1. Harlow's monkey experiment

    affen experiment harlow

  2. Harlow's monkey experiment

    affen experiment harlow

  3. Harlows Monkey Experiment Photograph by Photo Researchers, Inc

    affen experiment harlow

  4. Harry harlow experiment shows that attachment and the need for

    affen experiment harlow

  5. Harlow’s Classic Studies Revealed the Importance of Maternal Contact

    affen experiment harlow

  6. El experimento de Harlow y la privación materna

    affen experiment harlow


  1. unsuccessful experiment: crossbreeding animals with food

  2. #shorts Harry 🐵 Harlow Experiment in 🐒Monkey🐒 #short #sciencefacts


  4. Überraschungseier Experiment aber mit Cannabis anstatt Ü-Eiern

  5. Experiment H

  6. Social development of Harlow monkeys


  1. Harlow's Studies on Dependency in Monkeys

    Harry Harlow shows that infant rhesus monkeys appear to form an affectional bond with soft, cloth surrogate mothers that offered no food but not with wire su...

  2. Harlow-Versuche

    Die Harlow-Versuche (Abb. nach Harlow 1958) zeigten: 1, daß die Zuwendung eines Jungtiers zum betreuenden Tier nicht durch die Nahrungsgabe veranlaßt wird - hier verdeutlicht durch das Anklammern an die weiche Attrappe während des Trinkens. Das Verhalten des jungen Affen änderte sich auch nicht, als die unterschiedlichen „Gesichter ...

  3. Harlow's Monkey Experiments: 3 Findings About Attachment

    Attachment styles in infants. How the caregiver responds to the infant is known as sensitive responsiveness (Ainsworth et al., 1978). The fluffy surrogate mothers in Harlow's experiment were not responsive, obviously; however, their presence, the material used to cover them, and their shape allowed the rhesus infants to cling to them, providing comfort, albeit a basic, unresponsive one.

  4. Harry Harlow

    Der Episkopalist Harry Harlow hieß bei Geburt Harry Israel, er nahm aber 1930 - wegen des damals auch in den USA grassierenden Antisemitismus - den zweiten Vornamen seines Vaters an und nannte sich fortan Harry Harlow. [2] Er studierte an der Stanford University in Kalifornien Psychologie, absolvierte dort 1930 mit 25 Jahren sein Doktorexamen und wechselte anschließend an die University ...

  5. Classics in the History of Psychology -- Harlow (1958)

    The Nature of Love. Harry F. Harlow (1958)[1] University of Wisconsin. First published in American Psychologist, 13, 673-685. Address of the President at the sixty-sixth Annual Convention of the. American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C., August 31, 1958. First published in American Psychologist, 13, 573-685.

  6. The nature of love: Harlow, Bowlby and Bettelheim on ...

    Harry Harlow, famous for his experiments with rhesus monkeys and cloth and wire mothers, was visited by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby and by child psychologist Bruno Bettelheim in 1958. They made similar observations of Harlow's monkeys, yet their interpretations were strikingly different. Bettelheim saw Harlow's wire mother as a ...

  7. Mother Love (1959) Full Film

    The famous experiments that psychologist Harry Harlow conducted in the 1950s on maternal deprivation in rhesus monkeys were landmarks not only in primatology...

  8. PDF The Puzzling Puzzles of Harry Harlow and Edward Deci

    Harry F. Harlow was a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin who, in the 1940s, established one of the world's fi rst laboratories for studying primate behavior. One day in 1949, Harlow and two colleagues gathered eight rhesus monkeys for a two- week experiment on learning. The researchers devised a simple mechani-

  9. Rigorous experiments on monkey love: an account of Harry F. Harlow's

    Among other things, it is related how Harlow arrived at his famous research with rhesus monkeys and how this made Harlow a hig … Rigorous experiments on monkey love: an account of Harry F. Harlow's role in the history of attachment theory Integr Psychol Behav Sci. 2008 Dec;42(4) :354-69. doi ...

  10. Harry Harlow

    Harry Frederick Harlow was born on October 31, 1905, in Fairfield, IA, as Harry Israel. He attended Stanford University as a psychology major, working under Lewis Terman, along with Calvin Perry Stone, an animal behaviorist, and Walter Richard Miles, a vision expert. He received his Ph.D. in 1930 and became a professor at the University of ...

  11. Die Liebe, der Forscher, das Stofftier

    Die Liebe, der Forscher, das Stofftier. Mit grausamen Affenexperimenten ergründete der amerikanische Psychologe Harry Harlow das Wesen der Mutterliebe. Seine Erkenntnisse haben die ...

