legal careers guide

6. legal cvs and covering letters.

Despite the widespread use of application forms, the CV is still a vital tool in the recruitment process. This Step guides you through the process of constructing a legal CV and writing a successful covering letter.

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Writing Legal CVs and Covering Letters

The curriculum vitae (CV) is the traditional method of application and is widely used throughout the legal profession. You will still need a CV, even if you are applying to organisations that use application forms, for two main reasons.

  • The information on your CV forms the basis of many of the answers you will need to give on application forms
  • Having an up-to-date law CV is useful when applying for work experience or to give information to a useful contact.

Before you start drafting

Think about the type of organisation or specific organisation you are applying to. What are they likely to be looking for in a candidate? See your work from Step 1 and 4.

Know what skills and experience you have to offer a prospective employer. See your work from Step 2.

Know what you want to use the CV for. Is it to apply for work experience or a speculative application? See your work from Step 2 and 3.

Tips for a good law CV

  • Target your legal CV – you need to adapt your CV to each individual recruiter so that they are able to see how you could fit in with their organisation.
  • Length – keep it to no more than two sides of A4 paper.
  • Make it easy to read – create a clear structure, leave enough white space and make use of formatting like headings.
  • Look professional – use plain white paper, a size 11 standard font like Arial or Calibri, and avoid photos and exclamation marks.
  • Correct spelling and grammar is essential – don’t rely on spellcheck; proofread several times to make sure your CV is error free.
  • Be honest whilst ensuring you are making the most of what you have to offer.
  • Focus on your cover letter as much as your CV.

Legal CV structure and layout

There is no single correct way to lay out a law CV and you will have to try different structures to see which one works best for you.

A traditional structure contains the following information:

Personal details

Include your name and contact details such as address, email address and phone number as a heading. You don’t need to put the words ‘Curriculum Vitae’ on your CV.

Education and training

Arrange your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent example displayed first. Include the name of the institution, subjects, dates and your grades. Detail any professional legal qualification you have such as the Legal Practice Course (LPC) or the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) . Don’t forget to mention the areas of law that you studied and state your dissertation title if relevant.

Employment and work experience

Depending on how much experience you have, you might want to separate out and highlight any legal, commercial or voluntary experience. Describe your key tasks and responsibilities, mentioning the positive results of your actions. Apply your law work experience to demonstrate your passion and part-time or voluntary work to show your transferable skills such as teamwork and communication.

Additional skills

A brief mention of other relevant skills you have such as the languages you speak, a proficiency in software packages or technical skills such as programming languages.

Extracurricular activities

Mention things you do outside of work and the classroom such as sports and clubs. Experiences such as membership in the Law Society or starting a new club at the University will help you stand out.

Stating ‘references available on request’ will usually suffice.

Legal Covering letter tips

  • Aim for a professional and personable tone
  • Fonts and formatting – maximum of one side of white A4 paper, with the same font as your legal CV. Proofread carefully to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • Find out who you are addressing – find out the name of the recipient if possible and sign off ‘Yours sincerely’. Try to avoid using Dear Sir or Madam, but if you do remember to use ‘Yours faithfully’ instead.
  • Signing off – be polite, say thank you and that you look forward to hearing from them.

Legal Covering letter structure and layout

The purpose of your application.

Talk about the opportunity you are applying for and where you saw it.

Why are you applying to them?

Explain why you are interested in their organisation.

Why should they pick you?

Explain what you have to offer that is relevant to them and the opportunity. This could be your performance on your degree, recent work experience with a similar organisation or experience in their area of practice.

Activity – CV Makeover

In this activity, you can practise applying your knowledge of CV writing as you try to improve the legal CV of a fictitious student named Georgina Berry.

Download CV Makeover Activity ➔

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m making speculative applications. who do i address the covering letter to.

Call the firm you’re targeting, explain that you’d like to send your CV in as a speculative application and ask who to best address the letter to.

If you’re unable to get a specific name, use “Dear Sir/Madam” and you’ll need to sign off as “Yours faithfully”.

I spoke to someone at a law fair recently. Should I mention this in my cover letter?

Definitely mention that you spoke to a representative from the organisation, and give the name of the event. This is evidence to back up your interest in the organisation and shows that you have done your research.

It is a useful tip to write down the name of whoever you speak to as soon as possible. Usually exhibitors wear name badges but if not, politely ask if you can take their name at the end of your discussion.

I have a substantial previous career. Is it important to fit it all on 2 sides of A4?

It is important to keep to the two page limit, so you will need to work out a way of cutting down the content without losing your key selling points.

If you’ve accepted your place or are currently studying with us, seek advice from our careers advisers.

Next step: 7

Go to step 7 in the Student Employability Programme.


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Writing a CV

Writing a covering letter, preparing for an interview.

  • Career advice


When applying for a job you should check the instructions carefully to see what the employer is asking for, such as a CV and covering letter, or an application form.

Before you write your application:

  • check the requirements for the role – these will normally be listed in a job description or person specification – and think about how you can show that you have them
  • research the organisation, so that you can explain why you’re suited to work there
  • check that your CV covers all the requirements, and tailor it if necessary

What to include

If the employer asks for a CV, you should also write a covering letter that is tailored for the role. This is your opportunity to say how you meet the requirements for the role. It should show that you understand what the employer is looking for and that you know about the organisation.

  • your contact details
  • which role you’re applying for
  • why you’re interested in the role
  • how you meet the requirements for the role
  • relevant skills and experience
  • reference to relevant parts of your CV
  • any specific information that the employer asks for, such as salary expectations

Check the advert and the job description, and make sure that your covering letter includes all of the requirements if possible. Give evidence to back up your claims. Do not just say that you are good at team working or research – give an example, such as a project you have worked on.

End the letter on a positive note, saying when you're available for interview and that you look forward to hearing from them.

Your covering letter should be concise – around one page.

You may want to send it as a Word attachment, rather than simply an email. You should make sure it is well laid out, with a consistent format and a clear font. Check carefully for spelling mistakes or other errors.

Address your letter to an individual if possible. 

Application forms

Many organisations recruit using application forms rather than CVs and covering letters. This means they can ask specific questions and easily compare applications.

Application forms are designed to get the right amount of information to make a decision, so the recruiter will normally ignore anything else you provide. Often they will have a word limit for each question. However, you should be able to use information from your CV, such as your work history and your skills, to complete the form.

Read through the form carefully and follow the instructions. Be clear and concise, and make sure you provide evidence of how you meet the requirements for the role.

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How to write winning covering letters for law firms.

targetjobs editorial team

24 Mar 2023, 17:42

When applying for a training contract or vacation scheme, your covering letter may be the first part of your application a law firm considers.


Your covering letter creates a powerful first impression, so make it easy for the recruiter to see that you have strong potential as a lawyer.

Many law graduate jobs at solicitors’ firms in the UK will ask you to apply for a training contract with a covering letter. Read this advice from recruiters at Slaughter and May, Cleary Gottlieb and Ince & Co, then follow our law cover letter template.

Some recruiters will want you to upload your covering letter as part of an online application form (such as Baker McKenzie and Jones Day), while others – usually smaller, high street law firms – will want you to send the letter alongside a CV (see our law CV example here ).

  • Cover letter template: see our annotated law covering letter sample for more tips and format examples .

How to write a law cover letter tip #1: use the letter to explain why you want to be a solicitor at that particular law firm

A covering letter is a golden opportunity to explain your motivations for becoming a lawyer and for applying to that specific firm. ‘My advice is to use the cover letter to introduce yourself and to explain why you are applying to that firm,' says Janine Arnold, trainee recruitment manager at Slaughter and May . ‘Be sure to include any additional information that you feel is relevant to your application.’

If you’re uploading a covering letter as part of a larger application form you should avoid repeating examples you’ve used to answer questions on the form. Give as broad a picture of your skills and experience as possible and only repeat something if you think it is particularly significant to that law firm. Your covering letter is an introduction to get the recruiter’s attention – a sample of your potential, if you like – not your overall application.

‘A well-written, succinct, persuasive covering letter crafted by an aspiring trainee solicitor who has really thought about the firm stands out,’ says Nichola Rowe, director of legal human resources at Cleary Gottlieb . ‘Ask yourself: what sets this firm apart from other law firms and how do my individual skills and experiences marry with that firm?’.

How to write a law cover letter tip #2: how long should it be?

A covering letter should be a maximum of one page, with a font size of 11 or 12. Slaughter and May ’s Janine Arnold agrees: ‘A lengthy covering letter is not necessary; aim for it to be no longer than one side of A4.' Remember that some firms will give a word count for the covering letter they want you to write as part of your application. It's important to stick to that word count. It shows that you can write succinctly and follow instructions.

Get the insights and skills you need to shape your career journey with Pathways. We’ll show you exactly what goes into a convincing cover letter, so you can give yourself the best chance of getting to the next stage of the application process.

How to write a convincing cover letter

How to write a law cover letter tip #3: the format law firms like

The best law cover letter examples have a clear structure, such as:

1. The introduction to your cover letter

Introduce yourself, explain what stage you are at in your degree course (including the university you’re attending), state that you are applying for a training contract and where you read about the law firm. This should only be a sentence or two.

2. A paragraph on why you want to work at that law firm

The second paragraph should cover why you want to be a solicitor and why you want to work for that law firm in particular. Highlight any experiences you’ve had that have convinced you that you want to be a solicitor, such as vacation schemes, open days or insight days. You can even mention mini-pupillages – it will impress graduate recruiters if you’ve put the effort into comparing the two sides of the legal profession, as long as you have good reasons for picking a career as a solicitor (this could come up at interview).

Make it clear why you want to work in the particular area of law that the firm focuses on. For example, if it’s a commercial firm you’ll want to draw on any work experience you’ve had at other commercial firms. Show off your research about the firm by explaining your interest in their main legal practice areas – don’t just say ‘I am interested in shipping law’, for example, but provide evidence of that interest.

You might also want to mention the firm’s training structure. Some firms will have compulsory seats, in which case you’ll need to show an interest in those areas. If you’ve chosen a firm that doesn’t have compulsory seats, or has no seat structure at all (such as Jones Day for example), then you could explain why this appeals to you above a more defined training contract structure.

3. A paragraph highlighting why you're a good fit for the law firm

Next, you need to pitch yourself to the recruiter. Make it clear that you are suited to a career as a solicitor: highlight achievements that show you have the competencies the firm has asked for. If the firm hasn’t specified exactly what it's looking for, see our article here on the skills most legal recruiters want from applicants. Don’t just say ‘I have good communication skills’ – you need to mention an achievement that hinged on your use of those skills.

