STA 643 Modern Design of Experiments (S16)

Course goals & objectives:.

This course introduces students to concepts and techniques of Classical and Bayesian design - experimental units, randomization, treatments, blocking and restrictions to randomization, and utility of designs. We will cover optimal sample size determination for estimation and testing. Topics include simple A-B testing, factorial and fractional factorial designs, response surface methods, conjoint designs, sequential designs, bandit problems used in on-line advertising, design and modeling of complex computer experiments, and designs for multiple objectives. Computational algorithms for finding optimal designs will be covered in the context of various problems.

It is expected that students have either taken STA 601, are co-registed, or are familiar with some basics of Bayesian analysis or are very quick studies!

All students should be comfortable with linear algebra and mathematical statistics at the level of STA 532/611.

The course goals are as follows:

  • Understand the different philosophical approaches to experimental design (Bayesian and frequentists)
  • Build a solid foundation for the statistical theory for experimental design.
  • Build appropriate statistical models for designed experiments, perform data analysis using appropriate software, and communicate results without use of statistical jargon.
  • Construct appropriate experimental designs for given problems: sample size determination, choice of levels of variables, designs with restrictions on randomization, utility functions for measuring design objectives, use of simulation to characterize properties of designs.

Course topics will be drawn (but subject to change) from

  • The Art of Experimentation
  • Basics: Designs with One Source of Variation
  • Factorial Experiments
  • Restrictions on Randomization: Blocking
  • Fractional Factorial Designs & Confounding
  • Optimal Designs and Model Uncertainty
  • Designs with Random Effects: Split Plots, Crossover Designs
  • Conjoint Designs
  • Response Surfaces & Optimization
  • Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments
  • Design for Nonlinear Models
  • Sequential Designs

Students will choose an advanced topic and design an appropriate experiment for a final project.

Books and Resources

We will use Design & Analysis of Experiments byt Angela, Dean and Daniel Voss as a reference, with other materials provided to supplement as needed. This book is available through the Duke Library as an ebook

Homework 30%
Midterm 30%
Final Project 30%
Participation 10%

Grades may be curved at the end of the semester. Cumulative numerical averages of 90 - 100 are guaranteed at least an A-, 80 - 89 at least a B-, and 70 - 79 at least a C-, however the exact ranges for letter grades will be determined after the final exam. The more evidence there is that the class has mastered the material, the more generous the curve will be.

These will be assigned at each class or weekly on the course webpage.

The objective of the problem sets is to help you develop a more in-depth understanding of the material and help you prepare for exams and projects. Grading will be based on completeness as well as accuracy. In order to receive credit you must show all your work.

You are welcomed, and encouraged, to work with each other on the problems, but you must turn in your own work. If you copy someone else’s work, both parties will receive a 0 for the problem set grade as well as being reported to the Office of Student Conduct . Work submitted on Sakai will be checked for instances of plagiarism prior to being graded.

Submission instructions: You will submit your HW on Sakai by uploading a PDF. If the TAs cannot view your work, or read your handwriting, you will lose points accordingly.

All assignments will be time stamped and late work will be penalized based on this time stamp (see late work policy below).

Attendance & Participation:

You are expected to be present at class meeting and actively participate in the discussion. Your attendance and participation during class, as well as your activity on the discussion forum on Sakai will make up 10% of your grade in this class. While I might sometimes call on you during the class discussion, it is your responsibility to be an active participant without being called on.

Final Project

The objective of the Project is to give you independent applied research experience using real data and statistical methods. You will use all (relevant) techniques learned in this class or explore additional advanced material to design an experiment, explore its properties (either analytically or through simulation) and if possible carry it out.

Further details will be provided as due dates approach.

There will be one midterm in this class. See course info for dates and times of the exams. You are allowed to use one sheet of notes (``cheat sheet”) on the midterm exam. This sheet must be no larger than 8 1/2 x 11, and must be prepared by you . You may use both sides of the sheet and can write as small as you wish.

Email & Forum (Piazza):

I will regularly send announcements by email, please make sure to check your email daily.

Any non-personal questions related to the material covered in class, problem sets, labs, projects, etc. should be posted on Piazza forum . Before posting a new question please make sure to check if your question has already been answered. The TAs and myself will be answering questions on the forum daily and all students are expected to answer questions as well. Please use informative titles for your posts.

Note that it is more efficient to answer most statistical questions ``in person” so make use of OH.

Students with disabilities:

Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Student Disability Access Office at (919) 668-1267 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations can be made.

Academic integrity:

Duke University is a community dedicated to scholarship, leadership, and service and to the principles of honesty, fairness, respect, and accountability. Citizens of this community commit to reflect upon and uphold these principles in all academic and non-academic endeavors, and to protect and promote a culture of integrity. Cheating on exams and quizzes, plagiarism on homework assignments and projects, lying about an illness or absence and other forms of academic dishonesty are a breach of trust with classmates and faculty, violate the Duke Community Standard , and will not be tolerated. Such incidences will result in a 0 grade for all parties involved as well as being reported to the Office of Student Conduct . Additionally, there may be penalties to your final class grade. Please review the Duke’s Academic Dishonesty policies .

  • next day: lose 30% of points
  • later than next day: lose all points

Regrade requests must be made within 3 days of when the assignment is returned, and must be submitted in writing. These will be honored if points were tallied incorrectly, or if you feel your answer is correct but it was marked wrong. No regrade will be made to alter the number of points deducted for a mistake. There will be no grade changes after the final exam.

  • Use of disallowed materials (textbook, class notes, web references, any form of communication with classmates or other persons, etc.) during exams will not be tolerated. This will result in a 0 on the exam for all students involved, possible failure of the course, and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct . If you have any questions about whether something is or is not allowed, ask me beforehand.

Purdue University

Design of Experiments

Credit hours:, learning objective:, description:.

A thorough and practical course in design and analysis of experiments for experimental workers and applied statisticians. SAS statistical software is used for analysis. Taken by graduate students from many fields. F2018 STAT514 Syllabus

Topics Covered:

Prerequisites:, applied / theory:, web address:, web content:, computer requirements:, other requirements:, proed minimum requirements:.

design of experiments syllabus

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Stat 503: design of experiments.

  •   Overview
  •   Materials
  •   Assessment Plan
  •   Prerequisites
  •   Online Notes

The course will cover most of the material in the text, Chapters 1-15. The students will be required to use statistical computer software to complete many homework assignments and the project.

Course Topics

This graduate level course covers the following topics:

  • Understanding basic design principles
  • Working in simple comparative experimental contexts
  • Working with single factors or one-way ANOVA in completely randomized experimental design contexts
  • Implementing randomized blocks, Latin square designs and extensions of these
  • Understanding factorial design contexts
  • Working with two level, 2 k , designs
  • Implementing confounding and blocking in 2 k  designs
  • Working with 2-level fractional factorial designs
  • Working with 3-level and mixed-level factorials and fractional factorial designs
  • Simple linear regression models
  • Understanding and implementing response surface methodologies
  • Understanding robust parameter designs
  • Working with random and mixed effects models
  • Understanding and implementing nested and split-plot and strip-plot designs
  • Using repeated measures designs, unbalanced AOV and ANCOVA
  •   Designing Experiments

Course Author(s)

Dr. James L Rosenberger is the primary author of these course materials and has taught this course for many semesters in residence and online.

