James Taylor

10 Critical Thinking Cards to Enhance Your Problem-Solving Skills

Annie Walls

Annie Walls

Critical thinking is a valuable skill that helps individuals approach problems and make informed decisions. By developing problem-solving skills and using critical thinking cards, you can enhance your ability to analyze situations, consider different perspectives, and generate creative solutions. In this article, we will explore 10 critical thinking cards that can improve your problem-solving skills. Let's dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Critical thinking is essential for problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Problem-solving skills can be developed through practice and experience.
  • Critical thinking cards are a useful tool for enhancing problem-solving abilities.
  • Using critical thinking cards can help you analyze problems, consider different perspectives, and generate creative solutions.
  • Reflecting on the problem-solving process is important for continuous improvement.

Understanding Critical Thinking

What is critical thinking.

Critical thinking is a fundamental skill that involves analyzing , evaluating , and interpreting information to make informed decisions and solve problems. It goes beyond simply accepting information at face value and requires a deeper level of reflection and reasoning . Critical thinking enables individuals to question assumptions , consider alternative perspectives , and apply logical reasoning to arrive at well-reasoned conclusions. It is an essential skill in today's complex and rapidly changing world.

Why is Critical Thinking Important?

Critical thinking is essential in today's complex and fast-paced world. It allows individuals to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. By developing critical thinking skills , individuals can navigate through challenges, solve problems, and adapt to changing circumstances. Critical thinking is particularly important in professional settings, where decision-making can have significant consequences. It helps professionals identify biases, consider multiple perspectives, and find innovative solutions. Moreover, critical thinking promotes intellectual curiosity and lifelong learning, enabling individuals to continuously improve their problem-solving abilities.

The Components of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is composed of several key components that work together to enhance problem-solving skills. These components include analytical thinking , which involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts to gain a deeper understanding. Logical reasoning is another important component, as it allows individuals to evaluate information and draw logical conclusions. Additionally, creative thinking plays a crucial role in critical thinking by encouraging individuals to think outside the box and generate innovative solutions. Lastly, open-mindedness is essential in critical thinking as it involves considering different perspectives and being receptive to new ideas.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills

The importance of problem-solving skills.

Problem-solving skills are crucial in both personal and professional settings. They enable individuals to identify and overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and find innovative solutions. Effective problem-solving requires a combination of analytical thinking, creativity, and critical evaluation. By developing these skills, individuals can navigate complex situations, adapt to change, and achieve their goals.

How to Develop Problem-Solving Skills

Developing problem-solving skills is essential for overcoming challenges and finding effective solutions. Here are some strategies to help you develop your problem-solving skills:

  • Practice critical thinking : Engage in activities that require you to analyze, evaluate, and generate solutions. This could include solving puzzles, playing strategy games, or participating in brainstorming sessions.
  • Seek diverse perspectives : Gain different viewpoints by seeking input from others. This can help you consider alternative solutions and broaden your understanding of the problem.
  • Learn from past experiences : Reflect on previous problem-solving experiences and identify what worked well and what could be improved. Use these insights to enhance your future problem-solving approaches.
  • Embrace creativity : Explore creative problem-solving techniques, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or lateral thinking. These approaches can help you generate innovative solutions.
  • Develop effective communication skills : Effective communication is crucial for problem-solving. Practice active listening, ask clarifying questions, and communicate your ideas clearly and concisely.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily life, you can enhance your problem-solving skills and become a more effective critical thinker.

Overcoming Common Problem-Solving Challenges

Problem-solving can be a complex process that requires careful consideration and analysis. It is not uncommon to encounter challenges along the way. However, with the right strategies and mindset, these challenges can be overcome effectively.

Using Critical Thinking Cards

What are critical thinking cards.

Critical Thinking Cards are a tool used to enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills. They are a set of cards, each containing a specific prompt or question that encourages individuals to think critically about a problem or situation. These cards can be used individually or in a group setting, and they provide a structured approach to analyzing problems and generating creative solutions. By using Critical Thinking Cards, individuals can improve their ability to identify assumptions, evaluate evidence, consider alternative perspectives, and make informed decisions. They are a valuable resource for anyone looking to develop their problem-solving skills and enhance their critical thinking abilities.

Benefits of Using Critical Thinking Cards

Using critical thinking cards can provide several benefits in enhancing problem-solving skills. One of the key benefits is that they offer a structured approach to analyzing and evaluating problems, allowing individuals to break down complex issues into manageable components. This helps in gaining a deeper understanding of the problem and identifying potential solutions.

Another benefit is that critical thinking cards promote collaboration and teamwork . By using these cards, individuals can engage in discussions and brainstorming sessions with their peers, sharing different perspectives and ideas. This collaborative approach fosters creativity and encourages innovative thinking.

Additionally, critical thinking cards can improve decision-making . They provide a framework for considering various factors, such as assumptions, evidence, and alternative perspectives, which helps in making informed and rational decisions. By using these cards, individuals can evaluate the pros and cons of different options and choose the most suitable course of action.

Furthermore, critical thinking cards enhance problem-solving skills . They encourage individuals to think critically, analyze information, and generate creative solutions. By practicing with these cards, individuals can develop their problem-solving abilities and become more effective in addressing complex challenges.

In summary, using critical thinking cards offers a structured approach to problem-solving, promotes collaboration and teamwork, improves decision-making, and enhances problem-solving skills.

How to Use Critical Thinking Cards Effectively

When using critical thinking cards, it is important to follow these guidelines:

  • Format at most one important keyword in bold and use italics for subtle emphasis where needed.
  • Do not include the H3 heading in the paragraph.
  • Implement a table for presenting structured, quantitative data. Ensure it's succinct and formatted correctly in Markdown.
  • Use a bulleted or numbered list for less structured content, like steps, qualitative points, or a series of related items.
  • Optionally, include a Markdown blockquote for important tips or advice, avoiding citing sources.
  • Do not include images.
  • Content should be split into multiple short paragraphs.

