horror movie review girl house (2014)

Horror Movie Review: Girl House (2014)

Girl House opens back in 1988 where we see two young girls teasing an overweight boy. They call him ‘Loverboy’ before getting him to drop his pants in the hope of getting a kiss. They end up laughing at him which leaves him humiliated.

Girl House 1

Later the leader of the two girls is cycling home alone when Loverboy knock her off her bike. She face-plants the metal bridge in hilarious fashion. Hurt, she begs forgiveness from the little lard-arse but he kicks her off the bridge killing her.

The movie then switches to the present day. Kylie Atkins (Ali Corbin) is joining an online porn service called Girl House. She’s the obvious final girl from the moment she is introduced. A wholesome character she is only agreeing to take part in the Girl House project to pay her way through college since her father died.

Girl House 2

Girl House is a paid for service that sees a group of women living inside a house 24/7 filled with cameras. The girls go about their lives in the house while stripping for the camera & offering ‘extra’ services for a price. It’s a pretty sleazy set-up dressed up as a professional job. It also makes little sense, the shows are in no way X-rated. In fact often they wouldn’t even be called soft-core porn.

Girl House 3

Kylie’s first dance in front of the camera sees her keep her boobs covered & wearing pants. It’s implied that she gets massive viewing figures for this. I mean, really? The same people who are willing to pay for this have the internet at their disposal. Any & all hardcore pornography, whatever the imagination can come up with. Why would they bother with this tame stuff?

Girl House 4

The only argument in favour of the Girl House set up involves a select group who are likely to fall in love with the girls & keep tuning in for that reason. The adult Loverboy (Slaine the rapper) is one of this select group. Upon seeing Kylie in the house he becomes dangerously obsessed with her.

Being a nice woman she compliments him & is very kind to him in private chats which leads him to believe that she is his perfect woman. He finally gets comfortable enough to send her a picture of himself which one of the other girls takes & hangs up with a mocking message.

Girl House 5

Loverboy sees this message on one of the cameras & flips out, insulted & believing Kylie to be ‘just like the rest’. His day job is as a computer technician so he hacks the Girl House website & finds out where it is. Loverboy does not mix well with others as the girls of Girl House are about to find out.

Girl House requires you seriously suspend your disbelief to really enjoy it. The Girl House project itself is one thing. However the ease & way in which Loverboy is able to hack into it & control almost everything from his phone is downright absurd.

Girl House 6

That aside it’s a fairly entertaining watch. The acting is decent & Loverboy is a character that you really don’t have any sympathy for. That one incident as a child may have turned him into an obsessive loner but that doesn’t mean he needed to don a cool looking mask & go on a murderous rampage.

His rampage is by far the most enjoyable part of the movie. Sure, he moves like a cat for a man his size & can somehow disappear & reappear in the same room within a second but he’s an intimidating fellow. He has no issues with dealing out some serious damage to the girls, cutting faces, chopping off fingers & locking them inside saunas with the heat turned up.

Girl House 7

He’s by the far the best thing in the movie as Kylie is just too much of a character we’ve seen time & time again in horror. The movie regularly slows down to show some of her life outside Girl House. Her time at college & the interactions with her boyfriend are very slow.

There is an undercurrent of a serious message throughout the bloodbath that occurs once Loverboy arrives at the house. It’s basically about the dangers of the internet & porn in general. Thankfully it’s not shoved in your face or anything but it is there.

Oh & if you’re working for a porn web camera business best try to keep it as impersonal as possible.

Girl House 8

A disappointing ending caps off a throwaway slasher horror. It will entertain but leave you feeling unsatisfied (kind of like logging onto the actual Girl House website in the film!).

Carl Fisher

Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Girl House (2014)

  • The Final Score - 5/10 5/10

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Film review: girl house (2014).

Dan Kappa 02/28/2015 Uncategorized


A beautiful young college student needing money for tuition moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. One of the “devoted” fans turns psycho after he hears the girls’ true thoughts and feelings about him and invades the house with deadly results.

Director: Trevor Matthews Writer: Nick Gordon Stars: Ali Cobrin, Adam DiMarco and Slaine

Kylie Atkins, played by the homely Ali Corbin, needs money. Her dad recently died and her mother can’t pay the tuition fees Kylie is accumulating. To make ends meet Kylie sees no other alternative than to work for GIRLHOUSE, a supposedly untraceable, unhackable, and unintruderable house that streams, 24×7, the daily and x-rated lives of the girls living inside the walls.

The story moves quick to get Kylie to the house. After an intro hook of the antagonist, Loverboy, as a kid and his, well, “destructive tendencies”, we go straight to Kylie who has already made the decision to join Girlhouse. I must admit, I was happy to see this part handled so quickly. It sets the story briskly and doesn’t bog us down.


The writers try hard to paint Kylie in a good light despite the career she chooses. She doesn’t dress or act like a slut and is only taking the job for the money to get through college… Just like every stripper who ever stripped… Hell, they even try to make the owner of Girlhouse likeable. He’s so accommodating, I’d even let my wife work there if it were real (and no killer would go there). The girls have almost free reign; the choice of what they want to do/show and how they would do/show it. This works well for Kylie who doesn’t want to have sex with “Johns” but only wants to flash her cha chas to the webcam. On a side note, the writer even made the owner gay. Not sure why that was important to the script but the briefest of scenes shows this and my assumption was that the writer felt that it made him more likeable somehow. He’s only exploiting the girls for money, he doesn’t want to tap them. He’s a nice guy!

At the house we meet the other female residents/fodder and their prime customer, the now adult Loverboy (played by Slaine). He is a computer whiz (gee, I wonder why…) and likes to Photoshop images of himself with the ladies at different landmarks. Once he gets a squiz at Kylie, his wall of creepiness is quickly changed to just pictures of her and himself. Someone has a cruuush… Someone has a cruuush.

Kylie’s love interest, and ultimately a complete waste of script, Ben (played by Adam DiMarco) joins the foray as an ex schoolmate who had a long lasting crush for Kylie. The two obviously hit it off and date to the non-event of the story as a whole.

Deep into the film we are introduced to an even bigger waste of script. An ex-Girlhouse girl who sneaks into the house to join the ragtag group once more. This character’s sole purpose is to trigger Loverboy’s killing spree and move the script into Act 3. This could have VERY easily been handled by any other member of the house.

Anywho, the girls expose their true feelings for Loverboy, amazingly all in the same scene, and he doesn’t like it, especially as he thinks Kylie feels the same way too. Loverboy tools up with a handyman belt and a tool chest and heads for GIRLHOUSE with sinister plans of a sinister nature.


“But Mr. Caps, how can Loverboy go on his killing spree if the Girlhouse is untraceable, unhackable, and unintruderable?” You obviously weren’t paying attention to the review, were you? Loverboy is a computer whiz, so he can hack anything. He even has an app on his phone which allows him to control all the cameras, doors and anything else controllable at Girlhouse. And here I am unable to even get my garage door to open on the first button press of its remote…

So, by this point we are around fifty-seven minutes into the film with little suspense, thrills or kills. We’ve been treated to several scenes of Loverboy breathing hard and staring intently at either his monitor or wall of creepiness, and that’s pretty much it in terms of anything horror related. For those keeping score, we’ve only had one death thus far and that was in the intro.