  This course uses Honorlock for proctored exams. For more information view O.3 What is a proctored exam? in the student orientation.

For most assignments the Minitab GLM or SAS Proc GLM and Proc Mixed commands will satisfy the computing requirements. Minitab Design Of Experiments (DOE) commands are also utilized extensively.

Students should already feel comfortable using SAS at a basic level, be a quick learner of software packages, or able to figure out how to do the required analyses in another package of their choice. Students who have no experience with programming or are anxious about being able to manipulate software code are strongly encouraged to take the one-credit courses in SAS in order to establish this foundation before taking courses that rely on this software.

SAS will be supported and sample programs will be supplied but you will be required to do some programing on your own. Due to different software applications, software versions and platforms there may be issues with running code. Students must be proactive in seeking advice and help from appropriate sources including documentation resources, other students, the teaching assistant, instructor or helpdesk.

Montgomery, D. C. (2020).  Design and Analysis of Experiments , 10th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-13: 978-1119722106

Last updated: FA23

Assessment Plan

  • 10 Homework assignments graded. 40% (10% penalty for late assignments)
  • Experiment design and analysis project.10% (due last week of class)
  • Two preliminary examinations. 15% each.
  • Comprehensive final examination (proctored). 20%

PLEASE NOTE: This course may require you to take exams using certain proctoring software that uses your computer’s webcam or other technology to monitor and/or record your activity during exams. The proctoring software may be listening to you, monitoring your computer screen, viewing you and your surroundings, recording and storing any and all activity (including visual and audio recordings) during the proctoring process. By enrolling in this course, you consent to the use of the proctoring software selected by your instructor, including but not limited to any audio and/or visual monitoring which may be recorded.  Please contact your instructor with any questions . ( Read more... )


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Design of Experiments

Arizona State University via Coursera Specialization Help

Experimental Design Basics

12 hours 56 minutes

Random Models, Nested and Split-plot Designs

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Factorial and Fractional Factorial Designs

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Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Model Building

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Douglas C. Montgomery

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Design and Analysis of Experiments

Download the Course Schedule

Explore innovative strategies for constructing and executing experiments—including factorial and fractional factorial designs—that can be applied across the physical, chemical, biological, medical, social, psychological, economic, engineering, and industrial sciences. Over the course of five days, you’ll enhance your ability to conduct cost-effective, efficient experiments, and analyze the data that they yield in order to derive maximal value for your organization.

Course Overview


This program is planned for those interested in the design, conduct, and analysis of experiments in the physical, chemical, biological, medical, social, psychological, economic, engineering, or industrial sciences. The course will examine how to design experiments, carry them out, and analyze the data they yield. Various designs are discussed and their respective differences, advantages, and disadvantages are noted. In particular, factorial and fractional factorial designs are discussed in greater detail. These are designs in which two or more factors are varied simultaneously; the experimenter wishes to study not only the effect of each factor, but also how the effect of one factor changes as the levels of other factors change. The latter is generally referred to as an interaction effect among factors.

The fractional factorial design has been chosen for extra-detailed study in view of its considerable record of success over the last 30 years. It has been found to allow cost reduction, increase efficiency of experimentation, and often reveal the essential nature of a process. In addition, it is readily understood by those who are conducting the experiments, as well as those to whom the results are reported.

The program will be elementary in terms of mathematics. The course includes a review of the modest probability and statistics background necessary for conducting and analyzing scientific experimentation. With this background, we first discuss the logic of hypothesis testing and, in particular, the statistical techniques generally referred to as Analysis of Variance. A variety of software packages are illustrated, including Excel, SPSS, JMP, and other more specialized packages.

Throughout the program we emphasize applications, using real examples from the areas mentioned above, including such relatively new areas as experimentation in the social and economic sciences.

We discuss Taguchi methods and compare and contrast them with more traditional techniques. These methods, originating in Japan, have engendered significant interest in the United States.

All participants receive a copy of the text, Experimental Design: with applications in management, engineering and the sciences , Duxbury Press, 2002, co-authored by Paul D. Berger and Robert E. Maurer, in addition to extensive PowerPoint notes.

Participant Takeaways

  • Describe how to design experiments, carry them out, and analyze the data they yield.
  • Understand the process of designing an experiment including factorial and fractional factorial designs.
  • Examine how a factorial design allows cost reduction, increases efficiency of experimentation, and reveals the essential nature of a process; and discuss its advantages to those who conduct the experiments as well as those to whom the results are reported.
  • Investigate the logic of hypothesis testing, including analysis of variance and the detailed analysis of experimental data.
  • Formulate understanding of the subject using real examples, including experimentation in the social and economic sciences.
  • Introduce Taguchi methods, and compare and contrast them with more traditional techniques.
  • Learn the technique of regression analysis, and how it compares and contrasts with other techniques studied in the course.
  • Understand the role of response surface methodology and its basic underpinnings.
  • Gain an understanding of how the analysis of experimental design data is carried out using the most common software packages.
  • Be able to apply what you have learned immediately upon return to your company.

Who Should Attend

This course is appropriate for anyone interested in designing, conducting, and analyzing experiments in the biological, chemical, economic, engineering, industrial, medical, physical, psychological, or social sciences. Applicants need only have interest in experimentation. No previous training in probability and statistics is required, but any experience in these areas will be useful.

Program Outline

Class runs 9:00 am - 5:00 pm every day.

  • Introduction to Experimental Design
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • ANOVA I, Assumptions, Software
  • Multiple Comparison Testing
  • ANOVA II, Interaction Effects
  • Latin Squares and Graeco-Latin Squares
  • 2K Designs (continued)
  • Confounding/Blocking Designs
  • Confounding/Blocking Designs (continued)
  • 2k-p Fractional-Factorial Designs
  • 2k-p Fractional-Factorial Designs (continued)
  • Taguchi Designs
  • Taguchi Designs (continued)
  • Orthogonality and Orthogonal contrasts
  • 3K Factorial Designs
  • Regression Analysis I
  • Regression Analysis II
  • Regression Analysis III & Introduction to Response Surface Modeling
  • Response Surface Modeling (continued), Literature Review, Course Summary


  • The logic of complete two-level factorial designs
  • Detailed discussion of interaction among studied factors
  • Large versus small experiments
  • Simultaneous study of several factors versus study of one factor at a time
  • Fractional experimental designs; construction and examples
  • The application of hypothesis testing to analyzing experiments
  • The important role of orthogonality in modern experimental design
  • Single degree-of-freedom analysis; pinpointing sources of variability
  • The trade-off between interaction and replication
  • Response surface experimentation
  • Yates' forward algorithm
  • The reliability of estimates in factorial designs
  • The usage of software in design and analysis of experiments
  • Latin and Graeco-Latin squares as fractional designs; examples
  • Designs with all studied factors at three levels
  • The role of fractional designs in response surface experimentation
  • Taguchi designs
  • Incomplete study of many factors versus intensive study of a few factors
  • Multivariate linear regression models
  • The book and journal literature on experimental design


The type of content you will learn in this course, whether it's a foundational understanding of the subject, the hottest trends and developments in the field, or suggested practical applications for industry.

How the course is taught, from traditional classroom lectures and riveting discussions to group projects to engaging and interactive simulations and exercises with your peers.