  12. How a 1949 monkey experiment showed us how wrong we were about what

    In 1949, Harry F. Harlow conducted an experiment that forever changed our understanding of human behavior. The test was done on eight rhesus monkeys. For two weeks, the monkeys were tasked with solving a mechanical problem that required them to pull out a vertical pin, undo the hook, and unhinge the cover. There was no

  13. Der Herr der Affen

    Der amerikanische Psychologe Harry Harlow konnte in den 50er-Jahren anhand von Experimenten mit Affen nachweisen, wie wichtig Liebe und Zuneigung für Kinder sind. Deborah Blum beschreibt das ...

  14. Harry F. Harlow and Animal Research: Reflection on the Ethical Paradox

    ABSTRACT. With respect to the ethical debate about the treatment of animals in biomedical and behavioral research, Harry F. Harlow represents a paradox. On the one hand, his work on monkey cognition and social development fostered a view of the animals as having rich subjective lives filled with intention and emotion.

  15. Learning motivated by a manipulation drive.

    "Four rhesus monkeys were given 12 days' experience in manipulating a mechanical puzzle whose solution did not lead to any special incentive such as food or water. Four matched control subjects had the puzzles placed in their home cages the same period of time, but unassembled… . The performance of the two groups was then compared… . The experimental monkeys were more efficient than the ...

  16. PDF The Puzzling Puzzles of Harry Harlow and Edward Deci

    I experiments that should have changed the wodd-but did not. Hury F. Harlow w,rs a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin who, in the L940s, established one of the world's first laboratories for studying primate behavior. One day inL949,Harlow and two colleagues gathered eight rhesus monkeys for a rwo-week experiment on learning.

  17. Learning and satiation of response in intrinsically motivated complex

    Two rhesus monkeys, given 60 two-hour sessions with a six-device mechanical puzzle showed clear evidence of learning, the curve showing ratio of incorrect to correct responses appearing quite comparable to similar curves obtained during externally rewarded situations. When, on the thirteenth day of tests, the subjects were presented with the puzzle 100 times at 6-minute intervals, the number ...

  18. PDF The Puzzling Puzzles of Harry Harlow and Edward Deci

    One day in 1949, Harlow and two colleagues gathered eight rhesus monkeys for a two- week experiment on learning. The researchers devised a simple mechan-ical puzzle like the one pictured below. Solving it required three steps: (a) pull out the vertical pin, (b) undo the hook, and (c) lift the hinged cover. Pretty easy for you and me, far more ...

  19. Harlow-Versuche

    Lexikon der Neurowissenschaft Harlow-Versuche. Harlow-Versuche, berühmt gewordene Versuche des Psychologen-Ehepaars Harlow und seiner Mitarbeiter in den 1950er Jahren, die erstmals die Behauptung widerlegten, daß die Zuwendung eines Jungtieres (auch des menschlichen Säuglings) zur Mutter durch eine Assoziation zwischen Mutter und ...

  20. PDF 3 Harry F. Harlow

    Harry F. Harlow 37 chen, und hochstwahrscheinlich sind die meisten der Variablen, die - sagen wir - die Liebe eines kleinen Affen steuern, beim Menschen auch wirksam. Wir kamen zu dem Ergebnis, daB man, unabhangig davon, ob man Affendaten auf den Menschen libertragen kann, von menschlichen Daten sehr gut auf Affen generalisieren kann.

  21. PDF Bindung und die Entwicklung des Selbst

    Harlow beschloss zu testen, ob der Genuss des Fressens oder die Freude an der Geborgenheit für Affen im Säuglingsalter am wichtigsten war. Harlow konstruierte zwei „Ersatzmütter" aus Draht und Holz: eine wurde mit Schaumgummi und einem Frotteebezug bedeckt (die „Stoffmutter") und die an-dere unbedeckt gelassen (Abb. .11.2). Harlow nahm

  22. 5 Affen Experiment des Soziologen Harry Harlow & Team

    Wissenschaftler haben 5 (fünf) Affen in ein Gehege gesperrt. Mit dazu eine Leiter und obendrauf Bananen. Immer wenn ein Affe die Leiter hinauf kletterte, um ...

  23. Das gruseligste Experiment!

    Hier für euch ein Video über ein gruseliges Experiment, dass einiges über uns Menschen aussagt! Es geht um das gruselige Monkey Dependence Experiment von Har...