Once we get to Act 3, which is almost 35 minutes worth, it’s non-stop death. Even with his overweight physique, tool belt and metal tool chest, Loverboy is one silent, Ninja-rific mofo. He can sneak into rooms unheard, stand in corners unseen and chase fit woman with ease. All of the deaths are streamed live, and once Ben’s P*rn addicted friend sees the mayhem, he immediately tells his chum who races to try and find the location of Girlhouse and save his girl.

Will Ben find the location and get there in time, or will Kylie have to use her own wits and resourcefulness to defeat Loverboy?


GIRLHOUSE is a professionally shot script. Lighting, camerawork and sound was engaging and nearly flawless. Apart from the needlessly long script, lack of thrill, suspense or kills for most of the story and a pretty basic plot line, the script was serviceable. I was never completely bored, nor was I ever completely engrossed.

Any nudity and sex was handled well by the writer. It’s not overly graphic, nor is it plentiful. There was just enough to service the world and story created. Sure, teens gaging for boob shots will get their rocks off, but this is not a titty-fest by any means.

Characters, for the most part, were fleshed out well. Kylie was solidly created in a very short time. Even the girls in the house were given distinct personalities though their sole purpose was to be sacrificed to the god of slash. In a script like this it would have been easy to stereotype the female characters, but kudos to the writer for approaching this more professionally. Ben’s character ultimately was a waste of script pages and screen time. If he was completely removed from the script, only the smallest of change to one scene would’ve been required to let it run its current course. That is the ultimate mark of an unneeded character and a pet peeve of mine.

The acting from all, regardless of their screen time, was professional and believable. Even the young actors in the intro were fantastic. I was impressed by their performances given the intense nature of the later part of the scene. Slaine’s features leant well to Loverboy. His lack of emotion (until he cracks it) was creepy and brooding and his ability to convey so much without dialog was impressive.

If I were to use one word to describe GIRLHOUSE, it would be “serviceable”. It’s nowhere near Scream in terms of story, characters and entertainment, nor is it suspenseful or thrill inducing like Halloween , the film it tries to emulate. It can’t compare in terms of kill ingenuity to the likes of the Hatchet and Friday franchises, nor is it gore-laden like them either. GIRLHOUSE is simply a serviceable effort and nothing more that will disappear into the ether with the myriad of serviceable attempts in this genre.

2.5 out of 5 webcams

Tags Adam DiMarco Ali Cobrin Alice Hunter Alyson Bath Elysia Rotaru Girl House Girlhouse Nick Gordon Slaine Trevor Matthews

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Yay. Great new review Dan.

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Thanks mate!

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Spotlight: “Girl House” (2014)

A modern slasher classic.

by Thakgore Mar 3, 2017, 10:00 am 0 Comments

Hello there fellow denizens of the dark, it’s Thakgore and today I bring you a look at what I honestly believe is the best original slasher that I’ve seen in the last 20 years. I know that sounds like high praise, and it is, but I really feel it’s deserved. So for this edition of Spotlight we are going to spend some time inside the….

horror movie review girl house (2014)

First things first let’s get something out of the way. I’ve noticed that horror fans, even me, tend to indulge a little too much in nostalgia when considering many of the “classic” slasher films. While many deserve all the praise they get some of them are just downright bad. Movies like “Madman”, “Curtains” and even the seminal giallo classic “Twitch of the Death Nerve” are not great films when looked at objectively. Compared to even the most mediocre of today’s horror offerings they can’t hope to compete. The reason I bring that up is to bring some clarity to the situation when I say that I think “Girl House” is on par with many of those “classics” and is perhaps in the upper echelon of slasher films usually reserved for icons like Jason, Michael, and Freddy. It’s that good.

Released in 2014 with little fanfare, “Girl House” was directed by Jack Brooks himself, Trevor Matthews and stars Ali Cobrin as Kylie and rapper Slaine as the killer “LoverBoy”. The film begins by ticking off the most important box of  the slasher movie formula. Something bad happening in the past that gives the killer his motivation. Usually in slashers this would be the sole scene exploring the killer’s psyche. Not in “Girl House”. There are several other scenes that focus on the killer’s sad and lonely life. LoverBoy is a complex and tragic character who is artfully portrayed by Slaine. He has compelling reasons for doing the awful things he does and because you understand him it makes for a more involved narrative than what many slasher films attempt.

horror movie review girl house (2014)

The other pillar of this film is the lead actress Ali Cobrin. Her turn as Kylie represents, possibly, the best final girl since Sidney Prescott. Kylie has taken a job at a “cam girl” house to make ends meet while trying to pay her way through college. While this is a familiar story Cobrin brings just the right amount of reservedness to the character so that it doesn’t feel too cliche. Kylie is smart, strong, capable and determined and all of these things are portrayed admirably by Cobrin. She soon becomes the obsession of LoverBoy who annoys the other women in the house by asking for Kylie constantly, even when she’s not there. When one of them gets insulted by this she tells LoverBoy off and bans his IP from the Girl House servers. This enrages him and he proceeds to don a creepy mask, grab a toolbox and sets out for the Girl House intent on making them pay for his humiliation.

horror movie review girl house (2014)

What follows is about as smart a slasher film as you can ask for. The killings are brutal and the way tension is achieved is particularly original. You see, the house is outfitted with fifty cameras so that the women’s every move can be observed online. This leads to several times when the killer can be seen by someone watching the stream while remaining unnoticed by girl on camera. One particular scene actually had me on the edge of my seat which doesn’t happen often. Each of the women in the house is given just enough character development so that you genuinely feel bad watching them be picked off by LoverBoy. This is something most slashers completely fail at but “Girl House” pulls it off almost effortlessly. It also has a climax that left me breathless and then made me actually stand and applaud.

horror movie review girl house (2014)

I think my favorite thing about this film is the fact that it breaks as many slasher conventions as it pays homage to. By allowing the characters to make smart decisions and giving depth to the killer, director Trevor Matthews infuses the movie with the kind of stakes usually reserved for the best examples of the sub-genre. From its traditional start to its non-traditional end “Girl House” is one of my favorite slasher films of all time. I can’t heap enough praise on it and I hope I’ve convinced you to give it a try. You won’t regret it.

“Girl House” is available for streaming on Amazon Video .

Ali Cobrin Girl House Slaine Trevor Matthews

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Horror fan since childhood. Also, a stay at home Dad, layabout and general rapscallion. Purveyor of all things diabolical, devious and dire as well as loquacious lover of ludicrous alliteration and bold balladeer of bellicose buffoonery. Master of the run-on sentence.

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Girl House (Movie Review)

Evan slead's rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ director: trevor matthews | release date: 2015.

Sometimes trying to reinvent a genre can be a daunting and seemingly pointless task. When it comes to slasher films, there have been countless attempts to reapproach the "Ten Little Indians" type set up with an unknown killer waiting in the wings to pick them off one by one. Despite most of the films being copycats and cash grabs, there have been a handful that don't attempt to reinvent but still leave a positive impact on viewers. Director Trevor Matthews and writer Nick Gordon took several of the winning pieces to slasher films and crafted them into their own updated version on the classic subgenre.  Girl House is a provocative look at exploitation in the modern age and how it effects the typical slasher killer. With great pacing, intelligent plot decisions, and bloody good fun, this film takes the past and creates an instant classic for the modern viewer. 

