Engineering Mathematics with Examples and Solutions

Applications of mathematics to engineering systems, including electric circuits, are presented with examples and solutions.

Math for Engineers

Ac circuits.

  • Current and Voltages Computations in Series RLC circuit
  • Series and Parallel Impedances Computations
  • Calculate Equivalent Impedance in AC Circuits . Examples with detailed solution.
  • Use Complex Numbers in AC circuits

AC Circuits Calculators

  • Current and Voltages Calculator for Series RLC circuits
  • Parallel RLC circuit Impedance Calculator
  • Series RLC circuit Impedance Calculator


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Engineering Mathematics (EGR 1010) Topics and Materials

EGR 1010 is an applied mathematics course taught by the College of Engineering and Computer Science faculty, consisting of lecture, lab, and recitation. All topics are driven by engineering applications taken directly from core engineering courses. The lectures are motivated by hands-on laboratory exercises including a thorough integration with Matlab.

Class Materials

  • Course Information

Lecture Notes

Laboratory assignments.

  • Basic Algebraic Manipulations (1.0 weeks)
  • Trigonometry (1.0 weeks)
  • 2-D Vectors (1.0 weeks)
  • Complex Numbers (1.0 weeks)
  • Sinusoids & Harmonic Signals (1.0 weeks)
  • Matrices & Systems of Equations (1.0 weeks)
  • Basics of Differentiation (3.0 weeks)
  • Basics of Integration (3.0 weeks)
  • Differential Equations (3.0 weeks)
  • Introductory Mathematics for Engineering Application, 2nd Edition
  • MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications, 6th Edition

Sample Materials

(Updated 09/13/2023)

