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You can write cover letters and resumes with ai (but should you).


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Ai is shockingly good at creating cover letters and resumes, is it wrong to use ai for your cover letter and resume, how to use ai to create top-notch cover letters and resumes, some companies use ai detection tools to scan cover letters, key takeaways.

  • ChatGPT can create decent resumes & cover letters from scratch and with minimal input.
  • ChatGPT might create falsehoods based on the job posting you show it, so make sure to delete the inaccuracies.
  • You can use ChatGPT to refine and improve personalized resumes and cover letters for job applications.

If you're on a job hunt, you know how tedious and time-consuming it is to write cover letters for every single job posting. Enter ChatGPT—it can save you countless hours by tailoring your resume and cover letter for each job application in just a few seconds. However, is there a catch?

Cover letters and resumes have a general layout and style that you should follow to come across as professional. ChatGPT can perfectly emulate that standardized style because it was trained on large amounts of data, which also includes thousands of cover letters and resume examples.

It knows all the patterns that make for a good cover letter or resume, and it'll apply those language patterns to your information to help you conform to standard job application forms.

All you have to do to create a half-decent cover letter or resume is give ChatGPT some information to work with. The recently added "Memory" feature , coupled with the " Custom Instructions " function, helps ChatGPT understand you and your writing style.

Still, you don't even have to use those features to create a resume or cover letter—just give ChatGPT some information relevant to your experience and ask politely . For example, you can copy-paste your current resume and a job posting and then ask it to create a cover letter based on the provided information.

Don't have a resume? Don't fret. You can ask ChatGPT to define a few important questions to help you create your first resume or use it to refine your existing one. Here's an example showing key pieces of information that should be in your resume:

ChatGPT showing questions for needed to create a resume.

Remember, your resume is a concise summary of essential personal information, your greatest achievements, relevant skills, and not much else. Even human-written resumes sound pretty robotic, so the results are more or less in line with the norm. For instance, I told ChatGPT to create a resume and gave it very little information to work with, and here are the results:

The reason why it knows about my hobbies is that I added them to "Custom Instructions." That being said, the experience, skills, and overall format are all ChatGPT's doing. While it's not an impressive resume by any means, it's way more than I expected considering how little information I gave it.

As for cover letters, the same general principles apply. It can easily turn a few sentences about your experience and a vague job description into a generic cover letter. Let's continue where we left off with our "resume" from above and write a cover letter for an imaginary job ad:

While it sounds as if a middle-schooler wrote it using a template, and you can't expect to land a half-decent job with something like this, it's a decent start. The most important information is at the top, the format is tidy, and ChatGPT even tried to establish a link between my relevant experience and the job requirements. I'll show you a few tricks and tips on how to make an outstanding resume and cover letter shortly.

The real question here is whether it's ethical to use AI for job applications. The main argument against AI-generated cover letters and resumes is that AI is prone to lying .

You see, much like humans, ChatGPT wants (you) to land the job, so it'll say that you possess the required skills and experience, even if you haven't actually done any of that. For instance, if a job posting has "Proficient in graphic design tools such as Canva," ChatGPT will say that you're a Canva expert in the cover letter, even if you've never used it. This happened to me on every single cover letter I created.

The flip side of this argument is that cover letters and resumes follow a highly formulaic structure. Using ChatGPT to assist you shouldn't significantly affect the outcome of your application as long as you've verified the information to be 100% true. Applicants have to send out an average of 100–200 job applications before they land a job, so ChatGPT speeds the process up quite a bit.

The worst part is that some recruiters won't even read your cover letter but will instead focus on your answers to the application questions. I briefly worked as a recruiter myself, and I'd only read a cover letter when I was on the fence. In such instances, the cover letter is there merely as a supplementary document that satisfies hiring norms. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide whether it's okay to use ChatGPT for your cover letter and resume. If you opt to use it, carefully proofread everything to make sure that there are no lies or half-truths in your job application.

I've shown you earlier how it's pretty easy to create a basic cover letter and resume with ChatGPT, but if you want to land a half-decent job, you'll still have to do some parts yourself. You might have heard the phrase "garbage in, garbage out," and the rule applies here as well. The trick to generating a good cover letter and resume with ChatGPT is to create the first draft yourself. In the case of a resume, write as much relevant information as you can about your skills and past work experience before handing it over to ChatGPT to process the data. Here's a quick example I came up with on the spot:

This is still pretty basic, as I haven't given ChatGPT enough information to work with, but it's serviceable. You can now ask it to identify gaps and help you improve the resume in general to make it even better. It'll give you actionable feedback you can implement immediately to improve your resume.

ChatGPT providing feedback on a resume it helped generate.

You can use these same general principles to create a killer cover letter as well. You can go back and forth with ChatGPT until you land on something that you like. You can treat ChatGPT the same way you'd treat a resume consultant. Once you're done generating, first make sure there are no errors in the text. After that, add some personal flair to make sure you stand out from other applicants.

Remember, other applicants also have access to ChatGPT and have likely used it to apply for the job, so you really need to make your cover letter unique and compelling to get hired. Pay particular attention to the first few paragraphs, as they can let your personality shine through the most. Also, note that some sections will probably sound robotic and "fake," so get rid of them.

Companies that care about whether you use AI to write your cover letter will scan it using AI detector tools. The tool can identify and flag text that sounds robotic based on patterns AI tools use.

However, these tools aren't perfect and will occasionally flag human-written text as AI as well, so your cover letter would get rejected anyway. This further underscores my point above that you must find a way to make your cover letter original, at least to some extent.

If you haven't tried ChatGPT on your resume yet, I strongly encourage you to do so now. Consult with ChatGPT to make your resume polished, compelling, and concise. Also, don't forget to use ChatGPT to make "bange"r cover letters by tailoring them to specific job postings and maximize your chances of getting hired while also saving time. Once you get used to your AI career advisor, you'll find it hard to apply to jobs the traditional way.

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Your cover letter still matters-here’s how to use ai to write it.

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Working with AI to craft a cover letter.