Kylie (Ali Cobrin) is trying to manage the recent death of her father and pay for school. Not wanting to worry her already fragile mother, she decides to answer the call from an internet entrepreneur Gary (James Thomas) with a tantalizing business offer. "Girl House" is his revolutionary attempt to take the porn industry and class it up. The idea: a mansion filled with cameras and young women residing in it to perform sexual desires for viewers on the "Girl House" website. Kylie joins Gary's group of girls and quickly becomes the sites latest hit. One avid member, Loverboy (Slaine), instantly feels a connection with Kylie that he just can't shake. Meanwhile, young Ben (Adam DiMarco) recognizes Kylie from school and decides that this would be the time to finally confess his crush for her. Kylie does accept Ben, but after Loverboy comes on too strong, the mystery viewer decides to make her notice him. Since he can't have her love, Loverboy dons his best slasher get up and decides to pay all of the girls a visit.

A premise about a porn house filled with young women screams surface level and typical slasher, but the film ends up undressing and revealing the brains surging underneath.  Right from the start of the film there is a sign that developing characters was a focus for writer Nick Gordon. The first scene introduces viewers to the young "Loverboy" as he's teased by two young girls. Feeling rejected and humiliated, he attacks the antagonistic girl with no remorse which reveals that Loverboy is harboring some deep evil. This was a nice set up for the killer to show his need for acceptance from women, as well as his fear of being sexually frustrated. Many of the other characters, including the lead Kylie, have more layers than the typical slasher film. Many of the typical set ups used like jump scares or false attacks are shown but then quickly dropped to leave the viewer guessing what could happen next. The idea to have the attacks centered in a house filled with cameras felt reminiscent of  Halloween Resurrection , but  Girl House took the issues of that film and made them work. Instead of making the cameras a gimmick, director Trevor Matthews utilized the different angles and online viewers to create interesting dynamics. There's even a scene where the camera becomes the POV of the viewer and has a nice found footage feeling. The biggest boost is the killer with his drag queen-esque mask that looked like a mixture of Leatherface and  Alice, Sweet Alice . He has a fantastic presence and attempts different ways of killing victims to keep the bloody fun up and boredom factor down. 

Overall  Girl House is a solid rehash of the past with some updates on the slasher film. Using the online world as the means for a killer to do his dirty work but also as a means for the victims to fight back was a brilliant choice. Looking at this film from an objective view may leave some with a negative pre-judgment on what to expect, but those that enter inside will find a great ride with a little something to offer for any horror fan.

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Evan is a Film & Media Studies major in Boston and the host of PodSlash podcast. He loves writing novels and screenplays, and also all things Real Housewives. Don't hate.

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Film Review: GirlHouse (2014)

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horror movie review girl house (2014)

“Whilst very much a back-to-basics slasher effort, GirlHouse proves itself to be a consistently entertaining ride”

horror movie review girl house (2014)

In order to make enough extra cash to see her through her university studies, student Kylie signs up to be the latest addition to the roster of online fap-fest “GirlHouse”. The site itself is a members only voyage of voyeurism, whereby subscribers can spend their time viewing the daily (and nightly) activities of the house’s smokin’ hot female residents, and spend money treating themselves to X-rated private chats and cam shows. So far, so 21st Century.

Things generally go well upon Kylie’s arrival – her fellow residents proving to be a (for the most part) friendly and accommodating bunch – and it isn’t long before she comes across a particular regular of the site who uses the avatar of Loverboy. Played with a surprisingly malignant flair by rapper-turned-actor Slaine, the rotund and withdrawn Loverboy is a cable-wrangling IT professional by day, basement-dwelling shut-in by night – and he appears to be dangerously obsessed with the girls whom he spends his every free minute staring at through his computer monitor. He doesn’t take it kindly, then, when his trust is betrayed by Kylie not only being unavailable for some planned private time, but also by her sharing a photograph of him with the other girls.

This slight won’t stand, and so Loverboy tracks down the location of the titular home and, using his IT smarts, infiltrates and takes control of the high-tech building in order to give viewers a show the likes of which they’ve never seen before.

Whilst very much a back-to-basics slasher effort, GirlHouse (titled Girl House in the US) proves itself to be a consistently entertaining ride. Ali Cobrin shines as the reserved, but realistically-minded Kylie, while writer Nick Gordon wisely avoids heading down the road of introducing the kind of unwarranted, wanton bitchiness one would expect in an attempt to create drama within the house – because when Loverboy shows up, these girls have more than enough drama to deal with. The cast and crew behind the offerings of the fictional GirlHouse website are a generally bubbly and likeable lot, even if they remain predominantly broadly drawn in terms of characterisation. It’s enough to get by on before the carnage starts, adding to the film’s inherently easy watch.

Also contributing to this easy-going feel is the film’s refusal to objectify its female protagonists. Though the nature of their jobs may do that, GirlHouse’s lens does not – it never feels exploitative of its cast and, for the most part, avoids throwing explicit nudity or sex around with abandon. What it does have is a nice injection of good-natured humour, and enough blood and brutality in the final act to satisfy all but the most demanding of slasher fans.

Though Loverboy himself is certainly a formidable and intimidating presence, the awfulness inflicted on his quarry rarely lands with gravitas, even when it’s being watched by suitably horrified online viewers. The film tends to lack a true sense of danger and fear, which is largely down to the paper-thin characters. A solid example of this is the inclusion of a subplot involving an ex-resident of the house who returns out the blue, having previously been fired due to her erratic behaviour (stemming from a heroin addiction).

Her return (and acceptance, given her claims of now being drug-free) is abrupt, and the character serves to offer very little to the story from that point until her inevitable demise – nothing more than a little extra meat shoved into line before the grinder. The same can pretty much be said of another subplot involving Kylie reconnecting with an old school friend, the flame of love beginning to burn between them, only to see him desperately try, with the aid of his roommate, to locate the GirlHouse and rescue Kylie before Loverboy gets his hands on her. It fails to really amount to much, which perhaps works – at a big stretch – on a female empowerment level, but leaves the core narrative operating on little more than the most basic.

But then again, that’s hardly a fatal flaw when these problems are so capably backed up by maintained entertainment value – something that GirlHouse does just fine with. It’s never boring, it’s very well presented and professionally pulled off by everyone involved (both in front of, and behind, the camera). GirlHouse is a by-the-book slasher flick with a modern spin but, thankfully, completely devoid of the post-modern irony that has plagued the subgenre since Wes Craven’s Scream . It comes in, does its job in delivering the unpleasantries, and even chucks the soggy tissues in the bin for you on the way out.

Can’t complain too much about that.


Director: Trevor Matthews & Jon Knautz Starring: Ali Cobrin, Adam DiMarco, Slaine, Alyson Bath Certificate: 15 Release date (UK): DVD 20 July 2015

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GirlHouse (2014)

Don’t let the trashy neon UK cover art fool you, Girlhouse may be going straight to DVD in this country but it’s one of the best horror movies I’ve seen so far this year.

After the sudden death of her father, student Kylie Atkins desperately needs cash to finish her studies and support her mother. She reluctantly decides to move into the Girlhouse, a luxury mansion house with all mod cons, wired with over 50 cameras which stream live to an X-Rated website. The more subscribers watching your antics, the more cash you make. Morally, it doesn’t sit well with Kylie but she has no other option. She proves immediately popular with subscribers but a misunderstanding sees deranged lunatic Loverboy turn up at the door with an axe to grind!

This film from the team behind both Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer and The Shrine is a lot of fun. From its shocking opening sequence (featuring Camren Bicondova who is now a young Selina Kyle/Catwoman in Gotham) until its satisfying conclusion, Girlhouse delivers the goods. For starters, the cast are good with Ali Cobrin (who you’ll recognise from Bad Neighbours, American Reunion & The Hole) making a very likeable and sympathetic final girl as Kylie and that’s just for starters. There’s a lot going on here character/relationship wise. There’s conflict with Kylie and her flatmate, who doesn’t agree that her only option is to ‘flash her vertical smile’ for cash online, a burgeoning romance with old classmate Ben, who is hiding a secret and tension with one of the other girls, Devon.

