​​​​​​​​​​​​Ph.D. Program ​

We are currently accepting applications for Spring and Fall 2018!​ Apply by October 15th​.​​

  • ​Passing a qualifying exam
  • Passing an oral defense of the dissertation proposal
  • Dissertation phase with a final defense milestone

Application Deadlines ​

Ph.d. degree requirements.

  • Core courses
  • Elective courses 
  • Two or more courses at the 300 level
  • Graduate seminar if required by the program

Dissertation Research Credits

Dissertation and dissertation defense​.

The dissertation defense is the final exam of the Ph.D. degree. It involves a public presentation of the results of the dissertation research followed by a question and answer session. The dissertation and defense committee consists of four members of which at least three must be KAUST faculty members. The committee chair plus one other member must be an affiliated faculty member. The committee must also include one external examiner who must write a report on the dissertation and attend the defense. Qualified visiting professors may be involved as on-campus committee members. 

It is the responsibility of the student to inform the dissertation committee of his/her progress and meet deadlines for submitting a defense date and graduation forms. It is expected that students will submit their dissertations to their committee six weeks prior to the defense date in order to receive feedback from the committee members in a timely manner. However, the academic advisor may approve exceptions to this expected timeline. The dissertation format requirements are described in  the KAUST Thesis and Dissertation Guidelines . The result of the defense will be made based on the recommendation of the committee. There are four possible results: (1) Pass: the student passes the exam and the dissertation is accepted as submitted; (2) Pass with revisions: the student passes the exam and the student is advised of the revisions that must be made to the text of the dissertation; (3) Failure with retake: normally this means the student must do more research to complete the dissertation. The student must revise the dissertation and give another oral examination within six months from the date of the first defense; and (4) Failure: the student does not pass the exam, the dissertation is not accepted, the degree is not awarded, and the student is dismissed from the University.

Program Descriptions​

  • PhD Study in Saudi Arabia - A Guide for 2024

PhD Study in Saudi Arabia – A Guide for 2024

Written by Kirsty Smitten

Considering a PhD in Saudi Arabia? The country is well known for its mineral resources and trading power, but is also developing as a hub for research and scholarship. The rapid expansion of its university system - with an intake increase of 50% between 2009 and 2017 - makes Saudi Arabia an increasingly attractive option for PhD study.

The Saudi Government is also investing heavily in its school and universities (about 23% of the country’s spending goes towards in education). This has resulted in globally ranked institutions and increasing popularity with international students.

This page explains what it’s like to study a PhD in Saudi Arabia for international students, what opportunities are available, how to apply and how to access research funding.

On this page

Phd opportunities in saudi arabia - what's on offer for 2024.

Saudi Arabia offers a great balance of academic research opportunities and extracurricular activities. Imagine studying your PhD in a university filled with high-tech equipment, lavish architecture, spa facilities and views over the red sea.

A number of Saudi Arabian universities are globally ranked, and a high proportion receive extremely generous support and funding from the Government. This has resulted in excellent PhD research centres – and several scholarships for international students.

Here are a few more specific reasons to consider a PhD in Saudi Arabia this year:

  • Globally ranked institutions - Sustained investment has seen five universities listed in the world’s top 500 for 2024 according to the Times Higher Education rankings.
  • Wealth and expertise - Saudi Arabia’s oil wealth makes it one of world’s richest countries and there are ways to benefit from this as a PhD student: Saudi universities are centres of expertise for oil, gas and engineering research.
  • Welcoming international students - The Saudi Arabian higher education system seeks to enrol at least 5% of international students per year.
  • Aafaq (horizons) - A 25-year plan established in 2009 to improve higher education for the entire nation, boost scientific research and enhance international student prospects.
  • Free education - All students in Saudi Arabia receive full scholarships for their degrees. If you’re accepted for a PhD your fees and living costs will normally be covered by a scholarship.
PhD Study in Saudi Arabia
King Saud University (1957)
2.5-3.5 years
Automatically covered by scholarships
August/September to June

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Saudi Arabian universities

The Saudi Arabian higher education system is similar to the UK, where students are required to do a Bachelors degree before proceeding on to postgraduate study. For some PhD programmes a Masters is required.

There are fourty-three universities in Saudi Arabia (alongside well a range of higher education colleges). Many of them are funded by the Saudi Arabian Government, the others are private institutions.

Several of them are world ranked institutions and carry out research in major disciplines.

