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Mass Effect Guide

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game. For a walkthrough of Mass Effect 2, see .  .  .

This page contains a full walkthrough for the main missions of the Mass Effect storyline . This page does not cover optional side quests or assignments , including Bring Down the Sky or Pinnacle Station , the two Downloadable Content packs released for the original game. For a comprehensive introduction to the mechanics of the actual fighting the player must engage in on most missions, see the combat page .

Legendary Edition: If you are playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition , Bring Down the Sky is included with it by default, but Pinnacle Station is not. Legendary Edition also features many changes to the original Mass Effect, including improvements to graphical quality and changes to many combat mechanics.

—  for follow.
  • 1.1 Prologue
  • 1.2 Chapter 1: Citadel
  • 2.1 Chapter 2: Finding Liara
  • 2.2 Chapter 3: Noveria
  • 2.3 Chapter 4: Feros
  • 2.4 Chapter 5: Virmire
  • 3.1 Chapter 6: Lockdown
  • 3.2 Chapter 7: Ilos
  • 3.3 Chapter 8: Endgame
  • 5 Level Caps and Repeat Careers

Opening [ ]

Prologue [ ].

During the prologue you will create your player character , attend a briefing on the Normandy , and undertake your first mission on Eden Prime .

Prologue: Find the Beacon

Chapter 1: Citadel [ ]

Chapter 1 begins when Shepard sets foot on the Citadel for the first time. You will recruit most of your squad , learn about the Council and galactic politics. You must expose Saren Arterius 's treachery before you can return to the Normandy.

Citadel: Expose Saren

Many assignments will become available on the Citadel and can be completed to develop side-plots and gain rewards; walkthroughs for each individual assignment are available. Also while on the Citadel you will encounter merchants who will sell you useful items and buy your old ones. You can consult the Merchants Guide for a complete list of game locations.

Main Plot Progression [ ]

Help complete your squadmate-related assignments

All missions feature substantial "outdoor" sections in which you will drive the Mako , as well as sections where you will engage in combat on foot; follow the links in this sentence for detailed information.

You will also be given the opportunity to perform various galaxy-wide assignments . These are all optional but can be useful for the additional items and experience they provide. Assignments will be offered to you directly, but you can also find them yourself simply by exploring planets that you find via the Galaxy Map on the Normandy.

In between missions and assignments you may wish to walk around the Normandy and converse with your crew. This will not only reveal interesting information, it will occasionally produce opportunities for new assignments and will allow you the option of pursuing a romance if you visit frequently enough.

Note: Once you reach level 20, the next time you access the Galaxy Map you will receive the UNC: Rogue VI assignment on Luna . It is recommended that you proceed there immediately, as this assignment unlocks your specialization class .

Progression: Chapters 2-4 can be completed in any order you choose to advance the main plot. Chapter 5 will become available once you complete any two of the original three chapters. This also unlocks the broad Race Against Time plot mission in the Journal , which is completed at the end of the game.

Chapter 2: Finding Liara [ ]

In Chapter 2 you will have the opportunity to recruit a new squadmate , if you can get past the geth . This mission, while substantial, is slightly shorter than Noveria and Feros.

Find Liara T'Soni

Chapter 3: Noveria [ ]

On Noveria you will search for Saren's associate, Matriarch Benezia , facing geth and a powerful biotic boss.

Noveria: Geth Interest Noveria: Matriarch Benezia

Chapter 4: Feros [ ]

The Zhu's Hope colony and the Exogeni facility have been overrun by geth and krogan . Why is Saren interested in this tiny outpost?

Feros: Geth Attack Feros: The Thorian

Chapter 5: Virmire [ ]

On Virmire you must thwart Saren's plans and make a fateful decision; you will also converse with an ancient enemy.

Virmire: Saren's Plan Virmire: Assault

Endgame [ ]

Chapter 6: lockdown [ ].

Reap cultivated bonds with the crew

When you have completed all missions from previous chapters you know that you need to head to Ilos . However, the next time you use the Galaxy Map , Joker will give you a message and you're returned to the Citadel .