The film looks great, every penny of the budget is accounted for on screen and there are so many clever nods to other horror movies throughout from Halloween to Texas Chain Saw to The Strangers to REC that there’s no mistaking this film was made by horror fans for horror fans. There’s even a great score by Tomandandy! What’s not to love?

Well, I will say that there are a couple of moments that stretch credibility beyond belief. Whilst most of the deaths are suitably gory and one is preceded by a corking jump scare, one is absolutely ridiculous and whilst I get the intent, I can’t believe the filmmakers went through with it. Tonally, it didn’t sit well with the rest of the film and I personally thought it was a huge mistake. I also wasn’t sold on the killer’s mask. He ended up looking like a cross between Leatherface and Lora Lee Sherman from Cherry Falls.

OVERALL SUMMARY I settled down to watch this knowing very little about it, thinking it would be a low rent cheesy boobs and blood movie. I couldn’t have been more wrong. From the opening quote by Ted Bundy to many pleasant surprises as the credits rolled, Anne McCarthy (A Perfect Getaway, Insidious, The Conjuring) was the casting director (surely a sign of quality)! I had a blast with this.

Phil Davies Brown

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Raz's Midnight Macabre

This blog is to share with you my passion not only for the horror genre but also all things macabre., horror review: girl house (2014).

horror movie review girl house (2014)

As those of you who have read my stuff before will know, my heart is in the Slasher genre so I never pass up a chance to view one.

horror movie review girl house (2014)

This is definitely one of only a handful of films that has took the original blueprint for the Slasher genre and put in a modern setting and make the concept work.

horror movie review girl house (2014)

If you want to see the “Girl House” trailer then just click on the video below:

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Girl House (2014)

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In an attempt to make some extra cash while away at College, Kylie moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. After a deranged fan hacks in to determine the house's location, she finds herself in a terrifying fight for her life.

Girl House Clip: A Killer Is Hunting Webcam Girls | EXCLUSIVE

Alice Hunter makes herself presentable in a hurry while meeting her roommate in a look at Girl House, in theaters and VOD February 13.

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Girl House(2015) Movie Review


Girl House (2015) although being released in 2014 in Canada at the Ottawa International Film Festival but it is released majorly in other countries by 2015 and that makes it 2015 in my book. It was directed by  Jon Knautz , and Trevor Matthews who has worked on similar projects together such as, Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer (2007), The Shrine (2010) Still Life (2005) and other mentions. Its an R rated movie with some sex, nudity, strong language and violence. It stars  Ali Cobrin, Adam Di Marco, Slaine and so on.

In an attempt to make some extra cash while away at College, Kylie moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. After a deranged fan hacks in to determine the house’s location, she finds herself in a terrifying fight for her life.


This was a really surprising movie for me because I just saw it (**out of boredom and very very low expectations) and it just surprised me. Granted its not one the best of the year (**either 2014/2015) or even be in the top list.


What’s your choice on it? Please Like and Comment your opinion about it and what is your favourite slasher flick?

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Horror Reviewed by Horror Fans Our subreddit is dedicated to text-based reviews of anything and everything horror related. All reviews are submitted by other horror fans just like you (aka our subscribers!). Everyone is welcome to add a review, we just ask that you follow our RULES -

Girl House [2014] [Slasher/Home Invasion]

This is one that I was anxiously anticipating, unfortunately it ended up severely underwhelming and suffers from extreme pacing issues. The first half seems to drag on for eternity, now I know the characters have to be fleshed out to a certain degree but this is a slasher it doesn't need this much exposition. It also falls prey to a shoehorned love plot that had no business being here other than a convenient plot point towards the conclusion. They meet on campus one day and it seems the next they're a serious couple. The antagonist isn't all that interesting when it comes down to it, he gets bullied by a few girls as a child which leads to him being antisocial, and developing obsessive relationships with females online and also mannequins apparently. The biggest issue with the pacing comes when he makes his way to the house, all of these girls they've built up for nearly an hour get killed of in such rapid succession that none of the backstory really matters anyway, and the kills are also rather uninteresting for the most part. The slasher genre is seemingly simple but so easy to get wrong and this film does it in spades.....(☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️/10)

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  • Brookstreet Pictures
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Girl House (2014)

Girl House
Directed By Trevor Matthews
Written By Nick Gordon
Cast Ali Cobrin, Adam DiMarco, Alyson Bath, Elysia Rotaru
Produced By Trevor Matthews, Cory Neal, Nick Gordon
Cinematography By Christopher Norr
Film Editing By Matthew Brulotte
Music By tomandandy
Studio Brookstreet Pictures
Distributed By Entertainment One
Country Canada
Language English
Release Date 2014, February 13, 2015
Runtime 99 Minutes
  • 4 Production
  • 5 Reception
  • 7 External Links

Overview [ ]

  • Ali Cobrin as Kylie Atkins
  • Adam DiMarco as Ben Stanley
  • Slaine as Loverboy
  • James Thomas as Gary Preston
  • Alyson Bath as Devon
  • Elysia Rotaru as Heather
  • Alice Hunter as Kat
  • Chasty Ballesteros as Janet
  • Nicole Arianna Fox as Mia
  • Zuleyka Silver as Anna
  • Wesley MacInnes as Alex
  • Erin Agostino as Liz Owens
  • Camren Bicondova as Girl #1
  • Isaac Faulkner as Young Loverboy
  • Peter J. Gray as Bret
  • Baylee Wall as Girl #2

Production [ ]

Reception [ ], external links [ ], trailer [ ].


Girl House Official Trailer 1 (2015) - Horror Movie HD


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horror movie review girl house (2014)

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The 20 best final girls standing in modern horror movies

Horror continues to be an undying genre in the film industry, bringing in large audiences and always offering something challenging and thrilling. One of the most popular tropes in horror is the ‘final girl’, which refers to the last girl standing at the end of a horror movie after everyone else has been killed. Usually blood-soaked and battered by the end, these women are often underestimated but prove to be fierce and ruthless as they fight for their lives.

Maxine Minx, ‘X’

In older horror films, final girls would usually be prim and proper virgins, and anybody sexually active would be killed. This is definitely not the case in X , which stars Mia Goth as Maxine Minx. Maxine is an adult film star who dreams of becoming a serious actress and is targeted by a bitter woman named Pearl. Thanks to her hunger for fame and ambitious spirit, Maxine outwits Pearl and manages to escape her clutches, ready for Hollywood. She reprises her role in MaXXXine . 

Tree Gelbman, ‘Happy Death Day’

Happy Death Day takes the final girl trope and turns it on its head. With a Groundhog Day -esque plot, the film sees college student Tree Gelbman relive the day of her murder over and over again until she can identify the killer. Tree is initially mean and unlikable, and a character viewers would expect to be killed off almost straight away. However, as Tree fights for her survival, she grows emotionally and becomes a protagonist audiences can’t help but root for.

Erin, ‘You’re Next’

You’re Next not only sees its final girl survive but also "eat the rich" in the process. A family celebrates their parent’s wedding anniversary at their lavish estate, only to be hunted by killers wearing animal masks. Erin is the outsider of this wealthy family and has a knack for fighting back, much to everybody’s surprise. Due to growing up in a survivalist compound, she has the skills and smarts to stay alive and retaliate, unlike the naive rich folk, who aren’t so lucky. 