10 Critical Thinking Cards for Problem-Solving

Card 1: analyzing the problem.

Analyzing the problem is a crucial step in the problem-solving process. It involves breaking down the problem into smaller components and examining each one individually. This allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the problem and identify any underlying issues or root causes. By analyzing the problem, you can uncover important insights that will guide your problem-solving approach.

Card 2: Identifying Assumptions

Identifying assumptions is a crucial step in critical thinking and problem-solving. Assumptions are the underlying beliefs or ideas that we often take for granted without questioning. By identifying assumptions, we can uncover hidden biases and challenge our own thinking. This process allows us to consider alternative perspectives and explore new possibilities. It is important to be aware of our assumptions and examine them critically to ensure that they are valid and reliable.

Card 3: Evaluating Evidence

Evaluating evidence is a crucial step in the critical thinking process. It involves carefully examining the information and data available to determine its reliability, validity, and relevance to the problem at hand. By evaluating evidence, you can make informed decisions and avoid basing your conclusions on faulty or biased information. It is important to consider the source of the evidence, the methodology used to gather it, and any potential biases that may be present. Additionally, critically analyzing the evidence allows you to identify any gaps or inconsistencies that may exist. This helps you to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the problem and potential solutions.

Card 4: Considering Alternative Perspectives

In the realm of problem-solving, considering alternative perspectives is crucial. It's about stepping outside your own viewpoint and examining the problem from different angles. This approach not only enhances creativity but also leads to more robust solutions.

Why is this so important? In a world where 45 percent of jobs are expected to be automated in the next two decades, the distinctly human competitive advantage lies in our ability to be creative and innovate. By considering alternative perspectives, we tap into this potential.

  • Look at the problem through the lens of different stakeholders.
  • Ask 'What if?' to challenge the status quo and explore new possibilities.
  • Use tools like colorful post-it notes, pens, and paper to visually map out various perspectives.
Tip: Remember that collaboration often sparks innovation. Embrace the concept of SUPERCOLLABORATION™, where human and AI efforts combine to create solutions that neither could achieve alone.

Whether you're working alone or in a team, make space for diverse viewpoints. If possible, utilize a flipchart or whiteboard to help visualize and compare different perspectives. The more colorful and engaging the process, the more likely you are to unlock creative solutions.

Card 5: Generating Creative Solutions

Generating creative solutions is a crucial step in problem-solving. It involves thinking outside the box and exploring unconventional ideas. By breaking free from traditional thinking patterns, you can uncover innovative solutions that may not have been considered before. This process requires open-mindedness and a willingness to challenge assumptions. It is important to encourage brainstorming and idea generation without judgment or criticism. Creativity is key in this stage, as it allows for the exploration of new possibilities and perspectives.

Card 6: Assessing Risks and Benefits

Assessing the risks and benefits is a crucial step in the problem-solving process. It involves evaluating the potential positive outcomes and negative consequences of different options or solutions. By carefully considering the risks and benefits, you can make more informed decisions and minimize potential pitfalls. One effective way to assess risks and benefits is by using a decision matrix. A decision matrix is a tool that helps you compare and evaluate different options based on their potential risks and benefits. It allows you to assign weights to different factors and calculate a score for each option. This can help you objectively analyze the risks and benefits and choose the best course of action.

Card 7: Making Informed Decisions

Making informed decisions is a crucial aspect of problem-solving. It involves gathering relevant information, analyzing the available options, and considering the potential outcomes. By making informed decisions, you can minimize risks and maximize the chances of finding effective solutions. To make informed decisions, it is important to:

Card 8: Reflecting on the Process

Reflecting on the problem-solving process is an essential step in developing critical thinking skills. It allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your approach and identify areas for improvement. By taking the time to reflect , you can gain valuable insights and learn from your experiences. Here are some key points to consider when reflecting on the process:

  • Assess the outcomes: Evaluate the results of your problem-solving efforts. Did you achieve the desired outcome? Were there any unexpected outcomes?
  • Analyze your decision-making: Reflect on the decisions you made throughout the process. Were they based on sound reasoning and evidence?
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses: Recognize your strengths in problem-solving and areas where you can improve.
Tip: Keep a reflective journal to document your thoughts and observations. This can help you track your progress and identify patterns or trends in your problem-solving approach.

Welcome to my article section on my website, where I share valuable insights and resources to inspire creative problem-solving. In this article, I will introduce you to 10 critical thinking cards that can help you enhance your problem-solving skills. These cards are designed to stimulate your thinking and encourage innovative solutions. Whether you are a business professional, an entrepreneur, or a student, these cards will provide you with a fresh perspective and empower you to tackle challenges with confidence. To learn more about problem-solving and unleash your creative potential, visit my website Keynote Speaker James Taylor - Inspiring Creative Minds. Discover how I can help you and your team develop critical thinking skills and drive innovation in your organization. Take the first step towards unlocking your problem-solving abilities and visit my website today!

In conclusion, these 10 critical thinking cards provide a valuable tool for enhancing problem-solving skills. By utilizing these cards, individuals can develop their ability to think critically, analyze information, and make informed decisions. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply looking to improve your problem-solving abilities, incorporating these cards into your routine can have a significant impact. So, why wait? Start using these critical thinking cards today and unlock your full problem-solving potential!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is critical thinking.

Critical thinking is the ability to objectively analyze and evaluate information to form a reasoned judgment or decision.

Why is critical thinking important?

Critical thinking is important because it helps individuals make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and evaluate arguments and evidence.

How can I develop problem-solving skills?

You can develop problem-solving skills by practicing critical thinking, seeking out new challenges, and learning from your experiences.

What are critical thinking cards?

Critical thinking cards are a tool that prompts individuals to think critically and consider different aspects of a problem or situation.

What are the benefits of using critical thinking cards?

