
Visual Communication: Examples, Types, Elements & Importance

Table of Contents

Definition of visual communication

“Visual communication is the transmission of information and ideas using symbols and imagery.” Author- Paul Martin Lester “Visual communication is the process of creating and manipulating imagery to convey a message.” Author: Bruce Block

What is visual communication? 

Simply put, visual communication refers to the transmission of information, ideas, or messages through visual elements.

These elements can include images, customize graphics, charts, diagrams, and other visual representations. It is a form of non-verbal communication that relies on the audience’s visual perception to understand and interpret the intended meaning. 

The primary purpose of visual communication is to present information in a precise, efficient, and visually appealing manner. It is commonly used in various fields, including marketing, advertising, user interface design, educational materials, and presentations.

The key elements of visual communication include:


1/ Visuals : These are the core components of visual communication, including any form of visual representation used to convey a message, such as images, illustrations, photographs, and videos.

2/ Typography : The use of different fonts, sizes, and styles of text to enhance readability and emphasize key points in the visual.

3/ Color : The strategic use of colors to evoke emotions, create a visual hierarchy, and support the overall message.

4/ Composition : The arrangement of visual elements to create balance, unity, and flow within the design.

5/ Symbols and Icons : Simplified representations used to convey complex ideas or concepts at a glance.

6/ Charts and Graphs : Visual representations of data and statistics to make information easier to understand and analyze.

7/ Layout and Design : The organization of visual elements on a page or screen to guide the viewer’s attention and enhance the overall aesthetic.

8/ Context : Understanding the target audience, cultural influences, and the specific purpose of the communication to tailor the visuals effectively.

What is visual communication design? 

Visual Communication Design is the process of planning, creating, and implementing visual elements to effectively convey information to a specific audience.

Visual communication design goes beyond the mere use of visuals; it involves a thoughtful and strategic approach to visually represent concepts or data in a way that is both visually pleasing and meaningful.

Characteristics of visual communication 

Several key characteristics of visual communication that set it apart as a powerful and effective means of conveying information and messages:

  • Visual Nature : Visual communication primarily relies on visual elements to convey information. These visual representations often overcome language barriers and can be easily understood by diverse audiences.
  • Simplicity and Clarity : Effective visual communication is characterized by simplicity and clarity. The visuals are designed to be easily understood at a glance, conveying the message without unnecessary confusion.
  • Speed and Efficiency : Visuals allow for a quick understanding of information. A well-designed visual can convey a complex message rapidly, saving time and effort compared to reading a lengthy text.
  • Enhancing Comprehension : Visuals can complement textual information, assisting in the understanding of complex concepts or data. They provide visual context and help to break down information into smaller segments.

Why visual communication is important

Visual communication is a powerful and effective means of conveying and retaining information. Research has revealed that individuals can remember approximately 65% of the visual content they see nearly three days later, whereas they can only retain about 10% of the written content three days after reading it. 

Having said that here are some key reasons why visual communication is crucial:

1/ Enhancing Communication : Visuals can convey emotions, context, and non-verbal cues, making communication more expressive and engaging. They add depth and richness to messages, allowing for a better connection with the audience.

2/ Fostering Brand Identity : Visual communication is a key element in branding and marketing. Consistent visual elements such as logos, color schemes, and design styles help establish and reinforce a brand’s identity, making it recognizable and distinct.

3/ Enhanced Comprehension : Visuals complement textual information, making it easier for the audience to understand and retain the content. In fact, another study indicates that individuals typically retain approximately 20 percent of what they read and merely ten percent of what they hear. Conversely, these studies have revealed a remarkable 80 percent retention rate for what people see and do. 

4/ Supporting Decision-Making : Data visualization through charts and graphs enables better decision-making by presenting complex data in a clear and organized manner. Visualizing patterns and trends makes it easier for stakeholders to interpret information and draw insights.

5/ Attention and Interest : Skillfully crafted visuals have the remarkable ability to capture the audience’s attention and spark a genuine interest in the content being conveyed. They can break the monotony of text-heavy information, encouraging people to explore the content further.

6/ Accessibility and Inclusivity: Visual communication can be designed to cater to diverse audiences, including people with visual impairments or learning disabilities. By incorporating accessibility features, visual content can reach a wider range of individuals. Overall, visual communication is a fundamental aspect of modern communication and design. Its ability to convey information quickly, and engage emotions makes it a powerful tool in various industries, from marketing to education and data analysis. 

Types of visual communication you need to know


1/ Infographics: Infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge that present complex concepts in a clear and easily understandable manner. They often include charts, graphs, icons, and illustrations to convey information quickly.

2/ Motion Graphics: Motion graphics involves the utilization of animation and visual effects as a means of conveying information and narrating compelling stories. They are commonly used in videos, presentations, and multimedia projects.

3/ Illustration: Illustrations are artistic visual representations used to convey ideas, concepts, or narratives. They can be found in books, magazines, advertisements, and various other media.

4/ Motion Graphics and Animation: Motion graphics and animation involve the use of moving visuals to communicate messages and stories. They are common in video content, explainer videos, advertisements, and presentations, adding an engaging and dynamic element to communication .

5/ Data Visualization: Data visualization is a specialized form of visual communication that focuses on presenting data and statistics in visual formats like charts, graphs, heat maps, and interactive dashboards. It helps users understand trends, patterns, and insights from data.

6/ Photography: Photography is a form of visual communication that uses images to capture moments, convey emotions, and tell stories. Photographers employ composition, lighting, and carefully chosen subject matter to craft visuals that leave a powerful and meaningful impact on viewers. When creating visual content, consider using a reliable background remover tool to enhance the aesthetics and focus on the main subject.

What are the examples of Visual communication?


How to use visual communication in the workplace 

Using visual communication in the workplace can significantly enhance collaboration, understanding, and productivity among team members. Let’s get into the detail of how visual communication can be effectively employed in different workplace scenarios, along with relevant examples:

1/ Presentations and Meetings : Visuals are powerful tools for delivering impactful presentations and facilitating meetings. They help to maintain the audience’s attention and convey complex information more effectively. For example, in marketing team meetings managers can use visually appealing PowerPoint presentations with images, infographics, and charts to showcase the latest campaign performance data. These visuals will help team members understand key metrics, identify trends, and discuss areas for improvement.

2/ Process Documentation : Visual communication is instrumental in documenting processes, workflows, and standard operating procedures (SOPs). Visual diagrams and flowcharts simplify complex processes, making them easier to follow. For example, the HR department can use flowcharts to illustrate the employee onboarding process. This visual representation can visually guide new employees through the steps, reducing confusion and ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.

3/ Collaborative Brainstorming : Visual communication encourages active participation and creativity during brainstorming sessions. Visual aids, such as whiteboards and sticky notes, facilitate idea generation and organization. For instance, during a product development brainstorming session, team members can use a large whiteboard to sketch ideas, create mind maps, and visually organize features and functionalities. This visual approach fosters collaboration and inspires innovative solutions.

4/ Data Visualization and Analysis : Visualizing data through charts, graphs, and dashboards simplifies complex information, making it easier to identify patterns and insights. For example, the sales team can use data visualization tools to create bar graphs and line charts to analyze sales performance over time. This visual representation allows them to identify peak sales periods and potential areas for revenue growth.

