and I would like to speech on the; what sports do in our life. As we all know that sports and games benefits us in many ways however we do not get full benefits of them. Sports help us to achieve many things in life such as health, fitness, peace, money, name, fame, etc. It provides a lot of opportunities in our life however need full dedication, commitment and regular practice. They also cause some problems if we practice in wrong way however source of happiness and peace. According to the survey of many parents, it is found in their statement that sports participation enhances children school accomplishments.

Sports are not limited to the specific areas of life, it blesses a person with lifelong achievement. It is found that children who partici­pate in the challenging sports contests also love the classroom challenges and can function in the competitive society. Regular participation in the sports teaches children to play the game of school and life. They know well how to win the losing game (means going out of hand). Sports-persons become very disciplined and confident in their whole life and never become hopeless from the hard life struggles. They easily develop morals, necessary skills and art of living.

In such a technological world, the competition is increasing regularly in the society which needs more effort from the children and youths to go ahead. In such case, sports and games play creative roles in developing a peaceful mind and highly skilled mind which is very necessary to survive in competitive field. Anybody who is interested in the sports activities never give up or quit from any game of the life. Participating in the sports and games teaches to be a team player to them who have attitude to always be the center of attention. Sports and games are confidence building activities also gives lots of fun to the children. It brings the sense of improvement, accomplishment and feeling of personal progress.

It gives national as well as worldwide fame to the sports-persons.

Now-a-days, girls are also participating in the sports and games activities to the same extent as boys on their own will without hesitation from the family or society. Sports are career builder activities builds better and bright career. Children of the modern time are getting very interested in the variety of sports and games as they get motivated from the sports TV shows or cartoon networks in their early age.

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Speech on Sports FAQs

Why are sports important speech.

Sports are crucial for physical health, mental well-being, and fostering teamwork and discipline. Engaging in sports contributes to overall personal development and a healthy lifestyle.

Why are 10 lines important in sports?

Ten lines in sports help encapsulate key points efficiently. They can highlight benefits, rules, and significance concisely, aiding quick understanding and retention.

What is the importance of sports and physical exercise?

Sports and physical exercise are vital for maintaining good health, preventing diseases, and enhancing overall well-being. They improve cardiovascular health, boost mental resilience, and instill discipline and teamwork.

How do you talk about sports in English?

When discussing sports in English, use clear and descriptive language. Mention the type of sport, players, rules, and exciting moments. Engage your audience with anecdotes or personal experiences related to the sport.

What is sport in simple words?

Sport, in simple terms, is a physical activity or game played competitively according to specific rules, often for enjoyment, exercise, and skill development.

How do you end a sports speech?

Conclude a sports speech by summarizing key points, expressing enthusiasm for the sport's positive impact, and encouraging the audience to embrace an active lifestyle. Finish with a motivating statement or a call to action, leaving a lasting impression.

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Speech on Olympics in English

speech on value of games and sports

  • Updated on  
  • Aug 9, 2024

Speech on Olympics

The Olympics are a global sporting event held every four years, featuring both summer and winter competitions. Thousands of athletes from around the world participate in a variety of sports, striving for the ultimate honour of an Olympic gold medal. Rooted in ancient Greece, the modern Olympics embody the spirit of competition, unity, and excellence. Make sure you read this blog to find out speech on the Olympics for you. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Short Speech on Olympics
  • 2 Long Speech on Olympics
  • 3 5 Fun Facts About the 2024 Olympics 

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Short Speech on Olympics

Good morning respective authorities and my dear friends. We gather here today to celebrate a global phenomenon that transcends borders, cultures, and languages – the Olympic Games. A quadrennial spectacle that unites the world in a spirit of competition, camaraderie, and human excellence.

The Olympics, a global spectacle of athleticism and unity, has captivated the world for centuries. It’s more than just a sporting event; it’s a celebration of human potential, diversity, and the power of sportsmanship.

