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NECO Government Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Theory and Objectives)

NECO   Government Questions and Answers 2023. I will show you past Government objectives and theory repeated questions for free in this post. You will also understand how NECO Government questions are set and how to answer them.

The National Examinations Council (NECO) is an examination body in Nigeria that conducts the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination and the General Certificate in Education in June/July and December/January respectively.

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NECO Government Objectives and Essay Answers 2023 (Expo)

The 2023 NECO Government expo will be posted here today 13th July during the NECO Government examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers.

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Today’s NECO Government Essay Answers:

State is defined as a territory with its own government and borders within a larger country.

(i)Sovereignt:; This is arguably one of the most crucial attribute of a state. It is the authority to make its own decisions, policies, reforms, public affairs, and external affairs with little or no interference from other entities. An entity is sovereign in the sense that it owes no other nation allegiance. Besides domestic sovereignty, the state possesses external sovereignty. This implies that it has the exclusive right to determine its relations with other states.

(ii)Population: A state cannot exist without a settled population. In other words, to be recognized, it must be inhabited by human beings. This implies that an uninhabited portion of the earth, by itself, is not a state but can be part of one. Moreover, the said population must be largely settled on a permanent basis and not a nomadic one.

(iii)Government: A government is a machinery of people that enforces rules and regulations through the common law of the land. This body is typically made up of people with elective and appointive positions who work together to deliver the citizens’ needs. In other words government is supposed to make and implement public policies, often guided by a written document known as a constitution.

(iv)Territory: For a community of people to be described as a state, it must occupy a clearly defined territory. A state can only exist within territorial borders. These borders determine the size of the state, the area it can govern, and the areas where its neighboring countries begin. Besides dry land, a country’s territory also includes its airspace and maritime territory.

(v)Laws and structures: State must have a set of laws that govern the population. In most countries, this set of laws is outlined in a document known as the Constitution. The laws determine acceptable behavioural norms and are obligatory for every citizen. The rules and laws are sanctioned by the government and enforced through various law enforcement agencies. Besides the laws, a state must also have defined structures.


(i)Clear Guidelines and Policies: Develop and communicate clear guidelines and policies that explicitly outline the expectations for non-partisanship among civil servants. These guidelines should emphasize the importance of political neutrality and provide specific examples.

(ii)Political Activity Restrictions: Implement regulations that restrict civil servants from engaging in partisan political activities while on duty or in their official capacity. This can include limitations on participating in political campaigns, endorsing candidates, or engaging in activities that may compromise their impartiality.

(iii)Recruitment and Promotion Based on Merit: Establish transparent and merit-based systems for the recruitment, selection, and promotion of civil servants. Emphasize qualifications, skills, and experience as the primary criteria for hiring and advancement, rather than political connections or affiliations.

(iv)Training and Education: Provide regular training and education programs that focus on non-partisanship and ethical conduct for civil servants. These programs should emphasize the importance of maintaining impartiality in decision-making, avoiding conflicts of interest, and upholding the principles of public service.

(v)Independent Oversight and Accountability: Establish independent oversight mechanisms to monitor and investigate allegations of partisan behavior or misconduct among civil servants. These mechanisms should have the authority to receive and investigate complaints, protect whistleblowers, and take appropriate disciplinary actions when necessary.

(vi)Promote a Culture of Non-Partisanship: Foster a culture within the civil service that values and promotes non-partisanship. This can be achieved through leadership commitment, communication campaigns, and recognition of civil servants who demonstrate a commitment to impartiality.

(vii) Transparent Performance Evaluation: Implement a fair and transparent performance evaluation system that assesses civil servants based on their competence, professionalism, and adherence to non-partisan principles.Provide regular feedback and recognition for exemplary performance.

(i) Lobbying: Lobbying involves direct communication with government officials, lawmakers, or other influential individuals to advocate for specific policies or interests. Pressure groups use lobbying to provide information, present arguments, and exert influence through personal meetings, letters, phone calls, or emails.

(ii) Public Relations: Pressure groups often use public relations strategies to shape public opinion and gain support for their cause. They may organize public campaigns, rallies, demonstrations, or press conferences to raise awareness, generate media coverage, and mobilize public support.

(iii) Grassroots Mobilization: Pressure groups understand the power of grassroots mobilization, where they engage and activate their members and supporters at the local level. This technique involves organizing community events, door-to-door campaigns, petitions, or letter-writing campaigns to demonstrate widespread public support and create a sense of urgency.

(iv) Litigation: Pressure groups may resort to legal action to challenge government policies or decisions. They may file lawsuits or support individuals or organizations in legal battles to advance their cause. Litigation can be used to influence judicial interpretations, set legal precedents, or bring attention to specific issues.

(v) Campaign Financing: Pressure groups often contribute to political campaigns or support candidates who align with their goals. By providing financial support, they seek to gain favor and access to decision-makers. This technique allows pressure groups to influence policy decisions indirectly through their chosen candidates.

(vi) Research and Policy Analysis: Pressure groups invest in research and policy analysis to provide evidence-based arguments supporting their positions. They produce reports, studies, and white papers to demonstrate the potential impacts of specific policies, economic benefits, or social implications. This information helps pressure groups make persuasive cases to policymakers and the public.

(i) Merit-based recruitment and promotion: Implement a system that emphasizes meritocracy in the selection and promotion of civil servants. Candidates should be evaluated based on their qualifications, skills, and experience, rather than their political affiliations or connections.

(ii) Code of conduct: Establish a clear and comprehensive code of conduct that outlines the expected behavior and responsibilities of civil servants. This code should include provisions that prohibit engaging in political activities or expressing partisan views while performing official duties.

(iii) Political neutrality training: Provide mandatory training programs for civil servants to develop an understanding of their role as politically neutral public servants. These training sessions can focus on promoting ethical behavior, avoiding conflicts of interest, and understanding the importance of impartiality.

(iv) Independent oversight bodies: Establish independent oversight bodies responsible for monitoring and enforcing non-partisanship among civil servants. These bodies can investigate allegations of partisan behavior, ensure compliance with the code of conduct, and recommend appropriate disciplinary actions if necessary.

(v) Protecting whistleblower rights: Implement mechanisms to protect civil servants who report violations of non-partisanship or unethical behavior. Whistleblower protection laws should be in place to safeguard individuals who come forward with information about political interference or misconduct.

(vi) Transparent performance evaluation: Develop a robust and transparent performance evaluation system that assesses civil servants based on objective criteria and measurable outcomes. This system should be free from political interference and provide fair assessments of individual performance, fostering a culture of professionalism and non-partisanship.

(i) Centralized Power: Military rule typically concentrates power in the hands of a small group of military leaders or a single military dictator. The military establishment exercises significant authority and influence over the government, often overshadowing or sidelining civilian institutions.

(ii) Suspension of Civil Liberties: Military rule often involves the curtailment or suspension of civil liberties and fundamental rights. Freedom of speech, assembly, and association may be restricted, and censorship may be imposed to control the flow of information and limit dissenting voices.

(iii) Suppression of Political Opposition: Military regimes tend to suppress or eliminate political opposition. Political parties and opposition groups may be banned, and dissenting voices may face persecution, imprisonment, or even violence. Elections, if held at all, may be tightly controlled or manipulated to maintain the military’s grip on power.

(iv) Authoritarian Governance: Military rule is typically characterized by authoritarian governance, where decision-making authority lies with a small group of military leaders. Civilian institutions may be weakened or dismantled, and the military often plays a dominant role in policymaking, law enforcement, and administration.

(v) Martial Law and Emergency Powers: Military rule frequently involves the imposition of martial law or emergency powers, granting the military extensive control and authority over civilian life. These powers may include the suspension of constitutional rights, imposition of curfews, and increased surveillance to maintain order and suppress dissent.

(vi) Focus on National Security: Military regimes often prioritize national security concerns and defense matters above other social and economic issues. Policies and resources are directed towards maintaining and expanding military capabilities, often at the expense of social welfare programs or development initiatives.

(i) Political Instability: The Action Group crises led to a period of political instability in Nigeria. The conflict within the party resulted in factionalism and infighting, weakening the overall political structure. The government was unable to effectively address pressing issues and provide stable governance, creating a sense of uncertainty and distrust among the population.

(ii) Regional Divisions: The crises exacerbated regional divisions within Nigeria. The Action Group had strong support in the Western region, and the internal conflicts intensified the divide between the Western region and other regions of the country. This further heightened ethnic and regional tensions, making it challenging to foster national unity and cooperation.

(iii) Decline of the Action Group: The crises significantly weakened the Action Group as a political force. The party splintered into factions, leading to a loss of public confidence and electoral support. The internal power struggles and divisions within the party contributed to its decline and eventual marginalization in Nigerian politics.

(iv) Rise of Military Intervention: The crises created a power vacuum and a perception of political instability. This provided an opportunity for the military to intervene in the political affairs of Nigeria. The subsequent military coups in 1966 and the subsequent military rule that followed were influenced, in part, by the fragility of the political system resulting from the Action Group crises.

(v) Erosion of Democratic Processes: The Action Group crises highlighted the fragility of Nigeria’s democratic processes. The breakdown of trust and the use of violence within the party undermined the principles of democracy, such as fair elections and peaceful transitions of power. This erosion of democratic values had long-lasting implications for Nigeria’s governance and political system.

(vi) Socioeconomic Impact: The political instability caused by the Action Group crises had adverse effects on Nigeria’s socioeconomic development. The government’s focus shifted away from addressing critical issues such as infrastructure development, education, and poverty reduction. The lack of effective governance hindered progress and impeded the country’s overall development trajectory.

(i) National Security: Ensuring national security is a primary concern for any country, and it significantly influences foreign policy decisions. Nigeria faces security challenges such as terrorism, insurgency, and cross-border conflicts. These security concerns drive Nigeria’s foreign policy objectives, including cooperation with regional and international partners, intelligence sharing, and efforts to combat terrorism.

(ii) Economic Interests: Economic considerations play a crucial role in shaping Nigeria’s foreign policy. Nigeria is an oil-rich nation, and its economy heavily relies on oil exports. Therefore, maintaining favorable economic relations with other countries, attracting foreign investments, securing access to international markets, and diversifying its economy are key foreign policy objectives for Nigeria.

(iii) Regional Leadership: As the most populous country in Africa and a regional power, Nigeria seeks to exert leadership and influence within the African continent. Nigeria plays an active role in regional organizations like the African Union (AU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Gulf of Guinea Commission. Nigeria’s foreign policy aims to promote stability, peacekeeping efforts, conflict resolution, and economic integration within Africa.

(iv) Political Stability: Nigeria’s foreign policy is influenced by the need to maintain political stability both domestically and in its neighboring countries. Internal political stability allows Nigeria to project a positive image internationally and enhances its ability to engage in diplomacy, trade, and cooperation with other nations.

(v) Historical Factors: Historical experiences and relationships also shape Nigeria’s foreign policy. Nigeria was a former British colony and gained independence in 1960. Its history of colonization and struggles for independence have influenced its worldview and foreign policy objectives. Nigeria maintains close ties with other Commonwealth countries, particularly those in Africa, and seeks to promote African solidarity and decolonization.

(vi) Global Alliances and Multilateralism: Nigeria actively participates in international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and strives to maintain positive relationships with major global powers. Nigeria’s foreign policy seeks to leverage its position within these organizations and forge alliances to advance its national interests, promote peace and security, and address global challenges such as climate change, human rights, and sustainable development.

Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided and shared between a central authority and constituent political units, such as states or provinces. It establishes a dual sovereignty structure, where the central government and the regional governments each have their respective powers and responsibilities. Federalism allows for a distribution of power that aims to balance the interests of both the central government and the regional units.

(i) Representation and Participation: Creating new states within a federation allows for a more inclusive and representative political system. It ensures that diverse regions or communities have a voice and can actively participate in decision-making processes at both the regional and national levels. State creation can help address regional imbalances and promote a sense of belonging and identity among different groups within a country.

(ii) Decentralization of Power: By creating new states, power is decentralized and shared among multiple regional entities. This can prevent the concentration of power in a single central authority and promote local governance. Decentralization allows for more effective and responsive administration, as regional governments can address local issues and priorities more directly.

(iii) Regional Development and Resource Allocation: State creation can be motivated by the need to promote balanced regional development and ensure equitable distribution of resources. It allows for specific regions to have greater control over their own resources and development plans. This can lead to focused development initiatives, tailored to the specific needs and priorities of each region, thus reducing regional disparities.

(iv) Cultural and Linguistic Autonomy: Creating states within a federation can provide protection and autonomy for distinct cultural, linguistic, or ethnic communities. It allows for the preservation and promotion of local languages, customs, traditions, and identities. State creation can empower communities to safeguard their cultural heritage and exercise their right to self-determination within the framework of a larger federal structure.

(v) Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Coexistence: In some cases, state creation can be a means to resolve long-standing conflicts or ethnic tensions within a country. By granting greater autonomy and self-governance to specific regions, it may help accommodate the aspirations of different communities and foster peaceful coexistence. State creation can serve as a mechanism for managing diversity and promoting stability within a federation.

(i) Emir/Sarki: The Emir or Sarki was the supreme executive authority in the Hausa Fulani administration. Their duties included maintaining law and order, overseeing the administration, and making decisions on political, economic, and social matters. They had the power to enforce policies and resolve disputes within their jurisdiction.

(ii) Waziri: The Waziri served as the prime minister or chief advisor to the Emir/Sarki. They were responsible for providing counsel, guidance, and recommendations on governance matters. The Waziri played a crucial role in the decision-making process and assisted in implementing policies and managing the administrative affairs of the kingdom.

(iii) Madawaki: The Madawaki was a high-ranking officer responsible for coordinating the military forces of the kingdom. Their duties included organizing and leading the army during times of war or conflict. The Madawaki worked closely with the Emir/Sarki to ensure the security and defense of the kingdom.

(iv) Dan Iyan: The Dan Iyan was the chief courtier or chamberlain in the Hausa Fulani administration. They acted as the personal attendant to the Emir/Sarki and managed the affairs of the royal court. Their duties included organizing court proceedings, maintaining protocol, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Emir’s household.

(v) Galadima: The Galadima was an important administrative officer responsible for overseeing the affairs of the province or district within the kingdom. Their duties included collecting taxes, maintaining public infrastructure, settling disputes, and implementing the policies and directives of the Emir/Sarki at the local level.

(vi) Dogari: The Dogari was in charge of the treasury and finance of the kingdom. They managed the collection of taxes, controlled the kingdom’s resources, and ensured proper accounting and financial management. The Dogari played a crucial role in maintaining the economic stability and prosperity of the kingdom.


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NECO Government Questions and Answers For Practice

The questions below are the NECO past questions and answers that will help you in your 2023 NECO Government Questions.

The questions below are the NECO 2023 Government Practice Questions. Go through them and get ready to score high in your NECO 2023 Government Examination.

