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Short Term Assignments für Arbeitnehmer

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Short Term Assignments für Arbeitnehmer

Short Term Assignments

Short Term Assignments

Kurze Zeit, von langer Hand geplant

Short Term Assignments erfreuen sich auch bei Arbeitnehmern immer größerer Beliebtheit als Alternative zur Langzeitentsendung. Hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter werden vielerorts nur noch für eine absehbare Zeit entsendet. Doch nur weil die Entsendungszeit kürzer ist, bedeutet das nicht, dass es für Sie auch einfacher ist. Durch den engen Zeitrahmen müssen Sie sich als Assignee schnell und ohne den Luxus einer verlängerten Eingewöhnungszeit einleben und arbeitsbereit sein.

Vorteile eines Short Term Assignments

Doch ein Auslandsumzug auf Zeit birgt auch eine Vielzahl von Vorteilen für Sie, Ihre Familie und Ihren Arbeitgeber:

Ein kompletter Umzug ist meist nicht erforderlich 

Ihre bisherige Wohnung muss nicht aufgegeben werden 

Eine behördliche Abmeldung ist nicht erforderlich

Der bisherige Arbeitsplatz bleibt in der Regel erhalten und Sie kehren nach der Entsendung schnell in das alte Umfeld zurück  

Arbeits-, steuer- und sozialversicherungsrechtliche Anforderungen sind weniger aufwendig als bei Long Term Assignments

Besonderheiten eines Short Term Assignments

Trotzdem sollten Sie sich auf Ihren Auslandsaufenthalt gut vorbereiten, organisatorisch wie auch praktisch.

Was müssen Sie als Arbeitnehmer beachten, wenn Sie sich für ein Short Term Assignment entschieden haben?

Gibt es in Ihrem Unternehmen Entsendungsrichtlinien (meist als Betriebsvereinbarung)?

Welche Inhalte hat Ihr Entsendungsvertrag, der beidseitige Pflichten und Rechte definiert? 

Wie ist die Übernahme von Kosten durch den Arbeitgeber insbesondere für Nebenkosten für Hotel oder Temporary Housing, interkulturelles und Sprach-Training oder Visum geregelt und wie läuft deren Organisation ab?

Wie sind die Einreisevorschriften und welche Dokumente müssen vorliegen? Wie viel Vorlaufzeit benötigen die Behörden? 

In welchem Land wird Ihr Lohn besteuert und ist eine Quellsteuer (ähnlich unserer Lohnsteuer) im Zielland abzuführen? Und wie wird sie abgeführt? 

Welche Pflichten im ausländischen Rechtskreis haben Sie als Expatriate persönlich? 

Gibt es rechtliche Möglichkeiten, die steuerlichen Abgaben zu optimieren (z.B. Salary Split, Deferred compensation-Tools)? Kann Ihr Arbeitgeber hier beraten oder müssen Sie einen eigenen Steuerberater konsultieren? 

Der Arbeitgeber hat erheblich mehr Aspekte aus rechtlicher Sicht zu berücksichtigen, die Sie als Assignee nicht unbedingt kennen müssen. Halten Sie hier trotzdem Rücksprache.

Zusätzlicher Nutzen und Effizienz von Short Term Assignments

Ein weiterer Vorteil von Short Term Assignments ist ihre Effizienz. Es ist hochgerechnet effizienter, drei Short Term Assignments im Ausland zu besetzen als ein Long Term Assignment. Gleichzeitig sind kurzzeitige Entsendungen mit weniger Risiken und Aufwand verbunden. Unternehmen haben es mitunter schwer, qualifizierte Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte für einen mehrmonatigen Auslandsaufenthalt zu motivieren. Ein lukratives finanzielles Angebot ist da nicht alles. Vielmehr geht es den Assignees auch um eine sofort fortführbare hohe Lebensqualität am Zielort, ebenso wie um einen unkomplizierten (Teil-)Umzug. 

Short Term Assignments für Arbeitnehmer

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Posted workers.

Your employer can send you to work temporarily in another EU country. During this period, you will acquire the status of a posted worker and will benefit from the same basic working conditions and rights as workers in your host country.

A posting can last as long as it is necessary to complete a specific task. When your posting has finished, you should return to your workplace in the EU country where you were posted from.

Working conditions

You will fall under the terms and conditions of employment of your host country if they are more advantageous than those of your home country. In this case, your employer is obliged to comply with that country's basic rules on employee protection and terms of employment related to:

  • All the basic elements of remuneration as defined in national law or universally applicable collective agreements
  • Overtime compensation
  • Allowances or the reimbursement of expenses to cover travel, board and lodging costs in the host country during the posting (if you are required to travel during the posting assignment)
  • Maximum work periods
  • Minimum rest periods
  • Minimum paid annual leave
  • Health, safety and hygiene at work
  • Any conditions specific to hiring through agencies providing temporary staff
  • Protective measures for pregnant women, women who have recently given birth and young people (under the age of 18)
  • Equal treatment for men and women and other rules to prevent discrimination
  • Accommodation, if provided by your employer

Your rights and obligations as a posted worker

While posted to another EU country:

  • you will not need a work permit
  • you will not need to have your professional qualifications recognised ; however, you may need to make a written declaration for some professions: find out more about the recognition of professional qualifications
  • you do not need to register with the social security authorities in the country where you have been posted, since you remain insured in the country where you are normally employed. Therefore during your posting you do not accumulate any additional social security rights such as pension rights or the right to unemployment benefits in the country where you have been posted.
  • you must register your residence with the authorities if your posting is longer than 3 months
  • you will not accumulate the right to permanent residence in your host country.

Long-term posting

If you are posted for more than 12 months (or 18 months if your employer submits a motivated notification to your host country's national authorities) all relevant terms and conditions of employment of your host country apply, with the exception of those relating to the termination of contracts and supplementary working pensions.

If you are posted to another EU country for a long period of time you may want your family to join you there, they can do so by virtue of their own EU citizens' rights , but not as your dependants.

If you work in your host country for less than six months, you should not be liable for income tax there. However, there are no EU-wide rules that set out which country can tax your income during a posting. This may be set out in national laws or tax agreements between EU countries.

Social security cover while abroad

As a posted worker, to continue to be covered by the social security system in your home country, your employer must request a Portable Document A1(PD A1 form PDF ) from the social security institution in your home country and inform the host country´s authorities. If your posting lasts longer than 2 years, you can either:

  • switch to the social security system of the country where you are posted or
  • ask your employer to apply for the extension of the validity of your social security form posting period to remain covered in your home country. The extension will be granted if a mutual agreement is reached between the authorities in both countries and it is in your interest.

Find out more about your social security cover while on a posting to another EU country.

Information employer must provide to host country

In most cases your employer must send a notification (“posting declaration”) to the authorities in the host country before (or at the latest when) the posting begins, with the following details:

  • identity of the employer
  • number of posted workers
  • address of the workplace of posting
  • expected duration of the posting, including start and end dates
  • the type of service provided during the posting
  • a contact person who will liaise with the authortities in the host country

Your employer should also inform the competent institution of the host country if any changes take place , such as if the posting does not take place or is interrupted. Read more about the declaration obligations on the website of the host country.

Information your employer must provide to you

If your posting lasts for  a consecutive period of more than four weeks , your employer must provide you in writing , before your departure, with the following information:

  • country  or countries where you will work (host country)
  • expected  duration  of the work abroad
  • currency  to be used for the payment of the remuneration
  • any  benefits  (in cash or other) related to the work assignment
  • information on  repatriation : whether it is provided and, if yes, with what conditions
  • remuneration  according to the applicable law of the host country
  • any specific  allowances  related to the posting
  • arrangements for  reimbursing travel , board and accommodation expenses
  • a link to the host country’s national official website on posted workers

National websites on posting

Check the national website of your host country to find out the terms and conditions of work for posted workers, as well as the contact information for the local authorities.

National Liaison Offices

Every country has a competent authority that can answer questions on the posting of workers. The contact details of these National Liaison Offices are under the Ask national administrations button below.

More information

For more information check the EU' short guide on the posting of workers

See also the EU's practical guide on posting .

Are you self-employed and planning to work abroad for a few months? Read this FAQ to find out what formalities are necessary.

  • FAQs - Posted workers
  • EU rules for working in road transport

EU legislation

  • EU Directive on the posting of workers Open as an external link
  • EU court ruling - host country must recognise your A1 form Open as an external link
  • EU Decision on posted workers and self-employed workers temporarily working outside the competent State Open as an external link
  • EU Directive on the posting of workers (enforcement directive) Open as an external link

Need more information on rules in a specific country?

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International Short-Term Assignments

International short-term assignments are a useful global mobility tool, that provide companies with a resource to support critical strategic needs while mitigating mobility program costs. Short-term assignments may also be used in a developmental capacity providing high potential employees an opportunity to grow in their career. Short-term assignments commonly range from 3 to 12 months in duration.

One of the biggest challenges of global mobility is compliance with applicable immigration, tax, employment, and permanent establishment laws. Laws that change quickly and vary from country to country can take companies by surprise. A carefully crafted short-term assignment program and comprehensive policy can help avoid potential hazards. Having a consistent program with clearly defined parameters will allow the focus to remain on compliance.

Program Development

As with all mobility programs, short-term assignments can be structured as a single policy applicable to all, tiered based on factors such as business need or job level, or as a structured core/flex program. When developing a short-term assignment program, whether for the first time or revising an existing policy, these initial steps are recommended:

  • Consider the overall company culture, mobility philosophy, business objectives of the international short-term assignment program, and common assignment objectives.
  • Identify employee job levels and demographics.
  • Reflect on the importance of the employee experience as well as how the assignment policy can support DEI initiatives.
  • Determine the most common assignment durations and locations, if possible, to estimate the anticipated cost of the benefits under consideration.

These initial steps will, in turn, help the company determine the desired parameters of the program. A common example of how a company’s overall company culture influences mobility policy can be seen in eligibility of family members under a short-term assignment. Some companies may decide that short-term assignees may not be accompanied by families and reflect that in policy eligibility language. Some companies will not support families going on the assignment, but do not expressly reject families from accompanying at their own expense. While others with a more family focused culture will allow accompaniment and provide some supporting benefits.