4. The ending to your law covering letter

Close by referring the recruiter to your CV or application and stating your availability for interview(s) or assessment centre(s).

How to write a law cover letter tip #4: explain any extenuating circumstances

'Covering letters should also explain any mitigating circumstances relating to exam results and to address any questions that you may reasonably expect to arise from your application, such as any gaps in your CV,’ explains Janine.

How to write a law cover letter tip #5: proofread your cover letter before you hit ‘send’

Once you’ve put your covering letter together, don’t be tempted to rush it off. Ask friends, family and your university careers adviser to check it. ‘There is no good excuse for spelling errors, especially when you’re applying for a job that requires scrupulous attention to detail,’ points out a legal recruitment adviser at Ince & Co . ‘The number of applications we receive that contain errors is surprising. Your application is all we’ve got to go on, so you owe it to yourself to ensure it’s not let down by something so easily avoidable.’

Remember that law firms will be judging your ability to communicate professionally with clients on the professionalism of your covering letter – you’re making a pitch, just like you would do as a practising lawyer.

Legal recruiters at major law firms read through hundreds, if not thousands, of applications from aspiring trainee solicitors each year and will only spend a minute or so reading your covering letter. Some recruiters say that they make their decision paragraph by paragraph – if you haven't impressed upon them that you would be a good fit for their firm halfway through the cover letter, they might not even read the rest. Your covering letter creates a powerful first impression, so make it easy for the recruiter to see that you have strong potential as a solicitor by following the tips above.

In other news: Massive changes to the way solicitors qualify are on the horizon. Do you know how they will affect you? Find out here .

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This describes editorially independent and impartial content, which has been written and edited by the targetjobs content team. Any external contributors featuring in the article are in line with our non-advertorial policy, by which we mean that we do not promote one organisation over another.

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Legal Cover Letter Guide for Training Contracts and Vacation Schemes


Home » News » Legal Cover Letter Guide for Training Contracts and Vacation Schemes

What Is a Legal Cover Letter?

Legal Cover Letters Explained Infographic Table

Structure of a Legal Cover Letter

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  • The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide a brief overview of who you are and what position you are applying for.
  • The body of the letter is where you discuss your qualifications, experiences, and skills, making sure to align them with the position’s requirements and the firm’s values.
  • The conclusion wraps up your letter, often with a call to action or a statement of enthusiastic anticipation for a potential interview.

Cover Letter Format and Layout

Example of a Legal Cover Letter for a Training Contract with Instructions on How To Write It

Writing an Effective Legal Cover Letter

  • Step 1: Start with a Strong Opening –  Address the letter to a specific person and state the position you’re applying for.
  • Step 2: Engage with Personalized Introduction –  Tailor your introduction to the firm and the legal role, showing your knowledge and interest.
  • Step 3: Highlight Relevant Skills and Experiences –  Focus on legal experiences, education, and skills that directly apply to the job.
  • Step 4: Use Specific Examples –  Illustrate your abilities and achievements with specific examples from your career or education.
  • Step 5: Conclude with a Call to Action –  End your letter by reiterating your interest and requesting an interview.

Starting Your Cover Letter: Best Practices for Opening Lines

  • The Importance of Your Opening Line – The opening lines should be concise and impactful. Begin by stating the position you are applying for and where you found the listing. This not only shows your direct interest but also helps the employer understand the context of your application. A compelling start could also include a brief mention of why you are particularly interested in this role or firm, perhaps referencing a recent case or the firm’s philosophy that resonates with you.
  • Add a Personal Touch – Tailoring the introduction involves showcasing your knowledge of the law firm and the specific legal position. Mention any direct connections you have to the firm, like a referral or a previous encounter with one of their lawyers. This personal touch demonstrates your proactive approach and genuine interest in the firm.

Body of the Cover Letter

  • What to Include: Skills, Experience, and Qualifications – Focus on the most relevant experiences and skills that apply to the position. For a legal cover letter, emphasize any legal work, internships, or education. Don’t just list your experiences; explain how they make you a good fit for this specific role. Use examples to demonstrate your skills, such as a successful negotiation or a research project that you completed during your LPC course .
  • How to Write About Legal Experiences and Education – When discussing legal experiences and education, be specific. Mention any particular areas of law you’ve studied or worked in, notable cases you’ve been involved with, or any research you’ve conducted. If you’ve had any significant achievements or have been recognized in your field, this is the place to highlight them.
  • Tailor Your Cover Letter for a Law Firm – It’s crucial to tailor it to the specific firm’s ethos, practice areas, and the role you’re applying for. Research the firm thoroughly and mention aspects of their work that align with your experiences and interests. Show them why you are not just a fit for the legal industry in general but for their firm in particular.

Concluding Your Cover Letter

  • How to Effectively Conclude and Call to Action – Reiterate your enthusiasm for the role and the firm, and politely express your desire for an interview. A strong conclusion reaffirms your fit for the role and can make your application memorable.
  • The Importance of a Strong Closing in Legal Applications – In legal applications, a strong closing is crucial as it demonstrates your ability to conclude arguments effectively—a key skill in the legal profession. It’s also your final opportunity to express your keen interest in the position.

Writing a Cover Letter for Vacation Schemes and Internships

  • Understanding the Purpose of Your Application – The primary goal of your cover letter for these programs should be to highlight your enthusiasm for the law, your academic accomplishments, and any extracurricular activities or previous work experiences (legal or otherwise) that demonstrate relevant skills. It’s essential to convey your commitment to pursuing a career in law and your interest in gaining hands-on experience. You may go as far back as your A-Level law course or as recent as your SQE prep course .
  • Highlighting Academic and Extracurricular Achievements – Use your cover letter to draw attention to your academic strengths, particularly in law-related subjects. Mention any law-related projects, dissertations, or presentations that you have undertaken. For example, you may have done something extraordinary during your PGDL course . Additionally, highlight your participation in extracurricular activities, especially those that demonstrate skills useful in the legal profession, such as debate clubs, moot court competitions, or volunteer work.
  • Demonstrating Interest in the Specific Firm or Area of Law – Research the firm or organization offering the vacation scheme or internship. Tailor your cover letter to reflect an understanding of what they specialize in and express why you are interested in that area of law. If the firm is known for a particular type of law, show how your interests and experiences align with this.
  • Reflecting on What You Hope to Gain and Offer – Be clear about what you hope to gain from the experience and how it fits into your longer-term career goals. At the same time, discuss what you can bring to the table. Even if you don’t have direct legal experience, skills such as research, analysis, teamwork, and communication are highly relevant and valued in legal settings.
  • The Importance of Professionalism and Clarity – As with any legal cover letter, maintain a professional tone and clear structure. Ensure your passion for law and eagerness to learn come through, but balance this with a formal and respectful approach that reflects the professionalism expected in the legal field.

Writing a Cover Letter for Training Contracts

  • Tailoring Your Approach to the Firm – Each law firm has its unique characteristics and areas of expertise. Tailor your cover letter to reflect an understanding of the firm’s specializations, values, and culture. Express how these align with your career aspirations and why this particular training contract appeals to you.
  • Highlight Unique Experiences or Skills – While your legal experience may be limited at this stage, focus on transferable skills and experiences that demonstrate your potential as a trainee solicitor. This could include analytical skills from academic projects, teamwork and leadership experience from extracurricular activities , or any legal work experience you may have.
  • Demonstrating Long-Term Interest – Firms want to invest in trainees who have a genuine interest in staying with the firm post-training. Express your long-term career vision and how it aligns with the opportunities at the firm. Show that you have a keen interest in growing within the firm and contributing to its future successes.
  • Conveying Enthusiasm and Professionalism – Your enthusiasm for the law and the specific training contract should shine through in your cover letter. However, balance this enthusiasm with professionalism, showing that you understand the serious commitment of a training contract and are ready to meet its challenges.
  • Articulate Your Vision for Contributing to the Firm – Instead of just focusing on what you hope to gain from the training contract, turn the tables. Articulate a vision of how you see yourself contributing to the firm. Maybe you have ideas for community engagement initiatives or are interested in contributing to the firm’s legal research publications.

Legal CV vs Legal Cover Letter

Top 5 tips for you to succeed, tip #1 – the length of your legal cover letter, tip #2 – what not to include in a legal cover letter, tip #3 – addressing the cover letter, tip #4 – customize for each application, tip #5 – proofread multiple times, frequently asked questions, how can an applicant effectively research a law firm to tailor their cover letter more specifically to that firm, what are some common mistakes in legal cover letters that can negatively impact an applicant’s chances, how should an applicant handle gaps in their legal experience or education when writing a cover letter, in what ways can an applicant demonstrate their potential for long-term growth and contribution to a law firm, exclusive industry scoop.

  • Name * First Last
  • Degree Type * Your Current Level of Study LLB LPC PGDL BPTC SQE Prep LLM
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Writing a legal CV and cover letter

If you want to succeed in the competitive field of law, it helps to get the basics right. To ensure your applications for training contracts or law jobs don't fail at the first hurdle learn how to craft a strong legal CV and cover letter

When it comes to selling your qualifications, skills and experience to potential employers your CV and cover letter are your shop window.

Despite many firms now using online forms for their applications, a CV and cover letter are important as they allow you to gather all your information in one place. They're also useful for speculative or ad hoc opportunities. Having a strong up-to-date legal CV and cover letter means you will be ready for any opportunity which might arise.

What should I include in my legal CV?

Your legal CV should be around two pages in length, and follow this general structure:

  • Personal details  - At the top of the page, include details such as your name, address, email and telephone number.
  • Education and qualifications  - Detail any professional memberships (e.g. the Law Society) or qualifications you possess, such as the  Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) . List your degree, A-levels and GCSEs; when discussing the former, mention the  areas of law  that you studied while at university and state your dissertation title.
  • Work experience  - Profile your work history, including the organisation you worked for and its location, plus your job title and, if applicable, your practice areas. Describe your key tasks and responsibilities, paying close attention to the significant results of your actions. You could separate your work experience into different categories, such as legal, commercial and  voluntary . Use your  law work experience  to demonstrate your passion for a career in the field, and your part-time work to exhibit your transferable skills such as commercial awareness.
  • IT and language skills  - Outline your level of proficiency with relevant software packages such as Microsoft Word and Excel and mention any additional languages that you speak.
  • Activities and interests  - Avoid listing irrelevant hobbies such as reading or listening to music. Instead, discuss your involvement in sporting teams and other organisations, highlighting any positions of responsibility you've held or awards you've gained. Experiences - such as starting a new club or society at university - can help you stand out.
  • Referees  - You don't necessarily need to give references at this stage. Stating 'references available on request' will usually suffice.