What level of expertise and familiarity the material in this course assumes you have. The greater the amount of introductory material taught in the course, the less you will need to be familiar with when you attend.

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Design and Analysis of Experiments - 625.662

Statistically designed experiments are plans for the efficient allocation of resources to maximize the amount of empirical information supporting objective decisions. Although other statistical approaches, including visualization and regression, can lead to uncovering relationships among variables, experimental design is unique in supporting the claim that the nature of the relationships can be regarded as cause and effect. Inference is achieved using a general linear model based on data collection adhering to a broad framework, wherein one or more independent variables (treatments) are intentionally and simultaneously manipulated, experimental units are randomly assigned to a level of treatment, and a response is observed. This approach in experimental research appears in virtually every field of study where the strong case for establishing cause and effect relationships is required, including, for example, randomized control trials in the health sciences or process optimization in engineering. In this course we will consider building block concepts including crossed and nested factors, fixed and random effects, aliasing and confounding, and then apply these building blocks to common experimental designs (e.g., completely randomized, randomized block, Latin squares, factorial, fractional factorial, hierarchical/nested, response surface, and repeated measure designs.) Analysis techniques will include fixed effect, random effect, and mixed effects analysis of variance. Power and sample size calculation methods will be covered and design optimality will be discussed. Applications will come from the physical sciences, engineering and the health sciences. The software packages R and JMP will be used for analysis.

Course Prerequisite(s)

Multivariate calculus, linear algebra, and one semester of graduate probability and statistics (e.g., EN.625.603 Statistical Methods and Data Analysis). Some computer-based homework assignments will be given.

Course Offerings

There are no sections currently offered, however you can view a sample syllabus from a prior section of this course.

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Design of Experiments

Module overview.

When planning experiments, it is essential that the data collected are as relevant and informative as possible. The statistical principles for the design of experiments include the choice of optimal or good treatments sets and appropriate replication of them, randomization to ensure unbiasedness and the use of blocking and other methods for reduction of variance

Linked modules

Pre-requisites: MATH6174 or STAT6123 or (MATH2011 and MATH2010)

Aims and Objectives

Learning outcomes.

Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:

  • understand the potential practical problems in its implementation
  • construct optimal or good designs for a range of practical experiments
  • appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of a design for a particular experiment
  • describe how the analysis of the data from the experiment should be carried out

Emphasis throughout will be on the statistical principles underlying the methods and how they can be applied to and adapted for practical experiments. The following methods will be discussed and practised.

1) Basic ideas: objectives leading to choice of treatments; randomization to ensure validity of analysis; blocking to separate sources of variation in order to ensure efficiency of analysis, ANOVA methodology.

2) Choice of treatments: replication for unstructured treatments; optimal design for quantitative treatments; the factorial treatment structure and its advantages; incomplete factorial structures,

including regular fractional factorials.

3) Randomization: practical constraints on randomization.

4) Blocking: incomplete block designs for unstructured treatments, including balanced incomplete block designs; confounding for factorial designs.

Learning and Teaching

Teaching and learning methods.

Lectures, problem classes and self-directed computer work

Study time
Type Hours
Problem Classes 12
Independent Study 102
Lecture 36
Total study time 150

General Resources

Website on Blackboard.

Mead, R, Gilmour, SG, and Mead, A (2012). Statistical Principles for the Design of Experiments . Cambridge.

Box, G.E.P., Hunter, J.S. and Hunter, W.G. (2005). Statistics for Experimenters . New York: Wiley.

Montgomery, D.C. (2009). Design and Analysis of Experiments . New York: Wiley.

Atkinson, A.C., Donev, A.N. and Tobias, R.D. (2007). Optimum Experimental Designs, with SAS . Oxford: Oxford Science Publication.

Wu, C.F.J. and Hamada, M. (2009). Experiments - Planning, Analysis and Parameter . New York: Wiley.

John, J.A. and Williams, E.R. (1995). Cyclic and computer generated designs . London: Chapman and Hall.

Dean, A.M. and Voss, D.T. (1999). Design and Analysis of Experiments . New York: Springer-Verlag.

Max D. Morris (2011). Design of Experiments: An Introduction Based on Linear Models . CRC Press.

This is how we’ll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam.

Exercises and Quizzes

  • Assessment Type: Formative
  • Final Assessment:
  • Group Work: No

This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.

Method Percentage contribution
Written assessment 50%
Coursework 50%

This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.

Method Percentage contribution
Written assessment 100%

An internal repeat is where you take all of your modules again, including any you passed. An external repeat is where you only re-take the modules you failed.