Course Info

  • Syllabus - Fall 2023 (PDF)
  • Schedule - Fall 2023 (PDF)
  • Straight Lines in Engineering (PDF)
  • Quadratic Equations in Engineering (PDF)
  • Algebra and Geometry Handout (PDF)
  • Introduction
  • Vehicle During Braking - pt. 1 (Intro, Slope Only)
  • Vehicle During Braking - pt. 2 (y-intercept, Plotting)
  • Electric Circuits - pt. 1 (Intro, Slope Only)
  • Electric Circuits - pt. 2 (y-intercept)
  • Electric Circuits - pt. 3 (Inverse Problem)
  • Pre-loaded Tension Spring - pt. 1
  • Pre-loaded Tension Spring - pt. 2 (Inverse Problem)
  • Projectile Motion - pt. 1
  • Projectile Motion - pt. 2
  • Quadratic Example - Series Circuit Containing a Lamp
  • Quadratic Example - Resistors in Parallel
  • Trigonometry in Engineering (PDF)
  • Trigonometry Handout (PDF)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 1 (Intro)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 2 (Identities, Definitions)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 3 (On Axis Examples)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 4 (Off Axis Examples, Ref Angle)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 5 (Summary)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 6 (Exact Angle Examples)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 7 (Large Angle Examples)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 8 (Inverse Problem)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 9 (atan2)
  • One Link Robot - pt. 10 (atan2 Example)
  • Two Link Robot - pt. 1 (Intro, Examples)
  • Two Link Robot - pt. 2 (Inverse Problem to Theta2, Law of Sin/Cos)
  • Two Link Robot - pt. 3 (Inverse Problem to Theta1, Elbow up/down)
  • 2D Vectors in Engineering (PDF)
  • Introduction and Definitions
  • Polar/Rectangular Examples
  • Statics - Vacuum Example
  • Vector Addition - Position Vectors of the Two Link Robot
  • 2D Vectors - Ship Positioning
  • 2D Vectors - Airplane Relative Velocity Example
  • Airplane Relative Velocity Using Law of Sines/Cosines
  • 2D Vectors - Cable Tension Example
  • 2D Vectors - Television on a Ramp
  • Complex Numbers in Engineering (PDF)
  • Complex Number Notation
  • Comparison to Vector Math
  • Impedance - pt. 1 (Resistor)
  • Impedance - pt. 2 (Inductor)
  • Impedance - pt. 3 (Capacitor)
  • Impedance - pt. 4 (Circuit Components in Series)
  • Complex Number Calculations (Multiplication)
  • Complex Number Calculations (Division)
  • Complex Number Calculations (Complex Conjugate)
  • Sinusoids in Engineering (PDF)
  • Plotting of One Link Robot Components w.r.t Theta
  • Plotting of One Link Robot Components w.r.t Time (No Phase Angle)
  • Plotting of One Link Robot Components w.r.t Time (Phase Angle)
  • Oscillating Spring-Mass Example 1
  • Oscillating Spring-Mass Example 2 (Eqn. to Picture)
  • Oscillating Spring-Mass Example 3 (Picture to Eqn.)
  • Addition of Sinusoids - pt. 1 (One Phase Angle into Sine)
  • Addition of Sinusoids - pt. 2 (One Phase Angle into Cosine)
  • Addition of Sinusoids - pt. 3 (Complex Number Method)
  • Addition of Sinusoids - pt. 4 (Two Phase Angles into Sine)
  • Systems of Equations in Engineering (PDF)
  • The Two Loop Circuit - pt. 1 (Substitution)
  • The Two Loop Circuit - pt. 2 (Graphing)
  • The Two Loop Circuit - pt. 3 (Matrix Method)
  • The Two Loop Circuit - pt. 4 (Cramer's Rule)
  • Static Equilibrium Example (Intro)
  • Static Equilibrium Example (Substitution)
  • Static Equilibrium Example (Matrix Method)
  • Static Equilibrium Example (Cramer's Rule)
  • Introduction to Derivatives in Engineering (PDF)
  • Derivatives in Dynamics (PDF)
  • Derivatives Handout (PDF)
  • Introduction to the Derivative (Freefall Example 1st Half)
  • The Derivative Handout
  • Introduction to the Derivative (Freefall Example 2nd Half)
  • Derivatives - pt. 1 (Projectile Motion)
  • Derivatives - pt. 2 (Concavity)
  • Derivatives - pt. 3 (Dynamics & Equation Practice)
  • Derivatives - pt. 4 (Particle Motion - Position, Velocity, and Acceleration)
  • Derivatives - pt. 5 (Particle Motion - Sketching)
