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Pollution: IELTS Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

Pollution: IELTS Topic Ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

July 20, 2023 By Ben W

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In this tutorial, we discuss Pollution IELTS Topic Ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers.

Table of Contents

Introduction, grammar point covered, pros and cons regarding pollution, topic specific vocabulary collocations and phrases.

  • Model Sentences Using Pollution Phrases and Grammar Point

Model Essay About Pollution

Speaking part 3 questions and model answers, further reading.

Pollution, a pressing issue affecting our planet, requires immediate and extensive action. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of pollution, its impacts on society, a critical grammar point and related vocabulary, as well as model answers for IELTS writing and speaking tasks.

The focus of our grammar is on writing sentences that imply a position on a topic rather than explicitly outline the position. This indirect method allows for nuanced expression and can demonstrate a higher level of language ability. Here are some example sentences about pollution:

  • Given the alarming rate of climate change, one might surmise that stricter pollution controls are needed.
  • The increasing incidence of asthma suggests a link to pollution.
  • The declining bird population could be seen as an indictment of our pollution practices.
  • From the smog hovering over cities, it would not be unreasonable to deduce a pressing need for cleaner technologies.
  • Considering the rise in oceanic dead zones, perhaps we ought to examine the role of pollution in aquatic ecosystems.

Please note that no argument can genuinely be in favour of pollution. However, some arguments might downplay the urgency of addressing pollution, highlighting potential challenges or costs of intervention.

  • Pollution often correlates with industrial growth and development.
  • Overcoming pollution requires a significant investment in research and development.
  • Allowing pollution via loser regulations may encourage economic growth.
  • Pollution contributes significantly to global warming.
  • Various forms of pollution lead to health problems, such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Pollution negatively impacts biodiversity.
  • Pollution can harm local economies that depend on clean environments, such as tourism and fishing.
  • Pollution affects the aesthetic appeal and quality of life in residential areas.
  • Air Quality Index
  • Carbon footprint
  • Eco-friendly practices
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Non-renewable resources
  • Ozone layer depletion
  • Renewable energy
  • Wastemanagement
  • Water contamination
  • Wildlife conservation

Model Sentences Using the Pollution Phrases and Grammar Point

  • Considering the rapid ozone layer depletion , one might argue that more emphasis should be placed on eco-friendly practices .
  • Air Quality Index readings in many cities suggest an urgent need for better waste management practices.
  • The rise in greenhouse gas emissions could potentially be curbed by a global shift towards renewable energy .
  • The increasing use of non-renewable resources hints at a need for greater innovation in sustainable technologies.
  • The state of our rivers and oceans, marred by water contamination , might prompt a call for improved regulation of industrial waste.

One of the most alarming threats humanity faces today is the overwhelming degree of pollution . This essay will discuss the detrimental impacts of pollution on our planet and suggest possible solutions to this pressing issue.

Body Paragraph 1

Pollution , manifesting in several forms such as air, water, and soil pollution, has detrimental impacts on both human health and the broader ecosystem. The Air Quality Index of many urban areas, for example, implies the severe health risks posed by polluted air. Besides human health, wildlife is also adversely affected, with water contamination leading to a reduction in aquatic biodiversity.

Body Paragraph 2

In light of these issues, it becomes evident that robust measures are needed to curb pollution. Transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing stricter waste management policies, and promoting eco-friendly practices can substantially reduce the harmful impacts of pollution. Though these changes might require considerable effort and investment, the potential benefits to our environment and future generations are undeniable.

In conclusion, pollution is a severe issue that requires immediate and comprehensive action. As stewards of the earth, it is our responsibility to adopt sustainable practices to ensure the well-being of our planet.

Why do you think pollution has become such a significant problem in the modern world?

Well, to be honest, I think it’s largely down to industrialisation and the consumer-driven society we live in. We’re using non-renewable resources at an alarming rate, which contributes significantly to pollution. It’s like we’re on a runaway train* , and we need to find a way to apply the brakes.

* runaway train : A situation that’s out of control and will probably lead to trouble.

Should governments be held responsible for addressing pollution?

I believe so, yes. Governments have the power and resources to enforce regulations on industries contributing to pollution . For instance, they could incentivise eco-friendly practices and invest in renewable energy .

What are some measures individuals can

take to reduce pollution?

I’m not an expert on this, but I guess reducing, reusing, and recycling waste is a good place to start. Also, switching to renewable energy sources and reducing our carbon footprint can make a significant difference. As the saying goes, “every little helps.”

How has the situation regarding pollution changed from the past, and what do you foresee for the future?

In the past, the effects of pollution were not as widespread as they are today. As far as I know, if we continue down this path, the future seems quite bleak. But I’m optimistic that if we act now and embrace sustainable practices, we can improve the air quality index and ensure a healthier planet for future generations.

Is pollution a significant issue in your country?

Yes, unfortunately, pollution is a considerable problem in my country. Water contamination is particularly concerning due to improper waste management practices. However, there have been initiatives promoting wildlife conservation and environmental cleanliness, which is a positive step forward.

  • BBC News: What is pollution?
  • National Geographic: Pollution
  • Wikipedia: Pollution
  • US Environmental Protection Agency: Pollution
  • World Health Organisation: Air Pollution

Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything, even pollution!

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IELTS Charlie

Your Guide to IELTS Band 7

IELTS Model Essay: Plastic

This IELTS Writing Task 2 sample essay is a problems-solutions essay on the topic of plastic pollution from  Cambridge IELTS 16 . This lesson in includes my essay plan, my example essay, a vocabulary list and a fill-in-the-blanks activity. So let’s get started!

Here is the task:

Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for the environment. What damage does plastic do to the environment? What can be done by governments and individuals to solve this problem?

Cambridge General Training 16 (Test 1)

This is a topic that has been on the news a lot over the last few years, especially since Sir David Attenborough’s BBC documentary, BBC Planet II .

If you’re struggling to generate ideas for this essay topic, read Greenpeace’s page about plastic pollution .

What Damage? (Problem)

Plastic in water supply

  • When plastic degrades, tiny particles get washed into water supply. These are toxic, so can cause disease, e.g. cancer

Animals try to eat plastic

  • Animals mistake them for food. Causes problems
  • Some animals may choke on plastic bags and die

Make plastic packaging more expensive.

  • Extra cost of plastic will encourage people to re-use plastic or avoid it altogether
  • Supermarkets can charge for using plastic bags, so people will bring own bags.

Improve water supply

  • Many people buy drinking water in plastic bottles because local water supply is poor (bacteria, heavy metals, e.g. Thailand, Turkey)

Here is my visual plan for this essay. Click on the image to view it full-size.