5/ Training and Learning : Visual communication enhances training and learning materials, making them more engaging and memorable. Especially in a corporate training session, where the instructor can incorporate videos, images, and interactive elements to supplement the training content. Therefore these visuals keep participants engaged and help reinforce learning concepts. Apart from the above scenarios, visual communication can be used in many verticals of the workplace. Making It is a valuable asset for facilitating effective communication, and enhancing overall productivity.

Tips for effective visual communication 

Whether you are a marketer, designer, or simply looking to enhance your communication skills, mastering effective visual communication can significantly elevate your message’s effectiveness. Here are some major tips to follow: 

(A) Knowing Your Audience and Message :

Understanding your target audience and the message you want to convey is a fundamental step in creating effective visual communication.

Different audiences have diverse preferences, interests, and comprehension levels. By identifying your target demographic, you can tailor your visuals to resonate with them and ensure the message is delivered clearly and concisely.

Ask yourself questions like: Who is the intended audience? What are their needs, interests, and demographics? What emotions or responses do you want to evoke from them?

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience and the message you want to convey, you can design visuals that align with their preferences and effectively communicate your intended message .

(B) Simplicity and Minimalism in Visual Design :

The saying “less is more” holds true in visual communication. A cluttered or overly complex design can confuse and overwhelm the audience, leading to a loss of focus on the main message. By embracing simplicity and minimalism, you can make your visuals more impactful and easier to comprehend.

Use clear and straightforward visuals that convey the main idea without unnecessary distractions. Eliminate any elements that don’t contribute to the message’s core and prioritize clean, uncluttered layouts. Minimalistic designs allow the audience to focus on the central message, leading to better retention and understanding of the information being conveyed.

(C) Consistency and Cohesion in Visual Content :

Consistency is key to building a strong visual identity and reinforcing your message. When creating visual content for your brand or project, maintain a consistent style, color palette, and overall aesthetic. This clarity helps establish recognition and trust with your audience.

Develop brand guidelines or style guides that outline the visual elements to be used consistently across all platforms, including your website, social media, presentations, and marketing materials. This ensures that your visuals work harmoniously to support your message and strengthen your brand image.

(D) Testing and Iterating Visuals for Optimal Impact :

To optimize the impact of your visuals, it’s essential to test and repeat your designs based on audience feedback and performance metrics. Conduct A/B testing with different visual variations to identify the design that best resonates with your audience.

Analyzing key engagement metrics like click-through rates and time spent on visual content. Use this data to refine and improve your visuals continually. By implementing these tips, you can create visuals that effectively engage your audience, deliver your message clearly, and leave a lasting impression.

Whether you are designing for marketing, education, or any other purpose, understanding your audience, simplicity, consistency, and continuous improvement will enhance the overall success of your visual communication efforts.

Applications of visual communication 

Visual communication has a wide range of applications across various fields and industries. Here are some of the key applications of visual communication:

1/ Advertising and Marketing: Visual communication plays a pivotal role in shaping advertising and marketing strategies. This section explores how businesses and brands strategically utilize visual elements to establish connections with their target audience and effectively promote their products or services.

  • Creating Compelling Advertisements: Visuals play a crucial role in capturing attention and swiftly conveying a message. Advertisements often use eye-catching visuals, graphics, and photographs to engage potential customers and communicate the benefits of a product or service effectively.
  • Influencer Marketing and Visual Content : Influencer marketing relies heavily on visual content created by influencers to promote products or services to their followers. These visuals typically appear on social media platforms, where influencers showcase and endorse products through captivating images and videos.
  • Visual Branding and Logos : Visual branding involves creating a distinctive identity for a brand through creative logos , colors, typography, and other visual elements. A well-designed logo becomes a recognizable symbol that represents the brand’s values and offerings.
Interesting Fact : Research indicates that a significant 75% of consumers can identify a brand solely by its logo. ( Source )

2/ Journalism and News Media: Visual communication plays a significant role in journalism and news media by making news stories more compelling, informative, and accessible to the audience.

  • Infographics for News Articles : News organizations use infographics to present data, statistics, and comparisons in a visually appealing format. Infographics provide a quick overview of complex information, making it easier for readers to understand the context of the news.
  • Visualizing Data for Clear Communication : Visual representations of data, such as charts and graphs, help journalists convey information more efficiently. Data visualization enriches the clarity and influence of news reports.
  • Photojournalism and Storytelling : Photojournalism uses powerful images to tell stories and evoke emotions. Photographs can capture significant events, convey the human experience, and raise awareness about critical issues.

3/ Entertainment and Visual Arts: Visual communication is a cornerstone in the world of entertainment and visual arts, enriching storytelling and artistic expression.

  • Film, Television, and Animation : Film and television rely heavily on visual storytelling to immerse audiences in fictional worlds and communicate narratives effectively. Animation takes visual communication to a new level, allowing for limitless creativity and imagination.
  • Graphic Novels and Comic Books : Graphic novels and comic books combine visuals with text to tell stories, catering to a diverse audience. The integration of art and storytelling in these mediums creates a unique and engaging experience.
  • Fine Arts and Visual Expression : In the realm of fine arts, visual communication is an essential means of expression. Artists use paintings, sculptures, and other visual mediums to convey their ideas, emotions, and perspectives.

In each of these applications, visual communication serves as a powerful tool, capturing attention, conveying information, and evoking emotions. Its versatility makes it an integral part of various industries and aspects of human expression.

What are Visual communication skills? 

Visual communication skills refer to the ability to effectively convey information, ideas, and messages through visual elements. These skills are essential for creating clear, engaging, and impactful visuals that resonate with the audience.

Here are some key components of visual communication skills:

1/ Graphic Design Proficiency : A strong understanding of graphic design principles , including layout, composition, color theory, typography, and image manipulation, is crucial. 

2/ Design Principles : Knowledge of design principles is crucial for creating visually appealing and well-organized visuals. These principles include composition, balance, contrast, alignment, proximity, and hierarchy, among others.

3/ Digital Tools : Proficiency in using various digital tools and software, such as Adobe Creative Suite (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Canva, and data visualization platforms, is essential for creating and editing visual content .

4/ Storytelling : The ability to use visuals to convey narratives and stories is a valuable skill in visual communication. Storytelling through visuals can create emotional connections and make messages more memorable.

5/ Data Visualization : Proficiency in data visualization is essential for transforming complex data and statistics into clear and meaningful visuals, such as charts, graphs, and infographics. Skill in selecting appropriate data representation methods ensures that information is easily understood.

6/ Presentation and Communication Skills: Being able to present visual designs and explain their rationale is vital, especially in client-facing roles. Clear communication skills help in articulating the message behind the visuals and addressing any questions or concerns effectively.

What are the best ways to improve and develop visual communication skills? 