'Make sure your CV is in chronological order with your most recent work experience and education at the top of each section,' advises Katherine Sharp, early careers manager at Dentons.

As a general rule your CV should contain facts, while your cover letter provides the narrative around the facts.

For more advice on what abilities recruiters in the legal sector are looking for, see  7 skills for a successful law career .

How do I fine tune my law CV?

'Law firms receive thousands of applications. The best advice is to make it easy for the person reviewing your application by having clear sections with headings, including all of the relevant information so they don't have to contact you for more detail,' explains Katherine. 'Make sure that it is consistently formatted with a simple layout. Sell yourself, don't just say 'I worked for X firm as a Y.' Tell us what you actually did, the skills you developed and what you achieved.'

As well as following the above advice, you should also ensure that your CV is:

  • presented using bold sub-headings and bullet points
  • if necessary, printed on good-quality paper
  • read by a friend, family member or careers adviser before submission
  • submitted well before the deadline
  • typed in size-11 Arial, or a similarly clear and professional-looking font.

It doesn't matter if you're completing a bespoke application form or drafting your own legal CV, the basics stay the same. You need to:

  • Pay attention to detail  - 'Double check spelling and grammar - a lack of attention to detail will inevitably mean that you do not progress to the next stage of the recruitment process,' says Katherine. Ask someone else (a family member, friend or careers adviser) to check your work. After all, spelling a firm's name incorrectly doesn't give the best first impression.
  • Remember that relevant work experience doesn't always have to be legal  - Other types of work and volunteering experience can demonstrate that you are customer-focused, well organised, a good team player and a successful problem solver. Firms like to see what you have been up to outside of your studies. Rather than thinking 'I have no experience' try to work out how to articulate the experience you do have in a way that firms will see as relevant.

For more tips on how to write a good CV see  how to write a CV .

What should I leave out of a legal CV?

When writing a law CV, you shouldn't:

  • leave any unexplained gaps in your career history
  • add too much detail
  • include 'personal details such as your date of birth, marital status, nationality or a photo,' says Katherine
  • include your age, gender, marital status etc. as these are irrelevant details
  • use overly outlandish formatting
  • use pictures or tables
  • write bland profile or objective sections
  • write 'CV' or 'curriculum vitae' at the top.

It should go without saying, but also avoid lying on your CV. Be authentic. Integrity in law is everything.

Can I use AI in my legal applications?

While law firms embrace new technologies and are committed to moving with the times, it's always best to check with organisations of interest if they welcome applications crafted using AI technology.

For example some firms may allow it's use as long as it's used responsibly - for research or as a starting point, rather than using it to produce fully-formed answers, CVs or cover letters. Among fears of accuracy, authenticity and originality other firms prefer it not to be used at all.

For example, 'we embrace Generative AI in our application process,' says Nicholas Cole, regional head of resourcing at Dentons . 'As a forward-thinking firm, we recognise the increasing importance of AI in the legal sector and are committed to staying ahead of the curve.

While we are comfortable with candidates utilising AI tools in their applications, we emphasise that the human element is crucial. Authenticity and personal insight are essential components of a successful application, and any submission that relies solely on AI without a genuine human touch will not be considered.

Furthermore, as part of our enhanced recruitment process, we ask candidates to engage with AI-generated content. This involves reviewing and validating information produced by AI to ensure its accuracy and relevance. This step is designed to assess not only the candidates' ability to use AI effectively, but also their critical thinking and attention to detail.

By weaving Generative AI into our application process, we aim to identify candidates who can harness technology while maintaining the indispensable human qualities that define exceptional legal professionals.'

While at Taylor Wessing , Jas Hepple, early talent adviser says 'candidates should feel confident using AI tools to polish their applications for aspects such as grammar or conciseness, but must ensure the content is genuinely reflective of their own capabilities and experiences. Honesty about the use of such tools is expected. Integrity is paramount throughout the process and candidates are encouraged to present their true authentic selves in every aspect of their application. We therefore advise against the use of AI in completing online assessments.

Our assessment methods are designed to gauge an individual's authentic abilities, and using AI in this context would not provide an accurate representation of a candidate's skills. Where such tools are used elsewhere in the recruitment process, such as refining your CV, cover letter or overall application, we advocate for transparency. Openly communicate how AI was employed to assist in your preparation. This approach ensures that all parties are aware of the tools and methods used during the application process, maintaining integrity and fairness.'

Read more about using generative AI in job applications .

How do I write a legal cover letter?

As the number of applications often far outweighs the number of jobs available, writing a strong cover letter is essential for any law career, as it helps to persuade employers that you'd be a fantastic recruit. It should be one page long, and:

  • demonstrate your knowledge of the law firm and wider  legal sector
  • elaborate on your key skills, experiences and characteristics, without simply repeating your CV
  • explain why you aspire to work for the organisation.

Bear in mind that employers look at your legal cover letter as an indication of your written communication, so make it interesting.

Write about why you want to work for a particular firm. For example, if you're applying to a niche sports law firm have you had work experience with a sports company or are you part of any sports teams or clubs? If you're applying to an international firm, is it because you have language skills or have you had experience of working abroad?

Make sure to read job adverts carefully. What is the firm telling you they want in a candidate? Do they mention communication skills, attention to detail etc.? This is your chance to choose something from your experience to demonstrate those skills. As prospective lawyers employers want to see you using evidence to support the points you make. If you're a good communicator what's the evidence?

To achieve these objectives, your legal cover letter should follow this general structure:

  • Opening paragraph  - Briefly mention the position you're applying for and how you found out about it.
  • Second paragraph  - Tell the recruiter who you are and what stage of your career you're at. Explain how your qualities can benefit the firm with practical evidence from your work experience, academic history or extra-curricular activities. Use powerful and positive language throughout without exaggerating.
  • Third paragraph  - Tell the organisation why you're specifically attracted to them and their work citing, if possible, any current or recent cases of interest.
  • Closing paragraph  - Mention that you've enclosed your CV and look forward to hearing from the firm. Explain when you'd be available for interview and cover any practical issues you've been asked to address, such as salary expectations.

Highlight what makes you stand out and make your cover letter punchy and accurate.

Find more general advice on  cover letters  and discover  5 things to avoid when writing a cover letter .

How do I target my application to a law firm?

It's much wiser to submit between five and ten highly targeted applications than dozens of generic, copy-and-paste ones. Every application should be treated as an individual project.

Consider why you're applying to a particular firm, because it's more than likely you'll be asked this question at interview stage. What attracts you to certain areas of law and particular firms? Do your values match the firm you’re applying to?

Thoroughly research the prospective organisation - the more you know about the firm, the more tailored your application will be. Regularly checking the news sections of firms' websites will allow you to reference current cases and projects in your application and understand which skills would come in useful. What's more, possessing such knowledge will allow you to address your application to the most relevant individual.

All of this also helps you to determine whether your skills and career preferences would be suited to the specialist work that the firm undertakes and vice versa.

This is as invaluable when  choosing a law firm  as it is when attending law fairs, open days and participating in  vacation schemes.

How do I make my application stand out to legal employers?

You are more than the sum total of your academic studies and work experience so be brave and tell prospective employers what it is about you, over and above the academics and work experience that makes you the ideal candidate.

If your legal CV and cover letter do their job and your application is progressed to the next stage, learn more about the  questions you might be asked in a law interview .

Find out more

  • Get more advice on writing CVs and cover letters .
  • Discover top interview tips .

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Cover letter examples

Andrei has opted for the modern Wisconsin template that effectively summarises his background in employment law and legal research. His cover letter is easy to read and follows simple format.

"I am thrilled to apply for the Employment Lawyer position at Brightwell & Partners LLP. With over five years of experience in employment law, a strong commitment to client advocacy, and a proven record in legal document drafting, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your esteemed firm."

Lawyer cover letter template

Table of contents

How to Write a Lawyer Cover Letter (Writing Guide)

In the competitive field of law, a well-written cover letter can set you apart and help you land your job regardless of whether you specialise in constitutional, criminal, family, or civil laws. Whether you're a recent law graduate or an experienced attorney, your cover letter must effectively communicate your qualifications and motivation for the role. This article walks you through each step, from structuring your cover letter to tailoring it to specific legal roles.

In this step-by-step guide, we cover :

Examples of lawyer cover letters tailored for different legal sectors

Key sections to include in your cover letter

Industry-specific tips on how to tailor your application for legal firms

Tips for landing an entry-level job with no experience.

For more inspiration, explore our diverse collection of cover letter templates to help you streamline your application.

Lawyer cover letter example

Lawyer cover letter template

Download this lawyer cover letter example for free in PDF

This cover letter for Andrei Popescu, an experienced Employment Lawyer, highlights five years of experience in employment law and his strong dedication to client advocacy. Andrei highlights his proven track record in handling high-profile cases, drafting legal documents, and leading training sessions that keep clients informed on best practices. Andrei tailors his application to a specific role to demonstrate how his skills and dedication align with the needs of Brightwell & Partners LLP, making him a great fit for the role.

Do you need a CV? Check out our lawyer CV example , which explains each section in more detail and shows how to tailor it to specific job openings.

Matching CV and cover letter example

Customise this lawyer cover letter example

What to include in a lawyer cover letter .

Like a good CV , a well-crafted cover letter aims to highlight your relevant skills, work experience, and passion. Beyond being a job requirement, it should be concise and personal , providing insight into your qualifications, recent work experience, and eagerness to develop your skills in the new role. Ensure to include only the relevant information, leaving out all unnecessary details. Here's what to include:

Introduction : Briefly introduce yourself and state why you are interested in the position.

Summary of qualifications : Highlight your core areas of expertise, most recent work experience, relevant projects, awards, and accomplishments relevant to the job.

Relevant experience : Elaborate on your work experience, focusing on measurable achievements and teamwork.

Education : List your academic background, including your degree, institution name, and year of completion.

Skills:  List your soft skills, hard skills, and transferrable skills.

Awards and honours : Mention any awards, honours, or certifications you have received.

References : If applicable, provide the contact information for your references.

Call to action : Thank the employer for their time and consideration, and express your eagerness to learn more about the position.

Check out our step-by-step guide on how to structure your cover lette r for more insights into different sections.

How to start a lawyer cover letter 

Similar to a personal profile , also known as a personal statement, on a CV, the opening paragraph of your cover letter should clearly state the position you're applying for, how you found it, your motivation, and your career goals . It should provide a brief yet impactful overview of your relevant qualifications.

How to start a lawyer cover letter tips

Introduce yourself : Summarise your legal experience and qualifications, such as commercial, family law or civil law expertise. Additionally, remember to highlight UK-specific regulations, like GDPR or SRA compliance, early on to demonstrate your fit for the role.

