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What is the Difference Between a PhD Candidate and a PhD Student?

PhD student and a PhD candidate

Pursuing a doctoral degree is a significant academic achievement that requires years of dedicated study, research, and intellectual rigour. Within the realm of doctoral studies, the terms ‘PhD candidate’ and ‘PhD student’ are commonly used, often interchangeably. However, a closer examination reveals that there are nuanced differences between these two designations. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for both prospective doctoral students and those seeking to comprehend the various stages of the doctoral journey.

In this article, we delve into the disparity between a PhD candidate and a PhD student, shedding light on the roles, responsibilities, and progression associated with each stage. We explore the specific criteria that differentiate a student from a candidate and the various milestones marking the transition. Additionally, we delve into the responsibilities and expectations that accompany each designation, illuminating the unique experiences and commitments faced by PhD candidates and students.

Furthermore, we acknowledge the variability in terminology across international boundaries, academic institutions, and disciplinary fields, providing insights into how different contexts might influence the usage of these terms. By the end, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of the contrasting aspects between a PhD candidate and a PhD student, facilitating informed conversations and a deeper appreciation for the intricate nature of doctoral education.


Who is a phd student, when phd student attains status of phd candidate, variation in terminology.

Pursuing a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) degree involves conducting original research in a specific field of study, making a significant contribution to knowledge, and demonstrating a high level of expertise. It is the highest academic qualification one can attain and is highly valued in academia, research institutions, and certain industries. A PhD signifies a deep understanding of a subject area, advanced analytical and critical thinking skills, and the ability to conduct independent research.

While the terms “PhD candidate” and “PhD student” are often used interchangeably, there are subtle differences between the two.

A PhD student typically refers to an individual who has been admitted to a doctoral program, actively engaging in coursework and other program requirements. They are in the early stages of their doctoral journey and are working towards completing the necessary academic components of their degree. On the other hand, a PhD candidate is typically someone who has progressed beyond the coursework stage and has advanced to the research phase of their program. They have usually completed comprehensive exams, passed a research proposal defense, and are actively engaged in independent research for their dissertation or thesis.

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the distinction between a PhD candidate and a PhD student. By exploring the criteria, milestones, and responsibilities associated with each designation, this article aims to clarify the unique experiences and progression of doctoral students. It also seeks to address the varying terminology used across different contexts and disciplines, enabling readers to grasp the intricacies of the doctoral journey and fostering informed discussions around this topic.

Through this article, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the journey from being a PhD student to becoming a PhD candidate and the distinct roles and responsibilities associated with each stage.

A PhD student is an individual who has been admitted to a doctoral program and is actively engaged in pursuing their doctoral studies. They are at the initial stages of their doctoral journey, seeking to expand their knowledge, skills, and expertise in a specific field of study. PhD students play a vital role in academic research communities as they contribute to the generation of new knowledge and the advancement of their discipline.

PhD students are required to complete a set of coursework specific to their field of study. These courses are designed to provide a foundation in the discipline, enhance research skills, and broaden the student’s understanding of relevant theories and methodologies. Coursework may include seminars, advanced classes, and specialized topics. The specific coursework requirements can vary between programs and disciplines.

Example: Imagine a student named Alex who has just been accepted into a doctoral program in psychology. At this stage, Alex is considered a PhD student as they begin taking relevant coursework, attending seminars, and collaborating with faculty members. They are laying the foundation for their research and acquiring the necessary knowledge in their field.

Who is a PhD Candidate?

Advancement from being a PhD student to a PhD candidate typically involves meeting specific requirements set by the doctoral program. These requirements may vary depending on the institution and field of study but often include successful completion of coursework, exams, and other program-specific milestones.

One of the primary requirements for transitioning to a PhD candidate is the successful completion of coursework and exams. PhD students are expected to complete a designated set of courses, which provide a broad understanding of their field and research methodologies. They are also required to pass comprehensive exams, which assess their comprehensive knowledge and understanding of their research area.

As part of the transition to becoming a PhD candidate, students typically prepare and defend a research proposal. The research proposal outlines the scope, objectives, methodology, and significance of the intended research. The proposal defense may involve presenting the proposal to a committee of faculty members, who evaluate its feasibility, rigour, and contribution to the field. Additionally, PhD students often have to pass comprehensive exams, which test their knowledge of their research area and related disciplines.

If you are not familiar with writing PhD proposal and making PhD proposal presentation, then visit my articles on “ How to Write PhD Proposal Presentation to the University ” and ” How to Make a PhD Proposal Presentation to the University Panel” . These articles will guide you through the process of preparation and presentation of PhD proposal to the University panel.

Upon successful completion of the requirements, PhD students are often granted candidacy status. Advancement to candidacy signifies that the student has demonstrated the necessary knowledge, skills, and potential to conduct independent research and contribute to their field. This status allows students to focus more exclusively on their research and dissertation work.

Once students become PhD candidates, there is a shift towards an increased emphasis on independent research. They are expected to dedicate a significant portion of their time and effort to conducting original research, collecting data, analyzing results, and making novel contributions to their field. The focus is primarily on their dissertation or thesis work, which serves as the culmination of their doctoral studies.

Example: Let’s consider a PhD student named Alex in the field of computer science. After completing their coursework and passing comprehensive exams, Alex develops a research proposal outlining their intention to investigate the applications of machine learning in cybersecurity. They present the proposal to a committee of faculty members, who assess the feasibility and potential impact of the research.

Alex successfully defends their research proposal and is granted candidacy status, transitioning from a PhD student to a PhD candidate. With candidacy status, Alex’s focus shifts towards conducting independent research. They spend considerable time collecting and analyzing cybersecurity datasets, developing and refining machine learning algorithms, and testing their effectiveness in detecting and preventing cyber threats.

As a PhD candidate, Alex works closely with their advisor, regularly discussing research progress, seeking guidance, and receiving feedback. They collaborate with other researchers in the field, attend conferences to present their findings and contribute to the scholarly community through publications. The focus is now on producing an original and significant contribution to the field of computer science through their dissertation.

The transition to PhD candidacy marks a critical stage in the doctoral journey, as it signifies the ability to independently drive research and make scholarly contributions. PhD candidates like Alex are immersed in the world of research, expanding knowledge, and pushing the boundaries of their field.

Terminology related to PhD candidates and PhD students can vary internationally and among different academic institutions. In some countries, the terms “PhD candidate” and “PhD student” may be used interchangeably, while in others, there may be specific distinctions. For example, in the United States, “PhD student” is commonly used, while in the United Kingdom, “PhD candidate” is more frequently employed. Additionally, different universities or institutions may have their own terminology preferences, which can create further variation.

Terminology can also vary based on the disciplinary field of study. Different academic disciplines have their own conventions and terminology for referring to individuals pursuing a doctoral degree. For instance, in the sciences, one might encounter terms like “graduate researcher” or “doctoral candidate.” In the humanities and social sciences, the terms “PhD candidate” and “PhD student” are often used. This variation reflects the specific linguistic and cultural norms within different academic domains.

In Canada, for instance, doctoral students are commonly referred to as “PhD candidates,” regardless of their stage in the program. In Australia, “PhD candidate” is the preferred term for those who have completed the required coursework and have advanced to the research phase. In contrast, in the United States, “PhD student” is frequently used to refer to individuals at all stages of their doctoral studies.

Disciplinary variations can also be observed. In engineering, individuals pursuing a doctoral degree are often referred to as “PhD students” or “doctoral students.” In contrast, in the field of education, the term “PhD candidate” is commonly used to denote those who have advanced to the research and dissertation stage.

It is important to note that these examples represent general trends, and there can still be variation within specific institutions and programs. The usage of terminology can evolve over time and may be influenced by regional or institutional preferences.

The distinction between a PhD candidate and a PhD student holds significant importance in the realm of doctoral education.

While these terms are often used interchangeably, they represent different stages and responsibilities within the doctoral journey. A PhD student is in the initial stages of their program, actively engaging in coursework, research, and academic requirements.

On the other hand, a PhD candidate has advanced beyond coursework, passed comprehensive exams, and is focused primarily on independent research and the completion of their dissertation.

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PhD Candidate vs Student: What’s the Difference?

Lisa Marlin

Many people use the terms “PhD student” and “PhD candidate” interchangeably. However, these terms actually mean something quite different, including a different status level at universities.

We’re here to define the differences between a PhD candidate vs student, as well as other essential information, before you continue your educational journey.

Table of Contents

What I s a PhD student?

A doctoral student is anyone who is enrolled in a doctorate degree, also referred to as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program. PhD students are typically required to complete a certain number of course credits and sit qualifying exams. Next, they can move on to conduct research and present it in the form of a dissertation.

A PhD is centered around self-directed research and possibly teaching/running tutorials, but they typically also involve a substantial amount of coursework and require attending classes, either online or in person.

Unlike candidates, PhD students are in the process of completing the required coursework for the degree. They haven’t passed the relevant qualifying exams yet.

What Is a PhD Candidate?

A PhD candidate has completed the required coursework and passed the qualifying exams for their doctorate program. They are currently working on their dissertation.

Most PhD students need to go through an application process  and show they meet certain requirements such as a relevant master’s degree . To become a PhD candidate, doctoral students need to pass an internal application process, typically involving a set of exams.

This stage involves significant research usually in innovative areas and incorporating this into a dissertation (this stage is sometimes referred to as “all but dissertation” [ABD]), as they’ve completed all other aspects of the program and satisfied these requirements. To complete their doctoral journey, a PhD candidate must defend their dissertation. Once they’ve successfully done this, they will be awarded their degree and move from PhD candidate to doctor of their chosen field.

PhD Candidate vs Student: 6 Key Differences

view of students in lecture hall from above

There are a number of key differences between a PhD student vs PhD candidate, from their status to the structure and nature of study.

Note: Some universities have recently started adopting hybrid approaches (where there is no clear difference between PhD students and PhD candidates). These programs don’t involve any qualifying exams and students typically begin the dissertation as part of their coursework. Most schools, however, continue with the traditional distinction between a PhD candidate and PhD student.

1. Program Stage

A PhD student could be at any stage of the doctoral program . Coursework still needs to be completed and qualifying exams must be passed. Students may be in the initial stage of the program or about to complete the coursework (before beginning their research).

On the other hand, a PhD candidate has completed all coursework and has at least started their research. They may have completed their dissertation and are preparing to defend it.

2. Research Progress

A PhD student may not have selected their research topic or settled on a particular research question. A candidate’s research is in progress and they should already have a clear research question.

3. Relationship with Advisors

A PhD student may not yet have an advisor. A candidate has an established working relationship with their advisor and works closely with them to complete their research and dissertation.

4. Level of Support

Although they work closely with an advisor, a PhD candidate is generally expected to work more independently than a student enrolled in a doctoral student. Once candidates reach this stage of their doctorate, they typically won’t receive as much direction or supervision.

5. Flexibility and Structure

Understandably, PhD candidates have more freedom and flexibility in their work. Most candidates choose their area of research, as well as the methods used to conduct their work. As part of their coursework, PhD students usually have to work within a set structure (e.g., completing core subjects, meeting deadlines).

Being a PhD candidate comes with a certain degree of status. If they’ve demonstrated a degree of expertise through completing qualifying exams, candidates can put the letters PhD(c) after their name.

Tips for PhD Candidates

view of library stacks on all three sides

A PhD is an advanced degree designed to demonstrate expertise in a given field, as well as high-level skills and abilities in various areas (including research and writing). As such, earning a doctorate can be a challenging process.

The following tips for doctoral candidates will help you put your best foot forward and set yourself up for success.

Stay Organized

Because PhD candidates have to balance many competing priorities, organization is essential. Using organizational tools such as calendars,  note-taking apps , and project management software can help you keep track of deadlines and meet your targets.

Focus on Your Research

PhD candidates likely have busy schedules with plenty of demands (such as teaching commitments and crafting a dissertation). As it’s the backbone of any doctoral program, be sure to prioritize this part of your work and monitor progress to stay on track.

Actively Seek Out Feedback

Because PhD candidates often work independently, there’s a risk of feeling isolated. Ask your advisors, mentors, and fellow candidates for feedback and advice. This will help ensure that you’re considering all aspects of your research question and multiple solutions, rather than focusing too intensely on a single area.

Take Advantage of Networking Opportunities

Networking is one of the biggest benefits for PhD candidates, so take full advantage of these events. Use this time to build a strong network of professors, advisors, fellow candidates, and other professionals you meet at conferences and events.

Take Care of Yourself

A PhD program can be taxing, and it’s easy for your mental and physical health to take a backseat. Make sure you exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep . Remember: Resting and recharging is crucial for working on your dissertation.

How Long Is a Typical PhD Candidacy?

view of ivy league building with autumn leaves

Most PhD students require 1-2 years to complete their coursework and pass their qualifying exams. However, the length of a PhD candidacy is much more open. In most cases, programs take between two and five years, depending on:

  • the complexity of the field of research
  • the candidate’s other commitments, such as teaching load
  • other abilities, such as a candidate’s level of organization.

Once a PhD candidate has completed their dissertation, they have to defend it successfully before a panel of faculty members before they can earn their doctorate degree. This process of defending a PhD dissertation can take several months.

Some universities specify a maximum length for PhD candidacy duration. For example, Carnegie Mellon University limits this to six years .

Benefits of Being a PhD Candidate

Being a PhD candidate can be rewarding for several reasons:

1. Research Opportunities

You’ll be exposed to vast research opportunities in your field. You may contribute to valuable discoveries while developing advanced knowledge and skills.

2. Networking

Through your PhD candidacy, you’ll also be in a great position to build gain a stronger network of fellow professionals.

3. Critical Thinking

A PhD candidacy can help you develop high intellectual independence and critical thinking skills.

4. Career Opportunitie s

A PhD is an advanced degree that allows you to build a rewarding career in the academic, government, and private sectors. PhD-holders can also expect to earn more than other graduates and are most likely to find a job.

5. Salaries

According to Northeastern University , professionals with a doctorate degree earn an average annual salary of $99,290 on average (and much more for the highest-paid PhDs ) and have a 1.5% unemployment rate. For master’s degree holders, the average annual salary is $81,867 average annual salary and a 2.6% unemployment rate.

6. Personal Fulfillment

Being a PhD candidate can help you pursue your passions. This advanced qualification will allow you to become a specialist in your chosen field, allowing you to hone in on the exact subject thatl fulfills you the most.

Qualifying Exams to Become a PhD Candidate

arm in grey sweater writing in notebook

While requirements vary by program, to become a PhD candidate, most students will need to pass a set of exams. These will test students’ knowledge in the field, measure their research skills, and ensure they’re ready to start their dissertation research.

Traditionally, qualifying exams for PhD candidates involved a written test and an oral exam. These will cover a range of topics related to your field of study, with the oral component designed to demonstrate your level of understanding.

