“Build-A-Bear: Build-A-Memory” Company’s Case Case Study

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Give examples of needs, wants, and demands that Build-A-Bear customers demonstrate, differentiating each of these three concepts. What are the implications of each on Build-A-Bear’s actions?

Identification of customers’ needs, wants and demands is an important strategy to any marketing department. This is because a firm will be in a position to offer products that march the customers’ needs, wants, or demand leading to their satisfaction. Maxime Clark is aware of the above fact. Through interaction with the customers in her stores, she has collected ideas on their needs and demands.

This has enabled her to produce products that guarantee customer satisfaction leading to annual increases in the store’s profits. The store does not only offer children a variety of teddy bears to choose from, but also provides them with the experience to learn and create their own customized teddy bears. The store is also composed of child-friendly assembly lines made up of various stations i.e. “choose me”, “stuff me”, “stitch me”.

This provides children with a fantasy world where they interact and satisfy their social needs. In the end, they create a need for affection and belonging based on the memory and experience they have when they visit the store. Customers want to gain knowledge on how to customize their products and express their delight or concerns on the same. The store has created an interactive website (BuildABearVille.com) where customers can access information on their products and freely express themselves. Customers demand authority over the teddy bears they purchase and the store has given them the power of customization.

Describe all facets of Build-A-Bear’s product. What is being exchanged in a Build-A-Bear transaction?

BuildABear has concentrated on continuous improvement of the quality of its products rather than explore other business ventures. The firm’s initial product was making teddy bears but this changed over time. In line with the store’s objective, it has created a fantasy world where kids are treated to an experience of a kind. Therefore, in addition to the product, the store also sells experience to the kids. This facet has enabled kids to develop an attachment to the initial product of the company. Apart from making teddy bears, the store also gives the customer a unique opportunity to make the teddy bears themselves basing on their desires.

This has created a sense of control among the store’s customers which has resulted in loyalty to the store’s products. Moreover, the extensive involvement of their customers in the personalization process through their website ( BuildABearVille.com ) has created a platform for interaction with the customers. In addition to getting a teddy bear, a customer can play games and do other activities on this site. Having fun on the store’s website is considered a new product of the store.

Which of the five marketing management concepts best describes Build-A-Bear Workshop?

BuildABear has utilized the product marketing concept. The concept dwells on the idea that customers or consumers will purchase the products that offer quality, performance, and improved features. Maxime Clark collects ideas from kids about their needs and uses these ideas to improve the company’s product. She achieves this by putting herself in the customer’s shoes, interacting with them in her stores, and communicating with them frequently through emails and her website.

The store has now created a genuine fantasy world that is child friendly and is made up of several work stations that give kids an amazing experience. As a way of improving on their product, the store has also given a chance for customers to personalize their products. The customer can improve on the store’s product or he/she can create his/her product to match his/her requirements. Creating an interactive website for the store is also seen as a way of improving the quality and performance of the product. The website improves service delivery to customers by serving millions of customers at the same time. These improvements on the store’s initial product have contributed positively to the profits of the store.

Discuss in detail the value that Build-A-Bear creates for its customers

BuildABear offers a variety of added values to its customers. Unlike their competitors, the BuildABear store designs unique products that are very marketable. They provide customers with freedom of expression by allowing them to create their products in their ways. This has been viewed as a move to empower their customers. It has enabled their customers to get a more attractive, quality, and customized product.

Their products are also priced cheaply at $ 25 as compared to their competitor’s $ 50 to $ 100. The store has also added value to its products through exploiting technology. The website (BuildABearVille.com) provides extra services to the customers who want to have fun. They can play games and do other related tasks in the store. Lastly, the store has created a healthy and vibrant relationship with its customers by listening and providing superior products to them. These values have enabled the store to stand out among its competitors.

Is Build-A-Bear likely to be successful in continuing to build customer relationships? Why or why not?

I think BuildABear will be successful by continuing to build its relationship with the customer. This is because Maxime Clark (CEO) is aware of the fact that understanding customers is important for the success of any firm. She thus devotes her energy to understanding their needs and improving on the products to satisfy the consumer’s needs.

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IvyPanda. (2021, March 23). "Build-A-Bear: Build-A-Memory" Company's Case. https://ivypanda.com/essays/build-a-bear-build-a-memory-companys-case/

""Build-A-Bear: Build-A-Memory" Company's Case." IvyPanda , 23 Mar. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/build-a-bear-build-a-memory-companys-case/.