From the ancient Greeks to the modern era, the Olympics have brought nations together, inspiring athletes to push the boundaries of human performance. Beyond medals and records, the true spirit of the Olympics lies in the values of fair play, respect, and friendship. Let us immerse ourselves in the next few days as we witness extraordinary feats of strength, speed, and skill. Let us cheer for the triumphs and empathise with the challenges of these extraordinary athletes. I invite you to join me in welcoming the athletes, officials, and spectators who have gathered here to create an unforgettable chapter in the .

Thank you.

Long Speech on Olympics

The Olympic Games—a spectacle that transcends borders, cultures, and languages. A quadrennial rendezvous where the world converges in a harmonious celebration of human potential. It is a microcosm of our planet, a stage where athletes, imbued with the spirit of excellence, strive for glory, not just for themselves, but for their nations and the ideals they represent.

From the ancient Greeks, who conceived this grand experiment in human unity, to our modern era, the Olympics have evolved, yet the core principles remain steadfast: the pursuit of excellence, fair play, and respect. These are not mere catchphrases; they are the bedrock upon which this extraordinary event is built. Every four years, the Olympic flame is ignited, carrying with it the hopes and dreams of billions. It is a beacon of inspiration, a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

Beyond the medals, records, and triumphs, the Olympics foster a sense of global kinship. Athletes from diverse backgrounds, speaking different tongues, united by a shared passion, compete on a level playing field. In this crucible of competition, friendships are forged, rivalries are born, and respect is earned. The Olympic Village becomes a melting pot of cultures, where athletes exchange stories, share laughter, and learn from each other.

The Olympics is not merely a sporting event; it is a catalyst for social change. It has been a platform for raising awareness about critical issues such as gender equality, environmental sustainability, and human rights. The power of the Olympic stage can amplify voices, inspire action, and drive progress.

As we witness the extraordinary feats of athleticism, let us also acknowledge the countless hours of dedication, sacrifice, and perseverance that underpin each performance. Behind every medal, there is a story of resilience, of overcoming adversity, of pushing the boundaries of human capability. These athletes are role models, inspiring generations to reach for their dreams.

The Olympics is a celebration of diversity. It showcases the myriad ways in which the human body can be honed to perfection. From the raw power of weightlifting to the delicate artistry of gymnastics, from the explosive speed of sprinting to the enduring stamina of marathon running, the Games offer a breathtaking tapestry of human ability.

In conclusion, the Olympics is more than just a competition; it is a testament to the human spirit, a celebration of our shared humanity, and a beacon of hope for a better world. It is a reminder that despite our differences, we are united by our common aspirations for excellence, peace, and understanding. Let us cherish this extraordinary event, let us be inspired by its athletes, and let us carry the Olympic spirit into our lives.

Thank you.

5 Fun Facts About the 2024 Olympics 

Let us look at some of the fun facts about the 2024 Olympics which must be known to everyone. 

  • For the first time, the Olympic Opening Ceremony won’t be held in a stadium. Instead, it will take place on the iconic Seine River, with athletes sailing down the river before gathering at the Trocadero for the lighting of the flame.
  •  The Paris 2024 Games will achieve gender equality in athlete numbers for the first time in Olympic history.
  • The Games mark the centenary of the Olympic Games in France, a country with a rich sporting history.
  • Over 10,500 athletes from 206 countries will compete in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, making it a truly global event.
  • The official mascots of Paris 2024, The Phryges, are modelled after the red Phrygian caps worn during the French Revolution.

Check related reads on Speech Writing

The Olympics were held in the summer of 776 B.C. at Olympia, a site in southern Greece where people went to worship their gods. The Olympics were created in honour of ancient Greece’s most famous god: Zeus, king of the gods.

A total of 40 sports are in the Olympics, including 32 in the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics and eight in Milano Cortina 2026 which will be held in the next Winter Olympics. 

The five rings on the flag represent all the continents of the world (the Americas were considered as one continent and Europe was treated as distinct from Asia). 

For more information on such informative topics, visit our speech writing page and follow Leverage Edu.

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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IOC President’s speech – Paris 2024 Closing Ceremony

Please find below the full speech delivered by International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach during the Closing Ceremony of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 today, 11 August 2024.