Some universities have recently started to issue doctoral students with a set of questions and have them submit the answers within a set timeframe (usually around two weeks). Other schools ask prospective doctoral candidates to submit a dissertation proposal instead of an exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a phd candidate be called a doctor.

In most cases, a doctoral candidate cannot be called a doctor until after they successfully defend their dissertation and receive their doctorate.

Can I Put ‘PhD Candidate’ after My Name?

Once you’ve passed qualifying exams and embarked on dissertation research, you’re technically entitled to put “PhD candidate” or “PhD (c)” after your name. However, this is uncommon and not always recommended. It is generally more acceptable to mention that you are pursuing a doctorate (along with the field of research and university) or that you expect to complete your PhD in a certain year (on your CV and online profiles).

How Long Can You Be a PhD Candidate?

There isn’t a set length of time that a person can be a PhD candidate. The length of candidacy depends on a range of factors, including the subject of research and program requirements. Most PhD candidates complete this phase in around 3-5 years (where some university programs have set limits).

Do PhD Students Take Classes?

Yes, most PhD students must take classes and complete coursework as part of the first 1-2 years of their doctorate program. Once they’ve completed this coursework and passed qualifying exams, they move on to work on their research dissertation. At this stage, they’ll be considered a PhD candidate.

Key Takeaways

Now that you know the differences between PhD candidates vs. students, you’ve got a deeper understanding of how to obtain a doctorate. However you slice it, both will help you build your knowledge and skills to become an expert in your field.

However the program is structured, a PhD is a highly valuable degree that allows you to become a high-level professional and build a successful career.

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Lisa Marlin

Lisa Marlin

Lisa is a full-time writer specializing in career advice, further education, and personal development. She works from all over the world, and when not writing you'll find her hiking, practicing yoga, or enjoying a glass of Malbec.

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PhD candidate vs PhD student

I see researchers working on their PhD calling themselves PhD Candidates, other call themselves PhD students. What's the difference between a PhD Candidate and a PhD Student?

According to two posters on the WordReferences forums :

This terms vary from university to university, usually a PhD student is granted the candidate status after completion of a “comprehensive examination”, which occurs sometime after the first year.
Here in the U.S., a “Ph.D. Candidate” is a student who has completed all of the academic requirements for their degree, except their dissertation.

So this works in the USA and Canada I presume, because they have structured PhD programs where you attend courses as part of your PhD. Unlike most of the universities in Europe where a PhD student starts off directly with his/her PhD thesis. (Europe does have structured programs as well, but they are not as widely spread yet).

  • terminology

ff524's user avatar

  • 37 Every department is different. –  JeffE Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 14:56

10 Answers 10

In some countries (e.g. The Netherlands where I obtained my PhD degree) you are not considered a student but a paid employee (staff) with the university. To discern between these, people sometimes translate their status to English using term "PhD candidate". Btw, this has nothing to do with the length of the program or your progress.

Jaap Eldering's user avatar

  • 4 It is also good to note that the salary a Dutch PhD receives is competitive with entry level jobs at say a consultancy or programming company, assuming of course there is funding to begin with. –  Paul Hiemstra Commented Jul 10, 2013 at 12:05
  • 5 @PaulHiemstra broadly speaking :) I would say there is at least a 500 euro gap. Especially after four years, the PhD salary is considerably below what a programmer or consultant with 4 years experience could expect. It's the same general range, but I wouldn't call it competitive. –  Peter Bloem Commented May 1, 2014 at 14:54
  • 12 @Peter The pay and working conditions are certainly near the top of the scale when you compare it to what PhD students in other countries get. –  Moriarty Commented May 1, 2014 at 16:20
  • @Peter, here in Brazil this gap varies a lot. A trainee in a small company usually makes less than a PhD student\candidate. So small companies rarely get the brightest people. OTOH, big companies easily pay entry salaries equivalent to the double of what a PhD candidate makes (triple if the applicant is a good interviewer). And excluding the IT field, the extra income from 4 years of experience is negligible. So it all depends of vacancies on the big companies of your city. –  Lucas Soares Commented Oct 30, 2014 at 15:10
  • 1 There is also a political component to it, because there are some politicians who want to change the status of PhD candidates from being an employee to being a receiver of a grant. Therefore, when I was still doing my PhD, I was emphasizing a lot that I was not a student, and I tell that to the current PhD candidates as well. –  damian Commented Aug 31, 2015 at 15:14

To expand on what JeffE said – "Every department is different.", here's an example from my university (a top UC school):

The math department is pretty rigorous and the "candidacy exam" is mostly a blackboard and chalk routine. They throw a bunch of stuff at you, poke holes in your proposal, make you sweat epsilons and deltas from all your pores before declaring you a "candidate".

The life/physical sciences departments require you to have a 20-30 page written proposal + a presentation on it + preliminary results (usually at least 1 journal paper) and your committee members grill you on the proposal.

In ECE/CS (applied, not theoretical), the labs/PIs are generally quite rigorous themselves and by the time a student is ready to take the candidacy exam, they've had at least 2 first author publications and 3-4 conference publications. At this point, their course is pretty set and the committee members don't generally feel like they need to say/do much (unless if there are serious flaws hitherto unnoticed). As such, the candidacy exam is more of a formality — no 30 page proposals (who reads them anyway?); just a presentation on the papers already published + future work remaining.

The bottom line from all this is — there are no standard rules/definitions/process involved in becoming a "PhD candidate". All it usually means is that "This person has shown an understanding of the fundamental concepts (on the day of testing), their proposal/work done is original and has potential and they've completed all course work/other requirements except for their thesis".

In Australia, (at least at my university), you start off as a 'Provisional Candidate'.

Then you complete a Dissertation Proposal - where you present a 20 or so page preliminary report and present it as a seminar to a group of peers - once passed, you receive a 'Confirmation of Candidature' then you proceed to complete the thesis as a 'Confirmed Candidate'.

This is usually done within the first 1-2 years of the PhD course.

  • 14 "Provisonal candidate"? I'd have preferred "Candidate candidate" –  Federico Poloni Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 16:00
  • 2 @FedericoPoloni well, that is what we're called before the Dissertation Proposal. –  user7130 Commented Jul 5, 2013 at 21:16
  • This is very similar to my experience in Switzerland. –  DarioP Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 8:33
What's the difference between a PhD Candidate and a PhD Student?

To someone outside your department, there is very little difference since people (i.e., prospective employers) just don't care about the terms. they want to know what you have accomplished so far.

To someone in a finite duration PhD (e.g., a "typical" 3-year UK PhD program), there is very little difference. It is simpler to just list your year.

To someone in a indeterminate length PhD (e.g., a "typical" US PhD program), it provides a nice milestone.

As other have said, the requirements to achieve candidacy vary widely between countries, universities, and even departments. That said, I think it is nearly universal (and that is going out on a huge limb in academia) that candidacy implies that the next "evaluation" will be on your thesis and apart from time limits or extraordinary circumstances that as long as you are willing to pay your tuition and fees the department will let you be a PhD Candidate.

StrongBad's user avatar

At my institution (in the U.S.A.), you are considered a PhD student until you pass your qualifying exams. After passing, you are considered a PhD candidate.

The qualifying exam is usually taken around 2 years in the program, or after you have completed any required or recommended coursework. It consists of a written exam, which can be one or more questions from each of your committee members. The written exam at my institution is left up to the committee members discretion (the major adviser in reality), it can be open or closed book, very detailed, or more theoretical, 24 hour time period or maybe 1 month, even proctored by the committee member. The oral examination can also be anything. Committee members can ask very detailed questions or more theoretical questions. Preparing for the oral exam can be difficult, especially if you have members from other departments and backgrounds. For example, I have a Soil Scientist, Biologist, Fire Ecologist, Landscape Modeler, and Remote Sensing Specialist on my committee. They all asked very different question specific to their fields.

Three of my written exams consisted of about 8 questions and I was given 8 hours to complete. It was open book and not proctored. I took the exam from home. One exam was 12 questions and I was given a month (yes I sweated for a month!). They all asked very broad questions for the written exam to figure out which areas I had a solid understanding in, and which areas I needed improvement. The oral exam was basically 4 PhD's questioning (read interrogating!) me. They started with a few easy questions, but then asked more difficult questions from the areas I was not as knowledgeable in.

derelict's user avatar

I think Jaap's reply is pretty much spot on, i.e. paid staff (as in the Netherlands, Germany...) vs. student status (as in the UK, for example).

Personally, I prefer "PhD candidate" because people here are massively prejudiced against "students" (young, irresponsible, constantly partying...) despite the fact that I'm officially registered as a student rather than staff.

Just to make it clear that people are not obliged to use one thing or the other.

spbail's user avatar

  • Do you have qualifying exams? –  derelict Commented May 1, 2014 at 17:14

It can be different depend on region, country, university or even department.

In my department in a university in Taiwan, we need to finish all required credit course and submit one international journal as milestone to be qualified as PhD Candidate.

hoi's user avatar

At the university I attended in the UK, one was considered to be on provisional status until passing the viva, which was not only an oral "interview" but also included a thorough review of all research completed at that point, a 20,000 word critical paper, and a detailed thesis plan. After that point, the successful student was advanced to candidacy, while the unsuccessful student was awarded an M.Phil.and dismissed from the program. This procedure was standardized throughout the university graduate school regardless of department. For candidates, the only obstacle left was the defense of the thesis.

guest's user avatar

PhD students should complete all the coursework before becoming PhD Candidate. After completing all the coursework, PhD students have to pass the comprehensive written exam (and comprehensive oral exam) to become PhD Candidate. The amount of rigor of comprehensive exam depends on department to department. Some department requires that you pass the comprehensive exam on all the four (or five) seminar areas plus the methods that you have taken. Others require that you declare your major area and pass the comprehensive area on only that major area plus the methods. Department may also require you to come up with a framework for your dissertation topic before they grant you the candidacy status. Again, the variation exists between department in how they grant the candidacy. Once your status change from PhD Student to PhD Candidate, you are no longer required to take courseworks. However, you should be enrolled in the pre-dissertation and dissertation hours (normally 24 hrs; 6 hours per semester to maintain full-time status) to continue your dissertation. You work with your dissertation chair and committee after comprehensive exam. PhD candidate are also called Doctoral candidate, and ABD - All But Dissertation.

Exit47's user avatar

  • 4 PhD students should complete all the coursework before becoming PhD Candidate - this is not generally true (i.e., not in all fields/all departments). –  ff524 Commented Aug 18, 2014 at 13:36
  • 3 I downvoted this for being specific to a very limited area without specifying that area or even mentioning this fact. –  Tobias Kildetoft Commented Aug 18, 2014 at 15:19

When you see PhD CANDIDATE think he/she is a CANDIDATE for a job in their field.

Versus PhD student they are still a student learning their field of study.

In Texas public University you are a candidate when you pass all of your doctoral exams. Usually at this point you have already completed all of your course work. You are wrapping up your research projects, writing papers to be published, writing dissertation and looking for a job.

-Nick, Chemistry PhD candidate

Nick Ross's user avatar

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What is a PhD?

As the highest degree level achievable, completing a PhD shows that you've made a meaningful new contribution to your research field

PhDs at a glance

  • Involves three or four years of full-time study, or up to seven part time.
  • Typically undertaken after achieving a Masters degree.
  • Can either be funded or self-funded.
  • Assessed through a written thesis and oral exam.
  • Many Doctoral graduates choose to pursue an academic or research career.

What does PhD stand for?

The term PhD or Doctorate of Philosophy is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase 'philosophiae doctor'.

A PhD degree typically involves students independently conducting original and significant research in a specific field or subject, before producing a publication-worthy thesis.

While some Doctorates include taught components, PhD students are almost always assessed on the quality and originality of the argument presented in their independent research project.

What are the most popular PhD subjects?

  • clinical psychology
  • creative writing
  • computer science
  • engineering.

How long does a Doctorate degree take?

Full-time PhDs usually last for three or four years, while part-time PhDs can take up to six or seven. However, the thesis deadline can be extended by up to four years at the institution's discretion. Indeed, many students who enrol on three-year PhDs only finish their thesis in their fourth year.

While most PhD studentships begin in September or October, both funded and self-funded PhDs can be undertaken at any point during the year.

Do I need a Masters to do a PhD?

The majority of institutions require PhD candidates to possess a Masters degree , plus a Bachelors degree at 2:1 or above. However, some universities demand only the latter, while self-funded PhD students or those with significant professional experience may also be accepted with lower grades.

You may need to initially register for a one or two-year Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Master of Research (MRes) degree rather than a PhD. If you make sufficient progress, you and your work will then be 'upgraded' to a PhD programme. If not, you may be able to graduate with a Masters degree.

If you need an MPhil or MRes before enrolling on your PhD, search Masters degrees .

What does a PhD involve?

A standard PhD by thesis degree is typically split into three stages. A three-year PhD may follow this pattern:

  • First year - You'll meet with your supervisor to discuss your research proposal and agree an action plan with deadlines. You'll then complete your literature review, in which you'll evaluate and critique existing works to inform the direction of your project and ensure that your research will be original.
  • Second year - Your focus will shift to gathering results and developing your thesis, and potentially begin writing chapters of your thesis. You may also present your results and ideas at academic conferences, gain teaching experience, collaborate with other students on similar projects, communicate the benefits of your research to the general public through workshops, lectures and presentations, or submit work for publication in an academic journal or book.
  • Third year - Primarily involves writing your thesis, though your research may still be in progress. After your supervisor gives their approval, you'll submit your thesis before undertaking a one to three-hour oral exam ( viva voce ) in which you'll discuss and defend your thesis in the presence of at least one internal and external examiner.

How do I find a PhD?

As a PhD is different to other degrees, you're committing to more than simply an advanced qualification. You've chosen to engage in a large-scale independent research project and so you'll need to take into account a range of factors that will drive your search.

A methodical approach to the process is required and you'll need to consider the subject you're interested in carrying out research in and the type of Doctorate you're looking for, making sure this is the right project for you. Only when you're fully prepared and have a good idea of your research proposal should you search for PhD opportunities .

What other types of Doctorate are there?

Alternative types of PhD include:

  • Higher Doctorate - These are usually granted on the recommendation of a committee of internal and external examiners, which assesses a portfolio of published, peer-reviewed research you've undertaken over the course of many years. This type of Doctorate is usually for those with several years of academic experience. Common award titles include the Doctor of Civil Law (DCL), Doctor of Divinity (DD), Doctor of Literature/Letters (DLit/DLitt/LitD/LittD), Doctor of Music (DMus/MusD), Doctor of Science (DS/SD/DSc/ScD) and Doctor of Law (LLD).
  • Integrated/New Route PhD - This four-year PhD course is offered by over 30 universities and involves taking a one-year MRes before studying a three-year PhD. It combines taught elements with independent research, allowing students to learn different methodologies while building their transferable skills.
  • Professional Doctorate - Geared towards students of vocational subjects such as medicine, education and engineering, professional Doctorates are focused on teaching and so normally involve smaller research projects and thesis component. They're often favoured by those aiming for a career outside of academia and are usually supported by employers.