In 2024, do cover letters still matter? says that a cover letter is a one-page application document that can help clarify your qualifications - and some companies value cover letters more than others. The career blog says that, in 2024, you should include a cover letter in your job application 98% of the time . In contrast, an informal poll conducted by Forbes offers that 70% of respondents - a mix of recruiters, hiring managers and candidates - say that cover letters are unnecessary. And CNBC reports that 58% of workers say that cover letters aren’t a requirement - before encouraging you to write one anyway. Like most issues with multiple perspectives, the need for a cover letter boils down to one short answer: it depends . ATS (applicant tracking system) software scans for keywords , and so do recruiters and HR pros. If you are using a spray and pray approach, littering the internet with your keyword-dense CV, maybe a cover letter doesn’t matter. But, in some situations, leaving out a cover letter means missing an opportunity. For job seekers, ignoring your cover letter as a quaint idea from yesteryear is a mistake - especially when certain career circumstances exist. And using AI to write your story might just be the easiest way to tell it.

Consider Jeni’s recent interview for a director position, where she was invited by a friend (not in HR) for an informal interview, over coffee. The role is a position in marketing, where her written skills (crafting press releases, dealing with the media, evaluating brand campaigns) are part of the job description. “Send me your résumé, and a cover letter,” her friend says. Of course, Jeni’s résumé is important. So is her LinkedIn profile . But also, her ability to connect and communicate persuasively is displayed in her cover letter. For her position, communicating clearly in writing is a mission-critical skill. Plus, she has a connection to the company - something that can help “break the ice” for the hiring manager, not just HR .

Here are five reasons to include a cover letter:

  • It’s requested.
  • You feel it can increase your chances of getting an interview.
  • You are interviewing for a position where your writing skills and relationship-building skills will be evaluated.
  • You are interviewing for a senior position. Summaries of your skillset are part of the relationship-building that is central to your career success.
  • You are transitioning to a new industry , or you have little/no experience in the industry. A cover letter can help you to bridge a gap or clarify your interests.

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If I am trying to pound a nail, should I use my fist ...or a hammer? Today, AI is a tool that can help make things easier. When it comes to writing your cover letter, why not at least consider some guidance from an AI prompt?

Here are some simple guidelines for your favorite bot, like ChatGPT , Bard with Gemini , Kickresume or Grammarly . After you’ve created a cover letter, feed it into the slot where the magic happens and ask some clever AI questions. Play around with what you ask the AI , and see what fits best for you. It’s kinda lazy to just say, “Given this job description and my background in this industry, write my cover letter.” But of course, the AI will do what you ask - just feed it the relevant data for review and comparison. Remember, it will never be your best work until someone else has read it - and in this case, “someone else” means you:

  • Summarize the skills required in this job description into two categories: hard skills and soft skills. (here’s a good place to start - so you can see where you line up in terms of fit and skills)
  • Summarize the job skills with the appropriate experience on my résumé, citing company names and roles in my job history.
  • Write an introductory sentence expressing my interest in the position. (do you really need AI for that one, or did I just do it for you?) Or try this: Write five different ways to express enthusiasm and interest in the company and the position.
  • Summarize the hard and soft skills on my résumé and write a single, short paragraph on how my background and qualifications are a perfect fit for the job. (now the first paragraph is done)
  • Rewrite this cover letter to align my background with the job skills listed in the description. (You may need to offer those details and descriptions to the chatbot).
  • Write five different ways to request an interview, at the recruiter’s convenience.
  • Please write this cover letter in a way that is more compelling for a recruiter or hiring manager, based on my skills and background, in less than 200 words.

Ideally, you want to prompt the bot to help you to achieve some best practices around your story: Does this cover letter showcase my talents and skills, fit for the position, sincere desire for the role, and a clear request for next steps, in less than 200 words? What changes could make this cover letter: more precise? More concise? More compelling? Better aligned for the position? Choose the words that will help you most, and you’re on the right track.

The Advantages of a Cover Letter

There are three distinct advantages to having a well-written cover letter.

  • Building a Relationship with Your Employer: if you think your résumé speaks for itself, think again. The cover letter is like a handshake - it starts the conversation, and establishes rapport. Shorthand is cool via text, IYKYK, but some aspects of personal connection (like a cover letter) don’t need to be abbreviated - or ignored. Only you can decide if the role really merits a cover letter. If you decide to include one, on your own, make sure it’s a good reflection on your personal brand, your work ethic, and the skills you bring to the table.
  • Leveraging Existing Relationships: says that mutual connections can make hiring managers more lenient in considering you for the position. The cover letter is a perfect place to bring up those associations. In some cases, your cover letter can help introduce you as an insider - or at the very least, someone who is a “known quantity” by someone with the organization. Your résumé is what you say about yourself - but what others say often carries significant weight, in the hiring process.
  • Finding an Advantage when Changing Careers, or When You Don’t Have a Ton of Experience: not every candidate is going to be a perfect fit for every role. Don’t let that discourage you from going for what you want. According to, there are advantages to having little to no experience in the field. One of those advantages is that it’s easier for the company to shape you as one of their own, since you won’t have many work habits that will need to change. Telling a story of transferrable skills - and powerful interest - can begin with a cover letter. Especially if your fit might be hard to glean, based on your résumé.

The higher you go in an organization, the more important your writing skills may become. A cover letter, summarizing a significant list of accomplishments and work history, is no easy task. But at executive levels, where fit and relationships are crucial, don’t leave home without a concise cover letter. It’s like a written elevator pitch - a short, persuasive introduction to you and your work, supported by your résumé and demonstrated in the interview. In my book, Leadership Language , I talk about how your elevator pitch is simply a way to start the conversation. That’s what a well-written cover letter can do for your career: start a conversation.

It’s been said that the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. So, if career success matters to you, make sure that your cover letter reflects your attention to detail, your interest in the position, and your reasons why you are a good fit. That way, a cover letter isn’t yesterday’s news. It’s another business tool that gives you every possible opportunity to succeed.

Chris Westfall

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6 Common Mistakes Job Seekers Make When Using ChatGPT To Generate Cover Letters

ChatGPT can write effective cover letters, but first you must learn how to avoid these common pitfalls.

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Do you hate writing cover letters? Most job seekers do . So isn’t it a good idea to use an artificially intelligent bot like ChatGPT to help generate your cover letters?

Yes and no. 

This new and exciting technology can help you apply for jobs. But hopping onto ChatGPT without knowing how to properly use it can come back to haunt you.

In this article, we’ll go over the six most common mistakes people make when using ChatGPT to write their cover letters .  