See: How to Check NECO Result

1. Citizenship can be acquired by

A. Nationalism

B. Indigenization

C. naturalization

D. Communalism

ANSWER: A (Nationalization)

2. In the unitary system of government, power is derived from

A. a rigid constitution

B. the judiciary

C. the executive head of state

D. one source of authority

ANSWER: D (one source of authority)

3. The power allocated to the central government in a federation is primarily contained in the

A. Central legislative list

B. exclusive legislative list

C. residual legislative list

D. concurrent legislative list

ANSWER: B (Exclusive legislative list)

4. A constitution is said to be rigid if it

A. can only be interpreted by the military

B. is written by difficult authors

C. cannot be amended by the executive

D. has cumbersome provision for its amendment

ANSWER: D (has cumbersome provision for its amendment)

5. Which of the following political parties in Nigeria formed the opposition in the House of Representatives during the First Republic

A. NCNC and AG


C. NPC and AG

D. AG and UMBC


6. Red-tapism in the civil service refers to

A. the use of red tapes in document

B. slowness of action

C. the cooperation between civil servants and politicians

D. the politicization of the civil service

ANSWER: B (slowness of action)

7. One of the functions of political parties is to

A. make laws

B. declare a state of emergency

C. interpret the constitution

D. aggregate interest

ANSWER: D (aggregate interest)

8. Africa became the centre-piece of Nigeria’s foreign policy under the regime of

A. Tafawa Balewa

B. Yakubu Gowon

C. Murtala Muhammed

D. Shehu Shagari

ANSWER: C (Murtala Muhammed)

9. Which of the following is not an OPEC member state?

B. Indonesia

C. Venezuela

ANSWER: D (Ghana)

10. Which of the following is permanent in international politics?

A. Bilateral relationship

B. Economic Aid

C. Friendship

D. Permanent interest

ANSWER: A (Bilateral relationship)

  • NECO Mathematics Questions and Answers
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Tips on How to Pass NECO Government Questions

The following tips will walk you through to pass your

Have a Target and Work Towards Actualizing it 

You have decided to pass NECO Government 2023 and I am sure of that. Now, the next thing you should do is set targets.

You have told yourself, “I will score A in Neco Government 2023”, that’s not all. You need to plan on how to make it happen. Create a timetable and master plan to achieve your goals.

Get the Recommended Textbook on Government  for 2023 NECO Examination

Normally, NECO recommends books for the examination. But apart from NECO Literature in English where certain novels are compulsory, you are free to use any good Government textbook to prepare for NECO 2023 exam.

Some textbooks are more difficult to understand. If you have any topic you are finding difficult to understand, then get a textbook that will simplify the topics and make life better for you.

 Do not Skip Government Examples and Exercise you Will Come Across While Reading: 

Many candidates are fond of skipping exercises and even examples while studying textbooks. In fact, we like notebooks so much that we could ask, “can I read my notebook and pass NECO Government 2023?” Don’t be scared of attempting exercises in Biology. Face the challenges.

Note: The above questions are likely NECO Government Questions and Answers, not the real questions

If you have any questions about the  NECO Government Questions and Answers 2023 , kindly drop your question in the comment box.

Last Updated on July 13, 2023 by Admin

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97 thoughts on “NECO Government Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Theory and Objectives)”

I need neco government essay and obj answer

I need 2023 government essay and objectives by 1: pm

But why can’t u show us 2023 question and answer

Please i need government theory answer

I need gonvernmen question and answer

I need government answers please

I need neco government essay and obj

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2023 NECO GCE Government Obj & Essay Answers – Nov/Dec

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NECO GCE 2023 GOVERNMENT ESSAYS =============================== INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER FIVE QUESTIONS IN ALL, TWO FROM SECTION A AND THREE FROM SECTION B =============================== SECTION A (1-4) PICK TWO ANSWERS =============================== (1a) Government, as an institution, refers to a formal and organized system or entity that holds the authority to establish and enforce laws, regulations, and policies within a specific geographic area or over a particular group of people.


(i) Maintaining law and order: Governments make and enforce laws to ensure public safety and maintain order in society.

(ii) Providing public goods and services: Governments provide essential services like education, healthcare, transportation, and infrastructure for the benefit of the people.

(iii) Managing the economy: Governments play a role in regulating and overseeing economic activities, such as setting monetary policies and promoting economic growth.

(iv) Protecting the environment: Governments implement policies and regulations to protect the environment and ensure sustainable development.

(v) Safeguarding national security: Governments are responsible for protecting the nation from external threats and maintaining a strong defense system.

(vi) Promoting social welfare: Governments work to improve the well-being of their citizens by providing social programs, welfare assistance, and support for vulnerable populations.

(vii) Representing the people: Governments act as representatives of the people, making decisions on their behalf and ensuring their voices are heard through democratic processes. ================================================ (2) (PICK ANY SIX)

(i) Purpose: Public corporations are established to provide specific goods or services to the public, such as transportation or utilities, while the civil service is the administrative body responsible for implementing government policies and delivering public services.

(ii) Ownership: Public corporations are owned by the government or the public, either fully or partially. On the other hand, the civil service is a government entity itself and is not privately or publicly owned.

(iii) Structure: Public corporations have a more business-like structure, with a board of directors and management, while the civil service operates within a hierarchical structure with various departments and positions.

(iv) Funding: Public corporations are usually financially self-sufficient, generating revenue through their operations or receiving subsidies from the government. The civil service, on the other hand, is funded by the government through taxes and other sources of public revenue.

(v) Accountability: Public corporations are accountable to their shareholders, the government, and the public. They are expected to operate efficiently and effectively. The civil service, on the other hand, is accountable to the government and is responsible for implementing government policies and serving the public interest.

(vi) Employment: Public corporations often have more flexibility in hiring and firing employees, and they may offer different employment terms and conditions compared to the civil service, which typically follows standardized rules and regulations for employment.

(vii) Profit Motive: Public corporations are driven by a profit motive and aim to generate revenue, while the civil service is primarily focused on providing public services and implementing government policies, without a profit motive.

(viii) Governance: Public corporations have their own governance structure, including a board of directors and management, which makes decisions and oversees operations. The civil service operates under the governance of the government, which sets policies and provides guidance. ================================================ (3) (i) Red-tapism: Red-tapism refers to excessive bureaucracy and administrative procedures that can slow down decision-making and hinder efficiency. It often involves a rigid adherence to rules and regulations, resulting in delays and inefficiencies in government processes. Red-tapism can be frustrating for individuals and businesses seeking government services or approvals.

(ii) Devolution of powers: Devolution of powers is the transfer of certain powers and responsibilities from a central government to regional or local governments. It aims to decentralize authority and give more decision-making power to lower levels of government. Devolution can help promote local governance, enhance regional autonomy, and address specific regional needs and interests.

(iii) Gerrymandering: Gerrymandering is the manipulation of electoral boundaries for political gain. It involves redrawing district boundaries in a way that gives an advantage to a particular political party or group. Gerrymandering can be done by concentrating or dispersing voters of a certain party in specific districts to influence election outcomes. It is often criticized for undermining the principles of fair representation and democratic elections.

(iv) Checks and balances: Checks and balances refer to the system of controls and safeguards in a government that prevents any one branch or individual from having too much power. It ensures a separation of powers and allows each branch of government to monitor and limit the actions of the other branches. For example, in a democratic system, the executive branch may be checked by the legislative branch through the power to pass laws and the judicial branch through the power of judicial review. This system helps maintain accountability, prevent abuse of power, and protect the rights and interests of the people. ================================================ (4a) Adult suffrage, also known as universal suffrage, is a principle that grants the right to vote to all adult citizens of a country, without any discrimination based on factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or socio-economic status.


(i) Citizenship: Usually, one must be a citizen of the country in which they wish to vote. This requirement ensures that only individuals with a stake in the country’s affairs have the right to participate in the electoral process.

(ii) Age: There is typically a minimum age requirement to vote, which is usually 18 years old. This ensures that individuals have reached a certain level of maturity and understanding to make informed decisions.

(iii) Registration: In many democratic states, individuals must register themselves as voters before they can participate in elections. This helps maintain accurate voter rolls and prevents any fraudulent voting.

(iv) Residency: Most countries require individuals to be residents of a particular electoral district or constituency in order to vote in that area. This ensures that voters have a connection to the local community and are familiar with the issues affecting that area.

(v) Mental Capacity: In some cases, individuals must have the mental capacity to understand the significance of voting and make informed choices. This requirement is in place to protect individuals who may be vulnerable or easily manipulated.

(vi) Criminal Record: In certain democratic states, individuals with certain criminal convictions may be disqualified from voting. However, this can vary depending on the country and the severity of the offense.

(vii) Absence of Electoral Disqualification: In a democratic state, individuals should not be disqualified from voting based on factors such as race, gender, religion, or socioeconomic status. The principle of equal suffrage ensures that all eligible citizens have an equal right to vote. ================================================ SECTION B (5-10) PICK THREE ANSWERS ===============================


(i) Authoritarianism: Military regimes in Nigeria tended to be characterized by centralized and autocratic control. Decisions were often made by a small group of military leaders, with limited input from civilian institutions or the public.

(ii) Suspension of the Constitution: Military rulers typically suspended the existing constitution, dissolved democratic institutions, and often disbanded the legislature. This allowed them to govern without the constraints of democratic principles.

(iii) Restriction of Civil Liberties: Military rule often resulted in the curtailment of civil liberties and human rights. Restrictions on freedom of speech, assembly, and association were common, and political opposition was suppressed.

(iv) State Control of Media: The military often took control of the media, limiting freedom of the press and using state-controlled outlets to disseminate information favorable to the regime while suppressing dissenting voices.

(v) Corruption and Nepotism: Military regimes in Nigeria were often criticized for corruption and favoritism. Military leaders sometimes engaged in corrupt practices, and appointments to key positions were frequently based on loyalty rather than merit.

(vi) Economic Mismanagement: Military rulers sometimes struggled with economic management, leading to issues such as inflation, stagnation, and misallocation of resources. Economic policies were often driven by short-term military objectives rather than long-term development.

(vii) Suppression of Political Opposition: Political parties were usually banned or severely restricted under military rule. Opposition figures faced harassment, imprisonment, or exile, and dissenting voices were silenced to maintain regime stability.

(viii) Social Unrest: Military rule in Nigeria often led to social unrest and dissatisfaction among the civilian population. Economic hardships, political repression, and the lack of popular representation fueled protests and demonstrations against military rule. ================================================


(6) (PICK ANY SIX) (i) Strengthen electoral laws and regulations: Introduce strict legislation that clearly defines electoral malpractices, imposes stringent penalties, and strengthens the independence of electoral institutions. This will serve as a deterrent and ensure impartiality in the electoral process.

(ii) Implement biometric voter registration and identification system: By using biometric technology, such as fingerprint scanning or iris recognition, it becomes more difficult for individuals to engage in multiple voting or impersonation, reducing the potential for electoral malpractice.

(iii) Enhance security measures during elections: Improve security presence at polling stations and electoral offices to prevent and deter acts of violence, voter intimidation, and ballot stuffing. This will help create a safe and secure environment for voters to exercise their rights.

(iv) Increase transparency and accountability: Ensure that all electoral processes, such as voter registration, vote counting, and result collation, are conducted in a transparent and accountable manner. This can be achieved through the use of technology, such as electronic voting machines and online result declaration, as well as independent observers and monitors.

(v) Promote civic education and voter awareness: Educate citizens about their rights and responsibilities in the electoral process, including the importance of fair and free elections. This can be done through public campaigns, workshops, and educational programs to ensure voters are informed and can make informed decisions.

(iv) Strengthen electoral monitoring and oversight: Enhance the role and capacity of independent electoral monitoring bodies, such as the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and civil society organizations, to effectively oversee the electoral process. This includes conducting regular audits, investigating complaints, and providing transparent feedback on electoral activities.

(vii) Encourage citizen participation and engagement: Foster a culture of active citizenship by encouraging citizens to participate in elections, join political parties, and engage in civic activities. Increased citizen involvement reduces the chances of electoral malpractice as citizens become more invested in the democratic process. ================================================


(7) (PICK ANY SIX) (i) Strengthening regional economic integration: ECOWAS member states can promote free trade and eliminate trade barriers among themselves, thus encouraging cross-border investments and facilitating economic growth.

(ii) Implementing effective monetary policies: ECOWAS member states need to coordinate their monetary policies to ensure stability and reduce inflation. This can be achieved through the establishment of a common currency or by coordinating exchange rate policies.

(iii) Promoting regional cooperation in key sectors: ECOWAS member states can collaborate in areas such as agriculture, energy, and manufacturing to enhance regional productivity and competitiveness.

(iv) Enhancing access to finance: Member states should work towards building inclusive financial systems that promote access to credit, savings, and insurance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and individuals to stimulate entrepreneurship and economic growth.

(v) Improving regional governance: ECOWAS member states should strengthen their institutions and governance structures to ensure transparency, accountability, and the efficient implementation of policies that support economic development.

(vi) Investing in human capital development: Member states should prioritize investments in education, healthcare, and skills training to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of their workforce, thereby driving economic growth.

(vii) Promoting sustainable development: ECOWAS member states should prioritize sustainable practices in areas such as agriculture, energy, and natural resource management to ensure long-term economic growth while safeguarding the environment for future generations. ================================================


(8) (PICK ANY SIX) (i) Traditional rulers in pre-colonial Yoruba society held significant political power. They were the ultimate authority in their respective territories and had the responsibility of making decisions and implementing laws to maintain peace and order.

(ii) Traditional rulers acted as judges and arbitrators to resolve disputes and administer justice. They would hear cases, listen to testimonies, and make decisions based on customary laws and traditions.

(iii) Traditional rulers also played a crucial role in the spiritual and religious life of the Yoruba people. They were often considered as intermediaries between the people and the deities, responsible for performing religious rituals, conducting sacrifices, and maintaining a connection with the spiritual realm.

(iv) Traditional rulers were the custodians of Yoruba culture, tradition, and history. They were responsible for preserving and promoting Yoruba cultural practices, languages, and heritage. They played a key role in maintaining Yoruba identity and ensuring the preservation of cultural values and norms.

(v) Traditional rulers had a role in managing the economic affairs of their territories. They oversaw trade activities, collected taxes, regulated markets, and facilitated economic development. They often held control over land ownership and could allocate it for agriculture, settlements, or other purposes.

(vi) Traditional rulers acted as mediators in conflicts and disputes between individuals, families, or communities. They would use their authority and wisdom to find common ground and facilitate reconciliation, promoting harmonious relationships within their territories.

(vii) Traditional rulers had a responsibility to ensure social welfare within their communities. They would provide protection and security for their subjects, oversee the well-being of their people, and intervene in times of crisis or emergencies. They were expected to care for the vulnerable, resolve social issues, and maintain social cohesion. ================================================


(9a) Colonialism refers to the practice of establishing and maintaining colonies by a nation or empire in territories outside its borders. It is an extension of a nation’s power and control over territories and populations that are typically located far away from its ownterritory. Colonialism often involved the exploitation of resources, labor, and markets in the colonies for the benefit of the colonizing power.