Read more about the different PhD pathways at 5 routes to getting a Doctorate .

How much does a PhD cost?

Tuition fees vary, but usually fall between £3,000 and £6,000 per year for UK students and those from the European Union (EU) with settled status. UK Research Councils pay universities £4,786 per year (from 2024/25) on behalf of each funded PhD student, so this gives a good indication of the average figure.

For EU students looking to pursue a Doctorate in 2024/25, you'll need to have gained settled or pre-settled status to be eligible for student finance - see PhD loans .

Non-EU students may pay considerably more for their tuition fees.

Despite this, many PhD students are now part or fully funded - scholarships and bursaries are widely available, and particular attention should be paid to Research Council grants .

PhD studentships and assistantships involving a mixture of research and teaching are also common, with scientific studentships usually paid at a higher rate.

Read more about funding postgraduate study .

How do I apply for a PhD?

Some students propose their own research area and apply for funding, while in some cases a supervisor may already have funding for a project and advertise it like a job. When making a PhD application, you'll typically be asked to submit:

  • an academic CV
  • your academic transcripts
  • two or three academic references
  • a personal statement
  • a research proposal.

International students without settled UK status looking to study certain courses in medicine, mathematics, engineering and material sciences are required to comply with the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) .

This involves undergoing a security clearance process with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. International students may also have to prove their English proficiency.

Can I study a PhD abroad?

As the aim of postdoctoral research is to stretch the boundaries of understanding within your chosen field, you may find that the best place to begin your research lies overseas.

According to the Higher Education Student Statistics: UK, 2021/22 , 113,000 postgraduate research students are based in the UK, with 46,350 of these identified as international PhD candidates.

While studying in the UK has proved a strong draw for foreign PhD students, a number of other countries have also proved themselves to be research-orientated nations.

The following 15 countries all feature within the top 100 of the QS World University Rankings 2024 :

  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland

If you're interested in studying a PhD abroad, explore our country profiles .

What can I do next?

Your ability to critically analyse, display intellectual maturity, and research independently and honestly is highly valued within academia and the workplace.

Many students who undertake a PhD get an academic job or become an industry researcher, possibly following the PhD with postdoctoral study, then a fellowship or lectureship.

Other career options will depend on your study area. For instance, according to HESA's Graduate Outcomes 2020/21 data, a significant number of PhD graduates went on to work in teaching, natural and social science, therapy, and business, research and administrative careers.

Consider what else a PhD degree can lead to at your PhD, what next?

Find out more

  • Get help with choosing your PhD supervisor .
  • Discover 5 challenges faced by PhD students .
  • Explore professional qualifications .

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What is a PhD and Why Should YOU do one?

male and female conducting experiments in lab

In the UK, a PhD stands for ‘Doctor of Philosophy’, sometimes referred to as a ‘doctorate’. It is the highest level of degree that a student can achieve. At some institutions, including Oxford University, a Doctor of Philosophy is known as a DPhil. It is distinct from professional doctorates such as an Engineering Doctorate (EngD).

Entry requirements

An undergraduate degree is a minimum requirement and many will also require a master’s degree (such as an MA, MSc or MRes). Some scholarships will be on a 1+3 basis, which is one year of a master’s plus three years of PhD funding.

How to apply for a PhD

Prospective students are usually expected to submit a research proposal to the department they wish to undertake their study in. Some departments will encourage students to discuss their ideas with an academic working in that field first. The proposal will outline what they intend their research to investigate, how it relates to other research in their field and what methods they intend to use to carry out their research. Some PhD’s however, particularly in the sciences, are advertised as studentships where the research aims are more prescriptive.

How long is the course?

A PhD usually lasts three years (four for a New Route PhD – see below), or rather, any available funding usually lasts for that time. Students may be able to take extra time in order to complete their thesis but this will usually be at their own expense. For part-time, self-funded students, it can take up to seven years.

What’s involved

A PhD usually culminates in a dissertation of around 80,000-100,000 words , based on research carried out over the course of their study. The research must be original and aim to create new knowledge or theories in their specialist area, or build on existing knowledge or theories. Many departments initially accept students on an MPhil basis and then upgrade them to PhD status after the first year or two, subject to satisfactory progress. Students who are not considered to be doing work appropriate for the level can instead submit a shorter thesis and gain an MPhil.

There is little taught element, students are expected to work independently, supported by their department and a supervisor. There may be seminars to attend and/or lab work to complete, depending on the subject. During their study, students will try and get academic papers published and present their work at conferences, which will allow them to get feedback on their ideas for their dissertation.

New Route PhD

Introduced in 2001, the New Route PhD is a four-year programme that combines taught elements, including professional and transferable skills, with the student’s research. There are now hundreds of doctoral students studying a variety of subjects at a consortium of universities across the UK.

Career prospects for PhD Students

PhD graduates who go on to work in academia usually start off by undertaking postdoctoral research and then a fellowship or lectureship. Other career options will depend on what the PhD was in – commercial research is an option for some, and many are able to use their specialist knowledge and research skills in areas of business and finance.   

For a real insight into what it’s like to study at PhD level, see our vlog series ,  where we have invited students at various stages of their PhD and locations to film themselves over a month and share their videos with you.

Why do a PhD?

If you are considering doing one make sure that you do it with a purpose. Do one because you want to and know why you want to do it and have a clear idea of what  it could lead to .  How is doing a PhD going to help you achieve what you want to in your future?

Reasons to do a PhD.

  • It’ll be good for your career. No one expects you to have your whole career plan mapped out when you start a PhD, but having some ideas of where you want to get to can be useful. Be aware though that you may not get the career benefits of a PhD straight away.
  • You want to be an expert in a particular area of your subject. If you complete a PhD you will be. No-one, not your supervisor, not your external examiner at the end of your PhD, no-one, will know more about the subject you researched than you do.
  • You want to achieve something. You want to work hard and demonstrate a passion for your subject and show how much time and effort you put in and how motivated you are.
  • Showing your ability to motivate yourself is one of many skills you’ll be able to demonstrate to employers after doing a PhD, which is  handy for entering a competitive job market .

Reasons not to do a PhD.

  • Don’t do it just because your degree research project supervisor asked you if you wanted to do one with them. If you wanted to do one and it’s in an area that interests you then great, go for it. If you hadn’t thought about doing one before they asked, and you’re not sure why you want to do one, make sure you work that out before saying yes to them.
  • Don’t do it because you don’t know what else to do. Many people do a PhD because they don’t know what else to do and think it will give them time to work that out. Doing a PhD is a huge commitment, at least 3-4 years of your life, and hard work, so before you take one on, make sure you understand why.
  • And do it because YOU want to, not because your family, or others expect it of you, or because your family or friends are doing one, or have done one. Make it your decision, not someone else’s.

Why Should YOU Do A PhD?

It is your decision to commit to a significant period of time and work and it needs to be something you approach positively and with enthusiasm but also with realism about the pros and cons of undertaking original research.

Who does a PhD?

The idea of the “perpetual student”, i.e. someone who stays on after an undergraduate and/or masters degree, to do a PhD, is perhaps a traditional view of PhDs. Some of you reading this will fall into the category of those who work through the tiers of higher education in this sequential fashion (it does not necessarily make you a “perpetual student” though!). The PhD population today is very diverse and not made up entirely of 21 to 25-year-olds who have stayed in educational settings for the majority of their lives. Others may be considering a return to education in order to change your career or as part of your professional development within an existing career. Some of you may be considering coming to study in the UK independently or with support from an organisation in your home country. Whatever your situation it is very important that you take time to recognise and understand why you are making this commitment and what it entails.

Let us move to the positives of why YOU should do a Ph.D. Broadly, the positive reasons can be classified into:

You WANT to or You NEED to

Some academic colleagues were asked to give reasons why someone should do a PhD and all came back with statements that had the word “passion” in them. This is having a real passion for your subject and an area of it that you want to investigate further. My colleagues also offered some interesting comments on the reality of making a decision to do a PhD even when you have this passion. Some commented on the need to consider doing the right PhD for you and not just any PhD, and I think it is important that you take this seriously as it can be dangerous to compromise too far and embark on research that you are not interested in just because it will lead to a PhD.

Academic colleagues also wanted you to look ahead and consider where your PhD may take you. Do you want to continue in an academic career or apply for jobs in industry or other organisations where a PhD is a requirement or will help you to work at a different level? Interestingly, research on the career intentions of students, undertaken by Vitae revealed that less than one-third had firm career ideas even in the latter stages of their Ph.D. This statistic is concerning as it may mean that PhD students miss opportunities to add to their range of experience. You don’t need to have an exact career plan in place at the start of your Ph.D., but doing research on where it may take you is valuable. For those already in a career and undertaking a PhD as part of their professional development, or those who are viewing a PhD as part of a career change into academia, they should also look ahead and ensure that plans for the future are realistic and achievable.

A decision to undertake a PhD involves the same steps as any other career decision, you need to find out as much as possible about what a Ph.D. really involves. Alongside considering where your passions lie and where they might lead to, you need to research such things as:

  • The working environment and how you will adapt to any differences with your current situation
  • Working with a supervisor
  • What funding is available and what it covers, i.e. fees only or fees and living costs?
  • Most importantly what behaviours, skills and experiences YOU have that will make you a successful and productive researcher

These points and others are covered in more detail in 7 Ph.D Application Tips .

Find your PhD here

For further PhD tips see:

What Can You Do With a PhD?

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20th August 2020 at 12:31 am

Excellent article. I am know more motivate to get a scholorship for my PHD program. I have to enhance my all effort because it’s not easy to get a fully funded, require more effort and time taken.

' src=

10th March 2022 at 9:58 am

Good morning,

Hope are well? I am thinking of gong for PHD. In any UK universities. Hope to hear from you soonest.

' src=

10th March 2022 at 1:08 pm

Cool, thanks for your advice. It’s an inspiration to let my “passion” be abroad. Best for you.

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9th November 2022 at 8:33 pm

This article is timely and so educative. I’m now better informed on how to make a decision on going for my PhD. Thanks a lot.

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Common types of doctoral programme in the UK

UK doctoral candidates are registered as students. Many undertake their doctoral work on a full-time basis based at a university, but many others do their research part-time alongside full-time or part-time work or are based elsewhere e.g. in a research institute or private company.

For individuals, a major choice is whether to undertake a doctorate on a full-time or part-time basis.

Nine researchers who've undertaken a part-time doctorate in the UK reflect on their experiences in our series of films . Most chose the part-time route due to financial, family and work commitments.

There are two main types of doctorate:

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD or DPhil) is the most common and familiar form of doctoral qualification. It's undertaken while registered at a higher education institution and assessed through a thesis or portfolio based on the extended research conducted. An increasing proportion of PhDs are through structured doctoral training programmes and/or involve collaboration with business or other organisations
  • Professional or practice-based doctorates (EdD, DBA, DSocSci, DProf, etc) may be the choice of mid-career professionals as continuing professional development or as a means to alter their professional trajectory. They may also be undertaken earlier in a career as a means of gaining specific skills. These programmes are normally located in the work environment of a doctoral candidate’s profession or related to their area of practice; for example, they are often undertaken by artists, musicians and health professionals. Sometimes linked to a licence to practice, they are often designed to meet the needs of that profession. They normally include a structured period of initial research training and the assessed outputs may include practice-based materials, as well as a written commentary or thesis.

Usually the period of study for a UK doctoral degree is 3-4 years full-time or 6-8 years part-time. Some programmes can be undertaken as ‘distance learning’ (i.e. at the candidate’s location rather than the awarding institution). Learn more about what it is like to do a doctorate .

It is also possible to undertake a masters in research. The most common qualifications are:

  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil). Usually a two year (full-time) degree, some institutions initially register their doctoral candidates for this degree and undertake a formal upgrade to the doctorate after 12-18 months
  • Research Masters (MRes). This is specifically designed as a course to prepare students for doctoral research. 

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The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the University's principal research degree for graduate students and is available in all faculties and departments. A Cambridge PhD is intellectually demanding and you will need to have a high level of attainment and motivation to pursue this programme of advanced study and research. In most faculties a candidate is expected to have completed one year of postgraduate study, normally on a research preparation masters course, prior to starting a PhD.

Completion normally requires three or four years of full-time study, or at least five years of part-time study, including a probationary period. Terms of research are normally consecutive and, for full-time students, require residency in Cambridge. Not all departments offer part-time research degrees (see Part-time study).

Various routes to the PhD are possible and, if you are made an offer of admission, it will be made clear whether you are required to study for a masters degree or certificate in the first instance, or will be admitted directly to the probationary year for the PhD. You are registered for the PhD only after a satisfactory progress assessment at the end of the probationary year (five terms for part-time degrees). The assessment is designed also to focus your mind on the stages necessary for completion of your research within the normal time limit and to address any structural problems that have arisen during the first year. The progress examination/assessment at the end of year one is a substantial academic hurdle and continuation to the PhD is not automatic.

During your PhD, your effort will be focused on writing a dissertation of up to 80,000 words. This must represent a significant contribution to learning, for example through the discovery of new knowledge, the connection of previously unrelated facts, the development of a new theory, or the revision of older views, and must take account of previously published work on the subject. Many Cambridge dissertations go on to form the basis of significant publications.

Although you will spend long hours working independently, your department and college will support you in different ways. You are also able to attend regular seminars in your subject area, might be involved in teaching, perhaps giving seminars or supervising, and can play an integral part in the social life of your department and College.

Courses offering a Doctor of Philosophy

Nqf level 8, term information.

Fee terms 9 terms
Research terms 9 terms
Thesis terms 12 terms
Fee terms 15 terms
Research terms 15 terms
Thesis terms 21 terms

Explanation of terms

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What is a PhD? Advice for PhD students

How long does it take to get a doctorate degree how do you get into grad school are you qualified to do a phd answers to these questions and more.

PhD, doctorate

What is a PhD?

A PhD, which stands for “doctor of philosophy”, is the most advanced academic degree. It’s earned through extensive research on a specific topic, demonstrating expertise and contributing new knowledge to the field.

What does “PhD” mean?

The term “PhD” is often used as a synonym for any doctoral-level qualification. Doctorate degrees can often be split into two categories: MPhil and PhD.

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An MPhil is similar to a PhD as it includes a research element (which is usually shorter and less in-depth than a PhD thesis, and often more akin to a dissertation undertaken at undergraduate or master’s level). 

MPhil students focus more on interpreting existing knowledge and theory and critically evaluating other people’s work rather than producing their own research. The precise nature and definition of an MPhil can vary among institutions and countries. 

A PhD, meanwhile, follows a more widely known and traditional route and requires students, often referred to as “candidates”, to produce their own work and research on a new area or topic to a high academic standard.

PhD requirements vary significantly among countries and institutions. The PhD, once completed, grants the successful candidate the title of “doctor of philosophy”, also called PhD or DPhil.