Method Percentage contribution
Coursework 50%
Written assessment 50%

Repeat Information

Repeat type: Internal & External

  • Course modules
  • Acoustical engineering
  • Biomedical and medical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Every day I’m completely immersed in an environment that’s creative in all aspects
  • Everything I learn feels so relevant, even If it’s a subject rooted in the past
  • Maritime engineering
  • Photonics and optoelectronics
  • Social statistics and demography
  • A missing link between continental shelves and the deep sea: Have we underestimated the importance of land-detached canyons?
  • A seismic study of the continent-ocean transition southwest of the UK
  • A study of rolling contact fatigue in electric vehicles (EVs)
  • Acoustic monitoring of forest exploitation to establish community perspectives of sustainable hunting
  • Acoustic sensing and characterisation of soil organic matter
  • Advancing intersectional geographies of diaspora-led development in times of multiple crises
  • Aero engine fan wake turbulence – Simulation and wind tunnel experiments
  • Against Climate Change (DACC): improving the estimates of forest fire smoke emissions
  • All-in-one Mars in-situ resource utilisation (ISRU) system and life-supporting using non-thermal plasma
  • An electromagnetic study of the continent-ocean transition southwest of the UK
  • An investigation of the relationship between health, home and law in the context of poor and precarious housing, and complex and advanced illness
  • Antibiotic resistance genes in chalk streams
  • Being autistic in care: Understanding differences in care experiences including breakdowns in placements for autistic and non-autistic children
  • Biogeochemical cycling in the critical coastal zone: Developing novel methods to make reliable measurements of geochemical fluxes in permeable sediments
  • Bloom and bust: seasonal cycles of phytoplankton and carbon flux
  • British Black Lives Matter: The emergence of a modern civil rights movement
  • Building physics for low carbon comfort using artificial intelligence
  • Building-resolved large-eddy simulations of wind and dispersion over a city scale urban area
  • Business studies and management: accounting
  • Business studies and management: banking and finance
  • Business studies and management: decision analytics and risk
  • Business studies and management: digital and data driven marketing
  • Business studies and management: human resources (HR) management and organisational behaviour
  • Business studies and management: strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Carbon storage in reactive rock systems: determining the coupling of geo-chemo-mechanical processes in reactive transport
  • Cascading hazards from the largest volcanic eruption in over a century: What happened when Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai erupted in January 2022?
  • Characterisation of cast austenitic stainless steels using ultrasonic backscatter and artificial intelligence
  • Climate Change effects on the developmental physiology of the small-spotted catshark
  • Climate at the time of the Human settlement of the Eastern Pacific
  • Collaborative privacy in data marketplaces
  • Compatibility of climate and biodiversity targets under future land use change
  • Cost of living in modern and fossil animals
  • Creative clusters in rural, coastal and post-industrial towns
  • Deep oceanic convection: the outsized role of small-scale processes
  • Defect categories and their realisation in supersymmetric gauge theory
  • Defining the Marine Fisheries-Energy-Environment Nexus: Learning from shocks to enhance natural resource resilience
  • Design and fabrication of next generation optical fibres
  • Developing a practical application of unmanned aerial vehicle technologies for conservation research and monitoring of endangered wildlife
  • Development and evolution of animal biomineral skeletons
  • Development of all-in-one in-situ resource utilisation system for crewed Mars exploration missions
  • Ecological role of offshore artificial structures
  • Effect of embankment and subgrade weathering on railway track performance
  • Efficient ‘whole-life’ anchoring systems for offshore floating renewables
  • Electrochemical sensing of the sea surface microlayer
  • Engagement with nature among children from minority ethnic backgrounds
  • Enhancing UAV manoeuvres and control using distributed sensor arrays
  • Ensuring the Safety and Security of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Environmental and genetic determinants of Brassica crop damage by the agricultural pest Diamondback moth
  • Estimating marine mammal abundance and distribution from passive acoustic and biotelemetry data
  • Evolution of symbiosis in a warmer world
  • Examining evolutionary loss of calcification in coccolithophores
  • Explainable AI (XAI) for health
  • Explaining process, pattern and dynamics of marine predator hotspots in the Southern Ocean
  • Exploring dynamics of natural capital in coastal barrier systems
  • Exploring the mechanisms of microplastics incorporation and their influence on the functioning of coral holobionts
  • Exploring the potential electrical activity of gut for healthcare and wellbeing
  • Exploring the trans-local nature of cultural scene
  • Facilitating forest restoration sustainability of tropical swidden agriculture
  • Faulting, fluids and geohazards within subduction zone forearcs
  • Faulting, magmatism and fluid flow during volcanic rifting in East Africa
  • Fingerprinting environmental releases from nuclear facilities
  • Flexible hybrid thermoelectric materials for wearable energy harvesting
  • Floating hydrokinetic power converter
  • Glacial sedimentology associated subglacial hydrology
  • Green and sustainable Internet of Things
  • How do antimicrobial peptides alter T cell cytokine production?
  • How do calcifying marine organisms grow? Determining the role of non-classical precipitation processes in biogenic marine calcite formation
  • How do neutrophils alter T cell metabolism?
  • How well can we predict future changes in biodiversity using machine learning?
  • Hydrant dynamics for acoustic leak detection in water pipes
  • If ‘Black Lives Matter’, do ‘Asian Lives Matter’ too? Impact trajectories of organisation activism on wellbeing of ethnic minority communities
  • Illuminating luciferin bioluminescence in dinoflagellates
  • Imaging quantum materials with an XFEL
  • Impact of neuromodulating drugs on gut microbiome homeostasis
  • Impact of pharmaceuticals in the marine environment in a changing world
  • Impacts of environmental change on coastal habitat restoration
  • Improving subsea navigation using environment observations for long term autonomy
  • Information theoretic methods for sensor management
  • Installation effect on the noise of small high speed fans
  • Integrated earth observation mapping change land sea
  • Interconnections of past greenhouse climates
  • Investigating IgG cell depletion mechanisms
  • Is ocean mixing upside down? How mixing processes drive upwelling in a deep-ocean basin
  • Landing gear aerodynamics and aeroacoustics
  • Lightweight gas storage: real-world strategies for the hydrogen economy
  • Long-term change in the benthos – creating robust data from varying camera systems
  • Machine learning for multi-robot perception
  • Marine ecosystem responses to past climate change and its oceanographic impacts
  • Mechanical effects in the surf zone - in situ electrochemical sensing
  • Microfluidic cell isolation systems for sepsis
  • Migrant entrepreneurship, gender and generation: context and family dynamics in small town Britain
  • Miniaturisation in fishes: evolutionary and ecological perspectives
  • Modelling high-power fibre laser and amplifier stability
  • Modelling soil dewatering and recharge for cost-effective and climate resilient infrastructure
  • Modelling the evolution of adaptive responses to climate change across spatial landscapes
  • Nanomaterials sensors for biomedicine and/or the environment
  • New high-resolution observations of ocean surface current and winds from innovative airborne and satellite measurements
  • New perspectives on ocean photosynthesis
  • Novel methods of detecting carbon cycling pathways in lakes and their impact on ecosystem change
  • Novel technologies for cyber-physical security
  • Novel transparent conducting films with unusual optoelectronic properties
  • Novel wavelength fibre lasers for industrial applications
  • Ocean circulation and the Southern Ocean carbon sink
  • Ocean influence on recent climate extremes
  • Ocean methane sensing using novel surface plasmon resonance technology
  • Ocean physics and ecology: can robots disentangle the mix?
  • Ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal: Assessing the utility of coastal enhanced weathering
  • Offshore renewable energy (ORE) foundations on rock seabeds: advancing design through analogue testing and modelling
  • Optical fibre sensing for acoustic leak detection in buried pipelines
  • Optimal energy transfer in nonlinear systems
  • Optimizing machine learning for embedded systems
  • Oxidation of fossil organic matter as a source of atmospheric CO2
  • Partnership dissolution and re-formation in later life among individuals from minority ethnic communities in the UK
  • Personalized multimodal human-robot interactions
  • Preventing disease by enhancing the cleaning power of domestic water taps using sound
  • Quantifying riparian vegetation dynamics and flow interactions for Nature Based Solutions using novel environmental sensing techniques