  • Derivatives and Plotting - pt. 1 (Sketching the Velocity)
  • Derivatives and Plotting - pt. 2 (Sketching the Position)
  • Beam Dynamics - pt. 1 (Intro)
  • Beam Dynamics - pt. 2 (Velocity & Acceleration)
  • Derivatives in Electric Circuits (PDF)
  • Example 1 - Charge and Power - pt. 1 (Current)
  • Example 1 - Charge and Power - pt. 2 (Power)
  • Example 1 - Charge and Power - pt. 3 (Maximum Power)
  • Example 2 - Inductor - pt. 1 (Voltage Calculation)
  • Example 2 - Inductor - pt. 2 (Location of Maximum and Sketch)
  • Example 3 - Inductor Plotting - pt. 1 (Current)
  • Example 3 - Inductor Plotting - pt. 2 (Power)
  • Example 4 - Current Across a Capacitor (Addition of Sinusoids Review)
  • Example 5 - Capacitor Plotting - pt. 1 (Charge)
  • Example 5 - Capacitor Plotting - pt. 2 (Voltage)
  • Derivatives in Strength of Materials (PDF)
  • Introduction to Beams
  • Cantilever Beam Example
  • Simply Supported Beam Example (Point Load)
  • Simply Supported Beam Example (Sinusoidal Load)
  • Axially Loaded Bar - pt. 1 (Normal and Shear Stress on Oblique Plane)
  • Axially Loaded Bar - pt. 2 (Maximum Stresses)
  • Introduction to Integrals in Engineering (PDF)
  • Integrals in Statics (PDF)
  • Integrals Handout (PDF)
  • The Asphalt Problem - pt. 1 (Intro & Inscribed Rectangles)
  • The Asphalt Problem - pt. 2 (Integration)
  • The Integral Handout
  • Back to the Asphalt Problem
  • Integration - Concept of Work (Integration Practice)
  • Introduction to Centroids
  • Centroid of a Triangle w.r.t. "x"
  • Centroid of a Triangle w.r.t. "y"
  • Centroids of Solid Bodies (1st Moment of Area of a Rectangle)
  • Distributed Load on a Dam - Resultant Force
  • Distributed Load on a Beam - Location of the Resultant Force
  • Distributed Load on a Beam - Example
  • Integrals in Dynamics (PDF)
  • Integration - Pt. 1 (Position, Velocity, & Acceleration)
  • Integration - Pt. 2 (Freefall Example)
  • Integration - Pt. 3 (Projectile Example)
  • Integration - Pt. 4 (Graphical Interpretation)
  • Integrals and Plotting Example
  • Integrals in Electric Circuits (PDF)
  • Example 1 - Capacitor - pt. 1 (Voltage)
  • Example 1 - Capacitor - pt. 2 (Stored Energy)
  • Extra Example - Inductor - pt. 1 (Current)
  • Extra Example - Inductor - pt. 2 (Sketch)
  • Extra Example - Inductor - pt. 3 (Power)
  • Extra Example - Inductor - pt. 4 (Stored Energy)
  • Example 3 - Capacitor Plotting
  • Example 4 - Capacitor Plotting (curves)
  • Example 5 - Inductor Plotting
  • Example 5 - Inductor Plotting - pt. 2 (Shifted Waveform)
  • Introduction to Differential Equations in Engineering (PDF)
  • Differential Equations Handout (PDF)
  • The Leaky Bucket (Introduction)
  • The Differential Equation Handout
  • The Leaky Bucket (Transient Solution)
  • The Leaky Bucket (Steady State Solution)
  • The Leaky Bucket (Total Soln and Plotting)
  • Total Solution for the Leaky Bucket Lab
  • Differential Equations in Mechanical Systems (PDF)
  • The Spring Mass System (Introduction)
  • The Spring Mass System (Unforced Response - Transient & Steady State)
  • The Spring Mass System (Unforced Response - Initial Conditions)
  • The Spring Mass System (Forced Response - Transient & Steady State)
  • The Spring Mass System (Forced Response - Initial Conditions)
  • The Spring Mass System (Approaching Resonance)
  • Differential Equations in Electric Systems (PDF)
  • Intro to an RC Circuit
  • RC Circuit (Transient Solution)
  • RC Circuit (Steady State and Total Solution with Zero Input)
  • RC Circuit (Steady State and Total Solution with Constant Input)
  • RC Circuit - pt. 1 (Sinusoidal Input Through Total Solution)
  • RC Circuit - pt. 2 (Applying Initial Conditions and Low Pass Filter)
  • Intro to an LC Circuit
  • LC Circuit (Transient Solution)
  • LC Circuit (Steady State Solution and Total Solution with Zero Input)
  • LC Circuit (Steady State Solution and Total Solution with Constant Input)
  • LC Circuit (Steady State Solution and Total Solution with Sinusoidal Input)
  • LC Circuit Resonance