Plastics Essay Plan

Get Your Own IELTS Essay Planning Templates

Plastic use has increased dramatically over the last 50 years, replacing more traditional packaging such as glass bottles, tins and paper bags. Unfortunately, this has also resulted in a huge amount of plastic being discarded, and this has caused a number of environmental problems.

One of the main problems – one that has only recently been discovered – is that when plastic degrades, it releases tiny particles which eventually get washed into the water supply. These particles can be toxic if ingested in large enough quantities, and may even be carcinogenic. Another problem is that animals may mistake plastic items for food. For example, seagulls often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, and try to eat them, causing them to choke and die. Many larger aquatic animals have been found washed up on beaches with their digestive systems full of plastic material.

So what can be done about this? One of the obvious solutions is to make plastic packaging more expensive in order to encourage people to re-use plastic or avoid it altogether. Supermarkets in many countries have started to charge consumers for plastic bags and this has proved to be successful, with many people bringing their own reusable shopping bags. Another solution might be to improve local water supply. In many developing countries, tap water cannot be drunk because it contains bacteria or heavy metals, so people instead buy bottled water. However, this creates a colossal amount of plastic waste since these bottles are single-use. Helping countries like Thailand or Turkey modernise their domestic water supply infrastructure would therefore lead to a large reduction in the use of plastic bottles.

To summarise, plastic packaging has harmful effects both on drinking water and for animals, but making it more expensive and improving access to drinkable water in the developing world can go a long way to reducing these problems.

(308 words)

Plastic Pollution in the Ocean

Here is some of the language in my essay that would ensure a high band score. Note that most of this language are phrases and collocations , not single words. Examiners are looking at your ability to use “lexical items” (i.e. groups of words) at Band 7 and above.

  • glass bottles, tins and paper bags
  • a huge amount of plastic being discarded
  • a number of environmental problems
  • has only recently been discovered
  • plastic degrades
  • releases tiny particles
  • washed into the water supply
  • carcinogenic
  • mistake…for
  • aquatic animals
  • washed up on beaches
  • re-use plastic
  • reusable shopping bags
  • local water supply
  • heavy metals
  • colossal amount of
  • domestic water supply infrastructure

Can you re-create my essay? Without looking at the essay again, fill in the missing spaces with the correct words from my essay above. Good luck! (The activity works best on a desktop, laptop or tablet computer).

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

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About the author

Charlie is a former IELTS Examiner with 25 years' teaching experience all over the world. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 100,000 students in over 160 countries around the world.

3 thoughts on “IELTS Model Essay: Plastic”

You are a brilliant teacher 😊

Thank you, Jashan!

Thank you, very useful.

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Causes and Solutions to Air Pollution (IELTS Writing Task 2)

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OP rose427 1 / 1   Nov 17, 2019   #3 @Maria Greatly appreciate your feedbacks!

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essay on pollution for ielts International Pollution Issues

Many thanks.

I have revised my paper:

With rapid economic development and population growth, an increasing amount of global pollution that has international impacts has motivated people to pay more attention to environmental protection. People excessively exploit the natural resources due to the growing demand. Some people say that individuals have no contribution to cope with international pollution. In my opinion, nothing is further from the truth.

In the first place, everyone can help to reduce pollution even it is very small for the environment protection. However, penny and penny lays up will be many. Every individual should have the sense of environment protection, and start from little things. For example, turning lights off after you left the room can save plenty of energy. Leaving televisions, stereos and computers on standby with the little red light, even though they might look like it is turned off.

Secondly, environmental protection is the responsibility of not only government, but also citizens. A green environment is made possible by two important links- governments and citizens. Governments are taking major steps in environmental protection, such as introducing strict emission norms, penalties for industries which would exceed emission limits, and make strict automotive regulation. But all these efforts would be nothing if we don't cooperate with government. If one link is active while the other link is inactive then the whole system cannot run smoothly. Both have to work together for an efficient system.

It can be conclude that everyone should take responsibility for environment protection. Thus, I am firmly convinced that we are an important part of the link. If you understand this you can act as a cardinal link.
Feb 27, 2013

I would recommend to upload examples of the essay by experts before we uploaded our answers in order to look and follow the example
May 19, 2013

your writing is so good, I have learned many things from you
Jul 06, 2013

Dec 28, 2013

this is my first attempt in an essay. please check it out.

With rapid increase in technology invention, international pollution has become a biggest threat for our environment. Energy shortage and global warming being most severe and the need to take them into consideration has alarmed government around all the countries considerably. I believe that if each n every individual takes responsibility to help in their own to reduce these problems, it will help government to enforce their program.

Usage of energy has dramatically increased over few decades, resulting in depletion of energy sources like fossil fuels, oils, petrol. In turn when these energy sources are used, they emit various gaseous substances which pollute the air. This constant emission of dangerous gases leads to global warming. Global warming is further worsen by deforestation. Gases like aerosols from air fresher, air conditioner and cars should be replaced by new non-polluting substance. Even daily used technology like refridgerator uses aerosol and dry ice which can harmful to our environment.

People should be warned about its use and should be educated about their side-effects. Moreover, these should also be added in school education syllabus so that children’s can learn this crucial subject since their childhood. People working in private advertisement firm can advertise about these topic and bring up this issue in eyes of government. In addition, we can use solar energy machines as replacement for such technology.

Though we cannot ignore the fact that nation as whole has to get in action to prohibit further damage to environment. Furthermore, government should start inventing technology which does not endanger our environment. I truly believe, that as an individual, we should be cautious with use of our energy but on bigger aspect, nation as a whole has to bring about new legislation and technology.

Jan 16, 2014

In the modern era every state and individual wants to take an edge over the other as result natural resources are depleting, which intern has increased the level of international pollution like global warming and shortage of energy etc.

As for as the individual abilities to concern to tackle these problems it is true upto some extent that generally they are less capable to solve these burning issues, but still they can do a lot to save the environment by good practices. Furthermore, Individual can recycle many things like pet bottles, textiles, furniture, tins, paper etc. Similarly by planting a tree they can make their vicinity beautiful, net & clean. Besides they can do a lot to decreasing the pollution level by avoiding the use plastic bags, instead of polyethylene shapers they should prefer cloths bags for bringing food stuff from markets. Such small things will bring a great change in tackling down the problem.

Apart from individual, state is the main character that has sufficient machinery to control the pollution. State should come forward with clear mindset about minimizing pollution of air and effective use of resources for energy production. Because with the passage of each day the requirement, of energy for economic development is increasing. In order to cop the demand and save the environment, Government should make such laws and policies that can address the current level of problems as well as the future. State should provoke lucrative schemes for creating awareness in the people.