Assignment duration is also a key factor in short-term assignment program design. These assignments can have varying ranges from as short as 30 days or up to 18 months. They are most commonly defined as longer than 90 days or up to one year. However, knowing company intentions regarding durations helps in determining parameters and components. For example, if assignments are typically shorter in duration, the policy may not include parameters for home leave. If the assignments are typically the full year, the company may decide to include a home leave. If there is a possibility that the assignment may extend beyond 1 year, the company should be prepared to address whether benefits change or the employee transitions to another type of mobility policy. If short-term assignments are a new phenomenon and assignment durations are unknown at the time of program development, it will be important to revisit the policy as the assignment program matures.

A brief description of the components commonly found in international short-term assignment programs follows. It is important to note that note every component has to be included in order to have a successful program, and regional variances/culture may also dictate which components are included. There may also be variations on the inclusions and descriptions below as these descriptions are based on an unaccompanied employee. 

International Short Term Assignment Program Components

Program ComponentDescription
Candidate AssessmentAllows informed decision-making by the employee as to the likely success of an international assignment. Can help protect the company's return on investment as de-selection by the employee is preferable to a failed assignment.
Base SalaryCompany policy regarding base salary, incentives, merit increases, and anticipated payroll practices should be outlined in policy. 
Employee Benefits Companies may address changes to medical or other benefits in this section.
Working Hours, Public Holidays, and VacationThe working hours and public holidays of the host location are usually followed while on assignment. Most commonly, home country vacation / paid time off policies continue to apply.
Repayment Agreement Requires repayment of all or a portion of the incurred relocation and assignment-related expenses if employment is terminated within a specific period. Enforceability depends on host country law; helps protect the company's assignment investment. A separate agreement may also be applied to repatriation expenses.
Immigration AssistanceAssistance provided to obtain passport, work permit, visa, and other documentation for the employee to legally work and live in the host country.
Tax Counseling If needed, helps the employee understand any financial implications/tax impact in both the home and host country of an international short-term assignment. May be provided by the company's tax firm before departure, upon arrival and at assignment end.
Medical Examination Coverage for medical examination and required inoculations for the employee, especially if testing or health certifications are required by the host country.
Security Briefing Depending on location and available company resources, a briefing helps the employee understand safety and security procedures and emergency protocols.
Miscellaneous Expense Allowance (MEA)An allowance provided to assist with assignment-related expenses not covered elsewhere in policy. Often based on assignment duration. Most commonly the allowance is a flat amount. It is best practice to include a list of items in policy for which the MEA is intended to be used.
Pre-Assignment Trip May be provided at company discretion, and if provided, usually for longer duration assignments. Provided to locate assignment housing and set realistic expectations of the host location. Specific trip parameters should be included in policy to help contain costs.
Destination ServicesProvided by a local destination services provider. Speeds acclimation for the employee. Services can include area orientation and settling-in assistance.
Language TrainingOffered to the employee when needed; can be a critical component to a successful transition. Cost efficient online/virtual options are available.
Cultural TrainingEssential to prepare the employee for life in a different cultural environment as effective cultural integration plays an integral role in assignment success. Online/virtual options are available.
Home Country HousingThe employee usually remains responsible for home location housing while on assignment. Some companies will provide a small allowance to assist with property maintenance.
Shipment of Personal EffectsCoverage generally based on assignment duration. Reimbursement of excess baggage fees is provided for shorter assignments and a small air shipment may be covered for longer durations. Best practice is to provide limits in policy, including a list of items that will not be shipped and services that will not be provided.
Pet Transportation Typically, not included in short-term assignment programs. 
Temporary Living Provided for a short time in the host location if assignment housing is not available upon arrival. Along with lodging, companies may also reimburse for meals during the temporary living period in the host country.
Travel to the Host Location Coverage for the employee’s travel expenses to the host location. Specific parameters should be listed in policy to help reduce exceptions and contain costs. Travel expenses such as airfare may or may not be aligned with company travel policy.
Host Housing AssistanceTypically, a corporate furnished apartment is provided for the duration of the assignment, though this can vary depending on location and assignment duration.
Per Diem/Goods and Services DifferentialAn allowance to help offset the cost of meals and incidentals in the host location while on assignment. In lieu of a per diem, some companies will provide cost of living assistance. Payment usually starts upon arrival in assignment housing. Amounts commonly determined by an international data provider.
Location Allowance Provided at company discretion, for hardship locations to assist with extra costs that may be needed to acclimate. Parameters for eligibility should be outlined in policy. Hardship levels often provided by company's international data provider and is typically based on a percentage of salary paid while the employee is in assignment housing.
Home LeaveApplicability and frequency of home leave is dependent on a number of factors, including assignment duration, accompaniment, and business needs. When provided, round trip travel (airfare, mileage, train fare) to the home location are usually reimbursed. An allowance can also be considered. Employee's spouse/partner may be allowed a trip to the host location in lieu of a home leave trip.
Emergency Leave/EvacuationPolicies will define circumstances when the employee will be provided with leave for family emergencies in the home location, and emergency evacuations from the host location.
Departure Services Provided at assignment end by the local destination services provider to assist with lease termination and deposit recovery, disconnection of utilities, de-registration with local authorities, etc.
Return Shipment of Personal EffectsUsually follows the same parameters as at expatriation.
Return TravelUsually follows the same parameters as at expatriation.
Tax Return Preparation If needed, provided for the tax year in which the assignment occurs and any subsequent year if there is residual assignment-related income; usually includes tax return preparation for the home and host countries, as required.
Tax Equalization/Assistance If needed, most companies will provide tax equalization for any assignment- related tax liabilities that the employee may incur. Tax assistance in the home country is a less frequently used alternative.

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Health insurance: Workers on short-term assignments in Switzerland

People resident abroad who work in Switzerland for a short period of time must take out Swiss health insurance. However, certain exceptions apply, depending on the country of residence and nationality or the type of work permit held.  

Do you have any specific questions about your personal circumstances? If so, please contact the authority responsible for the canton in which you work. You can find their details in the following PDF:

Cantonal institutions authorised to grant exemption from compulsory health-insurance (in French/German/Italian) (PDF, 162 kB, 13.09.2023)

EU/EFTA or UK workers: place-of-work principle

Under the Swiss-EU Agreement on the free movement of persons, the EFTA Convention and the new social security Agreement with the United Kingdom the requirement to obtain health insurance is based on the place-of-work principle . Anyone working in Switzerland, as well as non-working family members, is required to take out Swiss health insurance.

This rule applies to the following workers:

  • EU-/EFTA-/UK-citizens with a short-term residence permit (L permit)
  • EU-/EFTA-citizens who are working in Switzerland for a maximum of three months and do not require a residence permit for this period (notification procedure), unless they have an equivalent private insurance policy covering treatment in Switzerland.

Exceptions may apply for EU-workers resident in Germany, Austria, France and Italy who regularly return to their country of residence (at least once a week). See the explanation of the option of obtaining insurance in the country of residence under “Cross-border commuters working in Switzerland”.

Beginning and end of compulsory health insurance

EU/EFTA nationals not requiring a residence permit (because they are working for less than three months) are required to take out Swiss health insurance from the date their employment contract begins. If they fail to do so, they can be automatically assigned to a health insurer, with a policy commencing on the date their employment began. Insurance cover generally ends on the day the worker’s employment ends, but at the latest on the date of his or her departure from Switzerland or death.

EU/EFTA/UK nationals holding an L permit valid for more than three months are subject to compulsory health insurance from the date on which they report to the Residents’ Registration Office. They have three months in which to register with a Swiss health insurer. If they fail to do so, they can be automatically assigned to a health insurer; if the delay is not justifiable, they will be liable to a premium surcharge for late registration. They will also be required to cover the costs of any medical treatment received prior to enrolment themselves.

Insurance cover generally ends on the worker’s departure date reported to the Residents’ Registration Office, but at the latest on his or her actual date of departure from Switzerland or death.

Workers from other countries  

Third-country nationals (from outside EU/EFTA/UK) with a short-term residence permit or a residence permit valid for at least three months are required to take out Swiss health insurance.

This requirement also applies to foreign workers (including workers from the UK) whose residence permit is valid for less than three months (such as seasonal workers), unless they have an equivalent policy covering treatment in Switzerland.

Beginning and end of insurance

Holders of an L permit valid for more than three months are subject to compulsory health insurance from the date on which they report to the Residents’ Registration Office. They have three months in which to register with a Swiss health insurer. If they fail to do so, they can be automatically assigned to a health insurer; if the delay is not justifiable, they will be liable to a premium surcharge for late registration. They will also be required to cover the costs of any medical treatment received prior to enrolment themselves.

Holders of an L permit valid for less than three months are subject to compulsory health insurance from the date on which they enter Switzerland. If they fail to take out insurance, they can be automatically assigned to a health insurer.

Workers active in more than one country

Swiss or EU/AELS/UK nationals simultaneously pursuing self-employed or employed activities in different countries (EU/EFTA/UK/CH) are subject to the legislation of a single country. For more information, see “Workers in the EU/EFTA or in the United Kingdom (UK) - Simultaneous employed activities in the EU/EFTA/UK or Switzerland”

In Switzerland, the AHV compensation offices are responsible for deciding on liability to social insurance; their decision is also applicable to health insurance. Workers active in more than one country should therefore contact the relevant AHV compensation office.


Requirements governing compulsory Swiss health insurance for EU/EFTA/UK residents (in German) (PDF, 154 kB, 09.08.2023)

Priminfo: EU-/EFTA-/UK-premiums (in German, French, Italian)

CC 832.102 Federal Ordinance on Health Insurance (OAMal), article 1, paragraph 2, subsections a, b, f, g and article 7, paragraphs 1, 2 and 2bis

- Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP ; RS

Further information

Cross-border commuters working in switzerland, workers in the eu/efta or the united kingdom (uk), eu/efta/uk premiums and premium subsidies, treatment abroad for policyholders resident abroad.

Last modification 27.06.2024

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Federal Office of Public Health FOPH Health and Accident Insurance Directorate Insurance Supervision Division Schwarzenburgstrasse 157 3003 Bern Switzerland

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  Managing Short-term Assignments  

Like all areas of the working world, global mobility is evolving. Businesses are providing employees with increased flexibility by offering different forms of international assignment. Where once expat assignments lasted three to five years, now assignments vary in range.