Improving and developing visual communication skills can be achieved through the following methods:

  • Study Design Principles : Learn fundamental design principles such as composition, balance, contrast, and alignment to create visually appealing and organized visuals.
  • Explore Typography : Understand how to use different fonts, sizes, and styles to enhance readability and emphasize key points in visual communication.
  • Learn Color Theory : Familiarize yourself with color psychology and how to use colors effectively to convey emotions and create visual harmony.
  • Analyze Visuals : Study and analyze various visuals, such as advertisements, infographics, and illustrations, to understand their techniques and effectiveness.
  • Develop Storytelling Skills : Learn to convey narratives and stories through visuals to create emotional connections with your audience.
  • Experiment with Data Visualization : Practice creating charts, graphs, and infographics to effectively represent complex data and statistics.
  • Practice Regularly: Engage in regular practice to create visuals, experiment with design elements, and work on different projects to build confidence and proficiency.

What is the difference between graphic design and Visual communication

Visual communication vs audio-visual communication

Visual communication vs written communication

Related Reading : What is effective written communication

Mass communication vs visual communication  

Fashion communication vs visual communication

 Visual communication vs verbal communication

Related Reading : What are verbal communication skills

What are the barriers to visual communication 

Several barriers can prevent effective visual communication. These barriers include

1/ Ambiguity : Visuals that lack clarity or have multiple interpretations can lead to confusion and miscommunication. Unclear images, poorly designed graphics, or complex data visualizations without proper labels can be ambiguous.

2/ Cultural Differences : Visuals may carry different meanings and significance in different cultures. Symbols, colors, and images that are well understood in one culture may be misinterpreted or have different connotations in another, leading to misunderstandings.

3/ Information Overload : Presenting an excessive amount of visual information simultaneously can overwhelm the audience, hampering their ability to concentrate on the core message. When visuals are cluttered or packed with details, the main message may get lost.

4/ Technical Limitations : Poor image quality, incorrect aspect ratios, or issues with the display medium can prevent the proper transmission of visual information.

5/ Lack of Relevance : If visuals are not relevant to the topic or the audience’s interests, they may fail to engage or resonate with the viewers, resulting in decreased communication effectiveness.

What are the best ways to overcome barriers to visual and audio-visual communication? 

To overcome these barriers and ensure effective visual communication, it is essential to carefully plan and design visuals with the target audience in mind.

By conducting user testing and actively seeking feedback, potential issues can be identified and the overall effectiveness of visual communication can be improved. Additionally, adhering to principles of simplicity, relevance, and cultural sensitivity will enhance the impact and accessibility of visual content.

What are the best books on visual communication? 

There are many books that can help you learn various aspects of visual communication. These books provide valuable insights, theories, and practical advice for enhancing visual communication skills and understanding the power of visual language.

Here are some highly regarded books on visual communication:

1/ “ The Non-Designer’s Design Book ” by Robin Williams: This book is an excellent starting point for those new to design principles. It covers fundamental design concepts, typography, layout, and color in a clear and approachable manner.

2/ “ Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative ” by Edward R. Tufte: In this book, Tufte explores the art and science of data visualization and how to present complex information effectively. It’s a classic reference for anyone interested in data visualization and information design.

3/ “ Logo Design Love: A Guide to Creating Iconic Brand Identities ” by David Airey: For those interested in branding and logo design, this book offers valuable insights into creating compelling visual identities.

4/ “ The Elements of Graphic Design ” by Alex W. White: This book covers the fundamental elements of graphic design, including line, shape, texture, and color, and their application in visual communication.

5/ “ Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative ” by Austin Kleon: This book encourages creative thinking and provides practical advice for artists and designers looking to improve their visual communication skills.

What are visual communication ethics? 

In the realm of visual communication, ethical considerations play a significant role in ensuring responsible and honest representation of information and ideas. The following are some of the key ethical concerns in visual communication:

(A) Avoiding misinformation and manipulation through visuals:

Visual communication can be a powerful tool to convey information, but it also has the potential to spread misinformation and manipulate perceptions. To maintain ethical standards, it is crucial to avoid using visuals in ways that alter facts, deceive the audience, or misrepresent reality. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Fact-Checking : Always verify the accuracy of the visuals and the information they present before using them. Relying on credible sources and fact-checking services can help prevent the spread of false or misleading content.
  • Contextual Integrity : Ensure that visuals are presented in their proper context. Misusing images or videos by taking them out of context can lead to misunderstandings.
  • Transparent Attribution : Clearly attribute the source of visuals used in your communication. This includes providing proper credits for images, videos, and other visual elements obtained from external sources.

(B) Responsible usage of stock images and copyrighted materials:

Visual communicators often use stock images or copyrighted materials to enhance their content. However, doing so requires responsible and legal usage to respect the rights of content creators. Here are important considerations:

  • Licensing and Permissions : Always obtain the necessary licenses and permissions before using stock images or copyrighted materials. Read and understand the terms of use provided by the image providers or copyright holders.
  • Respectful Adaptations : If modifying or adapting visual content, make sure it aligns with the original creator’s intentions and avoids misrepresentation.

(C) The impact of synthetic media on visual trustworthiness:

Synthetic media refer to AI-generated content that convincingly alters or replaces visual and audio elements in videos or images, often making it difficult to distinguish between reality and manipulation. This technology raises ethical concerns and challenges in visual communication:

  • Misinformation and Trust : AI-generated media can be used to create realistic videos of individuals saying or doing things they never did, leading to misinformation and manipulating trust in authentic visuals.
  • Consent and Privacy : The creation and sharing of deepfakes without consent raise significant privacy and ethical issues, especially when used for malicious purposes.

Advantages and disadvantages of visual communication

Benefits of visual communication:.

1/ Enhanced Engagement : Well-crafted visuals capture attention and keep the audience engaged.

2/ Simplification of Complex Data : Data visualizations and infographics make complex information easier to understand.

3/ Visual Appeal : Attractive visuals make content more appealing, encouraging further exploration.

4/ Communication Efficiency : Visuals convey messages efficiently, saving time for both communicators and recipients.

5/ Enhanced Creativity : Visual communication allows for creative expression, helping to tell stories and present ideas in innovative ways.

Limitations of Visual Communication:

1/ Subjectivity : Interpretation of visuals can be subjective, leading to potential misinterpretation or ambiguity.

2/ Limited Detail : Visuals may not always provide in-depth information, potentially requiring additional context or explanation.

3/ Overwhelming : Too many visuals in one communication may lead to information overload and reduced message clarity.

4/ Cost and Time : Creating high-quality visuals can be time-consuming and may require specialized tools or skills.

5/ Technical Limitations : Poor image quality or display issues can prevent the effectiveness of visual communication.

To know more check out our detailed guide on: What are visual communication’s advantages and disadvantages

How can visual communication enhance the message? 

Visual communication can significantly enhance the message by leveraging the power of visuals to complement and clarify the information being conveyed. 

When integrated thoughtfully, visuals can create a more compelling and engaging experience for the audience. By incorporating images and graphics, Visual communication has the remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts, making them more accessible for understanding and memorization.

Additionally, visuals create a more engaging experience, capturing the audience’s attention and encouraging them to explore the content further.  

Whether it’s through infographics, illustrations, or photographs, visual communication enables communicators to craft compelling narratives, tell stories, and create a lasting impression on the audience. By employing visuals strategically, the overall communication becomes more effective, leaving a stronger and more meaningful impact on the viewers.

How does visual communication improve culture? 

Visual communication plays a crucial role in improving culture by fostering better understanding, promoting inclusivity, and preserving cultural heritage. Here are some ways in which visual communication contributes to cultural improvement:

1/ Preservation of Cultural Heritage : Visual communication helps preserve cultural heritage by documenting and representing traditions, customs, and historical events through visual mediums.