State your relevant qualifications : Highlight relevant skills and knowledge, including familiarity with UK-specific regulations or legal areas.

Tailor your Introduction : Mention the position you're applying for, how you found it, and your motivation. Reference your experience related to the firm’s specialisation, showing you’ve researched the firm

Law firm cover letter example

I am eager to apply for the Legal Adviser position at Greenfield Law. With a background in providing legal counsel across various sectors, including corporate and employment law, I am excited to leverage my expertise to support your clients.

Legal adviser cover letter example

I am writing to apply for the Legal Adviser role at Johnson & Partners. My experience advising clients on compliance issues, drafting legal documents, and conducting risk assessments has equipped me with a proactive approach to legal challenges. I am enthusiastic about bringing my skills to your team and contributing to your company.

Solicitor cover letter example

I am writing to express my interest in the Solicitor position at Harris & Stone. With comprehensive experience in real estate law and a commitment to delivering outstanding client service, I am excited about the prospect of joining your team.

For more tips, refer to our article on how to start a cover letter .

If you're applying to a firm known for its employment law work, mention your relevant experience handling workplace tribunals or drafting employment contracts. Doing so shows that you've researched the firm and understand the legal landscape in the UK.

How to write the body of a lawyer cover letter

In the body of your lawyer cover letter, focus on your legal expertise, relevant casework, and why you're the right fit for the role. Align your experience and skills with the firm’s specific practice areas or notable cases. Use two to three paragraphs to showcase your professional qualifications and genuine interest in the position.

Highlight your knowledge of specific legal frameworks , regulations, or recent rulings relevant to the firm’s practice.

Mention any volunteer legal work or community involvement to demonstrate your commitment to the legal profession.

Showcase any leadership roles in legal organisations or academic achievements.

Use concise, professional language and ensure to thoroughly proofread your cover letter to avoid mistakes.

What to include in paragraph 1

Express your enthusiasm for the role and explain what aspects of the company culture excite you. Highlight your understanding of their legal work, values, or specialisations. Reference any notable legal developments or cases related to the firm’s practice areas to demonstrate your research and interest.

Junior Solicitor position body cover letter example (Paragraph 1)

In my recent role at Patterson LLP, I gained substantial experience in commercial litigation, where I managed a diverse caseload of complex disputes. My work involved conducting in-depth legal research, drafting detailed pleadings, and representing clients in arbitration proceedings. This hands-on experience has equipped me with a strong understanding of dispute resolution and has refined my ability to address intricate legal issues effectively. I am keen to bring these skills to Statham & Co. Solicitors, where my background aligns closely with your expertise in commercial litigation.

What to include in paragraph 2

Detail your relevant qualifications, such as your experience drafting legal documents, conducting legal research, or representing clients. Highlight specific achievements, including successful case outcomes, internships at law firms, or notable academic accolades. If possible, quantify your impact, such as winning a certain number of cases or significantly improving a firm’s efficiency through legal research.

Junior Solicitor position body cover letter example (Paragraph 2)

In my former role at Patterson LLP, I contributed to a successful arbitration case, where my legal research and drafting of pleadings led to a favourable outcome for our client. My attention to detail and strong advocacy and negotiation skills were key to securing this result. I’m confident that my proven abilities in client representation and legal analysis will enable me to excel at Statham & Co.

How to write the body of a lawyer cover letter | Formatting tips

Barrister cover letter example

In my recent position at Weston Chambers, I managed a wide range of criminal cases, from complex fraud to high-profile trials. My role involved crafting persuasive arguments, conducting thorough legal research, and representing clients effectively in court. My proven track record in securing favourable verdicts and my commitment to upholding justice align well with the distinguished reputation of Blackstone Chambers. I am eager to bring my skills and experience to your esteemed team.

Paralegal cover letter example

At my current role with Thompson & Partners, I have gained valuable experience in legal research, drafting pleadings, and preparing case files for litigation. My involvement in supporting solicitors through detailed case preparation and administrative tasks has honed my organisational and analytical skills. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to Harrison & Co. Solicitors, where my background in legal support and commitment to accuracy will be highly beneficial.

Refer to our paralegal CV example for more expert tips and examples.

Employment lawyer cover letter example

In my previous role at Lewis Law, I handled a diverse portfolio of employment law cases, specialising in unfair dismissal and discrimination claims. My ability to negotiate favourable settlements and provide strategic legal advice has consistently resulted in successful outcomes for my clients. I am excited to bring this expertise to your firm.

Check out related articles on the best skills for a CV and how to add achievements to a CV .

How to end a lawyer cover letter 

Wrap up your lawyer cover letter by reinforcing your passion for the legal field and highlighting your enthusiasm to bring your expertise to the firm. Express your eagerness to discuss how your legal skills can contribute to the firm's success, whether in litigation, corporate law, or another speciality. Mention your dedication to providing sound legal counsel and achieving client satisfaction, showcasing your readiness for further discussion.

Tips for writing a lawyer cover letter ending:

Express gratitude: Thank the hiring partner or recruiter for considering your application. Acknowledge the demands of their profession. Let them know you appreciate their time.

Reinforce commitment: End confidently by reiterating your excitement for the legal role and responsibility to uphold the firm's values. Whether it’s your passion for advocacy or your experience in commercial law, emphasise how your skills align with the firm's needs.

Invite further discussion: Indicate your eagerness to discuss how your experience in law can specifically support the firm’s cases or clients. Make it clear that you welcome the opportunity for an interview to explore your qualifications further.

Sign off professionally: Use a formal closing, such as "Yours faithfully" or "Sincerely," which is standard in legal correspondence, to maintain a professional tone consistent with the legal profession.

How to end a cover letter for a lawyer tips

Legal associate cover letter example

I am excited about the opportunity to work at Johnson & Clarke LLP as a Legal Associate. My experience in corporate law and managing complex transactions makes me confident in my ability to contribute to your team. I look forward to discussing how I can support your goals.

Attorney cover letter example

I am keen to join your firm as an Attorney. My experience with commercial litigation and arbitration, along with my commitment to client advocacy, would be a great fit for your team. I look forward to the chance to discuss how I can contribute to your firm’s success..

Corporate lawyer cover letter example

I am excited about the Corporate Lawyer position at Parker & Associates. My experience with mergers, acquisitions, and corporate governance aligns with your firm’s needs. I look forward to discussing how I can bring value to your team.

Refer to our blog article on how to end a cover letter for more inspiration.

How to write a lawyer cover letter with no experience

With little to no legal experience, a concise cover letter can still make a strong impression. Begin by thoroughly researching the law firm and the specific role you are applying for to tailor your letter effectively. Identify and list relevant skills and academic achievements, and highlight any projects or activities that align with the firm's work. Don’t be discouraged by a lack of professional experience; a well-crafted cover letter can showcase your potential and enthusiasm.

See our related blog article on how to write a cover letter with no experience for more expert tips and examples.

How to end a cover letter for a lawyer template

Trainee lawyer cover letter example

Throughout my studies at the University of London and traineeship at King & Co., I gained practical experience in legal research, drafting legal documents, and interacting with clients. These opportunities helped me develop core skills like attention to detail and client communication, which are crucial for success in the legal field. I am eager to further build on this experience as I transition into a trainee lawyer role with your firm.

Refer to our related guides for an internship cover letter for more useful tips and examples.

Junior lawyer cover letter example

At my previous internship with Clarke & Brown, I actively assisted with case preparation, conducted legal research, and supported the team in various aspects of litigation. This hands-on experience, and with my strong academic background, has equipped me with a solid understanding of the legal process. I am confident that these skills have prepared me to contribute effectively as a junior lawyer at your firm.

Law student cover letter example

My coursework in commercial law, combined with my involvement in the university’s legal clinic, has given me both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in addressing real legal challenges. Working closely with clients at the clinic taught me the importance of empathy and precision in the legal profession. I am excited to apply these skills in a real-world setting and contribute to your firm’s success.

Check out our student cover letter guide for more guidance and tips.

Full example:

Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to express my keen interest in the entry-level legal assistant position at Green & Associates, as advertised. As a recent graduate with a degree in Law from the University of London, I am eager to apply my academic knowledge and passion for the legal profession to your esteemed firm. During my studies, I completed coursework in contract law, legal ethics, and civil procedure, which has provided me with a solid understanding of legal principles and practices. Additionally, my involvement in the university’s legal clinic allowed me to gain practical experience in drafting legal documents and conducting research. Although my professional experience is limited, my dedication, attention to detail, and strong work ethic make me a promising candidate for this role. I am particularly drawn to Green & Associates because of its reputation for handling high-profile cases and its commitment to pro bono work. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to such impactful legal work and to grow as a legal professional within your team. I am eager to discuss in more detail how my skills and enthusiasm align with the needs of your firm. Thank you for considering my application. Yours sincerely, Emily Taylor

Key takeaways 

Customise your lawyer cover letter to align with the specific role and requirements within the legal sector.

Include your contact information and, if possible, address the hiring manager by name.

Highlight relevant legal skills, work experience, and key achievements that fit the position you're applying for.

Express genuine interest in both the role and the law firm itself.

Use concise, professional language, and avoid unnecessary jargon to keep your message clear .

Carefully proofread your cover letter to ensure it's error-free before submitting it.

Next steps?

Our ready-to-use cover letter builder is easy to use and provides plenty of cover letter examples from which you can choose. If you need help ironing out inconsistencies on your cover letter, refer to our Writing Service . Take the next step in your legal career now!

Additionally, take a look at one of our related blog articles for more inspiration:

Good interview questions

How to write a LinkedIn profile

Best jobs for students.

What is the best format for a lawyer cover letter?

It should follow a clear and professional structure, which includes a header, greeting, introduction, body, closing, and signature. Keep it well-organised, with proper spacing, and align it to the left. Use a formal tone, emphasising your legal expertise, and tailor your content to the specific law firm and role. This format ensures you present your qualifications effectively, showcasing your attention to detail and professionalism.

Additionally, look at our related blog about the best font for a cover letter .

How long should a lawyer cover letter be?

A lawyer's cover letter should be concise, ideally no longer than one page, with around 250 to 400 words. It should include three to four paragraphs highlighting your legal experience, education, and key accomplishments relevant to the role. Avoid unnecessary details, and focus on making a strong, impactful impression.

Refer to how long a cover letter should be  for more information.

Do law firms read cover letters?

Yes, law firms often read cover letters to assess whether a candidate is a good fit for the role. A well-crafted cover letter can set you apart by showcasing your legal experience, attention to detail, and motivation. It also gives recruiters insight into your communication skills and suitability for the firm.

Refer to our related article on how to send a CV via email to learn more.

How do you address a lawyer in a cover letter?