A short-term assignment can be a more cost effective way of achieving specific goals in another market without disrupting an employee’s life too much. 

What is a short-term assignment?

  • A short-term assignment (STA) is an international project that usually lasts between 3 and 12 months. They allow organisations to transfer resources, knowledge and skills cost effectively and quickly providing fast response to business needs. For some companies short-term assignments are becoming more popular than their long-term equivalent due to changing workforce demographics, skills shortages and the need to provide more flexibility to employees. 
  • Just because employees are away for less  time does not make STA’s easier. In fact, short-term assignments may be more difficult as there is a need to hit the ground running and accomplish a lot quickly.
  • When it comes to short-term assignments, thorough preparation is more important. Potential pitfalls that can cause problems for professionals in an overseas office for a short period include:
  • Failure to build key relationships
  • Culture shock
  • Alienating local colleagues
  • When planning an STA pre-departure training is important but pre-departure preparation is essential.

Preparing short-term assignees before assignment

Preparing for a short-term assignment is challenging. It may need to go further than providing the soon to be expat with clear understanding of their role or overview of the local culture. Short-term assignees with aggressive deadlines may fall into a common expat error of trying to introduce initiatives without sufficient knowledge of local circumstances or alienating colleagues. 

For these kinds of assignments pre-departure preparation must go much further than training on what to expect, it should allow the soon to be expat to begin their assignment before they leave. 

Developing personal network in advance

Help employees prepare in advance for life in their temporary home by doing everything possible to acquire relevant information about life there:

  • Arrange meetings with employees from the host country that are working in your current location
  • Encourage the employee to join groups from that country in your city 
  • Make the most of web-based platforms like LinkedIn or Meetup to enable future expats to become more aware of life and work etiquette before they leave

Virtual introductions to colleagues

Gauge local support and understand perspective, supporting short term assignees on assignment, are the team willing to participate, is their role clear.

At the outset of the assignment it is important for the expat to share:

  • The assignment goals
  • The expat’s role
  • Expectations for employees

This does not have to be completed on day one but may be useful within a few weeks of the assignment starting. This way, any gaps in expectation or issues that arise can be ironed out quickly to provide the assignment with the best chance of success. 

Maintaining their personal support system

Even though short-term assignees are not going to be overseas for long, having a support network outside of work still matters. This is where the groundwork put in before the assignee arrived should pay dividends. Help expats find work life balance by continuing a hobby they have at home, locally, from yoga to rock climbing, hopefully there’ll be a group or venue where they can let off some steam after a busy day in the office. 

It is also important STA’s remain connected to colleagues in head office particularly if the medium term plan is they return to a role there. Arranging intermittent virtual check ins is a great way to ensure there are no surprises when they return to head office. 

Achieving Short term assignment goals 

Sufficient time for knowledge transfer, local owners of the initiative .

The last thing your business wants is to spend all that time and money on an STA only for everything to revert to how it was previously as soon as that person leaves. Key to long-term implementation is ensuring there are local owners of the initiative who will continue to grow the programme once the assignment is over. 

Ultimately any global mobility practice should aim to create solutions that are employee centric while also being relevant and cost effective ways to achieve company goals. Although there is likely to always be place for longer term assignments, their short-term counterparts may be the right solution in certain scenarios.   

Managing short-term assignees may be challenging but looking after their health while they are away does not have to be. We have group international health insurance schemes tailored to the needs of your business.

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Short-term Assignments

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This online course provides a deep dive into all aspects of compensation and benefits, tax governance, immigration compliance and payroll considerations for short-term international assignments.

Short-term assignments (STAs) are evolving to become an essential means of moving talent for a wide range of purposes. For both employer and employee, they can also help to overcome mobility barriers typically associated with long-term assignments. However, short-term assignments have many tricky nuances and management of these can pose a major challenge for mobility teams.

Taught across five interactive modules, our online course will guide you through the basic principles of short-term assignments, and how to structure remuneration packages and navigate the various compliance challenges. By the end of course, you will have acquired the practical knowledge needed to deliver successful, compliant and cost-effective STAs.

Providing an engaging learning experience, this self-paced training incorporates case studies, quizzes and exercises to help cement your learning, which can be completed in your own time, from anywhere. 

Who this course is for and fees

Our online course is available to in-house mobility/HR teams or colleagues involved in managing their company's short-term assignments. Perfect for anyone new to mobility as well as those wanting to refresh their knowledge of all aspects of remuneration and compliance for STAs.

Course access and duration

The course is accessed via MyECA. Please sign in* to view your regional currency and to purchase the course (fees subject to tax, where applicable):

GBP 190 EUR 260 USD 310 AUD 390

*Don't have a MyECA account? Please sign up and select "I'd like to purchase online training". 

Offering excellent value for money, we provide access to the course for 90 days. Learners are given the opportunity to complete the modules at their own pace, with time to revisit topics and browse the additional resources listed to further aid their understanding. Experienced HR professionals looking to refresh and fill any gaps in their knowledge could run through the core learning content in around two hours.

Course content

Five bite-size modules to guide you through the key principles of delivering successful short-term assignments:

Topic 1: Background & context

Get to grips with the different types of short-term international work and their nuances

Topic 2: Compensation

Master the different types of allowances typically paid (incl. COLAs, per diems, and short-term allowances)

Topic 3: Support & benefits

Gain awareness of the typical relocation support and assignment benefits offered 

Topic 4: Payroll considerations

Become familiar with payroll considerations and how to deliver short-term assignment pay

Topic 5: Compliance considerations

Grasp how to navigate compliance challenges such as immigration and taxation for STAs

Buy training

Please sign in to register online for this course.

Terms and conditions

Access to ECA’s online training is subject to ECA’s Terms and Conditions for Consulting Services which can be found here .

One user per licence only. Refunds for yet to be started courses, or substitution of users is at the discretion of ECA. The course will remain open for a duration of 90 days from the first access.

The registration data you submit is for ECA’s use only as detailed according to our Privacy Policy .

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Presented with rise in border crossings, Kamala Harris chose a long-term approach to the problem


FILE - Vice President Kamala Harris stands in front of mountains during a news conference, June 25, 2021, at the airport after her tour of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Central Processing Center in El Paso, Texas. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

FILE - Vice President Kamala Harris, right, smiles as women speak to her about their businesses during a meeting with Guatemalan women entrepreneurs and innovators at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, June 7, 2021, in Guatemala City. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

FILE - Vice President Kamala Harris walks to board Air Force Two to return to Washington, Jan. 27, 2022, in Palmerola, Honduras. (Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool, File)

FILE - Vice President Kamala Harris speaks to the media, June 8, 2021, at the Sofitel Mexico City Reforma in Mexico City. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

FILE - Vice President Kamala Harris and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wave from the balcony of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington, Nov. 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden , watching tens of thousands of migrants from Central America reach the U.S.-Mexico border just a few months into his administration, tapped his second-in-command to help address the influx — a decision that has exposed Vice President Kamala Harris to one of her biggest political liabilities.

In grappling with migration , Harris proceeded cautiously. She focused her time and prestige on boosting private investment in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, the so-called Northern Triangle; her goal was to help create jobs to bolster economies and dissuade migrants from making the perilous journey to the United States.

It was a decidedly long-term — and limited — approach to a humanitarian crisis, and it has allowed Republicans to tie her to the broader fight over the border. While migration from the Northern Triangle ebbed, it surged from other nations, sparking an emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border, one that Republicans have aggressively sought to exploit at Harris’ expense.

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A review of Harris’ work on immigration reveals a record that is more nuanced than the one presented by her critics or allies. It also provides insights into how Harris — who took over as the Democratic standard-bearer when Biden dropped out of the presidential race last month — might tackle one of the nation’s most vexing concerns.

Harris was never the “border czar,” or put in charge of border security or halting illegal border crossings, as former President Donald Trump, Republicans and even the occasional media outlet have claimed. Instead, she was tasked in March 2021 with tackling the “root causes” of migration from the Northern Triangle and pushing its leaders — along with Mexico’s — to enforce immigration laws, administration officials said.

Harris’ backers say she demonstrated leadership by leveraging her stature to win investments that might curb migration years down the road.


Vice President Kamala Harris, right, smiles as women speak to her about their businesses during a meeting with Guatemalan women entrepreneurs and innovators at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, June 7, 2021, in Guatemala City. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

“She felt — and I think she was right — that what she could do the most was help basically lead the effort to draw in investment, using the confidence that a relationship with the White House would give to investors,” said Ricardo Zúniga, a former State Department official who specialized in the Northern Triangle and who traveled with Harris to the region.

Critics contend that she could have done far more but chose a less risky path, ensuring the problem only worsened.

“She was like, ‘nope, I’m just root causes,’’” said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates for less immigration. “Even if it worked, it’s the sort of thing that takes generations, not one term.”

He also said there was no evidence that Harris pushed Mexico and the Northern Triangle nations to enforce immigration laws.

Harris has defended her work, and her campaign began running a television ad Friday that said Harris as president would “hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking.” Democrats have also blasted Trump for helping tank a bipartisan immigration bill earlier this year that would have increased funding for border security, including the hiring of new Customs and Border Protection personnel.

Trump “has been talking a big game on securing the border, but he does not walk the walk,” the vice president said last month in Atlanta . Later, she added, “Donald Trump does not care about border security. He only cares about himself.”


Immigration becomes a big political issue

Immigration has long been an issue that motivates Trump and his base of supporters, and polls show it is among the most important issues on the minds of voters. As a presidential candidate in 2016, Trump said he would build a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico and get Mexico to pay for it. Trump was not able to complete the project, and Mexico did not fund the part of the barrier that was constructed. The former president also used explosive language to describe immigrants, launching his campaign by suggesting Mexico was sending its “rapists” and criminals to the United States.

While in office, Trump sought to tightly restrict asylum, which was challenged in the courts. This time around, Trump has promised to oversee a “mass deportation” of migrants who have committed crimes in the United States.