IvyPanda . (2021) '"Build-A-Bear: Build-A-Memory" Company's Case'. 23 March.

IvyPanda . 2021. ""Build-A-Bear: Build-A-Memory" Company's Case." March 23, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/build-a-bear-build-a-memory-companys-case/.

1. IvyPanda . ""Build-A-Bear: Build-A-Memory" Company's Case." March 23, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/build-a-bear-build-a-memory-companys-case/.


IvyPanda . ""Build-A-Bear: Build-A-Memory" Company's Case." March 23, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/build-a-bear-build-a-memory-companys-case/.

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Case Study Analysis: Build-a-Bear Workshop

A-Bear customers demonstrate, differentiating each of these three concepts.

Clark emphasizes on the need of entertainment, self esteem, and belongingness and fulfills children’s wants of experience by making, customizing, and personalizing bear through many stages: choose me; stuff me; hear me; stitch me; fluff me; dress me; name me by the children. In this way, the company has brought a lot of entertainment and experience to children.

2. In detail, describe all facets of Build-A-Bear’s product. What is being exchanged in a Build-A-Bear transaction? The specifics of the tangible item: including the various options for the basic stuffed animal-the clothing, voice box, name, and birth certificate. The experience: including the ability to customize and personalize each part of the product.

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It also includes being a part of the creative process and coming away with an Item that Is a piece of the customer. The store ambiance and even waiting In line are also part of the experience. Price of the bear as well as other cost factors given by the customer are being exchanged In a Build-A-Bear transaction.

build a bear case study answers

4. Discuss in detail the value that Build-A-Bear creates for its customers.

Fulfilling needs and wants: It involves customers in all production actions, empowers them to choose design according to their wish, customize it and to create a toy. Self- experience: when a child buys a toy, he/ she has a need of entertainment and If he/ she buys a toy which Is made by him/ her, It Is a new experience, which gives him great self satisfaction and confidence.

5. Is Build-A-Bear likely to be successful in continuing to build customer relationship? Winy or Winy not:’ Yes, Decease AT Clacks personal Interaction Walt customers and utilization of both high and low tech communication. As long as she fulfills customer needs and wants, the company will continue to be successful.

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Introduction to Build-A-Bear

To gain an in-depth understanding of the Build-A-Bear case study, it is essential to begin with an overview of Build-A-Bear Workshop and the background surrounding this unique retail company.

Overview of Build-A-Bear Workshop

Build-A-Bear Workshop is a specialty retail company that provides customers with the opportunity to create their own stuffed animals. Founded in 1997, the company revolutionized the toy industry by introducing an interactive and personalized approach to toy shopping. At Build-A-Bear Workshop, customers can choose, stuff, and personalize their own cuddly companions, making each stuffed animal a one-of-a-kind creation.

The company’s mission is to “bring the teddy bear to life” by providing a memorable and interactive experience for children and adults alike. Build-A-Bear Workshop offers a wide range of stuffed animals, clothing, accessories, and even sound chips that allow customers to add personalized messages to their furry friends.

With its unique concept and focus on customer engagement, Build-A-Bear Workshop has become a beloved brand in the toy industry. The company has expanded globally, with stores in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. The success of Build-A-Bear Workshop lies not only in its innovative approach to retail but also in its ability to create an emotional connection with its customers.

Background of the Case Study

The Build-A-Bear case study provides valuable insights into the strategies and factors that have contributed to the company’s success. This case study delves into the analysis of Build-A-Bear Workshop, examining its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By exploring the various aspects of the company’s operations and strategies, we can learn valuable lessons applicable to the retail industry as a whole.

In the following sections, we will conduct a SWOT analysis of Build-A-Bear, evaluate the success factors and strategies that have propelled the brand’s growth, and discuss the key takeaways and implications for retail companies. But first, let’s delve into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with Build-A-Bear Workshop in our SWOT analysis. For more information on the SWOT analysis of Build-A-Bear, refer to our article on Build-A-Bear SWOT analysis .

By examining the case study of Build-A-Bear Workshop, we can gain valuable insights into the retail industry and understand the factors that have contributed to the company’s brand empire.