Jay Height, ‘It Follows’

Maika Monroe, who also stars in the horror flick Longlegs , plays Jay in It Follows . After a sexual encounter with her boyfriend, Jay is followed by a demonic entity. The only way she can get rid of it is by having sex with somebody else and passing it on. Jay does not want to pass it on to anybody, so she tries to devise another plan to get rid of it. Her mindset and determination are in full force until the end of the film as she tries to outsmart the evil that is following her.

Sam Carpenter, ‘Scream’

Sidney Prescott from Scream is one of the most famous final girls of all time, having survived Ghostface on multiple occasions. 2022’s Scream sees a new generation of characters hunted down by the killer, including Sam, who is essentially the new Sidney. To protect the people she loves, including her sister Tara, Sam goes after Ghostface without fear or hesitation. As the daughter of Billy Loomis, the killer in the first movie, she has a darkness that she can use to her advantage. 

Grace Le Domas, ‘Ready or Not’

Grace gets a whole lot more than she bargained for on her wedding night in Ready or Not . When she marries into a wealthy and eccentric family, she is forced to play a seemingly innocent game of hide-and-seek with them. This reveals a twisted ritual where the family hunts her down and tries to kill her. In her ripped and blood-soaked wedding dress, sporting a gun and ammo, Grace is totally awesome. As the family’s mansion burns down behind her, she iconically smokes a cigarette, exhausted. 

Tess Marshal, ‘Barbarian’

A lot goes down in the surprising and shocking Barbarian , but the action starts with Tess. Tess books an Airbnb, only to discover that a man named Keith has booked it. Against her better judgment, she decides to stay the night. However, Tess isn’t as silly as she seems. She is on high alert, making sure to lock doors behind her and being aware of her surroundings — and Keith. While she tries to find out what she can about him, there is much worse horror for her waiting in the house.

Dana, ‘The Cabin in the Woods’

The Cabin in the Woods is an unexpected ride with a detour that viewers won’t see coming. It has a fairly basic storyline: a group of friends stay at an isolated cabin in the woods, where strange things start to occur. If you’ve seen the film, however, you’ll know it’s much more than that. Dana isn’t your typical pure final girl, as she’s just had a fling with her college professor. When she makes it to the end, she is accompanied by Marty, who is a "final guy" of sorts.

Maddie, ‘Hush’

Hush puts another unique spin on the final girl and classic slasher flick. Maddie is a writer who has retreated to the woods to work and is also deaf and mute. When a masked killer appears at her window, she must fight to stay alive. Due to her condition, especially not being able to hear anything, Maddie seems like an easy target. However, she uses her intelligence and resources to fight back, not letting her deafness get in the way or weaken her.

Beth, ‘Evil Dead Rise’

The Evil Dead franchise gets an upgrade with Evil Dead Rise , which follows a separate story from Bruce Campbell’s Ash Williams. When two estranged sisters are reunited, flesh-possessing demons take over and turn their family into a nightmare. Beth must protect her nieces and nephew from her possessed sister and must come to terms with the fact that it is no longer her sister who stands in front of her. By the end, she is drenched in blood and wields a chainsaw.

Jamie Hughes, ‘Totally Killer’

Totally Killer features an entertaining blend of the slasher flick and time travel. When the infamous "Sweet Sixteen Killer" returns after thirty-five years and murders her mother, Jamie travels back in time to the ‘80s in an effort to stop the killer before he even gets started. Played by Kiernan Shipka, Jamie is smart, resourceful, witty, and likable, which is rare to find in horror movies. With her stylish and retro fringe leather jacket, she kicks butt and takes names while looking fabulous.

Margot, ‘The Menu’

Anya Taylor-Joy is one of Hollywood’s leading new scream queens, with her best turn so far being in the comedic horror The Menu . In the film, a group of wealthy diners go to an exclusive restaurant on a remote island. However, the head chef has some shocking surprises in store. Margot is there with Tyler, but she’s an escort and wasn’t selected like the other rich patrons. Because of this, Margot finds a way out of "hell’s kitchen" and enjoys a sumptuous cheeseburger at the film's end.

Adelaide Wilson, ‘Us’

Thanks to films like Get Out , Jordan Peele is known as a modern horror auteur . In Us , he provides audiences with one of the most unique and challenging takes on the final girl trope. In the film, a family on vacation is attacked by their doppelgängers. Adelaide is a fierce mother, willing to do anything to protect her children from these intruders. However, a plot twist in the film reveals that Adelaide isn’t initially who we thought she was and makes us question who the real monster is.

Noa, ‘Fresh’

Fresh takes the concept of modern dating and puts a horrific spin on it. Noa is sick of dating apps and meets Steve in a grocery store. The pair spend a romantic weekend together, only for her to find out he’s a cannibal and intends to eat her. Noa’s predicament is the stuff nightmares are made of, as she is trapped and mutilated by Steve. However, Noa manages to psychologically manipulate him so he will trust her, gaining insight into her captor’s mind and using it against him.

Madison Mitchell, ‘Malignant’

James Wan’s Malignant is one of the wackiest and weirdest horror movies. When Madison starts having visions of strangers being murdered in real time, she sets out to find the killer, Gabriel. When she realizes she and Gabriel are connected, and he has control over her actions, things become much more difficult. Despite the evil inside her, Madison is able to overcome Gabriel's grip, eventually discovering his weaknesses and locking him away in her mind.

Deena Johnson, ‘Fear Street’

Netflix released the Fear Street trilogy in 2021, with three films set in different periods. They all revolve around a curse that has been placed on a small town called Shadyside, and the action kicks off with Fear Street Part One: 1984 . Deena and her friends try to uncover the truth about the curse tormenting them. Deena is a woman of color and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, making her a groundbreaking final girl, as these characters are often misrepresented in horror.

Cecilia Kass, ‘The Invisible Man’

The Invisible Man uses horror to explore elements of domestic violence and trauma. In the film, Cecilia’s abusive ex-boyfriend fakes his death and creates a device to turn invisible, which he uses to stalk and torment her. At the beginning of the film, Cecilia is afraid and seemingly helpless. As the film progresses, she reclaims her power and stands up against her tormentor. By the film's end, she has total control and uses her wits to bring about his downfall.

Dani, ‘Midsommar’

Ari Aster’s twisted and unnerving Midsommar does something unprecedented with its final girl. When Dani and her boyfriend visit Sweden for the mid-summer festival, they soon realize they are at the violent and ritualistic hands of a pagan cult. Dani is emotionally distant from her boyfriend while grieving and disturbingly finds solace and acceptance in the cult. She can break away from her toxic relationship, even if she totally loses her mind and humanity.

Evelyn Abbott, ‘A Quiet Place’

Real-life couple John Krasinski and Emily Blunt star in A Quiet Place , where silence is everything. A family tries to survive in a world inhabited by sound-sensitive creatures who are out to kill anything in their path. Blunt plays Evelyn, who must use sign language to communicate with her family. After her husband sacrifices himself, Evelyn avenges him and fiercely protects her children from the creatures, becoming the sequel’s main protagonist. 

Rocky, ‘Don’t Breathe’

Don’t Breathe sees a group of criminals break into the house of a seemingly harmless blind old man. However, they soon discover he is not as defenseless as he seems and becomes his victims. While most criminals are unlikable, Rocky is easier to root for, as she desperately needs the money and has a daughter to provide for. Even though she essentially starts as "the villain," it becomes clear she is far from one when she finds herself face-to-face with true evil.