Vice President Kamala Harris walks to board Air Force Two to return to Washington, Jan. 27, 2022, in Palmerola, Honduras. (Erin Schaff/The New York Times via AP, Pool, File)

Migration numbers have spiked and dropped during both presidencies. Border Patrol arrests on the southern border fell in Trump’s first year in office, then shot back up his next two, rising to more than 850,000 in 2019. The numbers plunged in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic before rising even higher during Biden’s presidency, reaching a peak of more than 250,000 encounters in December 2023, before falling below 84,000 in June of 2024, federal statistics show.

When Biden took office, he reversed dozens of Trump’s moves on immigration even as apprehension numbers began to rise.

Harris was put in a ‘difficult spot’

Harris received the migration assignment when border crossings were rising, garnering considerable attention and leading to bipartisan calls for action.

Chris Newman, an immigration rights advocate in Los Angeles, said Harris was put in a difficult spot.

“She was tasked with developing a long-term policy framework rather than creating a short-term political performance project,” said Newman, the legal director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network.

Biden and Harris had taken office only two months before, and Harris was under pressure to build her policy portfolio. When he was vice president, Biden had taken on a similar role on immigration. In 2021, though, Harris was dealing with an especially challenging situation given the lack of governing partners in the region. El Salvador’s new president, Nayib Bukele, had a fraught relationship with the administration due to human rights questions raised by his crackdown on crime in his nation. The man who was then president of Honduras has since been convicted of drug trafficking.

The headaches for Harris began almost immediately, validating the concerns of some on her team that it was a no-win assignment.

Harris traveled to Mexico and Guatemala in June 2021, where she defended the fact she had not been to the U.S.-Mexico border during an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt by saying she hadn’t “been to Europe. And I mean, I don’t … understand the point that you’re making.”

She also drew criticism on that trip for warning migrants bluntly: “Don’t come” to the U.S.

Harris decided to focus on bringing private investment to the region, tapping into a network of business and nonprofit executives and using the prestige of the White House to signal the Biden administration was backing this effort.

The work linked multinational companies — like Visa, Nestle and Meta — with smaller nonprofits and Latin American businesses, all of which pledged to increase their investments or bolster their work with at-risk communities.


Vice President Kamala Harris and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wave from the balcony of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House complex in Washington, Nov. 18, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

Focused on private investment

The Associated Press contacted all the nearly two dozen companies the White House touted as participants in the outreach effort. Some, like AgroAmerica, a sustainable food corporation, that pledged to invest more than $100 million in six new projects, reported their work had begun and they were on track to meet their investment goals. Others, including Columbia Sportswear Company, said they would likely surpass their pledges.

Most companies, however, either declined to comment or did not respond when asked about their efforts.

The vice president’s office has said Harris’ efforts have generated more than $5.2 billion in investment promises. In an illustration of how long it takes the promises to translate into concrete spending, the State Department reported that companies have plowed nearly $1.3 billion in the region as of June 2024, the bulk of it in Guatemala and Honduras.

“We are on track to exceed our commitments,” Peter Bragdon, a top executive at Columbia Sportswear Company, said of their promise to purchase up to $200 million in products from the region. That pledge would create nearly 7,000 jobs over five years, the company said. The executive called Harris’ efforts a “work in progress” but “a smart approach.”

Katie Tobin, who worked as the top migration adviser at the National Security Council for three years, credited Harris’ focus with spurring investment in reducing these numbers, arguing that Harris “was able to leverage her credibility” and the power of the White House to persuade companies to invest in “a risky investment environment.”

“That was very much Kamala Harris,” she added. “I have never seen something like that done before in this space and it made a real impact.”

Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, a sharp critic of Harris, said the vice president and White House were taking credit for investments that would have been made anyway.

The companies are “not doing it because someone asked them to,” said Scott, who co-founded a major medical company. “They’re doing it because it makes economic sense.”

Addressed corruption

Harris also sought to address endemic corruption that has fueled migration from Central America. Before her 2021 trip to Guatemala, Harris met with a group of exiled Guatemalan prosecutors and judges in Washington.

Among them was Thelma Aldana, a former chief prosecutor who fled her country after what she said were politically motivated corruption charges.

“I came out of it convinced that she has a genuine interest in seeing things change in Central America,” Aldana said.

The vice president also deserves credit for helping stop Guatemala’s former president, Alejandro Giammattei, from overturning the 2023 election of his successor, Bernardo Arévalo, according to Luis Von Ahn, a U.S.-based technology entrepreneur from Guatemala.

“Giammattei didn’t want to leave power, the administration of Kamala Harris came and told him ’stop (messing) around,’” said Von Ahn, the founder of the language app Duolingo. “That’s a big help to Guatemala. If an extremely corrupt president doesn’t want to leave it’s terrible and (his exit) lets us be a better country.”

Verdict is out on Harris’ approach

While the Harris campaign and White House have pointed to statistics that show migration from Northern Triangle countries has dropped substantially since early 2021, there is debate over what is responsible for that drop.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said Harris and the administration deserve credit for the reduction because their efforts “worked.”

Independent analysts, however, said they were skeptical that Harris’ approach was responsible for the dip. They said the decrease was likely driven by regional factors, including the ascension of El Salvador’s new president and his aggressive drive to combat violent crime. His government reported a 70% drop in homicides in 2023.

Julia Gelatt, associate director of the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, said investment can take years to alter migration patterns — if it ever does.

“Even a whole lot of economic development doesn’t curb immigration in the way countries hope it will,” Gelatt said.

Riccardi reported from Denver. Associated Press writer Sonia Pérez D. in Guatemala City contributed to this story.



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Make the Most of a Short-Term Assignment

Short-term assignments, transfers, or rotation programs can have big advantages: You’re exposed to new geographies, functions, cultures, and people. But these temporary positions often come with little or no training, so it’s your responsibility to get up to speed fast. Here are three ways to make sure you’re getting the most from a short-term assignment: […]

Short-term assignments, transfers, or rotation programs can have big advantages: You’re exposed to new geographies, functions, cultures, and people. But these temporary positions often come with little or no training, so it’s your responsibility to get up to speed fast. Here are three ways to make sure you’re getting the most from a short-term assignment:

Source: Adapted from “Maximize Your Learning in Short-Term Assignments,” by John Coleman

Partner Center

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Short-Term Assignments: Key Considerations and Essential Information

By Tracy Langlois, CRP, GMS

Short-term work assignments have been steadily increasing over the years and certain factors like the pandemic have shined a light on vulnerabilities within numerous industries. For instance, the demand for travel nurses has never been higher, as certain staffing agencies need to fill voids and provide additional support at hospitals all over the US. Other companies are asking employees to train new hires at different locations or attend workshop programs and conferences out of state. Those working in media may need to spend days, weeks, or months in different locations covering news stories. HR representatives are focusing on talent mobility, which may require employees to take on short-term work assignments for specialized training and upward growth within a company.

No matter the industry or reason, employers are recognizing the value of short-term assignments, as well as the logistical steps required to smoothly transition their employees from point A to B. With that in mind, CapRelo put together an overview of short-term assignments, so your company knows what is needed to assist your employee during the hectic transition of a short-term assignment.

What is a Short-Term Assignment?

A temporary assignment is defined as a work stint lasting for one year or less. A short-term assignment can be a series of shorter rotational assignments or an assignment that requires an employee to stay in one place for the entire duration. Similar to temporary duty assignments in the military, short-term assignments are not permanent and are meant to carry out a specific purpose. Companies may send one employee or a whole team out on temporary assignments, depending on the industry and work goal.

What is the Purpose of a Short-Term Assignment?

There are plenty of different reasons why companies would send their staff out on short-term assignments. For instance, an employee may need to assist a branch that’s struggling to perform and help them to increase their sales numbers. It’s also not uncommon for staff to oversee different departments during a company merger, requiring temporary assignments to ensure company policies are being carried out consistently across the board. Perhaps limited resources have prevented staff at different locations from being properly cross-trained, necessitating the need for temporary work trips.

Whether three weeks or three months long, short-term assignments typically require companies to cover lodging, food, transportation, and other travel-related expenses with stipends.

Benefits and Challenges of Short-Term Assignments

While short-term assignments sound like a breeze, they can pose some serious challenges for both the employee and the company itself. International short-term assignments can pose tax and immigration issues if companies don’t comply with the laws and regulations in each country. Secondly, some countries have turbulent landscapes, which could potentially put staff at risk. Employees may also get stranded in the assignment country due to canceled flights or COVID-related concerns, further implicating the company when temporary assignments do not go according to plan.

On the flip side, a company can create a robust talent mobility strategy with initiatives that reward current and new hires willing to take on short-term assignments. For instance, paying employees during travel time can lead to higher retention rates. Companies can also train staff across locations to improve their skills, eliminating any consistency errors. A change of scenery might help employees to improve productivity as well, especially in locations that offer plenty of sunshine and warm weather for post-work relaxation.

Short-Term Assignment FAQs

  • Are Short-Term Assignments International? Short-term assignments can be either domestic (within a country) or international (across country borders). Certain companies like Amazon, FedEx, and Apple are known for leading the way with the most corporate travel, requiring employees to rack up airline miles to fulfill their job duties.
  • How Does the IRS Define Short-Term Assignments? The IRS defines short-term assignments as work in one location that can be reasonably completed in one year or less (and is). Employees typically file taxes with their home state. If a work assignment lasts for longer than a year then it is considered an indefinite assignment, prompting an employee’s tax home to change.
  • What is Relocation Tax Assistance? Before 2018, any moving-related payments or reimbursements to employees were not included in their annual reportable wages. These expenses did not require withholding taxes and would have been paid by the employee and later deducted. The Tax Cuts and Job Act of 2017 changed the way payroll handled relocation expenses. Nowadays, employers can offer relocation tax assistance or tax gross-ups . A tax gross-up simply means that a company provides a larger payment sum to the employee to compensate for the taxes that will be withheld from their payment if that employee is relocating somewhere new.
  • Do Family Members Join Employees on Short-Term Assignments? When it comes to temporary assignments, most companies do not assist families to join the employee in the new location if the assignment is expected to have a duration of six months or less. Assignments greater than six months may include company support for family accompaniment. Some companies will offer to pay for visits home after a certain amount of time has passed for employees who are not accompanied. This could be anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks after the start of the assignment but depends on the company’s unique policies.