Government and private institutions

There are three different types of institution in Saudi Arabia that offer PhD programmes. These are either private or state institutions:

  • State universities - The registered state universities are funded and governed by the Ministry of Education; however, they have administrative and academic autonomy.
  • Private universities - The registered private universities do not receive any direct public funding and offer several PhD programmes.
  • Private colleges - Similar to the private universities, these 42 higher education colleges are authorised to provide PhD programmes.

Institutions for female applicants

Education for women (both local and foreign) in Saudi Arabia is governed by the principles of Islam.

This means men and women are not taught in the same classes. Women viewing lectures delivered by a male professor do so through a monitor.

Because of these restrictions, only 36 out of the 78 higher education universities and colleges enrol women. Three of these are women only, including the largest women’s only university in the world, the Princess Nora bint Abdul Rahman University.

It is best to check directly with your university as to whether it accepts female applicants and how its programmes are organised.

The future of Saudi Arabian higher education

In November 2000 the Saudi Arabian Government devised the Higher Education Fund, used to invest in financing programmes, research centres and scholarships at its universities.

Since this King Abdulaziz Al Saud has released the Vision 2030 plan: by the year 2030 the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hopes to have at least five universities in the world ranked top 200 .

As you’d expect, high quality research is key to these ambitions, with the potential for excellent PhD opportunities.

Saudi Arabian university rankings

Saudi Arabia is on the way to achieving its ranking ambitions; three of the country’s thirty-six universities can be found in all three major university league tables.

Hirji Islamic Calendar

Be aware that when you are searching for your PhD in Saudi Arabia some universities and Government websites will use the Hijri Islamic Calendar .

Top 5 Saudi Arabian Universities in 2024
University THE 2024 QS 2024 ARWU 2023
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 201-250 =180 401-500
King Abdulaziz University 251-300 =143 151-200
Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University 401-500 =595 -
King Saud University 401-500 =203 101-150
Prince Sultan University (PSU) 401-500 - -
World University Rankings, and . Visit their websites for more information.

Do ranking matter for PhD study?

University rankings can help you choose a PhD project or programme, provided you know what to look at. Our guide explains how to use rankings as a prospective postgraduate.

Saudi Arabia university cities

There are a number of major cities within Saudi Arabia with quality institutions. The majority of universities are within the capital Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia’s main university cities include: Riyadh , Jeddah , Medina, Mecca, Dammam and Thuwal .

PhD structure

The core component of a Saudi Arabian PhD programme is similar to that of the UK and other countries. You will submit and defend a thesis detailing the research you have conducted.

Programme length

Typically, PhD programmes in Saudi Arabia are 2.5-3.5 years depending upon whether you have a Masters or Bachelors degree, respectively. The maximum enrolment period is 5 years.

Institutions employ a two-semester system starting in late August/early September and finishing in June for summer. A small number of institutions will run a summer semester; dependent upon student interest in summer courses.

Assessment and examination

The content of PhD programmes in Saudi Arabia may vary depending upon the institution. However, unlike in the UK programmes include compulsory course modules.

As a full-time student you will have to complete a minimum of 30 credit-hours assessed by advanced coursework . Typically, 12 of these will be compulsory course modules and 18 electives.

The credit-hour system is similar to the USA. It works on the basis that one 50-minute lecture or two/three 50-minute lab and tutorial sessions over the 15-week semester are regarded as one credit hour.

There are typically two phases of formal examinations to the research section of the programme. In the first year you must submit a dissertation proposal and complete an oral defence . The final examination is your dissertation which you must defend in front of a Dissertation and Defence Committee, comprised of four members - three internal and one external. (Slightly different to the two examiner ‘private’ viva structure used in the UK).

Fees and funding

Saudi Arabia takes a relatively unique approach to higher education fees and funding. In order to study at a Saudi university (and receive an international visa) you must also win a full or partial scholarship.

This means that the ‘cost’ of a PhD in Saudi Arabia is very low, but the application process is also very competitive.

You won’t normally pay fees as a PhD student in Saudi Arabia. Instead, successful applicants will receive a scholarship (see below).

Accommodation and living costs

It can be quite expensive to live in Saudi Arabia depending upon the accommodation you choose and area you live in. Accommodation ranges from modern flats to luxury villas with swimming pools and spa facilities.

Applicants receiving a full scholarship will have their accommodation paid for them. However, those on a paid grant or partial grant may not.