IOC President Thomas Bach

© 2024 Getty Images

Dear President of the French Republic, Mr. Emmanuel Macron,

Dear President of the Paris 2024 Organising Committee, my fellow Olympian and dear friend, Tony Estanguet,

Dear Mayor of Paris, Mrs. Anne Hidalgo,

Dear Olympic friends,

Dear fellow Olympians,

Despite all the tensions in our world, you came here from all the 206 National Olympic Committees and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team, to make the City of Light shine brighter than ever before.

Your performances were amazing. You competed fiercely against each other. Every contest on the edge of perfection. Every performance sparking excitement around the world. You showed us what greatness we humans are capable of.

During all this time, you lived peacefully together under one roof in the Olympic Village. You embraced each other. You respected each other, even if your countries are divided by war and conflict. You created a culture of peace.

This inspired all of us and billions of people around the globe. Thank you for making us dream. Thank you for making us believe in a better world for everyone.

We know that the Olympic Games cannot create peace. But the Olympic Games can create a culture of peace that inspires the world. This is why I call on everyone who shares this Olympic spirit: let us live this culture of peace every single day.

These Olympic Games could only inspire the world, because our French friends have prepared the stage. And what an amazing stage it was!

Millions of people celebrating the athletes in the streets of Paris and all across France. Millions of spectators in iconic venues creating an overwhelming atmosphere. More than half of the world’s population sharing this spectacular celebration of the unity of humankind in all our diversity.

The Olympic Games Paris 2024 were a celebration of the athletes and sport at its best. The first Olympic Games delivered fully under our Olympic Agenda reforms: younger, more urban, more inclusive, more sustainable. The first ever Olympic Games with full gender parity.

These were sensational Olympic Games from start to finish – or dare I say: SEINE-sational Games.

The Olympic Games Paris 2024 were Olympic Games of a new era.

That is why I would like to thank all our French friends. First and foremost, my warmest thanks go to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, for his tireless support. My heartfelt thanks goes to the Organising Committee, under the excellent leadership of my fellow Olympian, Tony Estanguet, for making these Games wide open. All my gratitude goes to the public authorities at all levels and to the public services, for their essential contribution.

All our thanks and recognition go to our Olympic community – the National Olympic Committees, the International Federations, our TOP partners and the Media Rights- Holders. Together, you have contributed to Olympic Games of a new era in every respect. And for this you can be proud forever.

A special thank you to all the wonderful volunteers. You will be forever in our hearts.

Dear French friends, you have fallen in love with the Olympic Games. And we have fallen in love with all of you.

Thank you Paris, thank you France!

Long live the Olympic Games! Long live France!

[Flame extinguishing]

And now, with my heart full of emotions, I have to perform one more task: I declare the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad Paris 2024 closed.

In accordance with tradition, I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in Los Angeles, United States of America, to celebrate with all of us the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad.

The International Olympic Committee is a not-for-profit, civil, non-governmental, international organisation made up of volunteers which is committed to building a better world through sport. It redistributes more than 90 per cent of its income to the wider sporting movement, which means that every day the equivalent of USD 4.2 million goes to help athletes and sports organisations at all levels around the world.

For more information, please contact the IOC Media Relations Team: Tel: +41 21 621 6000, email: [email protected] , or visit our web site at .

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Sports In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on the importance of sports. Sports participation is essential for maintaining physical fitness in all people. At every stage of life, it is very important. Additionally, it enhances people’s personalities. Playing sports daily helps our hearts become stronger and keeps all of our organs functioning properly. Since ancient times, sports have always come first, and they are now even more exciting. Because of the exercise, blood vessels are kept clean and blood pressure is also kept in a healthy range. Daily movement lowers cholesterol and sugar levels as well. Although different people have varied sports interests, all sports involve the same action.

Sports play a significant role in enhancing our lives, especially for developing children, just as a diet rich in good nutrients is necessary to nourish the body. One faces numerous hurdles as a student, and participating in athletics gives them the physical and mental fortitude they need to handle the pressure of exams and get ready for new challenges.

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Susan O'Rourke | August 14, 2024

speech on value of games and sports

I think one thing that is a constant theme with sports is it’s a universal language….Sports really transcend all differences and allow you to communicate,….create relationships,…. and break down barriers.