Using critical thinking cards can enhance problem-solving skills, encourage creative thinking, and improve decision-making abilities.

How can I use critical thinking cards effectively?

To use critical thinking cards effectively, start by analyzing the problem, consider different perspectives, generate creative solutions, and evaluate the risks and benefits.

what are critical thinking cards

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How to Play 52 Essential Critical Thinking Cards

Ways to play, level 1: knowledge-building.


"Bias Blitz"

Announce the cognitive bias name on the top of the card. Players shout out the definition based on the name. The first to guess correctly wins the card. If no one does, reveal the definition and return the card to the draw pile.

"Critical Contemplation"

Read the definition and quote on the card without revealing its name. Players take turns naming this cognitive bias. The player with the closest or funniest name wins the card.



"Cognitive Conquest"

Read the example on the card out loud. Players take turns guessing the bias name and the cognitive assumptions it involves. The player who guesses correctly collects the card.

"Bias Breakdown"

Explain the concept on your card in terms a 5-year-old would understand. If your explanation helps others guess correctly, you collect the card.



"Gaslight Gambit"

Place all cards face up. Watch the news or a political debate. The first player to verbally identify a bias being committed collects the card. BONUS: explain why the bias happened.

"Bias Baffle"

Players take turns describing a scenario from their personal or professional life without naming the bias. Player who guesses correctly collects the card.


"cognitive clash".

Players take turns choosing two cards that either amplify or counteract each other’s effect. Collect the cards if you successfully persuade the other players of your logical reasoning behind the pairing.

"Bias Breakthrough"

To collect a card, explain strategies we can take to mitigate or avoid the bias. Bonus: describe how implementing these strategies could lead to positive changes.



"BS Buster"

Review a social media post, ad, or an opinion article. Identify and summarize any sentences that use cognitive bias to persuade you to do or think a certain way. What impact could these have on readers' views or choices?

"Bias Beacon"

Come up with questions that would expose the bias (assumptions, flaw in thinking) in the identified sentences from above.

Take the Implicit Bias Quiz

Coming soon: bonus scenarios..

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Laminated Card Set: Critical Thinking for Learners and Educators (set of 6)

Normal 0 false false false en-us x-none x-none.

These laminated cards highlight the essential concepts in critical thinking, as well as the basic applications of those concepts. They are ideal study companions and desk reminders for anyone learning critical thinking, teaching it to others, and/or using it in their daily work. The full set can be used by students, professionals, and anyone else looking to internalize key ideas and tools in critical thinking. Likewise, it can be used by educators and trainers as explicit reminders of the foundations of critical thinking, and how to apply those foundations in the classroom. Educators will also find the cards useful in helping students to incorporate these ideas into their everyday classwork. Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"

Emily Jane Valenza

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Click each image for an abbreviated description of conversation prompts. 

Critical Thinking for Understanding Deck

Goals: to foster regular critical analysis of any creative endeavor, particularly: visual arts, performing arts and literature. , uses: teacher-lead group discussion, student pairings, individual written response, or in a museum setting as a stimulus for conversation and deeper appreciation. .

I plan to publish this activity as a playing card deck for classroom and home use with accompanying curriculum links and lessons to adapt for many educational settings. I'm excited about the wonderful student conversations that have formed as a result of this activity and I look forward to sharing it with others.

Download and print a deck to use in your classroom!

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Cognitive biases make our judgments irrational. We have evolved to use shortcuts in our thinking, which are often useful, but a cognitive bias means there’s a kind of misfiring going on causing us to lose objectivity. This website has been designed to help you identify some of the most common biases stuffing up your thinking. Click on the icons above to see full explanations on link-able pages e.g. yourbias.is/confirmation-bias and share this website to help make the world a more rational and thinky place:

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Critical Thinking Cards

Get yourself a deck of these pretty great high-quality cards featuring 24 logical fallacies, 24 cognitive biases, and 3 game cards. Play watching cable news or a political debate!

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Get a free biases poster

This handy reference poster highlights 24 of the most common biases that affect our thinking. Download a printable PDF version or get a nice printed wall poster delivered.

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Get kitted with thinking superpowers.

Kitted Thinking Tools provide mental models as a visual, interactive, modular system of physical and digital cards. Think of them like building blocks for higher-order thinking that you can use to optimize opportunities, reduce risks, and create many amazing things. Published free online under Creative Commons and as beautifully designed decks of cards Kitted donates 5% of profits to The School of Thought and we thank them for their support.

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A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning. Logical fallacies are like tricks or illusions of thought, and they're often very sneakily used by politicians and the media to fool people. Don't be fooled! This website has been designed to help you identify and call out dodgy logic wherever it may raise its ugly, incoherent head. Rollover the icons above and click for examples. If you see someone committing a fallacy, link them to it e.g. yourlogicalfallacyis.com/strawman

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Critical Thinking Cards

Get a deck of these pretty great high quality cards featuring 24 logical fallacies and 24 cognitive biases, as well as 3 game cards. Play watching cable news or a political debate!

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You're a genius, you idiot

Creative breakthroughs happen we’re smart enough to stop trying to be smart adults, and instead become playful and open to possibilities like every child knows how. Kitted Thinking Tools' decks of cards unlock your creative thinking superpowers. Come play.

Limited 50% Discount on the Full Bundle Set (Scarcity Insight Card)

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Thou shalt not suffer cognitive biases

Biases make our judgments irrational. Check out our sister site featuring 24 of the most common biases that affect decision making, beliefs and thinking.

Visit yourbias.is

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Including printable Critical Thinking Cards, Fallacies & Biases wall posters & more. Published under Creative Commons by our non profit.

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The impact of critical thinking training using critical thinking cards on clinical decision-making of CCU nurses

Hamideh jalalpour.

1 Student Research Committee , Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran

Simin Jahani

2 Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Nursing Care Research Center in Chronic Disease, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran

Marziyeh Asadizaker

Asaad sharhani.