What is a professional doctorate?

A professional doctorate is a kind of degree that helps people become experts in their fields. Instead of focusing mainly on theory and research like a regular PhD, a professional doctorate is all about practical skills and knowledge.

This kind of doctorate is great for students who want to get better at their jobs in areas like teaching, healthcare, business, law or psychology. The courses and projects in these programmes are designed to tackle real problems you might face at work.

For example, you might have heard of the doctor of education (EdD), doctor of business administration (DBA), doctor of psychology (PsyD) or doctor of nursing practice (DNP). These programmes combine learning, hands-on projects and sometimes a thesis paper or essay to show you’re skilled at solving on-the-job challenges.

How long does it take to study a PhD?

The time required to complete a PhD can vary significantly based on several factors. Generally, a full-time PhD programme takes around three to six years to finish. However, it’s important to take into account individual circumstances and the nature of the research involved.

1. Full-time vs. part-time: If you’re studying full-time, dedicating most of your time to your studies, it usually takes about three to four years to complete a PhD. However, studying part-time while managing other commitments might extend the duration. Part-time PhDs can take around six to eight years, and sometimes even longer.

2. Nature of research: The complexity of your research proposal can influence the time required. Certain research questions may involve intricate experiments, extensive data collection or in-depth analysis, potentially leading to a longer completion timeline.

3. Field of study: The subject area you’re researching can also affect the necessary time. Some fields, such as sciences or engineering, might involve more hands-on work, while theoretical subjects might require more time for literature review and analysis.

4. Supervision and support: The guidance and availability of your academic supervisor can affect the pace of your research progress. Regular meetings and effective communication can help keep your studies on track.

5. Thesis writing: While the research phase is crucial, the stage of writing your thesis is equally significant. Organising and presenting your research findings in a clear and cohesive manner can take several months.

6. External commitments: Personal commitments, such as work, family or health-related factors, can influence your study time. Some students need to balance these alongside their PhD studies, potentially extending the duration.

7. External Funding: The availability of funding can also affect your study duration. Some funding might be linked to specific project timelines or research objectives.

So, although a PhD usually takes between three and six years of full-time study, with potential variations based on research complexity, enrolment as part-time or full-time, field of study and personal circumstances. It’s vital to have a realistic understanding of these factors when planning your PhD journey.

How long is a PhD in the UK?

In the UK, the length of a PhD programme typically ranges from three to four years of full-time study. As explained above, there are many factors to consider.

How long is a PhD in the US?

Similarly to the UK, in the United States, the duration of a PhD programme can vary widely depending on the field of study, research topic and individual circumstances. On average, a full-time PhD programme in the US typically takes between five and six years to complete.

Why does it take longer to study a PhD in the US?

PhD programmes generally take longer to complete in the US than in the UK due to various factors in the education systems and programme structures of each country:

1. Programme structure: UK PhD programmes often emphasise early, focused research from the first year, leading to shorter completion times. In contrast, US programmes commonly include more initial coursework in your first and second year and broader foundational training, which can extend the overall duration.

2. Course work requirements: Many US PhD programmes require a lot of course work, which can lengthen the time needed to finish. UK programmes tend to have fewer or no course work demands, allowing students to concentrate primarily on research skills.

3. Research funding: In the UK, PhD funding is often awarded with specific timeframes in mind, motivating completion of the research degree in the agreed duration. In the US, funding approaches can vary, requiring students to secure funding from multiple sources, potentially affecting their progress and completion time.

4. Teaching responsibilities: Some US PhD students take on teaching roles as part of their funding, dividing their time and potentially prolonging their studies.

5. Research approach: Differences in research methodologies and project scopes can affect the time needed for data collection, experimentation and analysis.

6. Academic culture: The US education system values a well-rounded education, including coursework and comprehensive exams. This can extend the time before full-time research begins. UK PhD programmes often prioritise independent research early on.

7. Part-time and work commitments: US PhD candidates might have more flexibility for part-time work or other commitments, which can affect research progress.

8. Dissertation requirements: US PhD programmes generally include a longer and more comprehensive dissertation, involving more chapters and a broader exploration of the research topic.

These variations in programme structures, funding models and academic cultures contribute to the differing completion times between the two countries.

What qualifications do you need for a PhD?

To be eligible for a PhD programme, certain educational qualifications are generally expected by universities. These qualifications serve as indicators of your readiness to engage in advanced research and contribute to the academic community.

First, an undergraduate or bachelor’s degree in a relevant field is typically the most common requirement. This degree provides you with a foundational understanding of the subject and introduces you to basic research methodologies. It serves as a starting point for your academic journey.

Do you need a master’s degree to get into a PhD programme?

In addition to an undergraduate degree, many PhD programmes also require candidates to hold postgraduate or master’s degrees, often in fields related to the intended PhD research. A master’s degree offers a deeper exploration of the subject matter and enhances your research skills. Possessing a master’s degree signifies a higher level of expertise and specialisation.

The combination of both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees demonstrates a solid academic background. This background is crucial before you engage in doctoral study because pursuing a PhD involves more than just knowledge; it requires advanced research abilities, critical thinking and the capacity to provide an original contribution and new insights into the chosen field of study.

While these qualifications are usually requested, there are exceptions. Some institutions offer direct-entry programmes that encompass bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees in a streamlined structure. This approach is often seen in scientific and engineering disciplines rather than humanities.

In exceptional cases, outstanding performance during undergraduate studies, coupled with a well-defined research proposal, might lead to direct entry into a PhD programme without requiring a master’s degree.

Admission requirements can vary between universities and programmes. Some institutions might have more flexible prerequisites, while others could have more stringent criteria. Make sure that you thoroughly research all admission requirements of the PhD programmes you’re interested in to ensure you provide the right information.

Are PhD entry requirements similar in other countries?

PhD entry requirements in Canada and Australia can be somewhat similar to those in the UK and the US, but there are also some differences. Just like in the UK and the US, having a bachelor’s degree followed by a master’s degree is a common way to qualify for a PhD in Canada and Australia. However, the exact rules can vary, such as how much research experience you need or the grades you should have.

In Canada and Australia, as in the UK and the US, international students usually need to show their English language skills through tests like IELTS or TOEFL. And, like in other places, you might need to give a research proposal to explain what you want to study for your PhD.

But remember, even though there are some similarities, each country has its own rules.

PhD diary: Preparing for a PhD Nine things to know before doing a PhD Women in STEM: undertaking PhD research in cancer Studying for a part-time PhD: the challenges and the benefits Is it possible to do a three-year PhD as an international student? Looking for PhD tips? Why not check Twitter PhD diary: Where do I begin? How to do a PhD on a budget

How much does it cost to study a PhD?

The cost of pursuing a PhD can vary significantly between international and home (domestic) students, and it depends on the country, university and programme you choose.

United Kingdom (UK)

Home students in the UK often pay lower tuition fees compared with international students. Home students might also have access to government funding or subsidised tuition rates.

International students typically pay higher tuition fees, which can vary widely depending on the university and programme. Fees can range from around £10,000 to £25,000 or more per year.

United States (US)

PhD programme costs in the US can be quite high, especially for international students. Public universities often have lower tuition rates for in-state residents compared with out-of-state residents and international students.

Private universities in the US generally have higher tuition fees, and international students might be charged higher rates than domestic students.

Canadian universities often charge higher tuition fees for international students compared with domestic students.

Some universities offer funding packages that include tuition waivers and stipends for both domestic and international doctoral students.

In Australia, domestic students (Australian citizens and permanent residents) usually pay lower tuition fees than international students.

International students in Australia might have higher tuition fees, and costs can vary based on the university and programme.

Apart from tuition fees, other aspects play a role in the overall financial consideration:

PhD studentship: Many universities offer PhD studentships that provide financial support to research students, covering both tuition fees and a stipend for living expenses.

Stipend and housing: Stipends are designed to cover living expenses. Stipend amounts can vary depending on the university and location. If you’re studying in London in the UK, stipends might be higher to account for the higher living costs in the city. Some universities also offer subsidised or affordable housing options for doctoral students.

Tuition and stipend packages: Some PhD programmes provide funding packages that include both tuition waivers and stipends. These packages are to help relieve the financial burden on students during their doctoral studies.

Research the financial support options provided by the universities you’re interested in to make an informed decision about the cost of your PhD journey.

What funding options are available for PhD candidates?

PhD candidates have various funding options available to support their studies and research journeys. Some of these options include:

PhD scholarships: Scholarships are a common form of financial aid for PhD candidates. They are awarded based on academic merit, research potential or other specific criteria. Scholarships can cover tuition fees and provide a stipend for living expenses.

Bursaries: Bursaries are another form of financial assistance offered to students, including PhD candidates, based on financial need. They can help cover tuition fees or provide additional financial support.

In the UK, specific funding options are available:

Regional consortium: Some regions have research consortiums that offer funding opportunities for doctoral candidates. These collaborations can provide financial support for research projects aligned with specific regional needs.

UK research institute: Research councils in the UK often offer stipends to PhD candidates. These stipends cover living expenses and support research work.

University-based studentship: Many UK universities offer studentships. You can read more about these above.

In the USA, there are also funding options available:

Research assistantships (RAs): Many universities offer research assistantships where PhD candidates work on research projects under the guidance of faculty members. In exchange, they receive stipends and often have their tuition waived.

Teaching assistantships (TA): Teaching assistantships involve assisting professors in teaching undergraduate courses. In return, PhD candidates receive stipends and sometimes tuition remission.

Fellowships: Fellowships are competitive awards that provide financial support for PhD candidates. They can come from universities, government agencies, private foundations and other institutions. Fellowships can cover tuition, provide stipends and offer research or travel funds.

Graduate assistantships: Graduate assistantships include a range of roles, from research and teaching to administrative support. These positions often come with stipends and sometimes include tuition benefits.

External grants and fellowships: PhD candidates can apply for grants and fellowships from external organisations and foundations that support research careers in specific fields. Examples include the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Fulbright Programme.

Employer sponsorship: In some cases, employers might sponsor employees to pursue PhDs, especially if the research aligns with the company’s interests.

You can read about the current available scholarships for international students of all education levels on our website .

What does a PhD Involve?

How does a PhD work?

A PhD includes thorough academic research and significant contributions to your chosen field of study. The timeline for completing a PhD can significantly vary based on the country, college or university you attend and the specific subject you study.

The duration of a PhD programme can vary based on factors such as the institution’s requirements and the academic discipline you’re pursuing. For instance, the timeline for a PhD in a science-related field might differ from that of a humanities discipline.

UK PhD timeline example

Looking at a typical PhD degree in a London higher education institution, we can consider this example timeline.

In the initial year of your PhD, you’ll collaborate closely with your designated academic supervisor. This collaboration involves refining and solidifying your research proposal, which lays the foundation for your entire doctoral journey.

This is also the time to establish a comprehensive plan, complete with well-defined milestones and deadlines. A crucial aspect of this year is conducting an extensive literature review, immersing yourself in existing academic works to understand the landscape of your chosen research area. It’s important to make sure that your research idea is original and distinct from prior studies.

As you begin the second year, you’ll actively collect data and gather information related to your research topic. Simultaneously, you’ll initiate the process of crafting your thesis. This involves combining your research findings and analysis into sections of your thesis document.

This is also the phase where you might have opportunities to share your research insights at academic meetings, conferences or workshops. Depending on the programme, you might even engage in teaching activities. Some PhD candidates also begin contributing to academic journals or books, showcasing their findings to a broader audience.

The third year of a PhD programme often marks the final stage of your research efforts. This is when you dedicate substantial time to writing and finalising your complete thesis. Once your thesis is completed to the highest standard, you’ll submit it for thorough evaluation.

A significant milestone in the third year is the viva voce, an oral examination where you’ll defend your thesis before a panel of experts in your field. The viva voce is an opportunity to showcase your deep understanding of your research and defend your findings.

Why should you do a PhD?

For many people, acquiring a doctorate degree is the pinnacle of academic achievement, the culmination of years of commitment to higher education.

However, the act of pursuing a PhD can be a complex, frustrating, expensive and time-consuming exercise. But with the right preparation, some sound advice and a thorough understanding of the task at hand, your years as a doctoral student can be some of the most rewarding of your life. 

People choose to work towards a doctorate for many reasons. If you are looking to pursue an academic position, such as university lecturer or researcher, then a PhD is usually required.

Many people obtain a PhD as part of a partnership with an employer, particularly in scientific fields such as engineering, where their research can prove useful for companies.

In some cases, however, PhDs are simply down to an individual’s love of a subject and their desire to learn more about their field.

What are some benefits of studying a PhD?

Pursuing a PhD can have many benefits that extend beyond academic achievement, encompassing personal growth, professional advancement and meaningful contributions to knowledge.

One of the most notable benefits of a PhD is the potential for tenure in academia. Attaining tenure provides a level of job security that allows you to delve into long-term research projects and make enduring contributions to your field. It signifies a stage where you can explore innovative ideas and pursue in-depth research, fostering your academic legacy.

While not obligatory, the opportunity to collaborate on research projects with your supervisor is another valuable aspect of a PhD pursuit. These collaborations might even come with financial compensation, offering real-world experience, skill development and practical applications of your research. Engaging in such collaborations can enrich your research portfolio and refine your research methodologies.

A pivotal aspect of a PhD journey is the chance to publish your original research findings. By disseminating your work in academic journals or presenting it at conferences, you contribute to the expansion of knowledge within your field. These publications establish your expertise and reputation among peers and researchers worldwide, leaving a lasting impact.

The pursuit of a PhD can provide a unique platform to build a diverse network of colleagues, mentors and collaborators. Engaging with fellow researchers, attending conferences and participating in academic events offer opportunities to make valuable connections. This network can lead to collaborations, expose you to a spectrum of perspectives and pave the way for future research endeavours.

What is a PhD thesis? And what is a PhD viva?

A PhD thesis will be produced with help from an academic supervisor, usually one with expertise in your particular field of study. This thesis is the backbone of a PhD, and is the candidate’s opportunity to communicate their original research to others in their field (and a wider audience).  PhD students also have to explain their research project and defend their thesis in front of a panel of academics. This part of the process is often the most challenging, since writing a thesis is a major part of many undergraduate or master’s degrees, but having to defend it from criticism in real time is arguably more daunting.  This questioning is known as a “viva”, and examiners will pay particular attention to a PhD’s weaknesses either in terms of methodology or findings. Candidates will be expected to have a strong understanding of their subject areas and be able to justify specific elements of their research quickly and succinctly.

In rare cases, students going for a PhD may instead be awarded an MPhil if the academic standard of their work is not considered fully up to par but still strong enough to be deserving of a qualification.

Can you do a PhD part time? 

Many PhD and MPhil candidates choose to pursue their qualification part time, in order to allow time to work and earn while studying. This is especially true of older students, who might be returning to academia after working for a few years. 

When applying, you should always speak to the admissions team at your university to ensure this is possible and then continue to work with your supervisor to balance all your commitments. 