2/ Promotion of Social Issues : Visual communication can raise awareness about social issues and cultural challenges faced by communities. By using powerful visuals, designers, and communicators can advocate for positive change and social justice within a culture.

3/ Cultural Identity and Branding : Visual communication is instrumental in building cultural identity and branding for regions, cities, and nations. Through logos, design elements, and promotional materials, cultural values and heritage can be effectively communicated to a broader audience.

4/ Promotion of Cultural Events and Festivals : Visual communication is used extensively in promoting cultural events, festivals, and celebrations. Eye-catching visuals in marketing materials attract attendees, generate interest, and boost cultural participation.

Tools and Technologies for Visual Communication

There are many tools and technologies that have emerged to facilitate the creation and distribution of visual content. These tools cater to various aspects of visual communication, from graphic design to immersive experiences. Let’s explore some of the key tools and technologies in visual communication:

Graphic Design Software and Applications

  • Adobe Creative Suite : A comprehensive suite of applications, including Adobe Photoshop for image editing, Adobe Illustrator for vector graphics, and Adobe InDesign for layout and print design.
  • Canva : An online graphic design platform with a user-friendly interface and a wide range of templates for social media graphics, presentations, posters, and more.
  • Sketch : A design tool favored by UI/UX designers, enabling them to create digital interfaces and prototypes.
  • Visme : a visual content creation software that includes tools such as a PDF Maker , infographic maker, presentation maker, graph maker, and many others.

Video Editing and Animation Tools

  • Adobe Premiere Pro : A professional video editing software for cutting, editing, and enhancing video footage.
  • After Effects : Motion graphics and visual effects software commonly used to add special effects and animations to videos.

Photography and Image Editing Software

  • Adobe Lightroom : A powerful photo editing and organizing tool, widely used by photographers to enhance and optimize their images.
  • Affinity Photo : A non-subscription-based image editing software with high-quality editing capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1) what do you mean by visual communication.

Ans: Visual communication involves the artistic expression of conveying messages through the skillful use of visual elements, involving images, symbols, and typography.  This form of communication goes beyond just words and text, utilizing various visual aids to engage, inform, persuade, and entertain audiences across different mediums and platforms. 

2) What is visual communication class 9? 

Ans: Visual Communication in Class 9 typically refers to an educational course that introduces students to the fundamentals of visual communication and graphic design. This subject aims to develop students’ understanding and skills in effectively conveying information and ideas through visual means.

3) What is an example of visual communication situation? 

Ans: Example of visual communication: A recycling awareness campaign using graphics, colors, and typography to motivate people to recycle. Posters, social media, and videos are employed to reach a wide audience. The message emphasizes the benefits of recycling and includes a clear call to action.

4) What is graphical communication? 

Ans: Graphical communication refers to the conveyance of ideas or messages through visual representations or graphics. It involves using visual elements to communicate effectively with an audience.

5) What is audio-visual communication? 

Ans: Audio-visual communication refers to the transmission of information, ideas, or messages through a combination of auditory (sound) and visual (sight) elements. It involves using both audio and visual media to communicate effectively with an audience, providing a multi-sensory experience that enhances understanding and engagement.

6) What is the significance of visual communication? 

Ans: Visual communication is significant because it enhances understanding, creates memorable impact, and engages audiences leading to better communication outcomes across various fields and enriching human interactions. 

7) What is visual communication in art?

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Blog Beginner Guides How to Use Visual Communication: Definition, Examples, Types

How to Use Visual Communication: Definition, Examples, Types

Written by: Midori Nediger Aug 27, 2020

Visual Communication Header

With so many businesses and organizations now operating online, visual communication is more important than ever.

Whether you’re an executive looking to align your team on new organizational processes, or a marketer looking for ways to differentiate on social media, you may wonder how best to use visuals to really connect with your audience.

In this guide, I’ll give you some trade secrets from my experience as an information designer. I’ll show you how to leverage design and visual communications best practices to engage your audience while avoiding information overload.

Table of contents:

  • What is visual communication

Examples of visual communication

  • What are the types of visual communications
  • Why does visual communication matter

How to use visual communication in the workplace

How to make your visual communications look professional, what is visual communication.

Visual communication is the practice of using visual elements to convey a message, inspire change, or evoke emotion. 

It’s one part communication design— crafting a message that educates, motivates, and engages,  and one part graphic design— using design principles to communicate that message so that it’s clear and eye-catching.

Effective visual communication should be equally appealing and informative.

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Visual communication is really about picking the right elements (usually text, icons, shapes, imagery and data visualizations) to create meaning for your audience.  You can also communicate visually with video. For example, you can use a free screen recorder to show a colleague how to complete a task rather than sharing a document.

Some common visual communication strategies include:

  • Using data visualization to show the impact of your work
  • Using shapes and lines to outline relationships, processes, and flows
  • Using symbols and icons to make information more memorable
  • Using visuals and data to tell stories  
  • Using color to indicate importance and draw attention

Visual communication is a powerful tool that uses images, symbols and graphics to convey information and ideas. It’s like showing someone a picture instead of just telling them a story.

Here are some examples of visual communication:

Infographics: These combine visuals and text to present complex data in a clear and concise way. For example, an infographic could show the population growth of different countries over time using a combination of charts and illustrations.

Videos: Videos can be used to demonstrate processes, explain concepts, or tell stories in a visually engaging manner. For instance, a video tutorial could demonstrate how to change a flat tire, while a promotional video could tell the story of a brand’s mission and values.

GIFs: Animated GIFs can add movement, humor, or emotion to your content. For example, a GIF of a dancing cat could be used to add a playful element to a social media post.

Emojis: Emojis can be used to express emotions or ideas in a concise and visually appealing way. For example, a thumbs-up emoji could indicate approval or agreement.

Photographs: Photographs can capture real-world scenes and tell stories or convey emotions. For instance, a photo of a child playing in a field could evoke feelings of joy and innocence.

Illustrations: Illustrations can be used to represent ideas, concepts, or emotions in a creative and visually appealing way. For example, an illustration of a dragon could be used to represent power and mythical creatures.

Diagrams: Diagrams can be used to visualize relationships between different elements or concepts. For example, a flowchart could show the steps involved in a process, while a Venn diagram could illustrate the similarities and differences between two groups.

Charts: Charts can be used to represent data in a visual format, such as bar charts, pie charts, or line charts. For example, a bar chart could show the sales figures for different products, while a line chart could illustrate the trend of stock prices over time.

What are the types of visual communications?

When you think about visual communication, your mind might first jump to design-heavy content like social media graphics or infographics .

And while visual communication certainly plays a role in those cases, there are a ton of other types of content that fall under the visual communication umbrella.

8 types of visual communications in the workplace include:

  • Process Diagrams
  • Flow Charts
  • Charts and Graphs
  • Visual Reports
  • Presentations

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These can look very different when used in different industries, but they all use the same visual communication strategies and design principles to accurately present information and create meaning for audiences.

Let’s take a look at some visual communication strategies used across different types of organizations.

Different types of visual communication strategies across industries

Nonprofit organizations.