— Stephen Howard, Sports Envoy for the U.S. Department of State and Speaker at the UNC World View K-12 Symposium

UNC World View knows that sports encourage teamwork, foster resilience, and build global connections and cultural curiosity.

This summer and fall, people from around the world are tuning in to watch the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games and are witnessing not only amazing athletic feats but also learning about other countries’ traditions and seeing cross-cultural exchanges take place in real time. As we learn about the cultural history of sports from other regions, [i] read about the cultural significance of the designs in athletes’ uniforms, [ii] witness athletes form friendships as they compete at the highest level, [iii] or see the delight that comes from athletes trading their nations’ Olympic pins, [iv] we see the power of athletics to build bridges and inspire cultural curiosity.

This fall, UNC World View is continuing to explore the power of athletics to build global connections by hosting U.S. Sports Envoy Stephen Howard held on October 10 th following the K-12 Global Education Symposium . Howard is a former “NBA player, Leadership Expert, ESPN & FOX Sports College Basketball Analyst, Collegiate All-American” and Sports Envoy to the Sports Diplomacy Division of the U.S. Department of State. The U.S. Department of State notes that Howard brings years of experience “living in 12 different countries including France, Spain, China, and Israel immersing himself in the unique cultures of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East” to his role. As a Sports Envoy, Howard is charged with “promoting friendship and engaging with foreign officials, athletes, and public audiences” around the world by “leading sports clinics, speaking at universities, and meeting with senior level officials to discuss the role of sport in improving individual lives and transforming societies.” Most recently, Howard has served as Sports Envoy to Sri Lanka where, together with “Astou Ndiaye, a former professional women’s NBA player, championship winner,” and college basketball assistant coach, he led a basketball and leadership program for Sri Lankan teenagers, “national coaches, and players” this past June.

In a recent interview , Howard shared the power of sports to provide “a universal language.” He shared:

Regardless of what country you live in, I could go to any country in the world and get a basketball or get a soccer ball and go on a pitch or on a basketball court and even though we might not be able to communicate, because of our language barriers, we would be able to communicate on the court because of that universal language….sports creates relationships, and in times of crisis, you can utilize those relationships with your allies to figure out solutions…. sports really transcend all differences and allow you to communicate and create relationships…. and break down barriers.

We are very excited for Stephen Howard to speak to educators at the 2024 K-12 Global Education Symposium about the ways educators can encourage cultural curiosity, teamwork, and global understanding through sports!

[i] Learn more about the sports included in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games here and the Paralympic Games here . 

[ii] For example: Learn more about how the Haitian-Italian Stella Jean designer featured contemporary Haitian art by Philippe Dodard in the team’s Olympic uniforms and see how Canada’s Olympic team will wear uniforms for “The Closing Ceremony ….[that feature] prints, created in collaboration with Whistler-based artist Mason Mashon of the Saddle Lake Cree Nation, [that offer] a unique interpretation of the Aurora Borealis.”

[iii] Check out the story of the friendship between badminton players PV Sindhu of India and Carolina Marin of Spain. The two have cheered each other on and supported one another through injuries. Olympics reporter Ali Asgar Nalwala shares how , after learning of Marin’s recent injury during the Olympic games, “Sindhu expressed her support: ‘To one of my greatest rivals and dearest friends on the tour, I am sending all the positive energy in the world your way. You were playing a phenomenal match, and I was deeply rooting for you!’”

[iv] Read more about Olympic pin trading here .


Jameis Winston Explains Motivation Behind Memorable Browns Pregame Speech

Spencer german | aug 15, 2024.

Aug 10, 2024; Cleveland, Ohio, USA; Cleveland Browns quarterback Jameis Winston (5) takes a snap against the Green Bay Packers at Cleveland Browns Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports

  • Cleveland Browns

The Cleveland Browns are already getting the full Jameis Winston experience since he joined the team this offseason on a one-year deal. The veteran quarterback has made quite the name for himself as a motivational speaker over the course of his nine-year career.

Just last week he used a nursery rhyme to describe starting QB Deshaun Watson's greatness . Then he delivered a pre-game speech for the ages ahead of Cleveland's preseason opener with the Packers on Saturday.