The Council , with Ambassador Udina , have unfortunately decided that you don't really need to go geth hunting or determine what the Conduit is after all. They think that the Reapers are a lie created by Saren , to distract them from his true goal of attacking the Citadel. They have decided, in fact, to ground both you and the Normandy. If you've been following a romance path, you'll then have a short scene with your love interest before duty calls: Captain Anderson has a plan and asks you to meet him in Flux .

This is your last chance to complete any assignments on the Citadel, up until you return to the Normandy after telling Captain Anderson you are ready for his assistance. There are only two new assignments on the Wards : Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy and Citadel: Negotiator's Request , both of which are very brief. This is also your last opportunity to allow either Garrus Vakarian or Urdnot Wrex to join your team if you didn't before . Once you're ready to leave, speak with Captain Anderson. He will offer to help you steal the Normandy and—hopefully—get to Ilos in time to stop Saren.

Captain Anderson has two plans to override the lockdown on the Normandy, both at great personal risk. He can either break into a C-Sec -secured area, or hack Udina's computer. You can choose for him, or give him the choice: Anderson will select the ambassador's computer if you let him choose. Then return to the Normandy to wait: different choices show different cutscenes, but either way the Normandy escapes the Citadel.

After you've taken to the skies, you're again free to choose your destination, and Ilos will now be available. You can no longer return to the Citadel, since you are now a known fugitive and mutineer.

Chapter 7: Ilos [ ]

On Ilos you must pursue Saren as he races to find the Conduit . Warning: Once you head to Ilos and try to land there the game will proceed in locked progression: you will no longer be able to use the Galaxy Map, walk around the Normandy, or complete assignments. If you have been pursuing a relationship with someone, a conversation with them will occur in the captain's cabin that may lead to a romantic cutscene.

Ilos: Find the Conduit Ilos: Trench Run

Chapter 8: Endgame [ ]

You have found the Conduit and must now stop Saren once and for all!

Race Against Time: Final Battle

Epilogue [ ]

Finally, the matter of the Council remains. If you chose to abandon the Council, a human chairman will preside over a newly formed Council (a wholly human Council, if you were a Renegade) with a choice between Udina or Anderson as chairman. If you chose to save the Council, humans will be invited to join the Council, again with a choice between Udina or Anderson as representative. Alternatively, you can disclaim interest in politics and politicians.

Level Caps and Repeat Careers [ ]

Mass Effect ends after the completion of the storyline. Your character is saved and can be carried over to Mass Effect 2 , receiving bonuses on starting level and credits ; decisions you have made, both major and minor, will also be remembered and will affect events in future games.

A new game must be started to continue playing after the final act, though you are allowed to carry over your character for a "new career" for the same Shepard. You can then explore the galaxy again, plus you'll have all the plot worlds available again as well. The main character's level, talents , specialization and equipment all carry over, but Paragon/Renegade scales, equipment licenses , and your medi-gel and grenade stock upgrades are reset, as are your Codex entries and assignments . Any combat , biotic or tech achievements will be usable in any new career.

After you beat the game, you can start your character over by going to "Create New Character" and selecting the bottom most option (Select Existing ID). You then restart the story with all of your experience and items intact from the previous game. All items that were equipped on your squad are transferred to you, and you gain doubles of anything you equipped. For your main character, all of your talent points remain spent as they were before. Your squadmates all begin at the same level as you, but with no talent points spent and only the basic default weapons and armor , allowing you to rebuild them as you like.

It is possible to reach level 50 on your first playthrough, but you won't achieve it without completing a majority of the side assignments. Since you are capped at level 50 for your first time through the game, you cannot reach level 60 until the second playthrough with your original character. If you're looking to reach level 60, it isn't necessary to reach level 50 in your first completion. You can also start a completely new character if you'd like to try a new class, gender, background, etc., and you will no longer be level capped at 50, but there is not enough XP available in the game, even with DLC, to reach level 60 in a single go.

