biography report 4th grade

The BEST Elementary Biography Project

Looking for a fun, new research and writing project for your elementary kiddos? This living wax museum is a great way to tie together reading, writing, social studies and speaking and listening skills all in one fun project. I have done this project with second through fourth graders and they have all loved it.

biography report 4th grade

Start this project off by having your students select what famous figure they want to research, or by assigning them a famous figure. My ABSOLUTE favorite books for us to conduct our research are the “Who Was” Series by Jim Gigliotti. They are perfect for on-level/higher second graders, and are most appropriate for third and fourth grade students.

Typically, I will introduce the project, show the students my example, and then briefly introduce all of the famous figures that they can pick from. I then let them go one by one and pick which person they want to research.

biography report 4th grade

For my second graders, I always have one group (my lower level readers) that work together to collect our research all on the same person, but then I release them to each write their own reports.

We spend about one week reading our books and researching our influential figure. While they work, they take notes on important aspects of that person’s life. There are also a ton of great books on Epic ! that students can use for additional research and ideas.

biography report 4th grade

After our notes are compiled, students begin writing their drafts for their research reports. I have students write 6 total paragraphs about their famous figures. We do an introduction, a paragraph about their early life, a paragraph about why they are famous, fun facts, a paragraph about a character trait that best describes them and why, and then a closing.

We spend about 1-1 & 1/2 weeks working on our writing. We write about a paragraph or 2 per day, then take our writing through the revising/editing/publishing process. I then give students a good 2-3 days to spend a TON of time publishing their work to the best of their capability, using their best handwriting and best pictures that they can.

biography report 4th grade

Wax Museum: Speaking & Listening

We end this project by inviting parents and other classes to come watch us present our reports. This is a fun time where the students get to dress up like their famous person, bring in props and practice speaking in front of an audience. We always get amazing feedback from the parents and from other classroom teachers. This component is totally optional, but completely worth it!

I always send home a student letter at the beginning of the project so that parents have ample time to help students gather materials for their costumes and to help them get a good understanding of who their influential figure is.

biography report 4th grade

Distance Learning / Digital Learning :

Is your school closed for an extended period of time due to this crazy virus? This project is a GREAT way for students to continue learning at home. Simply send the PDF to parents to print at home (or print at school if you still have access), and send students to Epic or your local online library to find biographies on the person of their choice. Then, add a digital component by having students upload their videos to Google Classroom, SeeSaw or the digital platform of your choice. This is a great way to provide a few weeks of reading/writing plans to parents, while incorporating choice in student learning still.

Recommended Resources :

Snag everything you need for the biography research and writing reports in this Biography Writing Resource .

biography report 4th grade

Click here for a compilation of all of my favorite “Who Was” characters to research for this project. These books are the perfect level for 2nd-4th graders, and are really affordable (between $2-4 each by following my Amazon affiliate link.)

biography report 4th grade

Emily - The Mountain Teacher

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How to Help Your 4th Grader Write a Biography

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Assignments can differ from one teacher to another, but most fourth-grade biography papers will involve a specific format. If you don't have detailed instructions from their teacher, you can follow these instructions to help your child develop a great paper.

Every paper should have the following sections:

  • An  introductory paragraph
  • Three body paragraphs
  • A summary paragraph

The cover page gives the reader information about your child, their teacher, and the subject of your child's paper. It also makes the work look more polished. The cover page should include the following information:

  • The title of your child's paper
  • Your child's name
  • The name of your child's teacher and their school
  • Today's date

Introductory Paragraph

The introductory paragraph is where your child introduces his topic. It should contain a  strong first sentence that gives the reader a clear idea of what the paper is about. If your child is writing a report about Abraham Lincoln, the opening sentence may look something like this:

Abraham Lincoln once described himself as an ordinary man with an extraordinary story.

The introductory sentence should be followed by a few sentences that give a little more information about the topic and lead up to your child's "big claim," or thesis statement . A thesis statement is not merely a statement of fact. Rather, it is a specific claim that will be argued and defended later in the paper. The thesis statement also serves as a roadmap, giving the reader an idea of what is coming next.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of the biography are where your child goes into detail about their research. Each body paragraph should be about one main idea. In a biography of Abraham Lincoln, your child might write one paragraph about Lincoln's childhood and another about his time as president.

Each body paragraph should contain a topic sentence, support sentences, and a transition sentence.

A topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. Support sentences are where your child goes into detail, adding more information that supports the topic sentence. At the end of each body paragraph should be a transition sentence, which links the ideas from one paragraph to another. Transition sentences help guide the reader and keep the writing flowing smoothly.

Sample Body Paragraph

A body paragraph may look something like this:

(Topic sentence) Abraham Lincoln struggled to keep the country together when some people wanted to see it split apart. The Civil War broke out after many American states wanted to start a new country. Abraham Lincoln showed leadership skills when he led the Union to victory and kept the country from splitting in two. (Transition) His role in the Civil War kept the country together, but led to many threats to his own safety. (Next topic sentence) Lincoln did not back down under the many threats he received. . . .

Summary or Conclusion Paragraph

A strong conclusion restates your child's argument and sums up everything they have written. It should also include a few sentences that repeat the points your child made in each body paragraph. In the end, your child should include a final sentence that sums up the whole argument.

Although they contain some of the same information, the introduction and the conclusion should not be the same. The conclusion should build on what your child has written in their body paragraphs and wrap things up for the reader.

Sample Summary Paragraph

The summary (or conclusion) should look something like this:

Although many people in the country did not like Abraham Lincoln at the time, he was a great leader for our country. He kept the United States together when it was in danger of falling apart. He also stood brave in the face of danger and led the way to equal rights for all people. Abraham Lincoln is one of the most outstanding leaders in American history.


Your child's teacher may require a bibliography at the end of the student's paper. The bibliography is simply a list of books or articles that your child used for his research. The sources should be listed in a precise format  and in alphabetical order .

  • How to Write an Interesting Biography
  • How to Design a Book Cover
  • Famous People for Biography Topics
  • Fourth Grade School Supplies List
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   : : : : Biography Book Report



: 3-5, 6-8

Instructions and rubric for students to complete a book report on a biography of their choice. (Grade 5)


Students will write a book report after reading a biography of their choice.




If the biography you read did not contain some of this information, please look it up online or in an encyclopedia.

This means that everything you write will be on the correct page and that you have included all the necessary information.

This means that your ideas are presented in logical order and are easy to understand.

This means that you have separate paragraphs for each new idea, you have used a topic sentence for each new paragraph, and sentences are complete and include correct punctuation. New paragraphs should be indented. You should use one inch margins.

Check your spelling before handing in the report.

Any corrections on the final draft should be done neatly.

Fourth Grade Biographies

In Search of the Little Prince book

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biography report 4th grade

Teaching Students to Write Biography Reports

Biographies are many students’ first glimpse at history. It is one of my favorite units to teach every year. It is a great opportunity for students to read, research, use technology, and write!