Another all-time pregame speech from Jameis Winston 🔥 @Jaboowins — NFL (@NFL) August 10, 2024

During an appearance on the Pat McAfee show on Thursday, Winston explained the motivations behind his inspiring speeches.

"I just feel like I do whatever is required, ultimately" Winston said. "My biggest obligation right now is on Sunday, when we're out there playing and working together as a team and millions of people get to see my light, get to see my light shine. Me and my boys sing "This Little Light of Mine" every night before we got to sleep. That's my prerogative. I'm a man of increase. I'm a man that's always trying to uplift via optimistic and encourage others."

His NFL experience has been a unique one. Drafted No. 1 overall in 2015 by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers , the Florida State product was touted as the next great NFL QB. There were some moments for Winston, like his 5,000-yard 33 touchdown and 30 interception season in 2019, but after numerous ups and downs and injuries, Winston found himself leaving the organization to be a backup with the Saints in 2020.

After three seasons in and out of the starting job in New Orleans Winston has embraced being a backup. In his eyes, he still has an important role to play with his teammates.

You ALWAYS have good vibes @Jaboowins #PMSLive — Pat McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) August 15, 2024

"That's a big part of being a quarterback," Winston added with McAfee. "Since I've been in this backup role I've been in a few years I've used that as just a platform to show guys no matter what role you're n you can still be uplifting, you can still lift your teammates up, you can still have that energy and come to work everyday ready to go."

It's not even the regular season and Winston has already delivered a handful of viral moments to Browns fans. There's likely to be plenty more where those came from.

Spencer German


Spencer German is a contributor to the Northeast Ohio cluster of sites, including Cavs Insider, Cleveland Baseball Insider and most notably Browns Digest. He also works as a fill-in host on Cleveland Sports Radio, 92.3 The Fan, one of the Browns radio affiliate stations in Cleveland. Despite being a Cleveland transplant, Spencer has enjoyed making Northeast Ohio home ever since he attended college locally at John Carroll University, where he graduated in 2013.

Follow @Spencito_

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Jarren Duran suspended for calling fan a homophobic slur as Red Sox stress 'importance of inclusivity'

Duran yelled at the fan during an at-bat during sunday's game.


Boston Red Sox center fielder Jarren Duran has been suspended for two games after he was heard directing a homophobic slur toward a fan during Sunday's game against the Houston Astros , the team announced Monday. His two-game salary will be donated to PFLAG, the Federation of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, which identifies itself as "the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them."

The incident occurred in the sixth inning Sunday when Duran was at bat. When he stepped out after the count 1-2, a fan can be heard heckling him. The NESN broadcast mic then picked up Duran saying, " Shut up, you f-----g [homophobic slur] ." 

After the game, a 10-2 Red Sox loss, Duran released the following statement through the team : 

"During tonight's game, I used a truly horrific word when responding to a fan. I feel awful knowing how many people I offended and disappointed. I apologize to the entire Red Sox organization, but more importantly to the entire LGBTQ community. Our young fans are supposed to be able to look up to me as a role model, but tonight I fell far short of that responsibility. I will use this opportunity to educate myself and my teammates and to grow as a person."

The Red Sox also released a statement, which reads as follows: 

"The Red Sox addressed this incident with Jarren immediately following today's game. We echo Jarren's apology to our fans, especially to the LGBTQ community. We strive to be an organization that welcomes all fans to Fenway Park, and we will continue to educate our employees, players, coaches and staff on the importance of inclusivity."

On Monday, shortly after the announcement of his suspension, Duran told reporters that he "let the moment get the best of me," saying he used the slur "in the heat of the moment."

"It's on me. It's my fault," he said, according to the Boston Globe's Alex Speier . "...It's a dumb mistake on my part and I'm going to learn from it."

Prior to Sunday's game, Duran received the team's Heart & Hustle Award for 2024 . 

The 27-year-old Duran, now in his fourth major-league season, has emerged as perhaps Boston's best player in 2024 as it contends for a playoff spot. Earlier this season, he was named to his first All-Star team and wound up winning All-Star MVP honors. 

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