3 Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Jundishapour University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran

Habib Heybar

4 Atherosclerosis Research Center , Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran


Due to the complexity of the situation and rapid changes in patients' clinical status in intensive care units, it is necessary to teach decision-making skills to nurses, alongside critical thinking. The aim of this study was to evaluate critical thinking training by using critical thinking cards on clinical decision-making of nurses in cardiac care units (CCU).

In this quasi-experimental study, 74 CCU nurses from the selected hospitals affiliated to Ahvaz and Dezful Universities of Medical Sciences were selected based on the inclusion criteria and were assigned to either the intervention or the control group by using permuted block randomization. The data were entered into SPSS V22 and analyzed.

There was no statistically significant difference between the demographic characteristics of the two groups ( P < 0.05). The mean total score of nurses' clinical decision-making before training sessions in the intervention group was calculated to be 141.59 ± 10.76, which was lower compared to a score of 148.56 ± 10.95 in the control group ( P = 0.011). Therefore, covariance analysis was used to modify the results. The mean total score of nurses' clinical decision-making after the training in the intervention group was calculated as 163.82 ± 8.83, indicating a significant increase compared to a score of 154.50 ± 11.25 in the control group ( P < 0.001).


The findings of the present study show that the education of critical thinking by using the critical card tool leads to improved clinical decision-making in CCU nurses.


In recent years, clinical environments in nursing have undergone many changes. Many factors such as population aging, increased socio-cultural differences in communities, the prevalence of chronic diseases, reduced financial resources, rapid technological changes, emphasis on health improvement and home care, increased need for patient-centered care and evidence-based practice, health environments have made health-care environments more complicated.[ 1 ] Nurses, as the largest part of the professional forces at the forefront of service delivery in the health care system, have various and numerous responsibilities[ 2 ] and along with the evolving nursing perspective, there is a growing demand for the development of critical thinking skills and clinical decision-making in order to solve problems, provide care to patients and perform the nursing procedure.[ 3 ] This is of great importance in intensive care units, due to the complexity of the patients' clinical status and rapid changes in it, which require quick decision-making by nurses in a short period of time.[ 4 ]

In ICUs, due to the severity of the disease and its dynamic nature, as well as the pressure of time constraints, there is less room for error than there is in other wards.[ 5 ] Short-term goals often influence long-term outcomes. Patients' conditions may change within minutes, while the key information, which is continuously delivered to the treatment team, significantly puts them under pressure to make decisions. Taking risks and enduring the pressure caused by doubt complicate decision-making process. Both the afore-mentioned factors seem to depend on age, knowledge, and the type of post-graduate education.[ 6 ] However, nursing graduates are not able to think clearly and make independent and appropriate decisions while facing critical situations. This can lead to providing inappropriate care to care seekers and exposes them to life-threatening dangers.[ 7 ] It seems that nursing education programs of universities and hospitals have not been effective in improving clinical decision-making skills.[ 8 ]

The decision-making style of each individual is considered as a relatively unique feature, and is formed based on personal, environmental and psychological factors.[ 9 ] There is a significant relationship between nurses' clinical decision-making and their thinking style, including critical thinking style.[ 10 ] Thinking skills are a key prerequisite to decision-making and allow nurses to make appropriate decisions in critical situations.[ 11 ] Critical thinking is one of the essential components of the nursing quality care and professional responsibility.[ 12 ] According to Marilan, critical thinking in nursing profession is a logical and reasonable way of thinking in regard with some nursing problems (nursing diagnoses) with more than one solution, leading to appropriate decision-making where our beliefs and practices are not aligned. Critical thinking enables nurses to correctly reason and judge about patient-related problems and issues.[ 13 ] According to a study by Rostamniya et al . people with high critical thinking skills make better clinical decisions, and one of the effective factors on critical thinking ability is training.[ 14 ] Based on literature review, several educational approaches can be found to promote critical thinking and clinical decision-making, including problem-based learning with case studies, group discussions, role plays, think-aloud technique.[ 15 , 16 ] and the use of a concept map.[ 17 ] However, it is difficult to identify a common, reliable and credible tool for promoting critical thinking. An alternative solution is that each educational program defines critical thinking in its curriculum and develops appropriate teaching approaches and appropriate assessment strategies.[ 18 ]

A novel approach in the development of critical thinking is the use of critical thinking cards . As an educational activity, critical thinking cards are a combination of various strategies in regard with the improvement of critical thinking and clinical decision-making. Cards contain questions related to a specific clinical subject, and as an innovative active learning strategy, help the individual make a connection between their academic knowledge and clinical practice. Active learning is a concept based on educational strategies that enables the collection and the storage of information, critical thinking and clinical decision-making. Questioning, coaching, and think-aloud are examples of active learning strategies used to stimulate critical thinking in learners. Critical thinking cards are made up of a combination of these three strategies and make a brief explanation of them.[ 19 ]

Questioning not only stimulates and develops critical thinking in an individual, but also facilitates discussion and improves learning among a group. When thought-provoking questions arise, people's participation increases. Active participation is a key aspect that promotes constant growth and helps learner process information at a higher cognitive level.[ 19 , 20 ] Coaching is an important tool for promoting clinical expertise and building trust. It is essential for clinical instructors to teach learners how to think critically and utilize their knowledge in clinical matters. As a result, the learner would be able to analyze complex clinical issues in a supportive environment to achieve professional growth.[ 21 ] The think-aloud approach allows the instructor to evaluate how the information is being processed and to provide guidance if needed. Using think-aloud approach in teaching critical thinking is helpful in correcting wrong reasoning and erroneous decision-making. At the beginning of the process, the instructor can teach the learner how a skilled nurse acts in a complex clinical situation and manages it. Later, learners can use this process to show the improvement of their competence in clinical decision-making.[ 19 , 22 ]

According to the literature review, no research has examined the impact of this educational approach on clinical decision-making. Moreover, few studies have used critical thinking cards in nursing education with the aim of assessing the theoretical teaching of anatomy and physiology, the teaching of specialized courses at bedside, and the students' opinion of their own performance. The results of these studies showed that the use of cards as a creative approach and utilizing visual, auditory and active learning styles, in addition to accomplishing social interaction, allows participants to test their knowledge and share their experiences in a peaceful and entertaining environment.[ 9 , 23 ] The purpose of this study is to discuss this active teaching strategy, which is cost-effective and easy to implement, does not require technical resources and clearly helps nurses and students use academic knowledge to solve clinical problems. Therefore, this study is designed to determine the impacts of critical thinking training by using critical thinking cards on the clinical decision-making of CCU nurses in Ahvaz and Dezful, in 2019.