(9b) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i) Political administration: The governor general served as the head of the colonial government and was responsible for establishing and maintaining political control over the colony. This involved making and enforcing laws, overseeing the functioning of local governments, and resolving disputes. (ii) Defense and security: The governor general played a crucial role in ensuring the security and defense of the colony. They were responsible for maintaining an army or police force, implementing military strategies, and protecting the colony from any internal or external threats. (iii) Economic control: The governor general held authority over the economic aspects of the colony. They were responsible for implementing economic policies that benefited the colonizing country, such as promoting the extraction of resources, establishing trade routes, and managing taxation and revenue collection. (iv) Diplomacy: The governor general acted as the representative of the colonizing country and was involved in diplomatic relations with other colonial powers, indigenous leaders, and neighboring colonies. They negotiated treaties, managed conflicts, and maintained alliances or rivalries with other nations. (v) Social control: The governor general maintained social control over the colony by promoting policies and practices that aligned with the interests and values of the colonizing country. They often sought to assimilate the local population into the culture, language, and social norms of the colonizers. (vi) Symbolic representation: The governor general served as a symbol of the colonizing authority and power. They legitimized the colonizer’s control over the colony and acted as a source of authority and guidance for both the colonizers and the colonized. ===============================================


(10) (PICK ANY SIX) (i) Colonial Oppression: The oppressive policies of British colonial rule in Nigeria sparked a sense of unity and resistance among the Nigerian people. The exploitation of resources and imposition of indirect rule fueled nationalist sentiments as people sought to regain control over their own affairs.

(ii) Emergence of Intellectuals: The rise of educated Nigerians, who had been exposed to Western ideas and concepts, played a crucial role in shaping the nationalist movement. These intellectuals, such as Nnamdi Azikiwe and Obafemi Awolowo, used their knowledge and skills to galvanize the masses and advocate for Nigeria’s independence.

(iii) Pan-Africanism: The ideas of Pan-Africanism, which emphasized solidarity and unity among African nations, greatly influenced the nationalist movement in Nigeria. Leaders like Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya inspired Nigerians to fight for independence and work towards establishing a united and independent Africa.

(iv) Economic Factors: The economic disparities between Nigerians and the British colonial rulers fueled nationalist sentiments. Nigerians witnessed their resources being exploited by the British, while they remained impoverished. This economic inequality served as a catalyst for the nationalist movement, as people sought to gain control over their resources and improve their living conditions.

(v) Religious and Ethnic Unity: Despite Nigeria being a diverse nation with numerous ethnic and religious groups, the nationalist movement managed to unite people across these divides. Common goals of independence and self-determination fostered a sense of unity and cooperation among Nigerians, transcending their ethnic and religious differences.

(vi) Formation of Political Parties: The establishment of political parties, such as the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) and the Action Group, provided a platform for Nigerians to organize and rally behind nationalist ideals. These parties mobilized support and advocated for independence through mass movements, protests, and political campaigns.

(vii) International Support: The nationalist movement in Nigeria received support from international organizations, such as the United Nations and the Commonwealth, who were advocating for decolonization across the world. The solidarity and support from the international community boosted the morale of Nigerian nationalists and helped legitimize their struggle for independence.

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NECO Government Questions and Answers 2023

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NECO Government Questions and Answers 2023

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NECO Government Questions and Answers 2023- FAQs

NECO stands for the National Examination Council, and it is a prominent examination body in Nigeria responsible for conducting the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) and the General Certificate in Education (GCE).

The NECO Government exam for 2023 was scheduled for Thursday, 13th July 2023, from 2:00 pm to 4:40 pm.

The NECO Government exam consists of Paper III (Objective) and Paper II (Essay).

Candidates can prepare for the NECO Government exam by studying the syllabus, practicing with past exam papers, using reputable sources for questions and answers, and managing their time effectively.

The NECO Government exam covers various government-related topics, including political participation, civil service structure, and achievements of constitutional developments in Nigeria.

Neco 2023 Civic Education Questions & Answers

Neco 2023 civic education questions & answers.

Neco 2023 Civic Education Questions & Answers

Schedule Time;

Thursday, 20th July 2023

Civic Education (Objective & Essay) 10:00am – 1:00pm






Answer four questions in all, two from each section.

SECTION A 1. What is a Constitution? (3 marks) (b) Enumerate and explain four features of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.(12 marks) 2. Itemize and shed light on five attributes that promote national unity.(15 marks) 3. Expatiate on five benefits of youth empowerment skills in Nigeria. (15 marks) 4.(a) Explain orderliness. (3 marks) (b) Discuss four examples of orderliness. (12 marks)

SECTION B 5. (a) Define Civic Education.*(3 marks) (b) Mention and discuss four importance of Civic Education. (12 marks) 6 (a) What is rule of law? (2 marks) (b) List and explain four benefits of rule of law. (10 marks) (c) Give two ways of safeguarding rule of law. (3 marks) 7. What is representative democracy? (2 marks) (b) List three features of representative democracy.(3 marks) 7c) In five ways differentiate direct democracy from indirect democracy. (10 marks) 8(a) Define stigmatization. (2 marks) 8 (b) Give three types of stigmatization against people living with HIV/AIDS. (3 marks) c) Expatiate on four ways of preventing stigmatization against people living with HIV/AIDS in the society. (10 marks)

==========SECTION A=============

(1a) A Constitution can be defined as a written set of fundamental principles and rules that govern a country or organization. It establishes the framework for the organization’s structure powers and limitations as well as the rights and responsibilities of its citizens or members.

(1b) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Written Constitution: The 1999 Constitution of Nigeria is a written document that outlines the fundamental principles and rules guiding the governance of Nigeria. (ii) Federalism: It establishes Nigeria as a federal republic with power shared between the central government and the states. It defines the powers and responsibilities of both levels of government. (iii) Separation of Powers: The Constitution provides for the separation of powers among the three arms of government: the executive legislative and judicial branches. This ensures a system of checks and balances. (iv) Fundamental Human Rights: The Constitution enshrines fundamental human rights and freedoms such as the right to life liberty and fair hearing. It sets out the framework for the protection and promotion of these rights. (v) Citizenship: The Constitution defines who is considered a citizen of Nigeria and outlines their rights privileges and obligations. (vi) Presidential System: The 1999 Constitution establishes a presidential system of government where the president is the head of state and head of government. It outlines the powers and functions of the president. (vii) Amendment Process: The Constitution provides for its amendment outlining the procedures to be followed when changes are proposed. It requires a two-thirds majority of the National Assembly and state legislatures for amendments to take effect.


(2a) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i) Strong Leadership: A strong and visionary leadership can play a pivotal role in promoting national unity by fostering a sense of identity and purpose among diverse groups of people. (ii) Inclusive Governance: Ensuring inclusive governance where all ethnic religious and regional groups have a voice in decision-making processes can help bridge divides and promote unity. (iii) Respect for Diversity: A society that values and respects diversity can foster a climate of acceptance and tolerance. Appreciating different cultures languages and beliefs can contribute to national unity. (iv) Effective Communication: Open and transparent communication platforms can help promote dialogue and understanding among different groups. It allows for the exchange of ideas and perspectives promoting unity. (v) Equal Opportunities: Providing equal opportunities in education employment and socioeconomic development can contribute to national unity by reducing social and economic disparities between different groups. (vi) Shared National Identity: Promoting a shared national identity that transcends ethnic religious and regional differences can help forge a sense of belonging and unity among citizens. (vii) Peaceful Coexistence: Ensuring peace security and stability within a country promotes national unity. Addressing and resolving conflicts peacefully and fostering a culture of dialogue can contribute to unity.

(3a) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i) Economic Development: Youth empowerment skills enable young people to acquire the knowledge and expertise needed to participate in the workforce and contribute to the country’s economic growth. (ii) Reduced Unemployment: By equipping young people with marketable skills youth empowerment programs can help reduce the unemployment rate providing opportunities for self-employment and job creation. (iii) Poverty Alleviation: Empowered youth can generate income for themselves and their families leading to poverty reduction and improved living conditions. (iv) Entrepreneurship Promotion: Youth empowerment skills often include entrepreneurship training encouraging young people to start their own businesses and become self-reliant. (v) Social Stability: When young people are engaged in meaningful activities and have access to opportunities it can reduce social unrest crime and anti-social behaviors contributing to social stability. (vi) Skill Development: Empowerment programs focus on building practical skills that are essential for personal and professional growth. These skills can help young people adapt to a rapidly changing job market. (vii) Civic Engagement and Leadership: Empowered youth are more likely to be actively engaged in their communities taking leadership roles and participating in decision-making processes ultimately contributing to the development of a stronger civil society.

(4a) Orderliness can be defined as a state or condition characterized by systematic arrangement and adherence to established rules and regulations. It implies a well-organized and structured environment where people act in a disciplined manner respecting authority and following established procedures.

(4b) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Traffic Rules: Obeying traffic rules and regulations such as stopping at red lights yielding to pedestrians and following speed limits contributes to orderliness on the roads. (ii) Public Transportation: Queueing in an orderly manner at bus stops or train stations respecting line spaces and waiting for one’s turn to board public transportation helps maintain order and efficiency. (iii) Law and Order: Adhering to laws respecting the authority of law enforcement agencies and cooperating with legal procedures contributes to maintaining order and justice within society. (iv) Organized Events: Events that are well-planned and executed with clear directions designated areas and proper crowd management ensure orderliness and the safety of participants. (v) Meeting Protocols: Orderliness is essential during meetings or gatherings to ensure effective communication and decision-making. Following meeting protocols such as having an agenda time management and giving each person an opportunity to speak helps maintain order and achieve objectives. (vi) Law and Social Order: Upholding laws and regulations is vital for maintaining orderliness in society. The legal system ensures that individuals are held accountable for their actions and law enforcement agencies play a crucial role in ensuring social order and public safety. (vii) Queueing: In various settings such as banks supermarkets or public transport stations orderliness is maintained through queueing systems. People form lines or queues and wait their turn ensuring fairness and efficiency in providing services.

==  =======SECTION B=================

(5a) Civic education is the process of teaching individuals about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, as well as the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in civic life. It is an important part of any country’s education system, as it helps to prepare citizens to be active and informed members of society.

(5b) Pick any four(4)

1. Promotes Understanding of Government and Laws: Civic education teaches individuals about the structure and workings of their government, as well as the laws that govern them. This knowledge is essential for citizens to be able to make informed decisions when participating in the political process.

2. Enhances Critical Thinking Skills: Civic education encourages individuals to think critically about the issues that affect their communities and their country. Through this, citizens are able to take part in meaningful dialogue and develop their own opinions on important matters.

3. Encourages Active Citizenship: Civic education encourages individuals to take part in their community and become active citizens. This includes voting in elections, engaging in civil discourse, and taking part in local initiatives.

4. Promotes Respect for Others: Civic education teaches individuals to respect the rights and opinions of others, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. This helps to create a more tolerant and inclusive society.

5. Fosters Civic Responsibility: Civic education helps to promote an understanding of civic responsibility, which is the idea that citizens have a duty to participate in the political process and to work for the common good.

6. Builds Confidence: Civic education provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in civic life. This can help to build confidence and empower individuals to take part in their communities. ========================================================================

6a) The rule of law refers to the principle that all individuals, institutions, and entities are subject to and accountable to the law. It implies that laws are enacted, enforced, and applied impartially, without favoritism or discrimination. The rule of law ensures that societies are governed by established laws and legal principles rather than the arbitrary decisions of individuals or authorities.

6b) : Benefits of the rule of law:

1. Protection of Individual Rights: The rule of law safeguards the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. It establishes a legal framework that protects citizens from arbitrary actions by the government or other individuals, ensuring due process, equality before the law, and the right to a fair trial. A robust legal system provides a sense of security and empowers individuals to exercise their rights without fear of repression.

2. Stability and Predictability: The rule of law provides stability and predictability in society. When laws are consistently enforced and applied, it promotes a sense of order and certainty. This stability is crucial for economic growth, attracting investments, and fostering social cohesion. Individuals and businesses can make informed decisions and engage in activities with confidence, knowing that their rights and interests will be protected under the law.

3. Accountability and Transparency: The rule of law establishes mechanisms for accountability and transparency in governance. It ensures that public officials are accountable for their actions and that they are subject to legal scrutiny and checks and balances. Transparent and accountable institutions help prevent corruption, abuse of power, and arbitrary decision-making, promoting trust in the government and fostering public confidence.

4. Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice: The rule of law provides a fair and accessible system for resolving disputes and seeking justice. It ensures that all individuals, regardless of their background or status, have equal access to legal remedies and a fair judicial process. This fosters trust in the legal system and promotes social harmony by offering peaceful avenues for resolving conflicts and addressing grievances.

6C: Ways of safeguarding the rule of law:

1. Independent Judiciary: Establishing an independent judiciary that is free from political interference is crucial for safeguarding the rule of law. Judges should be appointed based on merit, have security of tenure, and be protected from external pressures. An independent judiciary ensures that laws are interpreted and applied impartially and that individuals and institutions are held accountable.

2. Strong Legal Framework and Enforcement: A robust legal framework that encompasses clear laws, regulations, and constitutional provisions is essential for upholding the rule of law. It is equally important to ensure the effective enforcement of these laws and regulations. Adequate resources, well-trained law enforcement agencies, and a functioning justice system are necessary to enforce the law consistently and fairly. ========================================================================

7a) Representative democracy is a system of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. This is different from direct democracy where citizens make decisions themselves. In a representative democracy, citizens vote for representatives who they believe will best represent their interests and make decisions that are in the best interest of the people they represent.

7b 1. Free and fair elections: Elections are held regularly and are free from fraud and coercion. 2. Separation of powers: The government is divided into different branches, such as the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, with each having its own powers and responsibilities. 3. Protection of individual rights: In a representative democracy, individual rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, are protected by law and cannot be violated by the government.

7c 1. In a direct democracy, citizens make decisions themselves, while in an indirect democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

2. In a direct democracy, citizens have a more direct role in decision-making, while in an indirect democracy, citizens have a more indirect role in decision-making.

3. In a direct democracy, decisions are made through direct voting, while in an indirect democracy, decisions are made through elected representatives.

4. In a direct democracy, citizens have more control over the decision-making process, while in an indirect democracy, citizens have less control over the decision-making process.

5. In a direct democracy, there is less room for corruption and special interests, while in an indirect democracy, there is more room for corruption and special interests to influence decision-making. ========================================================================

*8a* Stigmatization is the process of unfairly labeling and stereotyping individuals or groups based on certain characteristics, such as race, gender, sexual orientation, or mental health status. Stigmatization can lead to discrimination, prejudice, and negative attitudes toward the stigmatized group, which can have a harmful impact on their mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

*8b* 1. Social Stigma: People living with HIV/AIDS are often subjected to social stigma, which can lead to discrimination, harassment, and social exclusion. They may be shunned by friends, family, and community members, and may be denied access to education, employment, and healthcare.

2. Self-Stigma: People living with HIV/AIDS may internalize the negative attitudes and beliefs associated with the disease, leading to self-stigma. This can result in feelings of shame, guilt, and low self-esteem, and can prevent individuals from seeking the care and support they need.