To conclude, Individual can be as good as the state for solving the pollution issue in his vicinity. No society can control this hindrance without the participation of individual.
Mar 04, 2015

energy shortage and global warming have always been an issue of debate. non-renewable resources of energy are being exploited day by day. global warming has become one of the biggest problems in the world, due to which the temperature of earth is increasing gradually.

there are some people, who believe that individuals can't cope with these pollution issue. individuals do not have appropriate resources and money to fight these bad changes. pollution, which is increasing at international level, can only be controlled by governments, by implying heavy taxation on industrial units which are misusing the natural resources.

on contrast to this, some believe that we can handle these issue at individual level also. id an individual reduce the use of AC and car, plants more trees, and save water then the we can at least reduce the pollution if not eliminate it thoroughly.

also, we can use bicycle to go near by places than to use public transport. we can save energy by switching off the light or fan when we leave the room. these are the small efforts which may help us to save our environment.

i strongly believe that we should play our part in reducing pollution by making small endeavors. and, let government take steps towards those industries which are pollution the environment and wasting energy.
Mar 15, 2015

Environment consists of both living and non living substances.Three types of pollution are common all over the world such as water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution that are continuously polluted the natural environment.Government, community, society and individuals are able to protect the environment from pollution because most of the pollution and environmental distortion have created by human being. In my view, individuals have a significant role to reduce pollution because society, community, government and organization are made up of individuals and their activities. if Government and organization take initiatives for conserving environment, individuals should help them for making a better world.

Firstly, Governments and organization are powerful than individual so that they have to show their sincere effort for removing all of factors which is related to environment pollution. For example, two oil contained ship crushed in near the area of world largest mangrove forest in Bangladesh in 2o12, as a result oil is pouring for the ship and formidably floating nearby sea area including Sundarban. For this accident, thousands of aquatic animal and plant species had died. But on that time government took initiative for removing this floating oil and they were succeed with a weeks. so that, other Mangrove organisms were saved from fatality. so, Government and organization are able to take instant action because of the manpower and logistic support.

Secondly, every person has a capacity onto his or her range. Moreover, if a person aware about his heath and ecosystem, he tries to always maintain it thought it is little or insufficient amount. Human being who creates machine, web and all of other scientific innovation. so I think a conscious person can change the environment condition in his territory through his humane and altruistic activities. For instance, one of my school teacher named Kadir, He was like scavenger in our school because in the tiffin period, he has collected all of the dirt, polythene and other wastage materials for our school campus and nearby roads. As a result that area was always neat and clean and his activities was exemplary paradigm for all the students and teachers. Like Mr. Kadir, if all the people do his responsibilities it would be very easy for make a sound environment.

In conclusion, the causing agents of pollution are man made and environmental pollution mostly caused by human being except natural calamity. It is indispensable that Individual has a great role to protect the earth from the obvious natural downfall like government and conservation related organizations.
Mar 15, 2015

Nowadays,nuclear technology became big power around world and it use for the purpose of a lot of different helpful goal.I strongly believe that, nuclear power include some advantages for people such as it avoid environmet pollution and provide better economy.I am going to explain two advantages about nuclear power.

Unfortunately, enviromental pollution is big problem today and it threaten the our life.Therefore, people need a new solution for this problem.Then people find a new solution is nuclear technology which is not bad effect for environment .Well, why nuclear technologhy is sollution for environment pollution, because nuclear technology has any harmfull effect on environment.Also,nuclear technology has not waste and so nuclear technology supply any garbage that mean it is exactly clean life.I read Turkish daily newspaper two days ago and according to newspaper, we can see big differences between past and now pollution on environment with a lot of countries use nuclear technology, because nuclear technology do not offer any bad effect like a other usage.

On the other hand, nuclear energy is cheaper technology in world and since use of nuclear technology,world economy is better than past, because nuclear power include saving.I watched Tv programs about nuclear power one year ago and it indicated nuclear power supply saving to 75% generate of electricity.This percentage qute big and very very big reason for use of nuclear technolgy.This reason provide big advantage for country economy and a lot of countries established new power plants whole their empty area.

To sum up, nuclear technology useful for people and it supply main two advantages avoid environment pollution and provide strongly economy.
May 06, 2015

As the technology advances and almost everything is or to be mechanized, the energy requirements of the world continue to increase. To cater to the growing demand, the world continues to plunder the earth's precious resources, using them to fuel their research and return to the mother nature dangerous by product chemicals and greenhouse gases.

Over the years many sustainable environment friendly means of energy production have been introduced. Instead of focusing on the diminishing fuels extracted from the earth such as oil, coal, the burning of which produces dangerous gases for the environment and for man's health, the newer greener technologies for energy production should be focused on.

Geothermal energy plants use the natural heat below the earth's crust to produce steam and to rotate turbines in order to produce electricity. Although the geographical topography should allow such a construction, more effort can be made in this area by all the nations, pinpointing such locations within their own land where it could be feasible.

Solar energy produces electricity from the sun's rays. This type of energy production again does not require combustion of fossil fuels. Thus saving the environment from the chemicals used for its extraction and released in its burning.

The wind can be used to generate electricity as well, the wind turbines can be installed in vast unpopulated areas where the wind travels unhindered. Similarly more techniques using the energy of the ocean have also been devised.
In the same way, green cars have been introduced which require electricity charging at home or use solar panels to run.

The international community should take this matter seriously, and should co operate by sharing their successful alternative technologies.

The world is largely oil dependent and its trade has seen much political and military strife. Much politics around the world revolves around this energy resource, where each country not possessing it naturally is fearful of not being able to acquire it from other countries. The need for each country to be independent in energy production is of great importance for world peace. The transition from this diminishing fuel to the more sustainable one can be gradual and difficult. However it is well within the international communities' hands to change the situation if they could forget their political strife for the sake of the environment and mother nature.
Jun 21, 2015

I have learned few things from you, thank you.
Jun 22, 2015

In this modern era, by the improvement in technology, pollution becomes a dangerous problem thereby environment gets damaged. It results in energy shortage as well as global warming which should be taken care by individuals and community as well. However, I expostulate with the perspective that protection of environment is the duty of nation and it emphasis that it is also the responsibility of each one also.

Indeed, it is initially be noted that energy is to be preserved by reducing the unnecessary energy consumption. Environmental resources like water, wind, sunlight are the sources of power. Precautions like turn off light, computer, iron box and so on are essential for conserving the energy.