This is a quasi-experimental, pre-post-test study with a two-group design. The research population consists of all CCU nurses Golestan Hospital, Ahvaz Imam Khomeini Hospital and Dezful Dr. Ganjavian Hospital in 2019. The proposal was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Research Deputy Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences under the code IR.AJUMS.REC.1398.303, and the necessary permits were obtained. Then the researchers explained the objectives of the research to the participants and ensured them of the confidentiality of data and the optional nature of the research. According to the previous studies,[ 11 ] the following equation, the significance level (α) of 0.05, a power of test (1-β) of 0.80 and d = 4.7, the sample size was calculated to be 32 subjects in each group. By taking into account the dropout rate of 15%, 37 subjects were assigned to each group which made up a total sample size of 74 subjects:

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Object name is JFMPC-10-3650-g001.jpg

Seventy-four nurses meeting the inclusion criteria were assigned to the control and intervention groups using permuted block randomization with a block size of 4, after informed consent was obtained from them. The inclusion criteria consisted of working in CCU for at least one year and holding at least a bachelor's degree. The exclusion criteria included not completing the questionnaire and missing more than one session of the training class in the intervention group.

Data collection tools in this study consisted of two parts. The first part of the personal data consisted of age, gender, education, the type of employment, marital status, general working experience as a nurse and working experience in CCU. The second part was Jenkins' Clinical Decision-Making Questionnaire. This questionnaire was developed by Jenkins in 1983 and is the main part of this instrument which is used in pre-test and post-test. Jenkins' questionnaire included 40 items in the 4––subscales including, 1––searching for alternative or options, 2––canvassing of objectives and values, 3––evaluation and reevaluation of consequences, 4––searching for information and unbiased assimilation of new information. Each subscale has 10 items including the behaviors which nurses display while making decisions during care provision. Each item is scored on a 5-point Likert scale (always, often, sometimes, rarely, and never). As a result, each subscale will have a maximum of 50 scores, and the total score will be obtained between 40 and 200. According to Jenkins, people with higher scores have a higher level of clinical decision-making. In order to prevent bias, some items are scored positively and some others, reversely. There are 22 positive and 18 reversed items. The latter 18 items are scored reversely. The questionnaire has been previously used in the studies conducted by Lotfi, Arzani and Beigi[ 24 , 25 , 26 ] in Iran and its validity and reliability have been approved. Cronbach's alpha coefficient in the above studies was reported as 0.79, 0.82, and 0.82%, respectively.

Before performing the intervention, initial examinations were done on 5 subjects in order to investigate the method and any possible problems. Based on the results, in a briefing session, the research method and the objectives were explained to nurses wishing to participate in the study. In the intervention group, training was done using critical thinking cards. Critical thinking cards are designed as a learning activity with a combination of several different strategies related to the aim of improving critical thinking and clinical decision-making. Each set of cards includes questions on a specific clinical cardiovascular topic. The questions are designed to cover the disease process and the treatment of the case in question, and involve the use of questioning, coaching, and think-aloud. Further Socratic questions such as “what if” scenarios and other ways of critical thinking are considered as a crucial part of this method. The educational content of the cards used in this study was obtained through interviews with physicians and nurses working in the CCU and was based on very common cases including anterior and inferior myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and ventricular tachycardia which was developed according to guidelines as well as medical and nursing reference books on cardiovascular diseases. The content was approved by 10 nursing and medical education experts consisting of 5 cardiologists, 3 faculty members and 2 nurses with CCU experience. The topics were presented in six 1.5-hour group sessions on three days. The time and the place of the meetings were determined by the group. Each set of cards contained 13 to 24 questions in regard with the topic. A total of 104 questions were prepared and each question was printed on a card. Each person took a card and answered the question. According to the design of the question, the nurse should explain the process of reaching the correct answer aloud. The nurse was assisted by other experienced nurses. The researcher provided additional explanations whenever necessary, guided the discussion, led it to the next question, and made a conclusion at the end. In the control group, training was not done by the researcher and was continued through the hospital routine and the educational program. The questionnaire was completed by nurses in both groups prior to and one month after training. The analysis and the comparison between the variables were done by SPSS V22 through the statistical tests such as the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), independent two-sample t -test, Mann-Whitney, paired samples t -test and Chi-square.

The participants in this study consisted of 74 CCU nurses. Overall, from the control group, 2 subjects were excluded from the study due to job transfer and 3 due to not completing the questionnaire; from the intervention group, 4 subjects were excluded from the study due to missing the sessions. Finally, 32 subjects were assigned to the control group and 33 to the intervention group.

Based on the findings in Table 1 , no statistically significant difference were observed in terms of age ( P = 0.708), total working experience ( P = 0.818), working experience in CCU ( P = 0.666), gender ( P = 0.493), marital status ( P = 0.598), level of education ( P = 0.492), the hospital of employment ( P = 0.905) and the type of employment ( P = 0.851) ( P > 0.05). The mean and the standard deviation of age ( P = 0.708), total working experience ( P = 0.818) and working experience in CCU ( P = 0.666) are not significantly different in the two groups ( P > 0.05).