  • Quantifying the response and sensitivity of tropical forest carbon sinks to various drivers
  • Quantifying variability in phytoplankton electron requirements for carbon fixation
  • Resilient and sustainable steel-framed building structures
  • Resolving Antarctic meltwater events in Southern Ocean marine sediments and exploring their significance using climate models
  • Robust acoustic leak detection in water pipes using contact sound guides
  • Silicon synapses for artificial intelligence hardware
  • Smart photon delivery via reconfigurable optical fibres
  • The Gulf Stream control of the North Atlantic carbon sink
  • The Mayflower Studentship: a prestigious fully funded PhD studentship in bioscience
  • The calming effect of group living in social fishes
  • The duration of ridge flank hydrothermal exchange and its role in global biogeochemical cycles
  • The evolution of symmetry in echinoderms
  • The impact of early life stress on neuronal enhancer function
  • The oceanic fingerprints on changing monsoons over South and Southeast Asia
  • The role of iron in nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis in changing polar oceans
  • The role of singlet oxygen signaling in plant responses to heat and drought stress
  • Time variability on turbulent mixing of heat around melting ice in the West Antarctic
  • Triggers and Feedbacks of Climate Tipping Points
  • Uncovering the drivers of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression using patient derived organoids
  • Understanding recent land-use change in Snowdonia to plan a sustainable future for uplands: integrating palaeoecology and conservation practice
  • Understanding the role of cell motility in resource acquisition by marine phytoplankton
  • Understanding the structure and engagement of personal networks that support older people with complex care needs in marginalised communities and their ability to adapt to increasingly ‘digitalised’ health and social care
  • Unpicking the Anthropocene in the Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Unraveling oceanic multi-element cycles using single cell ionomics
  • Unravelling southwest Indian Ocean biological productivity and physics: a machine learning approach
  • Using acoustics to monitor how small cracks develop into bursts in pipelines
  • Using machine learning to improve predictions of ocean carbon storage by marine life
  • Vulnerability of low-lying coastal transportation networks to natural hazards
  • Wideband fibre optical parametric amplifiers for Space Division Multiplexing technology
  • Will it stick? Exploring the role of turbulence and biological glues on ocean carbon storage
  • X-ray imaging and property characterisation of porous materials
  • Postgraduate Taught Diversity Scholarship (Environmental and Life Sciences)
  • Southampton Business School Postgraduate UK Scholarship
  • Southampton Genomics Talent Scholarship
  • Southampton History Patricia Mather and Helen Patterson Scholarship
  • Southampton MA Holocaust scholarships
  • Southampton Philosophy David Humphris-Norman Scholarship
  • Southampton UK Alumni Music Scholarship
  • The National Institute for Health and care Research South Central INSIGHT Programme
  • Winchester School of Art Progression Scholarship
  • Southampton Physics and Astronomy Achievement Scholarship
  • GREAT Scholarships 2024 – Greece
  • Undergraduate scholarships for UK students
  • Winchester School of Art Postgraduate Global Talent Scholarship
  • Engineering Global Talent Scholarship
  • Southampton University Corporate Civil Engineering Scholarship Scheme
  • Merit scholarships for international postgraduates
  • Merit scholarships for international undergraduates
  • Scholarships, awards and funding opportunities
  • Becas Chile Scholarship
  • Chevening Scholarships
  • China Scholarship Council Scholarships
  • COLFUTURO Scholarships
  • Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships
  • Commonwealth Master's Scholarships
  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships
  • Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for high income countries
  • Commonwealth Shared Scholarships
  • Commonwealth Split-Site Scholarships
  • FIDERH Scholarships
  • Fulbright Awards
  • FUNED Scholarships
  • Great Scholarships 2024 – India
  • Great Scholarships 2024 – Bangladesh
  • Great Scholarships 2024 – Mexico
  • Great Scholarships 2024 – Nigeria
  • Marshall Scholarship
  • Saïd Foundation Scholarships
  • British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM
  • Xiamen University PhD Scholarships
  • GREAT scholarships for justice and law 2024 – Indonesia
  • Scholarship terms and conditions
  • Southampton Education Civic Scholarship
  • Southampton Ageing and Gerontology Talent Scholarship
  • Southampton Canadian Prestige Scholarship for Law
  • Southampton Presidential International Scholarship
  • Continuing professional development
  • Archers Road
  • City Gateway
  • Erasmus Park
  • Highfield Hall
  • Orion Point
  • Wessex Lane
  • Cancer Sciences Protein Facility
  • Geotechnical Centrifuge
  • Maritime Robotics and Instrumentation Laboratory (MRIL)
  • Active Living
  • Advanced Fibre Applications
  • Advanced Laser Laboratory
  • Advanced Project Management Research Centre
  • Antibody and Vaccine Group
  • Astronomy Group
  • Autism Community Research Network @ Southampton (ACoRNS)
  • Bioarchaeology and Osteoarchaeology at Southampton (BOS)
  • Bladder and Bowel Management
  • Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Centre for Defence and Security Research
  • Centre for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
  • Centre for Digital Finance
  • Centre for Eastern European and Eurasian Studies (CEEES)
  • Centre for Empirical Research in Finance and Banking (CERFIB)
  • Centre for Geometry, Topology, and Applications
  • Centre for Global Englishes
  • Centre for Global Health and Policy (GHaP)
  • Centre for Health Technologies
  • Centre for Healthcare Analytics
  • Centre for Human Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration
  • Centre for Imperial and Postcolonial Studies
  • Centre for Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CISEI)
  • Centre for International Film Research (CIFR)
  • Centre for International Law and Globalisation
  • Centre for Internet of Things and Pervasive Systems
  • Centre for Justice Studies
  • Centre for Linguistics, Language Education and Acquisition Research
  • Centre for Machine Intelligence
  • Centre for Maritime Archaeology
  • Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture (CMRC)
  • Centre for Modern and Contemporary Writing (CMCW)
  • Centre for Music Education and Social Justice
  • Centre for Political Ethnography (CPE)
  • Centre for Research in Accounting, Accountability and Governance
  • Centre for Research on Work and Organisations
  • Centre for Resilient Socio-Technical Systems
  • Centre for Transnational Studies
  • Child and Adolescent Research Group
  • Clinical Ethics, Law and Society (CELS)
  • Computational Nonlinear Optics
  • Cyber Security Academy
  • Data Science Group
  • Digital Oceans
  • EPSRC and MOD Centre for Doctoral Training in Complex Integrated Systems for Defence and Security
  • Economic Theory and Experimental Economics
  • Economy, Society and Governance
  • Electrical Power Engineering
  • Environmental Hydraulics
  • Gas Photonics in Hollow Core Fibres 
  • Geochemistry
  • Global Health (Demography)
  • Global Health Community of Practice
  • Gravity group
  • Healthy Oceans
  • High Power Fibre Lasers
  • Hollow Core Fibre
  • Human Genetics and Genomic Medicine
  • Infrastructure Group
  • Institute of Maritime Law (IML)
  • Integrated Photonic Devices
  • Integrative Molecular Phenotyping Centre
  • Interdisciplinary Musculoskeletal Health
  • International Centre for Ecohydraulics Research (ICER)
  • Language Assessment and Testing Unit (LATU)
  • Laser-Direct-Write (LDW) Technologies for Biomedical Applications
  • Law and Technology Centre
  • Long Term Conditions
  • Magnetic Resonance
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Medicines Management
  • Molecular and Precision Biosciences
  • Multiwavelength Accretion and Astronomical Transients
  • National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC)
  • National Centre for Research Methods
  • National Infrastructure Laboratory
  • Nature-Based Ocean Solutions
  • Nonlinear Semiconductor Photonics
  • Ocean Perception Group
  • Operational Research
  • Optical Engineering and Quantum Photonics Group
  • Paediatrics and Child Health - Clinical and Experimental Sciences
  • People, Property, Community
  • Photonic Systems, Circuits and Sensors Group
  • Physical Optics
  • Primary Care Research Centre
  • Product Returns Research Group (PRRG)
  • Quantum, Light and Matter Group
  • Silica Fibre Fabrication
  • Silicon Photonics
  • Skin Sensing Research Group
  • Southampton Centre for Nineteenth-Century Research
  • Southampton Ethics Centre
  • Southampton Health Technology Assessments Centre (SHTAC)
  • Southampton High Energy Physics group
  • Southampton Imaging
  • Southampton Theory Astrophysics and Gravity (STAG) Research Centre
  • Stefan Cross Centre for Women, Equality and Law
  • String theory and holography
  • The India Centre for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development
  • The Parkes Institute
  • Tony Davies High Voltage Laboratory
  • Ultrafast X-ray Group
  • Vision Science
  • WSA Exchange
  • Work Futures Research Centre (WFRC)
  • Departments
  • Biostatistics
  • Data Science
  • Programming
  • Social Science
  • Certificates
  • Undergraduate
  • For Businesses
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  • Instructors