SWOT Analysis of Build-A-Bear

To gain a comprehensive understanding of Build-A-Bear Workshop, a SWOT analysis can be conducted, examining its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Strengths of Build-A-Bear

Build-A-Bear Workshop possesses several strengths that have contributed to its success in the retail industry. These strengths include:

Unique Concept : Build-A-Bear Workshop offers a distinctive and interactive experience, allowing customers to create their own personalized stuffed animals. This unique concept sets it apart from traditional toy retailers.

Strong Brand Identity : Build-A-Bear Workshop has established a strong and recognizable brand identity, known for its emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and emotional connection. This has contributed to a loyal customer base.

Customization and Personalization : The ability to customize and personalize stuffed animals according to individual preferences is a significant strength of Build-A-Bear Workshop. This allows customers to create unique and meaningful products.

Engaging Customer Experience : Build-A-Bear Workshop provides an engaging and immersive experience for customers, fostering a sense of excitement and fun. The interactive nature of the workshop appeals to both children and adults.

Weaknesses of Build-A-Bear

Despite its strengths, Build-A-Bear Workshop also faces certain weaknesses that need to be addressed to maintain its competitive position:

Higher Price Point : The personalized nature of the products at Build-A-Bear Workshop often results in higher prices compared to mass-produced stuffed animals. This may limit the affordability for some customers.

Limited Target Audience : Build-A-Bear Workshop primarily targets children and families. While this is a significant market, it may restrict growth potential among other age groups.

Dependency on In-Store Experience : The core Build-A-Bear experience is centered around in-store workshops. This reliance on physical locations may limit reach and sales potential in an increasingly digital marketplace.

Opportunities for Build-A-Bear

Recognizing opportunities is crucial for sustained growth and success. Build-A-Bear Workshop can explore the following possibilities:

Expansion into Online Retail : Build-A-Bear Workshop can further develop its online presence and e-commerce capabilities, enabling customers to create and customize their stuffed animals from the comfort of their homes.

Partnerships and Collaborations : Collaborating with popular brands or characters can broaden the appeal of Build-A-Bear Workshop and attract new customer segments. This can include licensing agreements or co-branded merchandise.

International Expansion : Building on its success in North America and Europe, Build-A-Bear Workshop can explore opportunities for international expansion in regions where its unique concept and brand identity resonate with customers.

Threats to Build-A-Bear

Identifying potential threats is essential for proactive risk management. Build-A-Bear Workshop should be mindful of the following challenges:

Competition from Traditional and Online Retailers : Traditional toy retailers, as well as online platforms, offer a wide range of stuffed animals at varying price points. Build-A-Bear Workshop faces competition from these sources, requiring ongoing differentiation and innovation.

Economic Conditions : Economic downturns or fluctuations can impact consumer spending on discretionary items like personalized stuffed animals. Build-A-Bear Workshop needs to adapt its strategies to navigate changing economic conditions.

Changing Consumer Preferences : Consumer preferences and trends can evolve rapidly. Build-A-Bear Workshop must stay attuned to these changes and continuously refresh its offerings to remain relevant and appealing to its target audience.

By conducting a thorough SWOT analysis, Build-A-Bear Workshop can leverage its strengths, address weaknesses, explore opportunities, and mitigate threats. This analysis provides valuable insights for strategic decision-making and future planning.

Success Factors and Strategies

In order to build a successful brand empire, Build-A-Bear has implemented various key success factors and strategies. These factors have played a pivotal role in distinguishing Build-A-Bear Workshop and establishing its strong presence in the market.

Unique Selling Proposition

Build-A-Bear Workshop stands out in the retail industry due to its unique selling proposition. The company’s core offering allows customers to create their own personalized stuffed animals. This interactive and engaging experience sets Build-A-Bear apart from traditional toy stores and creates a strong emotional connection with its customers. By offering customization and personalization, Build-A-Bear has successfully tapped into the desires of its target audience, making it a memorable and enjoyable experience for children and adults alike.

Branding and Marketing Strategies

Build-A-Bear has implemented effective branding and marketing strategies to promote its products and engage with its target audience. The company has built a strong brand identity centered around fun, creativity, and emotional connections. Through consistent messaging and visual elements, Build-A-Bear has created a recognizable and memorable brand. The company has also utilized various marketing channels, including social media, television advertising, and partnerships, to reach its target audience and build brand awareness.

Customer Experience and Engagement

One of the key success factors for Build-A-Bear is its focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience. The company has created a welcoming and interactive environment in its stores, allowing customers to actively participate in the creation of their stuffed animals. Build-A-Bear emphasizes the importance of personalization, ensuring that each customer feels special and involved in the process. This high level of customer engagement has resulted in strong brand loyalty and repeat business.