How Can Companies Assist Employees?

Companies should have well-defined relocation policies in place before sending employees out on temporary assignments. The policy should include details on the relocation services and benefits which will be provided to employees and who will be assisting them with these services. It is important to note for international cases that proper immigration documentation is required before the start of the assignment. Letters of assignment (LOA)s should also be created for employee and company signature and should include specifics on the location and duration of the assignment and specific benefits. Companies should have a dedicated budget in place to assist with short-term assignment relocation expenditures; a comprehensive cost estimate including tax costs can be prepared in advance to ensure appropriate approvals can be obtained. A survey of HR professionals conducted in partnership with CapRelo found that 33% of participants stated their relocation policies have been updated to accommodate employees’ mental health and well-being, which is another factor that should be taken into consideration to help employees cope better with their new surroundings.

Do You Need a Relocation Program?

So, you’re ready to send your employees out on short-term assignments, but don’t know where to start? Whether you need help transferring one employee intra-country, or flying a whole team across the globe for specialized training, we can help.

At CapRelo , we provide relocation solutions for companies that need them, covering a host of services including cost estimate preparation, corporate housing, auto shipment, property management, travel services, immigration coordination, and much more.

Our team specializes in seamless transfer operations and sorts out all of the logistical steps before your employee’s short-term assignment so you can have peace of mind knowing that they are in the best of hands. Allow us to take one more thing off your plate and contact our highly qualified team at CapRelo today to get started.

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Short Term Worker – 24142260

August 16, 2024


How would you like to gain valuable hands-on experience in a real IT shop?

The Montana Department of Revenue seeks a highly motivated, positive, detail-oriented person to fill a temporary 90-day IT Systems Support position. Candidates must demonstrate technical aptitude and the ability to work independently, follow instructions, adhere to policies and procedures, be flexible with changing priorities, work in a team environment, and multitask effectively.  Candidates with initiative and a strong work ethic will be successful in this position.  This position is not eligible for telework and must be performed in the office.  The work schedule is agreed upon between the candidate and the manager according to organizational needs and the candidate’s availability.

Duties include building workstations, imaging them, and deploying them to government employees. They also include assisting with asset management, deploying new assets, and disposing of old assets. Candidates who demonstrate proficiency with the above tasks may have the opportunity for increasingly challenging tasks related to Service Desk support.

To be considered for any DOR position, applicants must complete and submit their application online and upload any required documents. Successful applicants are required to successfully pass DOR tax and background check(s). DOR is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

(All computer systems and tax guidelines will be trained on the job.)


Pay is $17/hour. This position is not eligible for telework and must be performed in the office.

The work schedule is agreed upon between the candidate and the manager according to organizational needs and the candidate’s availability between 8 am to 5 pm, Monday - Friday, in Helena.

*This is an incomplete list of job duties. For a complete job description please contact Human Resources at [email protected] or (406) 444-9858.

To be considered for a Department of Revenue position, successful applicants are required to successfully pass tax compliance and criminal background check(s). DOR is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Education and Experience

A college education is not required, but if applicable, please provide college/university transcripts and/or certifications for consideration.

Other combinations of education and experience will be evaluated on an individual basis.

*If you have documented postsecondary education, please attach your transcripts to your application for it to be considered in the evaluation process.

Applicant Pool Statement

If another department vacancy occurs in this job title within six months, the same applicant pool may be used for the selection.

Training Assignment Available

This agency may use a training assignment. Employees in training assignments may be paid below the base pay established by the agency pay rules. Conditions of the training assignment will be stated in writing at the time of hire.

Job Overview

Salary$17—$17 Hourly
Telework EligibleNot Telework Eligible
Benefits Package EligibilityRetirement Plan Optional
Number of Openings1
TravelYes, 5 % of the Time
UnionMontana Federation of Public Employees
Closing Date September 1st, 2024 11:59pm
Additonal Requirements for ApplicationResume

Apply For This Position

Citizen Services Call Center

Contact Us Online

Phone: (406) 444-6900

TDD: Montana Relay 711

Email: [email protected]

We’re available Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 pm and Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Taxpayer Advocate

If you need help working with the department or figuring out our audit, appeals, or relief processes, the Taxpayer Advocate can help.

Contact The Taxpayer Advocate Online

Mail: 125 N Roberts Street Helena, MT, 59601

Phone: (406) 444-6789

Fax: (406) 444-3696

Email: [email protected]

The Education Donations Portal 2.0 is Now Available!

You may now register to receive donations as a Montana Public School District or Student Scholarship Organization.

For more information on tax credits for qualified education contributions, please see our guide .

Payment and Filing Options

Payment options, filing options.

The Department of Revenue works hard to ensure we process everyone’s return as securely and quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, it can take up to 90 days to issue your refund  and we may need to ask you to  verify your return .

We encourage all Montanans to file early and electronically. This is the easiest and most secure way to file and get your refund as quickly as possible.

Remember, we are here to help. Please contact us if you need additional assistance.

Where's My Refund?

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The My Revenue portal will no longer be available after July 23, 2021. Department of Revenue forms will be made available on MTRevenue.gov.

If you have records currently saved in My Revenue, we ask you to log into your My Revenue account and download them before July 23, 2021.

Log into My Revenue

We understand COVID-19 impacts all aspects of our community. Throughout this event, we will work hard to keep you updated on the impact COVID-19 has on taxation, alcoholic beverage control, and property assessment.

We serve the people of Montana and are here to help you through this time of crisis.

If you have been impacted by COVID-19 and are facing hardships, we will work with you to find a solution.

To see how other agencies have been impacted by COVID-19 go to COVID19.mt.gov .

We are continually reviewing due dates and deadlines. Please check back regularly or subscribe for COVID-19 updates to receive notifications for future changes.

Information Regarding COVID-19 Stimulus Payments

Stimulus payments are being issued by the IRS.

The Montana Department of Revenue is unable to assist in securing your stimulus payment.

You can check on the status of your COVID-19 Stimulus payment at IRS.gov/Coronavirus/Get-My-Payment .

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Short-Term Assignments: The Challenge to Do More Faster

Introduction: why short-term assignments.

Deployment of talent on short-term international assignments is one of many trends that global companies are accelerating to cope with the global financial crisis. Short-term assignments were already on the rise due to changing workforce demographics, the need to offset recruiting gaps, increased focus on strategic global projects, and the desire to provide greater flexibility to employees. Assignees are sent to one or more key global locations to implement a particular set of tasks without the large investment of time or expense associated with a full-fledged global assignment. Other changes that have recently impacted more traditional global assignments include limiting the number of expatriates worldwide while focusing on highly strategic roles, accelerating the development of local leadership, and moving some expatriates to “local hire” status. Given the heightened significance of short-term assignments in these difficult times, it is worth looking at best practices that can help to ensure the success of projects vital to growth and effective operations in key world markets.

Potential Challenges

Just because an assignment is shorter in duration does not mean that it is easier. In fact, a strong case could be made that a short term international assignment is actually more fraught with potential pitfalls than assignments of three or more years. With a tight timeframe in which to get the job done, short-term assignees are under pressure to hit the ground running and to accomplish a lot in a hurry. They do not have the time to take their first few months on assignment to get settled in a new environment, listen and learn, recover from early mistakes, and gradually build effective working relationships with their local colleagues. Due to time constraints, they may not have the full support of a short term international assignment management strategy. Indeed, the conventional wisdom that employees become fully engaged and effective during their second year abroad is unacceptable for short-term assignees, as their assignments may be over within a fraction of a year.

Short-term assignees, with their aggressive goals and deadlines, are possibly more susceptible to common expatriate mistakes such as failing to build key relationships to gain support and ownership for new initiatives, introducing headquarters practices with insufficient knowledge of local circumstances, and alienating local colleagues and counterparts by pushing too hard and too fast. Yet, they are afforded less time to recoup from such missteps.

The expatriate nemesis known as “culture shock” also affects short-term assignees. People living in a very different environment can begin to feel isolated and ineffective in the absence of a personal support network, sufficient language skills, or access to local resources. Many short-term assignees make the move solo, leaving behind close family members and/or significant others. They also tend to live in sterile hotel rooms or other temporary accommodations. For these reasons, they are missing the immediacy of personal ties and comforts of home that can help longer-term expatriates find the resilience and resourcefulness to cope with temporary lows. The temptation to spend free time working may curtail the short-term assignee’s participation in informal social events that would otherwise enable him or her to forge new relationships and learn cultural lessons.

Preparing Short-Term Assignees: Ten Key Questions

A good global mobility strategy for short-term expats is important for ensuring positive initial contact and for ensuring expats have the resources they need to thrive during their assignments. A range of global mobility solutions for short term assignments are available to give expats the freedom and ability to interact meaningfully with global colleagues.

Consideration of the following ten questions is a good starting point for assignees who want to overcome the obstacles and best leverage the investment that both they and their companies are making:

1. What can you do to develop your personal network in advance?

Regardless of where you are located, there are often contacts available that allow you to start building a personal network in your destination country and to acquire relevant knowledge before leaving home. Sources for such contacts might include:

  • Assignees from your future host country who are residing in your current location;
  • Former expatriates who lived in that country and can provide introductions;
  • Residents of the broader community in which you live (there are large foreign contingents from many parts of the world in most major urban areas);
  • Alumni associations; or,
  • Web-based platforms such as LinkedIn.

2. Are you being introduced in the right way?

The way that you are introduced to new colleagues is crucial. For instance, in some cultures hierarchy and group affiliation — “whom you know” — are valued over “what you know.” In these environments, your credibility and the importance of your project can be underscored through an introduction by a high-status individual whose views carry weight in the host culture, or undermined by a haphazard or unmediated introduction that does not position you appropriately in the eyes of host nationals.

3. What is the level of local input and support for your agenda?

There is a big difference between a project that has been planned and driven primarily or entirely from headquarters and one with local involvement and strategic contributions from the beginning. What was the origin of the effort with which you are involved? Is it new to your host country colleagues, or has their input been incorporated already? Depending upon the answers to these questions, you may need to take a different road towards implementation. In the case of a headquarters-driven initiative, you will probably have to work harder to provide a rationale for going forward that makes sense in the context of local business circumstances, and modify the project as you proceed. Neglecting to do this invites outright rejection or feigned compliance – in the case of a short-term assignee, local colleagues do not have to wait very long for the foreign “typhoon” (that is, you!) to pass.