Students typically live in private accommodation organised through their university. The average rent for a one-bedroom, city-centre apartment in Saudi Arabia is around 1,706 SAR (USD $455), however if you move closer towards the capital city Riyadh it is likely you will be paying more than this.

The average person in Saudi Arabia will spend an additional 2,808 SAR (USD $745) per month to cover living costs, according to crowdsourced data from Numbeo .

PhD scholarships in Saudi Arabia for international students

The Government are heavily invested in global expansion of their higher education system ; therefore, the Higher Education Fund has a section for scholarships to non-saudis.

There are two types of government scholarship :

  • A Full-Scholarship - the student receives all benefits: a monthly stipend , accommodation , full tuition fee , research support costs and health care cover
  • A Partial-Scholarship - the student receives some benefits: full tuition fee or tuition fee plus accommodation

The cost of living in Saudi Arabia

It can be expensive to live in Saudi Arabia, if you are on a partial scholarship ensure you will have sufficient funds for your entire study before accepting your place. Some universities may even require proof of funds/financial sponsor to show you will be able to afford to live for the entire study.

University international student fellowships

As you must have a scholarship to obtain a visa to study in Saudi Arabia a high number of institutions offer international scholarships for students who aren’t successful in applying for the Government’s scheme. These will cover:

  • Living costs - an annual stipend, typically paid monthly to cover living costs, as well as relocation support and a housing allowance
  • University costs - full tuition fee covered and research support
  • Health care - fellowships cover your dental and medical care for your entire PhD study

Typically, university fellowship applications have the same closing date as the PhD programme; this is usually October-January the year before admission. For more information and for applications check your university’s website.

Paid Scholarships for international students

Research paid scholarships in Saudi Arabia are for Non-Saudi students and are not government or university funded. Typically, these include an industrial sponsor.

Applying for a PhD in Saudi Arabia

As there are only a small number of universities in Saudi Arabia there is no official central application service. You should apply to the university directly once you have ensured you meet their specific admission requirements.

Admission requirements

Different universities will have their own requirements, however there are a number of key things the majority require:

  • Degrees - you will need a minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00 (UK 2.2) in your Bachelors degree. Some institutions require a Masters degree (GPA 3.0), depending upon your chosen programme.
  • Graduate Record Examination ( GRE ) - for some institutions this is compulsory, with a set minimum score you must achieve. For others a GRE result is advised, as it will strengthen your application.
  • Three letters of recommendation - these must be from professors you have researched with or taken detailed courses with.

Language requirements

As the majority of PhD programmes are taught in English some students may be required to sit an English language test .

This is not required for students from the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand. Other international students must complete one of the following tests:

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) - minimum score of 79 in the internet-based test
  • English Language Testing System (IELTS) - a minimum score of 6.0

Some universities do teach PhD programmes in Arabic and require a submitted Arabic dissertation. You should check with your chosen university as to whether you need to be fluent in Arabic for their specific programme.

The application processes

In Saudi Arabia students are encouraged to research all PhD programmes on offer throughout the different institutions.

Some PhD programmes will have projects with designated funding , others will require you to discuss your research ideas with a prospective supervisor prior to submitting scholarship and programme applications.

Following this there are several application steps you must complete:

  • Write a statement of purpose - a short statement of what you hope to achieve from your PhD
  • Write a research proposal - a concise detailing of your research project linking it to your chosen supervisor’s research
  • Complete application form - this is typically completed online on your university’s website
  • Submit education information - an official transcript and graduation certificate as well as an up to date CV
  • Provide references - you will need to provide three academic references, from professors you have been taught by or researched alongside

Applications are usually opened at the start of the October semester the year prior to your prospective start date and close the following January.

Depending upon your application and the institution you may be invited for an interview. If you are an overseas student with a long travel time the interview will typically be conducted over video or web chat .

Interviews tend to follow a typical structure including: a description of yourself, previous research, strengths/weaknesses and questions on their research.

What happens during a PhD interview?

Your interview for a PhD in Saudi Arabia will follow a fairly standard format (apart from the fact in may take place online). Our guides give advice on what happens at a PhD interview and an overview of some questions you might be asked

Student visas

Applying for a student visa in Saudi Arabia can be quite complex due to restrictions for tourists and travellers. In addition, you must have obtained a scholarship from an institution, private funder or government prior to your application.