Legendary Edition: In Mass Effect Legendary Edition there is no level cap on a first playthrough and experience scaling is improved in various ways to make reaching level 60 considerably easier. There is also an option to scale character levels to the 1-30 scale used in the subsequent games in the trilogy. This does not affect total talent points awarded.

See Also [ ]

  • Assignments
  • Mass Effect System Guide
Mass Effect Guides
Completion • • • • •
Achievements • •
Classes • • • • •
Other • •
  • Mass Effect
  • 2 Romance (Mass Effect: Andromeda)

Mass Effect Mission Order: the best sequence to tackle story missions in

Mass Effect has a fairly open-ended structure where once you get your hands on your ship, the Normandy, you can tackle most of the game’s core story locations and missions in any order you like. However, we do think there is a best mission order in which to tackle things.

This is, of course, all suggested. The nature of Mass Effect’s story means that you can and should think about what sort of order you’d like to approach everything in and then go with your own gut.

With all that said, we do have our own favored mission order for Mass Effect 1 which is based on a few factors - primarily an even-handed difficulty ramp-up, and the best possible pacing for the story, especially in the later parts of the game. We’ll explain our optimum order below.


Mass Effect Mission Order: the optimal mission sequence, according to us

The game begins with a string of missions starting with Prologue: On the Normandy and Prologue: Find the Beacon. This is followed by Citadel: Expose Saren.

On the Citadel you’ll have the opportunity to recruit Urdnot Wrex (Citadel: Shadow Broker & Citadel: Wrex) and Garrus Vakarian (Citadel: Garrus) - and we recommend you do these, as these are two squad mates, great characters, useful in battle, and key players throughout the entire Mass Effect Trilogy - though you can opt not to recruit one of them at all if you wish. 

Also on the Citadel, there’s a wide range of side quest assignments you can pick up and play at your discretion. They’re covered in our full Mass Effect 1 side quest assignments list .

Once you get control of the Normandy, you’ll be able to fly to the other core story mission planets in any order you like. We recommend the following order:

  • Find Liara T’Soni: head to Therum in the Knossos System, Artemis Tau Cluster. You want to do this first as Liara is a squad member, and rounds out your team with an expert Biotic user (which is Mass Effect's mage-style class). 
  • Citadel: side quests mop-up. All quests from your previous visit remain open, but some new ones are available after finishing your first story planet, including the side quest exclusive to your Shepard's pre-service history background . We recommend you complete Citadel: Scan the Keepers using our Keeper Locations guide at this time, in particular.
  • Asteroid X57: Bring Down the Sky: this is DLC, but it slots better into the earlier part of the story. It’s included in the remastered legendary edition of the game.
  • Noveria: Geth Interest & Matriarch Benezia: you should take Liara on this mission if you can. Completing this story world unlocks more side content throughout the galaxy.
  • Citadel & Uncharted World Exploration: more side quests mop up
  • Feros: Geth Attack & The Thorian: Tali is a killer squadmate on this mission, where you’ll be fighting a lot of Geth.
  • Pinnacle Station: this is DLC, and isn’t available at all in the new legendary edition remaster; so skip this if you’re on that version.
  • Point of No Return: Complete any remaining side quests and assignments here, as the story becomes a rollercoaster from here on out. Remember, completing many side quests is key to a great many things, including amassing enough cash to unlock the best weapons in Mass Effect .
  • Virmire: Saren’s Plan / Assault: we’ve got a separate guide on the big choices on Virmire if you need help.
  • Ilos: Find the Conduit / Trench Run / Race Against Time: be aware that once you travel to Ilos, it truly is the point of no return aside from starting over in a new game plus. When you trigger the visit to Ilos, your Mass Effect romance option will be locked in and the romance scene will take place.

Obviously this is a suggested order, but we feel this is an optimum order for a well-paced, well-balanced    play-through of Mass Effect, even on Insanity difficulty. 

As a general suggestion, try not to use the same pair of squad members for all story missions and side missions. All have interesting things to say, and you’ll benefit from taking people with a vested interest - missions involving the Krogan, for instance, are Wrex’s deal. Tali will always have more to say when the Geth are involved. Additionally, you’ll want to think about how useful their powers are. Tali isn’t very good against biotic opponents, but her tech powers can tear Geth to pieces easily. 