What is ChatGPT and why should you use it?

ChatGPT is an artificially intelligent language model that can generate human-like responses to text-based prompts.

For example, if you type in the prompt “Should I write a cover letter when applying for a job?” ChatGPT will respond with something like this:

“Yes, it is generally recommended to write a cover letter when applying for a job, as it can help you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate your interest and qualifications for the position.”

This tool is not only free and easy to use, but it’s also massively popular. 

ChatGPT attracted over 100 million active users within the first two months of its launch in November 2022. This makes it the fastest-growing consumer app in history!

Why should you use ChatGPT to help you write your cover letters? 

Because it will save you time and effort. This will allow you to focus on other important aspects of your job search, like networking and researching companies.

Pro Tip: Want to save even more time and effort? Try Jobscan’s cover letter generator. This easy-to-use tool uses AI technology to generate a highly personalized cover letter for you with just one click!

It’s important to remember that ChatGPT is a tool, not an intelligent human being. 

Because ChatGPT seems so smart, people often make the following mistakes when using it to generate their cover letters.

The 6 most common mistakes people make when using ChatGPT for cover letters

All six of the following mistakes arise from one common misconception – that ChatGPT is capable of doing ALL the work for you. 

This is simply not true. 

ChatGPT is “not perfect,” when it comes to writing cover letters, says career coach Harrison Hughes , “B- range if I am being honest. However, B- for what essentially should be treated as a first draft is not bad at all.”

Remember, ChatGPT is only a tool that can help you write a cover letter – it’s not the complete answer.

Mistake #1 – Using only the job description to generate your cover letter

The easiest way to generate your cover letter using ChatGPT is to simply paste the job description into the prompt box. Then tell the bot to write a cover letter for that particular job . 

At first glance, the cover letter ChatGPT generates for you might appear to be good. 

But there are two problems with this approach: 

1) The letter won’t reflect your accomplishments and experience.

2) You’ll probably be found out by the hiring manager.

One employer received a cover letter that seemed a little too perfect. She then pasted the job description into ChatGPT and received back— the exact same cover letter!

“I knew it was written by a bot because the cover letter was just verbatim repeating the job description, with no details about the applicant.”

Don’t do this! At the very least you need to paste your resume along with the job description into ChatGPT. 

By analyzing your resume, ChatGPT can then incorporate your skills, experiences, and qualifications into the cover letter. 

Mistake #2 – Using only your resume to generate your cover letter

This is the opposite of the first mistake. Sometimes job seekers will prompt ChatGPT using only their resume and nothing else. 

Again, the bot will return a fairly well-written cover letter. But the letter will basically just regurgitate your resume. This won’t impress hiring managers.

Even worse, some people will use this same cover letter for all their job applications. 

First of all, your cover letter should support, not regurgitate, your resume. It can do this by supplying additional information about your qualifications, accomplishments, and experience.

Second, cover letters should be tailored to the job you’re applying to. This means highlighting the skills and attributes that would make you a great fit for that specific role.

A cover letter based solely on your resume doesn’t fulfill either of those needs.

At the very least, you should use both your resume and the job description to prompt ChatGPT. 

Jobscan’s cover letter generator does all this for you with just a single click . It uses AI-powered technology to create a personalized cover letter for you that is perfectly tailored to the job you’re applying for.   

Check out this brief video to see how our cover letter generator works:

 Even then, there’s still more work to do if you want a cover letter that will actually get you an interview.

Mistake #3 – Not adding a personal touch to the cover letter

While ChatGPT is an amazing tool, it doesn’t have much of a personality. In other words, the content it generates can be generic and boring to read.

“AIs are brilliant at being average,” says Neil Taylor , the founder of the UK-based communications company Schwa. “If you’re writing something that actually needs to stand out…it’s not going to cut the mustard.”

Again, while ChatGPT can give you a solid first draft of a cover letter to work with, it’s up to you to inject some of your personality into it.

Here are some things you can do to make your cover letter reflect your unique voice and experiences: 

  • Personalize the opening by briefly explaining why you are interested in the position and how you’d be a great fit.
  • Highlight your achievements , awards, or certificates that are relevant to the position. 
  • Use numbers or metrics to provide concrete evidence of your skills and abilities.
  • Share stories of how past experiences have prepared you for this role. 
  • Match the job requirements with your specific qualifications and skills.  
  • Explain why you are passionate about the industry/company.
  • Showcase your extracurricular activities such as volunteer work or hobbies that make you stand out from the rest.
  • Discuss how your values align with the company’s mission and goals.
  • Conclude with an enthusiastic statement that conveys excitement for the opportunity.

Remember, the whole point of a cover letter is to display your personality and show why you are the best candidate for the position. 

By adding a personal touch, you can make your cover letter more memorable and impactful.

Mistake #4 – Don’t misrepresent yourself in your cover letter

What happens when you give ChatGPT prompts that are too broad or vague?

It makes stuff up.

For example, if you ask ChatGPT to write a cover letter for an accounting position, it might say that you have experience using QuickBooks – even though you’ve never used it.

Why would ChatGPT do this? Maybe Quickbooks was mentioned in the job description. Or maybe the bot just assumes you know QuickBooks since it’s a popular accounting software. 

It’s not uncommon for ChatGPT to make assumptions about your experience, skills, and knowledge that don’t reflect reality . 

Even if you provide ChatGPT with your resume and other details, it can still misrepresent you. 

It might be tempting to accept all of ChatGPT’s suggestions , even if they’re not true. But YOU are ultimately responsible for what goes in your cover letter. 

You must check to make sure that all of the facts and information in your cover letter are true and accurate.

Don’t blame ChatGPT for inaccuracies found in your cover letter! 

Mistake #5 – Using ChatGPT’s tone of voice in your cover letter

ChatGPT has been trained to produce coherent and grammatically correct sentences. 

But those sentences won’t necessarily reflect your tone of voice.

If you are using ChatGPT to generate your cover letter, try to insert your own personality and voice into it as much as you can. The letter will be more effective if you do. 

Here are some tips on how to insert your voice into your cover letter:

  • Read through your cover letter , highlight the parts that don’t feel like you, and rewrite them using language that feels more natural.
  • Add personal anecdotes and experiences that are relevant to the job you’re applying to. 
  • Use language that reflects your sense of humor, creativity, or other personal qualities.
  • Use active voice and strong verbs to make your cover letter more dynamic. Passive voice and weak verbs make your writing sound flat.
  • Get feedback from people who know you. They’ll tell you when your cover letter doesn’t sound like you.