Alyssa De Leo is a freelance writer based in Melbourne, Australia. She has studied both media and screenwriting, and has had her work screened at the Melbourne International Film Festival. She loves writing about film and television just as much as she loves creating her own projects and stories.

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The 10 Best PG-13 Horror Movies of All Time, Ranked


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There are plenty of horror films that are released yearly. Some rehash the same old concept, which can range from paranormal activity movies to found footage films. Sometimes, these horror films do exceptionally well, creating for a perfect horror film that viewers will rewatch to this day . Some others, however, are not-so-perfect, disappointing horror fans more often than not. However, what makes a great horror film? Jumpscares, atmospheric horror, and terrifying designs—all of these contribute to a great horror film.

One misconception though, when it comes to horror films, is that they must be Rated-R and graphic in order to be a true horror film. Sure, there are plenty of rated-R horror films— Evil Dead , Carrie , Halloween —that are the perfect viewing. However, there are a lot of PG-13 films that are truly great horror fare. This is the definitive ranking of the best PG-13 horror movies ever made.

10 'Cloverfield' (2008)

Directed by matt reeves.

Headless Statue of Liberty in Cloverfield

A group of friends celebrate Robert Hawkins ( Michael Stahl-David ), known as Rob, as he gets a new job and is seemingly going away. The friends throw a party for him, and he has a confrontation with Beth, a woman who he never called back. An earthquake then occurs, and the residents of New York are in for a surprise as a monster overcomes the city. The footage is the friends' last attempts at survival while death and destruction are afoot.

Cloverfield is a thrilling movie, following in line with the "found footage" horrors that Paranormal Activity and Blair Witch Project are known for. However, unlike the two, which focus on the paranormal—something that is potentially not there— Cloverfield focuses on something that is happening , and that is a monster is currently attacking New York City and this found footage is the last remnants of a group of friends who never saw it coming. Cloverfield is the perfect encapsulation of a horror movie done well without the need for gore , and it is something everyone can enjoy for the fear it instills in its viewers.

Cloverfield Poster


A group of friends venture deep into the streets of New York on a rescue mission during a rampaging monster attack.

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9 '1408' (2007)

Directed by mikael håfström.

Supernatural author Mike Enslin ( John Cusack ) does not believe in the things he writes about. However, one day while promoting his latest release, he receives a postcard from The Dolphin Hotel, with a message that tells him not to enter room 1408. He takes it as a challenge and decides to stay the night there, though along the way he is strongly discouraged due to the fact that it is dangerous and even deadly. Mike insists on staying, and as he spends the night in 1408, crazy things begin to happen.

The film 1408 does a superb job of making the viewer feel tense and frightened, a result of the claustrophobic feeling the film provides through its single setting: a haunted room. It is actually the perfect film that would make someone feel like they're going crazy along with Mike, and those who enjoy Stephen King's stories ( The Shining , It , In the Tall Grass ) will undoubtedly enjoy this underrated psychological horror film .

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8 'Insidious' (2010)

Directed by james wan.

'Insidious' Franchise (1)

Josh ( Patrick Wilson ) and Renai Lambert ( Rose Byrne ) and their kids, Dalton ( Rose Byrne ), Foster ( Andrew Astor ), and Kali, have moved into a new home. However, upon exploration, Dalton encounters a supernatural creature and falls out of the attic. The next day, he winds up in an unexplained coma, and the coma lasts for months. Three months later, the family takes him home, but paranormal events begin to transpire, and they continue to happen even when the Lamberts move to a different house. Then they call on the help of paranormal investigators and psychic Elise Rainier who explain that Dalton is astral projecting, and they only have so much time to save him.

Insidious has been so successful it produced three other sequels . Without the need for gore or adult material, it explores the horrors of astral projection , a phenomenon that has grown popular over the past two decades. It reminds viewers that even outside of the real plane, there are horrors and dangers that exists and not many people know of. Insidious leaves the viewers thinking about the potential horrors that they cannot see and serves as nightmare fuel.

Insidious Film Poster

A family looks to prevent evil spirits from trapping their comatose child in a realm called The Further.

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7 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' (2005)

Directed by scott derrickson.

Jennfier Carpenter as Emily Rose, kneeling in a barn and screaming with her hands outstretched in The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Father Richard Moore ( Tom Wilkinson ) is prosecuted for the death of a young college girl named Emily Rose ( Jennifer Carpenter ). Emily dropped out of college due to delusions, muscle spasms, and other things affecting her studies. Upon returning home, her condition does not improve, and Moore attempts an exorcism on her, though it fails and ultimately takes her life in the process. This film explores the case.

The Exorcism of Emily Rose is an interesting horror film with a unique premise that was actually based on a true story . Most horror films take place before and during said exorcism, but this film examines an already-completed exorcism via a court case. Though unique, it's a scary film that examines the real-life consequences of an exorcism that ultimately fails .

Exorcism of Emily Rose Poster

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

A lawyer takes on a negligent homicide case involving a priest who performed an exorcism on a young girl.

6 'The Others' (2001)

Directed by alejandro amenábar.

The Others (2001)

Mother Grace Stewart ( Nicole Kidman ) lives in a remote country during World War II to protect her children from the sun, which causes harm to them because of a photosensitivity disease. While she awaits word on her missing husband, she and her children begin to experience paranormal events.

The Others is an excellent horror film, providing good atmospheric horror that will haunt viewers days after watching it. Nicole Kidman does exceptionally well in her performance as Grace , the same year she received her first Oscar nod (for Moulin Rouge! ) Not to mention, The Others has a surprising twist that viewers won't suspect.

Nicole Kidman in the poster for The Others

In 1945, immediately following the end of Second World War, a woman who lives with her two photosensitive children on her darkened old family estate in the Channel Islands becomes convinced that the home is haunted.

5 'The Ring' (2002)

Directed by gore verbinski.

Naomi Watts as Rachel Keller staring at a TV screen with a ring on it in The Ring (2002)

Katie ( Amber Tamblyn ) and Becca ( Rachael Bella ), two young teenage girls, speak about the myth of a videotape that kills the viewer seven days after they watch it. That same night, Katie ends up passing away, and Rachel ( Naomi Watts ), her aunt and a journalist, decides to investigate the cursed tapes at the funeral. Her husband Noah ( Martin Henderson ) helps her to uncover the truth behind the mysterious tape.

The Ring is a remake of Ring directed by Hideo Nakata . There is plenty to be terrified of when it comes to The Ring , which can be due to the coloring of the film, the sound design, and the creepy atmosphere . Without the need for graphic deaths or gore, The Ring successfully creates a horror film appropriate for nearly all ages . Not only is it age-appropriate for most, but it is also capable of terrifying every viewer.

The Ring movie poster (2002)

A journalist must investigate a mysterious videotape that seems to cause the death of anyone one week to the day after they view it.

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4 'A Quiet Place' (2018)

Directed by john krasinski.

Marcus (Noah Jupe), Regan (Millicent Simmonds) and Lee (John Krasinski) on the lookout for the aliens in 'A Quiet Place'

In a dystopian timeline, sightless aliens have invaded the world, and to survive, a family of four—soon to be five—must take heavy precautions to avoid being heard and hunted. However, while preparing for Evelyn's ( Emily Blunt ) delivery, the family is separated and must regroup as they traverse the same grounds as the aliens hunting them.