Besides, none can negate the fact that planting new trees are essential to limit the problem like global warming. Deforestation rises the level carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and it leads to the depletion of ozone layer thereby global warming. Seed a plant by every individual in their yard is a necessary to keep the nature away from danger.

However, some believe that nation and society have wide capabilities to protect environment rather than individuals because rules and laws enhances the provisions. But I feel that individual is responsible along with the nation since they are duty bound to keep natural resources to their childre and upcoming generations also.

In short, it can rightly be reiterated that every individual has the duty to maintain environment safely. I am hopeful that if everyone takes appropriate steps to protect the environment, it will give a fruitful and peaceful life in future.
Jul 03, 2015

It would be a crucial idea to avoid short forms as they are regarded as informal writing criterias. Therefore, in order to go away from that common mistakes, students or learners should have a note to write down all the inappropriate phrases or structures as possible.
Best wishes!!!
Jul 29, 2015

Global warming and green house effect are the biggest issues faced globally. Everything is in the loop and affects the ecosystem in some or the other way. To eradicate it, a decision concerning every continent and climatic zones must be taken into account and followed accordingly.

According to me individual steps towards the goal won't create a difference but inculcating the need of it in horde mentality will lead conspicuous results. negative impacts are already showing their results, among them include rising level of water in oceans due to melting of snowy regions, decline of ozone layer in turn rising the temperature and animal species getting extinct due to detrimental climatic conditions.

In either way, some scientist even had made comments that it is not a serious issue which media tends to exacerbate. It is more amount of fear created in the air and brains making it extremely serious than it really is. Scientist have been saying that control measures have already been taken and implemented and provided with the statistics of the same in near future, and, not each individual have to strain to make contribution to the same because squad of people in every country has been established and working on the same.

Finally i concede that it is a serious issue for our coming generation and every individual hand for saving our ecosystem would provide with smooth and friction-less work.
Sep 07, 2015

a very nice way to aware all the mistake mostly people do.
Nov 05, 2015

Recently international pollution has become a huge issue for any country. Every country is trying out measures to deal with the issue. However, its arguable that whether an individual can contribute measures to solving the issue or not.

I agree with the statement that is an individual cares enough, then they need not wait for the nation to take measures to solve the problem. Global warming is an issue that is one way or the other effecting every individual. It not only increases the heating temperature of the earth, but also introduces skin related diseases for the human being. One of the reasons of global warming is the increasing pollution caused by the vehicles. More the number of vehicles on the road, more is the pollution. Hence, we can make use of public transport more often and use the private vehicles only when its unavoidable. This will not only decrese the pollution but also improve the traffic jam issue to a great extent.

Another issue that we face these days is the noise pollution. The crowd on the road these days has no patience and they honk continuosly without thinking for a second. Honking so frequently will not get them to the destination any faster, but they don’t think while doing that. So, once people start honking only when necessary, there might be lot less noise pollution compared to the current state.

These are the forms of energy which are being used blindly without thinking the after effects of these. They come back and harm us and our families but we still fail to realize the cause. Hence, if we start using the energy sources in a limited amount, we might not have to wait for the nation to take any measures at all to solve the issue.
Dec 15, 2015

The debate whether the ability of the nation and society outweighs individuals in dealing with social pollution such as the lack of energy and global warming is heated constantly. While I concede that people have limited abilities to solve these problems effectively, I believe that there is nothing to put two parties in comparison in the terms of capability.

It is true that in order to restrict the phenomenon of energy shortage or the increasing temperature globally, placing emphasis on changing personal consumption is the very first thing that is considered for individuals to put it in priority. Instead of driving vehicles using petrol which lead to environmental damage, people have changed their way into environmentally-friendly ones such as electric and hybrid cars. But it is clear that in Viet Nam, although this solution is hold by individuals, those people cannot run these environmental protections radically because of their limitation in connecting other individuals to do the same on global scale.

By contract, I do believe that in terms of ability in tackling with internationally environmental pollution, the saying that governments and societies would do better than individuals do is just a fallacy. The comparison between those parties is unrealistic in which each party has its responsibility to this problem and even more one party would be the supporting key towards other. For example, in the revolution of dealing with the lack of natural energy, the role of erudite experts is to invent green technology using alternative energy such as solar and wind, while the major responsibility of the government is to support them with the greatest quality working environment which acts as a catalyst to encounter this issue.
May 19, 2016

Here, I found only one side including two supporting paragraphs. But another type is writing both sides.

Which would be better for getting higher band score for this type of question?
May 19, 2016

It's not as simple as that when deciding which will get the best score.

If you are asked to agree or disagree you can agree 100% and look at one side or look at both.

It's not that one would necessarily get a better score than the other.
Nov 18, 2016

In this modern era, whole world seems to be in trouble because of environmental pollution, global warming and shortage of energy. The main reason behind these issue is carelessness by government because its hard to blame individuals as they don't have much resources to protect it.

Firstly, fresh environment is the main key of health and everyone should do care by doing their little efforts because in these kind of issue, everyone could be responsible. Governments also should take some steps to deal with these environmental problems by making some new rules against factor affecting. As they can ban unwanted factories, chimneys and vehicles

Secondly, there should be some government law of immediate sentence for people who spoil environment and spread deleterious particles Moreover, everyone should be aware of these law and concerns related to environment. However, individuals also can do some thing on low level by saving electricity, by control on vehicles when if they actually don't need them and by planting trees.

On other hand, internet also can be used as resource by which governments can enlighten people as they will be come to know these environmental issues

In conclusion, everyone should have to take responsibilities on own to protect environment nearby and Governments also should be strict for their laws and natural issues.

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Essay#10 | Pollution

Important tips.

For  IELTS Writing Task 2 , you may be asked to discuss a problem and possible solutions to it. For this type of question, you should explain exactly what the problem is (its causes and effects) and then consider the merits and drawbacks of various solutions.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

As the number of private cars has increased, so too has the level of pollution in many cities.

What can be done to tackle this increasingly common problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model answer.

As the number of private cars has increased, so has the level of pollution. Overreliance on cars at the expense of public transport has made this problem even worse, causing many concerned citizens to look for a solution to the problem.

One potential solution to this problem is to discourage the use of private cars by raising taxes. If the cost of petrol was increased, then many people would consider using alternative forms of transport or even walking. Admittedly, there would be a number of complaints from car drivers, but these would not be of much importance when balanced against the environmental benefits.