Nonprofit organizations often combine data visualization and visual storytelling to gain the trust of their audiences and establish the credibility of their organization. 

This might take the form of a statistical infographic or an impact report that they share with their donors and supporters:

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They may also create public-facing informational posters or brochures to build awareness around their organization and foster support for their cause. 

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Another place where visual communication is key for larger nonprofits is to update stakeholders on campaign or research results. These reports often combine storytelling with data visualization to inform and convince. 

nonprofit research report

Healthcare organizations

A visual communication strategy often applied in healthcare is the use of plain language and simple iconography to communicate with audiences with lower health literacy. 

For example, a public health unit might create an infographic factsheet to ensure that recommended protocols are followed, like these recent COVID-19 guidelines from Public Health Ontario:

visual communication healthcare guidelines

In fact, the CDC recommends the use of visuals to boost understanding of health information for external communications in healthcare.

These types of visual guides aren’t just helpful for external communication. Similar tactics can be used to remind staff of workplace best practices, like patient safety and infection prevention practices.

visual communication safety poster

Learn more: Venngage for Healthcare Organizations

Business consulting organizations

Business development organizations may use diagrams like process maps to communicate high-level strategy to clients , which can help make their value more tangible.

A simple roadmap or summary of strategy recommendations can go a long way towards communicating and aligning with clients.

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Why does visual communication matter?

Visuals can help create understanding where words alone cannot. 

They can help bridge the gap between concepts and words, especially when appealing to an audience with diverse needs and backgrounds.

It’s clear that visual communication is top-of-mind for many. When we surveyed marketers about their use of visual content , 74% of the marketers we surveyed stated that more than 70% of their content contained some form of visual.

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Plus, it’s been demonstrated time and time again that in addition to making information more engaging, visuals can actually help with the comprehension of information. 

But when should you consider making your content more visual?

You can use visual communication to:

  • Engage your audience
  • Communicate complex information
  • Tell a story and convey emotion
  • Simplify information
  • Communicate the impact of your data

Let’s take a look at how this can apply in the workplace.

You might think that visual communication isn’t really necessary in your day-to-day work. 

But visuals, in the right hands, can be used as a tool to influence what your audience pays attention to, thinks about, and understands. 

1. How to make boring topics engaging

Creating engaging content that shows the value of your business can be a challenge when you work in a “boring” or technical industry like finance, business development, engineering or healthcare.

But it’s this kind of challenge where visual communication shines. Creating unique visuals can help you position yourself as the innovative solution in the market.

Here are some simple strategies to consider:

Use stylized icons to make technical information feel concrete and approachable

This infographic about credit card merchant processing, for example, takes advantage of a playful icon style and a modern design treatment to capture your attention and keep you reading.

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This might be the perfect way to signal to young business owners that you’re different from the traditional big banks, and that you’re right for them. It feels so much more approachable than a wall of text on a web page.

Just applying some basic visual communication strategies can make this “boring” technical information a bit more accessible and relatable to your target audience —ready to boost engagement on social media, your blog, or your newsletter.

Use visual metaphors to get your audience thinking

Visual metaphors are another way to make old ideas feel fresh and exciting, and can even help foster deeper understanding of your subject matter.

The use of women running in the infographic below, for example, helps me think about NPS scores in a new way:

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By allowing the visual presentation to drive how you position the value of your product or service, you can find new ways to reach your customers.

Read more: Common symbols and meanings and how to use them in design

To sum up, here are some visual communication tips for how to make boring topics engaging:

  • Use visuals and icons to make technical information feel approachable
  • Choose a graphic design style that will resonate with your target audience 
  • Think outside of the box: use a unique visual presentation to get your audience thinking 

If your visual presentation is unique, your information doesn’t have to be revolutionary to give you an edge over your competitors.

Read more: Infographic ideas to make your information engaging.

2. How to communicate process changes and improvements

Being able to quickly re-align your team on process changes has never been more important. 

Visuals can make processes easier to understand and more memorable. They can also help boost employee alignment and engagement. 

Here’s how you can use process documentation to help align your team.

Show both high-level and low-level changes with hierarchical process diagrams

Breaking down processes into discrete visual steps can make new processes much easier to grasp.

And breaking down steps into even smaller sections can help you communicate both high-level concepts and specific details in the same place, like in this process diagram below.

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Providing these process documents to employees can help quickly align teams on new strategies, like an action plan to address a crisis or a shift into a new market, while also acting as a reference point in the future.

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  • Provide presentation slides as a post-meeting reference guide 

With remote work becoming the norm, you likely spend many of your days in back-to-back Zoom calls. 

If you’re holding a meeting to discuss major process changes or company updates, it may be worth your while to whip up some quick meeting slides to help clarify changes and ensure your team is aligned.

Including a slide deck can help reinforce the importance of what’s discussed, and act as a reference when your team digs into their work.

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Provide checklists to help your team keep track of complex processes

Providing a checklist of steps for your team to follow can help you delegate work with confidence, while giving your team the confidence to know that they’re doing things right.

Checklists are particularly helpful for communicating complex or proprietary internal processes, as they can help remove any anxiety from the process.

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Build out a library of internal training documents that you can update periodically

Building out a library of training documents, while it might take a bit of time up front, can really save time and money in the long run, because a team that’s aligned is a team that’s productive.

Onboarding guides, FAQs for new employees (like the fun onboarding FAQs below), and other process documentation can all help make remote onboarding easier, and help new employees feel comfortable and in control.

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HR onboarding checklists can help avoid the headache of overlooked paperwork and unclear expectations. Having one checklist for the employee and one for your HR department will help keep everyone aligned and on top of their tasks.

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If you’re ramping up to hire a mass of new employees, it may even be worth rethinking the design of your offer letter . After your new employee signs, you can send on their package of matching onboarding documents.

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And once you create those documents, they should be easy to update and disseminate to new and existing team members, making your job even easier.

To summarize, here are your tips for communicating process changes on the fly:

  • Show high- and low-level changes with hierarchical process diagrams
  • Help your team keep track of changes with checklists
  • Build a library of internal training documents that you can update periodically

3. How to simplify complex information with visuals

Perhaps the most powerful use of visual communication is to simplify complex information. 

Just take this image that HubSpot posted on Twitter recently, for example. With one simple visual, they manage to position their product as the perfect solution to three problems experienced across three different teams:

visual communication venn diagram

This doesn’t just work for external communications on social media.

It can be the perfect approach for consultants looking to effectively communicate their ideas and strategies to clients, in a quick and digestible way.

Or B2B organizations in technical fields looking to demystify the products and services they offer to differentiate from their competitors, without using a ton of technical language:

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Or healthcare organizations looking to make recommendations clear to patients:

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The four key steps for simplifying complex information with visuals are:

  • Remove as much text as possible
  • Use shapes like circles and rectangles to indicate groupings
  • Use lines and borders to indicate flows and relationships
  • Use color and size to draw attention to key information

Read More: How to Summarize Information Visually

4. How to visualize data and insights

Effective data visualization does more than just display some data from a spreadsheet.

It should communicate insights and capture ideas. It should communicate the why behind the trends.

It should help you answer the question often asked by busy people with competing demands: why should I care?

  • Use the right chart for your data and your goal

The first thing to consider when visualizing data is what visual form will best communicate your insight.