You apply for the visa at your countries Saudi Arabian Embassy and must take the following things with you:

  • Your passport with at least six months validity and two adjacent blank pages , original birth certificate and a photocopy along with three passport sized photos .
  • Your university invitation letter , electronic authorisation from a Saudi higher education institution and your education credentials .
  • A medical report signed by your doctor showing you are free of contagious diseases and a local police clearance certificate .

Once this application has been processed and accepted you will be able to obtain a residence permit upon arrival to Saudi Arabia. This is free and is valid for the duration of your study .

Students who are nationals of Gulf Cooperation Council countries do not need to apply for a Study Visa.

Working in Saudi Arabia as an international PhD student

Your Study Visa does not permit the right to employment within Saudi Arabia. It is therefore currently illegal for foreigners to undertake paid work.

You are however allowed to do unpaid internships as long as your institution has authorised it.

Health insurance

You must have health insurance prior to arriving in Saudi Arabia that will cover the entirety of your PhD programme. If you have received a full scholarship this will include health insurance.

You need to ensure that the insurance you choose meets the requirements for your visa and has an emergency evacuation component (in case you need to be taken elsewhere for treatment).

The main insurers are Bupa Saudi Arabia and Tawuniya.

Medical advice

Although most medicines are available in Saudi Arabia, international students are encouraged to bring repeat medication they need with them. Take a copy of your prescription and a doctor’s note to ensure you don’t have problems within airport customs.

Staying in Saudi Arabia after graduation can be an attractive option for international students seeking to carry out additional research or live and work in a country with a thriving economy.

Can I work in Saudi Arabia after my PhD

You are permitted to work after graduation as long as you obtain a work permit for which you need to have been accepted for employment . The working week is typically different to other countries: Saturday-Wednesday with a Thursday and Friday weekend.

Applications for Work Visas are submitted at your country’s Saudi Arabian Embassy. For more information about the application process you should contact your nearest embassy.

Laws and regulations

Saudi Arabia is a beautiful and economically developed country; therefore, you will certainly enjoy your PhD study there. To ensure you have a comfortable transition to Saudi life it is important to abide by the country’s Islamic Laws and Regulations.

Here are some key points you should make note of:

  • Within public places men and women are kept separate and public displays of affection are not permitted.
  • Women must dress modestly and cover up at all times.
  • Consumption or possession of alcohol is not permitted.
  • Laws against drug use and trafficking are strictly enforced and can incur the death penalty.

For further information about Saudi laws and customs, we recommend you check the advice issued by the UK Government (or similar resources provided within your home country).

Find a PhD in Saudi Arabia

Ready to start browsing some current PhD opportunities in Saudi Arabia . Alternatively, you can look at our other guides to PhD study abroad.

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  • Bachelor of Science Program in Mathematics
  • Bachelor of Science Program in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics
  • Master of Mathematics Program: Courses and Thesis option
  • Master of Mathematics Program: Courses option
  • Doctor of Philosophy Program in Mathematics
  • Published research
  • Authored and translated books
  • Lectures of some of the courses (illustrated video)
  • Community Service
  • Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences (SAMS)
  • Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (AJMS)
  • Collaborators with the Department of Mathematics
  • The Strategic Plan of the College of Science 2022 - 2026

College of sience

Chairman's message.

Welcome to the website of the Department of Mathematics at King Saud University. The department of Mathematics was established in 1958 and is the oldest department in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ever since its inception, the department continues to maintain its leadership in the field of quality teaching and research. Moreover, it is rendering community services vis-a-vis the needs of Mathematics and its applications in the society.  Presently, the department is offering five different programs in Mathematics; namely two Undergraduate, two Masters and one Doctoral program. The department also develops its Academic and Research programs in conformity with the needs and requirements of job markets and various developments in different areas of activities in the kingdom. Recently, on these lines the department has started a new undergraduate program in the field of Actuarial Mathematics and Finance.

Hope you enjoyed surfing through the site of the department. To learn more about the information provided click here. Last but not the least the department invites your comments and suggestions regarding its site by email to:  [email protected] .

