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Carnegie PhD Scholarships: What You Need to Know to Increase Your Chances

Scholarship Snapshot Amount: £3,000 Scope: Hybrid Target Country: Scotland Number of awards: 12–15 PhD Scholarships Target Audience: First-class students from any background Deadline: February 28, 2023

The Carnegie Trust is an organisation that offers a range of scholarships annually to candidates who have demonstrated exceptional academic ability and who wish to undertake a PhD programme at a Scottish university or higher education institution. The scholarships are open to applicants of any nationality, and any research field is eligible for consideration.

However, to qualify for the scholarship, the prospective PhD student must have obtained a first-class honours degree from a Scottish university or HEI (higher education institution) that is recognised by the Carnegie Trust. Additionally, the first-class honours degree must be in a subject that is closely related to the field of study that the student intends to pursue at the doctoral level.

The length of the scholarship differs based on whether the student is studying full-time or part-time. For full-time students, the standard duration of the scholarship is 36 months, with the possibility of an extension of up to 42 months in certain circumstances. On the other hand, for part-time students, the scholarship’s standard duration is 72 months, with the option of an extension of up to 84 months in specific cases.

Eligible Host Institutions

The Scottish institutions listed below are eligible to hold the Carnegie PhD Scholarships:

  • Universities: Aberdeen, Abertay, Dundee, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier, Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonian, Heriot-Watt, Highlands and Islands, Queen Margaret, Robert Gordon, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde, West of Scotland;
  • Higher Education Institutes: Glasgow School of Art; Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Scholarship Benefits

The Carnegie PhD Scholarship funding package includes:

Annual stipend: currently £17,904 for AY 2022–23, adjusted annually.

Tuition Fees: The Trust will cover tuition fees at the Research Councils UK (RCUK) indicative fee level for the relevant academic year (universities are expected to waive any outstanding balance).

Research allowance: £3,000 for the whole tenure.

Scholarship Types

All the awards listed are managed under one scheme. Eligible candidates who succeed in their application will be granted the most suitable scholarship based on their area of study. The scholarships are granted and maintained under identical terms and conditions.

Carnegie PhD Scholarships

These scholarships are available for students to pursue a doctoral degree in any field, and they are funded by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.

Caledonian Research Foundation (CRF) Scholarships

The administration of the CRF Scholarships is overseen by the Trust, acting on behalf of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. These scholarships were funded by the Caledonian Research Foundation. In general, one scholarship is awarded for doctoral research in Life Sciences, while another is offered for research in Arts and Humanities.

Carnegie-Cant-Morgan PhD Scholarship in Botany/Plant Science

Funded by a legacy from Mr. Keith Morgan, this scholarship in plant science is awarded every three years. It will next be offered for a PhD starting in 2023–24.

Eligibility Requirements for Carnegie PhD scholarships

Meeting all the criteria outlined below will enhance your likelihood of being considered for this prize.

  •  You already hold or are on track to graduate with a First Class Honours degree from one of the eligible host organisations in Scotland;
  • This undergraduate degree is in a subject related to the academic field of your proposed doctoral research.
  • You have been accepted to a doctoral programme at one of the eligible host organisations.

Who can’t apply?

You are not eligible for nomination if:

  • Your undergraduate degree is not from an eligible host organisation in Scotland.
  • You came to Scotland to study for a postgraduate master’s but completed your undergraduate degree in a different country.
  • Your first-class honours degree is in a discipline unrelated to the academic field of your PhD.
  • You have already started a PhD or will be starting before the academic year 2023–24.

Application Process

To be considered for a Carnegie PhD Scholarship, you need to be nominated by one of the 17 eligible host organizations. Since each institution has a limited quota of nominations, they each have their own selection process for candidates.

As a starting point, it is advisable to contact the Scottish institution where you plan to pursue your PhD to learn about their selection process for candidates. Subsequently, candidates and potential supervisors should begin preparing their applications for the internal competition in advance of the internal deadline. The previous year’s internal application and process may be used as a guide to anticipate what may be expected for the current year’s call, typically announced in November or December.

Following the nomination, applicants will receive access to the Carnegie Trust’s application portal to submit their final application, along with an endorsement from their prospective supervisor. Furthermore, the prospective supervisor must provide an institutional statement of support.

The deadline for internal applications is usually in January or early February of each year. Successful candidates and their potential supervisors will then collaborate to create the final full application to be submitted to The Carnegie Trust in late February for the commencement of studies in the following academic year.

  • Internal Selection Application Process for 2023/24

Please refer to the “Downloadable Documents” tab on the Carnegie PhD Scholarships webpage for the application form template.

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria are:

  • Academic ability and research potential 
  • Project originality, significance, and feasibility
  • Fit between the candidate, project, and research environment
  • Overall quality

Terms and Conditions

  • The applicant must hold an offer of study with GCU before applying, or the application will be rejected.
  •  The absence of a First Class Honours degree from a Scottish university cannot be compensated for by a postgraduate master’s degree undertaken in Scotland.
  • Awards are not transferable to any other programme or academic session.
  • Funding is not available for part-time or distance-learning versions of these programmes.
  • Display outstanding potential for research at the postgraduate level.
  • Demonstrate academic excellence and a strong performance in their final year dissertation project, as well as evidence of consistency and/or increasing levels of achievement throughout their studies.
  • Submit a research proposal that exhibits excellence, originality, and significance.
  • Ensure a good fit between the proposed research and the environment and facilities offered by the institution at which the PhD will be undertaken.
  • Seek out high-quality supervisory arrangements.

Overall, the Carnegie PhD scholarships are highly competitive. The average success rate over the past few years for students nominated by their university has been 25%, and these scholarships are awarded only to the most outstanding candidates who meet the organization’s rigorous selection criteria.

Successful recipients of the scholarship will benefit from full financial support to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and research costs, as well as opportunities for networking and career development.

At Scholarship Monitor, we are committed to providing you with up-to-date information on scholarship opportunities. Make sure to always check back for more updates and take advantage of the resources we have provided to help you achieve your academic and career goals.

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2024 Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program Information

In June 2023, Carnegie Corporation of New York announced a second phase of the Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program and a new focus on political polarization in the United States


The Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program  was established in 2015 to provide philanthropic support for high-caliber research in the humanities and social sciences. During its first eight years, nearly 250 scholars received fellowships of $200,000 to explore a range of important and enduring issues confronting our society.

In June 2023, the Corporation announced a second phase of the program and a new focus on political polarization in the United States. The program asks scholars to help Americans understand how and why our society has become so polarized and what we can do to strengthen the forces of cohesion in our society. Political polarization is characterized by threats to free speech, the decline of civil discourse, disagreement over basic facts, and a lack of mutual understanding and collaboration. The next class of fellows will be announced in spring 2025.

Fellowships of $200,000 are awarded annually to about 30 exceptional scholars, authors, journalists, and public intellectuals. The funding is for a period of one or two years with the anticipated result of a book or major study. The criteria prioritize the originality and promise of the research, its potential impact on the field, and the scholar’s plans for communicating the findings to a broad audience. 

Instructions for nominators can be found here . 


The Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program is open only to citizens or permanent residents of the United States who have been nominated by the head of an institution designated by Carnegie Corporation of New York. Candidates must have a Ph.D., hold a terminal degree, or be a high-level professional working outside of academia. Nominators include heads of independent research institutes and learned societies, university presidents, leaders of some of the nation’s preeminent think tanks, and directors of major publishers, as well as editors of leading newspapers and magazines. Individuals may not apply for the Fellows Program via self-nomination.

The Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program prohibits a fellowship winner from accepting a fellowship of equal caliber or at a comparable level of funding that overlaps the same timeline as the Carnegie fellowship, especially awards that have specific time requirements. However, smaller grants and project support are acceptable on a case-by-case basis. 

Nominations are evaluated by the jury based on the following criteria:  • Originality and promise of the idea  • Quality of the proposal  • Promise to offer solutions to harmful polarization or to enhance social cohesion  • Record of the nominee  • Plans to communicate findings to a broad audience

The Corporation anticipates that the work of the Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program will explore the many ways political polarization in the United States manifests itself in society and suggest ways that it may be mitigated. Studies of polarization in other countries will be welcomed providing they offer lessons that can be applied to the United States. Projects based in disciplines across the humanities and social sciences are welcomed.


Am I eligible for the Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program? To be eligible, you must be a U.S. citizen or have permanent U.S. residency status. You must also be nominated by one of a designated group of individuals, who include leaders of universities, think tanks, and publishers. (Please write to [email protected] to find out if your institution is on our nomination list.)

How many scholars may each nominator put forward for consideration? University presidents may nominate one junior and one senior scholar, where a senior scholar is defined as any holder of a tenured post. (You may not nominate two junior or two senior scholars.) Other nominators — e.g., the head of a university press, learned society, think tank, publisher, or newspaper — may nominate one candidate.