Can I do a PhD through distance learning?

This is something else that you will need to check with your university. Some institutions offer this option, depending on the nature of your research. 

You will need to be clear how many times you will need to travel to your university to meet with your supervisor throughout your PhD. 

Your PhD supervisor

Choosing the right PhD supervisor is essential if you want to get the most out of your PhD. Do your research into the faculty at the institution and ensure that you meet with your proposed supervisor (either virtually or in person) before fully committing. 

You need to know that not only do they have the right expertise and understanding of your research but also that your personalities won’t clash throughout your PhD. 

Remember, to complete your PhD, you will need a strong support network in place, and your supervisor is a key part of that network. 

Coping with PhD stress

If you do decide to embark on a doctorate, you may well encounter stress and anxiety. The work involved is often carried out alone, the hours can be long and many students can suffer from the pressure they feel is on their shoulders.

Ensuring that you check in regularly with your emotions and your workload is crucial to avoid burnout. If you have other commitments, such as a job or a family, then learning to balance these can feel overwhelming at times. 

Give yourself regular breaks, speak to your supervisor and ensure that you know what university resources and support systems are available to you in case you need to access them. 

Post-doctorate: what happens after you finish your PhD?

Many PhD graduates pursue a career in academia, while others will work in industry. Some might take time out, if they can afford to, to recover from the efforts of PhD study.

Whatever you choose to do, undertaking a PhD is a huge task that can open up a range of doors professionally. Just remember to take some time out to celebrate your achievement. 

How does a PhD affect salary and earning potential?

How much does a professor with a PhD make a year?

Professors with PhDs can earn different amounts depending on where they work and their experience. In the UK, a professor might make around £50,000 to £100,000 or more each year. In the US, it's between about $60,000 and $200,000 or even higher. The exact salary depends on things like the place they work, if they have tenure, and what they teach.

How much does a PhD add to salary?

Having a PhD can make your salary higher than if you had a lower degree. But exactly how much more you earn can change. On average, people with PhDs earn more than those with bachelor’s or master’s degrees. The increase in salary is influenced by many things, such as the job you do, where you work and what field you’re in.

In fields such as research, healthcare, technology and finance, your knowledge and skills from your PhD can potentially help you secure a higher salary position.

In the end, having a PhD can boost your earning potential and open doors to well-paying jobs, including professorships and special roles in different areas. But the exact effect on your salary is influenced by many things, so ensure you weigh the cost against the benefit.

How to choose a PhD programme?

Choosing a PhD programme involves defining your research interest, researching supervisors and programme reputation, evaluating funding options, reviewing programme structure, considering available resources, assessing networking opportunities, factoring in location and career outcomes, visiting the campus if possible and trusting your instincts.

How can I find available PhD programmes?

You can find available PhD programmes by visiting university websites, using online directories such as “FindAPhD”, checking professional associations, networking with professors and students, following universities on social media, attending career fairs and conferences, contacting universities directly and exploring research institutes’ websites.

How to apply for a PhD programme?

To apply for a PhD programme:

Research and select universities aligned with your interests.

Contact potential supervisors, sharing your proposal, CV and references.

Prepare application materials: research proposal, CV, recommendation letters and a writing sample.

Ensure you meet academic and language-proficiency requirements.

Complete an online application through the university’s portal.

Pay any required application fees.

Write a statement of purpose explaining your motivations.

Provide official transcripts of your academic records.

Submit standardised test scores if needed.

Some programmes may require an interview.

The admissions committee reviews applications and decides.

Apply for scholarships or assistantships.

Upon acceptance, review and respond to the offer letter.

Plan travel, accommodation and logistics accordingly.

Remember to research and follow each university’s specific application guidelines and deadlines.

How to apply for a PhD as an international student?

Many stages of the PhD application process are the same for international students as domestic students. However, there are sometimes some additional steps:

International students should apply for a student visa.

Take language proficiency tests such as TOEFL or IELTS if required.

Provide certificates if needed to validate your previous degrees.

Show evidence of sufficient funds for tuition and living expenses.

Check if you need health insurance for your chosen destination.

Translate and authenticate academic transcripts if necessary.

Attend orientation sessions for cultural adaptation.

Apply for university housing or explore off-campus options.

Familiarise yourself with international student support services.

Ben Osborne, the postgraduate student recruitment manager at the University of Sussex explains in detail how to apply for a PhD in the UK .

Giulia Evolvi, a lecturer in media and communication at Erasmus University, Rotterdam explains how to apply for a PhD in the US .

Finally, Samiul Hossain explores the question Is it possible to do a three-year PhD as an international student?

Q. What is a PhD? A. A PhD is the highest level of academic degree awarded by universities, involving in-depth research and a substantial thesis.

Q. What does “PhD” mean? A. “PhD” stands for doctor of philosophy, recognising expertise in a field.

Q. What is a professional doctorate? A. A professional doctorate emphasises practical application in fields such as education or healthcare.

Q. How long does it take to study a PhD? A. It takes between three and six years to study a full-time PhD programme.

Q. How long is a PhD in the UK? A. It takes around three to four years to study a full-time UK PhD.

Q. How long is a PhD in the US? A. It takes approximately five to six years to complete a full-time US PhD.

Q. Why does it take longer to study a PhD in the US? A. US programmes often include more course work and broader training.

Q. What qualifications do you need for a PhD? A. You usually need an undergraduate degree as a minimum requirement, although a master’s might be preferred.

Q. Do you need a master’s degree to get into a PhD programme? A. Master’s degrees are preferred but not always required.

Q. Are PhD entry requirements similar in other countries? A. Entry requirements are similar in many countries, but there may be additional requirements. Make sure to check the university website for specific details.

Q. How much does it cost to study a PhD? A. The cost of PhD programmes vary by country and university.

Q. What funding options are available for PhD candidates? A. Scholarships, assistantships, fellowships, grants, stipends are all funding options for PhD candidates.

Q. What does a PhD involve? A. PhDs involve research, seminars, thesis, literature review, data analysis and a PhD viva.

Q. Why should you do a PhD? A. There are many reasons to study a PhD including personal growth, research skills, contributions to academia and professional development.

Q. What are some benefits of studying a PhD? A. Benefits of graduating with a PhD include achieving tenure, collaborations with colleagues, publication of your work, and networking opportunities.

Q. What is a PhD thesis? A. A PhD thesis is a comprehensive document that showcases the original research conducted by a PhD candidate.

Q. What is a PhD viva? A. A PhD viva, also known as a viva voce or oral examination, is the final evaluation of a PhD candidate’s research and thesis where the panel asks questions, engages in discussions and assesses the depth of the candidate’s understanding and expertise.

Q. Can you do a PhD part-time? A. Yes, part-time options are available for PhDs.

Q. Can I do a PhD through distance learning? A. Some universities offer online PhDs; you can find out more on their websites.

Q. How to choose a PhD programme? A. You can find PhD programmes through research, by contacting faculty, checking resources and considering location.

Q. How can I find available PhD programme? A. You can find available PhD programmes on university sites, through directories and by networking.

Q. How to apply for a PhD programme A. To apply for a PhD programme, research suitable universities and programmes, get in touch with potential supervisors, gather required documents like transcripts and reference letters, complete the online application, pay any necessary fees and submit a statement of purpose and research proposal. If needed, meet language-proficiency criteria and attend interviews. After acceptance, explore funding choices, confirm your spot and get ready for the programme’s start.

Q. How to apply for a PhD as an international student A. To apply for a PhD as an international student, follow similar steps to domestic students, but you need to include securing a student visa and passing language requirements.

Q. What is a PhD dropout rate? A. The dropout rate from PhDs varies but is approximately 30-40 per cent.

Q. How does a PhD affect salary and earning potential? A. A PhD can boost earning potential, especially in research, technology, healthcare and academia. Impact varies by job, industry and location. Experience, skills and demand also influence salary.

Q. How to address a person with a PhD? A. When addressing someone with a PhD, it’s respectful to use “Dr”, followed by their last name, whether they have a PhD in an academic field or a professional doctorate. For instance, “Dr. Smith”.

Q. Is there a difference between a PhD and a doctorate? A. The terms “PhD” and “doctorate” are often used interchangeably, though a PhD is a specific type of doctorate focused on original research. A doctorate can refer more broadly to any doctoral-level degree, including professional doctorates with practical applications.

Q. What is the difference between a PhD and an MD? A. A PhD is a doctor of philosophy, awarded for academic research, while an MD is a doctor of medicine, focusing on medical practice. They lead to different career paths and involve distinct areas of study.

Q. What is the difference between a PhD and a professional doctorate? A. A PhD is an academic research-focused degree, while a professional doctorate emphasises applying research to practical fields such as education or business. PhDs often involve original research, while professional doctorates focus on real-world application.

Q. What is the difference between UK and US PhDs? A. The difference between UK and US PhDs lies mainly in structure and duration. UK PhDs often have shorter durations and a stronger emphasis on independent research from an early stage. US PhDs typically include more initial coursework and broader foundational training before full-time research begins.

Q. What is the difference between a PhD student and a candidate? A. A PhD student is actively studying and researching in a doctoral programme, while a PhD candidate has completed programme requirements except for the dissertation and is close to completion.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and an EdD? A. A PhD and an EdD (doctor of education) differ in focus. A PhD emphasises research and academic contributions, while an EdD focuses on applying research to practical educational issues.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and a DBA? A. A PhD and a DBA (doctor of business administration) differ in purpose. A PhD emphasises theoretical research and academia, while a DBA is practice-oriented, aimed at solving real business problems.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and a PsyD? A. A PhD and a PsyD (doctor of psychology) differ in emphasis. A PhD focuses on research and academia, while a PsyD emphasises clinical practice and applying psychological knowledge.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and an LLD? A. A PhD and an LLD (doctor of laws or Legum doctor) are distinct. A PhD is awarded in various disciplines, while an LLD is usually an honorary degree for significant contributions to law.

Q. What’s the difference between a PhD and an MD-PhD? A. A PhD and an MD-PhD differ. An MD-PhD is a dual degree combining medical training (MD) with research training (PhD).

Q. What is the Cambridge PhD? A. A Cambridge PhD involves original research guided by a supervisor, resulting in a thesis. It’s offered at the University of Cambridge .

Q. What is the Oxford DPhil? A. An Oxford DPhil is equivalent to a PhD and involves independent research leading to a thesis. The term “DPhil” is unique to the University of Oxford .

Q. What is the PhD programme acceptance rate? A. PhD acceptance rates vary by university, field and competition. Prestigious universities and competitive fields often have lower acceptance rates.

Q. What is a PhD supervisor? A. A PhD supervisor guides and supports a student’s research journey, providing expertise and feedback.

Q. What is a PhD panel? A. A PhD panel evaluates a candidate’s research, thesis and oral defence. It consists of experts in the field.

Q. What is a PhD stipend? A. A PhD stipend is a regular payment supporting living expenses during research, often tied to teaching or research assistant roles.

Q. What is a PhD progression assessment? A. A PhD progression assessment evaluates a student’s progress, often confirming their continuation in the programme.

Q. What is a PhD defence? A. A PhD defence, or viva, is the final oral examination where a candidate presents and defends their research findings and thesis before experts.

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What is a PhD?

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Postgraduate research

PhD and MPhil degrees are different from taught degrees - such as Bachelors or Masters degrees - because the programme is an independent research project, rather than a programme of assessed coursework.

Making an original contribution

The essential requirement of a PhD is the creation of new knowledge. Being a researcher means developing new ideas and improving understanding through this creation of new knowledge. Your research will inevitably build on the work and ideas of others, but as a research student you are expected to make an original contribution to knowledge in your discipline.

Leading a research project

You will lead the research project, but you will also have support from a supervisory team who are there to provide guidance and read and comment on draft work - but the ultimate responsibility for planning and managing the research project will rest with you.

Writing a thesis

The research project is then written up as a thesis - usually 50,000-80,000 words depending on the discipline. Again, responsibility for writing and submitting the thesis rests with you, but your supervisory team provide guidance and read and comment on draft chapters to help ensure the thesis is of an appropriate standard.

Viva voce - defending your thesis

Finally, to be awarded a research degree you must defend your thesis in a 'viva voce' (spoken) examination. The viva voce examination is an intense and challenging experience, but we offer workshops and mock examinations to help you prepare and almost all research students who reach this stage go on to successfully complete their degree.

How long does a PhD take?

You will normally complete your active research - experimental work, field work, archival work, etc. - over a maximum period of 3-3.5 years. A fourth year or the remaining part of this can then be used to prepare the thesis for examination.

You would normally complete your active research - experimental work, field work, archival work, etc. - over a maximum period of 6-6.5 years. A seventh year or the remaining part of this can then be used to prepare the thesis for examination.

How long does an MPhil take?

MPhil students would normally complete their active research - experimental work, field work, archival work, etc. - over a maximum period of 1-1.5 years. A second year or the remaining part of this can then be used to prepare the thesis for examination.

MPhil students would normally complete their active research - experimental work, field work, archival work, etc. - over a maximum period of 3-3.5 years. A fourth year or the remaining part of this can then be used to prepare the thesis for examination.

In some cases it may be possible to complete a PhD or MPhil degree in less time, but this is unusual.

Structured training

UK PhD and MPhil degrees are distinctive in that they provide research students with a structured programme of training designed to help them develop their personal and professional capabilities. At Leicester, we are proud of our innovative and flexible approach to supporting the skills and career development of our research students.

Skill and career development

You'll benefit from a structured and tailored programme of skills and career development activities. In addition to the subject-specific research skills that are gained over the course of the research project, we offer workshops and training events that allow you to develop wider generic research skills and transferable skills such as leadership, team working, project management skills, and presentation skills - helping you to enhance your employability whatever your career plans.

Communicating your research

We also provide opportunities to help you develop your ability to share your research and develop your confidence in communicating research concepts and findings to different types of audiences. Schools and departments offer their own seminar and conference programmes in which you are encouraged to participate. Over the course the degree, you'll normally also attend academic conferences in the UK or abroad at which you present your research and have the opportunity both to network with other researchers in your subject and to raise your own profile.

Academia Insider

PhD candidate vs student – The REAL difference

Welcome to this comprehensive article on understanding the real difference between a PhD student and a PhD candidate. Both terms denote stages in a doctoral journey, but they imply different responsibilities, expectations, and milestones.

A PhD student is in the initial stages of their doctoral journey, undertaking coursework and preparing for exams. A PhD candidate, having passed these exams, focuses on original research and writing a dissertation. The difference between a PhD candidate and a PhD student becomes more evident at this stage.

As someone who is enrolled in a doctoral program, or considering earning a doctorate degree, it’s crucial to comprehend the clear difference between these roles.

PhD Candidate vs student

We’ll discuss everything from the process of becoming a PhD student to transitioning into a PhD candidate, the completion of coursework, the significance of qualifying exams, and the transition to dissertation research.