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27 Best universities for Mathematics in Saudi Arabia

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Saudi Arabia ranked based on their research performance in Mathematics. A graph of 1.4M citations received by 103K academic papers made by 27 universities in Saudi Arabia was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. King Saud University

For Mathematics

King Saud University logo

2. King AbdulAziz University

King AbdulAziz University logo

3. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals logo

4. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology logo

5. King Khalid University

King Khalid University logo

6. Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University logo

7. King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences

King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences logo

8. Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University

Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University logo

9. Qassim University

Qassim University logo

10. Taif University

Taif University logo

11. Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University logo

12. Taibah University

Taibah University logo

13. King Faisal University

King Faisal University logo

14. Prince Sultan University

Prince Sultan University logo

15. Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University logo

16. University of Tabuk

University of Tabuk logo

17. Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman University

Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman University logo

18. Jazan University

Jazan University logo

19. Majmaah University

Majmaah University logo

20. Najran University

Najran University logo

21. Al Jouf University

Al Jouf University logo

22. Alfaisal University

Alfaisal University logo

23. Northern Borders University

Northern Borders University logo

24. Effat University

Effat University logo

25. Al Baha University

Al Baha University logo

26. Shaqra University

Shaqra University logo

27. Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University

Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University logo

The best cities to study Mathematics in Saudi Arabia based on the number of universities and their ranks are Riyadh , Jeddah , Dhahran , and Thuwal .

Mathematics subfields in Saudi Arabia

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Average Salary of Teachers and Professors in Saudi Arabia

People connected with the education industry such as teachers, professors, and university lecturers want to know the average salary for these jobs in Saudi Arabia.

  • Average salary of 600 job professions.

Teachers’ salary in Saudi Arabia

1- The Salary of a Biology Teacher in Saudi Arabia is SR 3,700/month.

2- Average Salary of a Primary School Teacher is SR 4,400/month.

3- The Salary of a Computer Teacher is SR 7,665/month.

4- Average Salary of an English Teacher is SR 10,400/month.

5- The Salary of a Chemistry Teacher is SR 10,500/month.

6- Average Salary of an Art Teacher is SR 13,000/month.

7- The Salary of a Secondary School Teacher is SR 14,250/month.

Average Salary of Teachers and Professors in Saudi Arabia

Professors’ salary in Saudi Arabia

8- The Salary of a Professor – Mathematics in Saudi Arabia is SR 8,600/month.

9- Average Salary of a Professor – Pharmaceutical Sciences is SR 9,000/month.

10- The Salary of a Professor – Physics is SR 9,500/month.

11- Average Salary of an Assistant Professor in Biochemistry is SR 9,650/month.

12- The Salary of a Professor – Education is SR 9,663/month.

13- Average Salary of a Professor – Special Education is SR 8,333/month.

14-  The Salary of a Lecturer is SR 17,300 per month.

15- The Salary of a Professor – English is SR 10,863/month.

16- The Salary of a Professor – Industrial Engineering is SR 11,000/month.

17- Average Salary of a Professor – Chemical Engineering is SR 11,200/month.

18- The Salary of a Professor – Electrical Engineering is SR 12,000/month.

19- Average Salary of a Professor – Psychology is SR 12,250/month.

20- The Salary of a Public Management Assistant Professor is SR 12,500/month.

21- Average Salary of an Administrative Director is SR 25,000/month.

22- The Salary of a Professor – Mechanical Engineering in Saudi Arabia is SR 13,800/month.

23- The Salary of a Professor – Computer Science is SR 22,200/month.

24- The Salary of a Professor – Foreign Languages is SR 14,950/month.

25- Average Salary of a Professor – Chemistry is SR 15,800/month.

26- Average Salary of a Professor – Medicine is SR 22,000/month.

27- The Salary of a Professor – Business Administration is SR 17,333/month.

28- The Salary of a Professor – Nursing is SR 17,600/month.

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Saudi Arabia Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023: Funding, Benefits, and Eligibility

Thouhedul Islam profile photo

Thouhedul Islam

11 March 2023

Feature image for Saudi Arabia Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023: Funding, Benefits, and Eligibility

Pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship is a crucial step in the academic career of many researchers, allowing them to deepen their knowledge, gain practical experience, and build a strong research profile. Saudi Arabia, with its rapidly developing research landscape and significant investments in science and technology, has emerged as an attractive destination for scholars looking for postdoctoral opportunities.

In this article, we will discuss the various postdoctoral fellowship opportunities available in Saudi Arabia in 2023, highlighting the eligibility criteria, benefits, and application process for each program. Whether you are a recent PhD graduate or an experienced researcher looking to expand your research horizons, this article will provide valuable insights into the postdoctoral landscape in Saudi Arabia and help you navigate the path to a successful fellowship application.