At Venngage, we’ve developed the ICCOR method to help you choose the best charts for your infographic. The ICCOR method is a framework aimed to help you use a visualization type that aligns with your communication goal.

Your communication goal might be to: 

  • Inform : convey a single important message or data point that doesn’t require much context to understand
  • Compare : show similarities or differences among values or parts of a whole
  • Show Change : visualize trends over time or space
  • Organize : show groups, patterns, rank or order
  • Reveal Relationships : show correlations among variables or values

Each of these different goals will be best communicated with a different type of chart.

visual communication ICCOR method

For example, icons arrays (also called ‘pictograms’) have been shown to be more effective than bar or pie charts for communicating risk , which is particularly important for healthcare providers and public health workers who want to support good decision making in their patients.

Bar charts, on the other hand, are perfect for handling larger amounts of data and highlighting comparisons between sets of data, which might be more important for those working in finance:

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For access to professional templates, and a simple editor to visualize financial information, check out: Venngage for Finance

For the full ICCOR framework, check out: How to choose the best types of charts for your data

Choosing a chart is just one part of the process. How do you actually make an impact with your data?

  • Tell a story with your data to inspire your audience

A plain old bar graph won’t do much to inspire your audience. But a creative combination of charts, visuals, text, and statistics that tells a story can. 

By highlighting the right numbers and pulling in text and other visuals, you can show the impact of your organization in a more holistic way, and tell the story behind the data.

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Storytelling with data is as much about crafting a narrative as it is about understanding and communicating the insights in your data. 

The first step to crafting your narrative is understanding your audience. Think about:

  • What’s going on in their lives?
  • What knowledge do they have on the subject?
  • What context do they need from you?

Once you understand your audience, it should be easy to pull out the insights that will make an impact, and present them in an impactful way. That’s the difference between an engaging design and your standard Excel chart.

Another common practice in data storytelling is the use of icon stories to draw viewers in and make abstract ideas more concrete.

Take this report from UNICEF, for example. The simple, universal icons are combined in different ways to create and reinforce key ideas, creating an impactful report that will be memorable for readers.

unicef report

  • Call out key insights and action items in the data

The impact of your hard work can easily get lost in a monthly or quarterly report. 

But you can apply the design techniques typically used in infographics to make sure your efforts stand out of more traditional summative reports.

The trick is to do more with less. Get rid of data that doesn’t say anything, and emphasize the data that’s meaningful. Remove the noise to pull focus towards what’s useful.

Highlight key data points and add annotations to provide context to the most important data:

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Here’s what to consider when visualizing your data and insights:

  • Understand your audience and design with their knowledge in mind

Read more: Data visualization examples and best practices

If you’re not a full-time designer, one of your main concerns might be making sure your visual communications look professional. 

You want to make sure you’re producing content that elevates your brand, and inspires your colleagues, donors, and stakeholders.

Here’s what you should think about:

Establish a cohesive visual brand for any external communications

It’s critical for any growing business to establish cohesive visual branding. 

Especially for consumer-facing communications, like for your blog or social media, the quality of your visual brand signals to your customers about the quality of your organization.

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to ensure your branding feels consistent. Here’s how:

  • Include the same header and footer with your logo across infographics, one-pagers, reports, and flyers
  • Apply your brand fonts and colors consistently across all of your collateral
  • Use the same style of symbols and icons across every document

visual communication brand consistency

As a shortcut, you can use Venngage’s Brand Kit to add your brand logos, fonts and colors to your designs with just a few clicks.

Read more: Don’t have your brand guidelines built out yet? Learn how to choose fonts and how to pick colors for designs, first.

Repurpose and reuse designs to keep your communications consistent

Reusing and repurposing existing designs can truly be a game changer.

For one, it’ll speed up your workflow. But more importantly, it’ll ensure that you’re producing communications that are consistent and cohesive.

Did I mention yet that your communications need to be cohesive?

You can repurpose the documents you’ve created for one client or project, add different content and tweak it a bit for a new client or a different target audience, to get a ton of mileage out of a small amount of design work.

Even if you’re just creating documents to share internally, like project summaries or company newsletters, you can set yourself and your team apart by producing documents that have a consistent visual style.

The recent rapid transition to remote work has propelled visual communication from a “nice-to-have” into an integral part of communication at work. 

I hope you’ve already started thinking about how you can use visuals to amplify your communications. 

Just remember to keep these design and visual communication principles in mind:

  • Use modern design and visuals to make boring information engaging and differentiate yourself from your competitors
  • Simplify your information to make an impact
  • Use data visualization techniques to show the value of your work
  • Create designs with a cohesive visual brand and reuse them to keep your communications consistent

For help getting started with visual communication and infographics, check out this guide: How to make an infographic in 5 steps .

Discover popular designs

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Infographic maker

essay about visual communication

Brochure maker

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White paper online

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Newsletter creator

essay about visual communication

Flyer maker

essay about visual communication

Timeline maker

essay about visual communication

Letterhead maker

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Mind map maker

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Ebook maker

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What Is Visual Communication and Why Is It Important

What Is Visual Communication and Why Is It Important

Written by: Brian Nuckols

visual communication - header

Visual communication is a way to communicate ideas graphically in ways that are efficient and help to convey more meaning. It’s a critical element of any content marketing strategy. 

This is because visuals can help to evoke emotions in your audience, provide stronger examples for your message and so much more.

There are at least three crucial reasons to incorporate visual elements into your content creation process. Let's get started.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit chart templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

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Why Is Visual Communication So Important?

A common challenge we face with creating content is that we put resources into exceptional work that fails to make the impact we want. 

How can we avoid this and make sure the content we’re creating makes the impact we need? There are three core challenges at the root of this problem.

visual communication - three challenges for impactful content infographic

  • Limited attention 
  • Difficulties remembering your content
  • Failure to understand what you’re trying to say 

First we’ll explore how to address these challenges. Afterwards, we’ll unpack concrete ways to launch effective visual communication strategies.

Visual Communication Addresses Three Core Challenges

In the modern content landscape, we have some challenges that can prevent us from having as much impact as we want. There are 3 particular challenges that visual communication helps us address. 

Challenge 1: Limited Attention

The first challenge we need to overcome is the limited attention span of your audience. 

According to the classic 2015 study by Microsoft, the average human has an 8 second attention span. 

visual communication - limited attention infographic

In the years since, attention spans have been narrowing. According to a 2019 study in Nature Communications the lack of attention trend is accelerating. 

Since we know distractions are a problem, we want to explore how visual communication can help us make our content as distraction-proof as possible.

visual communication - common distractions infographic

The good news is that visual communication helps us to transform our content into a distraction-proof, problem-solving tool. 

Because the likelihood of distraction online is often correlated with the quality of visual information in your content, the use of visuals helps them refocus and return to the main ideas in your content.

Infographics are also one of the best examples of asynchronous communication . For example, guide your audience through a step-by-step process using the infographic template below.

visual communication - project process infographic

Challenge 2: Remembering the Content

The second challenge businesses face with readers is making sure that you stick out in their memory. Something to keep in mind is that the content ecosystem is filled with awesome work. It’s a competitive space.

From my own experience, I often come across wonderful content that I save for later. 

However, because there is so much great material, I find myself returning only to the strongest visual content.