Your advisor may not even tell you this!

Our aim is to provide clarity and insight into these significant milestones of the doctoral journey and help you navigate your path to earning a PhD with confidence.

So, let’s dive into the world of doctoral programs and demystify the difference between a PhD student and a PhD candidate .

In a hurry? A typical PhD journey – Student to candidate

Here is a table highlighting the key differences between a candidate and student in a PhD program:

PhD StudentPhD Candidate
StageBeginning of PhD journeyAdvanced stage of PhD journey
CourseworkUndertaking required coursesCoursework is typically completed
ExaminationsPreparing for qualifying examsQualifying exams completed
ResearchParticipating in or learning about research in academiaFocused on independent dissertation research
Thesis/DissertationNot yet startedActively working on, or has completed
ObjectiveCompleting courses and passing examsCompleting and defending dissertation
StatusNot yet proven ability to contribute original research to the fieldHas proven ability to contribute original research to the field

What Is a PhD Student? The Doctoral Degree and Exams to Become a PhD

A PhD student is someone who has been accepted into a doctoral program and is in the initial stages of their journey towards obtaining a PhD degree. During this phase, the PhD student undertakes courses to develop comprehensive knowledge and skills within their chosen field. These courses often extend for about two years and require maintaining a certain minimum grade.

PhD students also participate in various academic activities such as teaching assignments, seminars, workshops, and initial stages of research.

They are expected to demonstrate high academic performance and the potential to contribute to their area of study.

Moreover, PhD students work on formulating a viable research proposal or topic for their thesis or dissertation.

Before becoming a PhD candidate, they are required to pass qualifying or comprehensive exams that test their understanding and the depth of knowledge in their field. The stress and effort involved in this phase serve as the transition point to becoming a PhD candidate, marking a critical difference between a PhD candidate and a student.

What Is a PhD Candidate or Doctoral Candidate

A PhD candidate is an individual who has advanced beyond the initial stages of a doctoral program and demonstrated their potential to contribute original and high-quality research to their field. The transition from a PhD student to a PhD candidate typically occurs after the completion of coursework and successful passing of comprehensive or qualifying exams.

These exams are rigorous evaluations that test the candidate’s depth of knowledge, research skills, and capacity to articulate and defend their ideas. They may include written and oral components, and in some cases, the submission of a research proposal or the first chapter of a thesis.

As a PhD candidate, the focus shifts from coursework to independent research, specifically the production of a doctoral dissertation or thesis. This work is intended to be a substantial and original contribution to their field of study. PhD candidates also commonly engage in teaching or other professional activities within their academic communities.

PhD Candidate vs Doctoral Student: What Are the Differences?

A PhD student and a PhD candidate are different stages in the journey towards earning a doctorate degree. As a PhD student, you’re at the start of this journey, having been accepted into a program and undertaking courses to gain in-depth knowledge of your field.

This stage typically involves a blend of coursework, research, and teaching responsibilities, with the primary goal being to complete required courses and maintain a satisfactory grade average.

Transition to the status of a PhD candidate occurs upon completing coursework and successfully passing a comprehensive or qualifying examination.

This examination assesses the depth of your knowledge, your research abilities, and your capacity to contribute original ideas to your field, distinguishing you from other scholars in academia. The transition from student to candidate signifies that you have demonstrated a readiness to produce independent, high-quality research.

As a PhD candidate, you are now focused on research and working towards your dissertation or thesis, the original contribution to your field that you’ve proven capable of providing.

The process concludes once you have successfully defended your thesis to a committee. In summary, a PhD student is preparing for their academic journey, while a PhD candidate is actively navigating it.

Is becoming a PhD candidate a big deal? Finishing the Qualifying Exam

Becoming a PhD candidate is a big deal! Pursuing a PhD is a long and challenging journey that requires discipline, dedication and hard work.

A PhD candidate must conduct original research, publish papers in academic journals, and defend their dissertation before a panel of experts in academia. It takes years of commitment and sacrifice to earn a Doctor of Philosophy, but the rewards are often worth it.

As a PhD holder, one gains prestige, respect, and career opportunities that would otherwise not be available.

PhD graduates can become professors, researchers, consultants, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs, among other things.

Pursuing a PhD is more than just a personal achievement. It contributes to the advancement of knowledge in one’s field, and it often translates into tangible benefits for society, such as new technologies, products, and services.

Wrapping up – stages of doctoral and PhD candidacy PhD Student vs Candidate

Understanding the journey from being a doctoral student to becoming a PhD candidate is crucial in successfully navigating a doctoral program.

The clear differences lie in the progression of responsibilities, academic milestones, and demonstrated ability to contribute original research in your field, highlighting the difference between a PhD candidate and a PhD student. Initially, as a PhD student and PhD candidate, you are enrolled in a doctoral program, completing required coursework and prepping for comprehensive exams.

The transformation into a PhD candidate happens post the successful passing of these exams, marking your readiness for independent research and dissertation writing. Earning a Doctor of Philosophy isn’t just about personal achievement, but also about societal contributions through the advancement of knowledge.

Becoming a PhD candidate is indeed a big deal, a testament to dedication, hard work and intellectual prowess. Your journey is unique and filled with learning that goes beyond books, setting you on a path of lifelong intellectual exploration and impact.

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Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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  • Tuition fees

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a high level globally-recognised qualification that is rooted in original research.

The qualification is awarded for the outcomes of a period of advanced, individual study which demonstrates an original contribution of new knowledge or practice to your chosen discipline.

Studying for a PhD provides you with a unique and exciting opportunity to explore a research topic in real depth.

At the same time you will learn relevant research and professional skills. You will be expected to take the initiative and to develop your own ideas whilst guided and supported by your supervisory team.

The experience of undertaking a PhD will differ between subject areas. Some PhD projects are deliberately multi- or inter-disciplinary, exploring topics at the boundaries of traditional subjects, or applying approaches associated with a range of disciplines to a single research area.

3-4 yearsup to 80,000 words 
5-7 yearsup to 80,000 words

All of our Academic Schools have PhD opportunities. Search our courses for a particular research area. Alternatively, if you’re not ready for a full PhD programme, we offer Research Master's degrees to prepare students for PhD study.

Types of PhD programmes

Practice-based PhD study is more commonly available in the creative and performing arts, where creative work forms a significant part of the intellectual inquiry.

The research investigation is undertaken partly by means of the creative process, while the thesis is formed of a piece of original creative work supported by a narrative and critique that places the work in an academic context.

We offer a number of practice-based PhDs including:

  • the School of Music's PhD by Performance and PhD by Composition ,
  • the School of English, Communication and Philosophy's PhD in Creative and Critical Writing .

Designed for those who have already accumulated suitable published work demonstrating a coherent research direction (as much as a conventional PhD).

In addition to the published works, students provide a 5,000 - 10,000 word critical commentary evaluating their field and indicating the original contribution to learning they have made.

To be eligible, you must have:

  • graduated from Cardiff University six or more years ago, or
  • been a member of staff for six years, or
  • been the holder of an honorary title from Cardiff University for six years

If you meet one of these criteria and are interesting in finding out more, please contact your Academic School .

For many subjects the demands of advanced study and research for a PhD require a demonstration of relevant skills and understanding at Master’s level as a condition of entry.

For some PhD programmes there is the need for Master’s level training to be specifically tailored to the demands of PhD research in that discipline. This may be delivered as a linked package (e.g. the "1+3" model), or via a continuous PhD programme that has embedded within it a structured component of preparatory research skills and methods training.

We offer the following Integrated PhDs:

  • Integrative Neuroscience (4 year Wellcome Trust)
  • Cancer Studies (4 year)
  • Economics (4 year PhD including two years of teaching, coursework and research training)
  • Social Sciences (1+3 year PhD including 1 year MSc in Social Science Research Methods which is mandatory for ESRC funded students who do not meet the core training requirements)

While the majority of research degrees are taken at universities and other higher education institutions, there are also some opportunities for collaborative study with an external partner.

This may mean, for example, that the project is sponsored by a company, that you spend some of your time in the workplace of the partner or that the partner contributes resources or expertise to the project.

A collaborative PhD can allow you to benefit from the input of industrialists and policy-makers and to experience first-hand the direct impact of your research.

Collaborative PhDs can include:

  • CASE Studentships (Collaborative Awards in Science and Engineering)
  • Specifically advertised funded projects

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  • Guide to PhD Entry Requirements
  • Applying to a PhD

Although undertaking a PhD can be an exciting challenge, understanding the numerous entry requirements is an important first step. These prerequisites ensure that prospective PhD students like yourself are well-prepared for the academic challenges that await. The entry requirements for STEM disciplines can differ significantly, depending on the specific program, institution, and country of study; this guide explains these requirements.

Key Takeaways

  • Diverse Entry Requirements : PhD entry requirements can vary significantly based on the specific STEM programme, and the country or institution in question.
  • Academic Qualifications : While a Bachelor’s degree with upper second class honours is a standard requirement, many institutions also place considerable emphasis on a Master’s degree, especially when obtained with Merit or Distinction.
  • English Language Proficiency : For non-native speakers, English language qualifications like TOEFL or IELTS scores are crucial. Some institutions offer pre-sessional English programmes for students marginally missing the mark.
  • Professional Experience : Non-traditional candidates can often offset their academic qualifications with significant professional experience relevant to the proposed research.
  • Visa and Residency : International students must ensure they meet residency requirements, often needing a specific student visa like the Student Route visa in the UK.
  • Financial Considerations : Prospective students should be aware of tuition fees and explore potential external funding options to support their PhD journey.
  • Holistic Application Process : Apart from academic qualifications, the application process evaluates research proposals, references, and personal statements to gauge a candidate’s potential for research and contributions to academia.

Standard UK PhD Requirements

For doctoral candidates interested in institutions in the United Kingdom, several standard requirements must be met:

  • Bachelors Degree : A minimum of an upper second class honours (2.1) is typically required. It indicates not just academic ability, but a strong foundation in the relevant field.
  • Masters Degree : While some STEM fields may accept candidates solely based on their undergraduate performance, many institutions highly value a Masters degree. Notably, achieving a grade of Merit or Distinction can significantly strengthen your application, especially a first class honours degree.
  • Relevance in Study : A degree in a field relevant to the chosen PhD program is crucial. This ensures that the student has the foundational knowledge vital for doctoral-level research.

International Degree Equivalents

While the UK has specific grading systems and qualification standards, international students with degrees from overseas institutions shouldn’t feel discouraged. Many UK universities and academic departments accept international qualifications that are deemed equivalent:

  • Degree Grades : Depending on the country, a degree with grades like ‘Distinction’ or ‘Honours’ might parallel the UK’s 2.1 or First Class honours.
  • Evaluation Process : Institutions often utilise recognised international qualification databases or in-house experts to assess the equivalence of overseas qualifications.
  • Professional Qualifications : Some candidates may not follow the traditional academic route. In such cases, substantial professional experience in a relevant discipline can potentially offset the need for conventional academic qualifications.

Vital Components for Admission

Achieving the right grades is just one part of the equation. Prospective PhD students are evaluated holistically:

  • Research Proposal : This is a window into the applicant’s research aptitude. It should be robust, well-thought-out, and demonstrate a clear research area or subject area of interest.
  • Interview Process : Institutions often invite promising candidates for interviews. Here, potential supervisors assess the candidate’s aptitude, enthusiasm, and suitability for PhD projects.
  • References : A well-drafted reference letter or academic references from established academicians or professionals in the field can provide invaluable insights into the applicant’s capabilities.

International Students and Residency Requirements

The landscape of global academia thrives on diversity. However, international students have to navigate additional steps:

  • Visa Essentials : International students in the UK, for instance, typically require a Student Route visa . The visa mandates full-time study, with confirmation of enrolment secured before the visa application.
  • Financial Stability : Prospective PhD students need to demonstrate sufficient financial support, ensuring they can cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other associated costs for the duration of their study.

English Language Proficiency for International Applicants

For international students whose first language isn’t English, proving English language ability is a cornerstone of the application process:

  • Testing Platforms : Widely recognised tests such as TOEFL and IELTS are utilised to gauge English language qualifications. For most PhD programmes, IELTS 7.0 overall (with at least 6.5 in each section) or TOEFL scores of 95 overall (no section scoring below 21) are the benchmarks.
  • Validity of Test Results : Ensure that your language test results are recent. Institutions typically require that these qualifications be less than 2 years old at the start of the program.
  • Exemptions : If a candidate has previously earned a degree in a native English-speaking country, they may be exempted from taking English language tests.
  • Pre-sessional English Programs : For those who narrowly miss the minimum entry requirement, many universities offer a Pre-sessional English program. Successfully completing this can pave the way for formal admission into the PhD programme as an alternative means of meeting the English language requirement.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

Preliminary Studies and Assessments

Many universities introduce prospective PhD students to a preliminary phase of studies, which stands as a precursor to the main research journey. This phase often doesn’t account for the official registration duration but is essential for assessment. A notable example of such a program is the MRes Programme, offering candidates rigour training in various research methodologies; it’s an excellent bridge for those transitioning from postgraduate studies to a full-fledged research degree . Post preliminary studies, there’s typically an evaluation of the candidate’s academic ability, aptitude for research, and the feasibility of their proposed project. Only after this evaluation’s successful completion does the formal PhD period commence.

Furthermore, the value of these preliminary studies extends beyond mere assessment. They serve as an orientation, acquainting students with the research culture of the institution and fostering essential skills. Not only do these programs help in refining one’s research proposal, but they also offer the chance to build networks with potential supervisors and other researchers. This early immersion can be pivotal in shaping a productive and rewarding PhD experience.

Typical Routes and Professional Experience

In the world of academia, not all roads to a PhD are paved in conventional terms:

  • Professional Experience : For those without a traditional academic trajectory, substantial professional experience in the chosen research area can significantly boost one’s application. Professional doctorate programmes often cater to such candidates.
  • Research Proposal : Here, more than anywhere else, the research proposal becomes pivotal. It should demonstrate how your professional experience aligns with the proposed research area and how it equips you for the rigorous research project ahead.

Financial Considerations

While intellectual capabilities are undeniably crucial for doctoral admissions, financial considerations also hold significant importance:

  • Tuition Fees : The tuition fee structure can vary significantly, especially between domestic and international student classifications. It’s crucial to understand these nuances and prepare accordingly.
  • External Funding : Several external funding opportunities, ranging from scholarships to grants, are available. They can significantly alleviate the financial burden of a PhD degree.

Application Process and Final Thoughts

Successfully navigating the application process requires careful planning and a systematic approach:

  • Online Application Form : This is often the first official step. Ensure that you furnish accurate details, from your academic qualifications to professional doctorate experiences (if applicable).
  • Research Proposal Submission : As highlighted, this document often holds significant weight. It should lucidly outline your research project and its relevance to the broader academic community.
  • Visa Requirements : For international students, the visa application is crucial. It often hinges on the offer of admission, proof of sufficient funds, and a clear criminal record.
  • Personal Statement : A well-crafted personal statement can provide a personal touch, elucidating your motivation, journey, and aspirations regarding the PhD.