Why pursue a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is an excellent destination for postdoctoral fellowships due to its rapid growth and development in various fields. With a strong focus on research and development, the country offers many opportunities for scholars and researchers to enhance their knowledge and contribute to their respective fields.

Postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia have the opportunity to work in some of the world’s most advanced research facilities and laboratories, gaining valuable experience in their fields. Furthermore, the country offers excellent opportunities for networking with peers and industry professionals, allowing for fruitful collaborations and the exchange of knowledge.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made significant investments in education and research in recent years. As a result, there are now many high-quality academic institutions and research centers throughout the country. This has led to a growing number of postdoctoral positions in a wide range of fields, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), humanities, social sciences, and medicine.

Postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia are also eligible for competitive salaries and benefits, which can help to alleviate the financial burden of pursuing academic research. Additionally, they can benefit from the country’s rich cultural heritage and modern infrastructure, making for an enriching and enjoyable experience.

Overall, pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia provides an excellent opportunity for scholars and researchers to expand their knowledge, gain valuable experience, and contribute to their respective fields while also experiencing a new and exciting culture.

Eligibility Criteria for Postdoctoral Fellowship in Saudi Arabia

To apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia, candidates must meet certain eligibility criteria. These criteria vary depending on the specific fellowship program and sponsoring institution, but some common requirements include:

  • Educational Qualifications: Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree or equivalent from a recognized institution in a relevant field.
  • Research Experience: Candidates should have a demonstrated research record, usually with at least one peer-reviewed publication.
  • Age Limit: Some postdoctoral fellowships may have age restrictions, typically below 35 years old.
  • Language Proficiency: Candidates must have a strong command of English, as it is the primary language of instruction and communication in most fellowship programs.
  • Health Requirements: Candidates should be in good physical and mental health.
  • Nationality: Some fellowships may have restrictions on nationality or citizenship, while others may be open to international candidates.
  • Visa Requirements: Candidates must fulfill the visa requirements for entry and residence in Saudi Arabia.

It is essential to review the eligibility criteria for each postdoctoral fellowship program carefully, as they can vary widely. Applicants who meet the criteria can proceed with the application process.

How to Apply for Postdoctoral Fellowship in Saudi Arabia

It depends on the fellowship, however here are some details on how to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia:

  • Identify a suitable program: The first step in applying for a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia is to identify a program that aligns with your research interests and goals. The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), and the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) are some of the major institutions that offer postdoctoral fellowships in Saudi Arabia.
  • Meet the eligibility criteria: Before applying, ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the program. The requirements may vary depending on the institution and program, but generally, applicants must have completed a Ph.D. or equivalent degree, and have relevant research experience and publications.
  • Prepare your application documents: Once you have identified a suitable program and ensured that you meet the eligibility criteria, the next step is to prepare your application documents. These typically include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research proposal, and letters of recommendation. Make sure to carefully follow the guidelines provided by the institution.
  • Submit your application: After preparing your application documents, you can submit your application through the institution's online application portal or by email. Make sure to double-check all the documents before submitting and ensure that you meet the deadline.
  • Wait for a response: After submitting your application, you will have to wait for a response from the institution. If your application is successful, you will be invited for an interview or asked to provide additional information. If your application is unsuccessful, you may want to consider applying to other programs or institutions.

It is important to note that the application process may differ depending on the institution and program. It is recommended to carefully review the application guidelines provided by the institution and contact the program coordinators if you have any questions or concerns.

Funding and Benefits of Postdoctoral Fellowship in Saudi Arabia

  • Salary: Postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia are offered a competitive salary package, which is determined by the host institution. The salary is usually tax-free and includes benefits such as health insurance, housing allowance, and travel allowance.
  • Research Funding: Postdoctoral fellows are often provided with research funding to support their research projects. This funding can be used to cover the cost of laboratory supplies, equipment, and travel expenses.
  • Career Development: Postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia have access to various career development resources, including professional development workshops, seminars, and conferences. These opportunities provide postdocs with the chance to expand their knowledge and skills, network with other researchers, and gain exposure to new research topics and techniques.
  • Collaborations: Saudi Arabia's postdoctoral fellowship programs often provide postdocs with the opportunity to collaborate with other researchers, both within the country and internationally. These collaborations can lead to new research ideas, publications, and career opportunities.
  • Cultural Experience: In addition to the academic benefits, postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia can also gain a unique cultural experience. Saudi Arabia is a country with a rich cultural heritage, and postdocs can learn about this through participating in cultural events, festivals, and exploring local attractions.
  • Networking Opportunities: Postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia have the opportunity to interact with experts in their field, which can lead to valuable connections and future job opportunities. Additionally, Saudi Arabia's postdoctoral fellowship programs often bring together researchers from different disciplines, providing postdocs with exposure to new perspectives and ideas.