A Quiet Place is a surprisingly good film for one that puts an emphasis on silence . Though there is limited speaking and most of it is quiet, a lot of the film relies purely on the performances of the cast , and the performances of the cast are what makes the film so great. Terrifying in its own right, A Quiet Place is a film for everyone and a unique experience that must be had.

A Quiet Place Poster

A Quiet Place

A family struggles for survival in a world where most humans have been killed by blind but noise-sensitive creatures. They are forced to communicate in sign language to keep the creatures at bay.

3 'Drag Me to Hell' (2009)

Directed by sam raimi.

Christine Brown in the rain

Bank loan officer Christine Brown ( Alison Lohman ) fights for a promotion at her job. To try and secure the promotion, Christine practices making tough choices by denying Sylvia Ganush ( Lorna Raver ) an additional extension on her mortgage. In the process, Sylvia is humiliated publicly by Christine—though not intentionally—and she curses Christine. This leads to paranormal events and a haunting out of her control, and Christine is searching for ways to break the curse before she is dragged to hell.

Drag Me to Hell is not your typical horror film. It has some jumpscares, but the horrifying part about this film is the fact that the main character is to be tormented before being pulled to hell . Christine is so vulnerable and weak to these supernatural forces ; it is something out of her control, and the anticipation of what is to come will spook viewers and keep them on the edge of their seats throughout the film, and it being PG-13 does not make it any less scary .

Drag Me to Hell Poster

Drag Me To Hell

A loan officer who evicts an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse. Desperate, she turns to a seer to try and save her soul, while evil forces work to push her to a breaking point.

2 'The Birds' (1963)

Directed by alfred hitchcock.

The Birds - 1963

In San Francisco, Melanie Daniels ( Tippi Hedren ) meets lawyer Mitch Brenner ( Rod Taylor ) in a pet store, and after he leaves without purchasing birds for his sister's birthday party, she purchases two lovebirds and follows him home. She attempts to discreetly leave the lovebirds on his family farm, but he catches her as she is leaving. A gull bird proceeds to attack her, and after treating her wounds, he invites her to his sister, Cathy's, birthday party. However, the next day, birds begin attacking children, and other occurrences of bird attacks begin happening, though no one knows why. Through incredible difficulty, the people in town must survive these attacks.

The Birds is an interesting horror story (based on Daphne du Maurier 's novella). Though it may sound corny, the concept of the film is terrifying , and the switch in atmosphere from lighthearted romantic comedy to horror is executed successfully. Alfred Hitchcock is a master at evoking anxiety in his viewers , and The Birds just does that. The PG-13 rating here is a re-rating (the rating didn't exist until two decades after the film's release), but it is the iconic horror film's current classification.


1 'The Sixth Sense' (1999)

Directed by m. night shyamalan.

A child psychiatrist stands with a young boy looking down at something which scares the child.

Malcolm Crowe ( Bruce Willis ) is a child psychologist who is seeing Cole Sear ( Haley Joel Osment ), a young boy who can see ghosts. Months earlier, he was shot by a former patient who he failed prior, and Malcolm wants to help Cole so he can rectify his mistakes. Only Malcolm is aware of this condition, and at first, he doesn't believe Cole, but after some further examination, Malcolm realizes that Cole is a lot more similar to his previous patient than he thought.

The Sixth Sense is a phenomenal film that was nominated for several Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor. It is simply one of the best horror films from the 90s, and though M. Night Shyamalan is often criticized for being a "hit-or-miss" director when it comes to films, The Sixth Sense will likely forever be his best film . The film blends emotional performances with horror, creating for a horror film that viewers will not forget.


The Sixth Sense

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, The Sixth Sense is a psychological thriller about a young boy who can see and communicate with ghosts. Bruce Willis as Dr. Malcolm Crowe, a child psychologist who tries to help Cole, played by Haley Joel Osment, while grappling with his own personal demons. The movie features a twist ending that has become iconic in pop culture.

KEEP READING: M. Night Shyamalan Is His Own Worst Enemy

  • A Quiet Place (2018)

horror movie review girl house (2014)

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Alien: Romulus

Aileen Wu in Alien: Romulus (2024)

While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonists come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe. While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonists come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe. While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonists come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe.

  • Fede Alvarez
  • Rodo Sayagues
  • Dan O'Bannon
  • Cailee Spaeny
  • David Jonsson
  • Archie Renaux
  • 730 User reviews
  • 197 Critic reviews
  • 64 Metascore
  • 1 nomination

Official Trailer - Hulu

Top cast 15

Cailee Spaeny

  • 10-Year Old Punk #1
  • 10-Year Old Punk #2
  • 10-Year Old Punk #3

Robert Bobroczkyi

  • Voice of MU

Ian Holm

  • Rook (facial and vocal reference)

Daniel Betts

  • Rook (facial and vocal performance)
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Alien: Covenant

Did you know

  • Trivia Director Fede Alvarez sought out the special effects crew from Aliens (1986) to work on the creatures. Physical sets, practical creatures, and miniatures were used wherever possible to help ground later VFX work.
  • Goofs When the characters first enter the space station, the artificial gravity briefly turns on and then off again. Shortly thereafter, they enter a room where several objects are hovering in mid-air. If the objects had momentum immediately after the gravity switched off they should be moving on a trajectory, and if not they should still be against the floor. Either way, they should not be unmoving several feet off the floor.

Andy : The solution for a claustrophobic astronaut is to give him more space.

  • Crazy credits The 20th Century Studios fanfare freezes and turns ominous, as in Alien³ (1992) , leading into the film's opening scene. The logo itself suffers a burst of static and turns green.
  • Connections Featured in Nerdrotic: The Acolyte: Force is Female CONFIRMED? The Death of Theaters - The Real BBC @MauLer @HeelvsBabyface (2024)
  • Soundtracks Theme from Alien Written by Jerry Goldsmith

User reviews 730

  • Aug 13, 2024

Women in Science Fiction

Production art

  • When was Alien: Romulus released? Powered by Alexa
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  • August 16, 2024 (United States)
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • New Zealand
  • Official Website
  • Quái Vật Không Gian: Romulus
  • Origo Studios, Budapest, Hungary
  • 20th Century Studios
  • Scott Free Productions
  • Brandywine Productions
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • $80,000,000 (estimated)
  • $42,003,361
  • Aug 18, 2024
  • $110,090,972

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 59 minutes
  • Dolby Atmos
  • IMAX 6-Track

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Aileen Wu in Alien: Romulus (2024)

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horror movie review girl house (2014)


  1. GIRL HOUSE (2014) Horror Slasher Review

    horror movie review girl house (2014)

  2. Horror Movie Review: Girl House (2014)

    horror movie review girl house (2014)

  3. Girl House Trailer

    horror movie review girl house (2014)

  4. Girl House (2014) movie review horror slasher Girlhouse

    horror movie review girl house (2014)

  5. Girl House (2014) [REVIEW]

    horror movie review girl house (2014)

  6. Girl House (2014)

    horror movie review girl house (2014)


  1. Girl House

    Girl House is a 2014 Canadian horror slasher film directed by Trevor Matthews and ... reports that 73% of 11 surveyed critics gave the film a positive review; the average rating ... rated it 3.5/5 stars and wrote, "For a directorial debut, Trevor Matthews does a fantastic job. The movie is slick looking, nicely paced, and keeps the audience's ...

  2. Horror Movie Review: Girl House (2014)

    Horror Movie Review: Girl House (2014) 01/04/2017 Carl Fisher 4 min read. Girl House opens back in 1988 where we see two young girls teasing an overweight boy. They call him 'Loverboy' before getting him to drop his pants in the hope of getting a kiss. They end up laughing at him which leaves him humiliated.