Mistake #6 – Not making your cover letter ATS-friendly

What does ATS mean?

It stands for “application tracking system”. This is computer software that most companies use these days to help them manage the hiring process.  

When you submit your job application it doesn’t go to a human being – it goes directly into an ATS database. Hiring managers then search the database for suitable job candidates by typing in keywords related to that job. 

For example, an employer searching for an administrative assistant might type in “data entry” or “MS office”. If your cover letter includes those keywords it will show up as a result.

Where do you find these keywords that will optimize your cover letter for the ATS? In the job description. 

This is why you should always include the job description as a prompt when asking ChatGPT to generate your cover letter.

Don’t make the mistake of assuming ChatGPT will always add the most relevant keywords to your cover letter. After all, it doesn’t know what ATS is or how it works!

Always check the job description yourself or use a resume scanner to make sure your letter contains the keywords hiring managers are searching for the most.  

NOTE : Check out our cover letter examples page , which covers a wide range of jobs, industries, and situations.

Key Takeaways

Despite the pros and cons of using ChatGPT discussed in this article, overall it’s a great tool that can help you save time and effort when writing your cover letters.

Remember, ChatGPT is great at creating first drafts – not polished final versions. 

You’ll still need to add your own personality, check for inaccuracies, and fill in missing information. 

If you want to be sure to avoid the common mistakes listed in this article, try using Jobscan’s cover letter generator . 

Powered by AI technology, Jobscan uses industry best practices to create cover letters that will get you more job interviews. It does this by….

  • Analyzing both your resume and the job description.
  • Tailoring each letter to the specific job you’re applying for.
  • Focusing only on the skills you have listed on your resume.
  • Featuring your most relevant accomplishments and measurable results.
  • Creating a cover letter that is keyword-rich and ATS-friendly.
  • Organizing all your cover letters in one place for easy access. 

Jobscan is a powerful tool that can quickly generate strong cover letters. As with any AI tool, we recommend that you still take the time to review and customize it before sending it off.  

With Jobscan’s cover letter generator , you’ll be able to get a quality cover letter while avoiding many of the mistakes others make by doing it alone.

More expert insights on this topic:


Should You Actually Use ChatGPT to Generate Your Cover Letter? (11 Pros and Cons)


How to Use ChatGPT to Write Your Cover Letter

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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I tested 5 AI resume builders to help get a job — here's what happened

Here’s how to apply for a job using AI

Man holding resume in front of a computer

I long for the day when I’ll wake up in the morning and get my AI ready to go to work for me . Until that time comes, the least AI could do for me today is to help me land a job I like.

Not everyone is a fan of resume and cover letters, but they remain staples in many recruitment processes.

For years, employers have also been using forms of AI to filter through these documents in order to narrow down the pool of applications they receive for any given vacancy. 

The latest advances in generative AI mean that right now employees can leverage AI tools at their disposal to empower themselves in the job-hunting process.

I wanted to see how powerful these tools are. To find out, I created a shortlist of AI resume and cover letter builders that I wanted to try. Tom’s Guide believes in fair fights, so I used each of them as though I was applying for the same job with the same profile.

A target was required and I found a LinkedIn ad for a real job as a remote Software Engineer with generative AI responsibilities at Meta (formerly Facebook) that looked promising.

The role asked for a candidate with over two years of coding experience and over two years of building large-scale applications. More experience was required in designing and completing medium to large features without guidance. Meta was looking for a candidate with, or in the process of obtaining, a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalent practical experience. In exchange, the company was offering a salary between $116k and $168k per year.

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I created a fictitious aspiring Meta software engineer, Tamsin Smith, in order to have some kind of profile I could submit to the AI. Smith holds two Stanford University degrees in computing science, completed an internship with Twitter and has been working at Google as a software engineer since 2019. 

If that’s not enough for Mark Zuckerberg to give her an offer, she also leads a local scouting group in her free time.

With an actual job ad and an alter ego in hand, I was ready to start reviewing AI tools. Read on to find out which tools I used, what they produced and my thoughts on their performance.

Resume created by

My first attempt was with since it offers a free basic service and I wanted to check if the way I designed the review could work in principle. And it did!

Right after confirming my email, I was creating Tamsin Smith’s first resume.

I was presented with a choice between a “Job-Tailored Resume” and a “General Purpose Resume”; I went with the first choice as it was exactly what this test was about. It asked me for the role and company I’m targeting but I was blindsided when Rezi asked me to insert a job application I’d written for the role. Isn’t this something the AI should be doing for me?

I finished this side quest and then added basic details like my name and email, followed by my previous work experience. Here’s when I first encountered signs of AI life in the form of a bullet point generator to further explain my role. 

Rezi went on to ask me to add details on projects I’d worked on, my education history, certifications, coursework, involvement in other organizations, and my skills.

The next exciting step was the summary section, where I gladly let the AI take control. It was nothing I couldn’t have come up with myself if I simply wanted to summarize my resume, but it at least merits a pass mark. (I wanted to ask the AI to write a cover letter for me based on the finished resume but that feature requires a subscription.)

Overall Rezi marked the resume it produced at 87 out of 100, which I think is a bit too generous. If you have a rough idea of what you want your resume to look like, by all means, use Rezi so you don’t have to worry about the formatting. It might also provide a helpful AI-generated bullet point or two along the way.

If you were worried that not using Rezi’s AI was the one thing stopping you from getting your dream job, rest assured that (at least with its free version) this is not the case.

My score: 3/5

Resume created by Resumaker

“Designed templates that will get you hired at the world's leading companies,” Resumaker proudly displayed on its homepage. I also had to pay ($0.99) to download my resume and cover letter. Surely, I was on the verge of getting Tamsin hired?

By now I’d gotten the hang of inserting details like my education and work history. In this regard, little separates the resume builders tested here.

The AI kicked in to provide me with text I could insert as accomplishments in my jobs and as the headline summary. The latter left much to be desired but at least it was presentable. Resumaker didn’t offer to beef up my volunteering section so I had to write that part manually. As a whole, the resume felt a bit dry but at least it was presentable.