Download all Sample Lecture Notes (Zip)

Homework is assigned on a weekly basis from the course textbook (5-6 problems) and the course programming book (3-4 problems).

The following topics are covered in this class:

  • Matlab: Introduction (Video)
  • Matlab: Vector Math (Video)
  • Matlab: Plotting (Video)
  • Matlab: Matrix Operations(Video)
  • Matlab: If...Else Statements (Video)
  • Matlab: Function Files (Video)
  • Matlab: Symbolics (Video)
  • Matlab: Additional Functions (Video)

There are 8 hands-on lab assignments that supplement the course material. Additionally, there are 4 self guided Matlab supplemental assignments that illustrate a more application-based approach to coding. The labs below are written as if students are in the lab with equipment. The virtual labs mimic what is done in-person and can be used in lieu of the hands-on labs. As such, while the lab requirements remain unchanged between both the hands-on and virtual labs, the procedures may differ. The included videos below outline the step-by-step process for the virtual labs.

Application of Algebra in Engineering - The One Loop Circuit

  • Virtual Lab

Trigonometry Relationships - One and Two Link Planar Robots

Sinusoids in Engineering - Measurement and Analysis of Harmonic Signals

Systems of Engineering - The Two Loop Circuit

Derivatives in Engineering - Velocity and Acceleration in Free Fall

Integrals in Engineering - Work and Stored Energy in a Spring

Differential Equations in Engineering - The Leaking Bucket

Differential Equations in Engineering - Spring Mass Vibration

  • Matlab Supplemental #1: Flight Control System Analysis (PDF)
  • Matlab Supplemental #2: Deflection of Truss Analysis (PDF)
  • Matlab Supplemental #3: Derivative Visualization - Slope at a Point (PDF)
  • Matlab Supplemental #4: Airplane Wing Loads - Bending and Shear Stress (PDF)
  • Sample Exam #1 (PDF)
  • Sample Exam #2 (PDF)
  • Sample Final Exam (PDF)

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The 5 Best Engineering Homework Help Websites

Many students face the problem of finding the best engineering homework help websites. This is because they are not experts in this field and hence, they need to find a reliable source for finding answers to their problems.

The engineering homework help websites are the best way for students to get help with their homework. They can use these websites to find answers to the most difficult questions and share them with other students.

The 5 best sites to get engineering homework help:

1. Studdit - College Engineering Homework Help

Studdit is a company that offers online homework help for students. They have a large database of tutors and can provide one-to-one help through their website. You can get homework help from experts in any field of engineering, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics engineering and civil engineering among others.

Studdit: Your Engineering Homework Helper

There are many benefits of using Studdit, including the ability to get homework help from anywhere in the world, access to lesson plans, and the ability to get feedback on your work.

Studdit is a great tool for students who need assistance with their engineering homework. They offer one-on-one tutoring sessions and lesson plans which can be accessed from any device at anytime.

2. Studybay - Outstanding Help for Engineering Homework

Studybay is a leading online homework help service provider. The company provides millions of students with affordable, reliable, and quality homework help for a variety of subjects including engineering and computer science.

Help for Engineering Homework at Studybay

Studybay has a team of highly qualified tutors who provide students with high-quality homework help at affordable rates. They also offer premium services for more advanced topics like data analysis, programming, and statistics .

The company offers different packages to suit the needs of students from all around the world.

3. HomeworkFor.Me - Online Engineering Assignment Solver

HomeworkFor.Me is a website that helps students with their homework. It offers the students with a wide range of topics and materials to help them learn more about engineering.

HomeworkFor.Me: Do My Engineering Homework

Engineering homework help from HomeworkFor.Me is a popular option among students who are struggling with their engineering assignments or projects at school or college level. The service also provides assistance in different fields like math , physics , chemistry , programming and more... to make it easier for students to perform well in their studies.The team of professional and experienced tutors at HomeworkFor.Me is available to help the students with homework, assignments, projects, tests, papers and more on a 24/7 basis. The company has been providing these services since 2018.

Can I pay someone to do my engineering homework for me?

The answer is yes, but it is not always the best idea to pay someone to do your homework for you. You should consider the following:

  • How much does it cost?
  • What are the benefits of doing it yourself?
  • What will happen if you don't do your homework?
  • Does this person have any previous experience with engineering homework?

4. Studypool - Fast & Reliable Engineering Answers

Studypool is a platform which offers a fast and reliable engineering answers. It is designed to provide engineering students with the best possible study environment.

Studypool: Engineering Homework Help & Answers

The platform offers its users with a variety of services including chat sessions, live tutoring, and instant messaging. It is one of the most popular platforms for students to find homework help and answers.

Studypool has been designed to be a student-friendly website with an easy-to-navigate interface that allows students to easily find what they need when they need it.

Currently, it counts over 619 000 registered students from over 120 countries who have questions and 61 000 tutors who can answer them.

How much does it cost to hire an engineering homework solver?

Engineering homework solvers are the best choice for students who need help with complex problems that are too difficult for them to solve on their own.

The cost of hiring engineering homework solvers is on a case-by-case basis, but it usually ranges from $13 to $23 per hour.

5. Tutlance - Cheap Engineering Paper Writing Services

Tutlance offers an online homework help service that helps students with their engineering homework.