Overall, pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia can provide researchers with a wide range of benefits, including a competitive salary, research funding, career development opportunities, collaborations, cultural experience, and networking opportunities.

Postdoctoral fellowships in Saudi Arabia offer several funding and benefits to successful applicants. These fellowships are designed to support postdoctoral scholars in advancing their research careers while contributing to the academic and research communities in Saudi Arabia. Some of the funding and benefits of postdoctoral fellowships in Saudi Arabia include:

  • Competitive salary: Postdoctoral fellows receive a competitive salary that is commensurate with their qualifications and experience. The salary is usually tax-free and may also include a housing allowance, medical insurance, and other benefits.
  • Research funding: Postdoctoral fellows are provided with research funding to support their research projects. This funding may cover expenses such as laboratory supplies, equipment, and travel expenses for attending conferences or conducting fieldwork.
  • Professional development: Postdoctoral fellows are offered professional development opportunities such as training courses, workshops, and seminars to enhance their skills and knowledge in their respective fields.
  • Collaborative research: Postdoctoral fellows have the opportunity to work with leading researchers and scholars in their field and to collaborate with research groups both in Saudi Arabia and internationally.
  • Access to facilities and resources: Postdoctoral fellows have access to state-of-the-art research facilities, libraries, and resources, including advanced scientific equipment and computing resources.
  • Cultural experience: Postdoctoral fellows have the opportunity to experience Saudi Arabian culture and to interact with scholars and researchers from diverse backgrounds.

In summary, postdoctoral fellowships in Saudi Arabia provide funding and benefits that support postdoctoral scholars in advancing their research careers, enhancing their skills and knowledge, and contributing to the academic and research communities in Saudi Arabia.

Frequently Asked Questions about Postdoctoral Fellowship in Saudi Arabia

What is the duration of a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia?  A: Typically, a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia lasts for two years. However, the duration may vary depending on the specific program or fellowship.
Is there a limit to the number of postdoctoral fellowships one can apply for?  A: It depends on the specific program or fellowship. Some may allow applicants to apply for multiple fellowships, while others may have restrictions on the number of fellowships an applicant can apply for.
Can international students apply for postdoctoral fellowships in Saudi Arabia?  A: Yes, international students can apply for postdoctoral fellowships in Saudi Arabia, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.
What documents are required to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia?  A: The required documents may vary depending on the specific program or fellowship. However, typically, applicants are required to submit their CV, research proposal, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and proof of English language proficiency.
What is the salary range for postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia?  A: The salary range for postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia varies depending on the specific program or fellowship. However, typically, postdoctoral fellows receive a monthly stipend that covers their living expenses.
Are postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia provided with health insurance?  A: Yes, postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia are provided with health insurance.
Are there any opportunities for career development during a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia?  A: Yes, postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia are provided with opportunities for career development, such as attending conferences, workshops, and training programs.
Can postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia apply for permanent residency?  A: No, postdoctoral fellows in Saudi Arabia cannot apply for permanent residency. However, they may be eligible for other types of visas that allow them to stay in the country for a longer duration.

In conclusion, pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia can be a valuable and rewarding experience for many researchers. The country has invested heavily in research and development, providing state-of-the-art facilities and opportunities for collaboration with leading experts in various fields.

To be eligible for a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia, applicants must meet certain requirements and demonstrate their research expertise. The application process can be competitive, but successful candidates can benefit from generous funding and various benefits.

By providing answers to frequently asked questions and highlighting the eligibility criteria, application process, and benefits of pursuing a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia, we hope to have provided useful information to those considering this opportunity. For those who are eligible and interested in furthering their research careers, we encourage you to explore this exciting option and apply for a postdoctoral fellowship in Saudi Arabia.

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  5. 63 phd jobs in Saudi Arabia, August 2024

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    77 mathematics jobs in Saudi Arabia, September 2024 | Glassdoor. Alfaisal University. The Department of Mathematics invites applications for a full-time position. Master or PhD in statistics or math from a well-recognized western universities.…. Discover more.