Address your cover letter to the Recruitment Director or Hiring Manager or to a specific solicitor if instructed. Use formal titles like "Mr.", "Ms.", "Mx." or "Judge," followed by the last name. For solicitors, include "Esq." after the name (e.g., John Smith, Esq.). Personalising your greeting shows attention to detail and effort, so avoid generic phrases like "To Whom It May Concern",

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How to write a cover letter for a law firm.

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We are a team of qualified lawyers from US, Magic Circle and Silver Circle law firms law firms.  We publish articles like this one every fortnight to give you the inside scoop on how to secure your training contract.

With years of experience analysing and reviewing documents for some of the world's most sophisticated clients, we've channeled the same level of care and attention into curating our database of successful applications to world's best commercial law firms.


Having to write a law cover letter is more common than candidates might think. Although most law firms now use application forms with a short answer question format, many law firms ask you to submit a cover letter (sometimes within the wider context of an application form). Therefore, it is always important to have your legal cover letter-writing skills up to scratch.

But many candidates don't know where to start. What should you include? If there is no word limit, how long should it be? Should you be writing an introduction or other pleasantries? There are so many questions and doubts shared by the majority of candidates.

We hope to answer some of these questions and guide you on how to write a legal cover letter in the context of applying to law firms for vacation schemes and training contracts.

What to expect

Over the course of this article, we will look at:

  • what a legal cover letter is, and what's its purpose;
  • a general structure for writing a law cover letter; and
  • some top tips and tricks for writing a good legal cover letter.

law firm cover letter uk

Understanding a law cover letter

What is a legal cover letter.

A legal cover letter is, traditionally, a one-page document that introduces the applying candidate and explains why they would be a good fit for the firm and the role they are applying for.

Having said that, unless stated otherwise, there is no stipulation as to what can or cannot be included in such cover letters. As we will discuss, however, there are some general unwritten rules.

law firm cover letter uk

What is a legal cover letter's purpose?

We can examine a legal cover letter's purpose from two perspectives: graduate recruitment or the law firm you are applying to, and the candidate who wishes to become a trainee solicitor at the firm.

From the firm's/graduate recruitment team's perspective, a legal cover letter's purpose is to get a broad snapshot of a candidate. They hope that your cover letter will give them a sense of your written communication skills, motivations, relevant competencies, and prior work experience.

In this way, a cover letter can massively simplify a law firm's application process and make the reviewing of each candidate much easier. After all, there is far more room for you to go wrong in an open-ended cover letter. This means that candidates can be more readily rejected and the pool of 'good' candidates can be more quickly refined.

From the perspective of the applying candidate, naturally, much of this purpose is shared. The candidate wants to use their cover letter to demonstrate to the law firm why they are the best fit for the role in that specific firm. To achieve this, the best candidates will know that they must discuss their motivation for the career and the firm, and the best skills and experience that they could use in the role.

You may choose to consider a cover letter like a sales pitch. The law firm wants you to pitch yourself to them, and you must successfully convince them of your suitability. But beware - you're not a salesperson out of Mad Men.

As we will discuss, you must be precise and concise in what you write. You can sell yourself best when you make clear arguments backed up by specific evidence.

law firm cover letter uk

What structure should I use?

Many candidates do not know where to start with a legal cover letter. They panic about whether to include addresses, introductions and so on. We hope that the following will give you some guidance on what to include and what you can leave out.

The structure of a legal cover letter

The addresses.

Traditionally, as with all letters, you would need to put both your name and address (in the top right of the letter), and the name and address of the recipient (below your address but on the left), in the cover letter.

In the modern age, it is unlikely that you will be delivering a cover letter by hand or mailing it in the post. Therefore, if you are writing your cover letter as part of an online application form, you do not need to include any addresses in your cover letter.

However, if you are writing your cover letter in a separate word document and sending it to the firm (by attaching it to an application form or emailing it), it may be wise to include such names and addresses.

Firms like Slaughter and May require you to attach a cover letter to your online application. Given the firm's preference for tradition, it is prudent to adhere to traditional letter-writing rules.

law firm cover letter uk

In the UK, the address section should be structured as follows:

  • Your name, followed by your address should be on the top right of the letter.
  • Standard titles, such as Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, and so on, should not have any punctuation marks (to include one is an Americanism).
  • If the recipient is female and you do not know her married status, use 'Ms'. When in doubt, this is also the title to use.
  • Your address is followed by a line break and the date.
  • Below the date, on the left-hand side, you should write the name, company, and address of the recipient. If you do not know the recipient's name, address it to the team or department you are sending the letter to (such as 'Graduate Recruitment Team'). If you do not know the team or department you are addressing the letter to, use 'Dear Sir/Madam'.

Legal Cover letter example of the address section

Mr John Smith 1 Acacia Avenue Hamleton AB1 2CD Ruritania

1st April 2022

Mrs Jane Doe BigLaw LLP 1 King Street VW1 2XY Urbenstan

law firm cover letter uk

The introduction

After you have written the address section (or omitted it, as discussed above), you must begin with a salutation and a short paragraph that introduces yourself and your reason for applying. This can be kept very short. You should include the following:

  • The appropriate salutation of 'Dear [title][full name],'.
  • A short paragraph summarising your immediate academic background, and your reason for applying.
  • The best candidates will link an event to their reason for applying.

An example of an introductory paragraph

Dear Mrs Jane Doe,

I graduated from the University of Bookhead in 2021 with a First in my LLB Law degree. Following my discussion with Mr David Gold at the 2022 BigLaw networking event in Hamleton, I am writing to apply for a 2022 vacation scheme at BigLaw.

law firm cover letter uk

The Main Body

With most of the technicalities out of the way, you must now focus on the main content of your cover letter. We will get into what exactly to write in a later section, but for now, you should know that you should split your main body into three sections. Depending on the permitted length of your cover letter, this may be three paragraphs.

As an aside, if you do not know how long your cover letter should be, you need to keep it to one A4 page. Some law firms will allow you two pages but do your research beforehand.

The three sections of your answer should be a discussion of your:

  • motivation for the career;
  • motivation for the firm; and
  • the reasons why you are the best candidate for the role at that specific firm (think about what your competencies, skills, and strengths are).

If you have read any of our previous articles, you will know that this follows a very typical 'why law, why firm, why me'-style of structure. This is the main bulk of your letter!

If you are limited concerning space, you can integrate the third section into the previous two. However, you must be extra careful to ensure the clarity and concision of your writing!

law firm cover letter uk

Ending the letter

You should sign off the letter by simply writing the correct valediction and your name.

  • If you know the name of the recipient, write 'Yours sincerely,'.
  • If you do not know the name of the recipient, write 'Yours faithfully,'.

You should avoid any other kind of valediction so as not to come across as too informal or inappropriate.

You may also have a short ending sentence to allow the letter to end smoothly. We suggest words to the effect of 'Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you'.

Cover letter examples of valedictions

In the case that you know the recipient, Mrs Jane Doe:

Yours sincerely,

In the case that you do not know the recipient and are addressing it to 'Sir/Madam':

Yours faithfully,

law firm cover letter uk

What should I write about?

Now that you are familiar with the structure of a legal cover letter, you need to consider the content that you must include in the main body of the letter. You may need to cut down on this content in some areas; however, this article aims to give a thorough overview of what the optimal legal cover letter includes.

As a reminder, your main body should have three sections addressing 'why law, why firm, why me'.

Why do you want to be a commercial solicitor?

We have technically covered this in another article, ' How to Answer "Why Commercial Law" '; however, here are a few of the key points.

First, you should use a PEE/AL structure . You should start your paragraph off with a clear, relevant point: 'I am pursuing a career as a commercial solicitor because [insert specific reason here]'. This must then be followed up with a personal example that demonstrates the existence of that reason. You should then explain your evidence and how it demonstrates the existence of that reason. You must then link your answer back to the question of why you want to be a commercial solicitor by explaining why the existence of that reason is important, attractive, and/or suitable for you.

Second, you should look to include anywhere between two to three points to answer this question fully. If you only address one facet of the career, you risk your motivation looking superficial. If you include more points, your cover letter may become too lengthy and verbose.

Third, your chosen reasons for the career must be specific and address the whole career. You must give reasons as to why you are interested in law and commerce, and why you wish to pursue a legal career as a solicitor (as opposed to a barrister or another career).

Fourth, you must try to select some unique or uncommon facets of the career. Too many candidates cite an 'intellectual challenge' as a reason for their motivation for the career. This is too vague and too common of an answer. You need to choose something personal to you, given your interests and your work experience.

We suggest reading our article ' How to Answer "Why Commercial Law" ' for more in-depth advice and guidance.

law firm cover letter uk

Why do you want to train and work at this firm in particular?

Once again, we have given most of our advice on this matter in our article, ' How to Research Law Firms '. Here are some of our key points of advice:

First, your answer should be split into three parts: the firm's work, training, and culture (in that order of priority). Culture is a mercurial thing, and can be omitted if you are short on space. However, if you are omitting the paragraph on culture, you should try to integrate some reference to culture in your answer if possible.

Second, when discussing the firm's work, drill down into their practice area specialisms (and why they interest you), and their business strategy (and why that suits you or aligns with your ambitions).

Third, when discussing a firm's training, examine the size of the firm's trainee intake, their training contract seat structure, and any other relevant activities or opportunities open to trainees.

Many law firms have small or large trainee intakes and have similar seat structures. What will really differentiate a law firm is the unique opportunities that trainees get alongside their traditional training contract. For example, a firm might have a special committee that allows trainees to get involved with business development right from day one.

Fourth, culture should only be referenced if you have some personal experience with it. Have you spoken to someone at the firm? Have you undertaken prior work experience at the said firm? Did you attend the law firm's open day or insight scheme? These are the kinds of experiences that will allow you to discuss culture without your answer sounding vague or unsubstantiated.

We suggest reading our article ' How to Research Law Firms ' for more in-depth advice and guidance.

law firm cover letter uk

Why would you make for a good trainee solicitor at this firm?

Across our previous blog articles , we have also touched on the relevant competencies and skills that law firms look for. Some of our key pieces of advice are as follows:

First, you need to familiarise yourself with the main competencies that law firms look for. Amongst others these are teamwork, organisation, determination, resilience, dealing with difficult people, interpersonal communication, and integrity.

Second, you must still stick to a clear PEE/AL structure in your answer. Your point is the particular skill that you are claiming to have. Your evidence is a personal experience in which you developed or demonstrated the skill. You must then explain how your evidence developed or demonstrates the skill. Finally, you must link your discussion back to the question, and demonstrate how that skill would make you a good trainee solicitor at the firm in question.