Ready to utilize strong visual content like infographics in your content? Use an example like the one below to help readers remember concepts you’ve written about. 

Visual communication has two crucial benefits when it comes to memory. 

First, it increases the likelihood that your content will create long term memories in your readers. That way, your readers will reflect on what they read and come back later for more content.

Additionally, strong visual communication will increase reading comprehension and memory while your readers are still reading the content. This is critical because it allows them to experience more insights and epiphanies. 

It’s crucial to keep them following along if you want them to experience breakthroughs on the problems they’re looking to address. 

Visuals support these insights because they summarize the critical points you want to communicate. This helps readers to make their own connections applying your ideas to their unique situation. 

Help your readers connect with your content by using this modern design concept map.

visual communication - concept map template

Why does visual communication work so well for creating connections for your readers?

It’s because our brain loves processing images. Warning... For the next 75 words we will discuss neuroscience. 

visual communication - cerebral cortex infographic

Our brain has an important area called the visual cortex. It's a large area in the very back, and it's the part of the brain responsible for processing images.

But there's another area called the Broca’s area that is much, much smaller. That’s responsible for reading words. 

We want to make it easy on our readers and help them access that huge region of the brain as opposed to making them struggle. 

Neuroscience lecture complete. 

There are additional reasons why word-heavy content makes it hard on readers. 

When we see the word, “tree,” we have to generate our own imaginary representation of the word based on our memories. This is because words are abstract. 

The word itself is just a placeholder for everything we know about trees. If we make our readers generate meaning from abstraction after abstraction they will become exhausted and go back to Slack, Instagram or email.

You can use Visme to create a number of visuals to help amplify your message. 

Create fun infographics centering with this step-by-step process infographic template.

visual communication - infographics

Concept Maps

Illustrate concepts and share your biggest ideas with this concept map template. 

visual communication - concept maps

Transform your best-performing content into an engaging presentation with the visual identity template. 

visual communication - presentations

Charts and Graphs

Present your research with a sleek pie chart using the template below.

visual communication - charts and graphs

Process Diagrams

What are your readers’ biggest challenges? What content can you create today that helps them move closer to their goals and create positive visual memories? 

Visually represent the steps involved in a problem solving process using our process infographic template. 

visual communication - process diagrams

Challenge 3: Understanding if the Content is Meaningful

The third challenge to focus on when it comes to visual communication is whether or not your readers will find the content meaningful. Because there is so much content out there, and we read more everyday. 

Tech Jury compiled some provoking stats about content creation on the internet. 

visual communication - content creation stats infographic

  • In March 2019, over 4.4 million blog posts were published every day.
  • Over 409 million people read more than 20 billion pages on WordPress each month in 2020.
  • There were 488.1 million blogs on Tumblr in January 2020.
  • The median average time spent reading an article is 37 seconds.

With this in mind, how do you create memorable content that sticks out from the crowd?

The first thing to understand is why readers don’t remember the content they consume.  We are all bombarded with information and we have to make decisions about what to filter out. 

If you use visual communication effectively, your readers will flag your content as meaningful and apply your insights to their life. What does that look like in practice? 

First, we have to understand the concept of coherence. 

Aaron Antonovsky developed the concept of coherence to understand why people respond to stressful situations so differently. 

visual communication - concept of coherence

What is the difference between folks who get anxious from stress and those who flourish under the pressure? 

It has to do with how much confidence someone has that their environment is predictable. 

Coherence is a mix of optimism and control.

This means two things for your content. First, if you bombard your readers with a bunch of information, it can actually decrease their coherence and create frustration.

Secondly, if we present information skillfully our content will help readers solve their biggest problems. 

What are the most important questions you can answer for your readers? Illustrate your ideas and increase their coherence with the Principles of Learning template below.

visual communication - principles of learning infographic

How to Put Visual Communication Strategies Into Your Content Today

Now that we’ve learned about the three common challenges that visual communication addresses, let’s explore how we can start putting visual communication strategies into practice today. 

Visual and Kinesthetic Imagery

The first way to put visual communication strategies into your content is to use more visual and kinesthetic imagery. 

A common mistake we make with content is using too much text. This is a problem because text heavy content ignores the 5 senses. 

Don’t forget that your readers have a whole domain of experience outside of the voice in their head that reads content. 

Research shows that senses are connected to memory retrieval .

Using content that provokes the senses is a practical strategy to help readers remember and fully understand your content. You also want your readers to have a more vivid mental picture of your content and brand. 

One of the low hanging fruits with visual communication is to connect your strategy with VAK theory .

The theory helps us understand how different people process and learn information . 

VAK stands for visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (tactile). The theory states that individuals prefer to learn through blending these sense channels as opposed to focusing on just one.

Let’s explore how visual communication helps us to blend the visual and kinesthetic styles. 

visual communication - visual and kinesthetic communication

Kinesthetic Imagery (AKA Kinesthesia)

Kinesthetic images engage the feeling of movement. It deals with full-body sensations, such as those experienced during exercise. 

  • Rushing water
  • Feet pressing against the ground 
  • Pounding hearts 

These are all examples of kinesthetic imagery. 

Fitness and outdoors adventure brands make great use of kinesthetic imagery. However, this is a tactic many other businesses ignore. 

No matter what our industry we have customers that utilize the kinesthetic sense to make sense of the world.

Ready to translate your next content success story into a visually compelling graphic? Get the process started with our flowchart template! 

visual communication - flowchart template

Visual Imagery

Additionally, we can use visual imagery to help readers who need visuals to help make sense of things.

We want to pay attention to things like: 

How do we use these elements in our visual communication strategy?

We can get some inspiration from the world of filmmaking. Think about how certain movies have impacted your emotions. 

We might focus on the story, characters, and memorable moments in the film to try and understand this. However,  underneath the surface the decisions about color are making a huge difference. 

Let’s take a look at how directors and artists used orange colors to evoke certain moods in their films. 

visual communication - warm visual imagery

Now, contrast how the use of blue brings up an entirely different emotional reaction.

visual communication - cool visual imagery

With this in mind think about the emotions your brand colors are likely to evoke. 

visual communication - emotion and brand colors

The above chart can help us think about where our brand style is likely to take readers emotionally. When we layer in visual communication using visual and kinesthetic imagery we can create a powerful experience for the reader. 

Think about the emotions and experience you want to deliver to your audience. Insert your brands colors and biggest ideas into our Venn diagram template. 

visual communication - venn diagram

Data Storytelling

Now that we know more about how to communicate visually with graphics that promote  kinesthetic and visual imagery we can focus on what types of subject matter work well with visual communication. 

For many brands, data storytelling is a great way to do this. We want to tell non-fiction stories that will be applicable to our audience.

Here’s a great video from Visme’s Make Information Beautiful series on data storytelling. 

Okay, so with that in mind what’s a definition for data storytelling? It’s a process of analyzing real data and transforming it into a compelling story that drives a particular action. 

visual communication - what is data storytelling

Before we start brainstorming ideas to create our own compelling stories let’s examine some common examples for inspiration. 

Example 1: Trends

Earlier, we discussed how coherence is a blend of control and optimism. One way we can help our readers increase their coherence is by helping them analyze the trends in industries they care about. 