May nominators nominate individuals without a PhD? Are nominees who hold degrees traditionally regarded as terminal in their fields (e.g., JD, MD, or MFA) eligible? We welcome candidates holding a terminal degree other than a PhD. We also welcome candidates with exceptional experience that qualifies them as a senior professional or intellectual.

May my university charge overhead or other administrative costs for the fellowship? No indirect/overhead costs will be allowed or paid to the university. Fellows shall receive the entire grant for support of the research project.

May we submit a nomination that involves researchers from multiple institutions or universities? Yes. However, one nominee will need to be the lead applicant and receive and administer the fellowship. Other contributors may be brought in as partners or consultants.

When must the fellowship begin? Is it possible to defer the start for a year? The fellowship must begin on the first of the month between June and September of 2025. It is not possible to defer the start of the fellowship. It must begin no later than September 1, 2025.

What is the duration of a fellowship? Recipients have the choice of a 12-month or a 24-month fellowship.

Is the fellowship subject to income taxes? Yes. The fellow may choose to receive the funding in one of two ways:

  • As an individual: if you choose to receive the fellowship as an individual, you will receive a 1099 form from Carnegie Corporation of New York at the end of the tax year.
  • Through your institution: if you choose to have your institution receive the fellowship funds as a “payor,” your institution will assume all tax reporting responsibilities.

Can Carnegie Corporation of New York provide advice about taxes? No, Carnegie Corporation of New York cannot provide tax advice. The fellow will need to consult a financial adviser. The fellow may allocate a portion of the fellowship to cover the cost of a tax consultation.

Will the university continue to provide benefits during the period of the fellowship? In nominating a scholar for this fellowship, a university is indicating its continuing support for that scholar and the administration’s intention to provide in-kind support such as full retirement and health benefits when the scholar takes time off to work on research and writing.

Am I required to discontinue teaching for the duration of the fellowship? You may choose to receive the award over a one- or two-year period. During the selected period, you may opt to go on sabbatical for the entire fellowship or a portion of it. You may also choose to teach classes part-time and/or to work on the project over the summer. On the application, please specify the time you will allot to working on the project. This will allow our jurors to determine whether it is feasible for you to accomplish your goals..

When and how will nominees be informed of the results of the selection process? Selected nominees will be notified by email shortly after the jury makes its final selections in late March 2025. If your nomination is unsuccessful, you will receive an email notification in April 2025.

Does Carnegie Corporation of New York provide feedback on nominations that are not selected? Due to the large number of nominations that we receive, unfortunately we are not able to respond to requests for feedback.

If I have been nominated for the Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program in the past, may I be nominated again? Candidates who have been nominated for the Fellows Program since the change of focus to polarization (i.e. who were nominated for the 2024 Fellowships) may not be nominated again during the current three-year period.

If two candidates for the fellowship have already been selected by my university may I be nominated by another institution, e.g. a thinktank? Yes. However, you must have an established relationship with the institution and that institution must also be on our nomination list. Please contact [email protected] for eligibility advice.

• John J. DeGioia, Chair President, Georgetown University • J oseph E. Aoun President, Northeastern University • The late Jared L. Cohon (1947–2024) President Emeritus and University Professor of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University •  Jonathan F. Fanton President Emeritus, American Academy of Arts and Sciences •  Rush D. Holt CEO Emeritus, American Association for the Advancement of Science •  Alberto Ibargüen Former President, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation •  Ira I. Katznelson Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History and Deputy Director, Columbia World Projects, Columbia University •  Arthur Levine President Emeritus, Teachers College, Columbia University, and President Emeritus, The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation •  Marcia McNutt President, National Academy of Sciences •  Martha Minow 300th Anniversary University Professor, Harvard University • Alondra Nelson Harold F. Linder Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study • Dame Louise Richardson President, Carnegie Corporation of New York •  Pauline Yu President Emeritus, American Council of Learned Societies

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Carnegie PhD Scholarships

The Carnegie Trust offers a number of scholarships each year to academically excellent candidates who are intending to study on a PhD programme at any University in Scotland

Due to the challenging economic environment in the recent years, the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Trust has decided to pause its current PhD Scholarship scheme for the time being. Please read the information published in October 2023 on  the Carnegie Trust website .

Key Details

Deadline: January

Amount Available: £16,200

  • Fees and Funding
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  • Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarship

The Carnegie Trust - Postgraduate

Queen Margaret University has the opportunity to nominate two individuals for the prestigious Carnegie Trust PhD scholarship scheme for study commencing in September 2023. The prospective candidates must hold, or expect to gain, a first class Honours undergraduate degree from a Scottish University and wish to complete the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme at Queen Margaret University.

The Carnegie Trust makes no restriction on the subject or field. However, in order to be supported by QMU, the PhD topic must be in an area that is aligned with one of the University’s Research Centres .

Overview on the scholarship

A First-Class Honours degree from a Scottish university is a pre-requisite for consideration for Scholarships. Alongside existing graduates, final year undergraduate students expecting to achieve a First-Class Honours degree are also eligible for nomination. The First-Class Honours degree must be in a subject related to the proposed doctoral studies.

A candidate who has already commenced study on the PhD Programme is not eligible.

The candidate must be nominated by the prospective supervisor of the PhD project and can only be nominated for a Carnegie or Caledonian PhD Scholarship by one university.

The number of nominations per Scottish university is subject to a quota (announced annually by the Carnegie Trust). QMU has been granted two nominations for applications by students starting in September 2018. QMU will manage the selection process and will provide a statement of institutional support to two candidates only.

What's Included in the Scholarship

The stipend value for academic year 2022-23 was £17,904, and the value normally rises in line with awards funded by Research Councils. Payment of the Scholarship stipends will be made monthly, in advance, and will normally start on 1 st October in each year.

Tuition fees

In addition, the Carnegie Trust will meet the cost of tuition fees for the successful candidates up to the RCUK rate with the University waiving the remainder of the fee.

Research expenses and costs

The Trust will support the Scholars with expenses incurred in connection with their study or research up to £3,000 during the tenure of the PhD Scholarship. Scholars can apply for this funding using the Carnegie Trust’s research allowance form, which will be emailed to them in advance.

How to Apply

Applicants should download the PhD Scholarship Nomination Form and complete Part 1 of the form, relating to academic achievements to date and the project he or she proposes to undertake. The Guide to the Trust’s online application portal provides clarification on how best to approach each section of the form.

Applicants should also develop a research proposal and case for support in line with the guidance provided on the first page of the nomination form, and must include details on:

  • Issue, problem or topic the research seeks to address;
  • Background or rationale behind the proposed research;
  • Aims and objectives of the proposed research;
  • Research hypotheses or questions;
  • Methodology; and
  • Feasibility, significance and potential for innovation.

The prospective supervisor must complete Part 2 of the form, providing information on the supervisory arrangements which will be put in place, including co-supervision if relevant to the proposal, and information on specialist and/or transferable skills training. The supervisor should also explain what particular expertise they will offer in support of the candidate’s research, why the research question is important and worth investigating and what impact it might have. Any ethical issues attached to the research and what arrangements will be put in place to address these should also be addressed in this section.

An academic referee, familiar with the student's academic record to date and potential for postgraduate research should provide a reference, on letter headed paper or electronic equivalent, that comments on the applicants academic ability as evidenced by their academic record and their suitability for doctoral study. The referee cannot be a prospective supervisor.

The completed nomination form, research proposal and case for support, and academic reference should be sent to the relevant Research Centre Director.

Research Centre Directors will then complete Section 1 of the Statement of Institutional Support Form and submit all application documents to [email protected] .

A Review Panel will then meet to decide which two candidates will be selected to receive institutional support, and become eligible for application to the scholarship competition. The Graduate School Team will complete Section 2 of the Statement of Institutional Support Form and notify the candidates of the Review Panel’s decision

Selection Process

Text related to selection process for this scholarship

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Of the 3.5 million people in the United States who have ASD, about 30 percent are nonverbal. But that doesn’t mean they don’t communicate. Parents and caregivers can often interpret vocalizations, gestures, and differences in tone that may be missed by others. Jaya is using the knowledge that primary caregivers have to train machine learning models to help interpret nonverbal cues. She hopes that her research can have a profound impact on how children with nonverbal autism navigate their space and communicate with new people.

Ishwarya Ananthabhotla

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Anna’s interest shifted from software to hardware during her first hardware course, Structure and Design of Digital Systems. She found that even though hardware description was entirely different from programming, she was still able to use her strengths: logic, problem-solving, and developing algorithms. Now she is doing what she feels she was meant to do — working at the intersection of hardware and software.

Tarana Laroia

Deanyone su, stay tuned. there’s more to come..