However, it’s a good thing this service isn’t called Coverlettermaker. Every sentence it generated started with either an “I am” or “I have”. When you’re working with such a structure, there’s only so much you can do to make the rest more exciting. Furthermore, it left the [Company Name] field for me to fill in. AI that’s supposed to help me land a job in a highly competitive market should come with higher standards. claims that thousands of applications it created landed people jobs. If there’s any truth to that, then on the bright side we really shouldn’t be overthinking what we’re sending to hiring managers.

Resume created by Teal

The main question I asked myself before deciding whether each AI builder deserved a pass mark was: Can I send out the résumé as is? 

Teal didn’t quite make the cut here.

It asked me to connect the specific job I was applying for from LinkedIn to the resume and it started analyzing the job ad for keywords I should include. Fantastic! I was ready for a made-to-measure summary, past accomplishments, and cover letter — the areas where I wanted the AI to work its magic.

Unfortunately, this is where I felt let down. In the headline summary, Teal ended up giving me a compilation of the achievements it had previously generated but also prominently added that I had expertise in “work authorization”. The AI thought the right to work in the U.S. requirement from Meta’s job description was a hard skill. 

It scored its own resume at 79%.

As far as its cover letter goes, I appreciated that I could generate it for free without having to spend time adding more details than I already had. However, the result was something I could have just as easily written myself.

My score: 2/5

Resume created by Kickresume

The last AI resume maker I wanted to test was Kickresume, which had the highest monthly fee out of the lot at $19 per month. You can bring that down by paying an annual lump sum that brings the pricing down to $9 a month or, as I did, utilize the free trial version. 

Right when I was losing hope in the resume generators, Kickresume lifted my spirits.

Its helpful AI writer was alongside me from start to finish, offering handy suggestions for work accomplishments, explaining my certifications, and also suggesting skills I should list specifically for a software engineering position. I ended up with a clean-looking CV and I didn’t even have to break a sweat.

Kickresume gave the resume it generated a score of 88/100.

If I’m in a pinch and need a new resume that I don’t have to scan for AI-generated sentences that would land me in the "rejected" pile, is the first website I’ll be visiting.

I wanted to add a nice cherry to the cake, so I asked Kickresume to create a cover letter using the great resume it made. But this is where I was underwhelmed. 

While devoid of grammatical errors, I felt as though the AI didn’t take the résumé and job description I gave into consideration. It provided me with a few short lines that didn’t even name-drop Tamsin’s fictitious stints at Twitter and Google. You wouldn’t even know she completed two degrees at Stanford. Based on my positive experience with the résumé, I couldn’t believe this was the same AI content generator.

My score: 4/5

Resume created by ChatGPT

No subscriptions. No plugins. I wanted to see how well the free version of OpenAI ’s ChatGPT would do against the four dedicated AI resume and cover letter generators listed above.

I tweaked a prompt that I found online and, in 161 words, I asked the AI for a first draft of my new resume. I then asked the chatbot to refine its work based on the job description I gave it to make my resume less generic. In seconds, I had my second draft.

Since ChatGPT only gave me a plain text version of my resume, I then pasted what it gave me into a template from one of the previous builders.

I’m happy to announce that both myself and Tamsin were very pleased with the results. The resume easily rivals the ones generated from the other services I tested. I wouldn’t have minded some text to beef up the education section to explain what I had learned at Stanford. Also, the line pointing out that Meta was previously called Facebook is something I would never have included in a resume intended for Meta’s eyes. Other than that, ChatGPT gave me decent results in the shortest amount of time.

I was especially impressed with the cover letter I asked ChatGPT to craft for me. It was perhaps a bit too long for some tastes but it was arguably the most well-rounded out of the five.

Honorary score: 4/5

The verdict

There have already been reports of people using AI to write resumes and cover letters who ended up getting hired for the positions they’ve applied for, and I’m not surprised. But as this test has shown, a website’s claim that it uses AI to provide a service is not some kind of guarantee of the level of service you can expect. 

Shop around when looking for AI resume and cover letter writers. Perhaps combine two or more of them to leverage each one’s specific strengths. But add the finishing touches yourself.

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Christoph Schwaiger is a journalist who mainly covers technology, science, and current affairs. His stories have appeared in Tom's Guide, New Scientist, Live Science, and other established publications. Always up for joining a good discussion, Christoph enjoys speaking at events or to other journalists and has appeared on LBC and Times Radio among other outlets. He believes in giving back to the community and has served on different consultative councils. He was also a National President for Junior Chamber International (JCI), a global organization founded in the USA. You can follow him on Twitter @cschwaigermt.

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using ai for cover letters reddit

I asked ChatGPT to write my cover letters. 2 hiring managers said they would have given me an interview but the letters lacked personality.

  • An updated version of the AI chatbot ChatGPT was recently released to the public. 
  • I got the chatbot to write cover letters for real jobs and asked hiring managers what they thought.
  • The managers said they would've given me a call but that the letters lacked personality.

Insider Today

A new version of an artificial-intelligence chatbot from OpenAI , ChatGPT, has had the internet in a frenzy over the past few weeks.

Praised by users for its impressive range of knowledge and easy-to-use format, people have been using the chatbot to write code , news articles , and even college essays .

I decided to test out its usefulness for one of the more boring tasks in life — applying for jobs. Cover letters, while widely hated, are one of the most time-consuming requirements on an application. 

I gave ChatGPT some real job descriptions and a few brief sentences about my made-up experience. I then sent the cover letters to hiring managers to see what they thought. 

Hiring managers would have followed up

Both of the recruiters who looked at the two AI-generated cover letters, one for a social-media assistant and the other for a purchase-ledger clerk, said they seemed like they were written by genuine candidates.

"We would likely think this was written by a genuine candidate and follow up with a screening call," Chris Willsher, a recruitment expert at the UK recruiting company Reed, said.

"The structure of the letter is good," he added. "But it lacks some detail around the company they're applying for." 

Stephanie Petry, the director of talent attraction at the software platform Jobber, agreed that ChatGPT's application for the ledger-clerk position was pretty good.

"I would likely send the ledger-clerk candidate through to the next round so I could get a better feel for their personality during the interview process," she said.

Petry wasn't so keen on ChatGPT's cover letter for the social-media-assistant role. 