3. Structural Stigma: Structural stigma refers to the ways in which social institutions, such as healthcare systems, legal systems, and educational systems, perpetuate discrimination and inequality against people living with HIV/AIDS. This can include policies and practices that limit access to healthcare, housing, and employment, as well as laws that criminalize HIV transmission.

*8c* 1. Education and Awareness: Educating people about HIV/AIDS and how it is transmitted can help reduce stigma and discrimination. This can include public education campaigns, community outreach programs, and training for healthcare providers and other professionals.

2. Access to Healthcare: Ensuring that people living with HIV/AIDS have access to quality healthcare can help reduce stigma and discrimination. This can include providing free or low-cost testing, treatment, and counseling services, as well as addressing barriers to care, such as stigma and discrimination within healthcare settings.

3. Anti-Discrimination Laws: Enacting and enforcing laws that protect the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS can help reduce stigma and discrimination. This can include laws that prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, and healthcare, as well as laws that criminalize discrimination and hate crimes.

4. Community Support: Building strong communities of support for people living with HIV/AIDS can help reduce stigma and discrimination. This can include support groups, peer counseling, and other community-based programs that provide emotional support, education, and advocacy. By providing a safe and supportive environment, people living with HIV/AIDS can feel more empowered to seek the care and support they need.



This is great

Thanks a lot, please I need mathematics question and answers too.

thanks, this was helpful

Pls i need civic education answers

This is helpful

Thanks a lot

Thank you very much

It’s really helpful thanks alot

I just started today but it is really helpful

Thanks this was helpful

Thanks so much

Thank you so much for this questions and answers it really helps Us

I need 2024 neco exam for civic education

Dear Samuel precious, please follow the instruction above to get it


What is Orderliness and Stigmatization

Thank you alot it was really useful

This is nice but the definitions and explanations are tooooooo lengthy

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FREE NECO 2023 Government Questions and Answers (Essay and Objective)

NECO 2023 Government Questions and Answers (Essay and Objective) Thursday, 13th July 2023 Government (Objective & Essay) – 2:00pm – 4:40pm











State may be defined as a politically organised body of people inhabiting a defined geographical entity with an organized legitimate give legitimate government. The state in this respect is entirely free from external control.

State refers to a political entity or a political organization that possesses sovereign authority over a defined territory and its population. It is a central institution that exercises control and governance within its borders.


(i)Sovereignty: This attribute signifies the state’s ultimate authority and independence within its territorial boundaries. A sovereign state has the power to govern itself without interference from external actors.

(ii)Territory: A state has defined geographical borders that determine its territory. This attribute includes land, water bodies, and airspace over which the state exercises control.

Population: A state consists of a group of people who live within its borders and are subject to its authority.

(iii)Government: A state has a system of governance that establishes the rules, institutions, and processes through which decisions are made and implemented. This attribute includes the executive, legislative, and judicial branches responsible for the administration of the state.

(iv)Law and Order: A state maintains law and order within its territory through the establishment of legal frameworks and enforcement agencies. This attribute ensures the protection of rights, the resolution of disputes, and the maintenance of social order.

(v)Diplomacy: States engage in diplomatic relations with other states, which involves negotiating agreements, participating in international organizations, and representing their interests on the global stage.

(vi)National Identity: States often possess a distinct national identity characterized by shared values, traditions, history, and symbols. This attribute contributes to a sense of belonging and loyalty among its citizens.

(vii)Economic System: States have different economic systems that define how resources are allocated, production is organized, and wealth is distributed. These systems can range from market-oriented capitalism to state-controlled socialism.

(viii)Defense and Security: States are responsible for safeguarding their territories and citizens from external threats. This attribute includes maintaining armed forces, conducting national security policies, and participating in collective defense alliances.

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(i) Lobbying: Lobbying involves direct communication with government officials, lawmakers, or other influential individuals to advocate for specific policies or interests. Pressure groups use lobbying to provide information, present arguments, and exert influence through personal meetings, letters, phone calls, or emails.

(ii) Public Relations: Pressure groups often use public relations strategies to shape public opinion and gain support for their cause. They may organize public campaigns, rallies, demonstrations, or press conferences to raise awareness, generate media coverage, and mobilize public support.

(iii) Grassroots Mobilization: Pressure groups understand the power of grassroots mobilization, where they engage and activate their members and supporters at the local level. This technique involves organizing community events, door-to-door campaigns, petitions, or letter-writing campaigns to demonstrate widespread public support and create a sense of urgency.

(iv) Litigation: Pressure groups may resort to legal action to challenge government policies or decisions. They may file lawsuits or support individuals or organizations in legal battles to advance their cause. Litigation can be used to influence judicial interpretations, set legal precedents, or bring attention to specific issues.

(v) Campaign Financing: Pressure groups often contribute to political campaigns or support candidates who align with their goals. By providing financial support, they seek to gain favor and access to decision-makers. This technique allows pressure groups to influence policy decisions indirectly through their chosen candidates.

(vi) Research and Policy Analysis: Pressure groups invest in research and policy analysis to provide evidence-based arguments supporting their positions. They produce reports, studies, and white papers to demonstrate the potential impacts of specific policies, economic benefits, or social implications. This information helps pressure groups make persuasive cases to policymakers and the public.

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(i)Clear Guidelines and Policies: Develop and communicate clear guidelines and policies that explicitly outline the expectations for non-partisanship among civil servants.These guidelines should emphasize the importance of political neutrality and provide specific examples.

(ii)Political Activity Restrictions: Implement regulations that restrict civil servants from engaging in partisan political activities while on duty or in their official capacity. This can include limitations on participating in political campaigns, endorsing candidates, or engaging in activities that may compromise their impartiality.

(iii)Recruitment and Promotion Based on Merit: Establish transparent and merit-based systems for the recruitment, selection, and promotion of civil servants. Emphasize qualifications, skills, and experience as the primary criteria for hiring and advancement, rather than political connections or affiliations.

(iv)Training and Education: Provide regular training and education programs that focus on non-partisanship and ethical conduct for civil servants. These programs should emphasize the importance of maintaining impartiality in decision-making, avoiding conflicts of interest, and upholding the principles of public service.

(v)Independent Oversight and Accountability: Establish independent oversight mechanisms to monitor and investigate allegations of partisan behavior or misconduct among civil servants. These mechanisms should have the authority to receive and investigate complaints, protect whistleblowers, and take appropriate disciplinary actions when necessary.

(vi)Promote a Culture of Non-Partisanship: Foster a culture within the civil service that values and promotes non-partisanship. This can be achieved through leadership commitment, communication campaigns, and recognition of civil servants who demonstrate a commitment to impartiality.

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(vii) Transparent Performance Evaluation: Implement a fair and transparent performance evaluation system that assesses civil servants based on their competence, professionalism, and adherence to non-partisan principles.Provide regular feedback and recognition for exemplary performance.

(i) Centralized Power: Military rule typically concentrates power in the hands of a small group of military leaders or a single military dictator. The military establishment exercises significant authority and influence over the government, often overshadowing or sidelining civilian institutions.

(ii) Suspension of Civil Liberties: Military rule often involves the curtailment or suspension of civil liberties and fundamental rights. Freedom of speech, assembly, and association may be restricted, and censorship may be imposed to control the flow of information and limit dissenting voices.

(iii) Suppression of Political Opposition: Military regimes tend to suppress or eliminate political opposition. Political parties and opposition groups may be banned, and dissenting voices may face persecution, imprisonment, or even violence. Elections, if held at all, may be tightly controlled or manipulated to maintain the military’s grip on power.

(iv) Authoritarian Governance: Military rule is typically characterized by authoritarian governance, where decision-making authority lies with a small group of military leaders. Civilian institutions may be weakened or dismantled, and the military often plays a dominant role in policymaking, law enforcement, and administration.

(v) Martial Law and Emergency Powers: Military rule frequently involves the imposition of martial law or emergency powers, granting the military extensive control and authority over civilian life. These powers may include the suspension of constitutional rights, imposition of curfews, and increased surveillance to maintain order and suppress dissent.

(vi) Focus on National Security: Military regimes often prioritize national security concerns and defense matters above other social and economic issues. Policies and resources are directed towards maintaining and expanding military capabilities, often at the expense of social welfare programs or development initiatives.

(i) Political Instability: The Action Group crises led to a period of political instability in Nigeria. The conflict within the party resulted in factionalism and infighting, weakening the overall political structure. The government was unable to effectively address pressing issues and provide stable governance, creating a sense of uncertainty and distrust among the population.

(ii) Regional Divisions: The crises exacerbated regional divisions within Nigeria. The Action Group had strong support in the Western region, and the internal conflicts intensified the divide between the Western region and other regions of the country. This further heightened ethnic and regional tensions, making it challenging to foster national unity and cooperation.

(iii) Decline of the Action Group: The crises significantly weakened the Action Group as a political force. The party splintered into factions, leading to a loss of public confidence and electoral support. The internal power struggles and divisions within the party contributed to its decline and eventual marginalization in Nigerian politics.

(iv) Rise of Military Intervention: The crises created a power vacuum and a perception of political instability. This provided an opportunity for the military to intervene in the political affairs of Nigeria. The subsequent military coups in 1966 and the subsequent military rule that followed were influenced, in part, by the fragility of the political system resulting from the Action Group crises.

(v) Erosion of Democratic Processes: The Action Group crises highlighted the fragility of Nigeria’s democratic processes. The breakdown of trust and the use of violence within the party undermined the principles of democracy, such as fair elections and peaceful transitions of power. This erosion of democratic values had long-lasting implications for Nigeria’s governance and political system.

(vi) Socioeconomic Impact: The political instability caused by the Action Group crises had adverse effects on Nigeria’s socioeconomic development. The government’s focus shifted away from addressing critical issues such as infrastructure development, education, and poverty reduction. The lack of effective governance hindered progress and impeded the country’s overall development trajectory.

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(i) National Security: Ensuring national security is a primary concern for any country, and it significantly influences foreign policy decisions. Nigeria faces security challenges such as terrorism, insurgency, and cross-border conflicts. These security concerns drive Nigeria’s foreign policy objectives, including cooperation with regional and international partners, intelligence sharing, and efforts to combat terrorism.

(ii) Economic Interests: Economic considerations play a crucial role in shaping Nigeria’s foreign policy. Nigeria is an oil-rich nation, and its economy heavily relies on oil exports. Therefore, maintaining favorable economic relations with other countries, attracting foreign investments, securing access to international markets, and diversifying its economy are key foreign policy objectives for Nigeria.

(iii) Regional Leadership: As the most populous country in Africa and a regional power, Nigeria seeks to exert leadership and influence within the African continent. Nigeria plays an active role in regional organizations like the African Union (AU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Gulf of Guinea Commission. Nigeria’s foreign policy aims to promote stability, peacekeeping efforts, conflict resolution, and economic integration within Africa.

(iv) Political Stability: Nigeria’s foreign policy is influenced by the need to maintain political stability both domestically and in its neighboring countries. Internal political stability allows Nigeria to project a positive image internationally and enhances its ability to engage in diplomacy, trade, and cooperation with other nations.

(v) Historical Factors: Historical experiences and relationships also shape Nigeria’s foreign policy. Nigeria was a former British colony and gained independence in 1960. Its history of colonization and struggles for independence have influenced its worldview and foreign policy objectives. Nigeria maintains close ties with other Commonwealth countries, particularly those in Africa, and seeks to promote African solidarity and decolonization.

(vi) Global Alliances and Multilateralism: Nigeria actively participates in international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and strives to maintain positive relationships with major global powers. Nigeria’s foreign policy seeks to leverage its position within these organizations and forge alliances to advance its national interests, promote peace and security, and address global challenges such as climate change, human rights, and sustainable development.

Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided and shared between a central authority and constituent political units, such as states or provinces. It establishes a dual sovereignty structure, where the central government and the regional governments each have their respective powers and responsibilities. Federalism allows for a distribution of power that aims to balance the interests of both the central government and the regional units.

(i) Representation and Participation: Creating new states within a federation allows for a more inclusive and representative political system. It ensures that diverse regions or communities have a voice and can actively participate in decision-making processes at both the regional and national levels. State creation can help address regional imbalances and promote a sense of belonging and identity among different groups within a country.

(ii) Decentralization of Power: By creating new states, power is decentralized and shared among multiple regional entities. This can prevent the concentration of power in a single central authority and promote local governance. Decentralization allows for more effective and responsive administration, as regional governments can address local issues and priorities more directly.

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(iii) Regional Development and Resource Allocation: State creation can be motivated by the need to promote balanced regional development and ensure equitable distribution of resources. It allows for specific regions to have greater control over their own resources and development plans. This can lead to focused development initiatives, tailored to the specific needs and priorities of each region, thus reducing regional disparities.

(iv) Cultural and Linguistic Autonomy: Creating states within a federation can provide protection and autonomy for distinct cultural, linguistic, or ethnic communities. It allows for the preservation and promotion of local languages, customs, traditions, and identities. State creation can empower communities to safeguard their cultural heritage and exercise their right to self-determination within the framework of a larger federal structure.

(v) Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Coexistence: In some cases, state creation can be a means to resolve long-standing conflicts or ethnic tensions within a country. By granting greater autonomy and self-governance to specific regions, it may help accommodate the aspirations of different communities and foster peaceful coexistence. State creation can serve as a mechanism for managing diversity and promoting stability within a federation.

(i) Emir/Sarki: The Emir or Sarki was the supreme executive authority in the Hausa Fulani administration. Their duties included maintaining law and order, overseeing the administration, and making decisions on political, economic, and social matters. They had the power to enforce policies and resolve disputes within their jurisdiction.

(ii) Waziri: The Waziri served as the prime minister or chief advisor to the Emir/Sarki. They were responsible for providing counsel, guidance, and recommendations on governance matters. The Waziri played a crucial role in the decision-making process and assisted in implementing policies and managing the administrative affairs of the kingdom.

(iii) Madawaki: The Madawaki was a high-ranking officer responsible for coordinating the military forces of the kingdom. Their duties included organizing and leading the army during times of war or conflict. The Madawaki worked closely with the Emir/Sarki to ensure the security and defense of the kingdom.

(iv) Dan Iyan: The Dan Iyan was the chief courtier or chamberlain in the Hausa Fulani administration. They acted as the personal attendant to the Emir/Sarki and managed the affairs of the royal court. Their duties included organizing court proceedings, maintaining protocol, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Emir’s household.

(v) Galadima: The Galadima was an important administrative officer responsible for overseeing the affairs of the province or district within the kingdom. Their duties included collecting taxes, maintaining public infrastructure, settling disputes, and implementing the policies and directives of the Emir/Sarki at the local level.

(vi) Dogari: The Dogari was in charge of the treasury and finance of the kingdom. They managed the collection of taxes, controlled the kingdom’s resources, and ensured proper accounting and financial management. The Dogari played a crucial role in maintaining the economic stability and prosperity of the kingdom.