To further enhance the customer experience, Build-A-Bear has implemented various initiatives, such as birthday parties, special events, and loyalty programs. These strategies not only foster a sense of community among customers but also incentivize repeat visits and purchases.

By focusing on its unique selling proposition, implementing effective branding and marketing strategies, and prioritizing customer experience and engagement, Build-A-Bear has successfully built a strong brand empire. These success factors and strategies have not only contributed to the company’s growth but also positioned it as a leader in the toy industry.

Lessons Learned from the Build-A-Bear Case Study

Analyzing the Build-A-Bear case study provides valuable insights into the strategies and success factors behind their brand empire. Here are the key takeaways, implications for retail companies, and the future outlook for Build-A-Bear.

Key Takeaways

The Build-A-Bear case study highlights several important lessons for retail companies:

Unique Customer Experience : Build-A-Bear’s success can be attributed to its unique and immersive customer experience. By offering the opportunity for customers to create their own personalized stuffed animals, Build-A-Bear creates a memorable and interactive experience that sets them apart from traditional retailers.

Strong Brand Identity : Build-A-Bear has successfully built a strong brand identity by focusing on their core values of creativity, self-expression, and emotional connection. This has allowed them to establish a loyal customer base and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Innovative Marketing Strategies : Build-A-Bear has effectively utilized innovative marketing strategies to engage customers and create brand awareness. Their collaborations with popular franchises and characters have helped them attract a wide range of customers and expand their reach.

Adaptability and Resilience : The ability to adapt to changing market conditions is crucial for long-term success. Build-A-Bear has demonstrated resilience by continuously evolving their product offerings and expanding into new markets, ensuring their relevance in an ever-changing retail landscape.

Implications for Retail Companies

The Build-A-Bear case study has several implications for retail companies:

Focus on Customer Experience : Retailers should prioritize creating unique and memorable experiences for their customers. By going beyond the transactional nature of a purchase and offering an immersive experience, companies can build stronger customer relationships and foster loyalty.

Invest in Branding : Developing a strong brand identity is essential for standing out in a competitive market. Retailers should invest in building a brand that resonates with their target audience and communicates their unique value proposition effectively.

Embrace Innovation : Retail companies should embrace innovation and adapt to changing consumer preferences and market trends. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing new technologies and marketing strategies, retailers can maintain a competitive edge.

Continual Evolution : To thrive in a dynamic retail landscape, companies must continually evolve their product offerings, explore new markets, and embrace new opportunities. This flexibility allows retailers to stay relevant and meet the evolving needs of their customers.

Future Outlook for Build-A-Bear

Looking ahead, Build-A-Bear is well-positioned to continue its success in the retail industry. By leveraging their strengths, addressing weaknesses, and capitalizing on emerging opportunities, Build-A-Bear can maintain its market presence and drive future growth.

While the retail landscape may present challenges, Build-A-Bear’s ability to adapt and innovate has been a key factor in their success. By staying true to their brand identity, investing in customer experience, and embracing new technologies, Build-A-Bear can continue to capture the hearts of customers and remain a leader in the industry.

The Build-A-Bear case study serves as a valuable resource for retail companies seeking to understand the underlying factors that contribute to sustainable growth and long-term success. By incorporating the lessons learned from Build-A-Bear’s journey, retailers can navigate the ever-changing retail landscape and build their own brand empire.

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Case study: Build-A-Bear Workshop

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  • Colin Shaw  

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Let me tell you about one of my favorite stores, Build-A-Bear Workshop, which we believe encapsulates a number of the aspects of the Customer Experience that are fundamental to all businesses.