In the pursuit of a PhD, understanding and meeting the entry requirements is your first step. This guide hopefully clarifies these prerequisites, providing a strong foundation for prospective PhD students. Whether you’re fresh out of your undergraduate studies, have completed postgraduate research degrees, or are banking on extensive professional experience, the world of academia calls! Prepare carefully, reach out to potential supervisors, engage with the academic departments, and enjoy the process.

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided clarity and direction for prospective STEM PhD candidates. Remember, each journey is unique – and while guidelines and requirements are essential, passion, determination, and genuine curiosity will remain the main factors of successful PhD students. Best of luck in your academic pursuits!

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PhD students and PhD candidates: Know the Difference

Phd students and phd candidates: know the difference feb 20, 2023.

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Who is a PhD Student?

A PhD student refers to an individual who has registered for a doctoral degree program. These students, often known as learners, may complete their coursework on campus, online, or in both settings. Students must fulfil a minimum number of academic credits and pass prerequisite tests to enroll in a standard PhD program.


Once this phase is completed, the student progresses to the dissertation phase, which involves research, writing, and defense.

The distinction between a PhD student and a PhD candidate is that the former is still undertaking coursework and has not yet commenced the dissertation process or passed the qualifying exams, although they may be in the process of doing so.

PhD students' education is defined by a predetermined structure, which also sets forth their schedules.

Who is a PhD Candidate?

A person who has finished all the necessary coursework and passed their qualifying tests is considered a PhD candidate. Once this goal is met, the individual gains the unofficial status of all but the dissertation (ABD).

In general, PhD students eagerly anticipate the transition from PhD student to PhD candidate since it will provide them with the opportunity to focus on their original research and start writing their dissertation with the help of their committee advisors.

Know more about Dissertation and Thesis and what are the major differences between these two ,

PhD student vs Candidates: What Are the Main Differences?

The main distinction between a PhD candidate and a PhD student is that as a student, one is still engaged in course-related activities such as attending classes, writing tests and exams, and completing assignments. On the other hand, becoming a PhD candidate puts you one step closer to earning a doctoral degree and adding the title PhD to your name after passing the tests and writing your thesis . It is important to note that you have to be a student before you become a candidate .

While the differences between being a Ph.D. student and a Ph.D. candidate may appear slight, they carry a lot of weight. Transitioning to a Ph.D. candidate can feel like stepping into a new realm, with new demands and expectations. Despite having completed their coursework, many Ph.D. candidates choose to take self-directed study courses with faculty members whose research aligns with their own, as it can help guide their own research and even influence their dissertation.

If you're part of the PhD community or considering pursuing a doctorate degree, it's important to understand the distinction between being a PhD candidate and a PhD student. Knowing where you stand in your academic journey can help you make informed decisions and set realistic expectations. Keep learning and growing as a PhD researcher , and remember to seek guidance and support from your peers and advisors along the way.

Read more about the EDAMBA PhD Students Forum

Read more about the EDAMBA Summer Research Academy  

EDAMBA aims to achieve its mission through three pillars of activity: 1. The Annual Meeting 2. The Summer Research Academy 3. The EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium of Doctoral Supervision

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Trapped in dissertation revisions?

Phd candidate vs student, published by steve tippins on may 19, 2020 may 19, 2020.

Last Updated on: 2nd February 2024, 03:03 am

You make the transition from PhD student to PhD candidate after you complete all your coursework and your comprehensive exams (if required). A PhD candidate’s sole task is to conduct their research and write their dissertation. 

In other words, a PhD student is still completing their coursework. They could be on the first day of their PhD program. A PhD candidate has completed all of the requirements for their degree except their dissertation (yes, that’s the infamous “ all but dissertation ” status).

PhD candidacy means you’re a PhD in training. Now you’re ready to spread your wings a little–with some guidance.

Your time as a PhD candidate is your chance to demonstrate that you are ready to be an independent scholar. It’s also your chance to screw up and have that be okay–to have support. Your committee will help you. Since it’s the first time you’ll go through the process of creating and performing a study on your own, there’s no reason to believe you’ll be perfect at it.  That’s why the process is designed so that your committee can give you guidance.

But besides the simple definition above, what are the implications of being a PhD candidate vs student? Turns out, there are many important differences. Without keeping these in mind when you become a PhD candidate, it’s easy to spin out and get off track and not understand why. 

PhD Candidate vs Student: What Are the Differences?

colleagues comparing notes inside a library

While “PhD Student” and “PhD Candidate” are both steps on the journey to getting a PhD, there are significant differences between them. Here are some of the differences between PhD candidate vs student.

Lack of Structure

When you’re doing coursework, there is structure; there are assignments and deadlines. Of course, in graduate coursework teachers aren’t on top of you to turn in assignments like they would be in an undergraduate program. However, there is a deliverable (final project, test, etc) that you have to complete each quarter. You have things to complete by a certain time in order to move forward. 

Once you become a candidate, there’s no syllabus and there are no due dates. It’s completely up to you to move forward in the process.

Some people find it hard to make the transition to the lack of structure that comes with being a PhD candidate. 

Academic Writing

Academic writing skills become really important when writing your dissertation –more important even than they were during the coursework phase of graduate school. Academic writing is essentially a new language, with very specific meanings and requirements. 

focused student studying on his laptop in a library

For example, you can’t just say “people believe x or y,” you have to say who they are and how you know that, giving citations to back it up. Many words (like “significant”) have very specific meanings and can’t be used the way you might use them in speech. 

As a PhD student, your professors should be teaching this language to you, so that as a PhD candidate, it will come as second nature.

How Many People Do You Have to Keep Happy?

Here’s another difference between being a PhD student vs PhD candidate: as a PhD candidate, you reduce the number of people that you have to keep happy. 

As a student, you have to keep in mind the requirements from each professor teaching your classes, as well as matriculation requirements from the department, preferences and advice given by your advisor, and even the research interests of the people for whom you’re writing papers. 

Over 50% of doctoral candidates don’t finish their dissertations.

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Once you become a candidate, it’s just your committee that you have to keep happy, meaning that those are the people who will hold you accountable and outline the requirements for completion of the degree. For that reason, you’ll want to choose your committee members with care.  

Hopefully, by the time you need to choose your committee, you’ll have encountered professors who are intrigued by your research interests and with whom you feel personally and professionally compatible.

Freedom to Choose

woman smiling and taking notes on her laptop

When you become a PhD candidate, you get to work on what you want to work on. You can pursue the topic that interests you instead of whatever goes with the course you’re in. It’s a time to really apply all those skills you were accumulating in the classes. For example, the statistical procedures you learned in stats classes and theories you learned in the courses for your discipline.

This is the stage of culmination, when everything you’ve learned becomes not the goal, but the foundation for your own body of work. It’s one of the exhilarating (and sometimes intimidating) parts of being a PhD candidate vs a student.

Expectations and Support

Faculty often use the “go wander in the woods” approach for PhD candidates. It’s essentially like hearing, “Go find things and come back to me when you’ve got something.” They’ll usually tell you when it’s not enough, but they might not give you much direction about what they’re looking for beyond that.

The reason for this is to encourage independent scholarship. They want you to have the opportunity to build your own case for why and how this topic should be studied.  But this first foray into academic independence can be quite a challenge.

When they tell you to “go wander in the woods,” they’re not even telling you what kind of tree to look for. Sometimes you get specific directions, but sometimes you get vague answers like “go look for more.” This can be frustrating. Many clients come to me because they need more direction, which is understandable.

morning sunlight passing through trees in a forest

In your coursework, you were often given studies to read or asked to find studies on particular topics that relate to the course topic.  Dissertation research is more nebulous.  Your committee members want you to decide which directions to go in and which kinds of studies best relate to your research questions.

They won’t be asking you for the “right answer.” They’ll be asking you, “Why? Justify what you did or plan to do.”

Here’s another difference between PhD candidate vs student: a PhD candidate can put “PhD(c)” after their name, indicating that they have achieved status as a PhD candidate. However, I suggest using caution with this designation. The APA has expressed concern that its use may be misleading to the general public and cause people to believe you have a PhD.

PhD Candidate vs Student: An Interview With a PhD(c)

woman with red hair working on her laptop in the office

Did you notice a change in how professors viewed you, once you moved from “student” to “candidate”?

Yes.  It actually happened during my comprehensive exams.  Before that, when I had been asked a question, the professor already knew the answer and was asking to see if I knew also. In my comprehensive exams, I had become the expert and my committee members were actually asking questions out of interest. 

We were all pieces of a puzzle at that point. Instead of them saying, “tell me about John Dewy’s influence on education in the 1920s,” they asked, “How do you think Dewey influenced the school system’s openness to parental involvement in schools?”  The professor who asked that was genuinely interested, because she was an expert in educational history but had not specifically studied parent involvement in schools, as I had. 

That moment represented a big shift for me; it meant that as a PhD candidate, I had to then take responsibility for my own learning, because nobody knew as much as I knew about that particular thing.

It’s exhilarating on one hand, because you suddenly realize you’re the expert. On the other hand, it’s scary because we’re used to somebody else knowing the answer, being able to correct us if we’re wrong.

A Narrowing of Scope

woman with a denim jacket holding a stack of books in a library

It sounds like your topic was centered on something very particular, so maybe not a lot of other people have studied what you want to study?

Yes, that’s true.  When you go through a PhD program your research area is pretty narrow. You start out with a general interest in something, but as you go through your classes, specific areas start to stand out.  

I started out with an interest in egalitarianism in public education, but my own past experience combined with some seminal texts to direct me toward parent involvement in schools, specifically.  Some books and articles showed me that how schools treat parents can be an indicator of egalitarianism, maybe a clearer one than any rhetoric about the students.

So, there’s this winnowing effect, as you move forward.  Your professors love to watch this, too.  Especially in the smaller, seminar classes, they seem to be waiting to see what makes your heart beat faster.

woman in a yellow shirt holding folders outside college

Speaking of your heart beating faster, is one distinction of the candidacy phase to have more passion about the work you’re doing?

I think that’s ideal, for sure.  It doesn’t always happen, because some professors are really after students who will jump onto their research platform, because they can piggyback on the students’ research to get more publications. Good committee chairs, though, will want you to find your own path toward something you can happily spend a lifetime studying.

phd candidate meaning uk

I suspect that one of the reasons people don’t finish their dissertations is because they weren’t really passionate about the topic in the first place.  It’s only one possible reason, but it should give a doctoral student pause.  

It’s really hard to finish a PhD, so you want to knock down any barriers to finishing.  Being passionate about the topic will keep you going when things feel onerous.  It’s like marrying someone with a sense of humor — even when you’re not getting along very well, there’s something you can always appreciate about your spouse.

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome written on a piece of paper

What about “ imposter syndrome ”?  Does that come into play when you become a candidate?

It sure did for me!  To be one of the only people who’s an expert in that field feels like a huge responsibility because people are depending on you. Your research has to be accurate because people will be making policies based on your conclusions.  

Even with good intentions, your conclusions can be erroneous, and there are plenty of historical examples of policies being made on the basis of erroneous conclusions.  The consequences can be enormous.  And that’s all on you! 

So then the questions become, “Am I really up to this?”  “Who am I to drive policy?”  “I’m just a fallible human being, so why would (or should) anyone listen to me?”  Especially right after comps, I was thinking, “How could I be the expert? Nothing really has changed about me; I’m still the same person.  Yesterday, I was a student, but today I’m an expert?” 

woman in a brown jacket holding her laptop and smiling

My observation is that this happens with women more than men, probably because women in authority positions are more often questioned than are men. But even for men, this seemingly sudden transformation can make you worry that you’re not qualified for the responsibility you’re being given.

The thing is, It’s not really as sudden as it seems. You’ve been studying something for, say, four years, so you have a claim to expertise. And you’ve been narrowing your interests all along the way, so you’ve been slowly building up your expertise.

Besides, in many good schools, you get warned a lot about how easy it is to make a mistake in research and how easy it is to make false conclusions. They beat that into you so much that it can become a constant doubt. 

In most primary and secondary schools, and sometimes even in college, they teach you to sit down, shut up, and learn something. For people to suddenly be saying, “tell me what you think,” can be challenging. I suspect that that’s another major reason people who finish their coursework don’t complete their dissertation: they’re not sufficiently prepared for this shift in roles.

Suggestions for PhD Candidates

two women having a conversation at a window side table

Having been through this shift yourself, do you have any advice for students in this stage of their process?

Mostly, I think it’s a matter of taking personal responsibility and seeing yourself in a new light.  It helps me to consider this process as a transformation — like a caterpillar into a butterfly.  The “student” stage is the caterpillar stage, where you’re eating the milkweed, the knowledge, to nourish you.  

Then there comes a time when you’ve got to stop being a consumer and transform into a real researcher.  That’s like the metamorphosis stage when the caterpillar is in the chrysalis, melting down.  (And I have had plenty of meltdowns myself in this stage!)  That’s when you’re on your own, writing the dissertation.

That chrysalis stage is a real slog.  You try as hard as you can, and your proposal still gets rejected — twice.  Or the IRB wants you to structure the study differently, after your committee has already approved it.  Or you can’t get enough participants for your quantitative study or enough data for your qualitative study — whatever.  It’s the biggest challenge of most people’s life!

two women discussing details on a laptop in an outdoor coffee shop

But if you stick with it, you actually do get this huge reward.  As a butterfly, or a PhD, you bring something unique to the world.  You have an important role in society that can potentially change the course of history — even if you don’t envision that in the beginning.

And that’s why the committee makes the process arduous.  They want to be sure you’re great at what you do, because there is potentially an awful lot riding on your shoulders.  I’m actually grateful for the rigor they demand.  I want to feel ready for the role I’m taking.

Ultimately, candidacy is time in the chrysalis.  It’s a time of transformation, built on one’s time as a student.  It’s a time in the dark and alone, which makes it challenging, for sure.  But I trust I’ll eventually emerge strong enough to spread my wings.

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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  • The PhD Journey - Stages of a Doctoral Degree

How to Get a PhD: The PhD Journey

Written by Mark Bennett

A PhD typically involves between three and four years of full-time study, culminating in a thesis which makes an original contribution to your field.

The process of getting a PhD is made up of quite a few components and milestones, from the literature review and writing up your dissertation right through to the viva examination at the end.

This section is a guide on how to get a PhD, providing in-depth advice and information on some of the main challenges and opportunities you’ll meet along the way!.

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7 stages of the PhD journey

A PhD has a few landmark milestones along the way. The three to four years you'll spend doing a PhD can be divided into these seven stages.