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Home » NECO » NECO Government Answers 2023 (Obj & Essay) Questions is Now Out

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Neco government answers 2023 (obj & essay) questions is now out.


2023 NECO Government Answers Released.

The Neco Government answers 2023 questions have been released. The National Examination Council (NECO) Senior School Certificate Examination for Government papers will hold on Thursday 13th July 2023 as scheduled.

The Neco government exam is for Paper III & II: Objective & Essay which will commence from 2.00 pm to 4.40 pm. In this post, we will be posting samples of the neco government questions for candidates that will participate in the examination.

neco government answer

See NECO Government Answer 2023.

PAPER-II (Essay) Answer only FOUR  questions in the section. Write your answers in the answer booklet provided.

1. (a) Describe government as an academic field of study. (b) Identify four branches of government as an academic field of study.

2. (a) Explain the concept of legitimacy. (b) State five factors that promote legitimacy of a government. ANS: (a) Legitimacy is the recognition and acceptance of the right/authority of a government and its institution by the people, to make and enforce laws.

(b) (i) A government popularly elected through free and fair elections; (ii) holding  of periodic elections; (iii) adherence to the provision of the constitution of the state; (iv) involvement and participation of the people in the management of the affairs of the state; (v) responsible and responsive leadership; (vi) tolerance to opposing or divergent views; (vii) respect for the Rule of Law; (viii) acceptable ideology of the government; (ix) acceptance of the government by the international community.

3. (a) What is authority? (b) Highlight five ways by which citizens can participate in politics. ANS: (a) Authority is the legal right to make and enforce laws that the citizens must obey.

(b) (i) By belonging to political parties; (ii) by contesting elections; (iii) by sponsoring political parties; (iv) by voting in elections; (v) by acting as party agents; (vi) by attending political rallies; (vii) by holding political posts; (viii) by acting as election observers/ monitors.

4. (a) Explain political participation. (b) State five ways a citizen can participate in the affairs of a state.

5. (a) Highlight three classes of the civil service structure. (b) Identify three characteristics of the civil service.

6. State four achievements of Clifford’s Constitution of 1922 in Nigeria. ANS: (i) The 1922 constitution introduced the elective principle; (ii) it gave rise to political activities/ awareness in Nigeria; (iii) it led to the formation of the first political party in Nigeria; (iv) the constitution paved the way for the establishment of newspapers in Nigeria; (v) it allowed more representation of Nigerians than the previous Nigeria Council; (vi) it laid the foundation for constitutional developments in Nigeria; (vii) it established a constitutional government in Nigeria as opposed to a government by statutory instruments; (viii) it increased the tempo of nationalism in Nigeria.

7. Identify four elements of checks and balances in the pre-colonial Yoruba political system. ANS: (i) Oyo-mesi – a Council of king-makers; (ii) Ogboni – a secret society/ cult; (iii) Ifa, the Oracle /Yoruba traditional priest; (iv) occultic/ mystical calabash (Igba iwa); (v) covenant /bond (Imule); (vi) taboo /Prohibition/ forbidden acts; (vii) swearing /Oath/ Vows (Ibura); (viii) boycott or chiefs refusal to go to the chief’s palace; (ix) revolt/ rebellion /uprisings/ demonstrations; (x) impeachment /dethronement; (xi) suicide.

8. Identify six problems encountered by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

9. (a) List the four towns that made up the four Communes of the French Colonial Administration in West Africa. (b) State any four rights enjoyed by Africans in these four Communes.

10. Highlight six factors responsible for the formation of the National Congress of British West Africa.

12. (a) Identify any four past Secretaries-General of the United Nations Organizations (UNO). (b) State any five functions of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Organization (UNO). ANS:  a. (i) Gladwyn Jebb; (ii) Trygve Lie; (iii) Dag Hammarskjold; (iv) U- Thant; (v) Kurt Waldheim; (vi) Javier Perez De Cuellar; (vii) Kofi Anan; (viii) Boutros Boutros Ghali.

(b) (i) The Secretary-General brings any matter that threatens world peace to the attention of the Security Council; (ii) he prepares an annual report for the General Assembly; (iii) he prepares the agenda for the meeting of the General Assembly and Security Council; (iv) he appoints other members of staff in the Secretariat; (v) he administers peacekeeping operations worldwide.

Neco Government Objective Questions 2023.

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I need government questions and answers

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I need government answers

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I need government question and answer

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Pls I need government objective and essay today pls

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I Need Government Answer Today Please.

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I need the answer for obj tonight

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Is it today question

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Just stay there Esther Ajayi

Don’t go and read yur book and be waiting 4 runz

I pity you!!

When did u wrote yours dat u know dey want pple to fail??

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Is this actually 2023 government question

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Pls if its real drop objectives pls

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Is this real…just curious

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Is not….

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I need your help today sir by this evening

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Is this real?

If this is real,I need obj answer around 1:00pm please

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I think this thing is real go and check that of WAEC you’ll see 🙊

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I don’t believe in this Sha

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Has the neco Nov/Dec exam started?

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It starting tomorrow

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When are they starting

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Is this sample questions for the government neco gce that will be commercing tomorrow?

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this is fake u guys re fake people delete this site jor

No its really oooooo

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Have time table for 2021 come out

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pls i need government answer this night

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I need objective answers in Government Now pls nd plsoooooo

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2023 NECO Government Questions and Answers Expo

2023 neco government questions and answers.

The National Examination Council (NECO) Has Scheduled The 2023 Neco Government Questions and Answers Paper To Kick of on Wednesday 13th July 2023.

This brings the attention of candidates writing the exam in to searching for 2023 NECO Government Questions and Answers , NECO Government Expo 2023, and etc.

In this section, you will read the steps and requirements needed for you to get Neco Government 2023 Questions And Answers before exam.

NECO Government 2023 Paper is Categorized in to 2 parts;

  • NECO Government Essay 2023
  • NECO Government Objective 2023

Here on zamgist, we have solved all the questions. That is 2023 NECO Government Questions and Answers.

2023 NECO government questions and answers 2023


2023 NECO Government Questions and Answers
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NECO Government Expo 2023

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NECO Government Answer 2023

(1a) State refers to a political entity that exercises sovereignty over a defined territory and its population. It is a recognized governing entity with the authority to make and enforce laws within its borders.

(1b) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i) Territory: A state has a defined geographic area that it governs. The territory can include land water and airspace. (ii) Population: A state consists of a group of individuals who live within its borders and are subject to its laws and authority. (iii) Government: A state has a governing body or system that exercises authority and control over its population and territory. This can be in the form of a monarchy democracy dictatorship or any other system of governance. (iv) Sovereignty: A state has full and exclusive control over its internal and external affairs. It is autonomous and not subject to the authority or interference of other states or external powers. (v) Recognition: A state is recognized as a legitimate and independent entity by other states. Recognition can be formal or informal and is crucial for participating in international relations. (vi) Laws and Institutions: A state establishes laws regulations and institutions to maintain order provide governance and deliver essential services to its population. These can include legislative executive and judicial branches of government. (vii) International Relations: A state engages in diplomatic relations and interacts with other states on the international stage. It can negotiate treaties engage in trade participate in international organizations and represent the interests of its population in global affairs.


(2) (PICK ANY SIX) (i) Popularity and perception: The way a political party is perceived by the general public can greatly affect its electoral success. Factors such as reputation leadership qualities and public trust can influence how popular a party is among voters. (ii) Party platform and policies: The political party’s platform which includes its policies and agenda plays a crucial role in attracting voter support. Parties with well-defined appealing and persuasive policies are more likely to win elections. (iii) Economic conditions: The state of the economy can significantly impact electoral outcomes. Parties that are able to demonstrate their ability to manage and improve economic conditions are often favored by voters. (iv) Voter demographics: Understanding the demographic composition of the electorate is essential. Parties that can connect with different voter groups and address their concerns effectively tend to fare better in elections. (v) Campaign strategy and organization: A well-planned and organized campaign strategy is crucial for electoral success. Parties need to effectively communicate their message reach out to voters and mobilize their supporters during elections. (v) Media coverage: Positive media coverage can boost a party’s electoral prospects. Parties that can effectively manage their media presence shape public opinion and garner favorable media attention often have an advantage. (vii) Leadership and charisma: The leadership qualities of a party’s candidates such as their charisma communication skills and ability to connect with voters play a critical role in determining electoral success. (viii) Voter turnout and mobilization: Parties need to focus on maximizing voter turnout and effectively mobilizing their supporters. A higher voter turnout and well-organized ground campaigns can contribute to a party’s success on election day.


(3) (PICK ANY SIX) (i) Lobbying: Pressure groups engage in lobbying activities to influence legislators and policymakers. This can involve direct meetings exchanges of information and persuasive arguments to sway decision-making in favor of the group’s goals. (ii) Public campaigns and demonstrations: Pressure groups often organize public campaigns and demonstrations to raise awareness and gather support for their cause. These can include rallies protests and public events that attract attention and put pressure on policymakers. (iii) Grassroots organizing: Pressure groups mobilize their supporters at the grassroots level to advocate for their goals. They build networks recruit volunteers and organize local activities to generate public support and influence policymakers. (iv) Litigation and legal action: Pressure groups may engage in legal action to challenge policies laws or decisions that go against their interests. They may file lawsuits participate in legal processes and use the courts to advance their agenda. (v) Research and policy analysis: Pressure groups often conduct research and policy analysis to provide evidence-based arguments and information. They use this research to influence public opinion policymakers and the media in support of their goals. (vi) Coalition building: Pressure groups form alliances and coalitions with other like-minded organizations to amplify their influence and increase their chances of success. By joining forces they can pool resources expertise and support to achieve shared objectives. (vii) Economic pressure: Some pressure groups leverage economic power to achieve their goals. They may engage in boycotts divestment campaigns or use economic incentives to influence businesses policymakers or the public. (viii) Public relations and media engagement: Pressure groups employ various public relations strategies to shape public opinion and gain media attention. They may use social media press releases interviews and other media platforms to promote their message and gain support for their cause.


(4) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i) Clear Guidelines and Policies: Develop and communicate clear guidelines and policies that explicitly outline the expectations for non-partisanship among civil servants.These guidelines should emphasize the importance of political neutrality and provide specific examples. (ii) Political Activity Restrictions: Implement regulations that restrict civil servants from engaging in partisan political activities while on duty or in their official capacity. This can include limitations on participating in political campaigns, endorsing candidates, or engaging in activities that may compromise their impartiality. (iii) Recruitment and Promotion Based on Merit: Establish transparent and merit-based systems for the recruitment, selection, and promotion of civil servants. Emphasize qualifications, skills, and experience as the primary criteria for hiring and advancement, rather than political connections or affiliations. (iv) Training and Education: Provide regular training and education programs that focus on non-partisanship and ethical conduct for civil servants. These programs should emphasize the importance of maintaining impartiality in decision-making, avoiding conflicts of interest, and upholding the principles of public service. (v) Independent Oversight and Accountability: Establish independent oversight mechanisms to monitor and investigate allegations of partisan behavior or misconduct among civil servants. These mechanisms should have the authority to receive and investigate complaints, protect whistleblowers, and take appropriate disciplinary actions when necessary. (vi) Promote a Culture of Non-Partisanship: Foster a culture within the civil service that values and promotes non-partisanship. This can be achieved through leadership commitment, communication campaigns, and recognition of civil servants who demonstrate a commitment to impartiality. (vii) Transparent Performance Evaluation: Implement a fair and transparent performance evaluation system that assesses civil servants based on their competence, professionalism, and adherence to non-partisan principles.Provide regular feedback and recognition for exemplary performance.


(5) (PICK ANY SIX) (i) Centralized power: Military rule often involves the concentration of decision-making authority in the hands of a small group of military leaders or a single military commander. (ii) Suppression of dissent: Military regimes often restrict or eliminate political opposition by enforcing strict censorship laws curbing free speech limiting political activities and cracking down on protests or demonstrations. (iii) Suspension of civil liberties: Military rule usually involves the suspension or limitation of civil liberties such as freedom of assembly freedom of the press and freedom of association. (iv) Military involvement in governance: In military rule the military often takes direct control of key government institutions and functions such as the executive branch legislative body and judiciary. (v) Limited civilian involvement: Civilian participation in decision-making processes is typically reduced or entirely excluded with military leaders making critical policy and governance choices instead. (vi) Emphasis on law and order: Military regimes often prioritize maintaining law and order focusing on stability and control through strict enforcement of laws and regulations. (vii) Promotion of military values: Military rule often promotes military values such as discipline hierarchy and loyalty as guiding principles for society at large. (viii) Lack of accountability: Military rulers may enjoy a lack of accountability as they often operate under a system where they are not subject to the same checks and balances as civilian leaders. This can lead to a culture of impunity where military officials are not held responsible for human rights abuses or corruption.


(8) (PICK ANY SIX) (i)Historical Ties: Nigeria’s membership in the Commonwealth of Nations can be justified based on historical ties. The Commonwealth provides a platform for maintaining connections and cooperation with other countries that were also once part of the British Empire. (ii)Shared Values: Nigeria’s membership in the Commonwealth is based on shared values such as democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and good governance. The Commonwealth serves as a forum where member countries can collaborate on upholding and promoting these values. (iii)Economic Cooperation: Nigeria benefits from economic cooperation within the Commonwealth. Membership provides opportunities for trade, investment, and economic partnerships with other member countries. (iv)Development Assistance: Nigeria can access development assistance and support from the Commonwealth and its member countries. This assistance can be in the form of financial aid, technical expertise, and capacity-building programs . (v)Cultural Exchange: The Commonwealth offers a platform for cultural exchange and cooperation among member countries. Nigeria’s membership allows for the sharing of cultural experiences, traditions, and knowledge with other nations (vi)Diplomatic Relations: Membership in the Commonwealth enhances Nigeria’s diplomatic relations and global standing. It provides opportunities for engagement in multilateral diplomacy, participation in Commonwealth summits, and networking (vii)Collaboration on Global Issues: Nigeria can collaborate with other Commonwealth members on global issues such as climate change, security, peacekeeping, and health. The Commonwealth can serve as a platform for joint efforts, sharing best practices, and addressing common challenges. (viii)Youth Empowerment and Education: The Commonwealth offers programs and initiatives focused on youth empowerment, education, and leadership development. Nigeria’s membership provides opportunities for Nigerian youth to engage in exchange programs, educational scholarships etc

(6) (PICK ANY SIX) (i) Heightened Cold War tensions: The crisis escalated the already intense rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. It increased mutual distrust and created a sense of urgency to find ways to manage the competing interests of both superpowers. (ii) Nuclear arms race limitations: The Cuban Missile Crisis led to a reevaluation of the dangers posed by the rapid proliferation of nuclear weapons. As a result both the United States and the Soviet Union recognized the need to limit the growth of their nuclear arsenals and agreed to pursue arms control negotiations. (iii) Improved communication: The crisis highlighted the critical need for direct and expedient communication channels between superpowers to prevent misunderstandings and miscalculations. This realization led to the establishment of the Hotline Agreement between the U.S. and the Soviet Union which provided a direct line of communication between the leaders of both countries. (iv) Non-proliferation efforts: The heightened awareness of the dangers of nuclear weapons prompted renewed efforts to prevent their proliferation to other countries. The crisis became a catalyst for the subsequent signing of the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which sought to limit the spread of nuclear weapons and promote disarmament. (v) Regional stability: The crisis revealed the vulnerability of small nations caught in the crossfire of global power struggles. It highlighted the need for stability in the Caribbean region and led to increased efforts to prevent the involvement of proxy states in conflicts between superpowers. (vi) Cuban isolation: The crisis resulted in international isolation for Cuba. The failed attempt to place Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuban soil strained Cuba’s relations with the United States and many other Western countries. Cuba became increasingly dependent on the Soviet Union for economic and military support further solidifying its alignment with the Eastern Bloc. (vii) Shift in U.S. foreign policy: Following the crisis the United States adopted a more cautious and pragmatic approach to foreign policy emphasizing diplomacy and negotiations over direct confrontation. The administration of President John F. Kennedy became more receptive to the idea of peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union. (viii) Impact on international diplomacy: The Cuban Missile Crisis served as a wake-up call for the international community and highlighted the need for diplomacy and peaceful resolution of disputes. Diplomatic efforts between the U.S. and the Soviet Union intensified encouraging other nations to engage in dialogue to resolve conflicts rather than resorting to military action.