A comparison of demographic data between the control and intervention groups

CharacteristicsControl group ( =32) (%)Intervention group ( =33) (%)
 female32 (100)31 (93.3)0.49
 Male0 (0)2 (6/1)2
Marital status
 Single9 (28.2)12 (36.4)12 (36.4)
 Married23 (71.9)21 (36.4)
 BSc30 (93.7)33 (100)0.492
 MSc2 (6/3)0 (0)
 Ganjavian15 (46.9)13 (39.4)0.905
 Imam Khomeini9 (28.1)10 (30.3)
 Golestan8 (25)10 (30.3)
 Permanent15 (46.9)13 (39.4)0.851
 Contractual8 (25)9 (27.3)
 Arbitrary8 (25)8 (24.2)
 Intern1 (3.1)3 (9.1)
Age36.3 (6.96)35.61 (8.05)0.708
work experience12.27 (5.87)11.91 (6.88)0.818
work experience in ccu7.21 (5.26)6.64 (5.53)0.666

According to the results of Table 2 , the mean score of the subscale searching for alternatives or options in clinical decision-making of the nurses under study, prior to the intervention, was significantly lower in the intervention group compared to the control group ( P = 0.029). ANCOVA test was used to moderate the results. However, after the intervention, the score in the intervention group was higher than that of the control group and statistically significant ( P < 0.001). The mean score of the subscale searching for information and unbiased assimilation of new information was significantly lower in the intervention group compared to the control group ( P < 0.001) and ANCOVA test was performed for moderating the results. Although after applying the educational intervention, this value showed no statistically significant difference in the two groups ( P = 0.153), still its increase rate was higher in the intervention group than in the control group. The mean score of the subscale Canvassing of objectives and values before the educational intervention was lower in the intervention group than in the control group and statistically significant ( P = 0.103), and ANCOVA was performed to moderate the results. However, this value was significantly higher in the intervention group compared to the control group ( P = 0.014). The mean score of the subscale evaluation and reevaluation of consequences was not significantly different in the two groups prior to training ( P = 0.607), while it was significantly higher in the intervention group compared to the control group ( P = 0.002) after the training.

A comparison of nursing clinical decision-making subscales between the intervention and control groups

SubscalesBefore the intervention Mean±SDAfter the intervention Mean±SD ** *
Searching for alternatives or options
 Control group38.75±3.4240.31±3.170.007<0.
 Intervention group37.13±2.8343.55±2.46<
Searching for information and unbiased assimilation of new information
 Control group38.22±3.6039.37±4.000.039<0.001
 Intervention group35.03±3.3540.67±3.17<0.001
Canvassing of objectives and values
 Control group36.44±4.4337.69±4.090.032<0.001
 Intervention group34.76±3.7240.00±3.28<0.001
Evaluation and reevaluation of consequences
 Control group35.16±3.6737.12±3.23<0.001_
 Intervention group34.67±3.9439.61±2.94<0.001

P * Analyze of covariance (ANCOVA). P ** paired sample t test. P *** Independent sample t test

According to Table 3 , the mean score of the overall clinical decision-making process among the subjects was significantly lower in the intervention group compared to the control group prior to the educational intervention ( P = 0.011). Therefore, ANCOVA was used to moderate the confounding variable. However, after training, this value was higher in the intervention group compared to the control group ( P < 0.001). Based on the paired sample t -test, there was a significant increase in the mean score of the overall clinical decision-making process in both the control group ( P < 0.001) and the intervention group ( P < 0.001).

A comparison of the total score of nurses’ clinical decisions in the two groups of intervention and control

Total score of nurses’ clinical decisionsBefore the intervention Mean±SDAfter the intervention Mean±SD ** *
Control group148.56±10.95154.50±11.25
Intervention group141.59±10.76163.82±8.83<0.001<0.001

P * Analyze of covariance (ANCOVA). P ** Paired sample t test. P *** Independent sample t test.

The aim of the current study is to investigate the impact of critical thinking training using cards on CCU nurses' clinical decision-making. The results of this study after moderating the initial differences showed that the mean score of the subscales searching for alternatives or options, canvassing of objectives and values, evaluation and reevaluation of consequences and the total score of clinical decision-making was significantly different in the intervention and control groups. Only in the subscale searching for information and unbiased assimilation of new information, no statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups, although the increase in the score was much higher in the intervention group compared to the control group. The results indicate that critical thinking training using cards will influence nurses' clinical decision-making.

According to the literature review, the impact of different types of educational approaches on nurses' clinical decision-making, including mannequin or computer simulation, role playing, holding training workshops and concept maps. Most of the studies have acknowledged the positive impact of a variety of active teaching approaches on clinical decision-making. The study of Jodat et al . (2014), which examined the concept map on critical thinking and clinical decision-making of NICU nurses, showed that this method can lead to the development of clinical decision-making and critical thinking skills in nurses.[ 27 ] Furthermore, the study by Khalafi (2014)[ 28 ] and AL-Dossary (2016)[ 29 ] in both general and emergency wards showed similar results in regard with the clinical decision-making of the students and the nurses under study. The studies that used other approaches such as case studies[ 26 ] and in-service training[ 29 ] also show an improvement in clinical decision-making skills.

On the contrary, studies examining the impact of passive teaching approaches on clinical decision-making, including the use of digital software and short written assignments in the clinical environment, and evidence-based exercises, indicate that the use of these approaches causes no significant difference in the scores of subscales or the mean total score of clinical decision-making in the intervention and control groups.[ 30 , 31 , 32 ] According to the results of these studies, over the course of time, the students' use of such software increased. They believed that they could always find the necessary answers in these types of software and did not question them and looked for no other sources of information. However, in critical thinking training approaches, questioning the provided information makes one seek new sources of information and promote decision-making through transferring, applying and assessing one's knowledge.