Tutlance: Pay Someone To Do My Engineering Homework

Tutlance is a platform that helps students learn what they need to know in engineering and prepare for the exams. It offers two types of services:

  • Homework help - Tutlance's online homework help service provides assistance on topics such as Linear Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, etc.
  • One-on-one tutoring - Tutlance also provides one-on-one tutoring services for students who have trouble understanding concepts.

This service is available 24/7 and has been designed to be helpful for all levels of students from high schoolers to college freshmen.

How do I write an engineering paper?

The process of writing an engineering paper is different from other types of academic papers. It requires a lot of research, data analysis, and methods to support your claims.

The first step in writing an engineering paper is to identify the problem you want to solve and then find a way to solve it. If you are not sure what the problem is, this can be difficult. However, by following these steps, you can figure out how to write an engineering paper that makes sense.

Each section should have a brief introduction or summary on the topic and keywords before delving into the content.

It has been estimated that the number of students who need help in completing their homework has increased by 30% over the last few years. With this increase, there are also more people who are looking for online services that can provide answers to their questions. Websites that help with homework give them the opportunity to teach themselves how to complete their homework or get help from expert tutors.

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Engineering math: differential equations and linear algebra, 2.087 engineering math, homework 1.

This file contains the information regarding 2.087 Engineering Math, Homework 1.


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A portrait of Elizabeth Marshall.

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  1. Worksheet 9

    engineering math homework

  2. Engineering Mathematics (Handwritten) Color Notes PDF

    engineering math homework

  3. Homework 17

    engineering math homework

  4. Homework 2

    engineering math homework

  5. Mathematics for Aerospace Engineering Sciences 1

    engineering math homework

  6. 14 Questions with Solution of Engineering Math III

    engineering math homework


  1. Engineering Math: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra

    This course is about the mathematics that is most widely used in the mechanical ... Engineering Math: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra. Menu. ... down with its engines off. After five seconds, it deploys its speedbrakes. This is a graph of its velocity. See Homework 1 Problem 9 for the full problem and a MATLAB script modeling the ...

  2. Assignments

    Engineering Math: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra. Menu. More Info Syllabus Calendar Lecture Videos Assignments MATLAB Scripts Exams Related Resources Assignments. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Homework 1 (PDF) MATLAB Script for Problem 9 (M) Homework 2 (PDF) Homework 3 (PDF) Homework 4 (PDF) Homework 5 (PDF) MATLAB Script for Problem 4 (M) ...

  3. PDF 2.087 Engineering Math, Homework 1

    Homework #1. Date Issued: Wednesday 3 September, 2014. Date Due: Wednesday 10 September, 2014, 9:30AM (bring hard copy to lecture ) As described in the course policies document, this is one of 5 homeworks you will complete in this course. Each of these count as 6% of your total grade. Full credit can generally only be earned by showing your ...

  4. Engineer4Free: The #1 Source for Free Engineering Tutorials

    Engineer4Free is a tutorial site where anyone can learn university level engineering for free. Engineer4Free has made hundreds of YouTube tutorials and organized them into several courses ranging from Calculus to Project Management to Structural Analysis. Whether you're cramming at 3AM, reviewing for the FE exam, or just life-long-learning, you ...

  5. Engineering Mathematics and Sciences

    Homework or Assignment Help. Our pool of experts in Mathematics, Engineering Sciences, and Civil Engineering major courses are ready to help you for any homework or assignment you have. Kindly fill-up this form, or send us a direct email to [email protected]

  6. Engineering Mathematics with Examples and Solutions

    Applications of mathematics to engineering systems, including electric circuits, are presented with examples and solutions. Math for Engineers. Multivariable Calculus ; Multiple Integrals Calculations and Applications; Laplace Transform with Examples and Solutions; Mathematical Formulas and Identities; Math Calculators and Solvers

  7. Mathematics for Engineers Specialization

    Specialization - 5 course series. This specialization was developed for engineering students to self-study engineering mathematics. We expect students to already be familiar with single variable calculus and computer programming. Through this specialization, students will learn matrix algebra, differential equations, vector calculus, numerical ...