Third, ideally, you should include some specific discussion of the firm and why the skills you are claiming to have would be especially useful there. For example, motivation or determination would be especially important when training at a firm with a small trainee intake or low headcount. This is because you will need to take on more responsibility at an earlier stage in your career and have the discipline and initiative to get on with tasks without being prompted.

Fourth, as mentioned, you must explain how you would employ your skills in the position you're applying for. Many candidates forget to give a specific explanation of how they would employ, for example, their collaborative skills in the context of being a trainee solicitor. You must give a short hypothetical description of the skill in action in the role.

For example, you could explain that your attention to detail would be particularly important when being tasked with reviewing common contracts, such as NDAs. Many individuals would gloss over these documents as they are often very similar and based on a template. However, this means that small things can easily slip by that should have been caught!

law firm cover letter uk

Some extra tips

So far, we have covered the structure and content of your cover letter. What now follows is a selection of tips and reminders that are useful to bear in mind when writing your covering letter.

Proofread your work

Cover letters are a test of your writing skills - having an error-free cover letter is non-negotiable. If you have spelling mistakes, get the firm name wrong, or just have the odd typographical error, you taking on a huge risk of being rejected. Those in the legal profession pride themselves on its written accuracy and powers of articulation. Law firms will have these kinds of errors count against you in a big way.

Before you submit your cover letter, proofread your work and use a spellchecker such as Microsoft Word or Grammarly. You may even get a family member or trusted friend to check your work for errors. It can be helpful to have a fresh pair of eyes look over your work to help you see the wood through the trees.

law firm cover letter uk

Use the appropriate tone

A cover letter is a piece of professional, written communication. As a result, you should adopt formal writing conventions. You must not use contractions, such as 'don't' or undefined abbreviations. If you are using a name over and over again such that an abbreviation may be appropriate, you must write it out in full and put the abbreviation in brackets afterwards. You may then use the abbreviation or acronym. For example:

The Sterling Overnight Index Average ('SONIA') is an interest rate benchmark. SONIA was reformed in 2018.

Finally, your language should align with the professional expectations the firm has of you. Your future employer wants to know that you can be trusted to speak with clients and your colleagues appropriately. Your choice of language reflects not only your professionalism but also your judgement. You must avoid slang and the excessive use of idioms. You need to keep your writing clean, formal and straightforward.

law firm cover letter uk

Employ the right format

If you are writing your cover letter in a text box in an application form, you will not be able to format your writing beyond including line breaks. However, if you are drafting your cover letter in a separate document, you must use the correct font.

We recommend a font size of 12 and a formal font typeface such as Times New Roman, Arial or Georgia. We suggest you avoid fonts like Calibri. They can across as slightly informal.

Your paragraphs should be separated with line breaks and your margins should be no narrower than the 'narrow margin' option in Microsoft Word. Ideally, as mentioned, it should be one page in length (or a maximum of two).

You must remember that your cover letter may be printed out and analysed by a partner in an interview. Therefore, if your font or margins are too small or your font choice is poor, you may inadvertently frustrate them and taint their initial impression of you. Anything that you can do to avoid this is worth doing!

law firm cover letter uk

Over the course of this article, we have looked at how to write a cover letter for a law firm. Specifically, we have covered what a legal cover letter is and what its purpose is, a general structure for writing a law cover letter, and some top tips and tricks for writing a good legal cover letter.

Our summary

Our advice can be summarised as follows:

  • A cover letter tests your written communication ability, motivations for the career and firm, and why you think you'd be a good fit for the role.
  • Think of the cover letter as a sales pitch. But focus on clarity and concision, rather than a salesperson-style, flowery approach.
  • Your cover letter should be structured with the following sections: your name and address, the recipient's name and address, a salutation and short introduction, the main body, a short ending sentence and the appropriate valediction.
  • The main body of your cover letter should address your motivations for the career, the firm, and why you think you would be a good fit for the position you're applying for.
  • You should proofread your work before submission. Use spellcheckers like Microsoft Word and Grammarly to assist you with this. You may also ask a family member or trusted friend to proofread your work too!
  • Use the appropriate tone. A legal cover letter is a piece of professional communication, and your language and phraseology must reflect this.
  • Your formatting is also important. Use a size 11 formal font, such as Times New Roman or Arial. Do not use excessively narrow margins. Your cover letter must be printed off without any cut-off problems and easily read by the graduate recruitment team and your interviewer.

So, what next?

If you are ready to move from research to action, you should look at our application database BEFORE you put pen to paper on your applications. You wouldn't walk into an exam hall without carefully reviewing past papers.  It's exactly the same with applications to law firms. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.

Most candidates read a few well-intentioned but obvious articles on how to apply to law firms.  Most candidates then spend a couple of hours writing an application before optimistically submitting it.  But most candidates don't even get an interview.  Every year, thousands of candidates are part of the 90% that are rejected at first round.

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law firm cover letter uk

Feb 11, 2022

Written By Helena Kudiabor

How do I start a legal cover letter?

If you’re applying for a vacation scheme, training contract, or any sort of position in the legal sector, you might be asked to write a cover letter as part of the application process. Many students find the prospect of writing a cover letter intimidating, as it can be difficult to know where to start. Here, we’ll explain what a cover letter is and how you should structure it.  

What is a cover letter?

A cover letter is a letter to a prospective employer, outlining why you deserve the role you’re applying for, as well as why you’re interested in the firm. The aim is to show your employer that you’re the best candidate for the position, to progress to the next stage of the recruitment process, or to land a job offer.  

Be sure that you don’t confuse writing a cover letter with writing a CV. Short for Curriculum Vitae, this is a document detailing your education history, grades, qualifications and work experience. It’s normally written in bullet points or short sentences. CV’s aren’t tailored to each firm you’re applying to. On the other hand, your cover letter will be approximately one page, tailored to each specific firm, and written formally in paragraphs. 

Note that cover letters are specific to each firm, so it’s important not to reuse the same cover letters for different firms.

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How do I start my cover letter?

At the beginning of your cover letter, it’s important to state what position you’re applying for, as the firm may be recruiting for several different positions. It’s also worth including how you found out about the opening, for instance if you have a contact at the firm.

It’s a good idea to follow up with something that will make your reader sit up and take interest, like a personal experience that makes you stand out. For instance, if you started your own business, talk about how your organisational skills make you a perfect fit for the firm.

It can be difficult to think of your own personal accomplishments, so it might be helpful to ask friends or family. Just be sure to avoid cliches, such as, “I’ve dreamed of being a lawyer since I was in primary school” or “I’d be a good lawyer because I love arguing.”

What else should my cover letter include?

The second paragraph should include a description of who you are and where you are in your education or career journey. If you’re already working, don’t forget to briefly summarise your educational background. Then, using your CV for inspiration, explain how some of the personal attributes you possess can help the firm. They are looking for you to highlight your soft skills here, such as time management, teamwork and conflict resolution. 

To further strengthen your cover letter, use specific examples of these personal attributes at work. For instance, you can talk about how your part-time retail job has taught you how to deal with disputes and to communicate effectively with customers. Don’t forget that you can include non-legal work experience. 

Next, focus on the firm. You should explain why you’re specifically interested in them, and what sets them apart from other firms. Be sure to avoid including characteristics common to many law firms, such as them having offices abroad or doing pro-bono work. 

Conclude your cover letter by thanking whoever you’re writing to for their time, summarising everything you’ve written, and noting that you’ll look forward to hearing from them. 

How can I tailor my cover letter to the firm?

Tailoring a cover letter can be the difference between a successful application and an unsuccessful one. Take the time to research the firm, so you learn its core values and more about its recent cases. 

For example, if the firm has done pro-bono work for a charity that’s close to your heart, or you have a personal connection with the location of an overseas office, be sure to include it in your letter. 


Any other advice?

When addressing your letter, don’t just use a generic greeting. Cover letters are often addressed to the recruitment or graduate recruitment manager, and the name of this person can often be found on the firm’s website. If you can’t find it, you may want to call the firm and ask, or take a look on Linkedin. It’s a simple task, but one that really shows you're interested in the firm and can use your initiative. 

As always, be sure to write formally, and read over your letter several times to check for spelling and grammar issues. It’s a good idea to take a break between writing and proofreading, reading it out loud, or asking someone else to proofread it for you. 

By following this advice, you should be able to write a clear and succinct – and successful – cover letter.

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How to Write a Legal Cover Letter for Law Firms (that Gets you Noticed)

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Whether you’re just starting your legal journey or are an experienced legal professional seeking a new role, there’s no way around it: demand for legal positions is high, and the job outlook for lawyers in the US grows at a faster-than-average pace . Pair this industry growth with movement from lawyers already working in the industry (the 2022 Legal Trends Report found that in the 12 months before April 2022, nearly one in five lawyers left the law firm they were working for, and nine percent planned to leave their firm in the next six months), and it’s clear that many lawyers will find themselves needing to stand out in a competitive job market. 

However, despite the high demand for legal positions, people still need legal expertise—and law firms need capable legal professionals to fill open roles.

Whether you’re a law student, recent graduate, or experienced legal professional, this post will help you with your legal cover letter writing. We’ve started by providing sample cover letters for legal positions below and will then guide you through the essentials of writing a compelling cover letter for law firms. 

Legal cover letter examples

If you’re feeling overwhelmed when drafting a cover letter for law firms, don’t worry. Seeing a legal cover letter example can give you the confidence to write your own. Below, we’ve compiled some sample cover letters for legal positions, covering different backgrounds and levels of experience.

  • Cover letter examples for summer associates and interns, Columbia Law School.  
  • Cover letter examples for 1L – 3L students, Harvard Law School .
  • Cover letter examples for 1L – 3L students, Yale Law School .
  • Cover letter example for applying to an immigration law firm by a recent graduate with previous paralegal experience .
  • Cover letter example for applying to a Big Law firm, Boston University. 
  • Cover letter example for an IP lawyer with 11 years experience, Monster .
  • Cover letter example for a litigation attorney with 12 years experience, My Perfect Resume .
  • Cover letter examples for applying for private sector roles, Yale Law School .
  • Cover letter example for seeking a summer judicial internship, University of Georgia School of Law .

Berkeley Law also provides an excellent guide for legal cover letters. 

You can start by using one of these examples as inspiration when structuring your cover letter and what you may want to highlight. You can also take insights from these sample cover letters for lawyers—insights you can apply to your own cover letter when following our tips below.

How to draft a cover letter for a law firm

writing a legal cover letter

It’s one thing to review examples of legal cover letters, but how to write one? By following the standard etiquette and structure—and then personalizing it—you can draft an effective cover letter. First, let’s review some legal cover letter best practices.