  3. Film Review: Girl House (2014)

    Dan Kappa 02/28/2015 Uncategorized. SYNOPSIS: A beautiful young college student needing money for tuition moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. One of the "devoted" fans turns psycho after he hears the girls' true thoughts and feelings about him and invades the house with deadly results. REVIEW: Director: Trevor ...

  4. Girl House (2014)

    Girl House: Directed by Jon Knautz, Trevor Matthews. With Ali Cobrin, Adam DiMarco, George Carroll, Alyson Bath. A beautiful young college student moves into a house that streams video to an X-rated website. After a deranged fan hacks the site and finds out where she lives, she spends the night fighting for her life.

  5. Spotlight: "Girl House" (2014)

    It's that good. Released in 2014 with little fanfare, "Girl House" was directed by Jack Brooks himself, Trevor Matthews and stars Ali Cobrin as Kylie and rapper Slaine as the killer "LoverBoy". The film begins by ticking off the most important box of the slasher movie formula. Something bad happening in the past that gives the killer ...

  6. Girl House

    Rated: 3.5/5 Apr 23, 2019 Full Review Anton Bitel TheHorrorShow Girl House finds the pleasure of horror in these women's painful encounter with their masked on-looker - and for the ultimate self ...

  7. Girl House (2014)

    A HALLOWEEN-style slasher for the digital age. It follows a beautiful young college student who, needing money for tuition, moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. After a deranged fan hacks in to determine the house's location, she finds herself in a terrifying fight for her life.

  8. Girl House (Movie Review)

    Girl House is a provocative look at exploitation in the modern age and how it effects the typical slasher killer. With great pacing, intelligent plot decisions, and bloody good fun, this film takes the past and creates an instant classic for the modern viewer. Kylie (Ali Cobrin) is trying to manage the recent death of her father and pay for school.

  9. Film Review: GirlHouse (2014)

    GirlHouse is a by-the-book slasher flick with a modern spin but, thankfully, completely devoid of the post-modern irony that has plagued the subgenre since Wes Craven's Scream. It comes in, does its job in delivering the unpleasantries, and even chucks the soggy tissues in the bin for you on the way out. Can't complain too much about that.

  10. GirlHouse (2014)

    Don't let the trashy neon UK cover art fool you, Girlhouse may be going straight to DVD in this country but it's one of the best horror movies I've seen so far this year. After the sudden death of her father, student Kylie Atkins desperately needs cash to finish her studies and support her mother.

  11. Review: GIRL HOUSE

    Cobrin makes for a likable, sympathetic heroine, who helps pilot Girl House through the unpleasant waters it sometimes travels. There was an opportunity here to make a more knowing film about how the modern computer age has commodified voyeurism and tie it in with a murderer-amok scenario, and there are flashes of wit (like an offhand revelation about GirlHouse overseer Gary, played by James ...

  12. Horror Review: Girl House (2014)

    Horror Review: Girl House (2014) 29th Jul 2016 23rd Nov 2020 / MacabreRaz. A beautiful young college student who, needing money for tuition, moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. ... "Girl House" deserves a lot more credit, give it a try and you might be pleasantly surprised.

  13. If you like sleazy slashers, check out Girl House (2014) : r/horror

    The killer in Girl House was very solid. They did a really cool job with the killer and his motivations and back story, and he can also haul ass for a big guy. I also felt like his mask was simple but creepy. I only had two complaints with this movie, first is that there was a clear moment where they could have finished off the killer easily ...

  14. Girlhouse was a surprisingly good film : r/horror

    After seeing another dreadit post about Amazon being a hidden gem for good horror movies I landed on the 2014 slasher Girlhouse. I typically prefer paranormal/haunted house flicks but I was really surprised by the quality of this slasher. For a movie that is centered around a house of coed cam girls I was expecting cheesy Scary Movie style ...

  15. Girlhouse (2014)

    Review:. Even the healthiest of diets allows a cheat meal to indulge in empty calories or a fast food fix every now and then. Following a similar line of thought, genre moviedom is a diverse enough world that even formulaic fright films can satisfy as a side serving when balanced sensibly with heartier horror entrees offering more substantial nutrition.

  16. Girl House (2014)

    A young college student desperate for tuition money moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. After a deranged fan determines the house's location, she finds herself in a terrifying fight for her life. — Anonymous. In desperate need of cash to pay for tuition, Kylie Atkins, a young and beautiful college student, summons ...

  17. GirlHouse (2014)

    DMCA Policy. Build 8f96b85 (7749) In an attempt to make some extra cash while away at College, Kylie moves into a house that streams content to an X-rated website. After a deranged fan hacks in to determine the house's location, she finds herself in a terrifying fight for her life.

  18. Girl House (2014) /R/HORROR Official Discussion : r/horror

    Most of them get nude. The boss is getting rich off it, and the site has countless paid visitors, but when a misfit, psychotic computer programmer hacks into the secret location of the house, he shows up and goes slasher on the place! The girl who plays Selina Kyle on Gotham has a small part as a girl who torments our future killer as a child.

  19. Girl House Official Trailer 1 (2015)

    Subscribe to TRAILERS: to COMING SOON: to INDIE & FILM FESTIVALS: us on...

  20. Girl House (2014)

    The latest and exclusive Girl House (2014) coverage from MovieWeb. MovieWeb. Menu. Close ... Horror. Thriller. Release Date October 16, 2014 ... Movie News. Alice Hunter makes herself presentable ...

  21. Girl House(2015) Movie Review

    Filed Under bloody, critic, entertainment, gore, horror, movie, mystery, R-rating, review, scary, suspense, thriller, violent Girl House (2015) although being released in 2014 in Canada at the Ottawa International Film Festival but it is released majorly in other countries by 2015 and that makes it 2015 in my book.

  22. Girl House [2014] [Slasher/Home Invasion] : r/HorrorReviewed

    Horror Reviewed by Horror Fans Our subreddit is dedicated to text-based reviews of anything and everything horror related. All reviews are submitted by other horror fans just like you (aka our subscribers!). ... [2014] [Slasher/Home Invasion] Movie Review ... The biggest issue with the pacing comes when he makes his way to the house, all of ...

  23. Girl House (2014)

    Ali Cobrin as Kylie Atkins Adam DiMarco as Ben Stanley Slaine as Loverboy James Thomas as Gary Preston Alyson Bath as Devon Elysia Rotaru as Heather Alice Hunter as Kat Chasty Ballesteros as Janet Nicole Arianna Fox as Mia Zuleyka Silver as Anna Wesley MacInnes as Alex Erin Agostino as Liz Owens Camren Bicondova as Girl #1 Isaac Faulkner as Young Loverboy Peter J. Gray as Bret Baylee Wall as ...

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    Sidney Prescott from Scream is one of the most famous final girls of all time, having survived Ghostface on multiple occasions. 2022's Scream sees a new generation of characters hunted down by ...

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    Josh (Patrick Wilson) and Renai Lambert (Rose Byrne) and their kids, Dalton (Rose Byrne), Foster (Andrew Astor), and Kali, have moved into a new home.However, upon exploration, Dalton encounters a ...

  26. Alien: Romulus (2024)

    Alien: Romulus: Directed by Fede Alvarez. With Cailee Spaeny, David Jonsson, Archie Renaux, Isabela Merced. While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonists come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe.