May 30, 2023 · Best Problem-Solving Activities for Kids. Play-based activities are centered around play and are designed to engage children in active learning and exploration. And fun problem-solving activities are a great way to develop children’s critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making skills. ... These are some examples of problem solving scenario for kids. In using scenarios, students can identify problems, talk about perspectives and come up with solutions. There is usually not just one solution. ... Nov 2, 2023 · Problem-solving steps can be thought of as the building blocks for tackling challenges. They’re like a set of instructions that guide us on our journey to finding different solutions. These steps provide a roadmap for kids, helping them break down big problems into smaller, more manageable pieces. ... Craft-based problem solving activities spark creativity and enhance critical thinking skills in children by promoting independent idea generation and innovative solutions. Embrace these fun opportunities to inspire kids to tackle challenges with confidence! ... Preschool and kindergarten problem solving activities give children an opportunity to use skills they have learned previously and give you an opening to teach new problem solving strategies. Introduce the vocabulary of solving problems with stories, puppets and everyday situations that occur. ... Sep 26, 2024 · Problem-solving activities for kids help them learn how to find creative solutions to challenges they may face both in and out the classroom. Skip to content Menu ... Jun 13, 2024 · These activities are suitable for parents and teachers looking to incorporate fun and educational problem-solving exercises into their daily routines. 1. Build A Tower 2. Escape Room Challenge 3. Puzzle Solving 4. Team Scavenger Hunt 5. Human Knot 6. Group Story Creation 7. Marshmallow Challenge 8. Mystery Bags 9. Treasure Maps 10. ... 11 fun problem solving activities for kids to improve social skills, critical thinking, conflict resolution, and anger management. ... Help your child strengthen their problem solving skills with these 5 kindergarten activities! They help make learning fun and keep your child engaged. ... Sep 21, 2023 · Explicitly teach problem-solving skills in your classroom with these ready-to-use task cards and digital slide show. ... ">

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25 Fun Problem Solving Activities for Kids

Title Teaching Kids Problem Solving Skills and an illustration of a kid with a magnifying glass

Problem-solving activities for kids : Explore 24 fun problem-solving games and activities, and learn effective tips and strategies to teach kids problem-solving skills. If you want to explore problem-solving strategies more in-depth, you can also grab our workbook “ Problem-Solving for Kids ” (printable resource).

Problem-solving is the cognitive process of finding solutions to challenges or complex situations.

A systematic approach to problem-solving tends to include defining the problem, gathering information and data, generating potential solutions, evaluating the pros and cons of each solution, making a decision , and implementing the chosen solution.

Effective problem-solving often requires critical thinking , a good dose of creativity, and the ability to consider multiple perspectives. It may also involve identifying patterns, breaking down a problem into manageable chunks, and applying our logic to develop solutions.

Problem-solving is present in everyday situations and across all fields: business, science, personal life, and education. There is not one single aspect in our lives where we don’t need to apply our problem-solving skills.

Table of Contents

  • Problem-solving steps
  • Development of problem-solving in childhood
  • Benefits of developing problem-solving skills
  • 10 Tips to teach kids problem-solving skills
  • 10 Examples of problem-solving strategies
  • 25 Problem-solving activities and games for kids

Problem-Solving Steps

Some key components of problem-solving include:

problem solving scenarios for kindergarten

  • Identifying the problem Recognizing and defining the issue or challenge that needs to be addressed.
  • Analyzing the problem Investigating and understanding the underlying causes, factors, and relationships related to the problem.
  • Generating solutions Generating potential solutions or strategies to address the problem.
  • Evaluating all possible solutions (Pros and Cons Analysis) Assessing the feasibility, effectiveness, and potential consequences of each solution. Considering the positive and negative aspects of each solution.
  • Decision-making Selecting the best solution based on our analysis and judgment.
  • Implementing the best solution Actioning our chosen solution
  • Monitoring progress and results
  • Reflecting on the outcomes Reviewing and evaluating the outcomes of the implemented solution, learning from the experience, and making adjustments if necessary.

Development of Problem-Solving Skills in Childhood

Children begin to develop problem-solving skills from a very early age, and these skills continue to develop and refine throughout childhood and adolescence.

Babies soon learn about action and reaction. And, as early as eight months, they begin to acquire an understanding of cause and effect (they shake a rattle, it makes a sound; they push a toy, it falls)

Between 13 and 24 months, they start solving simple problems through trial and error and engage in symbolic play using their imagination.

As children progress into middle childhood (ages 7-11), they develop more advanced problem-solving skills. They become capable of understanding multiple perspectives and can consider multiple factors when solving problems. They start using logic and reasoning to solve increasingly complex problems.

During adolescence (ages 12 and up), problem-solving skills continue to develop. Teenagers can generate and test hypotheses and use deductive and inductive reasoning to arrive at solutions.

Each child will develop their problem-solving skills at their own pace. Some children may show advanced problem-solving abilities at an earlier age. Others may require more time and experience to develop these skills fully.

Benefits of Developing Problem-Solving Skills in Children

Problem-solving skills in children are crucial for children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. It equips them to approach challenges, think critically, make informed decisions, and find creative solutions. 

The benefits of good problem-solving skills in children include:

  • Positive impact on self-esteem and confidence Identifying, analyzing, and solving their problems contributes to our kids’ sense of competence .
  • Fosters Independence and Autonomy When our kids are able to problem-solve on their own, they take one more step toward independence
  • Academic Success Problem-solving skills contribute to academic achievement, as they help students analyze and solve complex problems across various subjects.
  • Cognitive Development Problem-solving fosters cognitive skills such as logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and abstract reasoning.
  • Critical Thinking Problem-solving enhances critical thinking abilities, enabling children to evaluate information, identify biases, and make informed judgments.
  • Creativity Problem-solving promotes creativity by encouraging children to think outside the box, generate innovative ideas, and explore multiple solutions.
  • Emotional Resilience Problem-solving skills enhance emotional resilience by enabling children to manage and cope with challenges effectively, reducing stress and promoting well-being.
  • Improved Social Interactions/Relationships Problem-solving abilities contribute to better social interactions, conflict resolution , and peer collaboration, promoting healthy relationships.
  • Future career success Problem-solving skills are highly valued in the workplace and can positively influence future career success.

10+ Helpful Tips to Teach Kids Problem-Solving Skills

Teaching problem-solving skills to kids is an important part of their cognitive development. It helps them develop critical thinking, creativity, and resilience.

But how can we help our kids and students to develop this essential skill?

We can help our kids and students develop and improve their problem-solving skills in many ways.  These are some helpful tips that you could consider:

  • Model problem-solving behavior When you see yourself in a problem-solving situation, verbalize your thought process: “I wonder how I should address this issue. I guess my alternatives could be… They all have positives and negatives….”
  • Let them participate in the problem-solving situation “Could you help me solve this puzzle?”
  • Provide real-life problem-solving situations Real-life scenarios make problem-solving more meaningful for kids. For example, discuss how to resolve a conflict with a sibling or how to make the morning routine smoother.
  • Teach them how to break down problems Show them how to break down complex problems into manageable sub-problems.
  • Practice brainstorming Create brainstorming situations where all the family (or the classroom) can contribute to solving a problem
  • Teach the value of perseverance Sometimes, we must stick to a situation and persevere before finding a solution. Encourage kids to persevere through challenges and setbacks, emphasizing that mistakes and failures are opportunities for learning.
  • Encourage critical thinking Encourage kids to analyze situations, consider different perspectives, and evaluate possible outcomes.
  • How could we make your school lunch healthier but still yummy?
  • How could we reuse/recycle all this paper?
  • What could we do to help you remember all the steps in your night routine?
  • Encourage reflection When they can find a solution for a problem, don’t jump to solve it for them. Encourage them to reflect on the problem and find and evaluate alternatives. And after a problem is solved, think about the whole process and the learnings. “How did this work?” “What did you learn” “Do you need to change anything?”
  • Foster creativity Provide them with opportunities for imaginative play, creative projects, and brainstorming sessions.
  • Teach the value of teamwork Teach kids the importance of working together to solve problems. Engage them in group activities or projects that require teamwork and collaboration. This helps kids learn the value of different perspectives and work together towards an objective while they practice their communication skills.
  • Teach decision-making skills Teach kids how to approach problems systematically by going through the steps we have mentioned in our first section.
  • Encourage both structured and free play. Structured play can help you create good problem-solving situations, while free play will foster creativity.

Developing problem-solving skills is an ongoing process that will also continue in adulthood. Provide your kids with guidance and support, and celebrate their efforts and achievements along the way.

Examples of worksheet for kids on problem-solving strategies

10 Examples of Problem-Solving Strategies

There are different strategies that can help us solve a wide range of problems. Here are some commonly recognized problem-solving strategies:

1 . Trial and Error : This is the first problem strategy that we ever learn. We start using trial and error strategies in infancy, and it continues serving its purpose in many situations. This strategy involves trying different solutions or approaches and learning from the errors or failures until a successful solution is found.

2. Algorithm: An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or a set of rules that guarantees a solution to a specific problem. It is a systematic approach to problem-solving that follows a predetermined set of instructions.

3. Heuristics: Heuristics are mental shortcuts or rules of thumb that help simplify problem-solving by providing quick and efficient strategies. While heuristics can be effective in many situations, they may also lead to biases and errors.

4. Divide and Conquer: This strategy involves breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable chunks or steps that make the overall problem easier to tackle.

5. Working Backwards: This strategy involves starting from the desired outcome and working backward to determine the steps or actions needed to reach that outcome. We often use this problem-solving strategy when we set goals.

6. Analogical Reasoning: Analogical reasoning involves drawing parallels between the current problem and a similar problem that has been solved in the past. By applying the solution from the previous problem to the current one, individuals can find a solution more efficiently.

7. Brainstorming: Brainstorming gets lots of brains working on the same problem. It is a great collaborative problem-solving strategy that can bring different perspectives and experiences to the table and may result in lots of creative ideas and solutions. 

8. Decision Matrix: A decision matrix is a systematic approach to evaluating and comparing different options or solutions. It involves creating a matrix that lists alternatives and the criteria for evaluation. It assigns weights or scores to each criterion to come up with the optimal alternative.

9. Root Cause Analysis: Sometimes, we need to understand what is causing a problem before we can attempt to solve it, as different causes may require different approaches (for example, when you are sick, your doctor may need to understand what is causing the problem before prescribing a medicine)

10. Simulation and Modeling: Simulation involves creating a simplified representation or model of a problem situation to gain insights and test different scenarios.

Our choice of strategy will depend on the problem, available resources, and our own personal preferences and circumstances. We may also need to combine strategies or apply different ones to different aspects of a complex problem.

Workbook for kids on Problem solving strategies

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Best Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Play-based activities are centered around play and are designed to engage children in active learning and exploration. And fun problem-solving activities are a great way to develop children’s critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making skills.

In this section, we will review some problem-solving games and activities that will engage your kids’ critical-thinking skills and creativity.

1. Puzzle Games Puzzles are a fun activity for children of all ages. Young children will enjoy simple puzzles, while older children (and adults!) can have fun with more complex ones. Encourage them to use logical thinking and problem-solving strategies to complete the puzzles.

2. Crosswords A crossword is another fun type of puzzle and a good source of mental stimulation.

3. Sudoku Sudoku is a popular logic-based puzzle that involves filling a grid with numbers.

It can be extremely easy or very challenging, adaptable even for young learners.

Let’s go now for a couple of building challenges!

4. Build the Tallest Tower Give the child a set of materials (Legos, building blocks, wooden blocks, or other construction materials) and ask them to build the tallest tower they can. This simple game will encourage them to problem-solve as they build and figure out how to make the tower stable.

5. Build Towers with Different Materials Ask your child to build three different towers with different materials. Then assess how stable they are and how much weight they can hold. Analyze the pros and cons of using each type of material.

6. Treasure Hunt Set up a treasure hunt with clues leading to hidden objects or rewards. Children will have to follow the clues and solve puzzles to find the ultimate prize. This activity encourages problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork.

7. Scavenger Hunt Playing Scavenger Hunt can be a fun way for our kids to put their creative problem-solving skills to good use. Provide them with clues and puzzles that they must solve in order to find the next clue.

8. Mystery Bag Fill a bag with random objects and ask children to come up with creative uses for each item. Encourage them to think outside the box and find innovative solutions.

9. Memory Game While memory games primarily focus on memory retention and recall, they can indirectly contribute to problem-solving skills by developing cognitive abilities such as attention, information processing, and adjusting their strategies.

10. Role-Playing Scenarios Create role-playing scenarios where children have to solve a problem or make decisions. For example, pretend to be stranded on a desert island and ask them to decide what items they will take and how they will survive.

11. Role-Play Social Situations Work in developing social skills with social problem-solving situations.

12. Brainstorming Sessions Choose a topic or problem and hold brainstorming sessions where children can generate as many ideas as possible. Encourage them not to limit themselves (even if alternatives feel unfeasible!)

13. Team Building Activities and Games Engage children in team-building games like building a balloon tower. Each team member will need to collaborate, communicate, and problem-solve together to complete the project.

14. Escape Rooms An escape room is a super fun team problem-solving activity.

In an escape room, participants are locked inside a themed room and must work together to solve puzzles, find clues, and accomplish tasks within a given time limit in order to “escape” from the room.

15. Science Experiments Conduct simple science experiments that involve problem-solving. For example, in the classic “sink or float” experiment, children predict and test which objects will sink or float in water.

Problem-Solving Board Games

There are many board games that will test our kids problems solving activities. These are just a few examples:

16. Cluedo Players must solve a murder mystery by deducing the murderer, the weapon used, and the location of the crime. Players collect and examine clues to eliminate possibilities and make logical deductions.

17. Codenames Another classic game where players are split into two teams and must guess words based on clues from their teammates.

There are many codenames games available, including themes like Disney or Harry Potter.

18. Mastermind Game In this strategy game players take turns setting and solving secret codes

19. Scrabble Scrabble is a classic word game where players form words on a game board using letter tiles.

Kids must use their problem-solving skills to analyze the available letters, consider the best word combination and strategically place those words to score the highest points.

Learning Problem-Solving with Card Games

Card games provide opportunities for kids to develop problem-solving skills such as strategy, memory, pattern recognition, decision-making, and observation.

Just a couple of examples:

20. Uno Uno is a classic card game where kids match cards based on color or number. They need to assess their cards, strategize and make decisions about which cards to play to get rid of their cards while also considering the cards in their opponents’ hands.

21. Go Fish Go Fish is a classic card game where players try to collect sets of cards by asking other players if they have specific cards. Players need to remember which cards they have and make decisions about who to ask and what sets to pursue.

22. Coding Challenges Introduce children to coding activities using platforms like Scratch (or ScratchJr for younger kids),, or Tynker. Coding involves problem-solving and logical thinking, and children can create interactive stories, games, or animations.

23. Outdoor Problem Solving Take children outside and present them with challenges that require problem-solving, such as building a shelter using natural materials or finding their way through an obstacle course.

24. Problem-Solving Worksheets Help your child follow a systematic approach to problem-solving with these helpful worksheets

Related reading: Critical Thinking Activities for Kids

25. Goal-Setting Activities for Kids Learning to set goals and make plans to achieve them is also a problem-solving activity. I have several resources to teach kids about goal-setting that I will list below:

  • Goal-Setting Activities for Kids
  • SMART Goals for Kids
  • Goal Tracker Thermometer

Remember to provide guidance and support during these activities while encouraging children to think independently and come up with their own solutions.

Problem-Solving Worksheets

Problem Solving Strategies_Workbook for Kids

Looking for kid-friendly examples of problem-solving strategies ?

This workbook explores the following  problem-solving strategies  (with child-friendly examples and activities):

  • Trial and Error
  • Heuristics (Clever shortcuts)
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Working Backwards
  • Brainstorming
  • Decision Matrix
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Systematic problem-solving

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Kathy B SLP

Problem Solving Scenarios for Kids

social problem solving - boys fighting over toy

What is Social Problem Solving?

Social problem solving is a process of recognizing difficulties and adapting or changing to resolve problems that we encounter in everyday living.  Social problem solving is an essential life skill.  Strong problem-solving skills are important in social interactions throughout life.  Young children learn social problem-solving skills like learning to share and asking for preferred items.  They learn to use the right words, tone of voice, and body language.  They also learn to read the body language and tone of voice of others.  They learn to make social inferences and understand the perspectives of others.  As children grow and develop social problem-solving skills become more complex.  Children with strong social problem-solving skills respond better to stress.  They are also more likely to be successful in personal and professional interactions as they get older.

Kids have to solve social problems throughout their days in school.  These issues range from requesting help in the classroom to joining in with a basketball game on the playground.  Kids learn many of these problem-solving skills through maturity, experience, and adult direction.  Other times more direct teaching is necessary.

How Can we help students learn Social Problem Solving Skills?

  •  Teach kids to communicate their feelings in a calm way.  As adults, we know that misunderstanding causes many problems in social interactions.  Difficulty understanding the perspective of someone else also causes problems.
  • Help students learn to identify problems.  Sometimes kids don’t recognize nonverbal clues that there is a social problem.
  • Model social problem skills for students.  Talk about social problems that occur throughout the day.  Model social problem solving and talk about your thinking.
  • Use problem-solving scenarios for kids to practice social problem-solving.  By using hypothetical problems kids can gain important social skills.

What are problem solving scenarios?

Jill’s class is on a field trip to a museum.  Jill wasn’t paying attention and lost her group.  Now she is by herself.  What is the problem?  How can Jill solve her problem? 

Your classmate is passing out cupcakes and she did not give one to you.  How do you feel?  What can you do?

Y ou are doing a math paper in class but you are confused about how to do some of it.  What can you do?

It is your birthday and your grandmother just gave you a present.  It’s a really boring sweater.  What should you do?

Your friend at school is sitting by himself at recess and looking really sad.  What can you do?  

Jack and Yasine want to play a game but they want to play different games.  They are arguing.  What can they do?

You are at a friend’s house for dinner and they are going to eat lobster.  You are allergic to lobster and shellfish.  What should you do?  What would you say?  

These are some examples of  problem solving scenario for kids.  In using scenarios, students can identify problems, talk about perspectives and come up with solutions.  There is usually not just one solution.  It is great for students to brainstorm and come up with different ways to solve problems.

Here are more problem solving scenarios for kids:

problem solving scenarios

Try this fun set of problem solving scenarios with a superhero twist!

problem solving scenarios

Social Skills All Year is a comprehensive set of social skills questions for the whole year.

social problem solvimg for back to school

Get ready for back-to-school with this set of back-to-school problem-solving scenarios.  

Try some of these other social problem-solving scenarios that I like:

Social and safety skill question cards

Social Skills for Teenagers

Social Skills Bundle 

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problem solving scenarios for kindergarten

Want to boost your child's problem solving skills? Look no further. This article offers nine engaging problem solving activities for kids that build critical thinking. From simple puzzles to interactive storytelling, discover fun and practical ideas to help your child tackle challenges with confidence.

Introduction to Problem Solving

Problem solving is a vital skill that enables individuals to navigate complex situations, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals. It involves critical thinking, creativity, and analytical reasoning to identify and resolve problems.  Developing problem solving skills is essential for children to become independent, confident, and successful individuals. When children learn to solve problems, they enhance their cognitive abilities, build resilience, and improve their decision-making skills. Whether it’s figuring out how to share toys with friends or deciding the best way to build a fort, problem solving is a crucial part of their growth and development.

problem solving

Key Takeaways

  • Problem solving skills are essential for cognitive growth in children, enhancing creativity, decision-making, and resilience.
  • Engaging activities like puzzles, building challenges, and coding foster critical thinking and practical applications of problem solving skills.
  • Role-playing and interactive storytelling encourage creativity and collaborative problem solving, preparing children for real-life challenges.

Why Problem Solving Skills Matter

Nurturing children’s problem solving abilities is essential for their intellectual development. These capabilities are pivotal in bolstering critical thinking, making well-informed choices, and sparking creative thought—all of which are instrumental across life’s journey. 

Engaging in activities such as online games, storytelling, and coding helps children develop problem solving skills, encouraging creativity, logical thinking, and the ability to navigate challenges, ultimately leading to enhanced problem solving abilities that are applicable in real-life situations. 

Learning to start a lemonade stand can be a practical way for kids to apply these skills and understand the basics of entrepreneurship. Children learn true lessons through engaging in activities that present challenges—like selecting the prime spot for a lemonade stand or adeptly utilizing resources—which instill resilience and self-assurance while teaching them to regulate emotions during adversity. To further enrich their entrepreneurial journey, introducing a business plan for kids can provide structured guidance and insights.

Each child develops these solving skills at their own pace, highlighting the need for customized approaches in teaching problem solving. This could entail adjusting recipes or experimenting with different pricing techniques at a lemonade stand to suit individual learning trajectories effectively. problem solving expertise holds relevance across myriad spheres such as business ventures, scientific inquiries, personal endeavors, or academic pursuits—a concept mirrored by running a small-scale lemonade enterprise that imparts valuable insights.

A robust approach to effective problem solving involves assessing alternatives before settling on an optimal resolution. This might resemble trying out new combinations when concocting a tantalizing lemonade mix aimed at boosting sales figures. Engaging children in such processes cultivates their capacity for both analytical reasoning and innovative thinking while fostering resilience along with assurance of self-worth – traits that can be honed. By urging youngsters to seek advice and accept errors as ubiquitous stepping stones towards enhancing one’s ability to solve problems efficiently.

Instilling step-wise strategies within the realm of problem solving into young minds—such as identifying issues clearly, generating potential solutions collaboratively, carefully selecting and applying viable fixes swiftly followed up by reflective pondering—can provide impactful lifelong benefits through captivating activities rooted deeply within practicality. Employing open-ended questions fosters yet another layer of depth into cultivating productive critical analysis combined seamlessly alongside prolific creative ideation necessary throughout successful decision-making journeys.

In essence, whenever your offspring embark upon entrepreneurial ventures like managing a lemonade stand selling cold drinks they’re not merely engaged in simple commercial transactions; instead, they’re laying down solid foundations equipped thoroughly with comprehensive competencies allowing them ultimately master artful maneuverings required consistently amid future situations demanding astute resolutions.

Developing Problem Solving Skills

Developing problem solving skills in children requires a combination of teaching, guidance, and practice. Here are some strategies to help children develop their problem solving skills:

  • Encourage Critical Thinking: Ask open-ended questions that prompt children to think deeply and analyze situations. Engage them in discussions that require them to consider different perspectives and solutions.
  • Provide Opportunities for Practice: Offer a variety of games, puzzles, and real-world challenges that allow children to practice their problem solving skills. Activities like building a model or planning a small event can be both fun and educational.
  • Foster Creativity: Encourage children to think outside the box and explore multiple solutions to problems. Creative thinking can be nurtured through activities like drawing, storytelling, and imaginative play.
  • Teach problem solving Strategies: Introduce children to structured problem solving strategies such as identifying the problem, generating possible solutions, evaluating options, and selecting the best solution. These steps can be applied to various scenarios, from academic tasks to everyday challenges.

Encourage Perseverance: Teach children the value of persistence and resilience. Encourage them to keep trying even when they encounter difficulties, and celebrate their efforts and successes.

By incorporating these strategies into daily activities, you can help children develop strong problem solving skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Simple Puzzles to Kickstart Critical Thinking

Engaging children in activities like jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, and Sudoku can act as a catalyst for fostering critical thinking. These types of games promote the development of vital problem solving skills such as logical reasoning and pattern recognition, which are integral to successfully navigating complex situations. Similarly, just as organizing a lemonade stand demands tactical foresight and planning abilities akin to puzzle-solving.


Not only do these puzzles bolster one’s abilities to solve problems, but they also cultivate essential cognitive traits like imaginative thinking and tenacity. For instance, strategizing on how best to compete with neighboring lemonade stands requires an equivalent degree of analytical thought that comes into play when tackling an intricate puzzle. Such undertakings push children towards innovative ideas for overcoming obstacles.

By engaging in puzzles, youngsters have the opportunity for hands-on practice with their solving skills within a relaxed environment where trial and error is part of the learning process—they experiment with various tactics and learn from any slip-ups made along the way until they reach successful conclusions. 

Encouraging children to participate in self esteem activities for kids can further enhance their confidence and willingness to tackle new challenges, contributing to their overall development. This iterative method reflects real-world steps taken during problem solving exercises such as running a lemonade stand—determining eye-catching setups or efficiently handling supply levels—to achieve effective results. 

Understanding how much to sell lemonade for is another crucial decision that can significantly influence the success of the stand. Engaging in these activities helps children practice problem solving skills, making them more adept at tackling challenges in various contexts.

Building Challenges with Blocks

Engaging children in building challenges, such as creating the tallest structure or crafting a robust lemonade stand , is an excellent method for cultivating problem solving skills. These activities make use of different materials like wooden blocks or Legos to foster various creative solutions and enhance diverse solving skills.

Such construction tasks also bolster spatial awareness and comprehension of three-dimensional geometry, similar to planning out a functional lemonade stand. Through cycles of envisioning, measuring, experimenting with designs and refining them, kids sharpen their critical thinking along with their ability to solve problems—much like ensuring that a lemonade stand holds up against light wind mimics engineering a bridge capable of supporting weight.

These building challenges are adaptable across age groups, enabling progressive complexity from elementary structures to intricate configurations. By giving youngsters themed projects for these solving activities, stimulates both creativity and innovative problem solving just as concocting special-themed versions would do for actual lemonade stands. 

Undertaking these endeavors encourages ingenuity and exploration, which arms young minds with the resilience needed to confront real-world problems effectively. Engaging in these activities is a practical way to introduce children to the problem solving process, helping them master essential skills through consistent practice and reflection.

Interactive Storytelling for Creative Problem Solving

Utilizing interactive storytelling can significantly enhance children’s creative problem solving skills. When children are involved in stories, their imagination and critical thinking skills are activated as they navigate various predicaments encountered by the characters within these tales. This immersive process promotes a multifaceted approach to thinking and expands their creative problem solving abilities.

Through platforms like Scratch, which merge block-based coding with narrative creation, kids gain an opportunity to enrich their solving skills while delving into the realm of programming logic. A practical example would be crafting digital ads for a homemade lemonade stand, integrating lessons on both code and commerce. These tasks serve not only as educational tools, but also infuse fun into skill development.

Identifying with story protagonists allows young learners to extrapolate how these figures might tackle obstacles—a stepping stone toward refining one’s own problem solving strategies. Blending this form of engagement with arts-and-crafts activities—for instance devising marketing narratives for their product—enhances relevance by linking fictional endeavors with tangible outcomes in real life scenarios. Ultimately converting learning into a delightful pursuit that carries substantial real-world applicability.

Brain-Boosting Board Games

Engaging in board games offers not only entertainment, but is a powerful means to enhance problem solving skills. Titles such as Cluedo, Codenames, Mastermind, and Scrabble are particularly beneficial for honing these competencies. Imagine your lemonade stand as if it were a tangible board game where strategic insight and careful preparation pave the way to triumph.

While engaging in Cluedo’s mystery unraveling through clue acquisition mirrors the analytical process of identifying what delights customers at your lemonade stand, Uno demands tactful gameplay and decision-making that bolsters critical thinking along with tactical prowess—key components when determining optimal timing and location for your beverage enterprise.

Chess cultivates children’s ability to foresee outcomes strategically—a pivotal element necessary for devising plans essential in operating a prosperous lemonade venture. Through their promotion of forward-thinking, exploration of various outcomes, and making judicious choices based on available information—in an atmosphere filled with amusement—board games serve as an excellent practice ground for sharpening solving skills applicable within real-world contexts.

Outdoor Scavenger Hunts

Engaging in outdoor scavenger hunts is an enjoyable way to enhance problem solving skills. Participants decipher clues and unravel puzzles during these pursuits, honing both critical thinking and creativity as they search for hidden rewards—much like the journey of identifying prime locations and arrangements when starting a lemonade stand.

To elevate the complexity and engagement levels of a scavenger hunt, incorporating riddles as part of the clue trail can be effective. Constructing shelters or mastering an obstacle course outdoors are types of problem solving activities that foster inventive approaches and tactical reasoning. They reflect real-life challenges similar to those encountered while establishing a thriving lemonade business , such as selecting optimal spots for customer attraction.

Undertaking a scavenger hunt necessitates collective effort and cooperation—key abilities crucial for managing something like a lemonade stand successfully. Collaborating on unraveling mysteries and seeking objects allows youngsters to practice productive communication methods alongside sharing innovative ideas with one another. These solving activities serve as an entertaining educational approach to build upon essential skills applicable within various life scenarios.

Coding Activities for Logical Reasoning

Coding activities are great for developing problem solving skills and logical reasoning in children. Coding teaches creativity, logic, planning, and persistence, all essential for running a successful lemonade stand. By learning to code, children can enhance their critical thinking and problem solving abilities in a fun and engaging way.

There are numerous tools and online or in-person programs available for children to learn coding. These programs make coding accessible and enjoyable, encouraging children to explore and experiment with different solutions. For example, they can plan their lemonade stand setup and sales strategies using coding principles.


Online interactive games help children develop perseverance, goal-setting abilities, and skills to overcome challenges. These games encourage creative solutions to puzzles, teaching effective problem solving approaches applicable to real-life scenarios. Coding activities provide a valuable foundation for logical reasoning and critical thinking, preparing children for future challenges.

Craft-Based Problem Solving

Activities involving crafts are a potent tool for nurturing children’s problem solving skills and enhancing their capacity for critical thinking. When kids create decorations and signage for a lemonade stand , they engage in independent ideation and the pursuit of original solutions. Such hands-on solving activities allow youngsters to delve into creative expression as they navigate challenges.

Posing open-ended questions during craft projects stimulates young minds by advancing their critical thinking skills through crafting ventures that prompt them to conceive numerous potential outcomes and strategies, fostering individualized approaches to tackling problems. Through structured building challenge cards provided within these activities, creativity is bolstered alongside honing problem solving capabilities.

Introducing prompts tailored toward problem solving can inspire children to cultivate critical thinking abilities while inventing distinctive resolutions. Utilizing common items like straws, cotton balls, yarns, and Popsicle sticks propels resourcefulness paired with out-of-the-box reasoning—essential when creating compelling lemonade stand decor which sets it apart from competitors.

Partaking in crafting endeavors grants youth an avenue to showcase inventive responses to difficulties encountered—a fundamental practice that guides them towards advanced problem solving abilities crucial when approaching complex issues or devising enterprising answers rooted in real-life scenarios.

Fun with Riddles and Brain Teasers

Engaging children in riddles and brain teasers is an entertaining method to enhance their problem solving abilities. These exercises encourage youngsters to apply creative thought and deduce solutions, akin to devising captivating strategies for marketing a lemonade stand. Brain teasers serve as intellectual calisthenics that demand increased mental exertion for resolution.

Brain teasers bestow the advantage of promoting various pathways toward finding resolutions, instilling flexibility within young minds. This adaptability aids children in honing their solving skills by evaluating diverse methods and potential answers. Utilizing brain teasers as a morning routine can be an effective strategy for activating the cognitive functions of students, equipping them with readiness for challenges throughout the day.

Incorporating these puzzles into breaks from conventional teaching plans also provides stimulation and amusement for students. Tackling riddles encourages kids to interpret information metaphorically while fostering a sense of humor during education—thus enhancing engagement levels significantly. Riddles along with brain teaser activities present not just enjoyment, but also pave the way into interactive practice sessions that bolster problem solving skills transferable to real-world scenarios.

Real-Life Problem Solving Through Role Play

Engaging in role-play scenarios is an excellent method to hone problem solving skills among youngsters. When children take part in a lemonade stand simulation, they are presented with the chance to consider different viewpoints and build empathy by assuming various roles like patrons or proprietors of the business. This activity prompts them to examine issues carefully and work together in search of viable solutions.

Such role-playing exercises solidify understanding about problem solving while presenting potential solutions for consideration. Through these enactments, kids get an opportunity to rehearse how they would manage real situations that could arise at their makeshift stands — from handling rushes of customers to sorting out service-related dilemmas — thereby enhancing their solving skills through active participation.

Implementing a tangible lemonade stand calls upon collective effort and creative problem solving abilities as children join forces on aspects such as aesthetics, promotional tactics, and transactional strategies. Their involvement teaches them crucial communication techniques, informed decision-making processes, and innovative approaches for tackling hurdles encountered along the way.

By offering realistic scenarios through role-playing activities where fun intersects with learning experiences tailor-made for developing solving abilities, it discreetly teaches invaluable lessons about finding imaginative resolutions within collaborative settings.

Real-World Applications

problem solving skills have numerous real-world applications, including:

  • Academic Success: problem solving skills are essential for academic success. They enable students to analyze complex information, evaluate evidence, and develop well-supported arguments. For example, solving math problems or conducting science experiments requires critical thinking and analytical reasoning.
  • Career Success: In the workplace, problem solving skills are highly valued. Employees who can analyze complex problems, develop creative solutions, and implement effective strategies are often more successful. Whether it’s managing a project or resolving a customer complaint, problem solving abilities are crucial.
  • Personal Growth: problem solving skills help individuals develop a growth mindset which helps them to navigate personal challenges, develop resilience, and achieve their goals. From managing time effectively to resolving conflicts with friends or family, these skills are essential for personal development.
  • Social Impact: problem solving skills can be used to address social challenges and create positive change. Individuals who can think critically and develop innovative solutions are better equipped to tackle issues like environmental sustainability, community development, and social justice.

By understanding and applying problem solving skills in various contexts, children can become more capable and confident individuals.

Teaching Problem Solving Skills

Teaching problem solving skills requires a combination of explicit instruction, guided practice, and independent practice. Here are some strategies for teaching problem solving skills:

  • Use Real-World Examples: Illustrate the importance and relevance of problem solving skills by using real-world examples. Discuss scenarios that children can relate to, such as planning a birthday party or resolving a disagreement with a friend.
  • Provide Explicit Instruction: Teach children specific problem solving strategies, including identifying the problem, generating solutions, evaluating options, and selecting the best solution. Use clear and simple language to explain each step.
  • Encourage Collaboration: Promote teamwork and communication by encouraging children to work together on problem solving tasks. Collaborative activities help children develop skills like negotiation, compromise, and conflict resolution .
  • Provide Feedback: Offer constructive feedback on children’s problem solving efforts. Highlight their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and provide guidance on how to enhance their skills. Positive reinforcement can boost their confidence and motivation.

By incorporating these strategies into your teaching approach, you can help children develop strong problem solving skills that will benefit them in all areas of life.

Final Thoughts on Problem Solving Activities for Kids

Fostering problem solving abilities in kids is crucial for their mental growth and eventual achievements. Children can bolster their critical thinking capabilities and unleash creative potential by diving into a variety of solving activities, including assembling puzzles, tackling building challenges, immersing themselves in interactive storytelling, indulging in board games, exploring scavenger hunts, practicing coding exercises, creating crafts projects, deciphering riddles and engaging in role-playing scenarios. These pursuits offer delightful and hands-on methods to hone children’s problem solving skills with direct ties to situations encountered in everyday life.

Motivating youngsters to dive into these types of solving activities not only aids them in developing tenacity, but also boosts self-assurance and emotional regulation when faced with difficulties. It’s essential that as guardians or educators we provide support yet still give the young ones ample room for autonomous exploration to arrive at unique solutions on their own terms. Let us journey together on this educational quest empowering our youth with the invaluable tools necessary for triumph!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do puzzles help in developing problem solving skills in children?

Puzzles are a fantastic way to boost children’s problem solving skills by enhancing logical reasoning and critical thinking. By encouraging them to experiment and learn from their mistakes, you’re equipping them with essential tools for tackling challenges in life.

What are some examples of board games that foster problem solving skills?

Engaging in games such as Cluedo, Codenames, Mastermind, and Scrabble can substantially improve your problem solving abilities.

Immerse yourself in these captivating activities to refine your strategic planning and enhance your decision-making skills!

How can coding activities benefit children's problem solving abilities?

Participating in coding exercises greatly enhances your child’s capacity for problem solving as it nurtures imagination, logical reasoning, and critical thinking skills.

Through the process of addressing coding problems, they acquire a strategic approach to handling real-world issues, equipping them with the tools needed to thrive in various circumstances.

Why is role-playing effective for teaching problem solving skills?

Role-playing is effective for teaching problem solving skills because it encourages exploration of different perspectives and fosters empathy. Engaging in scenarios helps students collaboratively analyze issues and practice real-life reactions, empowering them with valuable problem solving techniques.

What benefits do craft-based problem solving activities offer?

Craft-based problem solving activities spark creativity and enhance critical thinking skills in children by promoting independent idea generation and innovative solutions.

Embrace these fun opportunities to inspire kids to tackle challenges with confidence!

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problem solving scenarios for kindergarten



Kindergarten Lessons

Involve me and I learn...

Math Teaching/Learning


Teach with a problem solving approach

Learning how to approach and solve problems early in life, not only helps children enjoy and look forward to sorting them out, it also helps them make and keep friends.

Preschool and kindergarten problem solving activities give children an opportunity to use skills they have learned previously and give you an opening to teach new problem solving strategies.

Introduce the vocabulary of solving problems with stories, puppets and everyday situations that occur. “We only have 10 apples but there are 20 students. This is a problem . Let’s think of some ways that we can solve this problem ?”

Use terms like, “a different way, let’s brainstorm, that’s a challenge, let’s think of some different solutions”.

How do I develop a problem solving approach?

Asking children questions such as , “How would you…?” or “Show me how you could…?”, help set the stage for teaching with a problem solving approach. Keep problem solving topics about subjects that interest the students. Kids are constantly trying to problem solve as they play.

Students are learning to:

  • Identify problems or challenges
  • Fact find (what do I know, what have I tried)
  • Think of ways to solve the problem (brainstorm, creative thinking, generate ideas)
  • Test their ideas

What preschool and kindergarten problem solving strategies can I teach?

Young children need real objects, pictures, diagrams, and models to solve problems. Start with real objects and move slowly to diagrams and pictures. Any of the following problem solving strategies will help them work through the four steps above:

  • using objects
  • acting the problem out
  • looking for patterns
  • guessing and checking
  • drawing pictures
  • making a graph
  • teach with projects

Play creates classroom opportunities for problem solving

Creative problem solving for kids

Perhaps a child is getting frustrated as he/she plays with blocks. To help him/her focus on the problem ask questions such as:

  • What are you trying to do with your blocks?
  • What isn’t working?
  • What have you tried?
  • Can you think of another way to stack the blocks?
  • What else can you try?

Encourage creative thinking

Reinforce creative thinking, not results. The ability to solve problems and think creativity is important.

Talk about the different ways the child tried to solve the problem rather than the outcome. “Joe tried three different ways to stack the blocks. That was a great effort, Joe.”

Social classroom problem solving opportunities are abundant…

Kindergarten problem solving

  • Identify the problem – – Talk about the problem. For instance, some children may be worried because other kids are hiding the center markers for the play center and giving them to their friends. Other kids are not getting turns.
  • Fact find – – There are only 4 center markers for the play center because it is small and more than 4 kids would be too crowded. Some kids are hiding them so they can play with the same children each time.
  • Brainstorm ideas – How can everyone have turns? What ideas do you have? What could we try?
  • Test the idea – Let’’s try that idea and meet again tomorrow and see how it’s working.

Investigating and Problem Solving

Using short periods of time examining and investigating objects, such as feathers or rocks, captures children’s attention and challenges them to inquire, to develop mind sets of being problem solvers and to think independently. Find a sample lesson here…

Develop Good Habits

17 Fun Problem Solving Activities for Kids

As a child, I would spend hours putting together puzzles… whether it was 3-D puzzles or figuring out a crossword. I also loved it when teachers would give the class an open-ended question and we had to work in groups to figure out the answer in our own way.

Even something as simple as playing checkers with my brothers gave me the chance to use strategy as a way to win the game. I honestly believe that it’s so important for kids to solve problems at a young age, as it helps them think critically and outside the box.

Table of Contents

So, Why Is It Important To Teach Kids Problem Solving?

I think these kinds of activities are so important for kids to do because it helps them learn how to think analytically and solve problems on their own. It's a great way to get kids to use their imaginations and be creative.

Rote memorization simply does not have the same effect. This type of learning is great for learning facts like historical dates, but it’s not going to help kids figure out how events in history happened and the results.

We take these problem-solving skills into college, the workforce, and travel . My ability to problem solve since childhood has certainly got me through many sticky situations while in a new city or country.

Additionally, problem-solving helps children learn how to find creative solutions to challenges they may face both in and out of the classroom . These activities can also be fun and used in cohesion with school or playtime.

17 Fun Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

1. marble mazes.

This activity was selected because it requires them to think spatially. Spatial learning will benefit kids when they start driving, riding a bike, playing sports,etc.

To do this activity in its simplest form, you will need a piece of paper, a pencil, and some marbles. First, draw a maze on a piece of paper using a pencil.

Make sure to create a start and finish point. Then, place the marbles at the start of the maze. The goal is to get the marbles from the start to the finish by tilting the paper and using gravity to guide the marbles through the maze.

Another example of a marble maze can involve using toilet paper rolls taped together to create a three-dimensional maze. The larger the maze, the harder you can make it.

problem solving scenarios for kindergarten

Check Price on Amazon!

If you are not into the DIY method, you can always buy a toy maze on Amazon. A good 48 piece puzzle is the Melissa & Doug Underwater Ocean Floor puzzle.

2. The Tower Challenge

Building a tower gives kids the chance to think about gravity, structure, and balance.

To do this activity, you will need some building materials like legos, blocks, or even toilet paper rolls. The challenge is to see how high they can stack the materials without the tower toppling over.

This can be done individually or in teams. An activity like this is good for younger kids and is the building block to learning about harder topics like engineering.

3. The Egg Drop Challenge

The egg drop challenge helps kids learn how to engineer a solution that prevents something from breaking. It requires them to think critically about which materials will best protect something fragile like an egg when dropped from a height.

To do this activity, you will need some eggs and various materials such as straws, cotton balls, bubble wrap, etc. The goal is to construct a device that will protect an egg from breaking upon impact.

This can be done individually or in teams . Teams can even have a competition for the best egg drop device.

As children begin handling, shopping for, and cooking their own food, activities like this will help them understand how to handle breakable items like bottles, eggs, delicate fruit,.etc. Ideally, this is best for age groups 8 and up.

4. The Penny Drop Challenge

This activity was selected because it requires kids to think about physics and how different materials affect sound.

To do this activity, you will need a penny ( or another coin), a cup, and various materials such as paper towels, cotton balls, etc.

The goal is to drop the penny into the cup without making any noise. Begin by placing different materials into the cup and then drop the penny into it. The children should also drop the penny from different heights into the same material to see if/how the impact from a higher drop affects sound.

Group kids into teams or let them try it on their own.

Kids should make note of what type of sounds are made when the penny hits different materials. This is a great activity for kids who are interested in science and physics.