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Even after reviewing some legal cover letter examples, the dos and don’ts of legal cover letter writing aren’t always easy to spot. You may ask yourself: what should a legal cover letter include for a law firm? While the content of your cover letter will differ between employers, these points of etiquette should not.

  • Don’t skip it. The first—and potentially most important—element of legal cover letter etiquette is just writing one. While job sites and hiring portals may state “Cover Letter Optional,” disregard this, it is always best to send a cover letter.
  • Be concise. The hiring manager is likely receiving dozens, or maybe even hundreds, of cover letters a day. Respect an employer’s time by getting straight to the point. Long legal cover letters may also indicate an inability to achieve quick and succinct results.
  • Match their tone. Write as if you’ve already been hired for the role. It’s subtle, but an employer will appreciate this personal touch.
  • Prioritize the employer. Don’t include unnecessary details about your life that won’t impact how you’ll perform the job.
  • Don’t recycle legal cover letters. Be original. It’s time-consuming work, but it’ll show your potential employer your dedication.
  • Triple-check it. Spelling and grammatical errors should be avoided at all costs. Given the highly competitive nature of the legal job market, you don’t want to be passed up over a simple error.

Addressing cover letters for lawyers

To whom it may concern: Always take the time to find the correct contact. When writing cover letters for law firms, it’s a common misstep to dedicate so much time and attention to the body of the letter that you overlook the basics—like who and how you’re addressing the letter. 

Here are some best practices for addressing your legal cover letter:

  • Know who you’re speaking to. Do your research and be specific. Address your cover letter to the person responsible for hiring at the firm you’re contacting, like the senior partner or hiring manager. If you don’t have this information, the law firm’s website might come in handy, or you can contact the law firm’s human resources department for guidance. 
  • Be careful with salutations. The salutation is a place to convey respect and showcase that you’ve taken the time to personalize the letter. Mistakes in the salutation are a sign that you’ll miss details, which won’t bode well for your chances of impressing your potential employer. If you’re certain of the recipient’s preferred gender-identifying language, you can write the salutation as “Dear Ms.” or “Dear Mr.”; however, if you aren’t certain (and don’t make assumptions) or you don’t want to use gender-identifying language, drop the “Ms.” or “Mr.” and write out the person’s full first and last name.
  • Double-check your spelling. People will always notice if you spell their name wrong, and there are multiple ways to spell even common names. Ensure you start on the right foot by getting the basics right.

Introductory paragraph

In your cover letter’s opening paragraph, you have two main goals:

  • Introduce who you are.
  • Explain why you’d be a good fit for this particular firm. 

In the first paragraph, include details about:

  • Who you are. Are you currently a law student? Are you an associate at a law firm?
  • Who you know. Mention any referrals or mutual acquaintances right away.
  • Why you’d be a great fit for the firm. Include specific reasons—you’re looking for a way to create connections with the senior partner or hiring manager.

Main cover letter body

The body section of your cover letter is your chance to shine—and to concisely summarize exactly how you meet the requirements in the job description. 

In one or two paragraphs, give a high-level overview of your legal education and experience to show:

  • Why you want to work for this firm. Elaborate on what makes you genuinely excited about the firm—whether it is an area of interest you’ve specialized in, the firm’s reputation or mission, or past experiences that will make you a uniquely good fit.
  • Why this firm should hire you. Make clear connections between your qualifications and aspects of the role you’re applying for. If there is a job posting, look closely for key attributes that the firm is looking for, and then detail how you meet those expectations. 

Highlighting your qualifications

Above all else, ensure your legal cover letter highlights your skills. Relevant qualifications for a law firm cover letter include: 

  • Past legal work experience or positions.
  • Community service roles.
  • Academic or research specializations.
  • Publications.
  • Relevant awards you’ve received.
  • Your personal background.

For example, consider a job posting that describes their ideal candidate as someone with personal injury litigation experience, excellent communication skills, and who works well both independently and as a part of a team in a fast-paced office environment.

If you were applying for this role, your cover letter’s body paragraphs might detail your past personal injury litigation experience and specific examples of how you’ve successfully communicated within a team and in a fast-paced environment.

Remember: Be specific, but keep in mind that this is not the place to restate your resume —if you can grab the hiring manager’s attention here, they will read your resume for those details. Your cover letter is where you can entice the reader to move on to your resume by providing context and highlighting how your experience lines up with what’s needed for the role.

For tips on writing a standout lawyer resume, read our blog post here.

Concluding paragraph

Finally, your concluding paragraph is where you’ll succinctly wrap the cover letter up, close the loop, and leave a positive impression. In your closing paragraph, be sure to:

  • Say thank you. Gratitude can make a difference, so always thank the reader for their consideration.
  • Assert your next steps. It’s fine to clearly outline how and when you will follow up on your application, rather than waiting indefinitely for an answer. And, if you say that you’ll follow up at a specific time, be sure to do it—and hold yourself to your word.
  • Provide relevant contact details. Let the reader know how to reach you by phone or email, if these details are not already outlined in your letter’s header.

Tips for using your legal cover letter to stand out

tips for writing a legal cover letter

The legal industry is rapidly evolving, and job hunters need to set themselves apart to get hired (unless, of course, you decide to start your own law firm ). 

If you’re applying for a job as a lawyer, whether it’s a traditional position or a legal work-from-home job , here are five tips to make sure your cover letter lands at the top of the pile.

1. Make it personal

Perhaps the most important tip for writing cover letters for lawyers is to make it personal. 

Many of your competitors have similar education and professional experience, so being generic is a fast track to being forgotten. 

Use a personalized cover letter to showcase the unique reasons why you’re the best candidate. Show that you know the person you’re writing to, and highlight any connections. If that isn’t possible, you can always write about the firm to show that you’ve done your research. 

2. Prioritize the positive 

When writing a lawyer cover letter, focus on what you have to offer. Regardless of why you’re looking for a new job, you bring a unique mix of attributes to the table. Highlight these attributes, whether they’re your: 

  • Other legal careers
  • Relevant work experience 

If you’re a law student or recent graduate, you may not have a long legal career to highlight. However, you can still note strengths like technology skills that make you an asset.

To a hiring law firm, being tech-competent and familiar with certain cloud-based tools like Clio could be an advantage that sets you apart from other candidates.

For example, more and more law firms are adopting artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help them run their practices more efficiently, with the 2023 Legal Trends Report finding that nearly one in five legal professionals are using some form of AI in their practices already. With this in mind, lawyers up-to-date with AI technology may stand out for hiring law firms.  

3. Get to the point

Legal cover letters are not the place to be long-winded, and droning on will almost certainly have the opposite effect of what you’re going for. Keep cover letters for attorneys short, to the point, and persuasive—the trick is to be memorable and limit yourself to one page. Because you want to make a lasting impression on a single page, it’s also a good idea to check your cover letter’s sentence structure. Do you start all of your sentences the same way? Are they all the same length? Ensure there’s some variety so your reader stays engaged.

4. Set the right tone

Tone matters. While what you say in a cover letter for lawyers is obviously important, it also matters how you say it. 

No matter what type of legal job you’re applying for, you always want to convey a professional tone. However, depending on the law firm you’re applying to, using a personal tone may work to your advantage. Tailor your tone to match the law firm you’re applying to. 

If you’re writing a Big Law cover letter, for example, you’ll want to err on the side of being more formal. For a smaller local law firm? Check their website and match the tone to demonstrate your familiarity with their firm. 

5. Proofread

There is zero room for typos or grammatical errors in cover letters for lawyers. With so much competition for legal jobs, don’t give hiring managers a reason to eliminate you. Take the time to carefully proofread your cover letter yourself, and consider enlisting someone else to proofread your cover letters as well.

Final thoughts on how to write a legal cover letter for a law firm

In a crowded legal job market, there’s no better way to outshine the competition than an excellent legal cover letter. Ensure you’re putting your best foot forward with your future employer by: 

  • Making it personal. At every step, customize your cover letter to the firm you’re applying to—from the tone to the specific skills you detail.
  • Keeping it brief. Cover letters for lawyers are a one-page summary to let the hiring manager know that you’re a candidate they should talk to further. You want to give them enough information to draw them in, but not overwhelm them and risk losing interest.
  • Showcasing your strengths. Focus on the positives, and don’t be afraid to highlight how your past experiences make you uniquely qualified.

While finding a new legal job in a competitive market isn’t exactly easy, staying resilient and adaptive will lead you to success. By crafting a great cover letter, you’re more likely to be noticed in this—and any—job market. 

And, no matter what job you’re applying for, knowing technology can help set you apart—both when job hunting and once you’re working at your new firm. If you’re a law student and want a head start, you may be able to get free Clio access via Clio’s Academic Access Program (CAAP) at your law school. Learn more about CAAP here .

Do law firms read cover letters?

In a competitive job market, hiring managers at law firms read cover letters to help determine which candidates may be the best fit. A well-written legal cover letter can entice the reader to review your resume—and, hopefully, invite you for an interview—by showcasing how your experience and skills align with the role. 

We published this blog post in June 2020. Last updated: June 13, 2024 .

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6 Things to Put in a Law Work Experience Cover Letter

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law cover letter

As the old adage goes “failing to plan is planning to fail”.

The same goes for your la work experience cover letter – it requires planning, and not regurgitation of your life experiences you feel would impress prospective employers.

Generally, your cover letter should be made up of the 3 C’s: Concise, Compartmentalized, Coherent . It is a piece crafted to convince your future employers of both your unique capabilities and suitability.

Here is a guide to planning your law work experience cover letter from start to end.

If you need to know how to write a training contract cover letter , check our training contract applications page

Law Work Experience Cover Letter Section 1: Briefly Introduce Yourself

Remember to introduce yourself first instead of diving into your skills, enthusiastic as you may be. Simple references to which year and which course you are taking in which university will do.

Also remember to indicate the reasons for your interest in the vacation scheme or work experience, such as to improve your legal skills, learn about the practicalities in the legal fraternity or the area of law you wish to specialise in.

Law Cover Letter Section 2: Detail Your Skills and How You Have Honed Them

Laying out your skills allows for scope and prevents verbosity. An example would be advocacy skills and you could mention mooting or public speaking competitions you have participated in.

Remember to take into account the skills that are relevant to the legal profession and to the firm. Some firms may have a client-centric vision so it will look good if you include skills such as interpersonal communication skills.

However, balance is key – do not be too self-deprecating or too arrogant. Assert your skills and take it as packaging your skills for that company.

Any successful vacation scheme/work experience application is a contract formed. So remember to provide “good consideration”.

Law Cover Letter Section 3: Areas of Contribution

Employers value individuals who are willing to serve. A vacation scheme or other work experience is also about contribution and learning from the ground.