The Apple Scholars program is currently invitation-only. Check back to find out more as the program expands. And to learn more about students who believe in the power of technology, share our values, and are passionate about making the world a better place.

Learn more about Apple Scholars in AI/ML

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

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Carnegie PhD Scholarships

The Carnegie Trust has decided to pause its current PhD scholarship scheme meaning that no new awards will be made for the time being. The Trust remains fully committed to funding current Carnegie PhD Scholars through to the end of their scholarship.

To read the full statement, please visit the Carnegie Trust's website .

These are pictures of drugs misuse researchers Dr Andrew McAuley, Dr Matt Smith and PhD student Kirsten Trayner

How to apply

The Carnegie Trust has decided to pause its current PhD scholarship scheme meaning that no new awards will be made at this time

Find out more

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Carnegie Mellon University Scholarships for International Students 2024 - 2025

Planning to study at United States? Consider enrolling at Carnegie Mellon University, as they offer 2 scholarships to international Master's and PhD students!

Many American institutions have made their education and names synonymous to prestige and excellence. Thus, it is unsurprising that the country and its institutions are among the top choices of aspiring international students when deciding where to study abroad.

Scholarships, grants, and other forms of funding are offered by Carnegie Mellon University to international students. We’ll discuss them in this article, and you can use them to fulfill your dream of studying abroad without incurring high costs. So, let’s get started!

Carnegie Mellon University Admissions

If you’re planning to study at the Carnegie Mellon University, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the application process and requirements of the institution.

Each institution follows a unique application procedure, so you must be alert and updated on their latest announcements. Visit their official website occasionally and only utilize legitimate channels when submitting applications. Moreover, it is crucial to always take note of the essential details related to your admission in order to ensure a seamless application process.

To apply to Carnegie Mellon University, make sure to complete the admission requirements and follow the application procedure. You can find more information on the following links:

Institution Admissions

  • Domestic Students Admissions Page
  • International Students Admissions Page

Carnegie Mellon University Application Deadlines

Submitting on time demonstrates commitment and a keen interest in the program, giving a good impression to the applicant. Thus, other than securing the required documents, adhering to the submission deadline is also a must.

It is essential that you meet the application deadlines at Carnegie Mellon University. Here are the deadlines:

  • Bachelor's Deadline (Early Decision 1) : November 1, 2024
  • Bachelor's Deadline (Early Decision 2) : January 3, 2025
  • Bachelor's Deadline (Regular Decision) : January 3, 2025 (Different Bachelor's programs have different deadlines)
  • Master's Deadline (Round 1) : October 2, 2024 (Different Master's programs have different deadlines)
  • Master's Deadline (Round 2) : January 8, 2025 (Different Master's programs have different deadlines)
  • Master's Deadline (Round 3) : March 4, 2025 (Different Master's programs have different deadlines)

Start being mindful of the deadlines from this moment onward. Submitting your application on or before the deadline ensures that your application will be reviewed and considered. Therefore, avoid late submissions, as these might be reviewed separately or not considered at all.

Institution Deadlines

Tuition Fees at Carnegie Mellon University for International Students

In this section, we will be discussing the tuition fees for international students at Carnegie Mellon University.

The Bachelor's tuition fees for international students at Carnegie Mellon University is 59,864 USD per year. Master's tuition fee for international students at Carnegie Mellon University is 47,250 USD to 90,000 USD per year.

When studying abroad, it is best to save as much money as you can. After all, there are other costs to consider besides tuition fees, such as accommodation, meals, transportation, and books.

The scholarships at Carnegie Mellon University can help fund your study expenses. There are currently 2 scholarships being offered to international students at the Carnegie Mellon University, all with varying requirements, benefits, and application processes. We have compiled them in this list to help you find the scholarship that best fits you.

Carnegie Mellon University Scholarships for International Students

Graduate scholarships.

International postgraduate students are eligible to various scholarships being offered at the Carnegie Mellon University. Make sure to review the requirements and deadlines in each scholarship program before applying. Here are the currently available graduate scholarships at the Carnegie Mellon University:

  • College of Engineering Fellowships
  • Graduate Assistantships

1. College of Engineering Fellowships

  • Scholarship Page
  • Scholarship Type: Full Tuition
  • Degrees Offered : PhD

Through College of Engineering Fellowships , PhD students at the Carnegie Mellon University enjoy the following benefits:

  • Full tuition fees
  • Monthly stipend

College of Engineering Fellowships is a great scholarship to apply to if you are on a tight budget.

All practical information related to preparing and submitting your application is available at the scholarship link above. Make sure to prepare and send your documents in time for the application deadline.

2. Graduate Assistantships

  • Scholarship Type: Partial Funding
  • Degrees Offered : Master's and PhD

As an international student in a graduate program, living abroad can be quite costly if you don’t prepare for your expenses. This is why partially funded scholarships like Graduate Assistantships are available at the Carnegie Mellon University for qualified students.

Carnegie Mellon University awards the following scholarship benefits to successful applicants:

  • Tuition fees
  • A stipend paid bi-weekly amounting to $10,000 per year
  • Health Insurance

Clearly, this scholarship offers very valuable benefits to deserving students.

Make sure to check out the scholarship link for the requirements you need to complete and submit before the deadline.

Start your academic journey with Carnegie Mellon University! With these Carnegie Mellon University scholarships, unlock your full potential and delve into the diverse range of courses, all without worrying about expensive study costs. As you explore the scholarships of Carnegie Mellon University, make sure to also check out the Available Programs for International Students .

About the Author: Hyun Lee

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

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Siddiqui receives Udall Scholarship

by Monica Cooney

The award recognizes future leaders in environmental, Tribal public policy, and health care fields. Siddiqui is Carnegie Mellon’s first recipient since 2009.

  • Sustaining an interest in global goals

Aleena Siddiqui, a rising junior with a double major in materials science and engineering and  environmental and sustainability studies , has received the 2024 Udall Scholar award , which recognizes future leaders in environmental, Tribal public policy, and health care fields.

The prestigious award, which is conferred by the Udall Foundation, honors the legacies of Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall, whose careers had a significant impact on Native American self-governance, health care, and the stewardship of public lands and natural resources. Siddiqui is Carnegie Mellon University’s first Udall Scholar since 2009.

“I’m honored and thankful to have received this scholarship,” says Siddiqui. “It’s a very tangible culmination of my experiences at CMU that have supplemented my education in the classroom.”

Siddiqui is passionate about the research and development of ethical material manufacturing to create infrastructure that can have a positive impact on our environments.

I found engineering to be a field where I could create solutions that are rooted in sustainable practices to address issues of environmental injustice. Aleena Siddiqui , Undergraduate student , Materials Science & Engineering

“I found engineering to be a field where I could create solutions that are rooted in sustainable practices to address issues of environmental injustice that disproportionately affect marginalized communities,” Siddiqui says. “I decided to add an additional major of environmental and sustainability studies to center my education around doing ethically responsible work for the people and the planet.”

Her experiences outside of the classroom have played a pivotal role in enabling Siddiqui to better understand the broader implications of the work of a materials scientist and engineer.

As an intern for CMU’s Sustainability Initiative , she focuses on finding meaningful ways to engage with the campus community and share resources that allow others to think critically about how their work connects to broader sustainability efforts. She is also involved with CMU’s Green Practices efforts including a campus-wide compost education program.

Aleena Siddiqui

Source: University Libraries

Aleena Siddiqui has worked as an intern for the CMU Sustainability Initiative over the past two years.

“Sustainability is more than the environment. It has economic and social implications, and understanding how these facets intersect is crucial to doing meaningful work in any field.”

Encouraged by staff from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholar Development, Siddiqui was motivated to apply for the scholarship because she knew the award could enhance her educational experience.

“I was deeply impressed by Aleena’s involvement with CMU’s Sustainability Initiative and knew she would be a great fit for this award based on her leadership skills and commitment to pursuing environmental work,” said Richelle Bernazzoli, director of the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholar Development at Carnegie Mellon.

The support of the scholarship will have an immediate impact, as Siddiqui plans to use the funds toward a studying abroad program this summer in Costa Rica, where she is taking a class focused on sustainable agriculture.

“I’m excited to take this class and engage in meaningful conversations with locals in a country that is a forerunner in sustainability.”

Later this summer, she will have the opportunity to meet fellow recipients of the Udall Scholar Award.

Pictured, top: In 2023, Siddiqui attended the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Summit with fellow CMU Sustainability Initiative interns.

  • Carnegie Classification
  • American Council on Education
  • Higher Education Today
  • Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education

2025 Research Designations

  • Research Designations

The 2025 Carnegie Classifications will include research designations as separate listings from the Basic Classification. There will be three research groupings, all of which will be set by a threshold. Thresholds may be changed in future years; updated methodology will be shared ahead of each classification release.