In line with the current study, the study by Moghaddam et al . (2016) compared the impact of training applying Ottawa decision support framework on the clinical decision-making of ICU nurses, using the interactive workshop with and without standardized patients. The results showed that learning thinking and decision-making skills can have a positive effect on nurses' clinical decision-making.[ 4 ] Moreover, the studies by Zare and Nahravanian,[ 33 ] Helsdingen,[ 34 ] Kashaninia et al .[ 35 ] showed that due to requiring a deeper level of interaction and understanding, critical thinking training leads to high-level thinking. For instance, by integrating critical thinking training into a learning environment, the learner needs to focus on superficial observations, as well as basic structures and situational causes, to identify more cause-and-effect relationships and provide better reasoning, eventually achieving a deeper understanding of information. As the results of the study by Ludin showed, a strong and positive relationship exists between critical thinking and the clinical decision-making of ICU nurses.[ 36 ] Providing training using critical thinking cards also allows students to identify and evaluate patients' responses, detect patterns and make alternative decisions based on the collected data, by participating in group discussions, considering various aspects of the problem, sharing information processing procedure, guiding the instructor and using theoretical knowledge in the clinical setting. Finally, it should be noted that teaching critical thinking by using cards helps nurses make a critical analysis of their own performance, thus adapting their thoughts and actions to various complex situations. As a result, this can be an effective way to develop the overall clinical decision-making process of CCU nurses.

Since the results of the present study are based on the questionnaire and the nurses' self-report and regarding the limited behaviors exhibited in the questionnaire, the answers are based on the nurses' perception and the specific circumstances under which they completed the questionnaire, rather than their actual performance in the clinical environment, which can affect the accuracy of the results. On the other hand, there were study limitations due to the time limit for the implementation of intervention, the high workload of staff and the impossibility of attending more sessions.

The results of the study showed that the use of critical thinking cards can develop clinical decision-making skills in CCU nurses. Therefore, nursing teachers and managers are recommended to apply this educational approach, as a student-centered, innovative and active strategy, with the aim of improving clinical decision-making in ICU nurses and nursing students. It is also suggested to conduct this study with a larger sample size on other wards, especially critical wards such as ER.

Declaration of patient consent

The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent forms. In the form the patient(s) has/have given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and other clinical information to be reported in the journal. The patients understand that their names and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal their identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.

Financial support and sponsorship

Conflicts of interest.

There are no conflicts of interest.


This research is done as a part of the master's thesis in Adult Intensive Care Nursing by Hamideh Jalalpour, approved by Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences under the code u-98066. The authors hereby thank all the CCU nurses and the physicians of Golestan Hospital, Ahvaz Imam Khomeini Hospital and Dezful Dr. Ganjavian Hospital, as well as all others contributing to this study.

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10 Critical Thinking Card Games: Easy-to-Play, Reproducible Card and Board Games That Boost Kids Critical Thinking Skills and Help Them Succeed on Tests Paperback – August 1, 2005

  • Reading age 8 - 10 years
  • Print length 64 pages
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 8.25 x 0.25 x 10.75 inches
  • Publisher Teaching Resources
  • Publication date August 1, 2005
  • ISBN-10 0439665426
  • ISBN-13 978-0439665421
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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Teaching Resources (August 1, 2005)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 64 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0439665426
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0439665421
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 8 - 10 years
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 5.6 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.25 x 0.25 x 10.75 inches
  • #2,904 in Education Assessment (Books)
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Critical Thinking Cards Deck

Critical Thinking Cards Deck

This deck of Critical Thinking Cards will help you spot manipulation, dodgy logic, propaganda and persuasion techniques from advertisers, politicians, the media, and your own brain.

  • 24 Logical Fallacies
  • 24 Cognitive Biases
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They’re printed on the highest quality 310gsm Airfoil card stock, and make for excellent gifts.

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Proceeds from every purchase help to support our non profit so we can create more resources available under Creative Commons licenses (free digital downloads via the homepage).

Creative Thinking Cards Deck

Creative Thinking Cards Deck

Creative & Critical Thinking Bundle

Creative & Critical Thinking Bundle

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Deck of 54 Creative Thinking cards includes: • Idea Generators • Perspective Shifts • Mental Models • Provocations • Group Brainstorming Tools

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The posters are all offset printed on high quality #80 satin card stock, while the card decks are printed on the highest quality 310gsm Linen Airfoil card stock. Shipping for this bundle is free to Canada and the USA.

Logical Fallacies Wall Posters

Logical Fallacies Wall Posters

Cognitive Biases Wall Posters

Cognitive Biases Wall Posters

3 x Creative Thinking Cards Bundle

3 x Creative Thinking Cards Bundle

Get three decks of Creative Thinking Cards for less monies than otherwise would be the case.

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Critical Thinking for Business Bundle

Critical Thinking for Business Bundle

Helping your team to think more clearly may be one of the most important things you can do to improve efficiency and make better decisions.

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Each deck of Critical Thinking Cards contains 24 cognitive biases, 24 logical fallacies, and 3 interactive game cards. 

Our biases affect every aspect of our professional life, and becoming more aware of them can profoundly change how we make decisions. For example, understanding how the Sunk Cost Fallacy causes us to ‘ throw good money after bad ’ can help to identify liabilities earlier, thereby improving the company’s bottom line and resulting in a more optimal allocation of resources.

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There are a multitude of ways that Critical Thinking can improve your business, some of which have immediate short-term positive effects, and others which help to foster a sustained culture of improved rational thinking and decision making.

When you purchase a Critical Thinking for Business Bundle, you’ll also receive a Digital Download of our Critical Thinking Slide Presentation in Powerpoint, Keynote and PDF formats which you can edit to include your corporate logo. You will be entitled to distribute these digital resources with your entire team, and/or use them for training and workshops. 