It follows that your skills should be mentioned with a view to helping the organisation. Couching it in such an approach prevents you appearing boastful when you mention your skills.

Be clear and realistic as to how you can contribute. Bear in mind your status as a temporary staff, so things like “contributing to the big picture” are out of the question. Employers value grounded individuals who set realistic goals.

Examples include providing administrative and legal research assistance to the employer and assisting in cases.

Law Cover Letter Section 4: Discuss the Unique Traits of the Employer

Research is key to ensuring your cover letter does not resemble a carbon copy of the company’s vision or ethos, both of which are found on their website.

Look for practise trainees’ statements of commendation or choose an area of law the company specialises in and find out why they outperform other competitors. Is it their approach or unique values?

Statistics and quotes are good, but make sure they are not easily found on Google. Once again, effort is the discerning factor.

Legal Cover Letter Section 5: What You Hope to Learn from Your Work Experience

Be clear on your work experience objectives.

Remember, regardless of which year of study you are in, a vacation scheme or work experience will lead to your career destination. Therefore, there is no harm in indicating that your application is to ascertain if the company is a suitable fit for your work ethics and expectations.

While the firm has every right to choose whether you are retained, you retain the right to evaluate the company as well.

Of course, remember the words you choose affects your tone. For instance “I will” and “I would” has a marked difference in tone. Use modal verbs wisely too. Never hedge excessively when mentioning your skills but try to avoid “I am skilled in advocacy”. For obvious reasons.

Law Work Experience Cover Letter Section 6: Thank them for reading and leave contact details

Remember to thank them for reading and leave your contact details. It goes beyond courtesy, but also allows you to check if your email address is appropriate. If you realise your email address sounds rude or mildly inappropriate, then it probably is. Create one for professional purposes.

Remember to state when you are available and, if applicable, which area of law you hope to specialise in. This allows them to filter applicants based on interest and shows you have thought through career specialisation and have come to a conclusion.

In a nutshell, your cover letter should not be beyond a page or 700 words. Remember you are but one of many other applicants, so your points have to be concise.

Know how to market your potential and establish clearly why you think you suit the law firm. Get a few friends to proofread or even role-play as prospective employers and see if they are convinced by your cover letter. Keep calm and draft on.

All the best!

Published: 11/01/18         Author: Edwin Teong Ying Keat

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Cover Letters for Legal Interns: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a law student aspiring for the position of a legal intern, it is important to craft an effective cover letter. A cover letter allows you to highlight your professionalism, skills, and genuine interest in the legal field. This is why your cover letter should accurately showcase your qualifications, academic achievements, and relevant experiences that align with the internship requirements. To help you draft the perfect cover letter for a legal intern position we have developed this detailed guide.

Table of Contents

Essential Sections to Include in a Cover Letter for a Law Internship

A cover letter for a law internship is essential to introduce yourself as a candidate to a law firm or legal department and express your interest in the internship position. It highlights your relevant skills, experiences, and academic achievements to show the recruiters that you are a good fit for the role. Overall it serves as a personalized introduction, demonstrating your enthusiasm and qualifications for the law internship opportunity. You must include relevant sections in the cover letter for a legal internship.

1. A Letter Header

It is important to start with a professional letterhead to create a cover letter for a legal intern position. This should include your full name, phone number, and email address. Besides these basic contact details, include the name of your city and the postcode of the state you reside in.

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2. Salutation

The salutation section of your cover letter for a law internship should maintain a professional tone and not be too informal. To maintain a professional tone, it is advisable, to begin with a greeting and follow it with the recruiter’s name, for instance, “ Dear Arjun”. However, if you can’t find the name of the recruiter, it is okay to address the recruiter as “Dear Hiring Manager”.

3. Introductory Paragraph

When writing your introductory paragraph, it is important to include personal details about yourself to give the reader a clear understanding of who you are. Begin by introducing yourself with your name and stating which position you are applying for.  It is also beneficial to mention if you are currently enrolled in law school or have recently graduated from one. Additionally, use this opportunity to showcase any notable accomplishments or experience that demonstrate why you would be an excellent fit for the role at hand. It is crucial to tailor your cover letter for a law firm internship to make a genuine connection with the hiring manager and demonstrate your enthusiasm for their organization.

4. Body Paragraphs

When writing the body for the cover letter for an internship at a law firm, focus on showcasing your achievements and abilities while also connecting them to the goals of the organization you are applying to.  If you have limited experience in law, it may be helpful to mention relevant coursework, volunteer work, or skills that can transfer over from other jobs. For instance, if you are seeking an internship at a public defender’s office, highlighting your top score in criminal law class could be beneficial.

5. Closing Paragraph

The closing paragraph of your cover letter for legal internship is a chance to make a lasting impression. It is crucial to show appreciation for the recipient’s time and consideration. Furthermore, include your contact information, such as a telephone number or email address for further discussion.

6. Conclusion and Signature

It is important to maintain a professional tone when concluding your legal intern cover letter. It is also important to avoid sounding overly familiar. Ending phrases such as “Sincerely,” “Kind regards,” or “Yours truly” are all appropriate ways to sign off on a cover letter for a law firm internship.

Also Read:   How to Write Cover Letter for Internship

Legal Intern Cover Letter Template

Take a look at this template for a cover letter for legal interns to get an idea of what your cover letter should look like.

City, Postcode
[email protected]


Dear [Recruiter’s Name],

This introductory paragraph is an opportunity for you to express your keen interest in the legal intern position. It allows you to showcase your unique strengths, accomplishments, abilities, and passion for this role.

In this section, you should craft a thorough summary of your recent professional experience. Highlight any notable academic accomplishments or relevant technical skills. Consider presenting your accomplishments using measurable statistics or numbers. This illustrates the influence you had in previous roles or extracurricular activities as legal personnel.

Thank the employer for their valuable time and careful consideration in this section. End with a positive statement expressing your excitement to get the opportunity to work in the given position. Also, consider adding a call-to-action urging the recruiter to contact you for an interview.

Your Full Name
Your Signature

Explore our comprehensive guide on  cover letter formats  and craft a winning application today!”

Cover Letter Sample for Law Internship

Here is a professional cover letter sample for a legal internship to help you create your personalized letter. Make sure to follow the tone and style of writing mentioned here:

Mumbai, Maharashtra
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91 98765 43210

20th April 2024

Dear Mr. Mehta,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Summer 2024 internship position with your esteemed law firm, Mehta & Associates. I am currently in my third year pursuing an Integrated BA LLB (Hons.) degree at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. I have a profound passion for the legal profession and feel that the vision of Mehta & Associates perfectly aligns with my beliefs.

Through my law school coursework, I have equipped myself with a well-rounded understanding of important legal fields such as contract and company law, civil procedure, and alternative dispute resolution. In addition to this academic foundation, my experience as a Peer Mentor at the University’s Legal Aid Clinic has sharpened my research skills. The experience has honed my ability to draft effective legal documents and reinforced the importance of ethical conduct in the legal profession.

I am particularly inspired by Mehta & Associates’ dedication to pro bono initiatives and promoting access to justice. This ethos aligns seamlessly with my values of serving the community and fostering an equitable legal system. An internship at your esteemed firm would provide me with invaluable exposure to the practical application of the law. I am confident working alongside your accomplished team of legal professionals will provide me with the learning experience, to enhance my career.

During the internship, I will ensure to flawlessly execute legal research, draft pleadings and contracts, and aid in client counseling and negotiation strategies. I am confident that my academic achievements, research proficiency, and unwavering work ethic will enable me to make meaningful contributions to your firm.

Thank you for your consideration. I eagerly look forward to discussing my qualifications and the opportunity to be a part of the Mehta & Associates team. Kindly let me know if we can connect for an interview to discuss my application further. 

Riya Sharma.

Tips For Crafting a Compelling Cover Letter for a Law Internship

Here are some practical tips to help you create a professional cover letter for internship at law firm.

1. Be Concise

It is essential to only include relevant and well-written details. A lengthy and unfocused application letter for a law internship will not be engaging or effective, so it is best to keep the content concise yet informative.

2. Use Professional Tone

Maintaining a professional tone throughout your legal internship cover letter is paramount. The legal field demands a high level of professionalism, and your cover letter should reflect your ability to communicate in a formal, polished manner. Avoid casual language, slang, or overly colloquial phrasing that could detract from the seriousness of your application.

3. Customize Cover Letter

Avoid using the same cover letter for every legal internship you apply to. Personalize your cover letter by including relevant information about the specific role or company. A generic cover letter shows little enthusiasm for the position at hand.

4. Use Proper Formatting

Cover letters are typically limited to one page, so it is important to express yourself succinctly. Make sure your margins are set at a minimum of a three-quarters inch on the left, right, and topsides, and half an inch on the bottom. Choose a clear and easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Helvetica that matches the font used in your resume.

5. Review and Proofread

Ensure your legal intern cover letter is error-free and well-written. Proofreading is essential before submission. Additionally, it’s recommended to seek feedback from others on your cover letter for a legal internship as they may catch mistakes or offer valuable insights that you might have overlooked.

Crafting an effective cover letter for a legal intern requires careful consideration and attention to detail. It is important to showcase your relevant skills and experience while also conveying your enthusiasm and passion for the field of law. By tailoring your cover letter utilizing proper formatting, and evaluating and reading your cover letter, you can increase your chances of standing out from other applicants and securing a valuable internship opportunity in the legal industry. If this has been helpful to you, let us know your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section below. Also, check out our blog on the top 10 highest-paying law jobs in India .

Answer: You can compose a cover letter for a legal internship using the following format, “Dear [hiring manager’s name], Based on my [relevant education and experience], I believe that I possess the qualities necessary to excel in the role of an intern at [company name]. My proficiency in [two, or three skills] makes me well-suited for this opportunity.”

Answer: Typically, a cover letter for a legal internship should range from half a page to one full page. Ideally, it should contain 250-400 words and consist of three to six paragraphs.

Answer: Avoid starting the cover letter with, “My name is (),” phrase as the recipient already knows your name and it may make you appear inexperienced.

Answer: Begin by stating your purpose for writing and specify the job or field you are seeking employment in. Also, mention where you learned about this opportunity.

Answer: A cover letter is typically one page and submitted with your job application, along with your CV or resume. Its main function is to introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of your work experience.

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Harshita is an English Literature graduate from the University of Delhi with 3 years of experience in Content Writing and Editing. Dedicated to her craft, she loves creating magic with words. She is a big fan of hoarding cute planners and journals and can be seen watching FRIENDS (almost EVERYTIME) in her spare time. Her meticulous attention to detail makes her stand out from the crowd. A typo epidemic is her worst nightmare!

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