This article is part of a series. As you move on to the next games, check out our Mass Effect 2 Mission Order and Mass Effect 3 Mission Order pages for the same advice in those games - which are longer and more complicated.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: 15 Assignments In The First Game You Need To Play


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Mass Effect 4 Should Address a Weird Element of the Series' Romances

Hit open-world rpg gets 43% discount 6 months after release, zelda: echoes of wisdom reinforces one long-standing series truth.

The first Mass Effect game revolves around Commander Shepard and their quest to hunt down Saren and Sovereign to save the galaxy from destruction. However, the protagonist doesn't spend all of their time on a single quest. Alongside the game's main missions is an abundance of assignments for players to complete, all of which are included in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition .

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The side quests focus on other happenings in the galaxy, which Shepard needs to sort out. They offer a nice reprieve from the main quest and add some life to the galaxy, making it feel lived in. Some assignments can be a little repetitive, but plenty of others are worth playing.

Updated on January 16th, 2022 by Talha Bin Rizwan: The first game from the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition trilogy has players take control of Commander Shepard to save the galaxy from the Saren, Sovereign, and the Geth. In addition to the main quest, players can undertake many side quests that are found all over the galaxy. These side missions, or assignments, as the game calls them, add some variety to the gameplay allowing Shepard to help people in a more one-on-one way. While some side-quests can be tedious for players, other side missions can be just as engaging as the main quest, if not more.

15 Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Dr. Saleon

Loyalty missions don't exist in the original game, but some assignments relate to specific companions. For instance, the search for Dr. Saleon concerns perhaps the best squadmate , Garrus. Dr. Saleon, aka Dr. Heart, is a cruel Salarian who used to clone organs inside his patients' bodies to sell, often causing complications for the victims. When he was a part of C-Sec, Garrus tried to stop the evil physician, but Saleon slipped away.

If Shepard talks to the Turian enough throughout the game, he'll tell the tale of Dr. Saleon and give the Commander coordinates to find the villain. The action in the assignment is limited, yet the compelling backstory makes up for it. Plus, it's always nice to see great characters like Garrus get some spotlight.

14 Asari Consort

Shepard triggers sha'ira romance scene

Shepard can find the consort’s chambers in the southeastern part of the Citadel. Inside, they will meet Sha’ira the consort, who’ll task them with getting a Turian General to leave her alone. The general is spreading lies about Sha’ira and all Shepard will need to do is talk to him.

Once done, they can return to Sha’ira where they can get one of two rewards, either a romance scene or a Prothean trinket that leads to an easter egg on the planet Eletania.

13 UNC: Missing Marines

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Mako Fighting A Thresher Maw

Relatively early in the game, Shepard can speak with Admiral Kahoku, who sends him on an assignment to find his missing marines. At the last known coordinates of Kahoku's team, the player finds only dead bodies and a huge Thresher Maw.

In the original game, fighting the giant monster wasn't too interesting. Yet, the Legendary Edition has made several exciting alterations to Thresher Maw battles. Maws now have sensory tentacles that players must shoot to get it out of hiding, which adds more variety to fights. Furthermore, their aim is incredible as they predict the Mako's movements, making their acid spit much harder to dodge.

12 Noveria: Espionage

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Rafael Vargas

Not every assignment in Mass Effect is about violence. In 'Noveria: Espionage,' Shepard has to keep Rafael Vargas talking while a device hacks into his personal network.

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To please the Asari who gave Shepard the job, the player has to convince Vargas that they're genuinely interested in buying something from Binary Helix. Since this is Mass Effect , there are multiple ways for the quest to play out, partially based on whether Shepard is Paragon or Renegade. It all makes for a unique and compelling assignment that players can find near the Hotel bar on Noveria.