If you’re teaching students to write biography reports this year, then check out how I like to break it down!

biography report 4th grade

Breaking Down Writing a Biography Report (Grades 2-5)

Writing these types of reports is part of the Common Core writing standards for Grades 2-5 as well as many other states’ standards. There are several steps to take as you teach your students to write a biography report.

The first step ALWAYS: Introduce Biographies

Before I even begin to teach my students how to write a biography, I like to read several from our school library.

For second and third grade students :

  • Have several biographies in the classroom and give students time to explore the books. Then discuss: What did you notice about all these books? How are they the same? How are they different?
  • Discuss genre and introduce biographies.
  • Then, I would read them biographies about many different people.

For fourth and fifth grade students :

  • Make a class anchor chart discussing what you already know about biographies. Look for gaps in understanding, and make sure students know the main characteristics of a biography.
  • Then, read several different biographies about the same person with a focus on the different information each biography shared, as well as what information was the same. Did all of the biographies have the characteristics we listed on our anchor chart?

This type of introductory lesson allows them to hear how biographies are written and to notice similarities across the various texts.

It is important to make note of the characteristics that biographies have so that when students write their own, they already have an understanding of how they are written!

biography report 4th grade

Once students have been exposed to biographies, you can begin to teach about writing them.

Discuss Text Structure of Biographies

Depending on the grade you teach, you may not necessarily call it “text structure,” however it is important for students to understand that most biographies are written in a chronological/sequential way.

Since we are writing about someone’s life, it wouldn’t make sense for the report to be out of order.

While we go over this, I like to create a timeline with my students.

Mentor texts are important to use when teaching your students to write biography reports.

If you are using my biography writing units, I recommend:

  • Using the mentor text to create a timeline of the subject’s life. You can do this on the board or on chart paper.
  • Use the research text to create a timeline of the subject’s life (this is the person the students will write about, and a text is included in the units). For older students, you may choose to have them fill out the timeline on their own.

How to Write an Engaging Introduction for the Biography Report

At the beginning of the report, students should write an engaging introduction that includes one (or both) of two main components.

The introduction should include one (or both) of these components:

  • Introduce the subject with their full name and birth information or
  • Briefly preview what they are most famous for

Remember, at the beginning of the biography report, students should write an engaging introduction that includes one (or both) of two main components.

Practice writing a variety of introductions and have students choose the one they like the best. ( TIP: Model some poorly written introductions as well , and discuss why those are not a good fit!)

Crafting the Body Paragraphs of the Biography Report

When teaching your students to write biography reports, it is important to explain to them what the body paragraphs should include.

The body paragraphs should include the major events in the person’s life.

Read over the body paragraphs from your mentor text and discuss what was included and what was not included. What was included in the timeline you created? What did you leave out?

Timelines are an excellent tool to use when teaching your students to write biography reports.

You can make a T chart with your students and discuss what are major events in your own life, and what are not.

Writing a Conclusion for the Biography Report

Most conclusions in a biography end with the person’s death.

While this can be noted, it’s important for students to understand that they shouldn’t just end their report with “and then they died in 1894”. It is more important for them to end their report with the legacy of the person.

To help students understand what a person’s legacy means:

  • Review and write legacies of other famous individuals from biographies you have read to your class.
  • Ask them what their person is most known for (and review their introduction).
  • Ask them how this person has impacted other people.

If you are looking for resources for teaching your students to write a biography report, check out my writing units.

biography report 4th grade

These units also include a Google Slides option so you can teach the whole unit digitally!

Preview the grades 2-5 biography writing units here:.

Get resources for teaching your Grades 2-5 students to write a biography report here.

biography report 4th grade

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The Curriculum Corner 4-5-6

Biography Graphic Organizers

biography report 4th grade

Use this collection of biography graphic organizers to help your fourth and fifth grade students explore biographies during reading workshop.

These biography graphic organizers will be a helpful tool for you as you are planning your biography unit of study.

This is another free resource for teachers and homeschool families from The Curriculum Corner.

Use this collection of biography graphic organizers to help your fourth and fifth grade students explore biographies during reading workshop.

Planning for a study of biographies

As you plan for your unit of study, your first action should be gathering high interest biographies for your students to explore.

These mentor texts should be good, clear examples of biographies. Include your favorites and be sure to include books that will interest your students as well.  It’s also a good idea to gather a stack of informational text books that fall under that category of narrative nonfiction.  Throughout the unit, you might want to refer to these as nonexamples of biographies.

There are many informational text picture books that are written at a fourth to sixth grade level. This means that you should be able to find some shorter texts that will still challenge your readers. This can be helpful when you want students to explore multiple biographies.

As you work to gather your books, ask students who they would be most interested in learning about. Try to find books that match their requests to keep them engaged in the unit.

If you have a student interested in a subject but are unable to find a book to share, you can turn this into a follow up project. Have the student write their own biography about the subject. You can add this to your classroom librarym .

Graphic Organiz32ers for Biographies

About these biography graphic organizers

This collection contains a variety of biography graphic organizers. You can choose to use the ones that fit your students best.

As always, I encourage you to model these organizers as you introduce them. This will help students to fully understand the expectations.

Lesson 1  Expository or Narrative Nonfiction?

Begin by helping students understand that there is a different between expository nonfiction and narrative nonfiction. Biographies fall under the category of narrative nonfiction and tell a story. Narrative nonfiction may also tell about an event. Expository nonfiction provides an explanation or directions.

This first lesson is designed to help students develop an understanding of the difference between a biography (which is narrative nonfiction) and expository nonfiction.  

Share the stack of mentor texts along with the nonexamples of biographies (which should be expository nonfiction.)

Allow students time to look through these books and “notice” differences.  Encourage them to make notes on post-its and mark the spots in the text.

These differences will help students begin to develop an understanding of the differences. When students have completed their noticings, pull them together as a class and give them time to share what they found.  

Create an anchor chart for students to refer to that is titled “Noticings” and contains the student observations.   Observations for biographies might include: tells a story, tells about a person’s life, includes dates, has bold words, has a table of contents, includes a glossary, has an index.  

Observations for expository nonfiction might include: gives directions, tells all about an object or animal, explains something, includes dates, has bold words, has a table of contents, includes a glossary, has an index.

Noticings Exit Ticket  To check student understanding, have students complete this exit ticket.  Students find a biography and an example of expository nonfiction. They then include their choices and reasoning on their exit ticket.

Lesson 2 Biography Story Map

A biography can be similar to a fiction book which tells a story.  

It includes a main character, setting, time and often problems.

Have students choose a biography to read and complete this story map.  

You might choose to model this lesson by reading aloud a biography one day and completing the story map together.

The next day, students will use their silent reading time to read a different biography they are interested in and then complete the story map.

Lesson 3 Character Traits

Just like when reading fiction, students reading biographies should be trying to determine the character traits of the subject of the biography.  

It is important for students to understand that character traits are different from what the person looks like. These resources can be used to help students develop an understanding of the difference: Character Traits . 

We suggest using a biography that can be shared during class in order to model the differences for students.  Once students have developed an understanding, they can complete their own graphic organizer after reading a just right book during silent reading time.

Lesson 4 Influences

Every person has others who influence his or her life.  

These people have positive and negative effects on the character in a book.  

For this lesson, focus on how other people in the biography have had an impact on the person.  

Students will identify what influence the person had and if the influence was positive, negative or both.  

It will be necessary for you to model this with the class in order for students to understand the expectations.  

Once a model has been completed with the class, you can have students complete their own graphic organizer during independent reading time.

Lesson 5 Taking Notes While Reading

When reading a biography, it is sometimes important for the reader to take notes so that they remember the important facts.  

This organizer can be used for a tool that helps students record the facts in the book.

Lesson 6 Reflections

An important part of reading is thinking about what is being read.  

Use these cards to encourage students to think about the person they are reading about.  

You can print the page on cardstock and then laminate for durability.

Or, you can print on regular paper and have students choose a question. They can record their response on the back like an exit ticket.

Lesson 7 Asking and Answering Questions

Readers ask and answer questions in their heads as they read to help them create meaning.  

This graphic organizer gives students practice with this skill while asking them to record their thoughts.  

You may choose to have students answer their own questions or to trade with a peer who is reading the same book.

Lesson 8 Cause & Effect

This is a concept which will take a great deal of modeling.  

Students must understand that events in a person’s life lead to outcomes.  

As you read a biography, work with the class to find important events in a person’s life and the impact those events had on the person.  

As part of this work, help students identify where the answers are.  

When students practice this skill independently, you might choose to have them use a post-it note to mark the evidence found in the text.

Lesson 9 Life Lessons

Sometimes reading a biography might teach us lessons we can apply to our own lives.  

Encourage students to look at the book they are reading and determine what they can learn from their character.  

These lessons might be positive or negative.

You can download this set of biography graphic organizers here:

Reading Download

CCSS Standards Addressed:

Preparing Your Reading Workshop - The Curriculum Corner 123

Thursday 20th of June 2019

[…] Biographies Collection for 4th and 5th Grades […]

Biography Unit of Study for Reading - The Curriculum Corner 123

Monday 27th of May 2019

[…] you need additional resources for enrichment or differentiation you might want to check out the Biographies –  Resources from our 456 […]

Monday 14th of April 2014

This is a fabulous post! I hope you don't mind, I'm going to link to this page on Wednesday when I share about biographies on my blog, too! :) :)

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42 Creative Book Report Ideas for Students

Inspire your students to share their love of books.

biography report 4th grade

Responding to what you read is an important literacy skill. Reading about other people’s experiences and perspectives helps kids learn about the world. And although students don’t need to dive deeply into every single book they read, occasionally digging into characters, settings, and themes can help them learn to look beyond the prose. Here are 42 creative book report ideas designed to make reading more meaningful for kids.

A poem about the sword in the stone formatted in the shape of the sword in the stone

1. Concrete Found Poem

This clever activity is basically a shape poem made up of words, phrases, and whole sentences found in the books students read. The words come together to create an image that represents something from the story.

2. Graphic Novel

Have students rewrite the book they are reading, or a chapter of their book, as a graphic novel. Set parameters for the assignment such as including six scenes from the story, three characters, details about the setting, etc. And, of course, include detailed illustrations to accompany the story.

A news article displayed on a computer screen with comments and an emoji laid over the print as an example of creative book report ideas

3. Book Snaps

Book Snaps are a way for students to visually show how they are reacting to, processing, and/or connecting with a text. First, students snap a picture of a page in the book they are reading. Then, they add comments, images, highlights, and more.

4. Diary Entry

Have your students place themselves in the shoes of one of the characters from their book and write a first-person diary entry of a critical moment from the story. Ask them to choose a moment in the story where the character has plenty of interaction and emotion to share in a diary entry.

A pizza box decorated with a book cover and a paper pizza with book report details as an example of creative book report ideas

5. Pizza Box Book Report

If you’re looking for creative book report ideas that use upcycled materials, try this one using a pizza box. It works well for both nonfiction and fiction book reports. The top lid provides a picture of the book cover. Each wedge of the pizza pie tells part of the story.

6. Book Jacket

Have students create a new book jacket for their story. Include an attractive illustrated cover, a summary, a short biography of the author, and a few reviews from readers.

A book report made from a mint tin as an example of creative book report ideas

7. Mint Tin Book Report

There are so many super-creative, open-ended projects you can use mint tins for. Teacher blogger Teacher Thrive describes the process of creating book reports using them. There’s even a free template for cards that fit inside.

8. Fictional Yearbook Entries

Ask your students to create a yearbook based on the characters and setting in the book. What do they look like? Cut out magazine pictures to give a good visual image for their school picture. What kind of superlative might they get? Best-looking? Class clown? What clubs would they be in or lead? Did they win any awards? It should be obvious from their small yearbooks whether your students dug deep into the characters in their books. They may also learn that who we are as individuals is reflected in what we choose to do with our lives.

A book report in the form of a cake made from paper

9. Book Report Cake

This project would be perfect for a book tasting in your classroom! Each student presents their book report in the shape of food. Learn more about book tastings .

10. Current Events Comparison

Have students locate three to five current events articles a character in their book might be interested in. After they’ve found the articles, have them explain why the character would find them interesting and how they relate to the book. Learning about how current events affect time, place, and people is critical to helping develop opinions about what we read and experience in life.

A book report written on separate pieces of paper shaped like ingredients of a sandwich

11. Sandwich Book Report

Yum! You’ll notice a lot of our creative book report ideas revolve around food. In this oldie but goodie, each layer of this book report sandwich covers a different element of the book—characters, setting, conflict, etc.

12. Book Alphabet

Choose 15 to 20 alphabet books to help give your students examples of how they work around themes. Then ask your students to create their own Book Alphabet based on the book they read. What artifacts, vocabulary words, and names reflect the important parts of the book? After they find a word to represent each letter, have them write one sentence that explains where the word fits in.

A book report tacked to a tri-fold display board with a face peeking over the top as an example of creative book report ideas

13. Peekaboo Book Report

Using cardboard lap books (or small science report boards), students include details about their book’s main characters, plot, setting, conflict, resolution, etc. Then they draw a head and arms on card stock and attach them to the board from behind to make it look like the main character is peeking over this book report.

14. Act the Part

Have students dress up as their favorite character from the book and present an oral book report. If their favorite character is not the main character, retell the story from their point of view.

A student wears a colorful t-shirt decorated with a book report about the book Ivy and Bean

15. T-shirt Book Report

Another fun and creative idea: Create a wearable book report with a plain white tee. Come up with your own using Sharpie pens and acrylic paint.

16. Bookmark

Have students create a custom illustrated bookmark that includes drawings and words from either their favorite chapter or the entire book.

A cutout of a woman's profile is surrounded by colorful sections, each with a description of the pictured woman

17. Rays of Sunshine Book Report

This is great for biography research projects. Students cut out a photocopied image of their subject and glue it in the middle. Then, they draw lines from the image to the edges of the paper, like rays of sunshine, and fill in each section with information about the person. As a book report template, the center image could be a copy of the book cover, and each section expands on key information such as character names, theme(s), conflict, resolution, etc.

18. Reading Lists for Characters

Ask your students to think about a character in their book. What kinds of books might that character like to read? Take them to the library to choose five books the character might have on their to-be-read list. Have them list the books and explain what each book might mean to the character. Post the to-be-read lists for others to see and choose from—there’s nothing like trying out a book character’s style when developing your own identity.

A student's hand-written to-do list

19. Character To-Do List

This fun activity is an off-the-beaten-path way to dive deep into character analysis. Get inside the head of the main character in a book and write a to-do list that they might write. Use actual information from the text, but also make inferences into what that character may wish to accomplish.

20. Collage

Create a collage using pictures and words that represent different parts of the book. Use old magazines or print pictures from the Internet.

A group of students pose with their paper bag book reports as an example of creative book report ideas

21. Book Reports in a Bag

Looking for book report ideas that really encourage creative thinking? With book reports in a bag, students read a book and write a summary. Then, they decorate a paper grocery bag with a scene from the book, place five items that represent something from the book inside the bag, and present the bag to the class.

22. Timeline

Have students create a timeline of the main events from their book. Be sure to include character names and details for each event. Use 8″ x 11″ sheets of paper taped together or a long portion of bulletin board paper.

A manilla file folder decorated with elements of a book report as an example of creative book report ideas

23. File Folder Book Report

Also called a lap book, this easy-to-make book report hits on all the major elements of a book study and gives students a chance to show what they know in a colorful way.

24. Public Service Announcement

If a student has read a book about a cause that affects people, animals, or the environment, teach them about public service announcements . Once they understand what a PSA is, have them research the issue or cause that stood out in the book. Then provide a template for a storyboard so they can create their own PSA. Some students might want to take it a step further and create a video based on their storyboard. Consider sharing their storyboard or video with an organization that supports the cause or issue.

A book report written on a 3 dimensional triangle

25. Triorama Book Report

Who doesn’t love a multidimensional book report? This image shows a 3D model, but you can also try an accordion-folded book report, a quadrama, or an info-sphere.

26. Character Cards

Make trading cards (like baseball cards) for a few characters from the book. On the front side, draw the character. On the back side, make a list of their character traits and include a quote or two.

A girl stands next to a book report mobile made from a wire hanger and index cards as an example of creative book report ideas

27. Book Report Mobile

This creative project doesn’t require a fancy or expensive supply list. Students just need an ordinary clothes hanger, strings, and paper. The body of the hanger is used to identify the book, and the cards on the strings dangling below are filled with key elements of the book, like characters, setting, and a summary.

28. Fact Sheet

Have students create a list of 10 facts that they learned from reading the book. Have them write the facts in complete sentences, and be sure that each fact is something that they didn’t know before they read the book.

A book report made from 12 sheets of paper put together to form a dodecahedron as an example of creative book report ideas

29. Dodecahedron Book Report

Creative book report ideas think outside the box. In this case, it’s a ball! SO much information can be covered on the 12 panels, and it allows students to take a deep dive in a creative way.

30. Be a Character Therapist

Therapists work to uncover their clients’ fears based on their words and actions. When we read books, we must learn to use a character’s actions and dialogue to infer their fears. Many plots revolve around a character’s fear and the work it takes to overcome that fear. Ask students to identify a character’s fear and find 8 to 10 scenes that prove this fear exists. Then have them write about ways the character overcame the fear (or didn’t) in the story. What might the character have done differently?

A decorated paper hand with paper charms hanging off of it

31. Charm Bracelet Book Report

What a “charming” way to write a book report! Each illustrated bracelet charm captures a character, an event in the plot, setting, or other detail.

32. Mind Maps

Mind maps can be a great way to synthesize what students have learned from reading a book. Plus, there are so many ways to approach them. Begin by writing a central idea in the middle of the page. For example, general information, characters, plot, etc. Then branch out from the center with ideas, thoughts, and connections to material from the book.

A book made from folded grocery bags is the template for a student book report as an example of creative book report ideas

33. Book Report Booklets

This clever book report is made from ordinary paper bags. Stack the paper bags on top of each other, fold them in half, and staple the closed-off ends of the bags together. Students can write, draw, and decorate on the paper bag pages. They can also record information on writing or drawing paper and glue the paper onto the pages. The open ends of the bags can be used as pockets to insert photos, cut-outs, postcards, or other flat items that help them tell their story.

34. Letter to the Author

Have kids write a letter to the author of the book. Tell them three things you really liked about the story. Ask three questions about the plot, characters, or anything else you’re curious about.

A low tech tv made from a cereal box

35. Cardboard Box TV

This cardboard box TV book report project is a low-tech version of a television made from a cereal box and two paper towel rolls. Students create the viewing screen cut out at the top, then insert a scroll of paper with writing and illustrations inside the box. When the cardboard roll is rotated, the story unfolds.

36. Board games

This is a great project if you want your students to develop a little more insight into what they’re reading. Have them think about the elements of their favorite board games and how they can be adapted to fit this assignment.

A book report made from a paper background and attached flaps as an example of creative book report ideas as an example of creative book report ideas

37. Foldables

From Rainbows Within Reach, this clever idea would be a great introduction to writing book reports. Adapt the flap categories for students at different levels. Adjust the number of categories (or flaps) per the needs of your students.

38. Timeline

Create a timeline using a long roll of butcher paper, a poster board, or index cards taped together. For each event on the timeline, write a brief description of what happens. Add pictures, clip art, word art, and symbols to make the timeline more lively and colorful.

A girl stands holding a comic strip book report as an example of creative book report ideas

39. Comic Strips

If you’re looking for creative book report ideas for students who like graphic novels, try comic strip book reports. Include an illustrated cover with the title and author. The pages of the book should retell the story using dialogue and descriptions of the setting and characters. Of course, no comic book would be complete without copious illustrations and thought bubbles.

40. Movie Version

If the book your students have read has been made into a movie, have them write a report about how the versions are alike and different. If the book has not been made into a movie, have them write a report telling how they would make it into a movie, using specific details from the book.

A book report in the form of a wanted poster

41. Wanted Poster

Make a Wanted poster for one of the book’s main characters. Indicate whether they are wanted dead or alive. Include a picture of the character and a description of what the character is “wanted” for, three examples of the character showing this trait, and a detailed account of where the character was last seen.

42. Wheaties Box Book Report

Recycle a cereal box and create a book report to look like an old-fashioned Wheaties box that features sports heroes. Include a main image on the front side of the box. Decorate the sides of the box with information about the book’s characters, setting, plot, summary, etc.

Come share your own creative book report ideas in our We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, dont’ miss 100 famous children’s books every kid should read (plus free printable).

Book reports don't have to be boring. Help your students make the books come alive with these 42 creative book report ideas.

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Biography Research for Kids {Facts, Templates & Printables}

Published: September 6, 2022

Contributor: Jeannette Tuionetoa

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

The telling of a person’s life could be one of the most personal literature pieces your children will read while in school. Learn how to teach biography research for kids in an easy way so they can write their very own biography report.

biography templates

Biography Research for Kids

To obtain correct information about a particular person (famous person or historical figure), it is important to gather as much information as possible. To ensure the information you find is accurate, the sources you use should be reliable and should be cross-checked with other information.

Biography Facts for Kids

Before tackling biography research for kids, it is important they know what a biography is and what it is not. Here are a few important things to know about biography in literature lessons.

A biography is a story about a particular person’s life, whether it be a famous person, athlete, historical figure, or a specific person.

Biographies of people are written in third person , meaning it is about someone else. In contrast, an autobiography is a person themselves telling their life story.

The Purpose of a Biography

Many times biographies of people are used as historical accounts of an era. Biographies tell basic facts about people, their education, work, and relationships. Yet, they also are personal accounts and portrayals of experiences through events of the time in their life story.

What are the key features of a biography?

There are key features of a biography that make this literary artwork a retelling of a life story. Here are a few key features of biography to get a child’s mind in the flow of gathering information for a biography research project, author study, or important events for biography research.

  • date and place of birth and/or death
  • where the public figure lived or location of residence
  • educational background
  • professional experience (i.e. work, artwork, skills, hobbies)
  • area of expertise (What was/is this person famous for?)
  • major achievements in life (Which of the areas of expertise was he/she best known for?)
  • expound on the information, find interesting facts, and include your thoughts.

How to Write a Biography

There are specific ways to keep focused when writing a biography. Explore these steps to help your students write and understand biographies.

Step One: Choose Who to Write About

There are loads of famous, historical, or note-worthy people your young readers can explore for their biography research project.

Parents can task a specific genre study of biographies or specific categories for students to research, or students can choose their own. Here are some interesting biography research topics students will enjoy learning about:

Interesting Biography Figures

  • Sports figure
  • Someone from American history
  • Someone from a specific historical period like ancient civilizations/ ancient times
  • Black History Month figure
  • Native American figure
  • Presidents of the United States (biographies of presidents)
  • World War I or World War II figures
  • American Revolution figure
  • Renaissance figure
  • Middle Ages figure
  • 20th-century heroes

Historical Figures and Public Figures

  • Amelia Earhart
  • Elizabeth Carter
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Ruby Bridge
  • Misty Copeland
  • Ellen Ochoa
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • William Shakespeare
  • Life Of George Washington
  • Frederick Douglass
  • Julius Caesar
  • Jackie Robinson
  • James Boswell
  • Wright Brothers

Step Two: Do Your Research

Gathering information for research through primary and secondary sources is crucial. Compiling good research data is important and valuable for building knowledge and clear a path for learning.

Gathering reliable research helps students understand topics, understand issues, increase awareness, and exercise the mind.

Using Primary Sources

When students use primary resources, they gather reliable knowledge that answers research questions, enables critical thinking, and develop well, thought out interpretations from facts.

Primary resources are images, artifacts, and documents that are firsthand testimony and proven evidence on a topic.

Some more examples of primary sources:

  • Manuscripts
  • Video recordings

Using Secondary Sources

Secondary sources, on the other hand, describe, comment on, evaluate, discuss, or process what would be in a primary source.

Some examples of secondary sources are:

  • Biographical texts
  • Literature reviews
  • Commentaries
  • History books
  • Bibliographies
  • Dictionaries/encyclopedias

Step Three: Create an Outline

The next step in writing a research-rich biography is creating an outline to organize the information and content gathered.

Outlines, although many students might not think they are useful, aid in their writing process. They provide the writers with a structure to follow, making sure no important information is missed.

You can use the Biography Notebooking Journal to make this an easy process! The templates can be used to do a thorough biographical research project .

Biography Research Outline

A research paper is enhanced with an outline by organizing thoughts, understanding a clear flow is needed for information, and then again, ensuring nothing is forgotten.

Here is a very basic research outline:


  • Develop an engaging introduction sentence that captures the reader’s attention.
  • Site a quote or anecdote from the person’s life.
  • Describe the basic identity of the person with the very basic key elements mentioned above (i.e. name, date of birth/death, location).
  • Include a unique observation that you have gathered from the person or why you chose to write about him/her.
  • Stick to the theme of your research paper and provide the content you have gathered in your research.
  • Describe the information you have gathered in sections or chronologically.
  • Discuss your person’s accomplishments and their impact on society or those around them. Maybe also mention, if applicable, how a major event changed their life or the life of others.
  • Ensure the pieces of information gathered are connected or interlinked or flow well together.
  • Mention the person’s legacy or why they will remain important to remember or acknowledge.
  • Add a lesser-known fact about the person, something you found interesting or noteworthy.
  • Conclude with a comment or your input of the impact the person will make or will leave on the world or society.

Write a First Draft

Making an outline is crucial for getting an overview of what a research biography paper will be. Look like. If done correctly, it will easily flow into a first draft.

The outline develops what you need as a first draft, and transition words will help the writer make the paragraphs and sections flow into each other smoothly. The below resources will help with both.

How to Write a Paragraph for Kids – Teach your children how to write well, thought-out paragraphs as a foundational writing skill in your homeschool. This post explores ten different steps for writing a paragraph and listing the essential parts of a good paragraph.

Transition Words – Your children will find these writing tools helpful for words and phrases they can use to show smooth storytelling transitions.

Edit and Revise

In the editing and revision page of a research biography unit paper, the writer can enhance effective headings and subheadings for their paragraphs. This is the time to:

  • Information aligns with your main point or purpose of the research paper.
  • Eliminate parts of the paper that do not add value.
  • Tighten up the wording (i.e. if your sentences are understandable or make sense)
  • Check for spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Get someone to read your paper or write it, then do another read-over the next day – for a fresh perspective.

Write Your Final Paper

It is time. Type or write out the final paper. Make a cover page if needed, evaluate if your sources are cited correctly, and develop your bibliography page, if required.

Citing Your Sources

It is important to cite sources for research biographies and any other assignments students have in school. Determine what citation style is needed and teach children how to cite correctly. This resource will benefit students straight through high school, college, and any written work they may create.

Research and Citation Resources by Owl Purdue – This tool is a perfect resource for conducting research, using the research, determining citation style, and citing written works correctly.

Biographical Websites

To jump-start the minds of young girls and boys when they begin researching biographies, the websites below will assist set the stage for their journey into learning about biographies of people, their hard work, and more.

 Biographies of People in History

Biography – This is one of the most popular internet sites capturing the most interesting stories about massive amounts of people in our world. You will find compelling points of view and true stories about people from our world.

Info Please – This site is a search engine for biographies by category. There are all types of categories to choose from like Arts and Entertainment, Politics and Government, Famous Americans by Race and Ethnicity, and so much more.

Time 100 Most Influential People – Time magazine has brought their Time Most Influential People online. Check out Time’s 100 Most Influential People for 2020 to help students search for biographical information, including pioneers, artists, leaders, titans, icons, and more.

Scientists Biographies

Famous Scientists – Check out this alphabetical list of hundreds of famous scientists who have impacted our world’s history. Even search scientists by categories like Astronomers, Chemists, Biologists, and more.

World of Scientific Biography – Science World presents a whole section on biographies for scientists in various branches of the science field. The biographical data is separated by gender, minority status, historical periods, nationality, and prize winners.

People and Discoveries by PBS – Learn all about people and their discoveries in this databank which includes about 120 entries about 20th century scientists and their life stories.

Artists Biographies

Van Gogh’s Gallery of Artist Biographies – Although this site is about Vincent Van Gogh, it also offers biographical information on other artists like Michelangelo, Gauguin, Caravaggio, and Claude Monet.

Biographies of Poets

All About Poets – You don’t have to be an expert on poetry to help students learn about poets and their artwork. Check out to search more than 3,000 biographies on poets of both contemporary and classical styles.

Athlete Biographies

ESPN’s Top Athletes of the Century – Use your child’s love of sports to enhance their learning experience in their English classes. Students will enjoy the biographies of great athletes of the 20th century.

Biographies of Presidents

POTUS History and Data – It is important for students to learn about the Presidents of the United States (POTUS). This site has loads of information to help with a biography research assignment. The POTUS site includes presidential facts, quizzes, and even Presidential firsts.

Biographies of Nobel Prize Recipients

Nobel Prize Awards – The Nobel Prize is an international award by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. This site is a great way of learning about all the Nobel prize winners and what they were nominated for.

Biographies of Famous People

Who2 Biographies – This biographical resource holds 4,775 biographies of famous people, characters, and even creatures. Search these by categories that include born today, by occupation, cause of death, and more.

Smithsonian’s Spotlight Biography – Searching Smithsonian Education is a fun way to learn about famous and notable American artists, athletes, soldiers, scientists, inventors, social reformers, and others.

To Summarize, a Biography Should Include:

Biographies can be very interesting topics and a fun way to marry various subjects in your homeschool like history, writing, reading, English, research, and more.

Biographical research for kids includes:

  • Narrowing down a person to research.
  • Putting research skills into practice to gather all the information needed.
  • Writing a detailed outline.
  • Writing an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Selecting a good image for the person chosen.

Every person is created for a purpose. Focusing on biography research for kids allows students to take interest in the lives of others. Begin encouraging your student to take an interest and learn about others this school year.

Jeannette Tuionetoa

Jeannette is a wife, mother and homeschooling mom. She has been mightily, saved by grace and is grateful for God’s sovereignty throughout her life’s journey. She has a Bachelor in English Education and her MBA. Jeannette is bi-lingual and currently lives in the Tongan Islands of the South Pacific. She posts daily freebies for homeschoolers!

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Biography Book Report Template

A biography book report template for 4th-12th graders with a colorful design


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The Best biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs to get 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students interested and reading

Best Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs for Upper Elementary

Best biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs to get 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students interested and engaged

3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students don't often automatically grab biographies and autobiographies off the classroom library shelf.  But the inspiring biographies below will have your upper elementary students begging for more!

Written by guest blogger Cindy Koopmans

In my classroom I’ve often found that biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs are a bit of a hard sell.  Besides selecting only the best nonfiction books for my classroom shelves to begin with, this is how I’ve made it work...

Tips for Encouraging Students to Read Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs

When students are looking for a new book to read, I go to the shelves and hand pick a stack of books for them to peruse.  I’ll start the process by asking them what they’ve read lately and what they liked about those books.  This strategy works because it is built on choice and trust.  I’m enthusiastic about books and I never force a book on a kid.  They get to choose what to read.

biography report 4th grade

And when that happens, the conversation I have with one of my lovies goes something like this: “Mrs. K.  This really happened?  This story is like, for real?” 

Me, “Yup.”   

This is the truth:  no matter who we are or how old we are, we are always looking for someone to light the way forward on this dark road called life.  

Even the most jaded of students have the propensity to be inspired by the stories of people who have survived and thrived.  

And that’s why it is so critical to give our students the gift of great nonfiction and allow them a glimpse into other people’s worlds.  When we see how other people navigate the not insubstantial bumps in their personal roads it gives us hope.  

So here you will find a nicely balanced list of great nonfiction books that are tried and true winners for upper elementary students.  There is great variety in this role call.  I’ve included books written about or by creatives, trailblazers, and a few so-called “ordinary” people, who when called upon by fate, did not back down.  They met the challenges they faced head on and triumphed.  

These people found themselves in extraordinarily difficult and, in some cases, harrowing life situations.  The stories are unique, multi-faceted and...well...true!  

As an added bonus, you can trust that these nonfiction books are incredibly well-written.  

Sometimes, just to hook some of my more reluctant student readers, I take a minute out of our precious instructional time.  I’m not doing anything too fancy, I simply introduce a new book and read the first page or two enthusiastically.

If I’m with a particularly apathetic class I’ve been known to climb up on a chair and use lots of over the top hand gestures.  Hey! Whatever it takes, right?  

Anyway, I’m never sorry about taking the time because there is absolutely nothing more exciting than hearing numerous kids blurt out an enthusiastic, “I want to read that one!” 

What just happened here? A waiting list?  Awesome.

These are good books.  Many of these books are showing the wear and tear of being well-loved in my fifth grade classroom.  Others have gotten a thorough vetting before they made this list and are now on an Amazon wish list until I get two nickels to rub together.  You and your students will find them to be deeply satisfying reads.  Get ready for a cupcake shop moment, because you are not going to know which one to pick! 

12 Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Students

Anne frank: the diary of a young girl by anne frank, b.m. mooyaart (translator), eleanor roosevelt (introduction).

It is July 6, 1942, the setting is Amsterdam, and Anne Frank has just received a diary for her birthday.  The rest is history. 

Every year I have at least one student who loves Laurie Halse Anderson's historical fiction books.  If you have students like that in your class, then Anne Frank will absolutely blow their minds.  Introduce them to this classic read, then share the link to the full length movie.   

Some books introduced to students are gifts that they will remember the rest of their lives.  Be that teacher that gives that gift.  Here I just want to say thank you to Mrs. Barclay.  I still have my original copy.

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Unbroken: An Olympian's Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive  by Laura Hillenbrand

This book begins with an excruciating description of three men who are floating on a raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  Suffice it to say that sharks are predominant in the narrative of the first chapter.  Fifth grade boys?  Gotcha.  Add to the sharks stuff the fact that the main character, Louis Zabarelli, is a former Olympian and you just set the hook.

This recommendation of the young adult adaptation of Louis Zabarelli’s story, but that shouldn’t be a cause for hesitation.  This book graces the shelf of my classroom library, but it isn’t on the shelf very often.  That and it’s worn condition testifies that Louis Zabarelli’s story does hold appeal for upper elementary aged students.  I’ve included the movie trailer for you in case you want more evidence.


Hidden Figures  by Margot Lee Shetterly

biography report 4th grade

This is another worn book in my classroom library.  In fact, I have three copies because it has been that popular. 

You can find some extra resources here if you’re that smart teacher that seeks to intertwine some science lessons into your literature.  If you haven’t seen the movie that was released a few years ago, you can watch the trailer here.

Hidden Figures

Save time and stress this school year with these   Nonfiction Reading Response Activities that can be used over and over throughout the school year with ANY nonfiction text.   

3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will respond through reading, writing, poetry, speaking, listening, drawing, interviewing, and more.    This is a must have   for any upper elementary teacher that does not want to have to constantly recreate the wheel.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind  by William Kamkwamba

biography report 4th grade

You may want to watch the movie on Netflix, but don’t tell your students it is there until after they read the book.  (And you could use some of these questions and activity ideas for comparing movies to books.)   Another recommendation from my classroom shelves.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

I Am Malala  by Malala Yousafzai with Patricia McCormick

Look up the word inspiring in the dictionary and you may find Malala Yousafzai’s picture there.  Malala Yousafzai is internationally famous because she and her family stood up to the Taliban’s edict that girls were not allowed to receive an education.  Malala’s father taught her not to back down from what she believed in, even though she knew she was in danger, Malala continued to attend school.  As a result, Malala almost lost her life when she was shot riding the bus home from school. 

Here’s a short video about how Malala, the youngest ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 17, continues her mission to make a difference in the lives of young women around the world.

A biography of Malala also made this list of books about overcoming obstacles.

I Am Malala

Ugly  by Robert Hoge

Do we have a choice in what we allow to define us?  Robert Hoge’s memoir answers this question with a resounding, “Yes!” 

Bullied and misunderstood because of a facial tumor and other disabilities he was born with, Robert Hoge teaches us how to live wholeheartedly and fearlessly despite how we might be judged and treated by the world.  This is the very best kind of story, honestly and simply told by the person who lived through it all. 

Robert was born with disfigurements that made him a baby only a mother could love, except his own mother didn’t want him and still, he made it.  I know I have students who need to hear his story and I’m sure you do too.


Mountains Beyond Mountains  by Tracey Kidder

I was beyond excited when I learned that Tracey Kidder’s book about Dr. Paul Farmer and his work with Partners in Health had been adapted for young readers. 

Tracey Kidder shadows Dr. Paul Farmer whose mission is to provide quality healthcare to the most economically disadvantaged people in the world’s most impoverished populations.  Dr. Farmer’s father exemplified altruism and expected his children to participate in his passion. 

Even though the family didn’t have money, Dr. Farmer made a decision to attend college and pursue medicine.  It was a high school guidance counselor that helped him take the first steps. 

This is a book that I challenge students to read, because it’s...well...challenging!  But a student who  choses to tackle it has not been disappointed.  

Mountains Beyond Mountains

My Thirteenth Winter  by Samantha Abel

Samantha Abel was a straight A student with a secret.  She couldn’t remember her locker combination or tell time.  The disconnect caused her to suffer from anxiety attacks.  In her thirteenth winter, Samantha found the strength and the courage to confront her problems.  Consequently, Samantha learned that she had a learning disability called dyscalculia.   Once the disability is discovered and addressed, Samantha’s life begins to change. 

biography report 4th grade

As teachers know, learning disabilities are a discrepancy between intelligence and academic struggle.  It is in that often agonizing struggle that a learning disability is  forced to the surface.  We know what they are, but we don’t really know what causes them. 

My Thirteenth Winter: A Memoir

A Long Walk to Water  by Linda Sue Park

biography report 4th grade

Linda Sue Park lays out the story in two distinct sections, intermingling fiction and nonfiction.  The book tells the story from the point of view of a young girl, Nya, as she walks all day long to procure water for her family’s needs:  hence the title.  But it is Salva’s point of view story that is truly central to the book.  Salva is one of the “Lost Boys” of Sudan who is walking to escape the violence and constant threat of being conscripted into the Sudanese army.  Spoiler...the two stories come together at the end of the book. 

I spend a lot of time convincing those kiddos who read ahead not to give away the ending and wreck the book for their classmates.  This link will take you to a short video about Salva.

A Long Walk to Water

Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina by Misty Copeland

Misty Copeland is the first African-American principal dancer in American Ballet Theatre history.  Adapted for young readers, the adult version of this book made the New York Times best-seller list.  This is another excellent autobiography I’ve had to purchase in multiples because it is in demand with my girls. 

Misty Copeland’s grit and determination, added to her passion, led her to a successful career in dance.  It all began so simply. 

She writes,  “My family didn't have very much money, so ballet wasn't even on my radar; I just found it randomly when I was 13 at a Boys & Girls Club. We were practicing on a basketball court in gym clothes with some old socks on. Even though it terrified me at first, I found that I really liked it.”  Find something you love and pursue it with all your heart.  Yes.

Check out these other inspirational biographies of African-Americans.

Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina

Lion: A Long Way Home  by Saroo Brierley

An incredible true story that just proves the point that life is often stranger than anything anyone could make up in a million years. 

biography report 4th grade

His book chronicles his struggle to remember where he came from and to reconnect with his family, which he does when he is 25 years old.  You can watch a trailer for the Hollywood Version here.

Lion: A Long Way Home

Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers by Deborah Heiligman

biography report 4th grade

Vincent’s younger brother Theo is the pragmatist in the relationship, but still an art lover—he works as an art dealer, which on the face of it could be immensely helpful for Vincent.  But Vincent’s artistic style, that of the Impressionist school, is simply not in fashion and Theo can’t change that fact. 

Despite their personality differences and all the drama Vincent brings to the relationship these brothers remain loyal to the core.  This is a beautiful and touching story of brotherly love and devotion. 

You’ll find it special as a direct result of Deborah Heilgman’s efforts to get the details right: she carefully gleaned information from more than 600 letters Vincent wrote to his brother Theo over his lifetime. 

Deborah Heiligman is the award winning author of Charles and Emma and many other books for children and young adults.

Vincent and Theo: The Van Gogh Brothers

Find more book suggestions for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students here.  


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  2. Biography Reports

  3. Parent Tech Ed: Biography Report Instructions

  4. ONN Special Report

  5. Biography Lesson 2nd Grade Martin Luther King, Jr

  6. Biography Lesson 2nd Grade Mae Jemison


  1. Biographies for Kids

    By reading these biographies, second-grade and third-grade students learn about the famous person through a fun, easy-to-read passage. Students can also use the QR Codes for additional biography research. Included are comprehension activities that support a sequence of events and categorizing facts, as well as a simple biography report.

  2. 40 Biography Questions to Ask When Writing Biography Reports

    Fourth Grade; Fifth Grade; 40 Biography Questions that Kids Can Ask When Writing Biography Reports. Author: Jessica Boschen ... Biography Report; Biography Sort; 4 Weeks of Lesson Plans; Get more INfo about the Biography Collection. Post Tags: # Biographies. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.

  3. Teach Students to Write Biography Reports

    Teach Students to Write Biography Reports. Social Studies, Writing Reading Time: 9 minutes. 9.5K shares. Our biography unit is one of my favorite units in our classroom! This is the first time students experience an independent report, use technology, and have to synthesize information from various sources.

  4. The BEST Elementary Biography Project

    Snag everything you need for the biography research and writing reports in this Biography Writing Resource. Click here for a compilation of all of my favorite "Who Was" characters to research for this project. These books are the perfect level for 2nd-4th graders, and are really affordable (between $2-4 each by following my Amazon affiliate ...

  5. How to Help Your 4th Grader Write a Biography

    The bibliography is simply a list of books or articles that your child used for his research. The sources should be listed in a precise format and in alphabetical order. A biography written by a 4th grader should have the following components: cover page, introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

  6. PDF Genre Unit: Biographies

    BIOGRAPHY UNIT FOCUS GRADE 4 Essential Common Core Standards R.I.4.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text. ... S.L.4.4 Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details ...

  7. Biography Book Report

    Biography Book Report Grade Level(s): 3-5, 6-8 By: Upsadaisy Instructions and rubric for students to complete a book report on a biography of their choice. (Grade 5) Objectives: Students will write a book report after reading a biography of their choice. Materials: biography pencil


    © BOOK REPORT FORM: BIOGRAPHY Title _____ Author _____ The book is a biography of _____, who

  9. Fourth Grade Biographies Book Collection on Epic

    View the Fourth Grade Biographies collection on Epic plus over 40,000 of the best books & videos for kids.

  10. Teaching Students to Write Biography Reports

    Crafting the Body Paragraphs of the Biography Report. When teaching your students to write biography reports, it is important to explain to them what the body paragraphs should include. The body paragraphs should include the major events in the person's life. Read over the body paragraphs from your mentor text and discuss what was included ...

  11. Biography Graphic Organizers

    Lesson 2 Biography Story Map. A biography can be similar to a fiction book which tells a story. It includes a main character, setting, time and often problems. Have students choose a biography to read and complete this story map. You might choose to model this lesson by reading aloud a biography one day and completing the story map together.

  12. Biography Reports 4th Grade Teaching Resources

    Browse biography reports 4th grade resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  13. 42 Creative Book Report Ideas for Every Grade and Subject

    All Grades K-5 All Grades 6-12 PreK 6th Grade Kindergarten 7th Grade 1st Grade 8th Grade 2nd Grade 9th Grade 3rd Grade 10th Grade 4th Grade 11th Grade 5th Grade 12th Grade. ... Rays of Sunshine Book Report. This is great for biography research projects. Students cut out a photocopied image of their subject and glue it in the middle. Then, they ...

  14. Biography Research for Kids {Facts, Templates & Printables}

    A biography is a story about a particular person's life, whether it be a famous person, athlete, historical figure, or a specific person. Biographies of people are written in third person, meaning it is about someone else. In contrast, an autobiography is a person themselves telling their life story.

  15. Biography Report to Research Any Historical Person

    Biography Report to Research Any Historical Person. Social Studies Reading Time: 7 minutes. 6.4K shares. This Biography Report can be used for any historical person. It is great for a social studies biography unit or reading informational writing and research unit. It includes five different report options with a variety of pages.

  16. Biography Book Report Template for Teachers

    Streamline your book report writing with our pre-made template! Cover all the crucial aspects of the book including plot summary, character analysis, and personal opinions. A must-have resource for efficient and effective reporting.

  17. DOC Biography Report Rubric

    Biography Report Rubric Student Name: _____ CATEGORY 4. Exceeds Standards 3. Meets Standards 2. Below Standards 1. Well Below Standards Ideas & Content •Writer knows topic really well • Early Life, Significant Events, Contributions, Character Traits, Introduction & Conclusion all included.

  18. Biographies for kids: Inventors, World Leaders, Women, Civil Rights

    Learn the life story and biography of influencial people: US Presidents, World Leaders, Inventors, Women, Artists, Civil Rights heroes. History Biography Geography Science Games. Search Ducksters: Biographies. Biographies by Date Biographies Alphabetical. Pick the person or subject below to view biography or list of biographies: ...

  19. Best Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs for Upper Elementary

    12 Biographies, Autobiographies, and Memoirs for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Students. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, B.M. Mooyaart (Translator), Eleanor Roosevelt (Introduction) It is July 6, 1942, the setting is Amsterdam, and Anne Frank has just received a diary for her birthday. The rest is history.

  20. "Who Was... Book Series" Biography Report Form

    4th grade science. 5th grade science. 6th grade science. 7th grade science. 8th grade science. High school science. By topic. Astronomy. Biology. Chemistry. Earth sciences. Physics. Physical science. Social studies. ... Book Series" Biography Report Form. Rated 4.82 out of 5, based on 96 reviews. 4.8 ...

  21. Biography Report Research Template Project 3rd 4th 5th grade

    If so, please check out my newly revised biography report package! In this easy print and go pack you will receive over 20 pages to help your students on their research journey: These pages include: Easy Teacher Directions. Common Core Standards for Researching in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. An 8 page introduction to internet research printable ...

  22. 4th Grade Biography Books

    The Story of the Wright Brothers: An Inspiring Biography for Young Readers (The Story of Biographies) Part of: The Story of Biographies (50 books) 429. Paperback. $499. List: $6.99. FREE delivery Wed, Sep 11 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon. Or fastest delivery Tomorrow, Sep 7.

  23. Hispanic Heritage Month Activities Biography Report Project & Graphic

    4th grade social studies. 5th grade social studies. 6th grade social studies. 7th grade social studies. 8th grade social studies. High school social studies. ... Step-by-Step Research Directions (pgs. 4-5) to help students navigate the biography report process; K-W-L Chart (pg. 6) to organize what students know, want to know, and have learned