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"Their writing style is not what I would expect from someone in that role," she said. "Their tone is too formal and dry, and I'd expect them to show more creativity and character."

The letters lacked personality 

Both Willsher and Petry said the letters lacked personality and research about the companies. 

"It lacks the personal touch where we learn about a candidate's human experiences, anecdotal evidence to back up their skills, and passion for the role," Willsher said.

Petry added that the cover letters sounded too stiff. She said they seemed like they were written by a junior candidate.

She added: "They lack character and seem almost too formal and professional that I'd want to get to know the person a bit better."

Willsher said candidates would be better off using AI to generate a template to draft a job application.

He said: "While AI can be a real bonus for candidates, we'd recommend that they use AI to generate a template which they can check and build on to paint the best picture of themselves."

Watch: Why this robot could save your life one day

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Best AI Cover Letter Generator to Impress Hiring Manager


Cover letter generator is a tool used to easily create a professional cover letter. A cover letter generator provides users with a template that is simple to customize so that it can be adapted to various job opportunities.

A cover letter generator has 4 prime benefits, as mentioned below.

  • Simplicity of interface so that users do not have to spend time navigating.
  • Customization options and grammatical accuracy checkers.
  • It saves time as users do not have to think about the draft.
  • Includes keyword-driven writing with a professional tone.

The Geekflare team has compiled this list of the best AI cover letter generators based on the simplicity of the user interface, extensions provided, content customization options, and interview preparation resources.

  • CoverDoc.AI – Best for Interview Preparation Resources
  • Rezi – Best for Providing a Human-based Review
  • Grammarly – Best for Grammatically Accurate Writing
  • ResumAI – Best for Generating Tailored Content
  • Cover Letter – Best for Multiple Cover Letter Examples
  • Kickresume – Best for Quick Resume Drafting
  • Cover Letter AI – Best for Personalizing Cover Letters in Any Language
  • LazyApply – Best for Multi-Tone Options
  • Your Cover Letter – Best for Simple User Interface
  • Careered – Best for Quick Cover Letter Generation
  • CoverPro AI – Best for Chrome Extension
  • Cover Letter Copilot – Best for Customization Options
  • Show more Show less

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Best for interview preparation resources.

CoverDoc.AI is an AI-powered cover letter generator that not only helps users write professional cover letters but features interview prep and compensation codebreakers too. Even if you are not a native English speaker, it is possible to access the prep content as translated versions are provided.


CoverDoc.AI does not just provide users with writing that is clear and concise but adds elements like job-hunting resources and company insights. These additional resources raise it above a standard AI content generator. Besides, its content generation process is an easy three-step piece where the details are filled in by the user, the letter is then autogenerated, and then it needs to be checked.

CoverDoc.AI links users’ LinkedIn accounts with a skill set that can be edited in Google Docs when applying for a job. Users are provided with company intel so that they are provided a competitive edge. So that users secure the salary they deserve, CoverDoc.AI provides compensation evaluation and offers negotiation email drafting as well.

CoverDoc.AI Pros

Easy to use interface with various writing styles to suit user needs.

Using the compensation codebreaker, users can be sure that they are paid compensation as per industry standards.

Provides interview prep so that users are able to do well for the next step.

CoverDoc.AI Cons

Being an AI-based tool, users need to verify the content before sending it.

The user would need to modify some parts of the writing to lend it a more human touch.

CoverDoc.AI Pricing

CoverDoc.AI has three pricing plans, as are mentioned below:

StarterFREE2 cover letters, limited interview prep.
Monthly$9.99/month20 cover letters per month, 10 compensation evaluations, company insights, and interview prep.
Pay As You Go$3/credit5 cover letters credits, 2 compensation evaluations.

Best for Providing a Human-based Review

Rezi is an AI cover letter generator that allows users to generate a cover letter based on their resume within seconds, as the targeted job title and company are the only additional details required. The final cover letter is accessible in .docx and PDF format upon being exported.


Rezi offers an automated process so that the task of creating multiple cover letters is simplified in 3 short steps. It gives the user a choice to highlight certain aspects of the resume, like the current position and education or skills, for optimum keyword coverage.

Considering the quantum of cover letters a user needs, Rezi has 255+ cover letter samples in its library so you have an easier starting point. Once you are done, you have the choice to get a second opinion from a human reviewer, too.

Provides customization to match fonts and color accents of one’s resume.

Multiple export/download formats from .DOCX to .PDF and Google Drive.

Ensures users have a tailored cover letter for each position with options to have a human review it.

The free plan is limited to a single resume.

There is a limit on the AI credits available.

Rezi Pricing

Rezi provides three pricing plans and an alternate pricing plan for teams.

StarterFREENo card is required.
Pro$29/monthProvides access to all features with unlimited AI credits. Free monthly review provided.
Lifetime$249One-time payment to access all the features.
Team PricingCustom5+ seats provided. Suitable for universities and organizations.

Best for Grammatically Accurate Writing

Grammarly has a free cover letter generator tool that only requires details like the resume, job designation and job description. The job details should include the job responsibilities so that a proper letter is generated.


There are two covers letter drafts provided by Grammarly in case users would rather not upload their resume and just modify the drafts to suit their purpose instead.

Grammarly Pros

Straightforward process.

Samples cover letter drafts provided.

Grammatical accuracy is maintained.

Grammarly Cons

Limited cover letter examples.

Does not support upload of PDF resumes.

Grammarly Pricing

Grammarly cover letter generator is free but the additional features for improving writing style have pricing plans.

Best for Generating Tailored Content

ResumAI has more than 300+ example resumes for users to choose from, apart from the option to use their existing resume. Its AI writer creates full cover letters while providing summaries and bullet points, too.


ResumAI adds keywords to your resume so that you have a new resume ready which is impactful and customizable as per your needs. Based on the resume that you create, a tailored cover letter is then generated.

ResumAI does not just ensure that you have a cover letter that is suitable for the job description that you are applying too. It first leads users through resume creation so that the resume too is tailored to fit the job being applied to.

ResumAI Pros

340+ real-life resume templates to choose from.

Allows the creation of a free resume.

Provides AI resume builder so that users have tailored resumes too.

ResumAI Cons

Limited to one resume when using the free plan.

The user will have to review the final content.

ResumAI Pricing

ResumAI’s pricing features two plans as have been mentioned below.