In 2025, the Carnegie Classifications will use the higher of either a three-year average (2021, 2022, 2023) or most recent single year data (2023). In future releases, the classifications will use only a three-year average. Spending data will be taken from the Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey for FY2021, FY2022, and FY2023. Doctorate production will be taken from data reported to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) for academic years 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23. Research doctorates include all degrees reported as a Doctor’s Degree – Research/Scholarship in IPEDS, following the  IPEDS definition .

These changes are part of a series of updates for the Carnegie Classifications. For more information about the changes, please see the press release and the FAQ .

Research 1: Very High Spending and Doctorate Production

On average in a single year, these institutions spend at least $50 million on research & development and produce at least 70 research doctorates.

Research 2: High Spending and Doctorate Production

On average in a single year, these institutions spend at least $5 million on research & development and produce at least 20 research doctorates.

Research Colleges and Universities

On average in a single year, these institutions spend at least $2.5 million on research & development. Institutions that are in the R1 or R2 categories are not included.

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Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023

The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland Scholarship programs

Eligible Degrees:

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Eligible Courses:

Eligible Nationalities:

Scholarship can be taken at:

  • University of Strathclyde

Updated on: 20 Nov, 2023

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Details about Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023

Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 is offered for PhD degree in the field of All research fields offered by the university. You can apply to this scholarship here . The deadline for the sending your application is 17 Jan 2023 . This scholarship is provided by The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland and the value of this scholarship is Full Funding, tuition fee + research grant . This scholarship is open for: Open to Scotland nationals.

  • Degree: PhD
  • Provided by: The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland
  • Deadline: 17 Jan 2023
  • Scholarship value: Full Funding, tuition fee + research grant

The prestigious Carnegie PhD Scholarship scheme supports graduates with first-class Honours undergraduate degrees from a Scottish university, who wish to pursue three years of postgraduate research leading to a PhD at a university in Scotland. There is no restriction on the subject or field.


  • Applicant should already hold or are on track to graduate with a First Class Honours degree from one of the eligible host organisations in Scotland.
  • This undergraduate degree should be in a subject related to the academic field of your proposed doctoral research.
  • Candidate must have been accepted on a doctoral programme at the University of Strathclyde.
  • This doctoral programme will start in the coming academic year (2023-24).

Additional Requirements:

Candidates nominated for these prestigious awards must:

  • Display outstanding potential for research at the postgraduate level.
  • Demonstrate academic excellence and a strong performance in their final year dissertation project as well as evidence of consistency and/or increasing levels of achievement throughout their studies.
  • Submit a research proposal that exhibits excellence, originality and significance.
  • Ensure a good fit between the proposed research and the environment and facilities offered by the institution in which the PhD will be undertaken.
  • Seek out high-quality supervisory arrangements.

How to apply?

  • In the first instance, candidates should contact a potential supervisor in the department/school of their choice.
  • The University of Strathclyde can submit up to 5 applications. The deadline for applicants/academics to submit their application to RKES ([email protected]) is 4pm on Tuesday, 17th January 2023.


Related Links of The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland

  • Explore The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland scholarships for International students
  • Apply to an Education Loan to Study at The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland
  • Send transcripts/documents to The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland at 40% discount

Can I get an education loan to study abroad at The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland

Yes, you can secure an education loan to study abroad at The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland. Education loans are of two types- Collateral and non collateral. Collateral includes either: Immovable property – a house or a flat or land (or) liquid security – an FD, or LIC or shares or bonds. Agricultural lands are not accepted by any bank for education loan.

Public banks like SBI , BOB offer these types of education loans. There are many NBFCs who offer Non-collateral education loans. Apply for the best education loan to study abroad.

When is the deadline of Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023?

The deadline of Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 is 17 Jan 2023

For which degree is Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 offered for?

Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 is offered to PhD degree

For which field is Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 offered for?

Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 is offered for All research fields offered by the university

Who can apply for Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023?

Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 is open for: Open to Scotland nationals

Who is offering Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023?

Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 is offered by The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland

What is the funding covered in Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023?

Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 Covers Full Funding, tuition fee + research grant

Where can Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023 can be taken at?

What are the updated 10 scholarships for PhD students in 2024?

PhD scholarships, 2024:

  • Aaron Sims Scholarship For Cultures and Languages PhD Students 2024
  • Professor Bryan Emmerson Medical Scholarship at University of Queensland 2024
  • Emeritus Professor Ted White AM Development Scholarship at University of Queensland 2024
  • Madeleine Taylor Scholarship at University of Queensland 2024
  • Guilford Bell Scholarship at University of Queensland 2024
  • SQA Partnership PhD Scholarship 2025
  • RMIT Latin American PhD Scholarships 2025
  • International Accommodation Award at Prifysgol Aberystwyth University 2024
  • Faculty Of Law Writing Scholarship at Laval University 2024
  • PM Yasasvi Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students - DNHDD 2024

See more PhD Scholarships

What are the other scholarship for Art & Art studies students 2024?

List of Art & Art studies scholarships, 2024:

  • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Humboldt Research Fellowships for Postdoctoral Researchers at University of Melbourne 2024
  • University of Sussex Egypt Scholarship 2024
  • Mukhya Mantri Protsahan Yojana, Himachal Pradesh 2024
  • Hermann F. Eilts Scholarship at American University of Cairo 2025
  • Children of Alumni Grant for International Undergraduate Students at Fairleigh Dickinson University 2024
  • Mark A. and Joan T. Olson Family Endowed Scholarship at Lewis University 2024
  • International Students Global Scholarship at Hiram College 2024
  • University of Dundee- Global Excellence Scholarship January 2025
  • Metis Scholar Award at University of Alberta 2024
  • Special Talent Scholarship at Canadian University Dubai 2024

See more Art & Art studies Scholarships

What are the top 10 international scholarships for Indian students?

Scholarships 2024-25 for Indian Students to Study in India & Abroad :

  • Scholarship for Engineering Management MSc 2024/25
  • Pokemon Scholarship at Royal College of Art 2024
  • Constantine Aspromourgos Memorial Scholarship for Greek Studies 2024
  • International Ambassador Scholarship at University of West London 2024
  • Transfer President Scholarship at Ferris State University 2024
  • The Haselhurst Scholarship - Contemporary and Jazz - Vocal at Edith Cowan University 2024
  • Vincent and Carmel Forgione Scholarship in Philosophy 2024
  • Stephen & Helen Wurm PhD Scholarship in Asia Pacific Linguistics 2024
  • Family Loyalty Discount at University of Leicester 2024-25
  • IMPRS PhD Position In Astrophysics 2024

See more Scholarships for Indian students

What are the other scholarships for PhD Art & Art studies students?

List of PhD Art & Art studies scholarships for international students are:

  • FRQSC - Postdoctoral Scholarships (B3Z) Human and Social Sciences, Arts and Letters at Laval University 2025-2026
  • University of Alberta Graduate Recruitment Scholarship 2024
  • Li Tze Fong Memorial Fellowship at the University of British Columbia 2024
  • University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships 2024
  • Merit scholarships for International students enrolled at Universität Hamburg 2024
  • Post-Matric Scholarships for Students with Disabilities 2024
  • Lincoln University Doctoral Scholarship 2024
  • International Postgraduate Research Scholarship at Griffith University 2024
  • William Machin Doctoral Scholarship for Excellence 2024

See more PhD Scholarships for Art & Art studies students

What are the top 10 PhD scholarships for Indian students 2024?

Top 10 PhD scholarships for Indian students are :

  • International Future Leaders of the Creative Industries Scholarships 2024
  • Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington Hardship Fund Equity Grants 2024
  • Knight Hennessy Scholars Program at Stanford University 2024

Next Top 50 PhD Scholarships for Indian students

What are the other PhD scholarships in The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland?

Other PhD scholarships in The Carnegie Trust For The Universities Of Scotland are:

  • Landscape Scholarships at Benetton Foundation, 2024
  • Doctoral scholarships for completion of the dissertation at University Kassel 2024
  • Funds for Women Graduates Foundation Grants at University of Birmingham 2024
  • University Of Melbourne Human Rights Scholarship, 2024
  • The Friends Of The Turnbull Library Research Grant 2025
  • GEI's Fellowship Programme 2024
  • Civil and Structural Engineering PhD Scholarship at Curtin University 2023
  • Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships at German Historical Institute 2024
  • Arts Global Languages Scholarship at University of Melbourne 2024
  • Admission Scholarship, Gaetane Et Henri Brun Fund In Constitutional Law at Laval University, Canada 2024

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PhD scholarships for international students, 2024-25

  • ESSOR Graduate Scholarship FSG at Laval University 2024-25
  • Massey University Foundation Peer Scholar Award 2024
  • Monash Graduate Scholarship at Monash University 2024
  • Development of methodology to quantify intensive preconditioning in block and panel caving operations 2024

Scholarships for students in United Kingdom (UK) 2024

  • Research Training Program International (RTPI) scholarship at University of New South Wales (UNSW) 2024
  • Wahlgrenska Foundation Scholarships 2024

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Enabling Hyperscale Web Systems

Realizing efficient, sustainable, & equitable data centers via solutions that span the systems stack—from analytical models on paper to deployment @hyperscale

I’m looking to hire students

Are you someone who likes to go to parties where everyone’s just standing around talking about their research? Apply to CMU's PhD program!