Another solution could be to look at more specific causes of the problem. Modern cars are fitted with cleaner-burning engines and catalytic converters. Accordingly, they do not cause as much of an environmental hazard as some older cars. In Japan, for example, cars are heavily taxed once they have been on the road for three years or more, encouraging people to buy new cars which pollute less. By heavily taxing older vehicles from the road, some of the worst polluting vehicles would be taken off the road. However, this would not really be fair to those who cannot afford a new car with such regularity.

An improvement in the quality and efficiency of public transport would also encourage people to use their cars less. In London, for example, a system has been operating for some time in which people are allocated days of the week when they can use their cars. On days that they are not allowed to drive, public transport is taken.

Although these are potential solutions to the problem, none of them are perfect. Only by a concerted effort by both the government and the public can this situation truly be resolved.

(298 words)

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👋 Nhắn cho DOL để tìm hiểu chi tiết về các khóa học IELTS nhé!

Cách viết, bài mẫu & từ vựng đề Environmental pollution - IELTS Writing

Environmental pollution essay IELTS có muôn hình vạn trạng dạng câu hỏi, chưa kể chủ đề này xuất hiện với tần suất không ít. Vì thế, cùng DOL bỏ túi cấu trúc bài, ý tưởng, từ vựng và ngữ pháp hay của chủ đề này qua bài viết này bạn nhé.


1. Gợi ý idea viết bài Environmental pollution essay IELTS

Tuy chủ đề này có nhiều kiểu câu hỏi khác nhau, nhưng hầu hết những nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm môi trường và cách giải quyết đều là kiến thức phổ thông. DOL sẽ điểm qua một số nguyên nhân và hướng xử lý thường thấy ngay sau đây.

essay on pollution for ielts

1.1 Nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm

Nguyên nhân

Ý nghĩa

The world's growing population is straining its natural resource reserves.

Sự gia tăng dân số thế giới đang làm cạn kiện nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên dự trữ.

Fossil fuels, such as oil and g as, are becoming scarce.

Nhiên liệu hóa thạch như dầu và khí đang trở nên khan hiếm.

Habitats for wildlife are being destroyed.

Môi trường sống hoang dã đang bị hủy hoại.

Huge tracts of rainforest have been cleared.

Một phần lớn của rừng mưa nhiệt đới đã bị dọn sạch.

There have been numerous extinctions of plant and animal species.

Đã có rất nhiều loài cây và động vật bị tuyệt chủng. (Ví dụ như loài cá vẹt bị diệt thì cát sẽ không được tái tạo).

Deforestation is an alarming problem throughout the world.

Nạn phá rừng là 1 vấn đề đáng báo động toàn cầu.

Due to the greenhouse effect, the world’s temperature has been rising non-stop, which culminates in the increasing frequency of wildfires 

Hiệu ứng nhà kính làm nhiệt độ toàn cầu tăng không ngừng, dẫn đến sự tăng lên của tần suất cháy rừng.

1.2 Các cách xử lý 

Cách giải quyết

Ý nghĩa

Governments should enact legislation to control factory noxious emissions.

Chính phủ nên ban hành các luật lệ để kiểm soát chất thải độc hại từ nhà máy.

Governments must also make investments in clean energy sources including solar, wind, and water power.

Chính phủ cũng phải đầu tư vào các nguồn nhiên liệu sạch như năng lượng mặt trời, gió, và nước.

Governments should promote recycling widely through large-scale initiatives.

Chính phủ nên chạy các chiến dịch lớn nhằm thúc đẩy tái chế.

People should also recycle as much as possible.

Người dân nên cố gắng tái chế càng nhiều càng tốt

Rather to driving, taking public transportation is highly suggested.

Sử dụng phương tiện công cộng được khuyến khích nhiều hơn là tự lái xe.

Governments should implement stricter policies regarding commercial logging.

Chính phủ nên đưa ra các chính sách hà khác hơn trong việc buôn gỗ.

Encourage large companies to cut down on their carbon footprint. 

Khuyến khích các công ty lớn giảm bớt dấu chân carbon.

2. Hướng dẫn cách viết chủ đề Environmental pollution essay IELTS

Trong bài viết về environmental pollution essay IELTS này, DOL sẽ sử dụng đề dưới để hướng dẫn bạn phân tích đề, lập dàn ý nhé. Ngoài ra cũng sẽ cung cấp cho bạn bài mẫu đề này của nhà DOL để đúc kết từ vừng cùng các cấu trúc ngữ pháp hay nha.

In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining. Why do you think it is happening? How to solve this issue?

2.1 Phân tích đề bài

In many countries , the number of animals and plants is declining . Why do you think it is happening? How to solve this issue?

Đầu tiên, ta cần xác định dạng bài cần viết để chọn cấu trúc phù hợp. Ở đây DOL có thể xác định bài là dạng Cause - Solution nhờ vào từ khóa Why & How to solve. Vì thế, bài viết của bạn cần có 1 đoạn body cho Cause, đoạn còn lại cho Solution. Lưu ý là phải Solution phải liên quan đến Cause đặt ra.

Ngoài ra, bối cảnh bài viết là các loài thực vật và động vật đang giảm toàn cầu. ( many countries & animals and plants & declining

2.2 Lập dàn ý

DOL sẽ trình bày quan điểm qua 1 đoạn mở bài (introduction), 2 đoạn thân bài (body paragraph), và 1 đoạn kết bài (conclusion)

Mở bài : Paraphrase lại đề. Đây là cách làm tối ưu nhất để viết Intro vì mục đích chính chi là giới thiệu bối cảnh. Nếu phải dành thời gian để nghĩ cho ra cách giới thiệu bối cảnh hoa mỹ nhất thì nộp được cái mở bài nha. DOL sẽ đưa ra một Thesis Statement (luận điểm) để trả lời trực tiếp cho câu hỏi.

Thesis : Although there are many reasons for this phenomenon, there are also feasible solutions.

Body 1: DOL nói về những nguyên nhân gây ra hiện tượng này

Deforestation : Leads to a direct loss of natural habitat for wildlife and exposes flora and fauna to the risk of extinction

Climate change: World's temperature increases --> Results in wildfires

Body 2: DOL nói về những giải pháp có thể thực hiện để giải quyết hiện tượng này

Implement stricter policies: Levy heavier fines illegal loggers --> Discourage them

Encourage large companies to cut down on their carbon footprint: Switch to eco-friendly energy sources and materials 

Kết bài: Cuối cùng, DOL tóm gọn lại các ý chính đã trình bày phía trên

essay on pollution for ielts

Theo nguyên tắc chung, bạn nên viết một đoạn văn mở đầu gồm bốn hoặc 5 câu. Nhiệm vụ bạn nên làm trong phần mở đầu với tất cả bài viết IELTS Writing là giới thiệu chủ đề của bài viết. Bạn không cần phải cố gắng viết câu trả lời trong phần mở đầu tuy nhiên cần cho người đọc biết được những gì bạn sẽ viết trong phần tiếp theo. How to Write Essays: A Step-By-Step Guide for All Levels, with Sample Essays by Don Shiach

2.3 Bài mẫu

Cùng xem thành quả sau khi lên cấu trúc và ý tưởng bài environmental pollution essay IELTS về sự suy giảm toàn cầu của động thực vật nào.