Introduction to Design of Experiments

This course will teach you the application of DOE rather than statistical theory, and teaches full and fractional factorial designs, Plackett-Burman, Box-Behnken, Box-Wilson and Taguchi designs.

This course will teach you how to use experiments to gain maximum knowledge at minimum cost. For processes of any kind that have measurable inputs and outputs, Design of Experiments (DOE) methods guide you in the optimum selection of inputs for experiments, and in the analysis of results. Full factorial as well as fractional factorial designs are covered.

  • Introductory, Intermediate
  • Expert Instructor
  • Tuiton-Back Guarantee
  • 100% Online

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course you will be familiar with the foundations of experimental design.  You will learn about interactions, coding and randomization, how to choose appropriate designs, and how to conduct experiments and analyze your results.

  • Explain the key concepts of DOE, and why it is used
  • Calculate treatment effects
  • Produce plots from the results of experiments
  • Specify fractional and full factorial designs
  • Specify specialized designs, e.g. Taguchi, Box-Wilson, others
  • Use Excel-based software to design experiments and analyze data

Who Should Take This Course

All six-sigma practitioners, scientists, engineers, and technicians who are interested in performing experiments that maximize process knowledge with a minimum amount of resources. Managers who are responsible for delivering products “on time” and “on budget” will also benefit from this course by learning what their employees should be doing. This course will stress the application of DOE rather than statistical theory. While design of experiments has been very successfully applied in research and development, that is not the only application. The techniques presented also apply to manufacturing, quality control, and even marketing.

Our Instructors

Dr. jim rutledge, course syllabus.

Foundations of DOE

  • What is experimental design
  • Why use DOE
  • Measure of quality (Cp Cpk, dpm)
  • Interactions
  • Confounding/aliasing
  • Randomization

Simple Designs and Their Analysis

  • DOE 12-step checklist example
  • Calculating effects
  • Interaction plots
  • Marginal means plot of effects
  • Pareto chart of effects
  • Prediction equations
  • Using Excel based DOE KISS software

Design Types

  • Fractional factorial designs
  • Design resolution
  • Aliasing pattern
  • Plackett-Burman designs
  • Box-Behnken designs
  • Box-Wilson (central composite) designs
  • Taguchi designs

Practice Conducting and Analyzing Experimental Data

  • Multiple regression
  • Normal probability plot
  • Importance of analyzing interactions
  • Taguchi’s signal to noise ratios
  • Variance reduction analysis
  • Practice planning, executing, and analyzing an experiment

Class Dates


Karolis Urbonas

The courses have helped me a lot, pushing me to the limit and making me learn much more than I expected I could. The knowledge I gained I could immediately leverage in my job … then eventually led to landing a job in my dream company – Amazon.

Karolis Urbonas

This program has been a life and work game changer for me. Within 2 weeks of taking this class, I was able to produce far more than I ever had before.

The material covered in the Analytics for Data Science Certificate will be indispensable in my work. I can’t wait to take other courses. Great work!

Stephen McAllister

I learned more in the past 6 weeks than I did taking a full semester of statistics in college, and 10 weeks of statistics in graduate school. Seriously.

Amir Aminimanizani

This is the best online course I have ever taken. Very well prepared. Covers a lot of real-life problems. Good job, thank you very much!

The more courses I take at, the more appreciation I have for the smart approach, quality of instructors, assistants, admin and program. Well done!

Leonardo Nagata

This course greatly benefited me because I am interested in working in AI. It has given me solid foundational knowledge…After completing this last course, I feel I have gained valuable skills that will enhance my employability in Data Science, opening up diverse career opportunities.

Richard Jackson

Frequently asked questions, what is your satisfaction guarantee and how does it work.

We offer a “Student Satisfaction Guarantee​” that includes a tuition-back guarantee, so go ahead and take our courses risk free. That’s our commitment to student satisfaction. Students may cancel, transfer, or withdraw from a course under certain conditions. If you’re not satisfied with a course, you may withdraw from the course and receive a tuition refund.

Please see our  knowledge center for more information.

Can I transfer or withdraw from a course?

We have a flexible transfer and withdrawal policy that recognizes circumstances may arise to prevent you from taking a course as planned. You may transfer or withdraw from a course under certain conditions.

  • Students are entitled to a full refund if a course they are registered for is canceled.
  • You can transfer your tuition to another course at any time prior to the course start date or the drop date, however a transfer is not permitted after the drop date.
  • Withdrawals on or after the first day of class are entitled to a percentage refund of tuition.

Please see  this page for more information.

Who are the instructors at has more than 60 instructors who are recruited based on their expertise in various areas in statistics. Our faculty members are:

  • Authors of well-regarded texts in their area;
  • Advisory board members;
  • Senior faculty; and
  • Educators who have made important contributions to the field of statistics or online education in statistics.

The majority of our instructors have more than five years of teaching experience online at the Institute.

Please visit our faculty page for more information on each instructor at

Please see our  knowledge center  for more information.

Visit our knowledge base and learn more.

Register For This Course

Related courses, additional information, time requirements.

Homework in this course consists of short answer questions to test concepts, guided data analysis problems using software, and guided data modeling problems using software.

In addition to assigned readings, this course also has discussion tasks, and an end of course data modeling project.

Course Text

Understanding Industrial Designed Experiments by Schmidt et al is available as an e-book, or hard cover from Amazon .

The course makes use of Quantum XL, an add-in to Microsoft Excel.  A 30-day trial version of the add-in can be downloaded from .  The add-in should function with Excel 2002 and above, note however, the course notes are written with examples from Excel 2010.

Note:  Do not start your trial prematurely – you’ll need it throughout the 4-week course.

Supplemental Information

Literacy, accessibility, and dyslexia.

At, we aim to provide a learning environment suitable for everyone. To help you get the most out of your learning experience, we have researched and tested several assistance tools. For students with dyslexia, colorblindness, or reading difficulties, we recommend the following web browser add-ons and extensions:

  •   Color Enhancer  (for colorblindness)
  • HelperBird  (for colorblindness, dyslexia, and reading difficulties)
  • Mobile Dyslexic
  • Color Vision Simulation  (native accessibility feature)
  • Other native accessibility  features instructions
  • Navidys  (for colorblindness, dyslexia, and reading difficulties)
  • HelperBird for Safari  (for colorblindness, dyslexia, and reading difficulties)
  • NOC:Design and Analysis of Experiments (Video) 
  • Co-ordinated by : IIT Kharagpur
  • Available from : 2017-12-21
  • Intro Video
  • Lecture 30: Introduction to Factorial Experiments
  • Lecture 31 : Statistical Analysis of Factorial Experiments
  • Lecture 32 : Estimation of parameters and model adequacy test for factorial experiement
  • Lecture 33 : Full_Factorial_Single_Replicate
  • Lecture 34 : General_Full_factorial_design
  • Lecture 35 : Blocking_Factorial_design
  • Lecture 36 : Two_level_Factorial_Experiment
  • Lecture 37 : Statistical analysis of 2^k factorial design
  • Lecture 38 : 2_k_Factorial_Design_Single_Replicate
  • Lecture 39 : 2_k_Factorial_Design_Centre_Points
  • Lecture 40 : 2_k_Factorial_Design_Optimality_Issues
  • Lecture 41: 2_k_ Factorial Design - Issues with Coded Design Variables "
  • Lecture 42: Blocking and Confounding in 2_k_Factorial Design
  • Lecture 43: Blocking and Confounding in 2_k_Factorial Design (Contd.)
  • Lecture 44: Blocking and Confounding in 2_k_Factorial Design (Contd.)
  • Lecture 45 : Fractional factorial design: Introduction
  • Lecture 46 : Fractional factorial design: Contd.
  • Lecture 47 : Fractional factorial design: One quarter fraction of the 2k design
  • Lecture 48 : "Alias Structure in Fractional factorial design: Regression Approach "
  • Lecture 49 : "General 2^(k-p) Fractional Factorial Design "
  • Lecture 50 : "Fractional factorial design: Fold-over Design "
  • Lecture 51 : Plackett-Burman Designs
  • Lecture 52:Response Surface Methodology (RSM) - First Order Model
  • Lecture 53:Response Surface Methodology (RSM) - First Order Model (Contd.)
  • Lecture 54: Experimental Design for Fitting Response Surfaces
  • Lecture 55: Response Surface Methodology (RSM): Fitting Second Order Model
  • Lecture 56: Analysis of Second Order Response Surface
  • Lecture 57 : ANOVA using MINITAB
  • Lecture 58 : Factorial Design using MINITAB
  • Lecture 59 : Fractional Factorial Design using MINITAB
  • Lecture 60 : Response Surface Methodology using MINITAB
  • Live Session 03-03-2021
  • Watch on YouTube
  • Assignments
  • Download Videos
  • Transcripts
Module NameDownload
Sl.No Chapter Name MP4 Download
1Lecture 1
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3Lecture 3
4Lecture 4
5Lecture 5
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27Lecture 27
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29Lecture 29
30Lecture 30: Introduction to Factorial Experiments
31Lecture 31 : Statistical Analysis of Factorial Experiments
32Lecture 32 : Estimation of parameters and model adequacy test for factorial experiement
33Lecture 33 : Full_Factorial_Single_Replicate
34Lecture 34 : General_Full_factorial_design
35Lecture 35 : Blocking_Factorial_design
36Lecture 36 : Two_level_Factorial_Experiment
37Lecture 37 : Statistical analysis of 2^k factorial design
38Lecture 38 : 2_k_Factorial_Design_Single_Replicate
39Lecture 39 : 2_k_Factorial_Design_Centre_Points
40Lecture 40 : 2_k_Factorial_Design_Optimality_Issues
41Lecture 41: 2_k_ Factorial Design - Issues with Coded Design Variables "
42Lecture 42: Blocking and Confounding in 2_k_Factorial Design
43Lecture 43: Blocking and Confounding in 2_k_Factorial Design (Contd.)
44Lecture 44: Blocking and Confounding in 2_k_Factorial Design (Contd.)
45Lecture 45 : Fractional factorial design: Introduction
46Lecture 46 : Fractional factorial design: Contd.
47Lecture 47 : Fractional factorial design: One quarter fraction of the 2k design
48Lecture 48 : "Alias Structure in Fractional factorial design: Regression Approach "
49Lecture 49 : "General 2^(k-p) Fractional Factorial Design "
50Lecture 50 : "Fractional factorial design: Fold-over Design "
51Lecture 51 : Plackett-Burman Designs
52Lecture 52:Response Surface Methodology (RSM) - First Order Model
53Lecture 53:Response Surface Methodology (RSM) - First Order Model (Contd.)
54Lecture 54: Experimental Design for Fitting Response Surfaces
55Lecture 55: Response Surface Methodology (RSM): Fitting Second Order Model
56Lecture 56: Analysis of Second Order Response Surface
57Lecture 57 : ANOVA using MINITAB
58Lecture 58 : Factorial Design using MINITAB
59Lecture 59 : Fractional Factorial Design using MINITAB
60Lecture 60 : Response Surface Methodology using MINITAB
Sl.No Chapter Name English
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29Lecture 29PDF unavailable
30Lecture 30: Introduction to Factorial ExperimentsPDF unavailable
31Lecture 31 : Statistical Analysis of Factorial ExperimentsPDF unavailable
32Lecture 32 : Estimation of parameters and model adequacy test for factorial experiementPDF unavailable
33Lecture 33 : Full_Factorial_Single_ReplicatePDF unavailable
34Lecture 34 : General_Full_factorial_designPDF unavailable
35Lecture 35 : Blocking_Factorial_designPDF unavailable
36Lecture 36 : Two_level_Factorial_ExperimentPDF unavailable
37Lecture 37 : Statistical analysis of 2^k factorial designPDF unavailable
38Lecture 38 : 2_k_Factorial_Design_Single_ReplicatePDF unavailable
39Lecture 39 : 2_k_Factorial_Design_Centre_PointsPDF unavailable
40Lecture 40 : 2_k_Factorial_Design_Optimality_IssuesPDF unavailable
41Lecture 41: 2_k_ Factorial Design - Issues with Coded Design Variables "PDF unavailable
42Lecture 42: Blocking and Confounding in 2_k_Factorial DesignPDF unavailable
43Lecture 43: Blocking and Confounding in 2_k_Factorial Design (Contd.)PDF unavailable
44Lecture 44: Blocking and Confounding in 2_k_Factorial Design (Contd.)PDF unavailable
45Lecture 45 : Fractional factorial design: Introduction PDF unavailable
46Lecture 46 : Fractional factorial design: Contd.PDF unavailable
47Lecture 47 : Fractional factorial design: One quarter fraction of the 2k designPDF unavailable
48Lecture 48 : "Alias Structure in Fractional factorial design: Regression Approach "PDF unavailable
49Lecture 49 : "General 2^(k-p) Fractional Factorial Design "PDF unavailable
50Lecture 50 : "Fractional factorial design: Fold-over Design "PDF unavailable
51Lecture 51 : Plackett-Burman DesignsPDF unavailable
52Lecture 52:Response Surface Methodology (RSM) - First Order ModelPDF unavailable
53Lecture 53:Response Surface Methodology (RSM) - First Order Model (Contd.)PDF unavailable
54Lecture 54: Experimental Design for Fitting Response SurfacesPDF unavailable
55Lecture 55: Response Surface Methodology (RSM): Fitting Second Order ModelPDF unavailable
56Lecture 56: Analysis of Second Order Response SurfacePDF unavailable
57Lecture 57 : ANOVA using MINITABPDF unavailable
58Lecture 58 : Factorial Design using MINITABPDF unavailable
59Lecture 59 : Fractional Factorial Design using MINITABPDF unavailable
60Lecture 60 : Response Surface Methodology using MINITABPDF unavailable
Sl.No Language Book link
1EnglishNot Available
2BengaliNot Available
3GujaratiNot Available
4HindiNot Available
5KannadaNot Available
6MalayalamNot Available
7MarathiNot Available
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9TeluguNot Available


Design and Analysis of Experiments

  • All Engineering
  • Management Students
  • Manufacturing companies like GM, Tata Motors, Tata Steel
  • Process industries such as ONGC
  • General Electric
  • R&D organizations
--> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->

Note: This exam date is subjected to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout, books and references, instructor bio.

design of experiments syllabus

Prof. Jhareswar Maiti

Course certificate.

design of experiments syllabus


design of experiments syllabus


Please choose the SWAYAM National Coordinator for support. * :


  1. Lesson 1: Introduction to Design of Experiments

    Please note: the main topics listed in the syllabus follow the chapters in the book. A word of advice regarding the analyses. The prerequisite for this course is STAT 501 ... Design and Analysis of Experiments, 10th Edition, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-119-59340-9. What is the Scientific Method?