Akshitha Sriraman

Akshitha Sriraman

Assistant professor, carnegie mellon university.

I am an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science Departments at Carnegie Mellon University . My research bridges computer architecture and software systems, demonstrating the importance of that bridge in enabling efficient, sustainable, and equitable web systems via solutions that span the compute stack.

PhD in Computer Science, 2021

University of Michigan

M.S. in Embedded Systems, 2015

University of Pennsylvania

Recent News

All news»

[July 2024] I won the George Tallman Ladd Research Award for outstanding research and professional accomplishments and potential

[Mar 2024] Jaylen Wang won the Jack and Mildred Bowers Scholarship in Engineering. Congrats Jaylen!

[Mar 2024] Edwin Lim won the Fritsch Family Fellowship in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Congrats Edwin!

[Mar 2024] Minya Rancic won the Hsu Chang Memorial Fellowship. Congrats Minya!

[Jan 2024] I won the VMWare Faculty Award for my work on introducing ethical computer systems! Thanks VMWare!

[Dec 2023] I won the NSF CAREER Award!! Thanks NSF!

[Sep 2023] I won the Intel Rising Star Award ! Thanks Intel!

[June 2023] I (along with Prof. Swarun Kumar) won the CMU College of Engineering "Moonshot: Initiatives to Institute" Award ! This grant is awarded for defining the next generation of bold research that tackles the most daunting problems and can evolve into future institutes

[May 2023] Jaylen Wang won the prestigious Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship HM! Congrats Jaylen!

[Apr 2023] I'm serving as a Program Committee member for ASPLOS 2024. Submit your best work!

[Apr 2023] Jaylen Wang won the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!! Congrats Jaylen!

[Feb 2023] Minya Rancic was recognized with the Phillips and Huang Family Fellowship in Energy for his work on designing energy-efficient data center hardware systems! Congrats Minya!

[Feb 2023] Sara Mahdizadeh Shahri won the CMU College of Engineering Presidential Fellowship! Congrats Sara!

[Jan 2023] Minya Rancic won the Julia Randall Weertman Award! Congrats Minya!

[Jan 2023] Jaylen Wang won the Benjamin Garver Lamme/Westinghouse Graduate Fellowship! Congrats Jaylen!

[Jan 2023] Sara Mahdizadeh Shahri was recognized with the Boeing Scholarship! Congrats Sara!

[Dec 2022] I won the BenchCouncil Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award !

[Nov 2022] I won the ACM SIGOPS Dennis M. Ritchie Doctoral Dissertation Award Honorable Mention !

[Oct 2022] Along with Prof. Baris Kasikci, Prof. Daniel Jimenez, and Prof. Heiner Litz, I won the Intel "Transformative Server Architecture" award for designing data-driven super-wide server architectures for emerging data center applications. Thanks Intel!

[Oct 2022] My undergraduate advisee, Hilbert Chen, bagged the bronze medal at the MICRO ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). Congrats Hilbert!

[Sep 2022] I won the Meta faculty award. Thanks Meta!

[Aug 2022] I won the Intel Arch SRS faculty award. Thanks Intel!

[Aug 2022] Minya Rancic won the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!! Congrats Minya!

[July 2022] I won the ACM SIGARCH/TCCA Outstanding Dissertation Award Honorable Mention !

[June 2022] I won the Meta Systems Research Award for designing efficient hyperscale web systems. Thanks Meta!

[Apr 2022] I'm serving as a Program Committee member for ASPLOS 2023. Submit your best work!

[Mar 2022] I won the ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award !

[Oct 2021] My undergraduate advisee, Shixin Song, bagged the gold medal at the MICRO ACM Student Research (SRC) competition. Congrats Shixin!

[Nov 2021] I won the David J. Kuck Dissertation Prize !

[Sep 2021] I'm serving on the IEEE Micro Top Picks Program Committee. Submit your best work!

[Sep 2021] I'm serving on the Eurosys 2022 Program Committee. Submit your best work!

[Sep 2021] My first Ph.D. student joins my research group (rather, spawns my research group!) Welcome, Mihailo Rancic!

[Sep 2021] I started as a Visiting Researcher at Google (in the new SRG group!)

[Aug 2021] I graduated with a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan.

Conference Papers

Designing cloud servers for lower carbon.

Jaylen Wang, Daniel S. Berger, Fiodar Kazhamiaka, Celine Irvene, Chaojie Zhang, Esha Choukse, Kali Frost, Rodrigo Fonseca, Brijesh Warrier, Chetan Bansal, Jonathan Stern, Ricardo Bianchini, Akshitha Sriraman . International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) , June 2024

ACM Badges: Artifact Available, Evaluated, and Reproduced Evaluated under hyperscale cloud production constraints to save about 1% of global carbon emissions Featured in Carnegie Mellon University News

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Thermometer: Profile-Guided BTB Replacement for Data Center Applications

Shixin Song, Tanvir Ahmed Khan, Sara Mahdizadeh-Shahri, Akshitha Sriraman , Niranjan K Soundararajan, Sreenivas Subramoney, Daniel A Jiminez, Heiner Litz, Baris Kasikci. International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) , June 2022

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Twig: Profile-Guided BTB Prefetching for Data Center Applications

Tanvir Ahmed Khan, Nathan Brown, Akshitha Sriraman , Niranjan K Soundararajan, Rakesh Kumar, Joseph Devietti, Sreenivas Subramoney, Gilles A Pokam, Heiner Litz, Baris Kasikci. International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO) , Oct 2021

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Ripple: Profile-Guided Instruction Cache Replacement for Data Center Applications

Tanvir Ahmed Khan, Dexin Zhang, Akshitha Sriraman , Joseph Devietti, Gilles A Pokam, Heiner Litz, Baris Kasikci. International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) , June 2021

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

I-SPY: Context-Driven Conditional Instruction Prefetching with Coalescing

Tanvir Ahmed Khan, Akshitha Sriraman , Joseph Devietti, Gilles A Pokam, Heiner Litz, Baris Kasikci. International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO) , Oct 2020

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Accelerometer: Understanding Acceleration Opportunities for Data Center Overheads at Hyperscale

Akshitha Sriraman , Abhishek Dhanotia. International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) , Mar 2020

Selected as an IEEE Micro Top Pick paper (awarded to the top 12 architecture papers of 2020) Best Presentation Award ACM Badges: Artifacts Available and Artifacts Evaluated & Functional Influenced Intel's Infrastructure Processing Unit Featured by TechXplore , Debuglies News , Michigan News , and Facebook Engineering

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

SoftSKU: Optimizing Server Architectures for Microservice Diversity @Scale

Akshitha Sriraman , Abhishek Dhanotia, Thomas F. Wenisch. International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) , June 2019

Deployed across a real global data center fleet Influenced Intel's Alder Lake servers (Golden cove microarchitecture and beyond) Featured by Facebook Engineering and Real World Technologies

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Enhancing Server Efficiency in the Face of Killer Microseconds

Amirhossein Mirhosseini, Akshitha Sriraman , Thomas F. Wenisch. International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) , Feb 2019

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

μTune: Auto-Tuned Threading for OLDI Microservices

Akshitha Sriraman , Thomas F. Wenisch. USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) , Oct 2018

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

µSuite: A Benchmark Suite for Microservices

Akshitha Sriraman , Thomas F. Wenisch. IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC) , Oct 2018

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

LASER: Light, Accurate Sharing dEtection and Repair

Liang Luo, Akshitha Sriraman , Brooke Fugate, Shiliang Hu, Gilles Pokam, Chris J. Newburn, and Joseph Devietti. International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) , Feb 2016

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Journal Papers

Address scaling: architectural support for fine-grained thread-safe metadata management.

Deepanjali Mishra, Konstantinos Kanellopoulos, Ashish Panwar, Akshitha Sriraman , Vivek Seshadri, Onur Mutlu, Todd C. Mowry. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL), Jan 2024

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Towards Improved Power Management in Cloud GPUs

Pratyush Patel, Zibo Gong, Syeda Rizvi, Esha Choukse, Pulkit Misra, Thomas Anderson, Akshitha Sriraman . IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL), July 2023

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Understanding Acceleration Opportunities at Hyperscale

Akshitha Sriraman , Abhishek Dhanotia. IEEE Micro (Top Picks Issue) , May 2020

Featured by TechXplore , Debuglies News , Michigan News , and Facebook Engineering

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Meet the Team

Principal investigator.