Free FREENo card required. Create a free resume that is downloadable and will be in the standard format.
Pro$29/monthResume & cover letter builder, AI writer, real-time content analysis, keyword targeting, several templates, and unlimited downloads.

Cover Letter

Best for multiple cover letter examples.

Cover Letter is a cover letter generator that uses details like company position, name, position description, and qualifications to generate the perfect cover letter.


If a user were to have to resource, add in, and format the details, the process of creation of the cover letter would certainly be longer than it is with Cover Letter’s easy-to-use interface.

Cover Letter Pros

Even the free version provides access to cover letter examples.

Users do not have to worry about formatting; all they need to do is enter a few details.

The user interface is straightforward.

Cover Letter Cons

It does not create a cover letter based on the resume.

Cover Letter Pricing

Cover Letter provides unlimited access for 12 months at $15. This is a one-time fee and comes with priority phone and email support.

You can even try it for free from its website.

Best for Quick Resume Drafting

Kickresume is powered by GPT-4 from OpenAI and so is able to produce resumes that have a human touch to them. Based on the job description, resume content needs to be modified, and this is where Kickresume provides users with an unbeatable advantage.


There are 40+ resume templates provided by Kickresume, which are customizable as well. Plus, users have the benefit of using the AI Resume Writer, so writer’s block should never be an issue.

The mobile version of Kickresum is available on iOS and Android. It has a resume checker which compares your resume with the successful ones in the database. The resume is scored and personalized tips are provided as how to improve it.

Kickresume Pros

400+ job-specific resume and cover letter guides.

1500+ cover letter and resume examples.

Users do not need to type a single word using the AI cover letter builder.

Kickresume Cons

Lacks template-editing options.

Limited characters for job titles and descriptions.

Kickresume Pricing

Kickresume’s pricing plans start from free to yearly as are mentioned below.

FreeFREE4 basic resume templates & matching cover letter templates, 20,000 pre-written phrases, 1,500+ resume examples, unlimited downloads.
Monthly $19/month4 basic resume templates & matching cover letter templates, 20,000 pre-written phrases, 1,500+ resume examples, and unlimited downloads.
Quaterly$13/monthAdditional feature – you can provide a friend with Kickresume Premium.
Yearly$7/monthAdditional feature – you can provide 5 friends with Kickresume Premium.

Cover Letter AI

Best for personalizing cover letters in any language.

Cover Letter AI is a simple cover letter generation tool powered by AI. Users have to copy-paste their CVs to begin the process. If the CV cannot be copied, there is an option to upload and convert it to text too.


Cover Letter AI Pros

Provides cover letter generation in any language.

Data stays safe as it is not stored on their servers.

If you do not have a text-accessible copy of your CV, you can create the same.

Cover Letter AI Cons

Tweaks are necessary to make the cover letter read more human.

Cannot take the AI-generated copy as final as it is better used for suggestions

Cover Letter AI has 3 pricing plans as below.

FreeFREEGenerate up to 1 cover letter from the 1-generation credit assigned. Credits never expire, and every new user gets 1 generation credit.
Starter€5/monthGenerate up to 25 cover letters using the 25 generation credits provided. 25 credits are provided on top of the free credits provided.
Growth€9.6/monthGenerate up to 60 cover letters as 60 generation credits are assigned. 60 credits are added on top of the free credits. Credits never expire.

Best for Multi-Tone Options

LazyApply provides users with an AI cover letter generator and cover letter examples that users could email themselves or download as a PDF. It bifurcates its cover letter examples into categories based on job profiles.


The best part of LazyApply’s cover letter generator is that though it is powered by GPT-3 it is free to use. Despite its being free, there are many tones that one can select so that the final output is customized to some extent.

LazyApply Pros

Cover letter examples could be emailed or downloaded.

Easy to use interface.

Free generation of cover letters.

LazyApply Cons

Does not provide advanced customizations.

There is no feedback mechanism in place.

LazyApply Pricing

LazyApply’s cover letter creator tools is free.

Your Cover Letter

Best for simple user interface.

Your Cover Letter is an easy-to-use free cover letter generator with a user interface that is simple and allows users to have their letter generated in 30 seconds. All you have to do is sign up by providing your email ID and then upload your resume to begin the process.


While initially, you can upload one resume, Your Cover Letter does have the option to add more later.

Your Cover Letter Pros

It is free to use.

Simple user interface.

You can add as many resumes as you want.

Your Cover Letter Cons

Only PDF resumes can be uploaded.

While uploading there can be issues in processing the PDF resume.

Your Cover Letter Pricing

Your Cover Letter is a free cover letter generator.

Best for Quick Cover Letter Generation

Careered is a free tool that allows users to create a cover letter by simply pasting the job listing and a copy of their resume.


Alternatively, Careered allows users to paste a copy of their LinkedIn information if they do not have a resume handy.

Careered Pros

It is a free tool.

Allows users to create an interview thank you letter too.

If users do not have a resume, they are allowed to copy-paste their LinkedIn details.

Careered Cons

Lacks customization or changes in tone.

Does not have a review feature.

Careered Pricing

Careered is a free AI cover letter generator.

CoverPro AI

Best for chrome extension.

CoverPro AI is free and provides a Chrome extension so that you are able to create without navigating elsewhere. Its AI analyzes the job post and then generates a job-specific and tailored letter accordingly.


Once users upload their resume, they need to just go to the job posting site and click on the extension button to have the custom cover letter created.

CoverPro AI Pros

Works for any job posting on the internet.

Resume only needs to be uploaded once.

CoverPro AI Cons

Lacks customization options.

The browser extension is available only for Chrome.

CoverPro AI Pricing

CoverPro AI is a free tool.

Cover Letter Copilot

Best for customization options.

Cover Letter Copilot needs two details to create a cover letter: the resume and the job description. The cover letter is generated by AI, and then can be further modified by the user before being saved or downloaded in a PDF version.


While it does provide a free version, it is very basic and the optimized versions and GPT access are availed only with the paid versions.

Cover Letter Copilot Pros

Allows easy modifications of the AI-generated cover letter.

It has a built-in text editor with no need to transfer to Google Docs.

Cover Letter Copilot Cons

The free version allows users to create only one cover letter a day.

Does not provide any review or feedback on the final cover letter created.