5. The Balloon Race Challenge

This activity was selected because it helps kids learn about aerodynamics and Bernoulli’s principle . It also requires them to think creatively about how to design a balloon-powered vehicle.

To do this activity, you will need balloons, straws, masking tape, and markers. The goal is to design a balloon-powered vehicle that can travel a distance of at least 10 feet. Kids can begin this activity by sketching out their designs on paper.

After they have a basic design, they can begin building their vehicle from various materials. Then kids can explain why they think the balloon traveled or did not travel as far as it did.

6. The Marshmallow Challenge

Marshmallows are not only delicious, but they are also soft and malleable. So kids can have fun using it for some construction projects.

This activity was selected because it requires kids to think creatively about how to build a structure using limited materials. It also helps them learn about engineering and work as a team.

To do this activity, you will need marshmallows and spaghetti noodles. The goal is to build the tallest free-standing structure possible using only marshmallows and spaghetti noodles. If you don't have spaghetti noodles, use something similar like pretzel sticks.

You may even want to establish certain rules like each team can only use a certain number of marshmallows or noodles. A time limit can also make it more fun and challenging.

For more fun activities, check out our post on problem solving exercises for team building .

7. The Balloon Pop Challenge

If you remember your childhood, you probably remember popping balloons for fun at times. But this activity is different because it requires kids to use strategy and critical thinking.

This activity was selected because it helps kids learn about patterns and problem-solving. It is also a lot of fun for kids who like popping balloons. The goal is to create a device that will allow them to pop a balloon without using their hands.

To do this activity, you will need balloons and various materials such as straws, string, paper clips, etc.

8. Picture Pieces Puzzle Game

As mentioned earlier, puzzles are a great pastime – especially in childhood. Kids must think critically about how to put the pieces together to create a certain picture. It also helps them learn about shapes, colors, and other concepts.

problem solving activities | how do you teach a child problem solving skills | are problem-solving games good for kids

You can take a medium to large picture and cut it into pieces. If you have younger kids, you may want to make the pieces larger. However, if you have kids closer to the 8-11 age range, you should be able to provide a challenge and make the pieces smaller.

9. Copy the Block Model

For this challenge, you can build a model out of blocks for the kids to copy. Put kids into groups and make sure each group has the same number of blocks you used for your model.

Make your model block as simple or complex as needed for your child's age group.

Set a time limit and make sure each group starts at the same time.

10. Team Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is great for kids because they have to search for items and use investigative skills. It is also a lot of fun and can be done both indoors and outdoors .

To do this activity, you will need to create a list of items for the kids to find. The items can be anything from common household items to things you would find outside.

These types of activities can also revolve around a theme like a holiday, movie, or book. For example, if the kids are fans of “Harry Potter” you can make a list of items to find that are related to the movie.

11. Obstacle Course

This activity requires kids to think creatively about how to get from one point to another while maneuvering around obstacles. If you have outdoor space, this can be done with common objects such as hula hoops, cones, etc.

If you don't have access to an outdoor space, you can use common household items to create an indoor obstacle course. For example, you can use chairs, blankets, pillows, etc.

Begin by setting up the course and then timing each child as they complete it. You can also have them race against each other to make it more fun.

Obstacle courses are also great because kids get to be physically active while they are thinking critically.

12. Reading Storybooks

There are many great benefits for kids that read storybooks.  One of the excellent benefits is the ability to problem-solve.  When they read the stories in the books, they see scenarios that cause them to be attached to the various characters they read about. 

So, when they encounter a real-life problem, it is often productive to ask a child how their favorite character would solve that problem.  Your kids can also be encouraged to come up with various options and possible outcomes for some of the situations they may encounter. 

This not only helps kids solve various problems but become more independent as well. 

13. Ask Them Open-Ended Questions

A good way to improve a child's ability to think critically and creatively and improve their ability to solve problems is by asking open-ended questions.  It also helps them to develop healthy personalities .

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions.  In addition, the solution requires more than a simple “yes” or “no” answer.  Furthermore, it allows kids to put some extra thought into their responses. 

Here are some examples of open-ended questions you may want to ask. 

  • What did this experience teach you?
  • Was this easy?  What was easy about it?
  • What this difficult?  What is complicated about it?
  • What may happen next in this situation?
  • How did you come to this solution?
  • What, if anything, would you do differently next time?
  • What can we do to make things more fun next time?

14. Build Various Structures with Toys

Whether wooden blocks, LEGO blocks, or engineering blocks… giving your kid blocks to build whatever their minds can dream up is fun.  In addition, it requires them to think about how they will make a structure, put the pieces together, and creatively ensure the building's function and design. 

fun activities for kids | kids creative activities at home | fun activities for kids near me

You may also want to challenge them to build something more complicated and watch them use their brain power to make it happen. 

15. Acting Out Skits

Impromptu activities like acting out skits help kids identify problems, develop solutions, and execute them.  This process works with multiple kids being divided into teams. 

First, you will want to write down different situations, such as resolving a disagreement between siblings or dealing with bullying on the playground on a piece of paper.  Second, you will fold the paper and place it in a hat or bowl.  

Third, each team will pick a scenario out of the hat.  Finally, you can give the kids a few minutes to discuss their solution and act out. 

16. Solving Moral Dilemmas   

In this simple game, you will help your kids solve simple dilemmas they may find themselves in.  You could write down a situation your child may find themselves in and help them learn the moral way to solve the problem.   

For instance, “The cashier gave them an additional $5 change back on my purchase.  What should they do?”  Another scenario could be, “I saw my friend cheating on a test.  Should I tell on them or let it go?”  A third one could be, “I caught my friends stealing some gum from the store.  What should I do?” 

After writing down the dilemmas and placing them in a bowl, get each child to select one and read it aloud.  Finally, you will help them devise morally correct solutions to the moral dilemma. 

17. Animal Pairing Game  

This is a fun and creative game to help your kids with focus, critical thinking, and team building skills .  In addition, this activity requires an even number of players to participate (4, 6, 8, etc.) 

Before starting the game, you will want to write the names of different animals twice, each on a separate slip of paper.  Then pass out the slips of paper to each individual or team member, instructing them not to share with anyone the name of the animal they received. 

Then the children will perform activities the animals might do without talking or making sounds.  Some of these activities might include:

  • The way the animal cleans or grooms itself
  • The way the animal sleeps
  • The way the animal fights
  • The way the animal eats or drinks
  • The way the animal walks or runs

The goal is for each child to successfully pair up with the other child who has selected the same animal.

How Problem Solving in Childhood Helps in Adulthood

Children are not born with problem-solving skills. It is something that needs to be learned and developed over time .

From babies who learn how to communicate their needs to toddlers who figure out how to get what they want, to children who are starting to understand the consequences of their actions – problem-solving is a process that begins in childhood and continues into adulthood.

Some of the benefits of teaching problem-solving skills to children include:

  • Improved critical thinking skills
  • Better decision-making skills
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Improved communication and collaboration skills
  • Increased confidence

There are many ways to teach problem-solving skills to children. The activities mentioned above are just a few examples. It is important to find activities that are appropriate for the age and abilities of the child.

With practice, children will develop these skills and be better prepared to face challenges in both childhood and adulthood.

Final Thoughts About Fun Problem Solving Activities For Kids

These are just a few ideas to get you started on teaching your child crucial problem solving skills. Perhaps they’ve inspired to come with some of your own, or seek out others? The important thing is to make sure the activity is age-appropriate and challenging enough to engage the kids.

Problem-solving skills are important for kids to learn because they can be applied to various situations in life. These skills also promote critical thinking, which is an important life skill.

There are many other problem-solving activities for kids out there. In time, you’ll find the ones that work best for your child.  And be sure not to forget about your own needs and self-improvement, both of which will make you a better parent and mentor. Here are some useful activities for adults to get your started.

Finally, if you want to level up your parenting skills, then check out this resource that will show you how to get your kids to listen WITHOUT yelling, nagging, or losing control .

problem solving activities for kids | problem solving activities for students | games that promote problem solving for kids

Spark Education Blog

  • Competition Program

></center></p><h2>20 Engaging Problem-Solving Activities for Kids</h2><p>In today’s rapidly changing world, problem-solving skills have become essential for children. These skills enable them to navigate challenges, think critically, and develop creative solutions. Whether it’s solving a math problem, working on a group project, or dealing with everyday situations, the ability to solve problems effectively can set children up for success in school and life. The following 20 problem-solving activities are designed to help children enhance their problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills, fostering self-reliance and independent thinking while promoting collaboration and communication skills. These activities are suitable for parents and teachers looking to incorporate fun and educational problem-solving exercises into their daily routines.</p><p><center><img style=

1. Build A Tower

Location : Home or Classroom

Format : Individual or Team

Description : This activity challenges children to build the tallest tower possible using materials like blocks, straws, or recycled items. The goal is to encourage creativity, planning, and structural understanding.

How to conduct the activity :

  • Provide a variety of building materials such as blocks, straws, cardboard, and tape.
  • Set a time limit for the activity (e.g., 20 minutes).
  • Allow children to work individually or in teams to build their towers.
  • After the time is up, measure the height of each tower and discuss the design choices and challenges faced during construction.

2. Escape Room Challenge

Location : Classroom

Format : Team

Description : In this activity, children must work together to solve puzzles and clues to “escape” from a locked room scenario. This promotes critical thinking, teamwork, and logical reasoning.

  • Set up a room with various puzzles and clues that lead to the final solution (e.g., finding a key or a code).
  • Divide the children into small teams.
  • Provide an initial clue to start the challenge.
  • Allow teams to work together to solve each puzzle within a set time limit (e.g., 30 minutes).
  • Facilitate a discussion after the activity to reflect on the strategies used and the importance of teamwork and communication.

3. Puzzle Solving

Description : Engaging in jigsaw puzzles or logic puzzles helps improve problem-solving skills by challenging children to think critically and find solutions to complex problems.

  • Provide a variety of puzzles, such as jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, or Sudoku.
  • Allow children to choose a puzzle and set a time limit for completing it.
  • If done in teams, encourage collaboration and discussion to solve the puzzle together.
  • After completing the puzzles, discuss the strategies used and any challenges faced during the activity.

4. Team Scavenger Hunt

Location : Outdoor or Indoor

Description : In this activity, teams work together to find items on a list within a set time. This promotes teamwork, communication, and strategic thinking.

  • Create a list of items for the scavenger hunt (e.g., a red leaf, a feather, a specific book).
  • Set a time limit for the hunt (e.g., 30 minutes).
  • Provide the list to each team and allow them to search for the items.
  • The team that finds the most items or completes the list first wins.
  • Discuss the strategies used by the teams and the importance of communication and cooperation.

5. Human Knot

Location : Indoor or Outdoor

Description : Teams must untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands. This activity fosters teamwork, communication, and problem-solving under physical constraints.

  • Have the children stand in a circle and hold hands with two different people across from them, creating a human knot.
  • The goal is to untangle the knot without letting go of each other’s hands.
  • Allow the teams to communicate and work together to find a solution.
  • If the knot becomes too difficult, allow for a strategic pause to discuss the next moves.
  • After untangling, discuss what strategies worked best and the importance of clear communication and teamwork.

6. Group Story Creation

Description : Each team member adds a sentence to a story, promoting creativity, collaboration, and logical progression in storytelling.

  • Start with a simple opening sentence for a story.
  • Each team member adds a sentence to the story, taking turns.
  • Continue until the story reaches a natural conclusion or set a limit for the number of sentences.
  • Share the stories with the entire group and discuss the creative process and the importance of building on each other’s ideas.

7. Marshmallow Challenge

marshmallow challenge

Location : Classroom or Camp

Description : Teams are challenged to build the tallest structure possible using spaghetti, tape, and a marshmallow. This activity encourages creativity, planning, and structural understanding.

  • Provide each team with 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow.
  • Set a time limit (e.g., 18 minutes) for building the structure.
  • The goal is to build the tallest free-standing structure with the marshmallow on top.
  • After the time is up, measure the height of each structure.
  • Discuss the different approaches used by each team, the challenges they faced, and what they learned about structural integrity and teamwork.

8. Mystery Bags

Description : Using their sense of touch, children guess the items inside mystery bags, enhancing sensory perception and deductive reasoning.

  • Fill several bags with different objects.
  • Children can ask yes/no questions or work in teams to identify the objects.
  • Set a time limit for each guess.
  • Discuss the process and strategies used to identify the items, emphasizing the importance of sensory skills and logical deduction.

9. Treasure Maps

Description : Following a treasure map with clues and landmarks helps children develop navigation skills, critical thinking, and teamwork.

  • Draw a detailed treasure map with clues and landmarks.
  • Hide a “treasure” (e.g., a small toy or treat) at a specific location.
  • Divide the children into teams and give each team a copy of the map.
  • Set a time limit for finding the treasure by solving riddles and completing tasks.
  • After the activity, discuss the strategies used, the importance of following directions, and how well the teams worked together.

10. Math Relay Race

Location : Classroom or Outdoor

Description : Combining physical activity with problem-solving, children solve math problems at each station of a relay race.

  • Set up a relay race course with stations, each featuring a different math problem.
  • Divide the children into teams.
  • Each team member must solve a math problem before running to the next station.
  • The first team to complete all the problems and cross the finish line wins.
  • Discuss the importance of both physical activity and mental agility in problem-solving.

11. Maze Challenges

math maze--find the acorn

Location : Home, Classroom, or Outdoor

Description : Solving mazes, either on paper or physically constructed, develops spatial awareness and strategic planning.

  • Provide printed mazes or set up a physical maze using string or tape.
  • Children must find the correct path from start to finish.
  • If done in teams, allow them to strategize together.
  • Set a time limit for the activity.
  • After completing the maze, discuss the strategies used and the importance of planning and spatial awareness.

12. Debate Club

Description : Engaging in structured debates on various topics helps children improve logical reasoning, communication, and persuasion skills.

  • Choose a relevant and age-appropriate topic for debate.
  • Divide the children into two teams, assigning each team a position (for or against).
  • Allow time for the teams to research and prepare their arguments.
  • Conduct the debate, giving each team equal time to present their points and rebuttals.
  • After the debate, facilitate a discussion on the importance of logical reasoning, effective communication, and respecting differing viewpoints.

13. Gardening Project

Location : Garden or Outdoor Area

Description : Planning and maintaining a garden teaches children about ecosystems, responsibility, and problem-solving in a practical, hands-on way.

  • Choose a suitable outdoor area for the garden.
  • Provide gardening tools, seeds, and plants.
  • Allow children to plan the garden layout, decide what to plant, and how to care for the plants.
  • Encourage them to work individually or in teams to plant and maintain the garden.
  • Over time, have the children observe the growth and troubleshoot any issues (e.g., pests, watering schedules).
  • Discuss the lessons learned about responsibility, environmental stewardship, and problem-solving.

14. Cooking Challenge

Location : Kitchen

Description : Following a recipe or creating a dish with limited ingredients encourages creativity, planning, and practical problem-solving.

  • Provide a selection of ingredients and basic kitchen tools.
  • Divide the children into teams and either provide a recipe or challenge them to create a dish using the available ingredients.
  • Set a time limit for planning and cooking.
  • After the dishes are prepared, have a taste test and discuss the process, challenges faced, and solutions found.
  • Highlight the importance of following instructions, time management, and teamwork.

15. DIY Crafts

Description : Creating crafts from various materials encourages creativity, fine motor skills, and problem-solving as children figure out how to bring their ideas to life.

  • Provide a variety of crafting materials (paper, glue, scissors, markers, recycled items).
  • Allow children to choose a craft project or give them a specific challenge (e.g., create an animal, design a greeting card).
  • Let them work individually or in teams to complete the project.
  • Afterward, display the crafts and have a discussion about the creative process, any difficulties encountered, and how they were resolved.

16. Coding Games

coding games-scratch

Description : Using simple coding games or apps like Scratch, children create animations or solve coding challenges, enhancing their logical thinking and programming skills.

  • Introduce children to basic coding concepts using apps like Scratch.
  • Provide a set of challenges or allow them to create their own animations.
  • Encourage them to work individually or in teams.
  • After completing the coding tasks, have a showcase to demonstrate their projects.
  • Discuss the problem-solving strategies used in coding and the importance of logical thinking.

17. Environmental Clean-up

Location : Outdoor

Description : Planning and executing a local clean-up project teaches children about environmental stewardship, teamwork, and community problem-solving.

  • Identify a local area that needs cleaning (e.g., a park, beach, or school grounds).
  • Provide cleaning supplies such as gloves, trash bags, and recycling bins.
  • Divide the children into teams and assign specific areas or tasks to each team.
  • Set a time limit for the clean-up activity.
  • After the clean-up, discuss the importance of environmental responsibility, teamwork, and the impact of their efforts on the community.

18. Memory Games

Description : Playing memory games improves children’s concentration and problem-solving skills by challenging them to remember sequences of objects, numbers, or images.

  • Set up a memory game with cards or objects arranged in a specific order.
  • Allow children to study the sequence for a short time, then cover or shuffle the items.
  • Challenge them to recall the sequence correctly.
  • If done in teams, encourage them to discuss and strategize together.
  • Discuss the importance of concentration and memory in problem-solving.

19. LEGO Building

Description : Building structures or solving building challenges using LEGO bricks encourages creativity, planning, and engineering problem-solving.

  • Provide a variety of LEGO bricks and building accessories.
  • Give children specific building challenges (e.g., build a bridge that can hold a certain weight, create a model of a famous landmark).
  • Allow them to work individually or in teams to complete the challenge.
  • After the building time, showcase the creations and discuss the design choices, challenges faced, and problem-solving techniques used.
  • Highlight the importance of creativity, planning, and structural integrity.

20. Role-playing Scenarios

Location : Classroom or Drama Club

Description : Acting out scenarios that require quick thinking and problem-solving helps children develop communication, empathy, and decision-making skills.

  • Create a series of role-playing scenarios that involve common problems or conflicts (e.g., resolving a disagreement, planning an event, responding to an emergency).
  • Divide the children into teams and assign each team a scenario.
  • Allow time for the teams to discuss and plan their response to the scenario.
  • Have each team act out their scenario in front of the group.
  • After each performance, discuss the problem-solving approaches used, the effectiveness of the communication, and what could be improved.

Supporting your child’s problem-solving development can be both fun and easy. Spark Math by Spark Education offers interactive lessons and animated explanations for children ages 4-11, designed to enhance critical thinking skills. Our program includes a variety of learning tools such as tangrams, maze maps, Rubik’s cubes, and building blocks to make learning more effective and enjoyable. These tools are integrated into our lessons to help children improve their problem-solving abilities. Sign up for a FREE trial class to experience Spark Math today!

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5 kindergarten problem solving activities your kid will love.

problem solving scenarios for kindergarten

Want to Improve Your Child's Problem Solving Skills?

Enroll your child for the Atlas Mission – the ultimate learning companion for kids.

Ohhh, problem solving skills. It’s one of those, you know, really, super, important things that all kids are supposed to be learning, or else, they are doomed for life.

I mean, at thirty-one years old I still haven’t figured out how to keep things from spilling everywhere or how to make sure evil Legos aren’t out and about just waiting to deal those excruciating blows to my feet.

I know you’ve been there – i.e. stepped on a car and almost broke your back – and thought about throwing all the darned things in the trash.

But before you do that, here are 5 kindergarten problem solving activities for kids that will make you feel a little better about keeping them around… at least for a little bit longer.

1. Free Building Play

So after I resist the urge to whip into a crazy, toy-trashing whirlwind come across toys the kids have left out, I put them in a building box.

If you don’t have something similar, you can just let your little darling gather up any and all safe objects around the house he would like to use to build something with.

It can be anything. We have had conglomerations of Legos, boxes, wheels/fixtures from random, old pieces of furniture, PVC piping, etc. The point here is to foster open-mindedness… to see random objects in new ways.

Don’t be afraid to frame the problem for him to stretch those skills – “Oh, you built a house?  Wow!  What if more people needed to fit in it?” Or, just thinking out loud here, “What if Mommy needs a spa room?”

Pro Tip: Help Your Child Become Better at Problem Solving

Enroll your child for the Atlas Mission and let your child play with this award-winning educational program. Your child will become better at problem solving without even realizing it!

2. Rolling Dice

One of my other favorite things to step on in dark hallways.

Kids love to roll dice. I would just feel like a jerk if I didn’t say there are a ton of games kids make up and play with dice that are great for problem solving and general math skills, so let them play freely with them.

Here is one of the best ones I’ve found specifically for problem solving skills.

First, write down a few categories of things – colors, animals, places, people, etc. – on some index cards, or if you are always missing cool school supplies like index cards, card-sized pieces of paper will do just fine. Put them in stack face-down between you and your kid.

Now, for the fun part! Tell your kid to draw a card and roll the die – probably just one die for this game… really… you don’t want any nervous breakdowns here.

He has to think of that number of things that fit into the category he drew. So if he drew the card “Animals” and rolled a three, he might say, “hippo, dog, and rooster.”

This encourages a different kind of open-mindedness that is solution-oriented, rather than going in all directions.

3. Build a Racetrack

Yep, I know. It’s always right in the middle of the way, right? Well, stuff down that gut reaction to “accidentally” knock it over (totally kidding, I know you would never do that, right? Right? :-)), and let them build it (safely) however they want.

After they are done racing their cars down it for a bit, encourage them to actually talk about what they like and dislike about the track.

And then let them build it again… and again. Wait! Don’t run yet – there’s a good reason, promise!  While building open-mindedness is a vital first step, experimentation is just as important.

This is where they learn to make predictions and test them to make adjustments.

4. Make a Mosaic

If your brain is frazzled just reading about the previous three activities, this one’s for you! If you already have some of those math pattern/shape blocks, this is the easiest (though it might not get the Legos off the floor, sorry!).

Just give your little one a prompt for a picture, and let her go to town creating it with the pattern blocks. Boats, flowers, houses, and monsters are all good prompts for kindergarteners.

If you don’t have pattern blocks or you want a more permanent creation, you can cut shapes out of construction paper. If you can match the typical pattern block color/shape, it will familiarize your kid with them if she hasn’t seen them in school yet.

Then, go on the same way, letting her create to her heart’s content, finishing with glue if she wishes!

This is about helping her understand that not only are there multiple options to consider when solving a problem, but also sometimes there are actually multiple possible solutions.

5. Roleplaying

Don’t neglect the need to practice problem solving skills for social situations. Most of the problems adults deal with are ones that involve some social aspect, after all. So bust out those costumes (or sheets, old curtains, whatever), and do some roleplaying.

If your kid has a bent for imaginative play, you might be able to just follow along with her plot and ask questions at the right moments, but otherwise, you might have to search your inner-child for a problem that your kid would be interested in enough to make the play effective.

“I want to have a tea party for all the little children in the land, but I don’t know how to do it. What do you think we should do first?”

“There’s a dragon in a cave nearby, and everyone is afraid he might hurt them. What do you think we should do first?”

What? My inner-child is pretty typical, don’t judge!

So put your mind (and feet!) at rest – these kindergarten problem solving activities can keep kids thinking for hours over a variety of different problem solving situations.

It’s even more awesome if brothers, sisters, or friends can participate, so you can just keep an ear on things… while eating chocolate away from prying eyes. (Hey! A problem I did solve!)

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Danielle Rhymes

About the Author

Danielle Rhymes creates educational content for the Atlas Mission . She is a stay-at-home mom who is passionate about education. When not chasing down or instilling life lessons in little ones, she also enjoys crocheting, chocolate, and Good Housekeeping.

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Creative Kindergarten

Creative Kindergarten

Home » Teach Problem-Solving Skills With an Easy, No-Prep Activity

Teach Problem-Solving Skills With an Easy, No-Prep Activity

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Explicitly teaching problem-solving skills to your students will have multiple benefits: easier classroom management , improved social-emotional learning, better self-regulation skills , and so much more. Finding the time and the resources to do it, though, can be tricky. My problem-solving task cards are here to help!

(I have used some affiliate links in this post)

Problem-Solving Task Cards

I wrote 32 prompts with common classroom scenarios. Everything from “A classmate took something out of my hand that I was using. What should I do?” to “I can’t get my jacket zipped up. What should I do?” These are common problems that come up in my classroom, and I know my students need help figuring out how to solve them.

problem solving scenarios for kindergarten

Having task cards with the prompts written out ahead of time helps cut down on my planning time – I just need to pull the ring out, and I am ready to start my problem-solving lesson.

Problem-Solving Digital Slides

Don’t have the time to print them out? Go digital! Pull up the set of Google Slides with the prompts on them, and you can type the strategies that students come up with directly on the slides.

Problem-Solving Whole Group Instruction

I know that my students need to be explicitly taught the skills necessary to become problem solvers. Just like math and literacy skills , problem-solving is something that I want to model and teach my students.

I chose to use a puppet during these lessons (we have some similar to these ones ). I had my students pick a name for our puppet (Lily), and they would help her solve all her classroom problems. My students loved Lily! I often heard students ask each other throughout the day, “What would Lily do?” when they encountered a problem.

problem solving scenarios for kindergarten

After reading a prompt, students would give ideas on how to solve the problem. I would take the time to model what that would look like in our classroom.

This is what it might look like when reading a problem-solving prompt:

Me: “I am not able to open my snack or lunch container. What should I do?” Student: “Get a teacher.” Me: “How can you get your teacher’s attention?” Student: “Raise your hand.” Me: “Once your teacher is there, what words will you use to ask for help?” Student: “I can’t open my container.” Me: “So, we can say something like, “Can you please help me open my container? Thank you!” Great idea! Is there another way we can solve this problem?”

After coming up with our solution, I might even have students act out the parts for their peers. This way, everyone clearly understands how they can be a problem-solver in each scenario.

Become a Problem-Solver

Grab the problem-solving task cards and slide deck so that you can start teaching your students how to become problem-solvers in the classroom!

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