4. Do you understand the perspectives of local stakeholders?

Try to identify and meet with a group of local stakeholders who can provide input and advice. What do they want from your stay in their country? How aligned are your goals with theirs? What advice and insights do they have about local customer needs, employee capabilities, and organizational priorities? If you can engage such key stakeholders early on, you are more likely to establish targets and adopt implementation methods that fit their business context.

5. Are your fellow team members ready and willing to participate?

For many team or project leaders, especially temporary assignees, matrix reporting relationships are a fact of life. If your team is essentially rented out from other managers, do you have the buy-in of those managers for your initiative, and are they encouraging your team members who report to them to participate fully? Misunderstandings and dysfunctional team behaviors occur most often when participants on the same team are driven in divergent directions by conflicting metrics, priorities, and leadership demands.

6. Is your role clear to everyone involved?

You may have a perception of your role on assignment that is not shared by your new colleagues. Are you a team leader, a project coordinator, a liaison with headquarters, or an individual contributor? What is your role in making decisions that will impact other team members? What is the project timeline, and what are the key objectives that you seek to achieve? At the outset of your assignment, it is useful to share your understanding of your role with fellow team members and to hear their understanding of both your role and theirs at the same time. Any gaps in expectations are best addressed sooner rather than later, and could require consultation with key stakeholders and/or higher management in order to avoid having team members work at cross-purposes and blame misunderstandings on one another.

7. Can you relax and learn about the local culture at the same time?

Every culture has rules and assumptions that are not immediately visible or articulated. For example, how is true agreement expressed? Is information commonly shared on the basis of one’s function or through long-standing personal ties? Should feedback be given and received in more direct or more indirect ways? How should one demonstrate respect for persons in executive roles? Who needs to be consulted when major changes are proposed?

By spending time with colleagues in informal social settings, you have the chance to see them in a different context and listen to their views about questions like these. They may feel freer to offer advice in such an environment, and by taking part in cultural events — dinners, entertainment, ceremonies, festivals, sporting contests, etc. — you will gain insights into workplace interactions. At the very least, the camaraderie generated in these settings usually makes your host country colleagues more inclined to cooperate with you and your agenda, especially in relationship-oriented cultures.

8. Have you allowed sufficient time for any knowledge transfer that must occur?

If there is a significant body of knowledge to be transferred to the new location, the most prudent strategy is to take the time you would normally expect to invest in this transfer and double it. A host of issues can affect the smooth movement of knowledge between one location and another. Factors that it may be necessary to consider are fear of job loss on the part of those in the host location conveying the knowledge and a related hesitation to share information; problems in linking IT platforms; different or insufficient technical backgrounds on the part of trainees that require recalibration of materials and methods; learning styles that call for extensive “hands-on” involvement of the trainer; and the need for spoken and written translations into other languages.

9. How will you maintain your own personal support system?

Although your assignment may be just a few months in duration, it is not a good idea to go it alone. Simple steps, such as setting up a web-cam connection that allows you to see loved ones as you speak with them, or arranging in advance to have others visit while you are on assignment, can provide you with sources of enjoyment, support, perspective, stress release, and a “sanity check” when work becomes difficult. Investing energy in making new friends and acquaintances through common interest groups will also give you the foundation for a local support network and ways to learn about your host country. These kinds of personal experiences can turn out to be as valuable in many ways as your professional ones.

10. Do you have a local partner who can carry on your work after you’re gone?

Being in a rush to complete assignment tasks successfully comes with the territory during a short-term stay. However, a critical error that many assignees make is that they neglect to identify and groom local owners for their initiative. The result is that when the assignee leaves, the initiative loses momentum and fades away. It is essential to identify local partners at an early stage and bring them into projects in a manner that allows them to identify with the progress to date and take responsibility for the next steps. The ideal outcome is for them to champion your initiative to the extent that you are no longer needed. Without this, a short-term assignment loses its meaning, either because it has to be extended or because its impact does not live on beyond the assignment itself, an outcome that is not optimal for the assignee, the host organization, or the company as a whole.

Effectively managing short term international assignments can help firms that are trying to grow their business in key global markets while simultaneously reducing costs. Assignees who prepare themselves by taking steps such as those outlined here will be better able to overcome the inherent hazards of trying to get a lot done in a hurry in a new environment, and will increase the chances of completing their assignments successfully. Companies can help by offering support and comprehensive short term assignment policies.

If you’d like to help your team succeed on short-term and long-term assignments, our Global Mobility solutions. We offer a wide range of solutions for companies and teams requiring the skills and global intelligence needed for international work assignments. We’re proud to have supported over 16,000 individuals and their families in developing the tools they needed before, during, and after assignment. We look forward to being part of your success story.


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Gerson Relocation

Short term mobility and relocation packages

Submit a relocation enquiry.

Your Origin * Please select Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua & Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Congo Democratic Republic Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador East Timor Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea North Korea South Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal The Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian State* Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru The Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Vincent & The Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome & Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Trinidad & Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City (Holy See) Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

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Relocation packages designed to support your short-term international assignment policies

What is the definition of a short-term assignment.

A short-term assignment (STA) is typically defined as an employee international assignment of more than 30 days and up to 12 months.

A short-term assignment does not normally include a change of residence and does not always include the relocating employee being accompanied by their partners or family. It may also be part of a group move project. They are popular because they enable employers to complete smaller specific projects, fill temporary skills gaps and are commonly used as developmental opportunities for staff as part of a company’s broader talent programme.

We have developed a short-term relocation package to support this requirement.

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Expert relocation coordination and cost management

We provide management of your short-term assignments through coordinating a range of services which provide a high level of support for your relocating employees, as well as managing costs.

Business man writing on a clipboard

Relocation package core services to support an assignment of 1-12 months

• Immigration coordination • Temporary accommodation booking with negotiation of lower rates • Mini international move service • Settling-in support • Expense processing

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Recommended flexible options

• On-assignment support

Call talking on phone with headset

Rotational and group move projects

If your relocating employee is working on a rotational assignment basis, then we can manage their experience so that they have the same Relocation Manager supporting them throughout.

If your short-term assignments are part of a group project, we can provide a project management team and group move programme to support your relocating employees. This can include creating cost efficiencies by group booking accommodation together.

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Developmental assignments and graduate move options

If your short-term assignments are part of a developmental programme or a graduate move scheme, we can consult with you to optimise the programmes and the packages to provide the most economical and highest level of support available.

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Global Mobility Consulting Services

• Policy benchmarking and development • Data sourcing for CoLA and Relocation Costs • Assignment cost estimates calculations • Letters of assignment

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Ensure your shot-term assignments are effective and compliant with Gerson Relocation

Great customer experiences start here.

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Very pleasent and helpful. Nothing too much trouble.

Mr M H moved from London, UK to Toronto, Canada

Very helpful and patient even when things got packed that we had to get out again!

Mr M E moved from Enfield, UK to Dorset, UK

Thanks to Graham, Nick and the entire crew!

Mr C D M  moved from UK to Singapore

Friendly and helpful crew.

Ms T W moved from USA to Cambridgeshire, UK

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Taking Another Look at Short Term Assignments and Talent Mobility

Corporate Relocation , Domestic Relocation , Employee Relocation , Talent Mobility

Taking Another Look at Short Term Assignments and Talent Mobility

The Covid pandemic has spurred companies and employees to reassess work models and locations, and to consider more flexible, cost-effective ways to achieve business objectives. While not new, short-term assignments can be an effective workaround to current obstacles to employee relocation —from reluctance to relocate to a frenzied real estate market and global restrictions.

Short-term assignments are a “lite” form of talent mobility, enabling businesses to achieve specific, finite project objectives with less expense and disruption. International short term assignments have a longer history, arising as a relatively inexpensive alternative to global relocation . Domestic short-term assignments became more popular over the past 15 years, as the U.S. recovered from the Great Recession.

Objective of Short-Term Assignments

Companies originally devised short-term assignments as a developmental opportunity for high potential, junior-level employees. The employee had the opportunity to meet and work with employees in a different company location, master new skills and hone leadership abilities. This opportunity can increase the employee’s job satisfaction and loyalty and help the company to retain a promising employee. Employees who shine in STAs can be candidates for promotion and future STAs or possibly a traditional global assignment.

Short-term assignments also can be an effective way for more experienced employees to share their expertise with other parts of the organization. A company might deploy a manager to oversee the opening of a new company location, lead a merger or acquisition or bring specific IT or other technical expertise to another company location. In these examples, permanent relocation might not be necessary, but a brief business trip wouldn’t be enough.

Tax Implications of Short Term Assignment Jobs

The IRS treats short-term assignments more like business travel than relocation expenses . Relocation expenses are employee benefits and must be reported on the relocating employee’s W-2 for the year. Most companies gross many of these expenses up to cover the tax obligation, creating another expense for the company.

The IRS definition of a short-term assignment is very precise: the company must expect it to last for less than one year and it must actually last for less than one year. In this case, the IRS considers travel, lodging and certain other expenses to be business expenses that are deductible for the employer and not W-2 benefits to the employee.

Assignments can change in scope or length once underway, and this can influence the tax treatment. The minute an employer determines the assignment is going to extend longer than a year, the reimbursed expenses from that point forward become a taxable benefit to the employee. This applies whether the company reimburses the employee directly or pays expenses on his/her behalf.

So short-term assignments can last longer than a year (this is particularly common with rotational assignments), but the company will sacrifice some of the cost-savings of shorter-length assignments. The scope of work will be one consideration in deciding whether a short-term assignment or relocation makes better business sense.

Learn More About Short Term Assignments

Within the mobility arena, short-term developmental assignments are gaining traction with companies looking to support business growth and employee development while controlling costs. This creative strategy allows businesses to deploy talent where needed without making the financial commitment inherent in a permanent domestic relocation or a long-term international assignment, but not without careful consideration. Download the Short Term Assignments White Paper

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July 18, 2022

Short-term Assignments Can Give High-Potential Employees a Reason to Stay

Counter the “great resignation” by offering short-term assignments to your high-potential employees and build engagement.