(7) (PICK ANY SIX) (i) National Security: Nigeria’s foreign policy is often guided by national security considerations. The government strives to protect the country from external threats such as terrorism cross-border crimes and regional conflicts. This factor plays a significant role in shaping the country’s approach to regional alliances defense agreements and counterterrorism cooperation.

(ii) Economic Interests: Nigeria’s foreign policy is shaped by its economic interests including trade investment and access to resources. The government prioritizes policies that foster economic growth attract foreign direct investment and ensure favorable trade agreements. Nigeria’s relationship with key economic partners such as China the United States and the European Union can heavily influence foreign policy decisions.

(iii) Regional Integration: Nigeria is a major player within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union (AU). Regional integration and cooperation are key objectives of Nigerian foreign policy aimed at promoting economic development peace and stability within West Africa and the continent as a whole. Nigeria’s foreign policy decisions are often influenced by the desire to play a leading role in regional affairs.

(iv) Historical and Cultural Ties: Nigeria’s foreign policy is influenced by historical and cultural ties with other countries. Relationships with former colonial powers such as the United Kingdom are often shaped by historical experiences. Additionally Nigeria’s foreign policy endeavors to promote and preserve cultural heritage including Nigerian diaspora communities abroad.

(v) Ideological Beliefs: Nigeria’s foreign policy can be influenced by ideological beliefs although this factor has varied throughout its history. At times Nigeria has pursued a policy of non-alignment and sought to promote an independent and balanced approach in international affairs. However ideological factors have become less prominent in recent years.

(vi) Global Governance and Multilateralism: Nigeria seeks to play an active role in global governance institutions such as the United Nations where it aspires to secure a permanent seat on the Security Council. Nigerian foreign policy is influenced by efforts to promote multilateralism strengthen international norms and address global challenges such as climate change and human rights.

(vii) Crisis Management: Nigerian foreign policy is often shaped by the need to respond to regional crises and conflicts. The government has been actively involved in mediating conflicts especially within West Africa. Nigeria’s foreign policy decisions in these situations are guided by the desire to promote peace stability and security in the region.

(viii) Domestic Politics: Domestic political dynamics and public opinion can impact Nigerian foreign policy. Government decisions may be influenced by public sentiment political alliances and electoral considerations. For instance when faced with domestic challenges the government may adopt foreign policies that are seen as addressing those concerns and garnering support from the population.


(9a) A federation is a form of government where power is shared between a central authority and several constituent states or regions. It is characterized by a division of powers where specific responsibilities and authorities are allocated to both the central government and the regional entities.

(9b) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i) Representation and Participation: State creation in a federation increases representation and ensures the participation of diverse regions or communities within the federation. It allows each state to have a voice and influence in the decision-making process. (ii) Autonomy and Self-Governance: State creation provides a certain degree of autonomy and self-governance to individual states within the federation. It allows them to have control over local governance law-making and administration which can cater to the specific needs and aspirations of the state’s population. (iii) Cultural and Linguistic Preservation: A federation allows for the preservation and promotion of diverse cultural and linguistic identities. State creation enables the recognition and protection of specific cultural ethnic or linguistic communities within a larger federal framework. (iv) Resource Management: In federations with diverse geographical regions state creation facilitates better management of resources. Each state can manage and benefit from their natural resources leading to balanced development and equitable distribution of wealth within the federation. (v) Efficient Governance and Service Delivery: State creation can result in more efficient governance and service delivery as the administration becomes closer to the people. Local governments can better understand the specific needs of their populations and devise targeted policies and programs accordingly. (vi) Conflict Resolution: State creation can assist in resolving internal conflicts by granting more autonomy and power to regions or communities that have experienced marginalization or discrimination. It helps address grievances and gives a sense of ownership reducing tensions and fostering unity within the federation. (vii) Economic Development and Investment: State creation promotes economic development by facilitating regional competitiveness and attracting investments. Each state can promote its unique resources strengths and potential leading to specialization and economic growth for the benefit of the entire federation. (viii) Balanced Representation of Interests: State creation ensures a balance of representation between smaller and larger states within the federation. This prevents the domination of larger states and ensures that the interests of all regions are considered fostering inclusivity and stability.

(10) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i)Emir/Sarkin: The Emir or Sarkin, as the highest-ranking executive officer, had several duties. They maintained law and order, ensured the administration of justice, and protected the interests of the community.

(ii)District Heads/Wakilin Sarki: District heads, known as Wakilin Sarki, were responsible for the effective governance of their respective districts. They implemented the policies and regulations set by the Emir, collected taxes, maintained security, and oversaw local government administration.

(iii)Court Officials: Court officials played significant roles in the administration of justice. The Wazirin, Galadiman, and Madaki were executive officers who advised the Emir, presided over court proceedings, and ensured the fair and equitable resolution of disputes.

(iv)Military Commanders: Military commanders, such as the Dan Masanin, held executive positions in matters of defense and security. They organized and led military forces, protected the community from external threats, and maintained internal peace.

(v)Military Commanders: Military commanders, such as the Dan Masanin, held executive positions in matters of defense and security. They organized and led military forces, protected the community from external threats, and maintained internal peace.

(vi)Advisers and Counselors: Executive officers in the Hausa/Fulani pre-colonial administration included advisers and counselors who provided expertise and guidance to the Emir. These individuals had specialized knowledge in areas such as religion, law, diplomacy, and administration.

(vii)Village/Local Chiefs: Village or local chiefs, known as Hakimi, acted as executive officers at the grassroots level. They oversaw the governance of their respective villages or communities.

NECO Government Objective Answer 2023



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NECO Government Answers (Essay & OBJ) [7th August 2022]

  • April 7, 2022

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Saturday 7th August, 2021 Paper III & II: Objective & Essay – Government 10:00am–12:40pm


2021 NECO GOVERNMENT (ESSAY) ANSWERS: Answers Loading……………………


2021 NECO GOVERNMENT (OBJECTIVE) ANSWERS: Answers Loading……………………….

1.(a) What is authority?

(b) Explain five types of authority.

1a) Authority can be defined as the legal right to make rules or orders and command others who see is as a duty to obey.

1b Traditional authority Charismatic authority Academic Authority Delegated authority Expert authority

(1b) Advantages (i) Migration helps to reduce the pressure on social amenities within one geographical region. (ii) It helps to promote cultural integrity. (iii) It aids the supply of labour. (iv) It ensures the flow of capital.

Disadvantages (i) Migration often breeds social vices. (ii) It brings decline in production. (iii) Migration often leads to unemployment. (iv) Migration leads to congestion in transportation and housing.

3.Elucidate six conditions that can limit the sovereignty of a state.

1. lack of ability to sustain sovereign enforcers. This includes stuff like, police, military, judiciary, diplomats, etc. To put it simply, no government can function without them, period.

2. Lack of sufficient military force or diplomatic leverage to enforce government sovereignty.

3. Over-dependence on foreign powers to enforce their sovereignty, or supplies for a major part of its economy or national defense.

4. Uncontrolled corruption, which would cause the government officers to abuse its power to government’s detriment. Notice that this is different from directed/sanctioned bribery, which simply redirects the real power to someone else within the government/nation.

5. Lack of public trust, either due to cultural, economic recession, corruption, poverty, etc, one that lead to majority of citizens to revolt.

6. Invasion and conquest by a foreign nation

(i)Constitution:Constitution is the basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it. Constitution of most states are supreme. It defines the powers exercised by the various levels of government. It therefore limits the power of the government. (ii)The electorate: Electorate may refer to the people who are eligible to vote in an election. It is the body of persons entitled to vote in an election. They posses ultimate power in a state. Therefore , any government should be responsible to the people whose collective affairs it directs and control .

(iii)Public opinion: Public opinion is the collective opinion on a specific topic or voting intention relevant to a society. In democracies , governments are open and accommodating. They take into consideration , the opinion of the people when formulating policies . This is limitation to the exercise of their power.

(iv)The military: Military is the armed forces responsible for securing and defending a country. The military through forceful removal of Democratic government is a limitation to the sovereignty of the state. The tradition mostly exhibited by the military is by suspending the constitution of the state after taking over the power.

(v)Custom and Traditions:Custom is a usage or practice common to many or a particular place or group of people. Tradition is the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation. Customs and tradition of the people are mostly considered by the state before or when making policies and laws.

(vi)Religion and culture: Religion is a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations. Religion and culture play a very important role in the political affairs of a nation. When making of policies and law in the state,religion and culture of the people are mostly considered by the government.

6. Describe six structures of military rule in Nigeria.

NO (6) (i) The Armed Forces Ruling Council: This was the supreme body which performed legislative functions. This was composed of the service chiefs, top ranking military officers, Inspector- General of Police, Attorney- General, with the president as chairman.

(ii) The council of ministers: Itwas composed of the president, vice-president and the ministers some of whomaremilitary officers, while others were civilians. The council performed executive functions with the president as chairman.

(iii) The National Council of States: It is composedof the Head of state/President, Chief of General Staff, Minister of defence, service chiefs ofthe army, the Navy and the Air force, the Inspector General of Police, Attomey-General and all Military Governors. Functions: The council was charged with cordination and harmonization of the work of the various state governments and the federal military government. Former Heads of States were also members.

(iv) The judiciary: lt remained the same as inthe civilian era with Chief Justice as the head. Inclusive are various tribunals which had judges and military officers as members.

(v) The civil service: The secretary to the military government is head of public services. Director-Generals replaced the permanent secretaries by the 1988 civil service reforms.

7.(a) What is political party?

(b) Discuss five functions of political parties.

(7a) A political party is defined as an organised group of citizens, who act together as a political unit, having distinctive aims and objectives involving political questions in the states and acting together and seeking to obtain control of government.

(7b) (i)Unity: Political parties unite the people on major issues affecting the state.

(ii)Accountability: They enable the government to become accountable to the electorate through constructive criticism of the government in power.

(iii)Provision of organization: They try to provide an organisation for running the government.

(iv)Control of the government: Political parties exist to contest elections and control the government.

(v)Machinery for recruitment: Political parties provide a machinery for recruiting political leaders.

9. Highlight six advantages of interactions among nations of the world.

1. To promote peace and security worldwide.

2. To draw Nations closer through sports, musicals, etc.

3. Interactions among nations bring about economic advancement especially in the areas of technology.

4. It promotes trade among themselves.

5. To prevent misunderstandings and future conflicts between nations.

6. To create new culture that can lead the world to a more platonic place that all people can live together without much culture differences.

10,Explain six consequences of the Nigerian civil war.

(10) -POSITIVE CONSEQUENCES- (i)Territorial integrity: The Territorial integrity and unity of Nigeria was maintained.

(ii)Secession: The civil war reduced the possibility of a secession by any ethnic groups or states.

(iii)Technology: The civil war enabled Nigerians to look inwards technologically.

-NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES (i)Cost:The war cost the nation a lot of money. Property investments and an unestimated numbers of live were lost.

(ii)Displacement of families: Families were displaced and innocent citizens suffered untold hardship.

(iii)Currency policy:The currency policy of the Federal Government made some sections of the country poorer.


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(1a) Define a state (1b) Explain five attributes of a state

(2) Explain six factors that can determine the electoral success of a political party

(3) Give and explain six techniques employed by pressure groups to achieve their goals

(4) Suggest six measures that can be put in place to make civil service non-partisan

(5) Elucidate six characters of military rule

(6) Evaluate six consequences of the action group crisis of 1962

(7) State and discuss six factors that influence Nigerian foreign policy

(8) In six ways, justify the existence of Nigeria as a member of the common wealth of nation

(9a) Define federation (9bi) Advance five importance of state creation in a federation

(10) Mention and explain six duties performed by the executive officers of hausa/fulani pre-colonial administration.

NECO Government

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NECO GOVERNMENT ESSAY ANSWERS (1a) A state can be defined as a political organization of people living within defined geographical boundaries, with a centralized government having the power to make and enforce laws that apply to all people living within its jurisdiction.

(1b) (i)Sovereignty: This refers to the state’s supreme power and the right to govern its people without any external interference. It means that the state has the authority to make laws, impose taxes, control resources and defend its territory.

(ii)Territory: A state has a clearly defined and recognized geographical boundary, which demarcates it from neighboring states. This territory is the space over which the state exercises its sovereignty and also includes land, air and water resources.

(iii)Population: A state is made up of people who are citizens or subjects of that state. The size, composition, and distribution of the population are crucial factors in defining the nature of a state.

(iv)Government: A state has a centralized government that exercises control over its population and territory through the use of legitimate force. The government has various organs like the executive, legislature, and judiciary, and is responsible for ensuring the welfare and security of its citizens.

(v)Recognition: A state is recognized by other states, which means that it has established diplomatic relations with them. Recognition also means that the state has a degree of legitimacy in the international system as a political entity. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

(2) (i)Ideology: Political parties with clear and appealing ideologies tend to attract and retain more supporters.

(ii)Leadership: The quality and popularity of a party’s leadership play a significant role in determining its electoral success.

(iii)Financial Resources: Adequate financial resources, improved fundraising strategies, and financial accountability help political parties to compete effectively in elections.

(iv)Media: The effective use of media and advertising campaigns can help to shape public opinion and influence voting patterns.

(v)Voter Turnout: The number of registered voters who actually turn up on Election Day can impact the outcome of elections, especially in close contests.

VICoalition Building: The ability to build alliances with other political groups can help a political party to expand its base of support and win elections. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

(3) (i)Lobbying: The use of direct or indirect communication with policymakers to influence policy decisions or legislation.

(iii)Public Demonstrations: Pressure groups often organize protests, rallies, and public demonstrations to raise public awareness about their agenda and build support.