Mihailo Rancic

Phd candidate, dissertation title: redesigning hardware architectures for hyperscale data centers from the ground-up.


Jaylen Wang

Dissertation title: enabling sustainable hyperscale systems.


Sara Mahdizadeh Shahri

Dissertation title: introducing equitable web systems.


Veronica Muriga

Phd student, dissertation title: communication and compute for all.


Deepanjali Mishra

Dissertation title: salvaging data center processors, we believe there's more to life than research.


Walt Disney theme part visit (ISCA 2023)


Fun one-on-one research/mentorship meetings at Schenley Park, Phipps Conservatory, and more...

Flash mob dance-offs across campus.


Impromptu hikes across Pennsylvania's lush landscapes


A dedicated evening every week for fun team activities


We are always on the lookout for our next big adventure!

Student Financial Services

Office of enrollment management, college of fine arts (cfa), 2023-2024 cost of attendance.

See table below

See table below

See table below



























As of April 20, 2023.

College/school tuition rates.


$570 per unit


$490 per unit


$612 per unit



$587 per unit

Tuition Rates

Please note:.

  • Technology Fee, Student Activities Fee, and Transportation Fee are standard required fees.
  • Graduate tuition rates for Summer Session are set by each college/school.
  • An average Direct Student Loan Fee of $217 is included in the miscellaneous allowance.
  • If a student chooses to borrow a Federal Grad PLUS Loan, additional loan fees will be added to the cost of attendance. ( Approximately $424 per $10,000 )
  • The above tuition rates are for reference only. The actual tuition rates may vary depending upon the department or program of study. For the actual tuition rate for your department or program of study, please reference your student account on  SIO  or follow up with your departmental administrator.
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Based on your answers you do not appear to be eligible. Check the Useful links section for similar schemes which may be available to you.

Vacation Scholarships

©Kallum Corke

Vacation Scholarships enable undergraduate students to develop their research skills through a summer project

The Carnegie Vacation Scholarships aim to encourage undergraduates to develop their independent research skills. The Scheme is open to students enrolled on an undergraduate degree course at an eligible Scottish institution. Awards enable them to learn how to design and manage a research project and prepare for postgraduate study. Students often see their research results published in academic journals or reported in conference presentations. Each year, the Trust organises a poster competition for Vacation Scholarship recipients to allow them to meet and network with each other.

Applicant eligibility

You are eligible to apply for this Scholarship scheme if you:

  • universities: Aberdeen, Abertay, Dundee, Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier, Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonian, Heriot-Watt, Highlands and Islands, Queen Margaret, Robert Gordon, St Andrews, Stirling, Strathclyde, West of Scotland;
  • Glasgow School of Art
  • Royal Conservatoire of Scotland;
  • are enrolled at that institution for the full length of your degree, or transferred to that HEI after an HNC/HND from a Scottish college;
  • are in the 3rd year of a 4 year degree, OR in the 3rd or 4th year of a 5 year degree (part-time students must be at an equivalent stage), OR in the 2nd year of a 3 year degree (for example Nursing, BA Acting/Ballet etc.)
  • are entitled to live and work in the UK. Students with Limited Leave to Remain, Pre-settled or Settled Status, or students on a Tier 4 Visa, must be able to prove that they are eligible to work full-time in the UK in the period between May and August 2024.
  • are on track to achieve a 2:1 (or higher) degree classification;
  • have never held a Carnegie Vacation Scholarship.

Who can’t apply

You are not eligible for this award if:

  • you are only studying for part of your degree in Scotland. For example, if you are an exchange student studying in Scotland.
  • you are on course to graduate in summer 2024
  • you have held a Carnegie Vacation Scholarship in the past
  • your migration status does not entitle you to work in the UK.

Note: If you are unsure about your eligibility, contact the Trust .

Project suitability

  • Your project must be a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks in duration.
  • The project must address a clearly specified research question or hypothesis and will engage you in full-time personal research .
  • The project should give you sufficient scope to develop your ideas, use your initiative and build your research and analytical skills.
  • The project can be undertaken either at your home university or anywhere else in the world, provided the host organisation has suitable facilities and appropriate supervision is in place both at your home university and where the research is to be conducted. The supervisor at your host organisation must also be an established researcher or academic.
  • You must write your own project proposal and will be disqualified if the application and/or case for support appear to have been written by your supervisor or any other person.

Activities that are not eligible:

  • The scholarships can’t be used for language study or for participating in summer schools, or group expeditions.
  • Projects that consist solely of a literature review.
  • The Scheme does not support work placements or volunteering activities.
  • The project cannot form part of your assessed course work : e.g. it cannot be on the same topic as your final year dissertation, although it could address a sub-set of issues or questions that could be expanded into a thesis.
  • It cannot be the continuation of an existing project or study.

Project supervisor

  • The project must be supervised by an academic member of staff at your university. The supervisor can be a (senior) lecturer, reader or professor but not a graduate teaching assistant and/or an hourly paid tutor. Additional supervision can be provided by post-docs or PhD students.
  • Supervisors may only nominate one student each year.
  • Supervisors will be asked in the application form to confirm their own availability and willingness to supervise your progress during the period of award.
  • It is the supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that the project is completed within the agreed timescale.
  • The project supervisor is also expected to liaise with their department to ensure that processes are put in place for the timely distribution of the stipend to the student.
  • The supervisor must ensure that: you receive adequate training, all statutory requirements are met (including ethics committee approval, animal licenses and requirements of regulatory authorities where applicable), and the relevant health and safety policies are followed.
  • If the project is to be conducted at a different organisation than your own university, the supervisor at the student’s home institution must ensure that a suitably qualified supervisor is available to supervise you, and that health & safety and any other statutory requirements are met by your host.

What does the Trust look for in applications

When selecting applications, the reviewers and the Trust’s Selection Committee will look at evidence of the following:

Academic standing of student

  • Academic record to date, expected to achieve Honours 2:1 or higher
  • Suitable experience, knowledge and skills for the project
  • Likely to benefit from project by developing existing and/or acquiring new skills

Motivation of the student

  • Evidence that the student conceived the project and has taken a lead role in developing it
  • Career intentions and motivations for undertaking the proposed research

Quality of the project

  • Novelty and originality of the proposed research
  • Clear hypothesis or research question
  • Clear description of the research activities to be undertaken by the student
  • Robust methodology suitable for the proposed research
  • Opportunities for dissemination and impact
  • Achievable within the time constraints

Supervision and Environment

  • Appropriate level of support provided by supervisor for the type of research and proposed topic
  • A suitable research environment and access to necessary facilities

What's included

The scholarship includes a weekly stipend which will be the equivalent of the current Scottish Living Wage rate (£12 per hour in 2024).

The Scholarships is intended to cover your living and accommodation costs while undertaking the research.

The stipend will be paid to you by your university at regular intervals during the scholarship.

NOTE: There is no additional funding for consumables, equipment, overheads etc. Host organisations are responsible for ensuring the student has access to all the necessary equipment and consumables to undertake their project.

How to Apply

Before you apply, go through the eligibility checker to make sure you are eligible. Based on your answers, if you appear to be eligible the link to the online application portal will appear.

The online application form opens approximately 8 weeks before the closing date.

We recommend reading the scheme’s regulations and guidelines thoroughly and discussing your project in detail with your supervisor before applying.

After you submit your application, an email will be sent to your supervisor with a request for them to complete the rest of the application and write a reference on your behalf. Your supervisor will then submit the complete application to the Trust. Please ensure that you allow your supervisor sufficient time before the deadline to complete their part of the application .

You will receive a confirmation email when you submit your application and when your supervisor completes their part of the process. The Guide for applicants under Downloadable documents explains the application process in full detail.

Downloadable documents


Terms and Conditions of Award

Quick Guide to Vacation Scholarships

Applying for a Vacation Scholarship

Useful links

Below are links to a number of organisations running similar schemes.

Note:  The Carnegie Trust is not responsible for the content of external websites. Please read the guidance and eligibility criteria provided by each organisation before making an application.

Anatomical Society

The British Lichen Society

British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

The Cross Trust (Medical Electives, Arts & Humanities)

Gilchrist Educational Trust  (overseas trips and medical electives)

Medical Research Scotland

Royal Society of Biology

Society for Reproduction and Fertility

Universities Federation for Animal Welfare

Wellcome Trust Biomedical Vacation Scholarships

Award Timeline

Eligibility checker.

Check your eligibility by selecting all the options that apply to you. The outcome is indicative only and eligibility will be determined once we review the full application.