11 Homecoming

Samesh calls out to Shepard for help in retreiving his wife's body

The quest is a short one but may have an emotional impact on players. The quest can be acquired after Tali joins Shepard’s party. They will find an NPC in front of the embassy front desk at the Presidium who is trying to get the Alliance to recover his wife’s body from Eden Prime.

Shepard can intervene on his behalf and talk to the clerk responsible who will release the body. It’s a small quest that takes only a few minutes to complete, but it is one of the few which can touch the players emotionally.

10 Citadel: The Fan

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Conrad Verner

Despite featuring sparingly in the trilogy, Conrad Verner is a memorable character. He's a fanatic of Shepard's, desperate to follow in his hero's footsteps. At different points during the first game, he'll be waiting down in the Citadel markets.

As part of 'Citadel: The Fan,' the Commander has several conversations with Verner. During each talk, Verner's enthusiasm and delusion is funny to watch. Shepard's reaction to their number one fan is always entertaining, regardless of the protagonist's moral alignment.

9 UNC: Geth Incursions (aka Geth Activities)

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Mako Fighting Geth Ship During Geth Incursion Assignment

The Geth are among the most powerful races in the Mass Effect universe , so Admiral Hackett is understandably concerned that they have multiple outposts in the Armstrong Nebula. As usual, it's up to Shepard to put an end to the Synthetics' activities. The Commander must go around to each outpost and destroy the Geth forces waiting there.

The enjoyment of this assignment depends on players' feelings about the new Mako, as it features heavily in the mission. However, the main reason to do this quest is the important terminal at the final base. Shepard can give the data retrieved from this terminal to Tali, which will strengthen their relationship.

8 Rita's Sister

Rita from ME1 asks Shepard to help her sister out

This side mission can be acquired at Flux where players will overhear a waitress, Rita, talking to her Volus manager about her sister. Upon exploring, Shepard learns that Rita’s sister is working on a dangerous assignment for C-Sec, and she is worried about her sister’s safety.

Shepard is then contacted by a C-Sec officer and can assist him in dealing with the matter themselves. In doing so, Shepard will complete the assignment he gave to Jenna, Rita’s sister, after which she will be free to go.

7 UNC: Rogue VI

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Mako On The Moon

'UNC: Rogue VI' is an assignment given to the player by Hackett. The Alliance Admiral asks Shepard to go to Earth's moon and destroy the out-of-control VI that's taken over Luna Base. During the mission, the Commander and their team shoot through an abundance of flying drones.

As players spend most of the story facing Geth or Krogan, the drones are a nice change of pace. The real reason to complete this quest, though, is because it rewards the player with a Class Specialization. If players choose the right Specialization, it can make them significantly stronger.

6 Hostile Takeover:

Helena Blake asks Shepard to let her go

The mission is available after Shepard completes the main missions on the planets Therum, Noveria, and Feros. They’ll need to hack one of the terminals at the C-Sec Academy to pick this side mission up. C-Sec will be investigating a suspected criminal named Helena Blake who can be found in the Financial District.

She’ll ask Shepard to take out two of her business partners. The quest is short but fun and depending on how players complete the quest, Helena Blake will appear in the second game of the trilogy.

5 UNC: Cerberus

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Mako Outside a Cerberus Facility

Players might not remember that Cerberus is barely involved in the first game's adventures. However, in the rest of the Legendary Edition , the morally questionable organization plays a significant part in the story. In fact, Mass Effect 2 feels a little weird without knowing why people hate the Illusive Man's crew.

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Admiral Kahoku gives players the chance to learn about the group, tasking them with investigating a few of their research facilities as part of the 'UNC: Cerberus' assignment. During the lengthy mission, Shepard finds out some horrifying information, helping flesh out the story.

4 Wrex: Family Armor

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Wrex After Picking Up Family Armor

If players want to hear Wrex deliver great lines throughout the entire trilogy , they should do his family armor quest. Completing this assignment isn't the only way to keep this Krogan alive, but it is the easiest.

To acquire the mission, Shepard has to regularly talk with Wrex on the Normandy until he reveals that his family armor is in the hands of a Turian pirate. During the assignment, players will storm the base of the trophy hunter and attempt to kill plenty of his people in an entertaining battle.