(iii)Litigation: Pressure groups pursue legal action to challenge government policies or regulations that conflict with their interests.

(iv)Boycotts: Pressure groups may organize boycotts of products or businesses that do not support their interests or values.

(v)Grassroots Mobilization: Pressure groups may engage in grassroots mobilization to build a coalition of supporters and allies who work together to achieve common goals.

(vii)Media Campaigns: Pressure groups may use media campaigns to raise awareness about their objectives and mobilize a larger audience in support of their cause. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

(4) (i)Merit-Based Appointments: It is essential to have a transparent and merit-based appointment process that is focused on the qualifications and experience of candidates rather than their political affiliations.

(ii)Civil Service Codes of Conduct: The establishment of codes of conduct that require civil servants to act impartially and professionally, irrespective of political affiliations.

(iii)Civil Service Commissions: The introduction of independent civil service commissions that oversee appointments, promotions, transfers, and dismissals of civil servants.

(iv)Professional Training: The provision of professional training for civil servants to enhance their skills and knowledge in their areas of expertise, and provide guidelines on ethics and values.

(v)Performance Evaluation: The development of a performance evaluation system that judges performance based on results achieved rather than political loyalty.

(vi)Protection of Civil Servants: Measures to protect civil servants from arbitrary dismissal or victimization based on political affiliation and to preserve their neutrality in political affairs. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

(5) (i) Centralized Power: Military rule typically concentrates power in the hands of a small group of military leaders or a single military dictator. The military establishment exercises significant authority and influence over the government, often overshadowing or sidelining civilian institutions.

(ii) Suspension of Civil Liberties: Military rule often involves the curtailment or suspension of civil liberties and fundamental rights. Freedom of speech, assembly, and association may be restricted, and censorship may be imposed to control the flow of information and limit dissenting voices.

(iii) Suppression of Political Opposition: Military regimes tend to suppress or eliminate political opposition. Political parties and opposition groups may be banned, and dissenting voices may face persecution, imprisonment, or even violence. Elections, if held at all, may be tightly controlled or manipulated to maintain the military’s grip on power.

(iv) Authoritarian Governance: Military rule is typically characterized by authoritarian governance, where decision-making authority lies with a small group of military leaders. Civilian institutions may be weakened or dismantled, and the military often plays a dominant role in policymaking, law enforcement, and administration.

(v) Martial Law and Emergency Powers: Military rule frequently involves the imposition of martial law or emergency powers, granting the military extensive control and authority over civilian life. These powers may include the suspension of constitutional rights, imposition of curfews, and increased surveillance to maintain order and suppress dissent.

(vi) Focus on National Security: Military regimes often prioritize national security concerns and defense matters above other social and economic issues. Policies and resources are directed towards maintaining and expanding military capabilities, often at the expense of social welfare programs or development initiatives.

(6) (i) Political Instability: The Action Group crises led to a period of political instability in Nigeria. The conflict within the party resulted in factionalism and infighting, weakening the overall political structure. The government was unable to effectively address pressing issues and provide stable governance, creating a sense of uncertainty and distrust among the population.

(ii) Regional Divisions: The crises exacerbated regional divisions within Nigeria. The Action Group had strong support in the Western region, and the internal conflicts intensified the divide between the Western region and other regions of the country. This further heightened ethnic and regional tensions, making it challenging to foster national unity and cooperation.

(iii) Decline of the Action Group: The crises significantly weakened the Action Group as a political force. The party splintered into factions, leading to a loss of public confidence and electoral support. The internal power struggles and divisions within the party contributed to its decline and eventual marginalization in Nigerian politics.

(iv) Rise of Military Intervention: The crises created a power vacuum and a perception of political instability. This provided an opportunity for the military to intervene in the political affairs of Nigeria. The subsequent military coups in 1966 and the subsequent military rule that followed were influenced, in part, by the fragility of the political system resulting from the Action Group crises.

(v) Erosion of Democratic Processes: The Action Group crises highlighted the fragility of Nigeria’s democratic processes. The breakdown of trust and the use of violence within the party undermined the principles of democracy, such as fair elections and peaceful transitions of power. This erosion of democratic values had long-lasting implications for Nigeria’s governance and political system.

(vi) Socioeconomic Impact: The political instability caused by the Action Group crises had adverse effects on Nigeria’s socioeconomic development. The government’s focus shifted away from addressing critical issues such as infrastructure development, education, and poverty reduction. The lack of effective governance hindered progress and impeded the country’s overall development trajectory.

(7) (i) National Security: Ensuring national security is a primary concern for any country, and it significantly influences foreign policy decisions. Nigeria faces security challenges such as terrorism, insurgency, and cross-border conflicts. These security concerns drive Nigeria’s foreign policy objectives, including cooperation with regional and international partners, intelligence sharing, and efforts to combat terrorism.

(ii) Economic Interests: Economic considerations play a crucial role in shaping Nigeria’s foreign policy. Nigeria is an oil-rich nation, and its economy heavily relies on oil exports. Therefore, maintaining favorable economic relations with other countries, attracting foreign investments, securing access to international markets, and diversifying its economy are key foreign policy objectives for Nigeria.

(iii) Regional Leadership: As the most populous country in Africa and a regional power, Nigeria seeks to exert leadership and influence within the African continent. Nigeria plays an active role in regional organizations like the African Union (AU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Gulf of Guinea Commission. Nigeria’s foreign policy aims to promote stability, peacekeeping efforts, conflict resolution, and economic integration within Africa.

(iv) Political Stability: Nigeria’s foreign policy is influenced by the need to maintain political stability both domestically and in its neighboring countries. Internal political stability allows Nigeria to project a positive image internationally and enhances its ability to engage in diplomacy, trade, and cooperation with other nations.

(v) Historical Factors: Historical experiences and relationships also shape Nigeria’s foreign policy. Nigeria was a former British colony and gained independence in 1960. Its history of colonization and struggles for independence have influenced its worldview and foreign policy objectives. Nigeria maintains close ties with other Commonwealth countries, particularly those in Africa, and seeks to promote African solidarity and decolonization.

(vi) Global Alliances and Multilateralism: Nigeria actively participates in international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and strives to maintain positive relationships with major global powers. Nigeria’s foreign policy seeks to leverage its position within these organizations and forge alliances to advance its national interests, promote peace and security, and address global challenges such as climate change, human rights, and sustainable development.

(9a) Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided and shared between a central authority and constituent political units, such as states or provinces. It establishes a dual sovereignty structure, where the central government and the regional governments each have their respective powers and responsibilities. Federalism allows for a distribution of power that aims to balance the interests of both the central government and the regional units.

(9b) (i) Representation and Participation: Creating new states within a federation allows for a more inclusive and representative political system. It ensures that diverse regions or communities have a voice and can actively participate in decision-making processes at both the regional and national levels. State creation can help address regional imbalances and promote a sense of belonging and identity among different groups within a country.

(ii) Decentralization of Power: By creating new states, power is decentralized and shared among multiple regional entities. This can prevent the concentration of power in a single central authority and promote local governance. Decentralization allows for more effective and responsive administration, as regional governments can address local issues and priorities more directly.

(iii) Regional Development and Resource Allocation: State creation can be motivated by the need to promote balanced regional development and ensure equitable distribution of resources. It allows for specific regions to have greater control over their own resources and development plans. This can lead to focused development initiatives, tailored to the specific needs and priorities of each region, thus reducing regional disparities.

(iv) Cultural and Linguistic Autonomy: Creating states within a federation can provide protection and autonomy for distinct cultural, linguistic, or ethnic communities. It allows for the preservation and promotion of local languages, customs, traditions, and identities. State creation can empower communities to safeguard their cultural heritage and exercise their right to self-determination within the framework of a larger federal structure.

(v) Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Coexistence: In some cases, state creation can be a means to resolve long-standing conflicts or ethnic tensions within a country. By granting greater autonomy and self-governance to specific regions, it may help accommodate the aspirations of different communities and foster peaceful coexistence. State creation can serve as a mechanism for managing diversity and promoting stability within a federation.

(10) (i) Emir/Sarki: The Emir or Sarki was the supreme executive authority in the Hausa Fulani administration. Their duties included maintaining law and order, overseeing the administration, and making decisions on political, economic, and social matters. They had the power to enforce policies and resolve disputes within their jurisdiction.

(ii) Waziri: The Waziri served as the prime minister or chief advisor to the Emir/Sarki. They were responsible for providing counsel, guidance, and recommendations on governance matters. The Waziri played a crucial role in the decision-making process and assisted in implementing policies and managing the administrative affairs of the kingdom.

(iii) Madawaki: The Madawaki was a high-ranking officer responsible for coordinating the military forces of the kingdom. Their duties included organizing and leading the army during times of war or conflict. The Madawaki worked closely with the Emir/Sarki to ensure the security and defense of the kingdom.

(iv) Dan Iyan: The Dan Iyan was the chief courtier or chamberlain in the Hausa Fulani administration. They acted as the personal attendant to the Emir/Sarki and managed the affairs of the royal court. Their duties included organizing court proceedings, maintaining protocol, and ensuring the smooth functioning of the Emir’s household.

(v) Galadima: The Galadima was an important administrative officer responsible for overseeing the affairs of the province or district within the kingdom. Their duties included collecting taxes, maintaining public infrastructure, settling disputes, and implementing the policies and directives of the Emir/Sarki at the local level.

(vi) Dogari: The Dogari was in charge of the treasury and finance of the kingdom. They managed the collection of taxes, controlled the kingdom’s resources, and ensured proper accounting and financial management. The Dogari played a crucial role in maintaining the economic stability and prosperity of the kingdom.

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NECO GCE Timetable for 2023 SSCE External Candidates

Are you gearing up for the 2023 Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) External by the National Examinations Council (NECO)? Do you have all the dates and subjects marked on your calendar? Why sift through pages when the complete NECO GCE timetable is right at your fingertips? Are you prepared for success? Dive in to ensure you don't miss out!

National Examinations Council (NECO) GCE Timetable

The National Examinations Council (NECO) has officially announced the timetable for the Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) for 2023. This essential guide is for candidates sitting for the examination, ensuring they are adequately prepared and informed about their respective subjects and examination slots.

National Examinations Council (NECO)
2023 Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE)
KM 8, Bida Road, P.M.B. 159, Minna, Niger State
Monday 20th November, 2023
Wednesday 20th December, 2023
Various (e.g., Chemistry, Maths, English)
Both Objective & Essay
Candidates should familiarise themselves with the specific instructions.

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Monday 20th nov., tuesday 21st nov., wednesday 22nd nov., thursday 23rd nov., friday 24th nov., saturday 25th nov., monday 27th nov., tuesday 28th nov., wednesday 29th nov., thursday 30th nov., friday 1st dec., saturday 2nd dec., monday 4th dec., tuesday 5th dec., wednesday 6th dec., thursday 7th dec., friday 8th dec., saturday 9th dec., monday 11th dec., tuesday 12th dec., wednesday 13th dec., thursday 14th dec., friday 15th dec., saturday 16th dec., monday 18th dec., tuesday 19th dec., wednesday 20th dec., closing remarks, detailed neco gce timetable.

PLEASE NOTE:   The full NECO timetable (PDF format) is available at the end of this post. It shows the paper code and duration for each subject. It’s advisable you make references to it.

See also:  How to Apply for 2023 NECO GCE Form .

Examination Duration: 20th November to 20th December 2023.

  • French Paper IV (Oral) – Actual date and time will be fixed by the Council
  • Arabic Paper IV (Oral) – Actual date and time will be fixed by the Council
  • Arabic Paper III (Objective) – 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm
  • Arabic Paper II (Essay & Literature) – 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm
  • Chemistry Paper I (Alternative to Practical) – 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
  • Christian Religious Studies Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
  • Islamic Studies Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
  • Literature in English Paper II (Drama & Poetry) – 3.00 pm – 4.40 pm
  • Financial Accounting Paper III (Objective) – 10.00 am – 11.20 am
  • Financial Accounting Paper II (Theory & Practice) – 11.20 am – 1.50 pm
  • Health Education Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 3.30 pm – 5.30 pm
  • Physics Paper I (Alternative to Practical) – 2.00 pm – 4.45 pm
  • Biology Paper I (Alternative to Practical) – 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
  • Economics Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Technical Drawing Paper I Practical – 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Physical Education Paper I (Theory of Practice) – 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
  • Agricultural Science Paper I (Alternative to Practical) – 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm
  • General Mathematics Paper III (Objective) – 10.00 am – 11.45 am
  • General Mathematics Paper II (Essay) – 12.00 noon – 2.30 pm
  • Health Education Paper I (Test of Practical) – 3.45 pm – 5.15 pm
  • Physics Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Commerce Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
  • Technical Drawing Paper III & IV (Objective & Drawing) – 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
  • Physical Education Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm
  • Chemistry Paper II & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Data Processing Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Store keeping Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.40 pm
  • Marketing Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.40 pm
  • Salesmanship Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.40 pm
  • Literature in English Paper III (Objective) – 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm
  • Literature in English Paper IV (Prose) – 4.00 pm – 5.15 pm
  • Further Mathematics Paper III (Objective) – 10.00 am – 12.00 noon
  • Further Mathematics Paper II (Essay) – 12.10 pm – 2.40 pm
  • History Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 10.00 am – 12.00 noon
  • Biology Paper III & II – 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
  • French Paper I – 2.00 pm – 3.00 pm
  • French Paper II – 3.00 pm – 4.45 pm
  • Geography Paper III & I – 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
  • Civic Education Paper III & II – 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Geography Paper II – 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • English Language Paper III – 10.00 am – 11.00 am
  • English Language Paper II – 11.15 am – 1.00 pm
  • English Language Paper IV – 1.15 pm – 2.00 pm
  • Data Processing Paper I – 3.15 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Agricultural Science Paper III & II – 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm
  • Government Paper III & II – 2.00 pm – 4.40 pm
  • Hausa Paper III & II – 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Igbo Paper III & II – 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm
  • Yoruba Paper III & II – 2.00 pm – 5.00 pm

NECO GCE Timetable (PDF 62KB)

Noteworthy Instructions for Candidates

  • Candidates are advised to verify the specific venues for the Oral French and Arabic Paper IV at the NECO State Office, where they are registered to take the examination.
  • The Nigerian languages, specifically Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba, encompass the Literature component.
  • Blind candidates must take the examination at their respective NECO State Offices and utilise the provided Braille Sheets.
  • Both albino and blind candidates are entitled to an additional 30 minutes for all papers and subjects.
  • The use of a scientific calculator is permitted.
  • Bringing electronic communication devices into the examination hall (such as programmable calculators, mobile phones, iPads, tablets, smart watches/glasses/pens, etc.) is strictly forbidden.
  • For Technical Drawing I and IV, candidates are expected to bring their own drawing instruments and materials.
  • Candidates who do not attend the practical exams (Paper I & IV) will not receive a result for that subject.

Preparation Tips for Success

  • Plan Ahead: Use the timetable to plan your revision schedule. Prioritise subjects you find challenging.
  • Practice with Past Papers: Familiarise yourself with the question format and improve your time management skills.
  • Stay Updated: Always check for any changes or updates regarding the examination schedule.
  • Adhere to Instructions: Ensure you understand and follow all instructions provided.