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© 2005 Colin Shaw

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Shaw, C. (2005). Case study: Build-A-Bear Workshop. In: Revolutionize Your Customer Experience. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230513457_12

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230513457_12

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, London

Print ISBN : 978-1-349-51834-0

Online ISBN : 978-0-230-51345-7

eBook Packages : Palgrave Business & Management Collection Business and Management (R0)

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Build-A-Bear Workshop Case Study Solution

Build-A-Bear Workshop Case Study Solution

This workshops concept, is not a fad and has the staying power, solely because, the workshop offers a fun filled experience to its customers at a reduced fee and thus, it keeps them coming back. The workshop has perfectly strategized their marketing approach, which is wholly concentrated on customer satisfaction. The unique experience that it offers is what has made it to be one of the leading retailer company in the world. An interactive platform is offered to the customers and it remains vivid in their minds. The children and parents who visit the shop get to interact with the product in each and every step of its making and this interaction process is what makes it exciting for them. In addition, the architectural phenomenology of the workshop stores is of essence and contributes to the interactive experience because, it resembles mini parks that represent a specific theme. The brand has diversified its services, not only in selling the stuffed animals but have turned their shops into party venues where birthday parties can be held. Moreover the workshop, adheres to the changing fashion trends and comes up with unique designs for the stuffed animals every now and then to break monotony.

Interaction with its customers continue even after the sale of the stuffed animal. The workshop gives the stuffed animal a unique number with which it can use to access the company’s website to play games and get music. In addition, the unique number can be used to track a doll that is has been misplaced. The workshop keeps updating its customer of new arrivals and never fails to send them birthday wishes. This goes to show that, the build a bear concept is something that is here to stay and will continue growing because the annual report shows its growth in sales. The company attributes the growth and success to the concept that it has adopted. Hence, consumer experience is critical when it comes to disposing off a product, they claim. Furthermore, the product has been there for several years and it has proved to be that of success.

The target for build a bear workshop is both children and adults who have children to whom they can give gifts to. Children of the age of 3-12 are their main target and mostly children under the age of 14 visit the stores, most of them being boys. The stuffed animal, is bought with a condo like case which serves as a marketing strategy. In that, once another child sees the cub condo he or she will be attracted and will want to get one for his or herself and thus, will end up visiting the stores.

For build a bear workshop to generate repeat visit to their shops, it can, offer a discounted price on their products. This way, every person including the poor can have a chance to visit and have the experience they offer. Moreover, they can expand their target market. Instead of focusing on children under the age of 14 only, they can also come up with products that promote love and friendship for an older age set. Some of adults also love toys as well and they can come up with stuffed or non-stuffed toys for their older customers. This will keep their customers coming with the assumption that they too will get something from the store apart from the family experience. Furthermore, the company can continue to expand its branches to other continents and come up with stuffed animals that people in that continent can relate with, this will keep customers coming back to their stores. The company can as well, settle for online services where, it gives tutorials on how to make stuffed animals for people who cannot access their stores directly and as well offer shipping services at subsidized prices. As it has been seen, the customer service that the company offers is quite remarkable and they can add on to that by, offering home deliveries for those children who are sick or disabled and cannot access the shops. Build a bear company, can offer awards for those who come to their stores, an award such as an additional stuffed animal or can hold games and competitions where one wins a stuffed animal. This gives a more exciting experience that will make the customers revisit the stores with the aim of winning a challenge. The store can come up with coloring books and story books that have stories that involve the stuffed animal that he or she has bought. This makes the stuffed animal more relatable with the owner.

All in all, the build a bear company is one that has had a remarkable growth and it continues to have this same growth even after a hundred years. Their success is fully attributed to their marketing strategy and their focus on services and customer experience. The shops attendants treat the customers in a way they would want to be treated and hence the customer services is very professional and ethical. The shopping experience that they offer is the one thing that is unique with the company and this is what has always made the company’s light shine.


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  • Lee, Y. J. (2008). Build-A-Bear Workshop: Its Aesthetic and Ideology.  Art Education ,  61 (6), 20.
  • Zwick, D., Bonsu, S. K., & Darmody, A. (2008). Putting Consumers to WorkCo-creationand new marketing govern-mentality.  Journal of consumer culture ,  8 (2), 163-196.

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Spreading joy, one bear at a time.

Build-A-Bear is truly a one-of-a-kind brand. Over the past 20 years, it has created over 160 million furry friends – and countless more smiles – in its quest to add a little more happiness and love to the world.



Putting heart into everything.

The Build-A-Bear Workshop experience is core to the company, serving as a whimsical world where families have fun creating furry friends and magical memories. Build-A-Bear wanted to bring that same engaging experience online.



The digital world of build-a-bear.

LYONSCG worked with Build-A-Bear to create a site as iconic and enjoyable as the brand itself. Joyous imagery, smart design, and custom-built Bear Builder functionality bring the magical nature of the Workshop online. The digital experience immerses shoppers in the positivity and love that makes the brand so special.