3 Shepard’s Backstory Missions

Spacer bakground Shepard meets Zabaleta during the Side Quest

During character creation, players select a background for Shepard out of three choices; Earthborn, Colonist, and Spacer. These allow players to determine Shepard’s origins and how they started their journey to become a galactic legend. During the game, Shepard will be prompted to pursue certain missions based on the background selection.

With Earthborn, Shepard helps a former friend help his companion escape. With Colonist, a person from Shepard’s colony needs their help in stopping a suicide. And with Spacer, Shepard will help a man who claims to be their mother’s friend. These missions are small but allow players to flesh out their Shepard as a character.

2 Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Captain Kirrahe

Shortly after arriving on Virmire, Shepard will meet a Salarian captain named Kirrahe. It doesn't take the leader long to become popular with players, as he's a very likable character.

During the assault on Saren's base, the Commander can help the charismatic Captain stay alive. To do so, players have to complete 'Virmire: Assisting Kirrahe's Team'. The objective to destroy the Geth flyers is the one that really matters, but it's worth completing the entire assignment, as it's enjoyable to help out allies.

1 X57: Bring Down the Sky

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Screenshot Of Bring Down The Sky

Originally, Bring Down the Sky was an expansion for the first game, but now it's included as part of the Legendary Edition . The main quest is a lot longer than a typical assignment, and it sees Shepard attempt to stop a group of Batarians from destroying a colony named Terra Nova.

New enemies, fun action, and a solid story make the Bring Down The Sky assignment one of the best. In fact, if it had more connection to Saren or Sovereign, it would feel more like a main mission as opposed to side content.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Mass Effect: Everything You Need To Know About The Reapers

  • Mass Effect
  • Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Task Search

Unc: side quests.

UNC side quests are the ones which are progressed by visiting Uncharted Worlds, the large open sandboxes you traverse using the Mako. On this page of our Mass Effect guide, we'll help you find and complete all of them!

Want more Mass Effect help? Check out the following pages:

  • Legendary Edition Changes
  • How-To Guides
  • Key Choices and Consequences
  • Romance Options
  • Walkthrough
  • Side Quests

All UNC Side Quests

Uncharted Worlds Header.png

UNC Assignments are those that take place primarily or entirely on Uncharted Worlds or starships. This includes a few that are started on the Citadel, and a few that are only unlocked by completing either Feros or Noveria first.

There is also a series of Assignments known as the "Cerberus Line", and two "Morality Assignments" that are unlocked by filling the Morality Bars, which have their own sub-sections.

Up Next: Asari Diplomacy

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Mass Effect

Section header image

  • Pre-Service History 1
  • Psychological Profile 2
  • Paragon or Renegade? 3
  • Tips and Tricks 4
  • Infinite Paragon Points - Eletania 5
  • Infinite Paragon and Renegade Points - Noveria 6

Section header image

  • Prologue: On the Normandy 7
  • Eden Prime - Find the Beacon 8
  • Prologue: Normandy After Eden Prime 9
  • Citadel: Meet the Council 10
  • Citadel: Meeting Garrus 11
  • Citadel: Meeting Wrex 12
  • Citadel: Expose Saren 13
  • Normandy After the Citadel 14
  • Citadel Exploration 15
  • Therum: Refinery 16
  • Therum: Liara's Dig Site 17
  • Normandy After Therum 18
  • Citadel After Therum 19
  • Feros: Zhu's Hope 20
  • Feros: ExoGeni Headquarters 21
  • Feros: The Thorian 22
  • Normandy After Feros 23
  • Noveria: Port Hanshan 24
  • Noveria: Peak 15 25
  • Noveria: Rift Station 26
  • Normandy After Noveria 27
  • Virmire: Landing Zone 28
  • Virmire: Base Approach 29
  • Virmire: Base Entry and Labs 30
  • Virmire: Base Main Level 31
  • Race Against Time: Escape the Citadel 32
  • Race Against Time: Ilos 33
  • Race Against Time: Final Battle 34

