May 31, 2024 · A cover letter, also known as an application letter, is a three- to four-paragraph memo to employers explaining your interest in the job and company and your fitness for the role. It's typically submitted along with your resume in a job application. ... 1 day ago · The woman is sitting at a desk and writes the cover letter on PC monitor in front of her. getty. The new year is here, and the race for top jobs is already heating up. ... Aug 15, 2024 · Cover letters provide deeper information than a resume and can help show you're a great fit for the position. In this article, we explain what a cover letter is, describe how to write a cover letter and provide a template and example. Related: 7 Powerful Ways to Start a Cover Letter (With Examples) ... May 31, 2024 · A cover letter is a one-page document that highlights your qualifications and often accompanies your resume when you apply for jobs. In this article, we discuss everything you need to know about creating a winning cover letter, including an outline and examples for you to follow. ... Nov 17, 2024 · Explore how to write a cover letter, including examples and tips. When you apply for a job, knowing how to write a cover letter can make a significant difference in your application. Submitting a cover letter alongside your resume and requested materials can highlight your unique professional story. ... Jun 20, 2024 · Not sure how to write a cover letter? Here's a step-by-step guide and expert advice for crafting one that will land you the job—plus examples and bonus tips. ... Jan 1, 2025 · A cover letter should mention the job you want and express your sincere interest in the position you’re applying for and the work the company does. The body paragraphs should clearly and concisely explain why you’re the best fit for the job and show real examples of how you can help the company succeed. ... Dec 20, 2024 · Experts advise highlighting your achievements effectively, listing professional skills, and describing relevant experience that makes you the best fit for the job. Plus, include all the key cover letter elements. But that’s not all—it’s best if you follow these detailed instructions on making a cover letter that looks amazing and speaks volumes: 1. ... Jan 2, 2025 · In this guide, you’ll learn how to write a cover letter for a job application and find writing tips and examples to help you make a lasting impression that gets you a callback. What is a Cover Letter? A cover letter is a formal business letter that builds on and augments your resume. ... Jan 7, 2025 · In our guide, you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to craft the best possible cover letter, as well as professionally crafted cover letter examples and templates to help you get started quickly. Explore our library of 800+ resume examples to see how to effectively present your skills and experience on your resume. What is a Cover Letter? ... ">

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How to write the perfect cover letter—it’s not how you’ve been taught.

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The woman is sitting at a desk and writes the cover letter on PC monitor in front of her

The new year is here, and the race for top jobs is already heating up. According to a recent survey, Monday, January 13, was the most popular day of the year to submit resumes nationwide . But don’t stop there— a strong resume is only half the battle in today’s job market. The often-dreaded cover letter is your secret weapon for standing out. Despite its importance, only 38% of candidates submit one for a job posting when required. The truth? A generic, formulaic cover letter might as well not be submitted at all. A killer cover letter isn’t just a formality; it’s your chance to grab attention, prove you’re the perfect fit, and leave a lasting impression. Tailoring it to every job posting takes effort, but the payoff is worth it. In a competitive job market, the candidates who rise to the top are those who go the extra mile. By following these strategies, you’ll turn a daunting task into an advantage— and leave the competition behind.

Make it extremely personal to the company, role, and your background.

No one understands your qualifications and fit for the role better than you. Do you have a transformational story from your life that has to do with the company’s mission? Tell it here. Did you have an epiphany about one of your superpowers, and is it consistent with the job description? Describe that upfront. It will also benefit you to research, research, research: explore the company website, read press releases, study their mission statement, and review social media platforms. Go deeper— listen to interviews with leadership, read news coverage, and consider reaching out to current and former employees. Don’t forget to review the job description more than once, underlining repeated phrases, desired skills, and core values. Use these insights to craft an application that reflects your expertise and genuine interest. Don’t overlook the small but critical details, like addressing the right company or triple-checking for spelling and grammatical errors. A well-researched, thoughtfully written cover letter shows hiring managers you’ve done your homework— and positions you as the candidate for the role.

Don’t just copy and paste keywords from the job description.

It might fool applicant tracking systems, but it won’t impress a hiring manager. A copy-paste cover letter feels lazy, generic, and inauthentic. Instead of wasting valuable space regurgitating job description language that the hiring manager is familiar with, use it to tell your story: why the role excites you and how you align with the company’s values. This is your chance to stand out, so don’t waste it by sounding like everyone else. Relying too much on borrowed phrases can also backfire during an interview when you’re asked to elaborate on your qualifications. Use the job description as a guide, but rewrite it in your own words. This approach isn’t just more genuine— it shows you’ve put thought into how your background fits the role. In today’s job market, hiring decisions are made by people, not machines (at least for now), so make sure your application speaks directly to them.

Don’t have ChatGPT write it for you.

OpenAI’s platform is great for brainstorming ideas, summarizing emails, or even planning your next vacation. But writing a cover letter that captures your voice? Not so much. According to a Financial Times report, nearly half of job seekers use AI tools to apply for jobs— but companies are catching on. 74% of hiring managers claim they can spot when AI has been used in a job application, and that’s a surefire way to get disqualified for a competitive role. Even worse, an AI-crafted cover letter can backfire in an interview if your voice doesn’t match what’s written. To hiring managers, using AI to apply for a position signals laziness and raises concerns about how you’ll perform on the job.

Have a close family member or trusted friend read your cover letter before submitting it.

Ask a friend or family member to read your cover letter. Does it actually sound like you? Ask them to poke holes in it— are there critical pieces of your professional story missing? Aim for constructive feedback, not just a casual “looks great!” or “good job.” Push them to be honest: does the letter read like something anyone could have written, or does it showcase your unique voice and story? Your cover letter should feel like an authentic extension of who you are— something that mirrors how you’ll present yourself in an interview. Don’t shy away from thoughtful critiques from those who genuinely want to see you succeed. The more personalized and authentic it feels, the better it will resonate with hiring managers.

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Customizing your cover letter for every job might feel tedious and repetitive, especially during an application blitz. But the extra effort is what sets you apart. A tailored cover letter signals to hiring managers that you’re not just interested in the role— you’re excited about it and understand how your experience fits into their needs. In a competitive market, every detail matters. By refining your voice and incorporating honesty and vulnerability, you’ll position yourself as a candidate who goes the extra mile— and earns opportunities that others overlook.

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How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job (With Examples and Tips)

A cover letter is a chance to explain your specific interest in a company and why you'd be a strong fit. Explore how to write a cover letter, including examples and tips.

[Featured Image]: A woman works on a laptop and smiles after learning how to write a cover letter when applying for jobs.

When you apply for a job, knowing how to write a cover letter can make a significant difference in your application. Submitting a cover letter alongside your resume and requested materials can highlight your unique professional story. While it's not always mandatory to include a cover letter for a job, doing so offers an opportunity to showcase your motivation and qualifications.

Your resume covers important information, like the dates of your past employment and the skills you’ve developed, but a good cover letter lets you explain why you're interested in the role and why you're a good fit for the organization. As you learn how to write a good cover letter, you should aim to answer two primary questions:

Why are you interested in this role at this particular company? 

Why are you a strong fit? 

What is a cover letter, and when do you need one?

A cover letter is a one-page document, around four to five brief paragraphs long , that goes into detail about your career and expresses the reasons you're interested in a position. It can be especially useful when your application makes it past an applicant tracking system (ATS) and into the hands of a hiring manager or when you email your application directly.

Some recruiters and hiring managers prefer cover letters, while others pay more attention to your resume. Still, you'll find evidence that customized cover letters lead to more interviews than generic cover letters. 

When should you include a cover letter?

You should include a cover letter if the posting asks for one or when you want to share information about yourself that doesn't fit on the resume—perhaps an anecdote about a time you demonstrated one of the company's values. Other reasons to submit a cover letter include:

You’re especially interested in the job or company

You’ve been referred by someone

You’re changing careers and want to explain your reasons further

If you’re unsure about whether you should submit a cover letter as part of your application, err on the side of caution and write one so a recruiter or hiring manager has more information about you. 

How to write a good cover letter

Writing a good cover letter involves researching ahead of time, understanding the sections that go into a cover letter, and tailoring your cover letter to the work situation you are in. Explore these steps below.

Before you begin writing

Whether you’re drafting an entirely new cover letter or updating a previous version for a new application, start with these steps before you begin writing. This is the time to think about who you're writing to and what you want to say.

Research the company.

Visit the company’s website and pay close attention to the “About Us” section. If the company has a careers section, read over any information about workplace culture. Consider what interests you—either about what the company does or how it does it—and note it to include in your letter. 

Review the job description. 

Compare the job description to your work history: What have you done in previous roles, and what areas of growth particularly excite you? A hiring team will want you to have many of the skills necessary to handle the job’s responsibilities, but you can also highlight the kind of growth you’re seeking and how the role feeds into that. 

For example: While I’ve regularly contributed strategically to my team’s output, I’m excited to take on the opportunity to lead strategic development.

Reflect on your transferable skills.

Transferable skills are those you take with you from job and job, like problem solving and an ability to work collaboratively. These can be beneficial to point out in your cover letter, showing a recruiter or hiring manager how you approach work so they can think about how well you’d fit their team.  

Cover letter sections

Your cover letter will include five main sections. As you examine these sections, note the order and understand the purpose of each. 

Header: At the top of the document, include your contact information, such as your name, city and state, phone number, and email address. Leave space after that information and address your cover letter to the hiring manager once you conduct further research and identify the appropriate person. If you can't find a specific name, go with a generic greeting: “Dear [Department] Hiring Team.”  

Intro: In the first paragraph, demonstrate your fit. Explain who you are, what excites you about the role, and what you hope to accomplish in your next career move, whether that’s more responsibility, moving into a new but relevant area, or something else. 

Body paragraphs: In the subsequent two or three paragraphs, spend time discussing your experience. Don’t simply restate what you’ve already shared through your resume. Instead, talk about any notable effect you’ve had, such as increasing profitability or performance or when you went above and beyond.   

Conclusion: In your final paragraph, restate your interest in the role, remind the hiring manager why you’d be a good fit for their team and company, and state what you want.  

Signature: Include a signature line, using a formal farewell like “Sincerely” along with your name. 

What is the first sentence of a cover letter?

Sometimes a simple start works best, so you can begin by introducing yourself and explaining why you’re applying to the job. Avoid cliches and start with what makes you passionate. 

Types of cover letters

When writing your cover letter, it’s also valuable to think about the purpose and goals of the cover letter. For example, a college graduate writing a cover letter might include their GPA and the extracurricular activities they participated in while an undergraduate. That information will be less interesting on an executive’s cover letter, who will want to use that space to highlight their biggest achievements at the executive level. You should tailor your cover letter to your experience or the kind of job you’re looking for. For example, you might be writing a:

College graduate cover letter: If you've recently graduated from college, talk about how you are prepared to start a career and why you will be an asset to an employer, as well as your achievements while in college and longer-term goals. 

Team leader cover letter: As a professional with experience managing a team, you’ll want to write a cover letter that demonstrates not only your proficiency and knowledge in your field but also highlights your ability to motivate and manage team members. 

Cover letter for a career change : If you are writing a cover letter to switch careers, you’ll want to talk about how skills from your current job will translate into a role at the company you’re applying for. 

Executive cover letter: Moving from one executive role to another means that you will need to write a cover letter demonstrating how you’ve led your department or company to success. You should include metrics to back up your accomplishments where possible. 

Internship cover letter: When you're applying for an internship, your cover letter should help the hiring manager understand why you are a suitable candidate for the internship because of your career goals, education, extracurriculars, and skills you've attained thus far. 

Internal position cover letter: A thoughtful cover letter can help you have a competitive edge when applying for a position within your company. Use your knowledge of your company culture, goals, values, and internal data not publically available to craft your cover letter. 

Explore: Cover Letter Tips: How to Stand Out to a Hiring Manager

Tips on how to write a cover letter for a job

Once you begin writing, follow the steps below to craft and review your letter before completing your job application: 

1. Grab the hiring manager’s attention with a strong opening.

Cover letters used to be more formal, often beginning with a dry introduction like, “I am writing to apply for X.” Now, you can infuse more personality into the introduction, speaking about your passion, interest, and enthusiasm about the opportunity. Think back to your research about the company and role, and integrate that information into your intro. 

For example: I’m a seasoned UX designer who appreciates a challenge. I’ve been especially impressed with the app redesign XYZ Company recently launched, and I’m interested in joining your team’s efforts to make users more engaged.  

2. Align your tone. 

Much like how you might tailor your outfit depending on where you interview , it can be useful to tailor your tone in a cover letter. For example, formality might seem rigid if you’re applying to a tech start-up, but it might be expected at an established financial institution. Think about the tone the company conveys through its website and other communications, and strive to align your writing without overshadowing your personality. 

3. Proofread.

Take time to proofread your letter before you send it, making sure it’s error-free. If possible, find someone to review it for you or try reading it aloud, which can often help you catch any tangled sentence constructions or issues. 

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Cover letter example

Explore a cover letter for a project manager role using the sections we outlined above. If you’d like another example, take a look at the cover letter for a data analyst role.

October 4, 2024

Harland Sanders

123 Animal St

Chicago, IL 60290

Dear Mr. Harland Sanders,

[Introduction] My name is George Lee, and I am excited to be applying for the Junior Project Manager position at Animax. I am currently a Project Coordinator at Square Paws, where I have supported several projects successfully to completion. I have long admired Animax’s work to improve animal adoption processes and would be delighted to contribute my skills to the team.

[Body] At Square Paws, I oversaw multiple aspects of running numerous projects. I worked closely with the project manager to develop project schedules, ensured team members had the resources they needed to complete their tasks, and coordinated communication with stakeholders on project updates. I am particularly proud of a project to roll out a feature on our app that users could use to book appointments with veterinarians. As a complex project that involved multiple stakeholders, it was important to be mindful of the details and listen continuously to feedback from users. My efforts to coordinate an early feedback system in a trial period led to the discovery of several bugs and pain points that we fixed for the launch. We were able to reduce customer concerns by 80 percent and ultimately completed the project under budget by $3,000.

[Body] I have long been familiar with animal adoption centers and believe wholeheartedly in Animax’s mission. I have volunteered consistently at animal shelters since high school and am familiar with their processes. In college, I took several courses that I believe can be useful to the project manager role, including zoology and business administration. Working as a project manager in this field will allow me to expand my knowledge of the industry and assist in my ultimate goal of making the world a more livable place for shelter animals.

[Conclusion] I believe that my past experience, skill set, and passions make me a strong candidate for Animax’s team. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your time.


Sharpen your cover letter writing skills with Coursera

A cover letter is your chance to demonstrate your personality and highlight achievements that might not stand out on your resume. For a structured approach to writing a cover letter you're proud of, consider taking the Guided Project Create a Resume and Cover Letter with Google Docs on Coursera, which takes around two hours to complete.  

To strengthen other areas of your application, consider gaining t he job skills employers are looking for with Coursera Plus , a membership that offers unlimited access to over 7,000 courses, certifications, and hands-on projects. Learn from industry leaders like Google, Meta, and IBM. 

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    May 31, 2024 · A cover letter, also known as an application letter, is a three- to four-paragraph memo to employers explaining your interest in the job and company and your fitness for the role. It's typically submitted along with your resume in a job application.

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  9. to Write a Cover Letter: Complete Guide + Examples - JobHero">How to Write a Cover Letter: Complete Guide + Examples - JobHero

    Jan 2, 2025 · In this guide, you’ll learn how to write a cover letter for a job application and find writing tips and examples to help you make a lasting impression that gets you a callback. What is a Cover Letter? A cover letter is a formal business letter that builds on and augments your resume.

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