Sample topic environmental pollution IELTS

That there has been a devastating decline of the number of animals and plants the world over has become an alarming fact. Although there are many reasons for this phenomenon , there are also feasible solutions.

There are two reasons behind this decline. The first of which is deforestation. Nowadays, deforestation is an alarming problem throughout the world. Trees are cut down to clear space for cow grazing, farming, and wood harvesting. This leads to a direct loss of natural habitat for wildlife and exposes flora and fauna to the risk of extinction. According to recent estimates of the World Animal Foundation, around 137 species of flora and fauna are lost to deforestation per day. Another reason worth mentioning is climate change. Due to the greenhouse effect, the world’s temperature has been rising non-stop, which culminates in the increasing frequency of wildfires that are life threatening to both plants and animals. For instance, in 2020, Brazil’s wildfires wiped out an estimated number of 17 million animals.

While this phenomenon is catastrophic , there are a number of feasible solutions to tackle this problem. First, governments should implement stricter policies regarding commercial logging. Heavier fines should be levied on illegal loggers and forest ranger forces should have more reinforcements. Such tough measures will discourage illegal timber harvesting operations to a degree. Another solution is to encourage large companies to cut down on their carbon footprint. Corporations the world over can switch to eco-friendly energy sources and materials. For example, LEGO is currently building a carbon neutral plant in Binh Duong Province in Vietnam in an effort to minimize its carbon emissions.

In conclusion, the increasing disappearance of wildlife and plants can be attributed to climate change and deforestation. However, this problem can be addressed by enforcing stricter laws and regulations on deforestation and encouraging companies to minimize their carbon footprint.

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IELTS Writing band 8.0

Đề IELTS Writing task 1

Global warming IELTS

IELTS Writing task 2 Environmental pollution

Study abroad IELTS Writing task 2

Advantages and Disadvantages of studying abroad IELTS Writing

2.4 Từ vựng sử dụng

Từ vựng/Cấu trúc

Ý nghĩa


Hiện tượng

Feasible solutions

Những giải pháp có khả năng thực hiện


Nạn đốn rừng

An alarming problem

Vấn đề đáng báo động

Loss of natural habitat

Sự mất đi của môi trường sống tự nhiên

Exposes flora and fauna to the risk of extinction

Khiến cây cối và động vật đối mặt với nguy cơ tuyệt chủng

Greenhouse effect

Hiệu ứng nhà kính

To be catastrophic

Thảm khốc

Implement stricter policies regarding commercial logging

Chuyển sang dùng các nguồn năng lượng và nguyên liệu thân thiện với môi trường

Levy heavier fines on illegal loggers

Áp đặt những khoản phạt nặng hơn đối với lâm tặc

Switch to eco-friendly energy sources and materials

Chuyển sang dùng các nguồn năng lượng và nguyên liệu thân thiện với môi trường

Minimize its carbon emissions

Giảm thiếu tối đa lượng khí thải carbon

3. 3 bài mẫu chủ đề Environmental Pollution essay IELTS

DOL bỏ túi bạn thêm 3 bài environmental pollution essay IELTS tham khảo thêm nha. Ngoài ra, để hỗ trợ bạn tự ôn tốt hơn,  DOL có chuẩn bị sẵn một kho sample đa dạng chủ đề được viết bởi những ngòi bút đỉnh nhất nhà DOL. Mời bạn đến link này nhé.

Environmental damage is the problem of most countries. What factors damage the environment and who should take responsibility?  

bài mẫu IELLTS chủ đề environmental pollution

The deterioration of environment has been one of the major issues that need urgent action to be addressed. I believe that air pollution and deforestation are the main culprits of this phenomenon. Therefore, both parties, namely individuals and governments, should ensure accountability to solve the problem. 

The two main factors behind this degradation are contaminated air and clearing forests. Concerning the former, the excessive growth of industrial production combined with the substantial increase in the number of transportation leads to the disposal of harmful gases to the environment. These substances are generally considered as the key factor destroying the ozone layer which protects the Earth from detrimental effects of ultraviolet rays. The second point is that overpopulation and lucrative timber harvesting have negatively driven people to deforest. As a result, some adversely worth-concerning consequences are animals’ struggling to survive and the frequent occurrence of natural disasters, which creates an imbalance in the whole ecosystem. 

Both authorities and individuals are accountable for the issue of environmental damage. Obviously, governments have to pioneer in saving the environment as those competent authorities can make collaborative efforts in enacting new international laws which ensure citizens’ compliance with all regulations in protecting our surroundings. In addition, each person is responsible for not doing harm to the environment as his or her daily performance would directly impact the habitat. For example, provided that individuals awareness of reducing plastic use on a daily basis, the total amount of this substance disposed to the environment would significantly plummet.

In conclusion, environmental degradation is the disadvantageous impact of polluted air and deforestation; therefore, there is a call for responsibility of both governments and individuals in tackling this problem. 

Research has shown that the transportation of products and people is the main source of pollution. Some people believe the government is responsible for, while others believe it is the fault of individuals. Discuss both view and give your opinion.

Bài mẫu IELTS chủ đề Environmental pollution

One of the major contributors to pollution is the increasing volume of goods and people transported. While some argue that the government is at fault for this rise, others believe that individuals are responsible. In my opinion, I strongly believe that both parties are to blame for this development.

On the one hand, the government is without a doubt responsible for the large volume of traffic, which has grave impacts on the environment. The status of a country’s transportation system relies heavily on its government’s rules and regulations. Once a regime fails to establish effective laws to limit the number of vehicles, be it for personal use or delivery, the traffic will inevitably become congested. Moreover, to solve a problem that affects the community as a whole, in this case that is the rise of transportation, the government has the advantage of being able to apply its solution on a large and even scale, whereas personal effort can vary between different communities. To conclude, the government plays a pivotal role in protecting the environment through its power to curb harmful effects from traffic.

On the other hand, advocates of the latter notion also have grounds to believe that people’s lack of awareness contributes significantly to environmental pollution through the rising traffic volume. Many individuals are still of the opinion that solving traffic problems is the government’s responsibility. However, these people do not realize that individuals can take effective measures to help alleviate the problems. To lower the traffic volume, thus decreasing the carbon footprint, people can switch to environmentally friendly modes of transportation such as buses that use biofuel or bike. Moreover, individuals can choose to decrease their frequency and length of travels to eliminate unnecessary trips.

By and large, the rising transportation of products and people which affects our habitat adversely is the fault of both the government and individuals. However, with proper measures taken from both parties, I believe that the traffic volume and pollution can be curbed. 

IELTS Sample topic Environmental pollution

That there has been a devastating decline of the number of animals and plants the world over has become an alarming fact. Although there are many reasons for this phenomenon, there are also feasible solutions.

While this phenomenon is catastrophic, there are a number of feasible solutions to tackle this problem. First, governments should implement stricter policies regarding commercial logging. Heavier fines should be levied on illegal loggers and forest ranger forces should have more reinforcements. Such tough measures will discourage illegal timber harvesting operations to a degree. Another solution is to encourage large companies to cut down on their carbon footprint. Corporations the world over can switch to eco-friendly energy sources and materials. For example, LEGO is currently building a carbon neutral plant in Binh Duong Province in Vietnam in an effort to minimize its carbon emissions.

DOL hy vọng là bài viết trên đã giúp bạn biết nhiều hơn về đề environmental pollution essay IELTS để có thể áp dụng tự học hiệu quả. 

Nếu có bất kỳ thắc mắc gì về IELTS Speaking hay các kỹ năng, đừng ngần ngại mà liên hệ DOL qua các kênh sau bạn nhé: website , Facebook .

Chúc bạn thành công.

Câu hỏi thường gặp:

Gợi ý bài viết IELTS: Các loại ô nhiễm môi trường phổ biến là gì?

Air pollution (Ô nhiễm không khí)

Water pollution (Ô nhiễm nguồn nước)

Soil pollution (Ô nhiễm đất)

Radioactive pollution (Ô nhiễm phóng xạ)

Noise pollution (Ô nhiễm tiếng ồn)

Gợi ý bài viết IELTS: Các nguồn gây ô nhiễm môi trường gồm những gì?

Có rất nhiều nguồn gây ô nhiễm môi trường tồn tại xung quanh chúng ta: Car (ô tô); Bus (Xe buýt); Plane (Máy bay), Truck (Xe tải); Train (Xe lửa); Power plant (Nhà máy điện); Oil refineries (Nhà máy lọc dầu); Wildfires (Cháy rừng); Volcanoes (Núi lửa);...

Gợi ý bài viết IELTS: 10 cách mà con người tác động tới môi trường là gì?

Overpopulation (Dân số quá đông)

Pollution (Ô nhiễm ở khắp mọi nơi)

Global Warming (Sự nóng lên toàn cầu)

Climate Change (Biến đổi khí hậu)

Genetic Modification (Biến đổi gen)

Ocean Acidification (Axit hóa đại dương)

Water Pollution (Ô nhiễm nước)

Overfishing (Đánh bắt quá mức)

Deforestation (Phá rừng)

Acid Rain (Mưa axit)

Gợi ý bài viết IELTS: Con người đã huỷ hoại thiên nhiên, môi trường như thế nào?

75% of the Earth's ice-free land has been significantly altered by human activity (75% diện tích đất không có băng trên Trái đất đã bị thay đổi đáng kể bởi hoạt động của con người)

And almost 90% of global wetlands have been lost since 1700 (Và gần 90% diện tích đất ngập nước trên toàn cầu đã bị biến mất kể từ năm 1700)

Bài viết khác

Cách dùng bing ai để tự học ielts writing lên ý tưởng hiệu quả.

Bing AI là một công cụ trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) tiên tiến được phát triển bởi Microsoft, có khả năng xử lý ngôn ngữ tự nhiên một cách ấn tượng. Đây là một công cụ hỗ trợ viết hiệu quả, giúp bạn lên ý tưởng sáng tạo, sắp xếp logic, sửa lỗi chính tả và ngữ pháp, trau chuốt từ vựng, cung cấp thông tin và dẫn chứng, đồng thời chấm điểm và góp ý chi tiết để bạn nâng tầm kỹ năng viết. Trong bài viết này, DOL sẽ cung cấp cho bạn cách dùng Bing Ai học IELTS Writing cụ thể và những lưu ý quan trọng khi sử dụng. Hãy cùng DOL khám phá bí quyết sử dụng Bing AI để chinh phục điểm cao trong bài thi IELTS Writing. 

cách dùng bing ai học ielts writing

Cách dùng Grammarly tự học IELTS Writing hiệu quả

Grammarly là một công cụ trực tuyến giúp bạn kiểm tra và sửa lỗi ngữ pháp, chính tả, dấu câu và phong cách viết trong tiếng Anh. Nó sử dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo tiên tiến để phân tích văn bản của bạn và đưa ra những gợi ý sửa lỗi chính xác, giúp bạn viết tiếng Anh trôi chảy và tự tin hơn. Trong bài viết này, DOL sẽ cung cấp các tính năng, hướng dẫn cụ thể và những lưu ý quan trọng khi sử dụng ứng dụng Grammarly. Cùng đọc tiếp bài viết để hiểu được cách dùng Grammarly vào việc học IELTS Writing nhé!

cách dùng grammarly học ielts writing

Cách dùng QuillBot tự học IELTS Writing hiệu quả

QuillBot là một công cụ trực tuyến, giúp bạn viết lại câu hoặc đoạn văn bản tiếng Anh một cách sáng tạo và tự nhiên, mà vẫn giữ nguyên nghĩa gốc. Không chỉ vậy, QuillBot còn cung cấp nhiều tính năng hữu ích khác như. 1. Tóm tắt nội dung: Giúp bạn rút gọn văn bản dài thành những ý chính ngắn gọn, dễ hiểu. 2. Kiểm tra ngữ pháp: Phát hiện và sửa lỗi ngữ pháp, giúp bạn viết tiếng Anh chính xác hơn. 3. Gợi ý từ vựng: Đề xuất những từ vựng phù hợp để thay thế từ ngữ hiện có, giúp bài viết phong phú và đa dạng hơn. Với những tính năng mạnh mẽ này, QuillBot sẽ hỗ trợ bạn đắc lực trong việc nâng cao kỹ năng viết tiếng Anh và luyện thi IELTS Writing hiệu quả. Hãy cùng DOL khám phá cách dùng QuillBot học IELTS Writing và trải nghiệm những lợi ích tuyệt vời mà công cụ này mang lại!