The National Examinations Council wishes all candidates the best in their examinations. Adhering to the timetable and following the instructions provided will ensure a smooth examination process. Remember, preparation is key to success. Stay informed and best of luck!

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please consult the official NECO website or get in touch with the NECO State Office nearest to you.

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Obj & notice section, 2024 neco government (essay and obj) questions and answers password/pin/code: 8284 ..










Welcome to official 2024 Government NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Government NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Govt Expo. NECO Government Questions and Answers 2024. NECO Govt Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, 2024 NECO GOVERNMENT (Essay and OBJ) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. 2024 NECO EXAM Government Questions and Answers


(1a) A bill is defined as a proposal of action discussed in the parliament and later signed to become a law by the President. A bill is not a law until it is signed into law by the executive. (1b) (Pick Any Five) (i) First reading: This is the first stage of the bill. The bill is presented and it is required that its title be read by the clerk in the House. At this point, no opposition is registered and the bill is printed into leaflets for members to study. (ii) Second reading: The bill is now presented, after the member or a minister introducing the bill moves that the bill be read the second time. At this stage, discussions are made concerning the principles of the bill. (iii) The committee stage: At this stage, if the principles of the bill are approved by the House at the second reading, it is referred to one or other of the committees for detailed discussion, amendment and report. (iv) The report stage: The committee’s report, stating the suggestions of the committee to improve the bill, is presented and any 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' member may move for amendment. (v) Third reading: Only verbal amendments may be made here. At this stage, the bill is passed or rejected. A thorough examination is done on the bill in order to improve on the actual drafting of the bill. (vi) The Upper House: If the bill is passed, it is sent to the Upper House where it passes through similar stages. (It first started with the lower House). Any further amendment suggested by the upper House will require both Houses (Lower and Upper Houses) jointly setting up a committee to iron things out.


(i) State of emergency:

When a state of emergency is declared in a country or state, citizens will find some of their rights denied in order to restore peace and order.

(ii) Custom and tradition:

The application of the rule of law may be limited in some cases when the custom and tradition of the people must be respected and preserved.

(iii) Diplomatic immunity:

Due to the fact that ambassadors and high commissioners enjoy some immunities and cannot be prosecuted or punished in the country where they are serving also pose a great limitation to the application of the rule of law.

(iv) Legislative immunity:

This also undermines the application of the rule of law due to the fact that the members of the parliament cannot be sued or prosecuted for any false or libellous statement made in the house whereas an ordinary man on the street can be punished for the same statement.

(v) Delegated legislation:

The delegation of law making power to some bodies other than the legislature often brings about complexity of law and abuse of such power which may lead to violation of fundamental human rights of the citizens even without the opportunity of seeking redress.

(vi) The type of government:

The type and system of government practiced in a country will determine the degree of the application of the 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' rule of law. In a country where military or unitary system of government is adopted, there will be minimum application of the rule of law.


(3) (Pick any Six) (i)A citizen is a legal member of a state with full constitutional rights While Alien is not a legal member of a state (ii)Citizen owes a duties and obligations to the state while Alien does not owe any duty or obligation to the state (iii)A citizen must be ready to defend his country when called upon to do so , while an Alien cannot be called upon (iv)An Alien cannot vote or be voted for in any political election While A citizen can vote and be voted for. (v)A citizen can take up any job of his choice in any area of job selection While An Alien cannot. (vi)The life of a citizen is fully under the protection of the state While An alien life is not fully under the protection of the state. (vii)The legal rights of a citizen are guaranteed Whole The right of an Alien is not guaranteed.


(4) (Pick Any Six) (i)Free and Fair election: The electoral commission had the sole power to organise and conduct free and fair elections in a country. (ii) Enlightenment/types of votes: The electoral commission educates the electorate about the necessary issues involved in election. They also inform the people the types of voting to be conducted either secret or open(public)voting. (iii) Registration of parties/Voters: Electoral commission play a vital role in registration of parties and voters. It registers political parties according to laid down rules and regulations. Eligible voters are also registered by the commission (iv) Provision of electoral materials: Electoral commission play a major role in providing all electoral material. This body had to provide all the necessary materials needed for any election for example ballot boxes, ballot papers, polling boots etc (v)Counting of votes: The electoral commission is responsible for the counting of votes and releasing the result of each election conducted (vi) Appointment and Training: Electoral commission play a major role in appointing and raining electoral officers. It does the appointment and training of electoral officers, for instance presiding officers ,clerk and polling orderlies. (vii) screening of candidates/security at the polling stations: Candidates for election are properly screened and their eligibility ascertained before any election by electoral commission. Adequate security are provided at the polling stations by the commission.


(i) Free and fair election:

Democracy is Characterised by regular and periodic free and fair election. In a democratic state, the citizens cast their votes and elect those that will represent their interest in various political offices as a means of indirect participation in running the affairs of the state but in a military system, it is devoid of free and fair election but selection by the supreme leader.

(ii) Application of rule of law:

Democracy recognizes the equality of all citizens or classes of people in the country regardless of their economic, political or social status as it is expressed by the rule of law and due process.

(iii) Existence of political parties:

Democracy recognizes the establishment and existence of political parties preferably multiple party system in which individual parties present candidates who compete for power in the general election.

(iv) Existence and respect of fundamental human right:

In a democratic system of government, fundamental human rights are recognized, protected and respected in all aspects of life which is not respected in the military system.

(iv) Supremacy of the constitution:

Democracy recognizes the supremacy of the constitution which determine the operationa and functions of all sectional groups and organizations in the state, showing that nobody is above the law but the constitution


(6a) Local government authority may be defined as district authority or an urban authority established under the local Government (District Authorities) Act and the Local Government (Urban Authorities) Act. Local government authorities were created mainly to deal with matters of local concern e.g markets, feeder roads and motor parks. (6b) (Pick Any Five) (i)Federal government involvement and service board commission: The federal government became directly involved in local government administration.There was the introduction of local government service board/commission in all the states. (iii)Statutory functions and Single tier: The local governments were given specific statutory functions to perform.All the local governments were made all-purpose single tier local government. (iii)Uniform system of local government: There was a introduction of a uniform system of local government throughout the country (iv)Key committees: Each council was mandated to have certain Key committees 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' like the finance and General purposes committee and any two committees (v) condition of service : The condition of service of local government staff was unified with that of their counter-parts in state and federal civil service. (vi) Appointment and Grant: There was the appointment of full time chairmen and supervisory councillors. Federal and state governments were made to give grant to local government


(i)Preservation of existing cultural values:

The system of indirect rule was a success in the North because it preserved the existing cultural values of the native and also assisted in improving them to gradually accept or adapt to a modern system of government.

(ii) The imposition and collection of tax:

The administration of indirect rule took the issue of tax collection very serious which was already in existence in the North.

(iii) Illiteracy:

Majority of the people in the North were illiterate as such they could not resist or challenge the colonial imposition or rule of the foreign power.

(iv) Centralization of power:

The administrative system in the North was highly centralised and it was thus adopted and accepted by the British through the use of the indirect rule.

(v) Obedience to traditional authorities:

Northern had great respect to constituted authorities and that made it easy for the indirect rule to be used to govern the people.

(vi) Training of local administrators:

The indirect rule aided in the training of the local leaders in the North in its method of administration.


(8) (Pick Any Six) (i)The governor/Appointment of premier: The governor would no longer preside over the executive council business of the state. The governor of the region should appoint as premier the person that commanded a majority in the House of Assembly. (ii)Appointment of ministers/Eastern Religion : The governor would also appoint ministers on the advice of the premier. Eastern Religion was to have its own House of chiefs (iii)Appointment of regional governor: The Queen would appoint a Regional Governor, on the advice of the United kingdom ministers with due consultation from the regional government concerned. (iv)The central legislature (House of Representatives) membership: This House will have 320 members and was to be elected by universal adult suffrage in the East, West and the Southern Cameroon and by adult male suffrage in the North. (v)Status of a region: The Southern Cameroon was to have the status of a region with its own premier. The Governor-general of Nigeria would however, continue to have ultimate responsibility for it as a trust 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' territory. (vi)The police/issues of minority : The police force would continue to be a federal institution.Commission of Inquiry to look into the fears of the minorities in the country. (vii)The office of the prime Minister and Self government: office of Prime minster was created as head of government of the federation. The Eastern and Western regions were to be self-governing in August 1957.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW ANSWER No. 10 on Government

(10) (i)Administrative function: The secretary-general oversees the UN Secretariat, which functions as the United Nations’ executive office and handles operations, including research, translation, and media relations. The Secretariat has a staff of more than thirty-six thousand. (ii)Human Resources: The secretary-general appoints undersecretaries for approximately fifty UN posts, including the heads of funds such as the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and UN Development Program (UNDP).Secretary-general’s play a vital role in ensuring broad regional representation in UN leadership. (iii) maintenance of peace/security: The secretary-general’s office oversees peacekeeping missions and appoints the undersecretary in charge of that department, which manages a dozen operations worldwide. He brings to the attention of the security council any matter which, in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of world peace and security (iv) Appointment of staff and conference: The secretary General play a vital role in appointing of staff and organising of international conference. The secretary general appoints other members of staff under the guidance of the General Assembly. He 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' organises international conference on problems of world wide concern eg UNICEF (v)Agenda, Annual Report and Budget: The Secretary General prepare the agenda for the General Assembly. He makes the annual reports to the General Assembly on the work of the United Nations. The annual budge of the organisation is also prepared by the secretary General. (vi)Mediation: As part of the “good offices” responsibility of the position, the secretary-general practices independence and impartiality to prevent and limit conflict. The secretary-general also appoints envoys charged with brokering peace deals. Such envoys report to the Security Council, and their appointments can be influenced by the preferences of the council’s members.



2024 NECO GOVERNMENT (Essay and OBJ) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 2024 NECO GOVERNMENT: 2024 NECO GOVERNMENT (Essay and OBJ) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (8284) Welcome to official 2024 Government NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Government NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Govt Expo

Welcome to official 2024 Government NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Government NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Govt Expo


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2023 NECO GCE Time Table For Nov/Dec Is Now Out Officially.

The National Examination Council (NECO) has released the official time table for the November/December NECO GCE.

Before proceeding to the time table, candidates concerned should take note of the instructions below 👇

  • Candidates should confirm the specific venues for Oral French, Arabic and Stenography I & IV from NECO State Office where they are sitting for the examination.
  • Candidates should come along with their Computer/Laptops for Stenography Paper I &IV to the specified venue.
  • The Nigerian languages i.c. Hausa. Igbo and Yoruba include the Literature aspect.
  • BLIND CANDIDATES are to sit for the examination in their respective NECO State Offices and make use of the supplied Braille Sheets.
  • The ALBINOS AND BLIND CANDIDATES are to be given 30 minutes extra time across all papers.
  • Use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.
  • For Technical Drawing I and IV, candidates should come with their drawing instruments and materials.


Monday 20th Nov, 2023

French Paper IV (Oral) Arabic Paper IV (Oral) (Actual date and time will be fixed by the council)


*Tuesday 21st Nov, 2023*

Arabic Paper III (Objective) – 2.00pm – 3.30pm Arabic Paper II (Essay & Literature) – 3.30pm – 5.30 pm


*Wednesday 22nd Nov, 2023*

Chemistry Paper I (Alternative to Practical) – 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm

*Thursday 23rd Nov, 2023*

Christian Religious Studies Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm

Islamic Studies Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.30 pm

*Friday 24th Nov, 2023*

Literature in English Paper II (Drama & Poetry) – 3.00pm – 4.40pm

*Saturday 25th Nov, 2023*

Financial Accounting Paper III (Objective) – 10.00 am 11.20 am Financial Accounting Paper II (Theory & Practice) – 11.20am – 1.50pm

Health Education Paper III & II (Objective & Essay)- 3.30 pm – 5.30pm

*Monday 27th Nov, 2023*

Physics Paper I (Alternative to Practical) – 2.00 pm-4.45 pm

*Tuesday 28th Nov, 2023*

Biology Paper I (Alternative to Practical) – 2.00 pm-4.00 pm

*Wednesday 29th Nov, 2023*

Economics Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm-5.00 pm

*Thursday 30th Nov, 2023*

Technical Drawing Paper I Practical – 2.00 pm-5.00 pm

Physical Education Paper I (Theory of Practice) – 2.00 pm-4.00 pm

*Friday 1st Dec, 2023*

Agricultural Science Paper I (Alternative to Practical) – 3.00 pm-4.30 pm

*Saturday 2nd Dec, 2023*

General Mathematics Paper III (Objective) – 10.00am – 11.45am General Mathematics Paper II (Essay) – 12.00 noon – 2.30pm

Health Education Paper I (Test of Practical) – 3.45 pm-5.15 pm

*Monday 4th Dec, 2023*

Physics Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 5.00pm

Commerce Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 4.40pm

*Tuesday 5th Dec, 2023*

Technical Drawing Paper III & IV (Objective & Drawing) – 2.00pm – 4.30pm

Physical Education Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm

*Wednesday 6th Dec, 2023*

Chemistry Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm-5.00 pm

*Thursday 7th Dec, 2023*

Data Processing Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 5.00pm

Store keeping Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm-4.40 pm

Marketing Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 4.40pm

Salesmanship Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 4.40pm

*Friday 8th Dec, 2023*

Literature in English Paper III (Objective) – 3.00 pm-4.00 pm Literature in English Paper IV (Prose) – 4.00 pm-5.15 pm

*Saturday 9th Dec, 2023*

Further Mathematics Paper III (Objective) -10.00 am-12.00 noon Further Mathematics Paper II (Essay) – 12.10 pm-2.40 pm

History Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 10.00 am-12.00 noon

*Monday 11th Dec, 2023*

Biology Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm-4.30 pm

*Tuesday 12th Dec, 2023*

French Paper I (Written Comprehension) – 2.00 pm-3.00 pm

French Paper II (Written Expression) – 3.00 pm-4.45 pm

*Wednesday 13th Dec, 2023*

Geography Paper III & I (Objective & Practical) – 2.00pm-4.30pm

*Thursday 14th Dec, 2023*

Civic Education Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00 pm 5.00 pm

*Friday 15th Dec, 2023*

Geography Paper II (Essay) – 3.00pm – 5.00pm

*Saturday 16th Dec, 2023*

English Language Paper III (Objective) – 10.00 am 11.00 am English Language Paper II (Essay) – 11.15am- 1.00pm English Language Paper IV (Test of Orals) – 1.15pm – 2.00pm

Data Processing Paper I (Alternative to Practical) – 3.15 pm-5.00 pm.

*Monday 18th Dec, 2023*

Agricultural Science Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 4.30pm.

*Tuesday 19th Dec, 2023*

Government Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 4.40pm

*Wednesday 20th Dec, 2023*

Hausa Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 5.00 pm

Igbo Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 5.00 pm.

Yoruba Paper III & II (Objective & Essay) – 2.00pm – 5.00 pm.

Best of luck 🤞

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