Section header image

  • Asari Consort 35
  • Scan the Keepers 36
  • Jahleed's Fears 37
  • Xeltan's Complaint 38
  • Presidium Prophet 39
  • Reporter's Request 40
  • Doctor Michel 41
  • Homecoming 42
  • Rita's Sister 43
  • Schells the Gambler 44
  • Signal Tracking 45
  • Missing Person - UNC: Privateers 47
  • UNC: Hostile Takeover 48
  • UNC: Missing Marines 49
  • Mikhailovich Inspection 50
  • Family Matter 51
  • The Fourth Estate 52
  • Planting a Bug 53
  • Our Own Worst Enemy 54
  • Negotiator's Request 55
  • Data Recovery 56
  • Geth in the Tunnels 57
  • Water Restoration 58
  • Power Cells 59
  • Varren Meat 60
  • Smuggling 61
  • Espionage 62
  • Wrex and the Genophage 63
  • Assisting Kirrahe's Team 64
  • I Remember Me 65
  • Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things 66
  • Old Friends 67
  • Tali and the Geth 68
  • Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon 69
  • Wrex: Family Armor 70
  • UNC: Besieged Base 71
  • UNC: The Negotiation 72
  • Unusual Readings - UNC: Distress Call 73
  • Strange Transmission - UNC: Major Kyle 74
  • UNC: Asari Diplomacy 75
  • UNC: Lost Module 76
  • UNC: Rogue VI 77
  • UNC: Hostage 78
  • UNC: Cerberus 79
  • UNC: Hades' Dogs 80
  • UNC: Dead Scientists 81
  • UNC: Geth Incursions 82
  • UNC: Colony of the Dead 83
  • UNC: Espionage Probe 84
  • UNC: Lost Freighter 85
  • UNC: Missing Survey Team 86
  • UNC: ExoGeni Facility 87
  • UNC: Derelict Freighter 88
  • UNC: Listening Post Alpha 89
  • UNC: Listening Post Theta 90
  • UNC: Depot Sigma-23 91
  • UNC: Asari Writings 92
  • UNC: Locate Signs of Battle 93
  • UNC: Prothean Data Discs 94
  • UNC: Turian Insignias 95
  • UNC: Valuable Materials 96
  • X57: Avoid the Blasting Caps 97
  • X57: Missing Engineers 98
  • X57: Bring Down the Sky 99

Section header image

  • Save or Slaughter the Colonists of Zhu’s Hope 100
  • Spare or Execute Shiala 101
  • Kill or Spare the Rachni Queen 102
  • Kill or Calm Wrex 103
  • Keeping Captain Kirrahe Alive 104
  • Save Ashley or Kaiden 105
  • Save the Council or Not 106
  • Anderson or Udina for Councilor 107

Section header image

  • How to Romance Ashley 108
  • How to Recruit Ashley 109
  • Best Ashley Build 110
  • How to Recruit Garrus 111
  • Best Garrus Build 112
  • How to Romance Kaiden 113
  • How to Recruit Kaiden 114
  • Best Kaiden Build 115
  • How to Romance Liara 116
  • How to Recruit Liara 117
  • Best Liara Build 118
  • How to Recruit Tali 119
  • Best Tali Build 120
  • How to Recruit Wrex 121
  • Best Wrex Build 122

Section header image

  • Soldier Talents 123
  • Best Soldier Build 124
  • Engineer Talents 125
  • Best Engineer Build 126
  • Adept Talents 127
  • Best Adept Build 128
  • Infiltrator Talents 129
  • Best Infiltrator Build 130
  • Sentinel Talents 131
  • Best Sentinel Build 132
  • Vanguard Talents 133
  • Best Vanguard Build 134