Cover Letter Copilot Pricing

Cover Letter Copilot offers 3 pricing plans as below.

Casual LookerFREE1 cover letter per day.
Active Seeker$4/monthUnlimited cover letters, saved cover letters, optimized writing styles, prioritized help support, and GPT-3.5 access.
Elite Navigator$6/monthAll the previous features plus GPT-4 powered customization, salutation preferences, word count specificity, advanced control over output of the cover letter.

What is an AI Cover Letter Generator? 

AI cover letter generator uses Artificial Intelligence-based algorithms to create personalized, customized, and compelling automatically to make jobseekers’ jobs easier. 

When you provide your details to the tool, like relevant skills, experience, the job title, the organization’s name, and qualifications, AI cover letter generators generate cover letters tailored to the specific job application for which you wish to apply. 

This process significantly reduces the time to write impressive cover letters, especially when applying for multiple job roles. 

Thus, AI cover letter generators are highly time-efficient and powerful tools that automate the process of creating professional and personalized cover letters. 

What are the Limitations of an AI Cover Letter Generator?

The main limitation of AI cover letter generators is the lack of personalization when it comes to tailoring content to meet the specific needs of industry nuances. AI might not be able to highlight the best aspects of your experience or understand their significance. Hence, human review and intervention is a requirement.

How to Choose the Right AI Cover Letter Generator?

For choosing the right AI cover letter generator, these are the factors to consider:

  • Features: Personalization options are a must, as the cover letter needs to be tailored to a specific job position or company. If integration options are provided with resume builders, it is a plus, especially if you have options to tweak your resume, too. Apart from that, having industry-specific templates, grammar and plagiarism checks, and an option to modify the style and control the tone are other features to look for.
  • Price: A free trial is a good option as you get a chance to actually experience how the product works before committing. If a trial is not possible, you need to consider whether the paid features are really worth it. In this case, it is better to compare the pricing structure, discounts, and offerings with other brands.
  • Interface: The main reason you are opting for AI tools is convenience, so the tool needs to be easy to use with a user interface that doesn’t need much navigation or learning. The number and types of input requirements should be checked, as well as how much editing and customization is possible.
  • Security: The generator should have a secure platform so that the personal information is protected.
  • Support: Opt for a company that offers customer support so that if you do face any hang-ups along the way, you at least have a point for query resolution.

Can AI Create a Resume?

Yes, AI can create resumes, though reviewing cannot be done away with. AI resume builder helps users create a resume quickly without needed to spend time on formatting and organizing content.

Templates and customization options help users create an eye-catching resume in a matter of seconds, which is a good base for the final version. Of course, personal achievements, experience, etc., that are most relevant might be missed, but these can easily be added in by the user.

Professional cover letters are still relevant as they are one of the most crucial aspects of a job application that can provide a competitive edge to an application and increase the chances of getting selected. 

However, a word of caution: it is advisable to check the cover letter before sending it, as AI content needs to be proof checked to ensure that it is accurate. Information cross-check is a given when using any AI-based tool.

If you’re hunting for a job or looking to switch to another company of your dreams, the AI cover letter generators mentioned in this article can help accelerate the process. You can also create personalized and unique cover letters to help you bag that job. 

Learn More on Getting Job Ready

  • AI Job Search Tools
  • AI Interview Preparation Platforms


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    For me, writing the bullshit is the most demotivating part of applying for a job. So, if you are going to be sending out hundreds of applications, it may be worth giving AI a try. Also, you can use it to write email responses as well (even in foreign languages).

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    Then go on to write, "take that last cover letter and add in specific examples from my resume" and paste your resume. Damn, that is smart, I am gonna try it out later today, thanks! You don't even need AI, just write one cover letter template and adjust the template as necessary.

  12. AI Cover Letter Generator

    Grammarly's cover letter generator uses AI writing assistance to help you quickly craft a quality cover letter for the job you want.

  13. I tested 5 AI resume builders to help get a job

    Can artificial intelligence help your career? We used five different platforms to create resumes and cover letters for a high-paying tech job.

  14. AI Cover Letter Generators: 7 Best Options for 2024

    Key takeaways. AI cover letter generators use advanced algorithms to make professional cover letters cost-effectively. Top AI cover letter generator platforms include LiveCareer, Careerflow, Easy-Peasy.AI, ChatGPT, CVMaker, Resumonk and Wepik.

  15. Cover Better

    AI generated, custom, and professional cover letters written in under 30 seconds using only your resume and a job description. Save time, book more interviews, and land the job of your dreams in no time... Try Cover Better today!

  16. ChatGPT Wrote My Cover Letters. Here's How Recruiters Responded

    An updated version of the AI chatbot ChatGPT was recently released to the public. I got the chatbot to write cover letters for real jobs and asked hiring managers what they thought. The managers ...

  17. Job seekers

    Your lack of success in the job hunt has nothing to do with a chatbot writing your cover letter. Anyone who thinks they can always tell the difference with any degree of certainty is wrong and greatly underestimates the use of AI in composing documents for business use and in creating composite documents where AI spits out basic form and structure and the author edits and embellishes the document.

  18. Free Cover Letter Generator: Create Yours in Under 5 Minutes

    Learn how to write a compelling cover letter in under 5 minutes with this free generator. Customize your letter, impress recruiters, and land your dream job.

  19. Has anyone here used AI tools to help write their cover letters?

    Write a persuasive cover letter that is less than 150 words tailored for this job description given below. Also, use the resume below to add details about my achievements and experience in the related field. Job Description: [Paste The Job Description] Resume: [Paste Your Resume] Currently on the job hunt and, honestly, cover letters are my ...

  20. Best AI Cover Letter Generator to Impress Hiring Manager

    Create the perfect cover letter effortlessly with the top AI cover letter generators for professional, personalized job applications.

  21. Should I use AI to write my cover letters? : r/UKJobs

    I think using AI to help you write a cover letter is perfectly OK. It's something that I have done and gotten interviews as a result, which is the main purpose of a cover letter. However, I did find that the AI's cover letter needed some serious editing both to remove the Americanisms and to personalise it to my talents.

  22. Should job candidates be restricted from using generative AI?

    The most common use for AI tools is for writing or refining a resume, cited by 40% of the respondents, followed by finding relevant job openings (37%), writing or refining a cover letter (33%), and conducting mock interviews (31%).