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Thesis statement (luận điểm) là gì và cách viết thesis statement trong Writing Task 2

Bạn từng nghe qua "thesis statement" nhưng chưa biết rõ nó là gì và cách làm sao để viết một cách hiệu quả? Đừng lo lắng! Trong bài viết này, DOL sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về "thesis statement" và cách viết nó trong bài thi IELTS Writing Task 2 để mở bài trở nên ấn tượng và thuyết phục hơn!

Thesis statement (luận điểm) là gì và cách viết thesis statement trong Writing Task 2

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  1. SOLUTION: Plastic pollution ielts writing task 2

    essay on pollution for ielts

  2. SOLUTION: write Essay on pollution

    essay on pollution for ielts

  3. Uncovering the Causes and Effects of Air Pollution: An Essential Essay

    essay on pollution for ielts

  4. Air Pollution Essay In English

    essay on pollution for ielts

  5. Write An Essay On Air Pollution

    essay on pollution for ielts

  6. Air Pollution: Causes, Effects, And Solutions: [Essay Example], 1158

    essay on pollution for ielts


  1. IELTS Essay

    IELTS Essay Topic: Environmental pollution is the biggest disaster. Environment means all the natural things that surround us. Damage to the environment is increasing at an alarming rate due to human activities. This essay would discuss the causes and effects of environmental pollution such as air pollution and soil pollution.

  2. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer

    Problems with environmental pollution have become so serious that many countries are trying to solve these problems. Suggest possible solutions and give your own opinion. You should write at least 250 words. Sample Answer 1: It is true that the issues related to the environmental pollution have become one of the most controversial issues ...

  3. 50 Latest Pollution IELTS Topics

    Here you can find common IELTS essay questions for "pollution" topic.

  4. 50 Latest pollution IELTS Topics

    Here you can find common IELTS essay questions for " pollution" topic.

  5. 50 Latest Environment IELTS Topics

    Here you can find common IELTS essay questions for "environment" topic.

  6. Pollution IELTS Topic Ideas, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

    This article will provide an in-depth exploration of pollution, its impacts on society, a critical grammar point and related vocabulary, as well as model answers for IELTS writing and speaking tasks.

  7. IELTS Model Essay: Plastic

    IELTS Model Essay: Plastic This IELTS Writing Task 2 sample essay is a problems-solutions essay on the topic of plastic pollution from Cambridge IELTS 16. This lesson in includes my essay plan, my example essay, a vocabulary list and a fill-in-the-blanks activity. So let's get started!

  8. IELTS Writing Task 2: Environment (Opinion Essay)

    Because both of them are living on the same planet, any problem resulting from environmental degradation would negatively affect everybody no matter who they are. For example, in case of air pollution, people are all at higher risk of respiratory diseases regardless of their occupations. Even their children's well-being is also threatened if ...

  9. IELTS Writing Task 2: full essay

    IELTS Writing Task 2: full essay Usually I suggest writing 4 paragraphs for task 2. However, sometimes it might be better to write 5 paragraphs. The following essay question has three parts, so I've written three main body paragraphs (5 paragraphs in total).

  10. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer

    Pollution and other environmental problems are resulting from a country's developing and becoming richer. Some think this cannot be avoided. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  11. Environment Essay Titles

    Environment Essay Titles. Below are examples of IELTS Environmental writing task 2 questions. Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people think that this cannot be changed, while others believe actions can be taken to bring about a change. Discuss both and give your opinion.

  12. Causes and Solutions to Air Pollution (IELTS Writing Task 2)

    It is undeniable that air pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues that the world has to face today. This essay attempts to explore some major causes of the issue and propose some possible solutions to it.

  13. IELTS Writing Task 2: Water pollution(Corrected essay)

    Topic: Pollution of rivers, lakes and seas is a major concern for people who seek to protect the environment. What are the possible causes of water pollution, and what effects does this have on animal life and human society? Original Essay: An essential element of the ecosystem is water. Water pollution occurs when harmful chemicals […]

  14. Solving Traffic and Pollution Problems: Essay Ideas

    Below are some ideas for the following IELTS writing task 2 essay question. Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.

  15. IELTS Sample Writing: International Pollution Issues

    IELTS Sample Writing:International Pollution Issues. IELTS Sample Writing: International Pollution Issues. by sammy. (China) Facing many international pollution issues such as the energy shortage and global warming, some people believe that individuals have limited abilities to deal with that issue, compared with the nations and society.

  16. Air pollution is the most important concern of many countries

    In today's world pollution of air is one of the greatest issues in the environment. This essay will discuss both possible causes and consequences of the problem | Band: 6

  17. IELTS Essay # 1321

    Model Answer: Water pollution has emerged as a pressing environmental issue in recent decades, posing significant threats to ecosystems and human well-being. Understanding the causes of water pollution and implementing effective prevention measures are crucial in safeguarding our precious water resources. This essay will explore the various ...

  18. Essay#10

    IELTS Writing Samples Task 2 - Many students choose to take a gap year before starting university, to travel or gain work experience.

  19. Water pollution (Corrected Essay)

    Water pollution occurs when harmful chemicals or microorganisms are released into water bodies, which results in the degradation of animal and human's life quality. An important feature in a cause-effect essay is the lack of the author's opinion. The causes and the effects of a phenomenon are completely facts - they are not subjected to ...

  20. IELTS Essay # 1422

    IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay Question and Model Answer: In most cities, noise pollution is a big problem and affects the quality of life. Why is noise pollution increasing in most cities? What could the city authorities do to reduce the level of noise pollution?

  21. Air polution is dangerous to humans

    air. pollution is caused by myriad factors like the usage of personal. cars. and fossil fuels being used by diverse factories, some methods can be introduced to decrease. this. problem which should be only taken by authorities. Submitted by Arman on Sat Jan 06 2024. task achievement.

  22. Cách Viết Environmental Pollution Essay Trong IELTS Writing

    Cách viết, bài mẫu & từ vựng đề Environmental pollution - IELTS Writing Environmental pollution essay IELTS có muôn hình vạn trạng dạng câu hỏi, chưa kể chủ đề này xuất hiện với tần suất không ít.

  23. IELTS Essay # 1450

    Some people suggest that air travel is one of the main culprits for escalating air pollution these days, and restricting air travel is the only possible way to control air pollution. While air travel undeniably contributes to air pollution, it cannot be singled out as the sole culprit and its curtailment, while tempting, presents an overly ...