Are you entitled to live and work in the UK?

Are you enrolled on an undergraduate degree at an eligible institution in Scotland?

Are you in the penultimate year of your degree or in year 3/4 of a 5 year degree?

Are you on track to achieve a 2:1 or higher?

Case Studies

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Presentations by 2022 Vacation Scholars, All Scottish HEIs

Any academic field

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Karin Bakardjian, University of Stirling


carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Martin Damyanov, Heriot-Watt University

Mathematical Physics

Study Postgraduate

Phd in philosophy and literature (2023 entry).

a student reads a philosophy book in the library

Course code

2 October 2023

3-4 years full-time; Up to 7 years part-time


University of Warwick

Find out more about our Philosophy and Literature PhD.

The Philosophy and Literature PhD is a leading programme, suiting students who thrive on independent, interdisciplinary study. You will undertake a substantial research project as part of an active research community, supervised by experts. Study Philosophy with English or Modern Languages.

Course overview

The Warwick PhD in Philosophy and Literature is aimed at outstanding students who wish to pursue advanced research and prepare to become professional researchers in, and/or teachers of, philosophy.

The Philosophy and Literature degree is for candidates whose research projects combine philosophical and literary concerns. The combination can be achieved in a number of ways, as aspects of literature can be treated as topics of philosophical inquiry, or a more combined and interdisciplinary approach can be taken.

While many UK philosophy departments possess strength in analytic philosophy or continental philosophy, we are distinctive in having world-leading philosophers from both fields. We also collaborate extensively with academics and practitioners in other subjects including English and other modern European languages.

Teaching and learning

In addition to regular supervisions, in the first year you will also take our core PhD seminar, which engages you with a broad range of philosophical issues beyond your thesis topic that are central to different philosophical traditions. You will have the opportunity to undertake a range of professional development activities to support your research, your thesis writing, and to provide teacher training.   Additionally, you are expected to attend any relevant postgraduate seminars, including modules on our taught MA programmes.

General entry requirements

Minimum requirements.

A Master’s level degree in Philosophy or a Master’s degree (or equivalent) with a significant Philosophy component; a writing sample of 2,500 words; a strong research proposal.

English language requirements

You can find out more about our English language requirements Link opens in a new window . This course requires the following:

  • IELTS overall score of 7.0, minimum component scores of two at 6.0/6.5 and the rest at 7.0 or above.

International qualifications

We welcome applications from students with other internationally recognised qualifications.

For more information, please visit the international entry requirements page Link opens in a new window .

Additional requirements

There are no additional entry requirements for this course.

Our research

The department has particular research strengths in:

  • Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
  • Epistemology
  • The Philosophy of Art and Literature
  • Moral and Political Philosophy
  • 20th Century Continental Philosophy
  • Kant and 19th Century Post-Kantian Philosophy

Full details of our research interests are listed on the Philosophy web pages .

You can also read our general University research proposal guidance.

Find a supervisor

Please see our Philosophy 'How to Apply' web page Link opens in a new window for guidance on completing your application form.

Before completing your application we encourage you to make contact with the convenor of the programme to discuss your application.  

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are payable for each year of your course at the start of the academic year, or at the start of your course, if later. Academic fees cover the cost of tuition, examinations and registration and some student amenities.

Taught course fees   Research course fees

Fee Status Guidance

We carry out an initial fee status assessment based on the information you provide in your application. Students will be classified as Home or Overseas fee status. Your fee status determines tuition fees, and what financial support and scholarships may be available. If you receive an offer, your fee status will be clearly stated alongside the tuition fee information.

Do you need your fee classification to be reviewed?

If you believe that your fee status has been classified incorrectly, you can complete a fee status assessment questionnaire. Please follow the instructions in your offer information and provide the documents needed to reassess your status.

Find out more about how universities assess fee status

Additional course costs

As well as tuition fees and living expenses, some courses may require you to cover the cost of field trips or costs associated with travel abroad. Information about department specific costs should be considered in conjunction with the more general costs below, such as:

As well as tuition fees and living expenses, some courses may require you to cover the cost of field trips or costs associated with travel abroad.

For departmental specific costs, please see the Modules tab on the course web page for the list of core and optional core modules with hyperlinks to our  Module Catalogue  (please visit the Department’s website if the Module Catalogue hyperlinks are not provided).

Associated costs can be found on the Study tab for each module listed in the Module Catalogue (please note most of the module content applies to 2022/23 year of study). Information about module department specific costs should be considered in conjunction with the more general costs below:

  • Core text books
  • Printer credits
  • Dissertation binding
  • Robe hire for your degree ceremony

Scholarships and bursaries

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Scholarships and financial support

Find out about the different funding routes available, including; postgraduate loans, scholarships, fee awards and academic department bursaries.

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Living costs

Find out more about the cost of living as a postgraduate student at the University of Warwick.

Philosophy at Warwick

Philosophy at Warwick is recognised for our support of diverse philosophical traditions, including both analytic and continental philosophy. We have particular strengths in Philosophy of mind and epistemology, Post-Kantian European philosophy, Aesthetics, and Moral, political, and legal philosophy. We also collaborate extensively with academics and practitioners in other subjects and have long-standing collaborations with researchers and practitioners across all faculties.

At Warwick, you’ll be part of an inclusive staff and student community. We provide a vibrant and friendly environment where our students have dedicated support to explore their passion for philosophy and develop their skills as researchers.

Find out more about us on our website. Link opens in a new window

Our Postgraduate courses

  • Continental Philosophy (MA)
  • Philosophy (MA)
  • Philosophy and Literature (PhD)
  • Philosophy and the Arts (MA)
  • Philosophy (MPhil)
  • Philosophy (PhD)

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Taught course applications

Here is our checklist on how to apply for taught postgraduate courses at Warwick.

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Research course applications

Here is our checklist on how to apply for research postgraduate degrees at the University of Warwick.

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

After you’ve applied

Find out how we process your application.

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Applicant Portal

Track your application and update your details.

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Admissions statement

See Warwick’s postgraduate admissions policy.

carnegie phd scholarships 2023

Join a live chat

Ask questions and engage with Warwick.

Postgraduate Open Day

Postgraduate fairs.

Throughout the year we attend exhibitions and fairs online and in the UK. These events give you the chance to learn about our Master's and PhD study routes, and the wider context of postgraduate study.

Find out more

Every week, you can connect directly with representatives from Warwick, who will be answering your questions on applying to and studying postgraduate studies at Warwick.

Sign up for Live Chats

Departmental events

Some academic departments hold events for specific postgraduate programmes, these are fantastic opportunities to learn more about Warwick and your chosen department and course.

See our online departmental events

Connect with us

Want to hear more about postgraduate study at Warwick? Register your interest and find out more.

Learn more about Postgraduate study at the University of Warwick.

Why Warwick

Discover why Warwick is one of the best universities in the UK and renowned globally.

6th in the UK (The Guardian University Guide 2022) Link opens in a new window

64th in the world (QS World University Rankings 2023) Link opens in a new window

5th most targeted university by the UK's top 100 graduate employers Link opens in a new window

(The Graduate Market in 2023, High Fliers Research Ltd. Link opens in a new window )

About the information on this page

This information is applicable for 2023 entry. Given the interval between the publication of courses and enrolment, some of the information may change. It is important to check our website before you apply. Please read our terms and conditions to find out more.


  1. Outcome of the Carnegie/Caledonian PhD Scholarships Round 2023-24

    carnegie phd scholarships 2023

  2. Carnegie PhD Scholarships

    carnegie phd scholarships 2023

  3. Carnegie PhD Scholarships

    carnegie phd scholarships 2023

  4. Carnegie PhD Scholarships

    carnegie phd scholarships 2023

  5. Carnegie PhD Scholarships

    carnegie phd scholarships 2023

  6. Carnegie PhD Scholarships

    carnegie phd scholarships 2023


  1. Carnegie PhD Scholarships

    Carnegie PhD Scholarships. In recent years the challenging economic environment has forced the Carnegie Trust to scale back its grant-making activities, including the number of PhD Scholarships it awards. This year we only awarded 11, which still accounts for the lion's share of our grant-making but makes a tiny impact in percentage terms.

  2. Scholarships & Grants

    Learn about scholarships & grants available to Carnegie Mellon undergraduate students. ... Graduate students interested in scholarships and grants may contact their program of interest or department. ... 2023-2024 Graduate Tuition 2024-2025 University Fees

  3. Outcome of the Carnegie/Caledonian PhD Scholarships Round 2023-24

    The Carnegie Trust is happy to announce that 10 Carnegie and 1 Caledonian Research Scholarships have been awarded in June 2023 for PhD candidates starting their doctorial research in academic year 2023-24. Projects cover a diverse range of subject areas such as Mathematics & Statistics, Molecular Biology, Psychology, Philosophy, Computer Science and Ecology. In this … Continued

  4. Carnegie PhD Scholarships: What You Need to Know to Increase Your

    Scholarship Snapshot Amount: £3,000 Scope: Hybrid Target Country: Scotland Number of awards: 12-15 PhD Scholarships Target Audience: First-class students from any background Deadline: February 28, 2023 The Carnegie Trust is an organisation that offers a range of scholarships annually to candidates who have demonstrated exceptional academic ability and who wish to undertake a PhD programme ...