  2. STA 643: Modern Design of Experiments

    Course goals & objectives: This course introduces students to concepts and techniques of Classical and Bayesian design - experimental units, randomization, treatments, blocking and restrictions to randomization, and utility of designs. We will cover optimal sample size determination for estimation and testing. Topics include simple A-B testing ...

  3. PDF Course Syllabus 631: Experiment Design and Analysis Fall 2021

    Course Syllabus 631: Experiment Design and Analysis Fall 2021 Cour se Ov e r v i e w a n d P r e r e q ui si t e s This course introduces experiment design for laboratory and field experiments. We will discuss the logic of experimentation, and the ways in which experimentation has been -- and could be -- used to investigate social and ...

  4. PDF Syllabus of STAT/MATH/ABE 571B Design of Experiments

    Instructor information. A thorough and practical course in design and analysis of experiments for experimental workers and applied statisticians: SAS statistical software is used for analysis. Taken by graduate students from many fields. Previous knowledge of SAS is not required but helpful. Knowledge of regression will be helpful.

  5. Design of Experiments

    A thorough and practical course in design and analysis of experiments for experimental workers and applied statisticians. SAS statistical software is used for analysis. Taken by graduate students from many fields. F2018 STAT514 Syllabus

  6. PDF Experimental Design

    %PDF-1.4 %Çì ¢ 5 0 obj > stream xœÅ]I" Çq¾# >û8 ‡ß88 µ/: ')Ñ É'IDè ù@` X $ ¿w.UÝY[ãA„å #Øñ¦º*++—/—jþp¥ÎúJá?å¿ ^Þûü ...

  7. PDF Course Syllabus 631: Experiment Design and Analysis

    Course Syllabus 631: Experiment Design and Analysis Cou r s e Ov e r v i e w a n d P r e r e q u i s i t e s This course introduces experiment design for laboratory and field experiments. We will discuss the logic of experimentation, and the ways in which experimentation has been -- and could be -- used to investigate social and technological ...

  8. PDF STAT 490

    Course Description: Experimental design is a fundamental component of any investiga-tion on the causal e ects of treatment factors on a response. Statistics 490 will provide a unique treatment of the design and analysis of experiments based on the modern Rubin Causal Model, and the classical contributions of Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher and ...

  9. STAT 503: Design of Experiments

    Course Topics. This graduate level course covers the following topics: Understanding basic design principles. Working in simple comparative experimental contexts. Working with single factors or one-way ANOVA in completely randomized experimental design contexts. Implementing randomized blocks, Latin square designs and extensions of these.

  10. Design of Experiments

    Syllabus. Course 1: Experimental Design Basics. - Offered by Arizona State University. This is a basic course in designing experiments and analyzing the resulting data. The course objective ... Enroll for free. Course 2: Factorial and Fractional Factorial Designs. - Offered by Arizona State University. Many experiments in engineering, science ...


    Design of Experiments consists of an important set of methods whereby investigators can experiment efficiently with complex physical systems. Expertise in design of experiments is highly valued by employers across a wide range of disciplines including: manufacturing, microelectronics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology; and many more.

  12. PDF STAT 158: Design and Analysis of Experiments

    STAT 158: Design and Analysis of Experiments "To consult the statistician after an experiment is finished is often merely to ask him to conduct a post mortem examination. He can perhaps say what the experiment died of" - R. A Fisher Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday 11-12:30pm 166 Barrows Lab: Wednesday 10-12am, 332 Evans


    DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS I ONLINE SYLLABUS Course ID: MATH 740/840 FALL 2019 Course ID: MATH 740/840 . 08/26/2019 - 12/18/2019 . Philip J Ramsey, Ph.D. [email protected] Home Phone: (603)672-5651; Office: (603)862- 2613 . Course Overview . This is a one- semester course in Design of Experiments. It is the first semester of a two semester

  14. Design and Analysis of Experiments

    Explore innovative strategies for constructing and executing experiments—including factorial and fractional factorial designs—that can be applied across the physical, chemical, biological, medical, social, psychological, economic, engineering, and industrial sciences. Over the course of five days, you'll enhance your ability to conduct cost-effective, efficient experiments, and analyze ...

  15. PDF STA 4211 (16511

    4.Develop the ability to identify di erent experimental designs and properly analyze the data for each design. 5.Acquaint students with transformations, qualitative variable in the model which broaden the use of linear model theory. Course Policies The instructor reserves the right to update any parts of this syllabus as necessary.

  16. Design of Experiments

    13h for all materials. Experiments and Design The design process typically relies on experiments to create and analyze data that is used when making design decisions. This data is invaluable to the design team as they strive to create a superior design. There are several approaches to the experimental process that design teams use.

  17. Design and Analysis of Experiments

    Course Number. 625.662. Primary Program. Applied and Computational Mathematics. Course Format. Asynchronous Online, Synchronous Online. Statistically designed experiments are plans for the efficient allocation of resources to maximize the amount of empirical information supporting objective decisions. Although other statistical approaches ...

  18. Best Design of Experiments Courses Online with Certificates [2024

    In summary, here are 10 of our most popular design of experiments courses. Design of Experiments: Arizona State University. Experimental Design Basics: Arizona State University. Experimentation for Improvement: McMaster University. Designing, Running, and Analyzing Experiments: University of California San Diego.

  19. Design of Experiments Specialization [4 courses] (ASU)

    Design of Experiments Specialization. Design, Develop and Improve Products and Processes. Be able to apply modern experimental techniques to improve existing products and processes and bring new products and processes to market faster. Taught in English. 21 languages available. Some content may not be translated. Instructor: Douglas C. Montgomery.

  20. Design of Experiments

    Design and Analysis of Experiments. New York: Springer-Verlag. Max D. Morris (2011). Design of Experiments: An Introduction Based on Linear Models. CRC Press. Syllabus Assessment Assessment Formative. This is how we'll give you feedback as you are learning. It is not a formal test or exam. Exercises and Quizzes. Assessment Type: Formative ...

  21. Introduction to Design of Experiments

    Introduction to Design of Experiments. This course will teach you the application of DOE rather than statistical theory, and teaches full and fractional factorial designs, Plackett-Burman, Box-Behnken, Box-Wilson and Taguchi designs. $829 | Enroll now Alert me to upcoming courses Group rates. Learning Outcomes Instructors Syllabus Dates ...

  22. NPTEL :: Management

    Lecture 29. Week 6. Lecture 30: Introduction to Factorial Experiments. Lecture 31 : Statistical Analysis of Factorial Experiments. Lecture 32 : Estimation of parameters and model adequacy test for factorial experiement. Lecture 33 : Full_Factorial_Single_Replicate. Lecture 34 : General_Full_factorial_design. Lecture 35 : Blocking_Factorial_design.

  23. Design and Analysis of Experiments

    The objective of this course is to impart students a holistic view of the fundamentals of experimental designs, analysis tools and techniques, interpretation and applications. Upon completion of this course, the students will know (i) the fundamentals of experiments and its uses, (ii) basic statistics including ANOVA and regression, (iii ...

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 3
Start Date : 18 Jan 2021
End Date : 09 Apr 2021
Enrollment Ends : 01 Feb 2021
Exam Date : 24 Apr 2021 IST