One way to do this is by making a list of your favorite industry leaders. What predictions are they making? Compile their predictions and look for data that confirms or denies their ideas. 

After you find something the experts agree on, search for data to investigate this trend. 

We can use the following sources to collect data to investigate trends. 

visual communication - ways to collect data to investigate trends

  • Industry reports 
  • Open source data 
  • Qualitative research 

When you’re ready to share your findings, use a line graph template from Visme like the one below.

visual communication - line graph

Example 2: Rankings

Another way to use data storytelling is to display rankings. Visuals that rank options based on particular criteria can be enormously helpful to your audience.

Common criteria are: 

  • Ease of use 
  • Functionality 
  • Popularity 

There are a few options when it comes to the creation of the ranking system itself. 

  • Develop your own subjective ranking system 
  • Repurpose an existing ranking system in a more compelling visual
  • Crowdsource responses 

This is an excellent opportunity to serve your audience. 

What are their biggest problems? What solutions are they using to solve these problems? Can we create a ranking visual that will help them make decisions more effectively? 

Display your ranking system using a comparison report. 

visual communication - comparison report template

Example 3: Draw Comparisons

Another way to use data to create compelling visuals is by making comparisons .

Comparisons tell a story about two opposites. You can ask questions like:

  • Do we invest in inbound marketing or sales? 
  • Do I write a blog post or make a youtube video ? 
  • Should we hire an editor or videographer? 

Comparisons can tell a side-by-side story between either polar opposites, or very similar things. 

A common type of comparison includes decision making tools like cost benefit analysis or pros and cons list.

Do your readers or ideal customers have complex decisions to make? Use a pros and cons infographic template to help them understand their options. 

visual communication - pros and cons template

Create Compelling Visual Narratives with Visme

We’ve discussed how visual communication addresses core challenges in content marketing and how we can utilize strategies to address them. Ready to take action? Visme can help anyone develop a visual communication strategy. 

Limited Attention

Concerned about limited attention of your audience? Summarize the main points of your best performing articles and post them on social media to drive engagement. 

Learning and Memory

It’s not easy to standout in today’s content ecosystem. A stellar visual communication strategy is necessary if we want to create meaningful content. 

Systematically break down your audiences biggest problems in a visual presentation. 

visual communication - learning and memory

The philosophy of coherence is a concept that shows us how valuable reducing frustration can be for the health of our audience. 

As a bonus, if we can help them do just that the science says they’re likely to find our content meaningful. Create a white paper that makes an impact on your audiences well being. 

visual communication - coherence

Too often, we create content that fails to engage the full sensory experience of our audience. When we do decide to utilize visual imagery our chances of success skyrockets. 

Activate the kinesthetic and visual sense of your audience with a colorful infographic. 

visual communication - visual imagery

Stories are an ancient technology for generating meaning and sharing wisdom.

By delivering the stories that live inside our data we can communicate important insights in a compelling way. Create a chart in Visme and take the next step on your data storytelling journey. 

visual communication - data storytelling

Get Started With Visual Communication

It’s your turn! Get started with a template , and dive into the world of visual communication. Share your creation with me on Twitter and use #MyVisme!

Create beautiful content your audience will love.

essay about visual communication

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Design visual brand experiences for your business whether you are a seasoned designer or a total novice.

essay about visual communication

About the Author

Brian Nuckols is a writer working in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He enjoys communicating visionary ideas in clear, action oriented language. When he’s not working on content for a transformative company you can find him analyzing dreams, creating music, and writing poetry.

essay about visual communication

Clastify logo

Packaging Visual Communication Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Visual Communication is an important aspect of writers and readers in their process of interaction through book pages as well as electronic screens, such as televisions, computers and cameras (Berger, 1989). The visuals may include photographs, films and posters. Other commonly employed terms to refer to visual communication is communication design, information design and document design which may, however, exhibit slight difference in the fact that it entails more of language use in paragraphing and sentence structuring.

Visual communication has proven vast advantages over the old handwritten or typewritten documents (Berger, 1989). It happened so because visual communication offers more attraction for the attention of the target audience, consequently, enhancing more effective communication.

The procedure involved in the making or the design of visual communication entails visual artistic techniques, such as lining and shaping, application of principles of organization and point viewing. This paper, therefore, outlines the steps involved in composing visual images to relay particular messages to the intended audience.

Lining and shaping

According to Berger (1989) lines are not real in nature; they are mere optical creations when objects diverge from the viewer. Lines and shapes are created on the visual communication image in order to create an influence and guide the viewer. In addition to influencing the direction of the viewer, lines also create borders in color or contrast level in the image.

The designer may also make exaggerated lines that form a style that enhances deeper and extensive meaning of the image. Lines are also used to create the desired level of organization in the image (Berger, 1989).

For instance, Berger (1989) explains that straight lines help to direct the attention of the readers to specific subjects or themes in the picture. When used in any piece of an artistic artwork, the straight lines are referred to as linear, which not only contribute to the affection of the image, but also make the article appear more detailed and challenging.

On the other hand, “curved lines create an art of flow in a given image” (Berger, 1989). Curved lines, when used together with soft lighting, contribute to the harmony of the image since they often produce graduated shadows.

Shaping is majorly achieved through the use of a variety of colors. The choice of a color for painting to obtain desired shapes in the image depends on the culture of the target audience and the meaning of the intended message (Berger, 1989). For example, white color may be associated with purity when taking care of culture in the artistic work or may signify peace when the nature or meaning of the intended message is under consideration (Berger, 1989).

Principles of organization

These are the guidelines that help the artist determine the central point of interest where the visual image shall occur. This is the point at which the eyes of the viewer tend to linger whenever they gaze at the image (Berger, 1989). The guiding factors include shape and proportionality, positioning of the elements, color, illumination and development of the paths over which the viewers’ eyes follow at a gaze.

Point viewing

The point at which the image is viewed not only influences the image elements but also affects the interpretation made on the image by the viewer (Berger, 1989). The artist, therefore, assumes the position of the viewer when designing the viewpoints of the image in order to overcome distortions.

Inadequate preparations to undertake the above described procedures make the resulting image prone to low qualities and inability to communicate the intended messages. Some of the vital meanings of the image may not be properly communicated due to omission of certain basic aspects of the image techniques. Internal memos, notices and other important communication works should be assigned to a specific artistic team to supply the company workers (Berger, 1989).

Berger, A. A. (1989). Seeing Is Believing: An Introduction to Visual Communication . Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.

  • Exhibition Review
  • Exhibitions at the International Center of Photography
  • Culture, Gaze and the Neural Processing of Fear Expressions
  • Spectatorship: The Key Influences
  • The Power of Gaze in Bronte’s “Wuthering Heights”
  • Summary of “Inside the White cube” by Brian O’Doherty
  • Edward Ruscha's exhibition at the Denver art museum
  • Analysis of Art Works in De Young Museum
  • The Card Players by Paul Cézanne: Special Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • Visiting the National Gallery of Art
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2018, December 11). Packaging Visual Communication.

"Packaging Visual Communication." IvyPanda , 11 Dec. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Packaging Visual Communication'. 11 December.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Packaging Visual Communication." December 11, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Packaging Visual Communication." December 11, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Packaging Visual Communication." December 11, 2018.

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