Short-term assignments, whether in the same country or abroad, have been a major trend in relocation over the last few years and we believe this trend will continue in the years to come. Short-term assignments, which are typically less than 12 months, can be a way to attract and retain talent by offering interesting challenges as the employee gains new skills, experiences, and builds a network of colleagues.

While there are clear benefits to utilizing this policy type – especially instead of a long-term assignment that can be quite costly – corporations must maintain compliance with respect to payroll, taxation, and immigration if the assignment is overseas.

In the U.S., a short-term assignment must have a clear start and end date and must be less than 12 months to claim some expenses tax-free for the employer, and in many cases, international short-term assignments can avoid host country taxes if there is a totalization agreement between the home and host country and the employee spends less than 183 days there.


Whether it’s for finite projects, developmental job positions, new business or branch openings, there are many reasons and benefits for sending an employee on a short-term assignment. Instead of tradeoffs, we often see synergy across different priorities, such as when productivity is maintained, headcount is not increased, and high-potential employees are given an opportunity to build leadership qualities.

Benefits of Short-Term Assignments

A short-term assignment costs less than permanently relocating an employee Short-term assignments can be more cost-effective than a long-term assignment (typically 1 to 3 years) or permanently relocating the employee. In fact, it allows company initiatives to proceed without the costs of selling a house and asking members of an assignee’s family to relocate with them.

A short-term move is less stressful on employees than a permanent move Unlike long-term assignments or permanent relocation, employees do not typically move with their families during a short-term assignment. Whereas this eliminates some added challenges that could arise from searching for adequate housing, enrolling children in a new school, or a spouse looking for employment, we recognize that living apart from family can be stressful and therefore recommend regular home leave to ensure a successful assignment.

Short-term assignments are great opportunities for employees to grow Short-term assignments can give your staff opportunities to learn additional skills and gain new perspectives, helping to create a more diverse and inclusive organization. Knowledge sharing upon their return to the origin location is a bonus to going on short-term assignment, benefiting the employee, colleagues, and the company.

Most short-term assignments range between 3 and 12 months; assignments that are shorter tend to be considered Extended Business Travel with some different considerations to keep in mind. There are employers that allow accompanying family members on an assignment that is less than 1 year; other organizations consider any assignment under 2 years as short-term.

Setting up your Employee for a Successful Short-Term Assignment

While the needs of employees will vary, it’s important for companies to have a standard program that allows some flexibility. Setting clear expectations and communicating those to the employee helps achieve success.

Here’s our key advice for employers to consider when creating a short-term assignment policy.

Help employees find short-term housing Short-term rental agreements with corporate housing specialty companies are often the best option because they are fully furnished and typically offer a variety of amenities to help renters feel at home.

Some of these organizations own properties while others source properties and fill with furniture, and if your organization frequently sends people to the same location, they can set up rotational agreements whereby the accommodations are maintained for your organization and employees can rotate in and out as necessary. This can eliminate the hassle of searching for new housing each time an employee is relocated for a short time. Alternative housing options can include extended-stay hotels or vacation-type rentals such as Airbnb.

Cover all host-location expenses A short-term assignee retains their home property while on assignment, therefore, the employer assumes responsibility for most expenses, including but not limited to housing, utilities, parking fees, as well as travel expenses in the host location and for home leave visits.

In addition, most employers will provide an allowance to offset the cost of meals and incidentals, sometimes in the form of a cost of living adjustment (COLA) or per diem.* This decision is typically based on the expected duration of the assignment.

Provide benefits that will help employees adjust Family separation during a short-term assignment is one of the most common challenges for employees, making the power of continued connection critical. Therefore, taking home leave on a regularly scheduled basis throughout the duration of the assignment promotes closeness, and many companies allow family members to visit the host location in lieu of the employee travelling home. We also suggest offering self-directed online cross-cultural training if the assignment is overseas.

Offer resources to help employees acclimate Whether the assignment is in-country or abroad, Sterling Lexicon recommends providing at least a ½ day orientation tour to ensure your valued employee feels comfortable in the host location.

Employees will appreciate knowing how to navigate in the host location, knowing the location of medical facilities, and knowing how to go about their daily life in a different environment helps people adapt more quickly.

Choose the right relocation management company (RMC) for your relocation and assignment needs Whether relocating permanently or going on a short-term assignment, the right counseling can help mitigate worry while providing an exceptional employee experience. The right RMC can help develop equitable policies and should have an extensive supplier network to identify appropriate corporate housing within budgetary requirements, Destination Services Providers to manage an orientation to the host location, and online tools to support their stay. Additionally, an RMC like Sterling Lexicon can manage the entire expense process from start to assignment completion.

*There are distinct differences between a per diem and COLA, and are usually applied to different global mobility policy types:

Per Diem: a per day payment structure that is designed specifically for employees on assignment lasting from 1 month to 1 year. A per diem is intended to provide a fixed daily living allowance that is equitable to all assignees in the same host location, regardless of salary level or home country.

Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA): a payment structure that is designed to protect assignees from the increased costs of goods and services at the host location by supplementing their salaries. The calculation also takes into account the longer-term nature of living and working in a host location while reflecting the expatriate’s spending patterns. Data providers offer multiple index options and the ability to customize according to company policies.

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Leah Johnson

Leah Johnson is Sterling Lexicon’s Director, Client Solutions, and has worked in the global mobility industry for more than 20 years. She has held management positions in business development, operations, account management, and consulting, and had the opportunity to live and work in Tokyo and Hong Kong for six years. She initiated destination services in Hong Kong for a relocation management company and directed global mobility for Goldman Sachs in the APAC region. She graduated from Colgate University, earned an MBA from the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and maintains a Senior Certified Professional (SCP) certification from SHRM.

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short term assignment deutsch

A career in property management is looking more desirable as renters and travelers opt for luxury living

  • There's a growing demand for luxury short-term rentals — and people to oversee these properties.
  • Property-management jobs are expected to grow faster than average in the next decade.
  • This article is part of " Trends to Bet Your Career On ," a series about trending professional opportunities.

Insider Today

The growing trend of "forever renters" — people who expect to rent properties for their entire lives rather than owning any — is contributing to an uptick in demand for luxury rentals .

With more renters and travelers seeking luxury vacation rentals, in particular, property managers are needed to vet renters or overnight guests, collect rents, and maintain properties. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that property-management jobs are expected to grow faster than the average rate for all vocations through 2032.

Business Insider talked to two property managers about breaking into managing short-term vacation property and residential rentals, as well as the industry's future.

What skills are needed for property management

Karen Hatcher, the CEO of Sovereign Realty & Management , manages rentals across metro Atlanta. Before starting the company, Hatcher worked in corporate sales, but after seeing her now-husband successfully flip homes, she got her real-estate license and eventually began managing properties.

Although a four-year degree or certification isn't required, one state may have different requirements than another. In Georgia, property managers don't have to be licensed but must work with a licensed broker, Hatcher said.

She also said newcomers to real estate and property management should consider joining the Institute of Real Estate Management , which offers continuing education, skills classes, and networking. There are also a few industries that Hatcher said people may have an easier time transitioning from.

"Accounting or finance backgrounds provide a strong foundation because they focus on budgeting, financial analysis, and cash-flow management — all crucial for managing rental income and expenses," she said. "Sales experience is equally valuable, as property managers market vacancies, showcase properties, and negotiate leases."

Jobs with many moving parts, customer-service experience, and marketing roles also provide "a great launching pad" for breaking into property management, she added.

Rebekah Boley, the founder and CEO of Hotel Home Stays , an Arizona-based company that manages vacation rentals, got into her industry after purchasing a campground in Charlotte, North Carolina, and turning it into a glamping resort .

Unhappy with the service from the property-management company, Boley decided to develop her own, which has grown to include properties across the US. Boley said that having real-estate knowledge was a huge plus for prospective property managers.

"If you have a background in real estate, design, or contracting, you may have an advantage," she said. "Some soft skills required for this job are being organized, paying close attention to detail, knowing how to multitask, and being personable. It's also important to know that you may not have many days off."

What to expect on the job

No two days are exactly alike, Hatcher said, but she consistently responds to owner emails, reviews new leases, and meets with her team, which is in charge of fielding rental inquiries, conducting screenings, and coordinating move-ins and move-outs.

"While my team handles the front lines, I'm focused on the bigger picture. As CEO, I'm constantly analyzing our portfolio's performance, from occupancy rates to financials," she said. "I review market trends, adjust strategies as needed, and set goals to ensure we hit our targets. Training is also a regular part of my week, and staying up to date on the latest rental laws, technologies, and best practices is vital."

Boley said her work is usually more behind the scenes and that, like Hatcher, her typical day involves a lot of communication.

"Because the vacation-rental industry changes constantly, I'm always working on pricing and availability, making sure that the dynamic pricing is correct," she said. "My staff is also busy submitting insurance claims for damages or communicating with contractors."

The rewards of property management

Two of the biggest benefits property management can offer are great flexibility and a high earning potential. Property managers are usually paid a salary plus commission , an agreed-upon percentage of a monthly rental or nightly fee. Hatcher said another benefit was helping her property owners maximize profits, whether for retirement or long-term wealth creation.

"There's immense satisfaction in knowing that my work directly contributes to a client's financial security, whether through aggressive lease marketing, stringent expense control, or proactive maintenance," she said. "Seeing the positive results roll in is incredibly fulfilling."

Managing residential properties is different from managing vacation rentals because of the turnover rate. Vacation-property managers have to deal with the owner's expectations, but they also interact with guests expecting a certain level of customer service, which Boley said could be rewarding.

"Vacation-rental-property managers can make a decent income if their homes are making over $10K per month," Boley said. "Although income is rewarding, it's just as rewarding to see amazing reviews from guests who have loved their stay and sing our praises."

The challenges of property management

The industry has its challenges because of the high level of personal interaction, Hatcher said, but implementing efficient systems can reduce some of the biggest problems, like squatting and application scams , and help attract and onboard quality renters. Property management also requires professionals to be "on it" at all times, she added.