  • Preparing a research proposal
  • Carrying out a literature review
  • Conducting research and collecting results
  • Completing the MPhil to PhD upgrade
  • Participating in PhD teaching, conferences and publications
  • Writing your thesis
  • Defending your PhD results at a viva voce

We've expanded on what you can expect from each stage below. Here's how your journey to getting a PhD will look:

1. Preparing a research proposal

Strictly speaking, your research proposal isn’t part of your PhD. Instead it’s normally part of the PhD application process.

The research proposal sets out the aims and objectives for your PhD: the original topic you plan to study and / or the questions you’ll set out to answer.

It also explains why your work is worthwhile and why it fits with the expertise and objectives of your university.

Finally, a PhD proposal explains how you plan to go about completing your doctorate. This involves identifying the existing scholarship your work will be in dialogue with and the methods you plan to use in your research.

All of this means that, even though the proposal precedes the PhD itself, it plays a vital role in shaping your project and signposting the work you’ll be doing over the next three or more years.

2. Carrying out a literature review

The literature review is normally the first thing you’ll tackle after beginning your PhD and having an initial meeting with your supervisor.

It’s a thorough survey of work in your field (the current scholarly ‘literature’) that relates to your project or to related topics.

Your supervisor will offer some advice and direction, after which you’ll identify, examine and evaluate existing data and scholarship.

In most cases the literature review will actually form part of your final PhD dissertation – usually setting up the context for the project, before you begin to explain and demonstrate your own thesis.

Sometimes a literature review can also be evaluated as part of your MPhil upgrade .

Research vs scholarship

Research and scholarship are both important parts of a PhD. But they aren't the same thing - and it's helpful to know the difference. Research is the original work you produce with your thesis. Scholarship is the expert understanding of your subject area that enables you to conduct valuable research.

3. Conducting research and collecting results

Once you’ve carried out your literature review, you’ll move from scholarship to research .

This doesn’t mean you’ll never read another academic article or consult someone else’s data again. Far from it. You’ll stay up to date with any new developments in your field and incorporate these into your literature review as necessary.

But, from here on in, your primary focus in your PhD process is going to be investigating your own research question. This means carrying out organised research and producing results upon which to base your conclusions.

Types of PhD research

The research process and the type of results you collect will depend upon your subject area:

  • In Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects you’ll focus on designing experiments, before recording and analysing their outcomes. This often means assembling and managing complex numerical datasets – sometimes in collaboration with the rest of your laboratory or workshop.
  • In Social Science subjects you’ll be more focussed on designing surveys or conducting case studies. These will produce quantitative or qualitative data, depending on the nature of your work.
  • In Arts and Humanities subjects you’ll often have less raw data, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be working with ‘hard’ factual information. You’ll analyse texts, sources and other materials according to an accepted methodology and reflect upon the significance of your findings.

Whatever subject you’re in, this research work will account for the greater part of your PhD results. You’ll have regular meetings with your supervisor, but the day-to-day management of your project and its progress will be your own responsibility.

In some fields it’s common to begin writing up your findings as you collect them, developing your thesis and completing the accompanying dissertation chapter-by-chapter. In other cases you’ll wait until you have a full dataset before reviewing and recording your conclusions.

4. Completing an MPhil to PhD upgrade

At UK universities it’s common to register new PhD students for an MPhil before ‘ upgrading ’ them to ‘full’ doctoral candidates. This usually takes place after one year of full-time study (or its part-time equivalent).

Forcing you to register for a ‘lesser’ degree may seem strange, but it’s actually an important part of the training and development a PhD offers:

  • As an MPhil student you’re able to comprehend your field and produce new research.
  • As a PhD student you’re able to go that crucial step further and produce the significant original contribution to knowledge that defines a doctorate.

The MPhil upgrade is when you take the step from the former to the latter.

The MPhil upgrade exam

Upgrading from MPhil to PhD registration usually involves a form of oral exam – similar to the viva voce that concludes a PhD. But, unlike a full viva, the MPhil upgrade is less formal and only covers part of your thesis.

In most cases you’ll submit a small amount of the material you’ve produced so far. This could be a draft of your first chapter (or part of it) and / or your literature review. You could also be asked to reflect on your progress in general.

You’ll then sit down with your supervisor and someone else from your department (familiar with your field, but unrelated to your project). They’ll offer feedback on the quality of your work and ask questions about your findings.

The aim of the process won’t be to examine your drafts so much as to confirm that your project has the potential to justify a PhD – and that you’re on track to complete it on time.

‘Failing’ a PhD upgrade is actually quite rare. Your university may ask you to repeat the procedure if they are concerned that you haven’t made sufficient progress or established a viable plan for the rest of your project.

What is an MPhil?

The MPhil (Master of Philosophy) is also a research degree, but its scope is more limited than a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). And no, just like a PhD, an MPhil isn’t necessarily a Philosophy qualification. Our guide covers all you need to know about the difference between a MPhil and PhD .

5. PhD teaching, conferences and publications

During the PhD process, you’ll have lots of opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities, such as teaching, academic conferences and publications.

Although it isn’t usually compulsory to participate in these, they can be an incredibly rewarding experience and will look great on your CV.

Teaching during a PhD normally involves hosting undergraduate seminars or supervising students in the lab, as well as marking work and providing feedback.

Academic conferences are an excellent way to network with like-minded colleagues and find out the latest developments in your field. You might even be able to present your own work to your peers at one of these events.

Publishing during a PhD will help you increase your academic profile, as well as give you experience of the peer review process. It’s not normally a requisite of your PhD, but publications will certainly help if you plan on applying for postdoc positions.

6. Writing your thesis

As the culmination of three or more years of hard work, the thesis (or dissertation) is the most important part of the procedure to get your PhD, presenting you with the opportunity to make an original scholarly contribution to your discipline.

Our guide to writing your thesis covers everything you need to know about this lengthy research project, from structure and word count to writing up and submission.

We’ve also written a guide to the PhD dissertation abstract , which is an important part of any thesis.

7. Defending your PhD results at a viva voce

Unlike other degrees, a PhD isn’t normally marked as a piece of written work. Instead your dissertation will be submitted for an oral examination known as a viva voce (Latin for ‘living voice’).

This is a formal procedure, during which you ‘defend’ your thesis in front of appointed examiners, each of whom will have read your dissertation thoroughly in advance.

Examiners at a viva voce

A PhD is normally examined by two academic experts:

  • One will be an internal examiner, usually appointed from elsewhere in your faculty and department. They won’t be directly associated with your project, but will have sufficient expertise to assess your findings.
  • The other will be an external examiner. They will be a recognised expert in the area you are researching, with a record of relevant research and publication. Most universities in the UK allow you to invite an external examiner of your choice, provided there is no existing conflict of interest.

Your supervisor will help you prepare for the viva and will offer advice on choosing an external examiner. However, they will not normally be present during the examination.

The PhD timeline

PhD timeline
Meet with your and discuss your proposed project. Here you will clarify any changes that are needed and agree a schedule of meetings and a plan of work for the following months.
Clarify the direction of your research, methods and the necessity of any research trips. You will also discuss your training and development needs and begin working towards a .
Hand in of an advanced , thesis plan and timetable for completion. This will then be discussed in the with two internal examiners.
Biannual review with your supervisor(s) to discuss your progress to date and feasibility of completing on time.
You will have made considerable progress on your research by the end of the second year. You may have begun drafting your and engaging in professional activities such as , , and skills training. All of your progress will be discussed in another annual review.
Most of the third year will be spent writing up and redrafting your . You may also engage in professional activities such as , and .
Application for examination and nominate your examiners.
and assisting work such as a skills development log.
Usually the will take place within 10 weeks of the examiners receiving your thesis.
Most PhD students pass with corrections and are given a period to edit the thesis. The length of time given will depend on whether you pass with major or minor corrections.
Receipt of award and graduation!

Ready to take the next step?

There's lots more information about how to get a PhD in our advice section . Or, if you're ready to start looking at different projects, why not check out one of the thousands of current PhD opportunities in our database?

Mark Bennett

Mark joined FindAPhD to develop our first ever advice articles in 2013 and now serves as our Director of Audience & Editorial, making sure our websites and information are as useful as possible for people thinking about Masters and PhD study. He has a PhD in English Literature from the University of Sheffield, as well as Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of Kent and the University of South Wales.

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Not sure how PhD study will differ from a Masters? In this guide, we take a look at how the two qualifications compare, including applications, course structure, assessment and more.

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Every student will need to write an abstract for their PhD dissertation. Here's everything you need to know about what an academic abstract is and how to write one.

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What can you expect from a PhD? What's life actually like as a postgraduate student? Read our guides to the doctoral research experience.

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The viva voce is the final oral exam at the end of a PhD degree. Our guide explains the usual viva format, covers common questions and explains how to prepare.

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    phd candidate meaning uk

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  3. What is a PhD student or PhD candidate? [Updated]

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  4. Ph.D. Student vs. Ph.D. Candidate: The Differences Online PhD Degrees

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  2. PhD Candidate vs Student: What's the Difference?

    Although they work closely with an advisor, a PhD candidate is generally expected to work more independently than a student enrolled in a doctoral student. Once candidates reach this stage of their doctorate, they typically won't receive as much direction or supervision. 5. Flexibility and Structure.

  3. PhD candidate vs PhD student

    Here in the U.S., a "Ph.D. Candidate" is a student who has completed all of the academic requirements for their degree, except their dissertation. So this works in the USA and Canada I presume, because they have structured PhD programs where you attend courses as part of your PhD.

  4. What is a PhD?

    The term PhD or Doctorate of Philosophy is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase 'philosophiae doctor'. A PhD degree typically involves students independently conducting original and significant research in a specific field or subject, before producing a publication-worthy thesis. While some Doctorates include taught components, PhD students are ...

  5. What is a PhD and Why Should YOU do one?

    In the UK, a PhD stands for 'Doctor of Philosophy', sometimes referred to as a 'doctorate'. It is the highest level of degree that a student can achieve. At some institutions, including Oxford University, a Doctor of Philosophy is known as a DPhil. It is distinct from professional doctorates such as an Engineering Doctorate (EngD).

  6. PhD Study in the UK

    PhD Loans - A Guide for 2024. United Kingdom Student Loans Funding. You may be able to get a PhD loan of up to £27,892 for a UK doctorate from Student Finance. Our guide explains eligibility, applications and repayments. Read more. International PhD Funding for 2024.

  7. Understanding PhD Entry Requirements in the UK

    UK residency. In most circumstances, a PhD student will need to be a resident of the country in which the research is being completed at the time of study, or hold a relevant visa. International students (including EU, EEA and Swiss nationals) require a Student Route visa to study a PhD in the UK.

  8. Common types of doctoral programme in the UK

    UK doctoral candidates are registered as students. Many undertake their doctoral work on a full-time basis based at a university, but many others do their research part-time alongside full-time or part-time work or are based elsewhere e.g. in a research institute or private company. ... (PhD or DPhil) is the most common and familiar form of ...

  9. Doctor of Philosophy

    A Cambridge PhD is intellectually demanding and you will need to have a high level of attainment and motivation to pursue this programme of advanced study and research. In most faculties a candidate is expected to have completed one year of postgraduate study, normally on a research preparation masters course, prior to starting a PhD.

  10. Applying for a PhD in the UK

    There are over 150 universities in the UK. The vast majority are public universities, meaning that they receive funding (including budgets for PhD studentships) from the UK Government.All British universities are free to pursue their own research objectives, but the amount of funding each institution receives is partly based on regular assessments of its performance as part of the Research ...

  11. PDF The UK doctorate

    doctoral degree.The primary responsibility for academic standards and quality in UK higher education rests with autonomous higher education providers (universities) and res. arch institutes. Many have the power to award t. eir own degrees. However, they do so within the context of a national framework that underpins.

  12. What is a PhD? Advice for PhD students

    The precise nature and definition of an MPhil can vary among institutions and countries. A PhD, meanwhile, follows a more widely known and traditional route and requires students, often referred to as "candidates", to produce their own work and research on a new area or topic to a high academic standard.

  13. What is a PhD student or PhD candidate? [Updated]

    A PhD Candidate is an individual who is currently enrolled in a doctoral program at a university or other tertiary education institution. They are usually referred to as " PhD students" or "PhD candidates.". In order to qualify for the PhD, a candidate must complete all of the program's coursework requirements and write and defend a ...

  14. What is a PhD?

    Making an original contribution. The essential requirement of a PhD is the creation of new knowledge. Being a researcher means developing new ideas and improving understanding through this creation of new knowledge. Your research will inevitably build on the work and ideas of others, but as a research student you are expected to make an ...

  15. PhD candidate vs student

    Both terms denote stages in a doctoral journey, but they imply different responsibilities, expectations, and milestones. A PhD student is in the initial stages of their doctoral journey, undertaking coursework and preparing for exams. A PhD candidate, having passed these exams, focuses on original research and writing a dissertation.

  16. How to Apply for a PhD

    3. Online Application Form. Once you have found a research programme you are interested in, most universities will require you to make a formal application via their online application portal. The below outlines the supporting documentation you will likely require when completing your online application form.

  17. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is a high level globally-recognised qualification that is rooted in original research. The qualification is awarded for the outcomes of a period of advanced, individual study which demonstrates an original contribution of new knowledge or practice to your chosen discipline. Studying for a PhD provides you with a ...

  18. Guide to PhD Entry Requirements

    Standard UK PhD Requirements. For doctoral candidates interested in institutions in the United Kingdom, several standard requirements must be met: Bachelors Degree: A minimum of an upper second class honours (2.1) is typically required. It indicates not just academic ability, but a strong foundation in the relevant field.

  19. PhD Students

    For international student PhD funding in UK, it can differ as most universities offer places to those living in the UK. It doesn't mean there aren't options out there, ... Not all universities offer the option of becoming a PhD candidate, so if you're having troubles during your doctorate talk to your supervisor as the first port of call. ...

  20. Explained: What Is a PhD Degree?

    PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. This is one of the highest level academic degrees that can be awarded. PhD is an abbreviation of the Latin term (Ph)ilosophiae (D)octor. Traditionally the term 'philosophy' does not refer to the subject but its original Greek meaning which roughly translates to 'lover of wisdom'.

  21. PhD students and PhD candidates: Know the Difference

    The distinction between a PhD student and a PhD candidate is that the former is still undertaking coursework and has not yet commenced the dissertation process or passed the qualifying exams, although they may be in the process of doing so. PhD students' education is defined by a predetermined structure, which also sets forth their schedules.

  22. PhD Candidate vs Student

    In other words, a PhD student is still completing their coursework. They could be on the first day of their PhD program. A PhD candidate has completed all of the requirements for their degree except their dissertation (yes, that's the infamous " all but dissertation " status). PhD candidacy means you're a PhD in training.

  23. How to Get a PhD: The PhD Journey

    7 stages of the PhD journey. A PhD has a few landmark milestones along the way. The three to four year you'll spend doing a PhD can be divided into these seven stages. Preparing a research proposal. Carrying out a literature review. Conducting research and collecting results. Completing the MPhil to PhD upgrade.