Our Corporate Packs are entirely customizable, so you can either order now in multiples of 10 Critical Thinking decks directly using this website page, or contact us via [email protected] to obtain a quote for different product inclusion options, or distribution to multiple shipping addresses e.g. different office locations or sending directly to remote employees’ addresses via a customized spreadsheet.

The School of Thought International is a registered 501c3 non profit organization in Austin, Texas. Our resources have reached over 30 million people in 7 languages worldwide, and are being used in thousands of businesses, schools and universities, including Harvard, Oxford, and the University of Queensland in Brisbane where our founder collaborates with UQ’s Critical Thinking Project .

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3 x Critical Thinking Cards Bundle

3 x Critical Thinking Cards Bundle

Featuring 24 common logical fallacies and cognitive biases, plus three game cards, this is what the world – and your extended family, friends and associates need.

Available only until current stocks run out (no matter how many decks of cards we order we always seem to run out each year, so best to get in early. What we lack in inventory planning we make up for in product design!).

This deck of Critical Thinking Cards will help spot manipulation, dodgy logic, propaganda and persuasion techniques from advertisers, politicians, the media, and your own brain.

Each deck includes:

Check out the   Kickstarter campaign   that launched these cards and raised over $78,000.



Explore 24 common logical fallacies that advertisers, politicians and the media use to manipulate you.

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The School of Thought is a registered 501c3 non profit organization


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  1. Critical Thinking Cards Deck

    This deck of Critical Thinking Cards will help you spot manipulation, dodgy logic, propaganda and persuasion techniques from advertisers, politicians, the media, and your own brain. Includes: Check out the Kickstarter campaign that launched these cards and raised over $78,000. They're printed on the highest quality 310gsm Airfoil card stock ...

  2. 10 Critical Thinking Cards to Enhance Your Problem-Solving Skills

    Card 2: Identifying Assumptions. Identifying assumptions is a crucial step in critical thinking and problem-solving. Assumptions are the underlying beliefs or ideas that we often take for granted without questioning. By identifying assumptions, we can uncover hidden biases and challenge our own thinking.

  3. How to Play 52 Essential Critical Thinking Cards

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  4. 52 Essential Critical Thinking: Smart Flash Cards to Uncover Implicit

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  5. 3 x Critical Thinking Cards Bundle

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  9. Amazon.com: Critical Thinking Cards

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  10. Download Critical Thinking Cards for Free

    This deck of Critical Thinking Cards will help you spot manipulation, dodgy logic, propaganda and persuasion techniques from advertisers, politicians, the media, and your own brain. Includes: Check out the Kickstarter campaign that launched these cards and raised over $78,000. Protip: adapt the G-rated games cards for drinking games while ...

  11. Critical Thinking Cards by School of Thought

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  13. The Thinking Shop

    This Critical Thinking for Business Bundle includes: • 10 x Decks of Critical Thinking Cards • Digital Download of the Critical Thinking Slideshow in editable PPT, Keynote & PDF formats • Free Shipping worldwide. Each deck of Critical Thinking Cards contains 24 cognitive biases, 24 logical fallacies, and 3 interactive game cards.

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  15. Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies

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  16. Critical thinking cards: An innovative teaching strategy to bridge

    Critical thinking cards are an interactive teaching strategy that can fulfill the goal of the Institute of Medicine report by bridging classroom content and clinical decision-making (Institute of Medicine, 2010). Critical thinking cards can be used in various ways in a variety of educational settings. The cards can be used with students in all ...

  17. The impact of critical thinking training using critical thinking cards

    Critical thinking cards are designed as a learning activity with a combination of several different strategies related to the aim of improving critical thinking and clinical decision-making. Each set of cards includes questions on a specific clinical cardiovascular topic. The questions are designed to cover the disease process and the treatment ...

  18. Creative & Critical Thinking Bundle

    Shipping for this bundle is free to Canada and the USA. Get three posters and both decks of cards for quite a bit less money than it would cost if you bought all of these things individually! Also, free shipping to Canada & the USA. Deck of 54 Critical Thinking Cards includes: • 24 Logical Fallacies • 24 Cognitive Biases • 3 Game Cards ...

  19. 52 Essential Critical Thinking: Smart Flash Cards to Uncover Implicit

    In summary, the 52 Essential Critical Thinking Cards from Mind Brain Emotion are a valuable resource for anyone looking to boost their critical thinking skills. For veterans, these cards offer a unique blend of benefits, aiding both in the transition to civilian life and in managing stress and emotional well-being. My students value the ...

  20. Critical thinking cards: An innovative teaching strategy to bridge

    Critical thinking cards are the foundation for an active learning strategy that incorporates questioning, problem solving, coaching, and the think-aloud approach while using higher-order thinking ...

  21. Critical Thinking for Kids & Teens

    Critical Thinking for Kids & Teens. Now more than ever kids need to able to think critically and independently to help them navigate the world of spin, sensationalism and manipulation that pervades our media landscape. These Critical Thinking Cards and posters serve as a great introduction to some of the most common fallacies and biases that ...

  22. Fallacies Card」をApp Storeで

    ‎Unlock the power of critical thinking with Fallacy Cards, the essential app for understanding and handling logical fallacies and cognitive biases. Perfect for students, professionals, and critical thinking enthusiasts, our app features concise, informative cards with clear definitions and real-world…

  23. 10 Critical Thinking Card Games: Easy-to-Play, Reproducible Card and

    Develop students' critical thinking and reasoning skills to help them become better readers. These fun and easy-to-play games give kids practice in categorizing and analyzing information, making inferences, distinguishing between fact and opinion, drawing conclusions, and more.

  24. Home page

    This Critical Thinking for Business Bundle includes: • 10 x Decks of Critical Thinking Cards • Digital Download of the Critical Thinking Slideshow in editable PPT, Keynote & PDF formats • Free Shipping worldwide. Each deck of Critical Thinking Cards contains 24 cognitive biases, 24 logical fallacies, and 3 interactive game cards.