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    Get a custom case study on "Build-A-Bear: Build-A-Memory" Company's Case---writers online . Learn More . This has enabled her to produce products that guarantee customer satisfaction leading to annual increases in the store's profits. The store does not only offer children a variety of teddy bears to choose from, but also provides them ...

  2. Case Study Analysis: Build-a-Bear Workshop

    Wants: In this case, children want a place where they can get a toy of their choice where they have freedom to make a toy like bear of their own choice by choosing, stuffing, stitching, and naming the toy. Demands: Build-A- Bear is offering different types of bears with different accessories and price starts from $10 and end up on $25.

  3. Solved Case Study Understanding the People Who Work at and

    Case Study. Understanding the People Who Work at and Patronize Build-A-Bear Workshop. Before becoming an entrepreneur, Maxine Clark worked for large retailers. Although she enjoyed working for large companies she was looking for a change. She wanted to have more fun at work. In contemplating this change, Clark recalls that " [e]arly in my ...

  4. Case 2: Build-a- Bear Workshop: Where Best Friends are made

    Case 2: Build-a- Bear Workshop: Where Best Friends are made by janel pat on Prezi. Blog. July 25, 2024. Sales pitch presentation: creating impact with Prezi. July 22, 2024. Make every lesson count with these student engagement strategies. July 18, 2024. Product presentations: defining them and creating your own.

  5. An In-Depth Look at the Build-A-Bear Case Study

    The Build-A-Bear case study serves as a valuable resource for retail companies seeking to understand the underlying factors that contribute to sustainable growth and long-term success. By incorporating the lessons learned from Build-A-Bear's journey, retailers can navigate the ever-changing retail landscape and build their own brand empire. ...

  6. PDF 12 Case study: Build-A-Bear Workshop

    Build-A-Bear Workshop stores are also international. The National Retail Federation (NRF) named Build-A-Bear Workshop as the "Retail Innovator of the Year" for 2001. Build-A-Bear Workshop was named "Best New Concept for 1998" by Chain Store Age magazine. Colin: Can you just give us the story of how Build-A-Bear Workshop started

  7. Build-A-Bear Workshop Case Study Solution

    For build a bear workshop to generate repeat visit to their shops, it can, offer a discounted price on their products. This way, every person including the poor can have a chance to visit and have the experience they offer. Moreover, they can expand their target market. Instead of focusing on children under the age of 14 only, they can also ...

  8. Build-A-Bear Case Study

    Case Study: Build-A-Bear Workshop www.oaktreenavigator.com Introduction Since 2007, Build-A-Bear Workshop® has used OakTree Navigator to generate reports from their IT and Maintenance ticketing system. Build-ABear Workshop® is a worldwide retail store where customers create their own teddy bear or other stuffed animals.

  9. Solved CASE E5 Build-A-Bear Workshops: Calculating the

    Question: CASE E5 Build-A-Bear Workshops: Calculating the Service Cost per Bear26 Service firms can strategically view their operations along a continuum ranging from nec essary evil to the other extreme, where operations are viewed as a key source of competi tive advantage. Clearly, Build-A-Bear Workshops have used their world-class service ...

  10. BUILD-A-BEAR Case Study

    LYONSCG worked with Build-A-Bear to create a site as iconic and enjoyable as the brand itself. Joyous imagery, smart design, and custom-built Bear Builder functionality bring the magical nature of the Workshop online. The digital experience immerses shoppers in the positivity and love that makes the brand so special. NEXT FEATURED CLIENT.

  11. Build-a-Bear Case Study

    1036 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. Build-A-Bear Workshop Case Study. 1. Which of the marketing management concepts covered in this chapter best describes Build-A-Bear Workshop? The marketing concept within the marketing management concepts is the one that best describes Build-A-Bear. The marketing concept, which is the " marketing management ...


    COMPANY CASE: BUILD-A-BEAR: BUILD-A-MEMORY In the late of 1990s, it was all about the dot-com. While venture capital poured into the high-tech sector and the stock prices of dot-com startups rose rapidly, the performance of traditional companies paled in comparison. This era seemed like a very bad time to start a chain of brick-and mortar mall ...

  13. SOLUTION: Build A Bear Case Study Revised

    The Build-A-Bear Workshop is a company that got founded by Maxine Clark, a creative, compassionate, and creative woman. The company has over 400 ... Post a Question. Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. Questions are posted anonymously and can be made 100% private.