  5. PDF Carnegie PhD Scholarships Regulations

    The Regulations in this document apply to the following types of PhD Scholarships offered in 2023: Carnegie PhD Scholarships (11 awards)Funded by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, the Scholarships are. on (CRF) Scholarships (1 or 2 awards)The Trust administers the CRF Scholarships on beh.

  6. 2024 Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program Information

    The Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program was established in 2015 to provide philanthropic support for high-caliber research in the humanities and social sciences. During its first eight years, nearly 250 scholars received fellowships of $200,000 to explore a range of important and enduring issues confronting our society.

  7. Outcome of the Carnegie/Caledonian PhD Scholarships Round 2022-23

    The Carnegie Trust is pleased to announce that 14 Carnegie and 1 Caledonian Research Scholarships have been awarded in June 2022 for PhD candidates starting their doctoral research in academic year 2022-23. In the round: 61 nominations were received 44 nominations were shortlisted 14 Carnegie Scholarships were accepted 1 Caledonian Research Foundation Scholarship has been … Continued

  8. PDF Carnegie PhD Scholarships Guide to the Trust's online application port

    Carnegie PhD ScholarshipsGuide to the Trust's online application portalNote: This guide is for students who have been selected by an eligible Scottish university/Higher. Education Institution (HEI)* as candidates for a Carnegie PhD Scholarship. For guidance on how individual institutions select candidates for nomination, please contact the el.

  9. PDF Carnegie PhD Scholarships Terms and Conditions of Award

    Carnegie PhD Scholarships are personal awards and are therefore not transferable to an alternate student at the same Host HEI for any reason. Should Scholar decline a offer the of a Carnegie Scholarship, or withdraw after accepting the award, the Trust will offer the Scholarship to a candidate on its reservelist. ...

  10. Graduate Financial Aid Process

    Grant and scholarship funds disburse as early as June 25 for the fall semester, ... considered a graduate student by Carnegie Mellon for academic purposes. 2023-2024 Financial Aid. If you're interested in applying for financial aid for the 2023-2024 academic year, ...

  11. Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs

    The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs administers professional development funding for graduate students university-wide. Conference Funding and GuSH Research Funding are supported by the Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) and the Provost's Office. Conference Funding awards, up to $750.00 per student, provide the means for graduate ...

  12. Carnegie PhD Scholarships

    Due to the challenging economic environment in the recent years, the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Trust has decided to pause its current PhD Scholarship scheme for the time being. Please read the information published in October 2023 on the Carnegie Trust website. This article was published on 8 Nov, 2023. The Carnegie Trust offers a ...

  13. Carnegie PhD Scholarships

    The awards are tenable for three years for full-time study and up to six years for part-time study. Any subject area will be considered for Carnegie PhD Scholarships. The Carnegie Trust hopes to fund a minimum of 15 scholarships, across all the Scottish Universities, for doctoral studies starting in 2021-2022. Full eligibility and application ...

  14. Carnegie PhD Scholarships 2023

    The Carnegie PhD Scholarships 2023 are given to fund postgraduate research leading to a PhD at an eligible institution in Scotland. Eligibility criteria for the Carnegie PhD Scholarships 2023:. Already hold, or are on track to graduate with a First Class Honours degree from one of the eligible host organisations in Scotland.

  15. Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarship

    Queen Margaret University has the opportunity to nominate two individuals for the prestigious Carnegie Trust PhD scholarship scheme for study commencing in September 2023. The prospective candidates must hold, or expect to gain, a first class Honours undergraduate degree from a Scottish University and wish to complete the Doctor of Philosophy ...

  16. Carnegie PhD Scholars' Gathering 2023 Registration

    Vacation Scholarships; Research Incentive Grants; Support Us. Support the Trust; Become a Carnegie Research Assessor; Legal. Annual Reports; Accessibility; ... Carnegie PhD Scholars' Gathering 2023 Registration. Carnegie PhD Scholars' Gathering 2023 Registration. Fields marked with an * are required. Registration Form

  17. Higher Education

    Changing the world for the better. Apple is committed to supporting the academic research community and its invaluable contributions to the world. We offer fellowships, scholarships, and awards to graduate and postgraduate students who are harnessing the power of technology to help people and the planet. Meet the Apple Scholars.

  18. Carnegie PhD Scholarships

    Carnegie PhD Scholarships. The Carnegie Trust has decided to pause its current PhD scholarship scheme meaning that no new awards will be made for the time being. The Trust remains fully committed to funding current Carnegie PhD Scholars through to the end of their scholarship. To read the full statement, please visit the Carnegie Trust's website.

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    KAIST Scholarship (Graduate) Merit-Based Scholarships; View All Fully Funded Master's Scholarships; Fully Funded Ph.D. Scholarships. Graduate Research Scholarships; Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) ... Carnegie Mellon University Scholarships for International Students 2024 - 2025

  20. Presidential & Carnegie Scholarship Programs

    A Presidential Scholarship is renewable for eight (8) semesters of undergraduate education (10 semesters for students in the School of Architecture), as long as satisfactory academic progress and full-time enrollment are maintained. Carnegie Scholarship. Carnegie Mellon awards the Carnegie Scholarship to qualified incoming first-year students.

  21. Siddiqui receives Udall Scholarship

    Aleena Siddiqui, a rising junior with a double major in materials science and engineering and environmental and sustainability studies, has received the 2024 Udall Scholar award, which recognizes future leaders in environmental, Tribal public policy, and health care fields.. The prestigious award, which is conferred by the Udall Foundation, honors the legacies of Morris K. Udall and Stewart L ...

  22. 2025 Research Designations

    In 2025, the Carnegie Classifications will use the higher of either a three-year average (2021, 2022, 2023) or most recent single year data (2023). In future releases, the classifications will use only a three-year average. Spending data will be taken from the Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey for FY2021, FY2022, and FY2023.

  23. Postgraduates

    The Carnegie PhD Scholarships have been part of the Carnegie programme since 1903. Many generations of academics have benefitted from the awards, whether as postgraduate students or as supervisors. ... October 2023. Category: Postgraduates. St Andrews Society of New York Scholarships. Read more . Donate to the Carnegie Trust for the ...

  24. Carnegie Trust PhD Scholarships at University of Strathclyde 2023

    Deadline: 17 Jan 2023. Scholarship value: Full Funding, tuition fee + research grant. Summary: The prestigious Carnegie PhD Scholarship scheme supports graduates with first-class Honours undergraduate degrees from a Scottish university, who wish to pursue three years of postgraduate research leading to a PhD at a university in Scotland.

  25. The Houthi Factor: Gaza, the Axis of Resistance, and Middle East

    The complex conflict in Yemen has expanded to include new players, issues, and layers, after de-escalation efforts were practically frozen in December 2023. In recent months, the Houthis have intervened against Israel in support of the Palestinians in Gaza. Since then, the United States and the European Union have established two coalitions to halt Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of ...

  26. Akshitha Sriraman

    [Apr 2023] My undergraduate intern, Hilbert Chen, has accepted a PhD offer from CMU! Congrats Hilbert! [Apr 2023] I'm serving as a Program Committee member for ASPLOS 2024. Submit your best work! [Apr 2023] Jaylen Wang won the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!! Congrats Jaylen! [Apr 2023] I'm serving as a Program Committee member ...

  27. College of Fine Arts (CFA)

    Graduate tuition rates for Summer Session are set by each college/school. An average Direct Student Loan Fee of $217 is included in the miscellaneous allowance. If a student chooses to borrow a Federal Grad PLUS Loan, additional loan fees will be added to the cost of attendance. (Approximately $424 per $10,000)

  28. Vacation Scholarships

    The Carnegie Vacation Scholarships aim to encourage undergraduates to develop their independent research skills. ... lecturer, reader or professor but not a graduate teaching assistant and/or an hourly paid tutor. Additional supervision can be provided by post-docs or PhD students. ... Application portal opens 15 Dec 2023. Closing date for ...

  29. PhD in Philosophy and Literature (2023 Entry)

    Find out more about our Philosophy and Literature PhD. The Philosophy and Literature PhD is a leading programme, suiting students who thrive on independent, interdisciplinary study. You will undertake a substantial research project as part of an active research community, supervised by experts. Study Philosophy with English or Modern Languages.