Section header image

  • Basic Armor 135
  • Combat Armor 136
  • Tactical Armor 137
  • Engineer 139
  • Infiltrator 140
  • Sentinel 141
  • Soldier 142
  • Vanguard 143
  • Barrier 144
  • Singularity 146
  • Assault Training 150
  • Fitness 151
  • First Aid 152
  • Medicine 153
  • Intimidate 155
  • Spectre Training 156
  • Bastion 157
  • Commando 158
  • Nemesis 160
  • Operative 161
  • Shock Trooper 162
  • Asari Scientist 163
  • Krogan Battlemaster 164
  • Quarian Machinist 165
  • Turian Agent 166
  • Damping 167
  • Decryption 168
  • Electronics 169
  • Hacking 170
  • Assault Rifles 171
  • Pistols 172
  • Shotguns 173
  • Sniper Rifles 174

Section header image

  • Phoenix 176
  • Gagarin 177
  • Grissom 178
  • Tereshkova 180
  • Knossos 183
  • Macedon 184
  • Hercules 186
  • Theseus 187
  • Asteroid X57 188
  • Antaeus 192
  • Farinata 195
  • Century 197
  • Fortuna 198
  • Strenuus 200
  • Herschel 201
  • Caspian 204
  • Acheron 209
  • Columbia 212
  • Yangtze 213

Section header image

  • Roadmap 214
  • Achievement List 215

Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition

Assignments citadel, the fourth estate.

mass effect 1 all assignments

This Assignment takes place during your second visit to the Citadel once you have completed any main mission off-world such as Liara’s Dig Site .

You’ll find Khalisah just outside the elevator in C-Sec

(1 of 2) You’ll find Khalisah just outside the elevator in C-Sec

You’ll find Khalisah just outside the elevator in C-Sec (left), she’ll request an interview with you. (right)

How to Begin ¶

Once you’ve completed any main mission once you become a Spectre and leave the Citadel, return once more and take the Elevator in the Docking Bay up to C-Sec. As you exit the elevator, you’ll spot Khalisah Al-Jilani waiting for you, approach her to begin the Assignment.

The Interview ¶

You’ll be given a series of questions with the objective leading you to cast humans as the superior species, you can either take the bait and turn the interview to your favor or you can attack her to once the questions start and earn +2 Renegade .

Regarding placing the Citadel’s needs before the needs of Earth, you’ll get the following options:

  • Saying “It’s not like that.” (2 points of Charm ) will defend the Council’s authority.
  • Saying “They know better.” (2 points of Intimidate ) will defend your own loyalty.

Regarding the command of the Normandy, you’ll get the following options:

  • Saying “The Turians helped build it.” (3 points of Charm ) will state the Turian’s involvement.
  • Saying “A great human innovation.” (4 points of Intimidate ) will state the humans superiority more.

Regarding the handing over of the Normandy to the Citadel, you’ll get the following options:

  • Saying “The crew is still Alliance.” (6 points of Charm ) will attempt to reassure viewers and skip the next question.
  • Saying “I command the Normandy.” (5 points of Intimidate ) will assert your own authority and skip the next question.
  • Saying “That’s only a formality.” will lead to an exclusive question.

Stick with Charm or Intimidate to score the most morality points back on the Normandy

(1 of 2) Stick with Charm or Intimidate to score the most morality points back on the Normandy

Stick with Charm or Intimidate to score the most morality points back on the Normandy (left), you can end the interview at any time by attacking her. (right)

If you neglected to choose the Charm or Intimidate option in the previous question, you’ll get one final question with the following options:

  • Saying “If we earn it.” (8 points of Charm ) will demand humanity earn the respect instead of being given it.
  • Saying “When we’re strong.” (7 points of Intimidate ) will inform her that military might will demand respect.

The final question pertains to your tracking of Saren, there is no Charm or Intimidate option here and your choice will impact what Admiral Hackett remarks when you return to the Normandy. Despite earning the XP and Credits once the interview ends, you won’t receive any Paragon/Renegade points until your conversation with Admiral Hackett back on the Normandy.

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mass effect 1 all assignments

Guide Information

  • Publisher Electronic Arts
  • Platforms, PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre Action RPG, Third-person shooter
  • Guide Release 14 May 2021
  • Last Updated 17 August 2021 Version History
  • Guide Author

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The guide for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all Assignments, detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more!

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  • Every Assignment covered.
  • In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each.
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