  8. Engineering Mathematics

    Now, with expert-verified solutions from Engineering Mathematics 7th Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Engineering Mathematics includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step. With Expert Solutions for thousands of practice ...

  9. Engineering Mathematics (EGR 1010) Topics and Materials

    EGR 1010 is an applied mathematics course taught by the College of Engineering and Computer Science faculty, consisting of lecture, lab, and recitation. All topics are driven by engineering applications taken directly from core engineering courses. The lectures are motivated by hands-on laboratory exercises including a thorough integration with Matlab.

  10. Engineering Mathematics

    Now, with expert-verified solutions from Engineering Mathematics 5th Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Engineering Mathematics includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step. With Expert Solutions for thousands of practice ...

  11. Homework or Assignment

    Homework or Assignment We can help you do your homework or assignment in any Learning Management System like Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard, Pearson, etc. All communications made and sent to us and by us are strictly confidential and we assure you that they will never be given or sold to anyone else.

  12. MATH 151

    MATH 171 designed to be a more demanding version of this course. Only one of the following will satisfy the requirements for a degree: MATH 131, MATH 142, MATH 147, MATH 151 or MATH 171. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MATH 150 or equivalent or acceptable score on TAMU Math Placement Exam; also taught at Galveston and Qatar campuses.

  13. Resources

    2.087 Engineering Math, Homework 5. file. 865 B pendulum2.m. file. 1 kB plane_fall_v3.m. file. 1 kB HW5_prob4v4.m. Exams. file. 2 kB practice_exam.m. pdf. 170 kB 2.087 Engineering Math, Final Exam Announcement and Study Guide. pdf. 292 kB 2.087 Engineering Math, Practice Final Exam ...

  14. Engineering Mathematics 7th Edition Textbook Solutions

    Solutions Manuals are available for thousands of the most popular college and high school textbooks in subjects such as Math, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil), Business and more. Understanding Engineering Mathematics 7th Edition homework has never been easier than with Chegg Study.

  15. Top 5 Websites To Help With Engineering Homework

    1. Studdit - College Engineering Homework Help. Studdit is a company that offers online homework help for students. They have a large database of tutors and can provide one-to-one help through their website. You can get homework help from experts in any field of engineering, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics ...

  16. Engineering Outreach

    Achieve your personal and professional educational goals by completing our online engineering, mathematics or statistical science graduate programs, academic certificates or individual courses. Watch high quality video lectures from your device. Innovative technology brings our classroom to you. Rely on us to provide you with personalized service.

  17. Whenever I have engineering/math homework : r/EngineeringStudents

    Whenever I have engineering/math homework. ... It's a time honored method going back generations of engineering students 1st 1st use your own brain then see if you can use other people's brains and if that doesn't work turn to the machines if the machines fail you go to the already proven brain that solved the problem or came up with it ...

  18. Homework

    If you have questions regarding the delivery of homework or projects or about your grades, contact your instructor directly. Graded Homework. All graded homework received by EO from instructors will be posted as a PDF file under the Graded Materials icon in the portal. We will notify you when graded homework is posted.

  19. College of Engineering

    The University of Idaho College of Engineering offers degree programs in a variety of fields online and in Moscow, Coeur d'Alene, Boise and Idaho Falls. Experience the difference and what it means to engineer like a Vandal. No. 1 Best Value Public University in the West Four Years Running - ranked by U.S. News and World Report.

  20. 2.087 Engineering Math, Homework 1

    2.087 Engineering Math, Homework 1. Description: This file contains the information regarding 2.087 Engineering Math, Homework 1. Resource Type: Assignments. pdf. 801 kB 2.087 Engineering Math, Homework 1 Download File DOWNLOAD. Course Info Instructors Prof. Daniel Frey ...

  21. Events

    The University of Idaho's College of Engineering annual events include the Engineering Design EXPO, the Academy of Engineers and Women in Engineering Day. Additional events includes seminars, computer science colloquia, National Society of Black Engineers lecture series, grand challenge scholar program pitch, awards ceremonies, and commencement records.