"You're dealing with people's homes, offices, or businesses, which is very personal to them," Hatcher said. "It requires amazing customer service, conflict-resolution skills, lots of follow-up, and the ability to prioritize many tasks. It's this mix of behind-the-scenes process work and frontline, hands-on management."

If you're getting into managing vacation rentals, the challenges are a bit different, as there are fluctuations that correspond with seasons, events, and weather. To succeed, you have to know the vacation market and keep up with the regulations around vacation rentals, Boley said.

"Vacation rentals are a niche market, and to perform at the top, you have to work extraordinarily hard," she said. "Most vacation rentals make less than $5,000 a month, so we focus on just the top luxury properties. You also have to ensure your product is in line with client expectations. Because the definition of 'luxury' is always changing in the market, there is an ongoing need to revamp and step it up."

The future of property management

Boley said the growth of the vacation-rental market took off during COVID -19 shutdowns as people realized the value of a vacation home , and many booked one for the first time. However, she said the future of luxury vacation rentals depended on the location and the freedom for landlords to rent out their properties.

"If cities continue to shut down the ability for people to operate vacation rentals, then the industry won't last," she said. "However, with more oversight and protection for guests, the industry will continue to grow and improve with time."

Hatcher is confident that the residential-property-management industry will continue to grow, fueled by the growing history of rental properties as profitable investments and landlords' desire to delegate the work around increasingly complex regulations for rental properties.

"In Atlanta, the opportunities seem endless. The city's thriving economy, fueled by industries like film and technology, is drawing new residents and investors," Hatcher said. "This creates a high demand for quality rental properties and, by extension, skilled property management."

She added, "Rental housing is becoming a larger share of the overall housing stock, and property managers will be needed to oversee these portfolios."

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31 May International Long-Term vs Short-Term Assignments

Global mobility professionals possess the difficult task of identifying the best candidate for an open position for an international assignment. While all may seem easy, relocating an employee internationally requires analysis and strategy.

As we go along another year with COVID-19, mobility leaders should keep themselves posted on the latest developments in the global mobility landscape. With more innovative options for assignments such as virtual assignments or the work-from-anywhere structure, mobility programs are becoming more and more complex.

But all these newer innovations can lead to global mobility professionals stuck in tunnel vision, overlooking the more traditional types of mobility arrangements. Long-term and short-term international assignments are the most common types that mobility professionals consider.

The length of time that qualifies an assignment to be considered long-term or short-term varies from company to company, but the general rule of thumb is that long-term assignments will range from 12 to 36 months in duration while short-term assignments may last from 3 months to a full year.

Defining the best assignment option can be tricky. Several intertwined variables are involved depending on the candidate and the available position. Moreover, relocation is a top stressor not only for the assignees themselves but for their families.

So, to increase international assignment success rates, mobility teams need to learn which option will best yield favorable results for the company.

One way to identify the best option is to see both the pros and cons of each assignment type.

Global Tax Network and other firms in the global mobility space help us by pointing out these advantages and disadvantages.

Long-term assignments

This assignment type is a popular choice for companies who desire to obtain specific expertise, target new markets, or offer career development opportunities for candidates who show exemplary performance within the organization. The nature of this type of assignment helps the assignee to build strong relationships and more comprehensive knowledge about the organization that can be valuable for the company.

From the assignee’s perspective, one benefit they gain from a long-term assignment is the possibility of being on their home country’s payroll. This way the employee can:

  • avoid having to go through tedious and – at times – unfair currency changes to enable seamless home country payments such as student loans and mortgages 
  • continue participation in his or her home country’s social security. This will prevent breaks in the required period of contributions so that they could meet the requirements for receiving social security payments in retirement
  • enjoy his or her home country benefit plans

Long-term assignments are also seen to be the less risky option of the two types. With COVID-19 still around, it would make sense that employees in long-term assignments be better positioned and entail lesser movement in the whole relocation process. They can have longer immigration status and housing than short-term assignees.

A major drawback of long-term assignments is mostly cost-related. Long-term assignments can be more expensive due to:

  • provision of additional allowances and benefits such as cost-of-living adjustments, host country housing, and moving expenses
  • on-going costs from immigration, budgeting, tax planning, and more
  • additional compliance requirements that are mandated by the host and home country.
  • implementation of tax reimbursement for the assignee
  • failure to benefit from the expertise acquired by the assignee by not retaining them as employees upon repatriation

Another thing to note is that employee dissatisfaction with long-term expatriates is known to be a common problem. It can be difficult for an assignee’s family members to become accustomed to a new environment causing a lot of stress and unfamiliarity. 

Short-term assignments

Short-term assignments may also offer the same benefits as long-term ones while addressing other points as well. Here are their advantages:

  • employees receive compensation from their home countries to prevent currency exchanges that will cause delays in expenditures in the home country
  • the company may offer modest compensation and allowance packages to mitigate preventable extra costs
  • for tax purposes in the United States, temporary housing and per diems may be paid without taxes for some temporary short-term assignments

dDepending on the tax treaties imposed by a host country, assignees can avoid taxes if they do not exceed a certain time threshold

Short-term assignments might limit an assignee’s ability to achieve set goals and objectives due to time constraints. The nature of this type of assignment will make it more difficult for assignees to settle in and develop strong working relationships with both clients and colleagues in the host country.

Moreover, there are cost implications in shorter assignments from several factors such as:

  • the longer processes in administering a short-term assignment caused by its susceptibility to change that require more constant support from mobility teams
  • In some cases, the provision of a per diem and reimbursements will cost more than paying an employee under an expatriate policy
  • higher state tax costs when a short-term assignee breaks state residency in the given period

Determining which assignment type will reign supreme will ultimately depend on the position and its objectives. Let’s just not forget how much influence employees now have over mobility policies and assignment practices, so it’s important for mobility experts to keep an eye on the latest developments in the field. 

1 Dish Drying Rack
1 Dinnerware Set (4 Dinner Plates, 4 Salad Plates, 4 Bowls, 4 Mugs)
1 Silverware Set (4 Spoons, 4 Forks, 4 Knives)
1 Silverware Set Holder
1 3-Pack Saute Frying Pan Set
1 3-Qt Pot
1 6-Qt Pot
1 Glass Mixing Bowl
1 Tupperware Set
1 Toaster
1 Kitchen/Dish Towels (Set Of 2)
1 Cooking Utensils (Set Of 4 Utensils)
1 Basic Knife Set
1 Whisk
1 Tongs
1 Pitcher with Lid
1 Baking Sheet
1 Casserole Dish with Lid
1 Vegetable Peeler
1 Colander
1 Cutting Board
1 Paper Towel Holder
3 Bounty Paper Towels
4 Water Glasses
4 Wine Glasses
4 Goblets
1 Can Opener
1 California Corporate Housing corkscrew
1 Sugar Holder
1 Oven Mitts
1 Pot Holder
1 Scissors
1 Measuring Cup
1 Grater
1 Welcome Basket
1 Salt/Pepper Shaker Set
10 Bottled Water
1 Bottle Of Wine
1 Dish Soap
1 Dishwasher Detergent
1 Coffee Maker
1 Coffee Mate
1 Garbage Can
1 Box Of Garbage Bags
1 Sponge
1 Dish Scrub
1 Electric Kettle
1 Blender
1 Set Coffee Filters
1 Starbucks Coffee
4 Bath Towels (Large)
4 Hand Towels (Medium)
4 Wash Towels (Small)
4 Toilet Paper Pack (including putting CCH sticker on the initial roll)
1 Shower Curtain
1 Tray For Toiletry Set
1 Soap Dish
2 Bath Mats
1 Garbage Can
1 Garbage Bags
1 Toilet Scrub
1 Toilet Plunger
1 Decorative Accessory
1 LATHER Hair Wash
1 LATHER Conditioning Rinse
1 LATHER Body Wash
1 LATHER Moisturizer
1 LATHER Exfoliating Body Soap
1 LATHER Gentle Face Soap
1 LATHER Shower Cap
1 LATHER Vanity Kit
1 LATHER Dental Kit
1 Hair Dryer
1 Hair Dryer Bag
1 Kleenex Box Holder
1 Kleenex

Living Room

1 Sofa
1 Chair
1 End Table
1 Coffee Table
1 Decorative Accessory
1 Coaster Set
1 Wall Art
1 TV Console Unit
1 Flat-Screen HD TV
2 Throw Pillows
1 Floor Lamp
1 Table Lamp
1 Window Treatment Set
1 Power Strip
1 Amazon Echo
1 Rug

Dining Room

1 Dining Room Set (1 Table, 4 Chairs)
2 Place Mats
2 Table Napkins
1 Dining Table Decor
1 Clock
1 Bed (Queen Size)
2 Bedside Tables
2 Bedside Table Lamps
1 Clock/Radio
1 Dresser
1 Wall Art
1 Bed Linen Set (Queen Size)
1 Extra Bed Linen Set
1 Extra Blanket
12 Hangers
4 Pillows For Bed with Pillow Protectors (Standard Size)
1 Extra Pillow Stored In Closet with Pillow Protector (Standard Size)
1 Window Treatment Set
1 Decorative Accessory
1 Flat-Screen HD TV


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    während lang genug im Voraus eingereichte Anträge eine längerfristige Einsatzplanung der freiberuflichen Dolmetscher (z. B. für eine ganze Woche, in der mehrere Sitzungen stattfinden) ermöglichen. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "short term assignment" - Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch ...

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    Many translated example sentences containing "short term assignment" - German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

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    Sortieren Sie Ihre gespeicherten Vokabeln. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'short-term' in LEOs ­Englisch ⇔ Deutsch­ Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .

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    Tax Implications of Short Term Assignment Jobs. The IRS treats short-term assignments more like business travel than relocation expenses. Relocation expenses are employee benefits and must be reported on the relocating employee's W-2 for the year. Most companies gross many of these expenses up to cover the tax obligation, creating another ...

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    There's a growing demand for luxury short-term rentals — and people to oversee these properties. Property-management jobs are expected to grow faster than average in the next decade.

  24. International Long-Term vs Short-Term Assignments

    The length of time that qualifies an assignment to be considered long-term or short-term varies from company to company, but the general rule of thumb is that long-term assignments will range from 12 to 36 months in duration while short-term assignments may last from 3 months to a full year. Defining the best assignment option can be tricky.